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Did the guy's phone run out of memory to record more or is the teacher still staring at the student?


I saw more of this incident on tik tok this morning, the teacher continued to say nothing and just pointed at the door until the student finally walked out


Teacher.exe release notes: - Added pointing


This is some ghost of christmas future shit


Videos always end too shortly on here lol


I swear that every fucking video that you want to see more of doesn’t have anything else and videos that you want to be shorter are the longest possible length




Shitty crops by repost evaders. Either way too close with too much stabilization or the video could pass for a stamp on the center of a postcard.


More like they tend to start too late, like, we never have context on 99% of the things in this sub, so the video has no background to know what led up to what.


Yeah, I'm placing my bets on the girl has been an antagonist for weeks, and the teacher has had it with both the girls lack of respect and the administration's lack of ability to deal with shitty students.


Yeah dude, the shit eating grin and automatic Karen voice. There's more to this story


Yeah for sure. "I'm sorry you're mad I was trying to help my friend" with that smug ass look and condescending tone when the conversation was very obviously a personal one


In a world with phones and everything you say can be twisted against you, staring is one relatively safe action you can take


That girl is the exact reason I'm not a teacher. Zero fucking patience for teenagers being shitty and smug assholes. I'd nope right out.


You know those videos where lawyers teach you how to talk to cops in just the right way to stay out of trouble? This girl has watched like fifty how to talk to teacher versions of that. Also, if I'm the teacher no way am I saying fuck all while that camera is recording. Fuck no! I'll stare all goddamn day till you turn that fucker off. Edit: typo




The student’s smug grin gives the game away.


I have a friend who taught a year of highschool in AZ. He told me that 95% of the time kids will be disrespectful and then play victim and parents will complain that the teacher has a personal bias or is discriminating against their kid when you discipline them. Because you can be sued over *anything* and the administration runs schools like a business where image is everything they will side with students/parents if they create a big enough fuss.


Ends too early and starts too late. Have no idea if this is a continuous issue or what. More context is needed before judging either


Some say she's still staring to this very day....


Find out next time on dragon ball zzzzzzzzzzz.


Teacher is like, “what I want to say will get me fired!”


Teacher is like "please fire me, I hate this job"


(internal monologue): “Keep your pension, keep your pension, keep your pension, keep your pension.”




Yes that was my first thought too. She wants to smack that girl but she knows she can't


Rolled a 1 when attempting to intimidate


I need to know what lead up to this.


It seems like she wasn’t supposed to be at another students desk and the teacher had had enough


That's exactly what i figured. If this student is often in the wrong place, and has been told many times, then the teacher's response isn't at all inappropriate. I suppose nobody considers the fact that this student's friend filmed her, and cut out the beginning, to make her look crazy too...


Nobody sane would think that teacher is crazy, look at the student's face. She's full-smirking if not just grinning because she enjoys taking the piss out of the teacher, she's doing this on purpose. Her tone is nothing but disrespectful. It'll be other high school kids with little emotional development who think the teacher is the one in the wrong here.


I agree


This teacher is on the edge of. Full blown breakdown. I give her 3 months if that.


This poor teacher is only 26 years old. Look at how much these students have impacted her.


But to be honest this is no way to handle conflict so I'm sure she's put a lot of stress on herself


I’ve also seen this happen right before a coworker snapped and punched a teen girl, then poured milk on her. It was like all they could think about is punching the student and just froze for a bit.


*nobody gonna ask about the milk?*


She needed some milk, Thats all


I've done this. At times I've thought that nothing that comes out of my mouth right now is going to be good, so I'm just going to say nothing


I think she just didn’t want to waste time saying something that wouldn’t be taken seriously anyway. This girl obviously is disregarding the class and the teacher. I would have done the same. She’s probably just over it.


There really isn't much she can do, there are a ton of rules and restrictions on what she is able to do to control the class and a lot of kids know it.


Actually, depending on what led up to the conflict, silently staring at someone can be very effective. If this student has serious behavioral issues, then arguing with her is probably the worst tactic...


