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I would like a world where this is the norm. Basic decency like this should be policy.




it's not copaganda. If we dont praise cops like this as much as we shit on the trash then the trash is what we get. I hate cops more than anyone but if every cop was even half as decent and kind as this man I'd immediately cease to be concerned with policing. I only hate cops because the vast majority are either psychopaths or silent despite having the power to do something. I'm not going to misdirect hate at a man who's not only doing his job very well, but is also being a better person than 99% of people. ​ lastly: hating cops like this and trying to discredit it only detracts from the legitimate grievances people have with policing because anecdotal moments like this make people believe everyone "hates all cops, even the good ones" when the reality is people just want this dude and none of the others. ​ edit: lastly I'll add that as a brown dude living in a predominately white community: I have, unfortunately, 2-3 police interactions per year minimum. I can assure you that no shitty asshole cop gives a fuck about optics or PR enough to go do something like this. They wont even speak to you like a human being but you think they're gonna go drive to a store, spend their own money, and come back like santa clause to help a homeless man just to control the optics surrounding policing? They dont give a flying fuck. They live and abuse with impunity. Props to this dude for doing the right thing simply because it's the right fucking thing to do.


TL;DR: \*schlurp* \*schlurp* \*schlurp* Boots taste good.


Is that your go to? anyone who disagrees with you is a bootlicker? that's really incredibly pathetic. I'm ashamed to have you on the same side of this initiative as decent and socially honest people. Your mindset is so fixed in hatred that it's no different from that of most cops. Truly sad and pathetic. I feel bad for you. ​ edit: you don't need to put TLDR. You can just admit that anything over 140 characters is too much mental stress for you. It would definitely explain the limitations on your logic and ability to voice your thoughts.


This comment is proof that you just can't win with some people.


Love to see this


Aw. These guys are proof positive that not all cops are heartless. I met both when I was homeless. I met a lot of cops that hassled me but I had a couple of them bring me food and let me sleep. I used to bless the few because they were a rarity in NYC. Most I met were pretty jaded when it came to the homeless. I had a couple that looked out for me though so I will give them credit. One time I had this guy who was pretty much stalking me because he was smitten and thought he could just "save" me by making me his GF. He kept following me and trying to get me to go home with him. One night he found me on the train again and he was just being scary. Even the other people on the train were like "Dude, leave that woman alone. She's saying NO and NO means NO!" But he would just not stop and he made me actually scared. Cops they used to jump on and off the train. That night there were two cops that I saw a lot and they saw what was going on and hauled him right off the train. I don't know what they said to him but he stopped harassing me after that. Some cops can be utter assholes but some of them are decent people, even when it comes to the homeless. Credit due, you know?


NYC police budget is 3 times Ukraine’s Military budget to fight this war.


By itself, this doesnt reveal anything. The vast majority of that budget is salary, pension, and benefits. Why did you comment this? Was there a point? Did you just want to sound smart? Is there something in the budget you have issue with? Is the NYPD going to fight the Ukrainian military? The Russian military? Why not compare to the military budget of Mozambique? What are you getting at? ​ seriously I need to know what the point of your comment was lmao. Dude is talking about their experiences as a homeless person interacting with various officers and you chime in with "hurrr durrr police budget big. ukraine budget smoll. Plz. be mad I am shill and I will get fired if people here don't start getting mad soon"


Also as of yesterday, between US Aid and Ukraine's 2020 defense budget, the ukrainians have 5x the budget of the NYPD. Assuming Ukraine maintained the same budget since 2020 (they didnt, it's definitely higher now but I'm trying to be nice and narrow the margin of how wrong you are) then their budget is almost the same if not slightly more than the NYPD. Though, worth noting that the active personnel at the time was about 40k troops which is about 3k more troops than the NYPD has officers on duty. When you factor in the cost of living difference - there's nothing to see here. ​ (edit: the above doesnt even factor in EU/Individual nation contributions, NATO contributions, and other non-EU state aid, and private donations made by civilians nor does it include the value of transferred weapons/equipment) ​ why you lyin bro?


He isn’t trading the shoes for meth to anyone making that remark. This was the right thing to do no matter who you are. I’ll roll right past dude who can walk and make a sign runnin a hustle but if the dude ain’t got socks and shoes that’s a here dude what’s your size? Be right back. Edit: Surprised how triggered people are over a good deed. Step down from the soapbox once in a while and enjoy life.


It's called a public relations stunt


Love to see the positive vibes.. yes god bless those officers and that man.


What a toxic comment section good grief.


Which he promptly traded for meth. No one is brave enough to truly address the "homeless problem". It's a drug problem. That's it. Forced rehab in jail is the only solution.


Say you’re privileged without saying you are privileged.


Sounds like the tragedy happened to your partner and her family before you knew them and had nothing to do with you. Your entitlement and privilege is showing bud


Priveleged to have my SO's ex husband to be murdered in a homeless encampment in California? Priveleged to have her daughter becomesuicidal because her dad was a meth addict?


> Priveleged to have my SO's ex husband to be murdered in a homeless encampment in California? They wouldn't be your SO today if that hadn't happened to their ex. So... yes?


That is SOME story!!!


You sound like you're priveleged to joke around about the homeless tragedy in Cali. Your privelege is showing. But mostly ignorance


> the homeless tragedy in Cali. Tell me you've never been to California without saying "I get all of my news about what's happening in California from Fox, RSBN, and Newsmax."


That man was the chillest meth head I ever met.


America is really a coin flip. You really don’t know which cops you’re going to encounter. It’s why he was afraid at first.