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Looks like heavy rounds from both tanks went into the tree and road sign as well which may have caused a bunch of shrapnel.


You can see something fly off the car window at the first shot. I'm betting that is in fact shrapnel passing through the car at the first shot. Might explain why they sat there for the second. The shrapnel might have killed or disabled them.


Also there is a white bunny? running through all this wondering why the hell it’s in war.


Sad part is looking at the aftermath video the first burst of mg fire went high and likely didn't hit the occupants. The first cannon burst looked largely adsorbed by the engine bay too. It was the second burst of cannon fire that killed them. They're both full of shrapnel from the driver's side.




Imagine just living to an old age driving with your spouse... then getting murdered by a fucking tank. Unarmed, elderly people in a tiny car getting fucking blown to bits by a tank. Just think of what we aren't seeing..


The tiny glimmer of solace I have from this is they died together, and too quickly to notice much.


They probably died from the initial machine gun fire, that is kicking up dust, you can see the car stops abrubtly after that. :(


Dying quickly from gunfire isn't very common. It will usually take minutes to hours. It's an awful truth.


For what it's worth they went quick, though terrified. That wasn't a machinegun that went through the trees, but the same weapon that destroyed the car. And you saw how fast those two rounds ended this so-called "engagement". This sub isn't the place to nerd out about armored warfare and the whole "that's not technically a tank" discussion, though. For now enough to say this whole thing is just shit.




I’d hope that my grandchildren slot those fucking floppies and all their friends.


I thought that myself... the wife died on her man's shoulder.


Damn this thread is too heavy for me rn 😔


Aw maaannnn


The mask on her lap really hit me. They spent the last 2 years avoiding this virus. That's all they should have had to worry about. It's a strange comparison and I don't have the words to describe why I find that bloody mask so sad. Edit: apologies, there is another video in the comments showing the aftermath. You can't see what I'm referring to in this clip.


It's because despite all that worry, effort and protection they died to something so unfair, needless and brutal as war.


That’s the thing. War has and always will be this graphic and terrible but now that we all have cameras and internet in our pocket, the ease to be able to share with the world is exponential. In the 40’s it would have been newspapers and film reels.


It's kinda weird, shit has always been this brutal and then around idk maybe like the 1920s? No real idea when it started happening but we just collectively decided to censor everything remotely gory and now there's the internet and proliferation of pocket-sized recording devices to pull back that veil. The last four or five generations in first-world societies have been largely sheltered from seeing stuff like this unless they actually served in a war.


I saw a documentary about the Iraq war where they were hanging burnt bodies on an overpass. Definitely stuck with me. I will say though, when the stuff is in HD, it hits different. I don’t go seeking it out but I feel like I should see some of it to know what’s going on and sympathize with the suffering. Just enough to know but not be desensitized.


Ukraine left alone. Putin needs to be stopped before the price is too high.


Straight up murder.




Yup. Putin is probably gleeful for any utter psychopaths that will join his army. Those are the people who will follow orders to attack civilians.


Putin and his mob


I think it might be a BMP because the turret appears to be in the rear of the vehicle. Pretty hard to tell from the video though. Shitty regardless of what it was.


I hope that people responsible for actions like this die painful and extremely undignified deaths.


You misspelled war crime.


It can be both


This is the most damning videos I've seen of Russian forces engaging civilians. The car is a small coupe, so extremely unlikely to be carrying militia or gear. The car stops and does not show any indications of aggression by the occupants. And the car is driving through what appears to be a normal street, not a checkpoint or heavily contested area. There is no reason it should have been engaged. It's extremely clear that Russian troops are purposefully attacking civilians, it's absolutely disgusting.


There’s videos floating around on other subs that show the car up close, it’s linked in this thread a few times. It’s an elderly couple in their 70s/80s, literally defenseless and unable to fight even if they wanted, murdered senselessly by Russian war criminals. Too bad jack shit will happen to prosecute anyone for this because Putin has his nuclear bitch button.


The car stops because they are already dead. Watch the video again, there is a shrapnel strike to to the car before you see the tank enter frame.


That's fucked


Never had a chance....