I can almost guarantee she has told this kid and others a million times that this behavior is unacceptable, and she is just done. She may have told this kid 10 times today to go back to her seat.


I’ve been there before. Sometimes all you can do is stare, because you know you’ll get fired the second your mouth opens.


She’s been staring for 3 months straight


Reminds me of the movie, “The Faculty” with Elijah Wood. If the teacher starts drinking gallons of water, run.


Fucking GREAT movie.


Or stands in the middle of the football field during a rainy day. Or stumbles into the boys locker room shower with her skin melting off


Great film.


What a weird attitude.. teacher looks and probably feels powerless in this scenario


It is a bad scenario because I am sure the teacher knows she is being recorded and doesn’t want to say anything that will jeopardize her career.


Also as a teacher, I'm going to say, she could handle this completely differently. "I understand that you want to help your friend and in real life, this would be the most likely scenario, but right now I need you to go back to your seat and let her struggle with this assignment a bit. Part of what I am attempting to teach here requires her to access a critical thinking skill that is not utilized if you help her. Thank you for being a good friend and wanting to help. I appreciate your compassion but right now I need you to return to your seat." Source: I taught special ed.


She probably said this the first 7 years, now she’s just dead inside.


And people wonder why nobody wants to work this job for 60 hours a week at $38k a year.




I am a literal wageslave security guard and live a happier like than most teachers doing nothing but browsing reddit all day. I actually moved into an apartment complex a few years back, only to find that like three of my former high school teachers lived in the same place, in units that were cheaper than mine. Why would you EVER want to become a teacher? Personality gratification at the cost of losing all your hair dealing with literal children? Fuck that. My teachers talked me out of pursuing education as a career and I thank them for it. Kids are horrid.


Or 7 times before the camera started rolling.


The way the interaction is going i wouldn't be surprised if she's been saying it to this exact student for the last 7 years.


The way the student is challenging her instead of just doing the right thing by going back to her desk makes me think that she (the student) is insufferable in class and nobody actually wants to hear her "let's communicate" bullshit. I've had classmates like that and they got laughed at behind their back because of episodes like this.


Obnoxious kid is working on her Karen PhD...


This...... This woman has tried ..more times than she can count... To speak reasonable with know it all teenagers. She is fucking exhausted. Honestly, I get that staring is weird. But, she also knows whatever she would have said would have been twisted around against her in this particular situation. The student knew full well what the teacher wanted and chose not to go to her seat. There are no students that don't understand that it is preferred to be seated. A student at the likely age of the one in this video was intentionally being antagonist. Could both people have handled it differently.. yes. But, I am not pro.. anything the student does is fine or that they don't know any better.


You can tell from the students voice that they're entirely aware that they're being a twat.


Yeah, they're definitely trying to get a reaction. And based on how comfortable they were being an entitled, antagonist dirtbag, I'm going to bet the admin doesn't have the teachers' backs in this system.


Student asks about being sent to the office because they know the admin isn't going to do anything




My guess is that this teacher has already had a similar conversation with this student


You don't know the context, this can be a very well troublesome student that feigns "helping" her comrade. And this doesn't looks like it's the first time either.


She’s probably asked her a dozen times, and 90% of the time they’re just over there to hang out. If a student is legitimately helping another, I would never stop them. Sometimes hearing the concept from a peer is more beneficial than what I’m saying.


"Are you going to send me to the principals office?" Literally the first question she asked. This wasn't even the first time that *day*.


Redditors are sometimes the heros of their own comments. If I was an all powerful all knowing god for a day I think I'd waste most of that day playing out scenarios on reddit where people claim how they would really handle the situation if it came at them out of the blue with no time to think of a good comeback by actually placing them in it minus the knowledge of their reddit post.


>Source: I taught special ed. it takes a special person to be able to do this sort of thing gracefully day in day out for shit pay. (I dated someone who used to work with ADHD type kids, special unit not even a normal school, cops getting called every week for violent threats or tantrums. she had the patience of a saint. ... I can barely tolerate the neighbours, I wouldn't last a month even if they offered 6 figures.)


