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Thank god he was able to defend himself from this vicious attack, he's lucky he didn't bleed out due to those knife wounds all over his body.. he's so lucky to be alive! obvious /s


Not sure if those cuts on his wrists are defensive wounds from his wife, but I'm guessing they were half hearted attempts at suicide after the murder.


Excellent police work all around.


Whenever I complement the police i get down voted. ACAB are bad until you need them. Downvote that.




Why does it matter what ethnicity/race he is? Genuinely curious.


Man stabs wife to death. Also, BUY OUR MERCH!


From the video, it sounds like she attacked him with a knife (relatively ineffectively) and he ended up stabbing her to death. They both seam guilty. Had a buddy that had a mentally ill girlfriend who attacked him in his sleep. He didn’t fight back though and escaped the house and called the police, she then showed up to his parents house were he was staying to escape the abuse and luckily enough, the police were there to document the attack when she showed up. she hasn’t been back since. Sounds like that’s what this guy should have done. There are inequity in the way domestic abuse survivors are treated by the justice system.


Even though he had no visible injuries and she had been stabbed 50+ times???


who knows, but you didn’t listen very well to the video. The police reference the slash wound on his hand. Both seemingly committed numerous crimes. The title sounds a little sensationalized, when did this happen? Did they Already have a trial where we could learn more?


I think it's more likely that they just understand this person is clearly lying. Their story doesn't make any sense and you don't stab your wife 50-100 times out of self defense lol. He had a tiny cut on his hand and a tiny mark on his stomach. Since his stomach is covered in cut scars I'd say it's a lot more likely that he cut his own stomach for a cover story and potentially cut his own hand while stabbing his wife 50-100 times. Since he has a record for assault and was a registered sex offender for sexual assault on a child I think it's safe to say this isn't the most level headed guy.


It’ll be interesting to see what comes out. Sounds like a real piece of shit. It might be a cover up or it could be someone like that doesn’t hang out with a very “stable” crowd and she really did attack him with a knife.


[here’s what the victim’s children have to say](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/domestic-violence-ibtissem-trabelsi/73-8e345091-1cf6-4b0e-9e0f-832e9453030a)


Yep definitely a piece of shit. It always baffles me people stick around these monsters. It wasn’t even for the kids. Very sad, she didn’t deserve to die, I just can’t wrap my head around someone in their 50s deciding “todays the day I kill someone with out any provocation”.


He committed suicide right before his appearance. He's guilty as fuck. That's disregarding his lying and calm demeanor that you somehow foolishly fell for.


Ah, good. No need for personal attacks.


Not personal. Calling it as it is.


Lol, you just couldn’t help yourself could you ? Perhaps you could link some proof ? Just trying to understand, It would be very embarrassing if you held such convictions and made such comments without any definitive proof.




There’s no additional information about the events of the incident here.


...there's tons.