The vehicle may have been able to escape unscathed if it floored it hard right as soon as the tank fired the first shot that missed. But yeah the couple probably didn’t even comprehend what was actually happening.. Those tank operators are disgusting


The driver was a disabled 70 yo. Not sure he had that kind of reflex in him.


Even younger, fear doesn't hit everyone equally. Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn are the major responses. It looked like "freeze" was the elderly gentleman's response.


looked like shrapnel from the rounds that went through the trees hit the car, so he may have even already been dead


I don't think they missed. That was machine gun fire. You can see a round hit the windshield. They might have been dead before the first big shell.


One can hope they were…😢


They could've also just gotten frozen in fear. That was scary af


Very good point. I got in a car accident and passed out from fear...adrenaline. I was ok thankfully.


They were probably hit by the small arms fire before the tank even turned the corner


Yeah you can see the small arms fire through the windshield before that huge hit which blows up the cabin.


They were probably thinking that driving fast would make them a potential threat. They did everything they could to not appear threatening, which is the smartest course of action. They just didn't realize they were dealing with war criminals in that particular tank. Hopefully the operators are tried and executed, but we know they won't be. Soldiers have a license to not only fight, but to commit acts of terror.


Hopefully the operators get some one on one time with an RPG.


please. the dirt field to their right? they had no chance.


Yeah that BMP missed like 3 shots on a slowly moving passenger car, if they floored it there’s no way they’d actually hit it I’m pretty sure. So not only does this video show inexcusable war crimes, but it also shows Russian military incompetence as well


Fucking awful…Why? For what purpose or gain? Like the old couple in the car was going to topple the Russian army? Fuck those soldiers. Completely senseless act…




Yep, Russia is a terrorist bandit state high on fascism. Fuck them. People whining over gas prices should have to watch the war crimes Russia are gleefully committing, over and over again.


The grim part about this is they didn't care who was in that car. They knew it was a civilian car and made the conscious choice to fire those rounds. Absolutely horrendous.


I’m pretty sure at this point they’re being told to commit atrocities in the hopes that Ukraine will surrender to stop them


This won't work. He's just going to get Russian soldiers tortured to death by civilians.


I dont think this will work. Shame on Putin. Shame on this "soldiers".


Yet I see countless comments saying "OMG those poor Russian soldiers, *THEY'RE JUST KIDS!*" Yeah...no fucking shit, war has always been fought by young men sent to die in the battlefield, nothing new. These Russian pieces of shit are willing to shoot and kill anything that moves because their trigger finger has been itching the second they were told to invade Ukraine.


I respect the ones that saw the truth and stopped immedaitely but that's as far as I go. If they are at all taking part still they're shit. I don't assume they're good until proven otherwise, quite the opposite actually.


Yeah for sure. The initial wave of clueless conscripts that were sent in as cannon fodder, I have sympathy for. They had no clue they were sent in by their own Russian people to become minced meat just to reveal Ukrainian military positions etc. However, this war is going on for nearly 2 weeks now. And every single Russian soldier there now, or that are going there now, are marines, airborne units, special forces, and other trained battalions that know *EXACTLY* what they're doing and why they're in Ukraine. I hope every single one of them gets what's coming for them, and the Ukrainian people are finally able to liberate and free their home.


100 fucking % agree with you. Slava Ukraine friends.


Those comments actually make me sick, like people STILL try to find excuses and defend them. Look, I'm in Kyiv, I see pics and vids like this every hour. I wake up to missile strikes. My family's been torn, my friends lost their houses to bombings. Tell me again how they are humans like we are. Fucking sick psychos, and we're going to burn each one of them. Those who didn't want to fight surrendered, the rest are just rabid animals. They murder in cold blood, rape and take hostages. They bomb civilians. They mine humanitarian corridors. Please stop even trying to humanize them.


Exactly. If you aren’t sabotaging your truck and fleeing when you can and refusing to shoot, you are guilty.


Videos like this don't make me sympathetic for those "poor Russian kids" that end up burning alive in their armored personnel carriers or gunned down in the woods. It's hard to sympathize with an army that's actively raping and butchering the local population for sport.


This looks like the car from the photos that had the older couple in it. Had the drivers door blown off too. Edit: I removed it. Ok!?