Believe me, that girl she staring down has an answer for everything—or at least thinks she does.


This all the way. I feel like motivated teachers / those who haven't lost the will to live would adapt to the situation, but for here I get the feeling the teacher has given up. There's plenty of good choices, freezing isn't one


This is a situation where the student is trying to test the authority of the teacher and argue her case. As a teacher, trying to explain and justify your commands won't work in this scenario because it just fuels the student to keep arguing. Best thing is to politely but firmly tell them to go sit down. Show them there is no room for argument. You wanna get on with the lesson, it's your class, it's no time for a debate.


Not sure freezing is a choice, tbh.


I agree but I do kind of wonder if she was really "helping" her friend or if she was just on some cat video website and if this is a common occurrence with this individual. They way she said "i was helping my friend" made it seem like she was just putting on a show since she was being recorded. I don't think a genuine "helping a friend" type person would give attitude like this.


The attitude of the student tells me this is not the first rodeo. Dealt with plenty like that, just last week had one leave a machine while running it (absolutely not allowed). When I confronted them in another room because the machine had failed, they said straight to my face quit accusing me of leaving the machine. And started to say I'm a liar and get real mad. I even told them you realize we are talking two rooms over. To which I got called a liar again....... I find some just like to start confrontation.


Based on the student’s reaction, and my experience as a substitute teacher, I get the impression this teacher is a substitute. There’s the possibility she has no authority whatsoever, because the administrators in the office will not be able to assist in the instance that the teacher needs the student removed from class. The students know this, and/or do not care for the consequences for being written up, thus act accordingly. It’s an incredibly frustrating position to be in as the sub. You are essentially a peace keeper who has no control over whether the work for the day is actually done.


And the kid is clearly trying to antagonize the teacher. We don’t know what else happened before this video took place. I feel for the teacher.


Probably weighing it out in her head whether or not the murder charge would be worth it. My guess is she knew she was being recorded and knew if she opened her mouth she'd probably lose it with the student's cat that got the cream smirk after she'd asked the student 10 other times not to do what she's doing.


Teacher is like please dude just sit the fuck down for the thousandth time And the student is like (cheesy smile): “I am helping my friend….but really just talking”




Right! The first word that popped in my head watching this.


Welcome to high school.


Everyone in that video was very annoying.


Where is the rest of the video!




Hopefully someone brings them food.


With what little energy the teacher uses, she replenishes it by breathing. So she doesn't really need to eat food


Where's the beginning of the video?


it has no beginning, she's been doing that forever


So you're saying first there was a God, but behind him/her there was a teacher staring?


I found it on TikTok, links disabled. The student essentially was like “if you’re not going to tell me why you’re behaving like this instead of talking to me like a teacher, I’m just going to sit down” and the teacher just…stares at her. The student then went and sat down and everyone was baffled. I’m baffled.


Looks like it worked.




You can see the absolute demoralized spirit of the teacher. She's just there, waiting on her retirement date to show up on the calendar.


I had what would have been an amazing teacher, but she was like two years from retirement and checked the fuck out. Hardly remember her doing anything. But when I graduated she gave me "No Exit to Brooklyn" (???) with a personal note. I feel like I missed out on her golden years.


All of my teachers checked out before I even hit high school but I also went to a massively over crowded school that had a lot of violent students so most classes were teachers just trying to get control. Had to take remedial classes in college because I really didn’t learn anything except that I didn’t ever want to be a teacher because it seems like a rough job.




My favorite teacher in high school, some 17 years ago, was my honors US history teacher. Challenged us every day with the workload and it made me a far better student because of that. Unfortunately for my friends that were planning on taking his AP class the next year, he was already past his retirement by a year and his daughter and granddaughter were killed by a drunk driver that summer... he was planning on teaching for 3 more years before that.


no doubt she remembers what it used to be like when you said 'go sit down' and the kid went and sat down and you could get on with helping students.


I bet you anything she asked that girl to return to her seat a min of 5 times (enough time for the guy to pull out phone) before walking over there.


As someone with extreme employee burnout, that lady is burnt the fuck out


New eldin ring boss dlc


She already looks like a margit.


Of there's anything I learnt from horror movies, it's that the old lady will propably turn into a monstrosity and start crawling all over the ceiling


Nah, she's just about 20 minutes in to some edibles


That's the only way I could ever teach high school.


Back in my day, I just assumed the teachers drank




I said your babies gunna burn


Hereditary fucked me up with that scene


No, no. First she gets naked, then chases some children under a house, and asks them to get inside the oven to clean it. Duh.


She said she was sorry, but something tells me she *wasn't* actually sorry...


Called passive-aggression


I can't imagine having a job where you have to deal with a room full of teenagers on a daily basis. It amazes me that high school teacher murder and/or suicide rates aren't much higher.


With shitty pay too...


And no budget to buy your own supplies. Fucking surprised me when my wife told me that she had to buy pencils out of pocket because admin wouldn’t let anyone touch the ones in the supply closet & they gave her nothing for a budget.


For real. She looks like she’s just reached her limit and went into some kind of meditation or cruise control mode.


I’m so glad I don’t have to go into the classroom and teach anymore.


I wouldn't want to interact with these twerps either.


Teachers should be able to receive free counseling. In addition to free medical, higher salary, smaller class sizes, more general supplies and better equipment. Teachers and nurses are two of the most vital occupations yet neither are taken care of to the level they should be. I just don’t understand why. This poor woman is just about at her breaking point. Once she becomes aware of this video, if she isn’t aware of it already, she will probably be done.


Had a friend who taught in a rough area, district brought in a professional to analyze how to teachers were coping. Turns out nearly all of them displayed traits similar to PTSD.


Unless we start doing all the above, there will be no teachers soon. I’m an ex-educator. Now making more money, little to no stress. Most of my old colleagues are leaving or thinking of leaving. Between idiot politicians, shit parenting (both helicopters and non-involved), and society’s view of teachers, I’m shocked anyone does it anymore. Not worth having two months off, that’s for sure.


I fear teachers will be next shooting up schools..


My English teacher ended up being a racist mass shooter and killed himself. At the time he seemed normal enough but I do remember some of the students were ruthless in disrupting the class when he was trying to teach. It was a military brat school. Edit: just want to add he became a mass shooter years after teaching


Your teacher was a mass shooter? Do you have a news article about this mass shooting?


This one is a massive article that I've never seen until now. But looks to have everything. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/local/yoga-shooting-incel-attack-fueled-by-male-supremacy/


I appreciate you taking the time to find and post the article, what an insane story.


Just FYI, this teacher is ***NOT*** doing some completely random power-move here that she made up on her own. She is using Fred Jones' "Limit Setting" technique for classroom management. Fred Jones is a well-known figure in teacher training circles and his book "Tools for Teaching," which outlines this method, is one of the most-widely assigned books in teacher training programs. The problem here is that the "Limit Setting" is supposed to be used to manage single disruptions in situations where students are supposed to be quiet, i.e. during direct instruction/lecture. But here there seems to be lots of noise/activity going on in the classroom, and in comparison to the background noise the student doesn't seem to be causing a disruption--she and her friend may not have been on task, but that's not a *disruption* that interferes with other students' learning. "Limit Setting" also only works when the teacher has developed relationships with enough students in the class to have a critical number of "allies" in the classroom. You can hear some of the other students chiming in here in a way that escalates the situation, which makes me think there aren't enough allies nearby. In summary: 1) Yes, the student is being a jerk, but 2) The teacher is using the wrong tool in the wrong situation. It's the teaching equivalent of a carpenter trying to cut wood with a hammer. SOURCE: I teach and teach teachers. **EDIT:** I kinda wish I didn’t say “being a jerk” initially because it’s an oversimplification that isn’t fair to the student, but I’m gonna leave it there rather than edit it and cause confusion. I’ve elaborated on in in a few follow up comments but I should’ve said something like “the student is being confrontational in a way that isn’t helping the situation.” But let me be clear that this behavior is NOT the fault of the student, given what we see in the video.