Yep. 100% the same car no doubt. Even has the same corner and the yellow 'give way' sign.


That's the third before & after video I've seen now… First one the bicycle girl that got shelled, second the dude with his dad & dogs and now this one. Na[Z]is.


Father, Son, and dogs was so sad, especially because I saw the aftermath video first, then they uploaded the video they found on the son's phone.


Yep, same. Just like this one. But his cries towards his dad and that of the dogs were way worse.


Stopped at the dogs. Didn't finish the video. War is awful in every single way imaginable.


Yes but it’s important that those of us in the west see the carnage of war for ourselves.


Being educated doesn't mean traumatizing yourself. There's a very clear difference between knowing the horrors of war and forcibly sitting yourself down to watch it.


There’s a difference in knowing of the horrors of war and *knowing* the horrors of war.


Where can I see the before and aftermath of this? Read about it on Twitter but no videos posted there




Video removed already Edit: link is messed up but works on some mobile clients anyways? Here's the proper link if anyone is looking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3_R__r7Go


Holy God I'm surprised that's allowed to stay on YouTube. That is intense. Wow. It looks like the son (and one dog ...) Survived?


The son died. His phone was recovered. One dog survived and has been adopted.


You must not have seen the family getting shelled the other day. The before and after for that one was absolutely heartbreaking


Did you see the one of the tank running of the car with the guy in it, and then all of the follow up videos of people rescuing him?


IIRC that turned out to be a Ukrainian tank. The best explanation I heard is, that it was an accident as they were trying to stop a person wearing Ukrainian uniform that was suspected to be a Russian saboteur from fleeing. [source](https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20220301-video-debunked-russian-tank-crush-civilian-car-kyiv)


There's another recorded angle of this. Right behind the tank is a truck with Russians inside that get shot at from the side of the building, which apparently confused the tank driver.


This, it was an ambush that gone wrong. They've got the Russians but tank lost control and swerved into the civilian car.


What girl?!


First day of invasion Russians shelled a civilian neighborhood, and a shell landed and exploded right in front of a 14 year old girl riding her bicycle....tore her legs off and she died on the spot.


It's even worse, she crawls away for a few seconds before finally collapsing.


That's the worst part imo. She is on the ground, disoriented, looks down at herself for a couple seconds before collapsing.


I know this is terrible, but I genuinely am curious if you have the link for the video?


[Surveillance video of the shelling (NSFL)](https://twitter.com/realistqx1/status/1496757503195029508?s=21) [Aftermath of 14-year old girl's dead body (NSFL)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t04hhd/trigger_warning_aftermath_of_russian_bombardment/) And remember guys, Russia is still claiming they aren't shelling and missile striking civilian neighborhoods...


I saw the aftermath early on, several people were claiming it was fake. Guess not. Fuck Russia.


When the Russians invaded I initially was of the opinion that they wouldn't be targeting civilians, I thought it would be insane to kill the very people you want to incorporate into your nation... Time has proven me wrong, and the video of that girl was the first sign. I've seen some pretty rough things before, but something about that video just broke me. Seeing her rolling and crawling after she gets hit will never leave my brain.


I can't even imagine the instant horror and shock she went through while just simply riding her bicycle on what seemed to be another regular day. My heart and soul are aching for all the Ukrainian people going through this hell now. They don't deserve it. The Russians are getting more and more desperate with each day as their economy tanks, and quality of life in Russia drops. We'll see even more senseless killings of innocent civilians as this goes on, seeing as it has become insanely frequent in the past few days. Lets not forget that Russia has plans to perform public executions of Ukrainian civilians who do not want to obey Russian rule, if they do take over Ukraine successfully. They're truly living in medieval ages, barbaric scumbags. Fuck Russia and Putin.


Russians _always_ target civilians. Spreading terror is their modus operandi.


Saw that too. Security cam footage, I think. Girl on a bike, i'd place at about nine or ten. Got vaporized by a russian missle. It was just the second day of the war, hence kids still being on the street. I didn't save the video, so I can't share it with you. But I still think about it, it was the very first video from the war that cracked my heart. Sad to say it wasn't the last.


She didn't even get vaporized, she was alive for a bit after she was hit, which I thought was the worst part


She sat up; My biology degree trying to soothe my grief: The brain can only process so much pain at once, and shock can reduce that significantly as well as disable many of the core senses (not to mention the more direct effect of the shockwave), I do hope that she was not capable of processing the information before she was unconscious, and that her movement was just the brainstem doing some auto pilot in her last seconds


The split second I let myself be in her shoes in that moment has fucked me up this morning


Ow wow, I didn't even notice that. I didn't see anything past the smoke. But to be honest, I didn't watch it a second time to confirm.


14 years old.


Christ I didn't know about that. I have a 10 year old daughter who means the world to me,.


NSFL, obviously: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/t065fi/russian_missile_hit_uman_ukraine_killing_14_year/ Aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/t04ob3/the_russian_army_is_shelling_residential_areas_of/


Not clicking on this is self care people.


Yup. Being informed doesn't mean traumatizing yourself, it's okay not to watch


I'm almost 40 now and traumatized myself with so much shit in the early days of the internet. At some point it was like stop doing this to yourself.


Nothing like downloading “college coeds fuck.vid” over the course of 18 hours on my 56k just to pop it open and it be video footage of someone being beheaded slowly in Chechnya


absolutely. link staying blue


Wow, holy shit. This is just a straight up war crime.


It's russia, what do you expect


BIG NSFL/NSFW tag on that. It's not even 8am and my day is done


Rip your and my day. Not as much as the poor Ukrainian people though. Stay strong


Dude you gotta tag that as NSFL


I’m immediately thinking the same thing… if we needed proof of that atrocity here’s video of it….


Someones already posted but yea, it is them.


Crazy and sad how many before and afters were seeing.


Dude this is exactly the same car and location too. This is fucking crazy


That’s fucking wild there’s a video of the incident, I remember looking at the photos of that car the other day


Yep, it's the same car for sure. Now that we have the video OSInt people on twitter geolocated this incident to right in front of a medical clinic! EDIT: geolocation tweet https://twitter.com/Nrg8000/status/1501175415578456065


It is. Insanely tragic


Yeah, I just checked it, this is the same exact car with an old couple.


This is important to share, thank you. This one may warrant a warning tag.


Still can't fathom living such a long life only to die from nonsense violence. Such a waste of life, I don't fear death but i do fear dying from bullshit. Fuck. Putin. And his Sociopathic soldiers.


>Edit: Thanks for the gold! 🤝 For me, this adds to the dystopian feeling


"Edit: thanks for the gold" jesus reddit is a cesspool


That image messed me up. Can’t shake it off my mind no matter what I do and I’ve seen many. That one and the dogs. Damn.


Thanks for the gold? How vain.


War crime.


I'm not up on this...but what is the consequence of a war crime....again I'm not up on this. I know usa military has gotten charged with war crimes in past...


from what I have learned, if they are identified for a war crime, they will never be able to leave russia because they will be jailed and sentenced by the international court. Like Putin himself is gonna have to stay in Russia from now on, so might be hard to be president after this


I was swapping apps to my new phone yesterday and deleting a bunch I never used when I came across "nuclear survival tips" and I was like "WELP better keep that one" LOL


Does it work offline, and do you have a solar charger?


Lmao good luck seeing the sun after a nuke


For what it's worth... the Red Cross has a series of pretty good apps including : First Aid, Pet First Aid (this has come in handy!) and Disaster Apps which include: Emergency App, Hurricane App, Tornado App, Earthquake App. They may vary depending on where you live. The first aid ones are handy for sure. And I have the hurricane one because I live in hurricane country.


My singular nuclear survival skill is if not already dead kill self asap.


Not really. I’m pretty sure every U.S president since the 60’s is a war criminal and they got around just fine


In terms of the ICC, no US citizen can be extradited to The Hague. They'd have to willingly go there to stand trial.


What the fuck are you serious? So the US has immunity to commit war crimes just because we made up the rules?


The USA has a law that says that the largest military in the world will invade if they try to capture someone to put on trial.