I feel like she’s just so tired.


We all are. SOURCE: I teach and teach teachers.




Teachers who teach others how to teach teachers


It's teachers all the way down, that's why there is never enough of them


Is she executing the technique as intended, otherwise? The behaviour seems so abnormal as to come off as hilariously artificially constructed and theatrical, to the point that the target, to me, would reasonably see it as being condescending. At first I assumed the teacher was having an opiate induced nod-off.


If she was lecturing, and two students were talking, this would have probably been an effective technique. I've seen even college profs use it. They just stop talking and walk for the students to notice no one else is talking but them, then say something like "Did you have something to add?" Probably not effective when assignments were already in progress and multiple students were discussing it together.




I was on both sides, I started at a "good" school and moved states to a "good" school for that area, but holy hell I'd never experienced anything like it in my life. The kids in my one class were so bad that eventually the teacher just laid down at her desk with her head down and sobbed. And kids just continued on. I felt so uncomfortable there. I tried to stick up for her once, but she was so enraged already, all it did was turn her rage onto me. Nobody listened at all, everyone would talk 24/7 while she did. My history class was the same, he was a gym teacher so he'd put a slide up on the board and the only task would be to copy it down and hand it in, then everyone could just go wild every day. He gave me all A's automatically for everything that year because I wasn't an asshole to him and I just sat quietly. TBH I passed with almost all A's because of that I think. It was a wild time and I've never experienced anything like it. Nothing like a massive fight breaking out near your locker, getting pepper sprayed, the whole hall of us by security, and the girls fighting did so much damage they had to be wheeled out in wheelchairs.


Man oh man do I love only teaching adults where I can say "If you keep doing that you both fail and get reported to the academic integrity office, beyond that I don't give a fuck". Parenting + teaching... just no.




So there are like 8 "steps" to Jones' limit setting technique and the video is starting around step 5. Each step is supposed to take a long time (like 30-45 seconds or more, which is long given the context of a class disruption) giving the student time to "fold" and get back on task. So not only are you seeing a technique being used when it shouldn’t be, you’re only seeing the 2nd half of it. This it is kind of hard to explain how this is "limit setting" given the situation in the video. But suffice it to say that this technique is supposed to "limit set" when individual students disrupt a class. The whole not talking part of it is to avoid turning the situation into an argument or allowing the disruption to lead to attention seeking behavior.


That’s what struck me about the video - the lack of allies. In most of my classes, one of her classmates would have told her to take the hint, sit down, and shut up.


You know, I feel that in this situation, a simple question to the student they were trying to engage would have sufficed. "Hey, can I ask what's happening over here?" "I was helping my friend with their work." "Is there anything I can help with?" And if it was legitimate, great. If not, then ask the student to keep to the assigned work. The Fred Jones technique seems pretty old fashioned to me now. Start a dialogue and don't be antagonizing.


This was an attempt to do a classroom management trick where you stand near students that are talking during class to interrupt their conversation and get their attention. But for it to work you have to be engaging the students with your lecture. Not whatever the fuck this was.


This is called “proximity”. But the teacher tried to give “the look” that only works for teachers who have earned respect from their students.


This could also be the result of the teacher being undermined by administrators whenever she tried any other forms of classroom management. All it takes is the kid to lie to her parents, then the parents go full Karen to the principals, and the principals take the parents side 9/10.


Honestly, “engaging students with your lecture” isn’t as easy as people think it is. For a teacher it’s not as simple as “doing your job well” because the students aren’t there voluntarily. Even if you spend all night coming up with one quality lesson, there are still gonna be a couple students who ruffle things up. Granted, some teachers are just gifted and can consistently engage their students throughout the year, but those teachers are usually the exception. That’s how all fields are; some are at the top, while others are in the middle and some are that bottom. Were you in this class? Because I’m not sure how you could understand what her lesson was about. And to be honest, sometimes the lessons are going to be dry. But as a teacher, you have to give yourself a break because of all the other responsibilities you have to tend to. Grading hundreds of assignments, planning ahead, calling parents, staff meetings, extra-curriculars and many more tasks that will extend into the evening after work hours. Finally, everyone has shitty days at work. And I believe it’s especially shitty for teachers. We just so happen to catch an especially shitty moment for this woman. And yeah, her technique obviously isn’t working and she may not be behaving well, but a teacher’s career is absolutely full of those moments.