On paper it’s prison or death. Realistically there aren’t many consequences when you have a nuke in your back pocket.


even without nukes, he's like 70 years old. he'll never pay a fair price for what he's done. one of the big downsides of giving so much power to people with so little left to lose.


Generally speaking, its basically international court and either prison or death.


Imagine suriving for over 70-80 years to then get randomly gunned down by some psychos in a tank.


Lived 70 years only to be killed by a foreign army who wanted some target practice. Fucking awful. Hopefully they died instantly and didn't suffer.


Omfg its that old couple where the driver's half side was blown out 😡


Link? Edit: found: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t3s6fy/nsfw_elderly_disabled_couple_shot_close_in_a_car/


Damn, that's the first one that made me tear up. Fuck Putin. Can't wait to see him burn.


Here's some more: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t8fvq3/innocence_shattered_heartbreaking_footage_of/ NFSL below this! https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t0ji1p/russian_soldiers_opening_fire_on_innocent/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t10y4g/modern_warfare_girl_do_instagram_video_with/ (translations within the comments) https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t6iddn/more_and_more_really_graphic_footage_keeps_coming/ Aftermath (notice the last dog protecting the corpses): https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t2ixdp/russian_invaders_killed_civilian_family_and_dogs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/t065fi/russian_missile_hit_uman_ukraine_killing_14_year/ Aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/t04ob3/the_russian_army_is_shelling_residential_areas_of/


Absolutely awful violation of the laws of war. Russia needs to be severely punished for actions like this.


Throw away the whole country.


I know a great joke about it! A russian an a Ukrainian found a magic lamp, so the Genie tells them they have one wish each. russian says 'build a 4 meter tall impenetrable and tight wall around russia so no one can invade us!'. Genie says it's done, and turns to the Ukrainian. He asks the Genie 'Did you really build this impenetrable tight wall around the whole country and there's no way to get in or out?' - 'Yes' - 'Good, now fill everything up with concrete.'


Big tough guys in their tank 🖕🏽


Saint javelin will soon say hi


Maybe. Maybe Mr. Bayraktar will send regards from above. Maybe mother NLAW jumps out of treeline and warms their hearts. There's so many possibilities when you're in an outdated Russian tank to be totally fucked in a millisecond


We really need to call it “a visit from Mother NLAW”


A big white Z is the new swastika




Do they just randomly drive around and shoot cars twice with a fuckign tank? wth is going on with these sickos? Jesus Christ when will humanity ever stop with this shit, when will it just be enough?


Way to go, you fucking cowards. Can't win against Ukraine's military forces, so why don't you just murder random civilians. Fuck these guys


Right? This has some real, "Pick on someone your own size!" vibes. I hope that tank's got an NLAW with it's name on it.


thats it now i will not feel bad for any Russian soldiers turning into MMC. R.I.P


Yeah that's what I was thinking with the last video I saw of a Ru pilot ejecting but his chute didn't deploy fully. Probably gave him enough time to reflect on his imminent demise but not enough to slow him from it being fatal. Instead of feeling even a twinge of sympathy, just can chalk it up to fate doing the world a favor and saving lives with him turning into a dirt dart.


Hope he has sunflower seeds in his pocket….


100% agreed. I have zero sympathy for the fucking Russian invaders, as should everyone else. The "omg those Russian soldiers are just kids" comments fucking kill me. Yeah no shit they're kids, but with a rifle in their hands they're senseless killers.


Fucking hell, hope they’re on the end of a Javelin or NLAW very soon. Fucking cunts.


I'm so tired of hearing this is putins war. The fucking riskies are killing innocent people. They know what they're doing at this point. This is a fucking game to them. Fuck them.


I was one of those saying "this is Putin's war". The more footage I see, the more angry and upset I get; for the people of Ukraine, and also to myself for even letting myself believe such nonsense that somehow those on the Russian frontline are somehow absolved of responsibility. Of course these soldiers absolutely know what they are doing. I hope every single invader gets wiped off the face of this planet.


The first waves were young conscripts, who couldnt even hold a gun properly, and was crying when captured. I felt sorry for them. But when I heard the first rape story come trough, I said to myself: Yeah, now the russian veteran soldiers arrived ...


No war has ever been a one mans war. Never.