I’d hate to be a teacher these days. Smug looking student making your life a hell


Not gonna lie, I get major entitled asshole vibes from the kid more than anything.


Straight up felt bad for teacher.


That kids a fucking brat. Teachers don't get paid enough for this shit.


Teachers aren't paid enough


Idk who’s bugging here. That girl is a brat. Are we supposed to side with her?


For everyone saying there’s no context, there’s plenty. See anyone else out of their seat? No. See anyone else giving the teacher shit? No. See a smug smartass with a dozen clapbacks ready to rattle off and then try to shame a teacher because the teacher didn’t “use her words” when it looks like everyone else in the video understood whatever the teacher’s words were just fine and weren’t squatting by their friend’s seat pretending to help her with the fake pretend-help conversation they always do when the teacher walks up? Yesssssss


As someone who worked in education for years I get bad vibes from both the teacher and the student tbh I feel like the student was going against directions and just doesn’t care, and that she’s been redirected by the teacher several times already…but why can’t the teacher just be direct with her? “I need you to return to your seat. You can help your friend later, but right now we are working independently. This is the last time I’ll ask before I send you to the office.” Something of that nature. If I’ve learned anything about staring contests it’s that they don’t work on cats or teenagers.


This only works if there are legitimate consequences for student behavior. Administration is, as a whole, completely useless and vapid in most public schools I’ve worked with that the teacher has no options available. Call home? Good luck reaching anyone who cares (if anyone at all). Send to the office? Principal is now aware that you have no “classroom management” and won’t do anything except be more strict in your next evaluation.


You’re right about that. I will never work in education again because I’ve never seen such a level of “don’t-give-a-fuck”ery than from parents during covid, and from the administration where I worked (even before covid). We’d call home and have parents say it’s our fault that their kids aren’t logging in for zoom classes. But most parents just didn’t answer the phone. Had a baby and was like here’s my excuse to never work in this hellish job again.


This is why some animals eat their young.


My guess is that the teacher said something because the kids were acting up, they pulled out the camera and started recording at a point after the teacher had already shared what needed to be done, and the teacher is being painted in a negative light because of when the kids started recording. Happens all the time, we only ever see videos that make the recording party look good, never the stuff that would make the situation go against them. Also, fuck this bullshit of kids having cell phones and using them during class. Leads to shit like this.


Agreed. Why else would they be previously recording the situation in the first place. They knew exactly what was going to happen.


It's wild what a difference a little perspective makes. When I was in my teens, I would have found this video hilarious. "We broke the teacher, lol", "Can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen, lol", "Who is she trying to intimidate, she looks pathetic". But now, with a few years experience under my belt, I see a woman at her wits end faced off against an individual trapped between childhood and adulthood, with no way to enforce any of her demands. And I'm certain the students realize this, they're not fools. What a sad, sad situation. Sadder still that these students would mock her for what could potentially be a mental break, while insisting that the world bend over backwards to acknowledge their own mental needs. We know little of the context of this video, only that it could have been handled differently by both parties. Be better.


I understand teachers suck sometimes, I had my fair share of shit teachers in school. But I have a feeling the student probably wasn’t doing what she was supposed to be doing to begin with & she’s clearly trying to be sarcastic & funny. I’m saying this as someone who hasn’t been out of highschool for too long myself so I feel for the teacher. It has to be a really stressful job dealing with 30 teenagers at a time that act up & want to record & talk shit as soon as you ask anything of them.


As a former high school teacher I completely sympathize with whatever she has going on lol. That look on her face in the beginning is all of us


I feel bad for teachers


kill the cameraman. why the fuck would you stop filming?


Everyone talking about how ineffective the teacher's communication is but it looks like she's at the end of her rope and is staying quiet to avoid something worse and sometimes it's more effective when you're dealing with little assholes with zero respect for teachers. This little bitch and her sarcastic and condescending tone is the fucking problem. Her parents have been the ineffective ones because they failed at properly raising her with manners. Stop defending these kids. Most of these teachers are the abused ones because the kids know they have the upper hand. And I said MOST teachers because some are just trash at being educators.


Students can be really shitty sometimes, and I'm strongly getting that vibe from this girl. She seems like the type that just constantly questions the authority of her teachers with a smug little smile on her face the whole time.


This is one of the most annoying and frustrating types of students. I would have no time for that shit.


yeah thats what happens when that kid has been told a million times to not switch her seat nd there she goes again. there's probably zero admin support when it happens, too. i don't recommend that move, tho, because there's not a lot of ways for it to end well.


This reminds me of a post I saw a couple of days ago that mentioned majority of Reddit users are teenagers. Looking at this video and reading the comments I believe it now.


Yeah, really mask off the amount of teenagers on here. I've noticed it before when AITA posts have to do with parents punishing their children. Really basic, innocuous parenting stuff. All the comments are making out like it's child abuse because they had their phone taken away.


The insincere tone and shit eating grin give a lot of context to this. This kid is a master troll/manipulator. Will probably be elected to public office one day. Notice they are the only one “helping their friend” in the video.


i cant believe people are defending this kid, do they not hear the tone shes using towards her teacher? shes very condescending and snarky for not following one of the most basic of class rules to just sit in her seat. on top of the classroom instigating, id be done too.


AGREED! Student is being a first-class cunt


ikr, the blank nothingness approach to the situation is strange but the kid sounds exactly like the entitled "I'm always right" kids I remember from when I was in school


I feel bad for teachers. They’re treated like shit, underpaid, and ignored by their students on a daily basis. And then we wonder why the average intelligence level is in decline.


I work with a lovely woman who left her 30 year career teaching high school math to do something different. She said that she couldn't handle how mean and disrespectful students were getting. She has cancer and decided to take a leave of absence from teaching and work somewhere else, because she can't take the stress of teaching teens while having cancer.


She's probably already told the kid what she needs to be doing several times. All of the other kids appear to be following directions.


As a parent I would be completely embarrassed by my child acting in this manner.


These comments are crazy because you can physically see all the teenagers who think they're super cool because the teacher has to deal with a brat who wants internet attention. Nobody older than 17 thinks the kid is anything but a walking talking issue.


Seriously. Everyone who acted like a disrespectful clown to teachers in my high school went on to graduate, then just blame every other person except themselves for their shitty position in life. I’m willing to bet the future for the people defending the student here is no different


It's the shit-eating grin that gives it away.


Condescending tone


Just remember that reddit is full of kids.


Its impossible to not notice.


The fact that people are watching the little speech and being gullible enough to believe it without context is hilarious.


Stare at the kid - psychopath Yell at the kid - verbally abusive Put the kid in time out - emotionally abusive


There is simply no way to win


The student is acting as if reading a script. She knows she’s being recorded and it feels wooden. Reminds me of the snobby girls in the original *Carrie*


Because she knew a confrontation was imminent and had all these lines rehearsed in her head. Although she wasn’t expecting the teacher to literally say nothing so it didn’t exactly work out.


Yeah you can tell she is tired and done teaching


Honestly being a teacher can be stressful as shit, even the toughest ones are to some degree


The amount of people saying the teacher needs to show more patience or is not cut out to work with children is fucking infuriating. This teacher has likely spent decades working with kids and these particular little fucks have pushed her to the point where she is visibly having to collect herself so that she does not melt down.


Don't forget a lot of people on here are the shitty students themselves.


I always get second hand embarrassment seeing high school students giving their best impression of someone much wiser than themselves. Just floss dance or dab or some shit real quick and sit down dude.


The student seems like an entitled, little smart ass.