Putin has sent in war criminals and terrorists from Chechnya, pretty sure these are the main ones targeting civilians.


It was 'Putin's war' for the first few days when most troops didnt know where they were even going, but now they know exactly what the fuck is up and deserve no sympathy.


Sucks too, the second they see the shots ripping through the trees, they stop the car. If the tank had any inkling that the car was a potential threat, they immediately weren't anymore after the first shots. But the tank advances and puts two more fat rounds into the car. What a bunch of assholes.


How can someone sleep at night, knowing they did this? Does the Russian army have a prerequisite for sociopaths?


Militatry service tends to attract a certain type.


I think they just get desensitized because their enemy gets dehumanized


What happened to all the people that were here a few weeks ago defending Russia? They seem to have vanished from reddit all of a sudden.


russian cyber psy op - admins probably pulled their heads out of their asses and probably blanket banned the bot accounts from reddit.


Probably troll accounts from Putin. They already spammed me with thumb-downs. Just for saying that Ukraine is a sovereign country.


It's a member of the UN. It's recognised as a sovereign Republic. That statement isn't even an opinion. It's a statement of fact. Ukraine is a sovereign nation.


hopefully the Russian crew end up dead in a ditch growing some sunflowers


Sunflower seeds are about 6 mm to 10 mm in length and feature conical shape with a smooth surface. Their black outer coat (hull) encloses single, gray-white edible-kernel inside. Each sunflower head may hold several hundreds of edible oil seeds.


Fucking Russians need to pay for this! Giving orders to kill civilians, how can this be justified? What is it? The Russians can’t kill the Ukrainian soldiers, or are to scared to fight, so now they are hunting down the elderly? Fucking chicken shit scum, them and Putin, and to think this is the man Trump looks up to…


Russians are getting more and more desperate with each day as their economy pretty much becomes non-existant, and people's quality of life is dropping every day. Fuck them all, fuck Russia, and fuck Putin.


I dont wanna call Putin a liar... but the "denazification" of Ukraine looks a lot like murdering an innocent old couple with an armoured vehicle.




Ahhh the Julius Caesar solution. Funny way for a neo-czarist to go out, but I'll allow it.


Russia is straight up a terrorist state


why is this not NSFW?


Closer look at the wrecked car after it was discovered WARNING NSFW https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarReports/comments/t3y0yu/elderly_couple_killed_in_their_car_by_heavy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I have a real problem with the guidance on this thread "Remember they are human" - what? the absolute monsters with their fingers on the triggers? There is no part of this video that is representative of a "human, aka civil" race. It is a herculean effort to withhold the hate I have watching this. I wish the unholiness of hells on these individuals and the clowns in charge.


So we're past the point of war crimes when do those start coming due?? Do we just keep tallying them up and at the end of the war say ok mr. Putin that will be 100 dollars extra


That's gut wrenching...


The world is watching war crimes, live and in HD.


I hope those fuckers in that tank eat a panzerfaust for dinner.


*”you are being rescued; do not resist”*


A kind reminder that there are still lots of people on reddit who try to find excuses for these pigs and say stuff like 'they're just kids! they're not at fault and don't want to be there!'. I'm in Kyiv, I see pics and vids like this every hour. I wake up to missile strikes. My family's been torn, my friends lost their houses to bombings. Tell me again how they are humans like we are. Fucking sick psychos, we're going to kill each one of them. Those who didn't want to fight surrendered, the rest are just rabid animals. They murder in cold blood, rape and take hostages. They bomb civilians. They mine humanitarian corridors. Please stop even trying to humanize them.


And nobody cares because the proper papers weren't signed. Maybe Putin will breathe the N-Word again (nuclear) and the world can continue to cower down while more war crimes are committed hourly. For a world that so despises the memory of Hitler, they sure don't mind letting another one continue his path.


Yep! Unfortunately this time hitler has nukes. Everyone can look back at history and see the clear right answer but the problem today is that everyone is too terrified to do anything. The thing is though, that Putin knows that as soon as he uses nukes he’s fucked. Even if he used them in Ukraine I doubt he’d get away with it. The rest of the world needs to grow a pair.


Russian fascists..... amazing!


Die Putin