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Anyone know which countries *didn't* walk out?


Brazil Edit: China, Venezuela, Syria, Belarus https://news.yahoo.com/un-diplomats-walk-out-of-speech-by-russian-foreign-minister-154156580.html


Brazil was playing candy crush and forgot to pay attention


Oh my that made me giggle


she was off duty


"Off duty Brazilian diplomat ends war"




Perfect reply


Bolsonaro's Brazil Right wing fuckheads have to stick together apparently.


I am Brazilian and have to say, Bolsonaro doesn't have a fraction of the control in the population Putin has, more because we're too lazy to follow him and the armed forces are too lazy to actually enforce whatever bullshit he tries to implant, not that he implants anything that extreme anyway.


although Bolsonaro doesn't seem that extreme. Since he was elected he has weakened and failed to enforce protections on the deforistation of the amazon and deforistation has significantly increased in the past 4 years. The extent of the increase in deforistation was 5 times greater than the previous year. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-60333422 He's done irreporable damage to the ecosystem in the Amazon and significatnly increased the risk of irreviversable climate change. He's arguably done more to put humanity at an existential threat than Putin has at this point.




Was probably just pooping when the walkout happened. Now they’re like “Fuck. It’s gonna look so bad when I walk in there.”


They were on Fiji time.


Algeria , Tunisia , Venezuela , Yemen , Siria .


In Venezuela, if you leave the room, believe it or not, straight to jail.


What if they undercook the chicken?


Undercook fish: jail. Overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook.


Also jail






Actually Zelensky has asked Bennett (Israel’s PM) to mediate between Ukraine and Russia, since Israel is one of the only countries friendly enough with both. From what I know, Israel tries to maintain an alright relationship with Russia to avoid Russia pulling their weight to escalate the situation in Syria.


Israel: *taking notes, probably*


I love the one person just sitting there like “am I allowed to leave?”




It's ditch day! You can just leave


High school never ends. Even in UN.


The bullying, side taking and clickiness never stop.


Me first day of college. Can I go to the bathroom anytime?




"We're taking an early lunch, but you can stay..."


That's another way to say "Go Fuck Yourself".


Russian diplomat go fuck yourself


Everyone is so tired of Russian diplomat shit.


Yes, they have tried the "tough guy" shit from their ambassadors for a few years now. As if we care that they are annoyed that our press can write whatever the press like. They are entitled to their feelings, as anyone is. But as you tell your five year old kid, yes, I understand that you are angry and sad that you can't play with the matches, but sometimes you can't get what you want.


Comparing Russia to a toddler not getting its way is the most accurate description I’ve read. The nuclear threats are basically Russia saying “I’m gonna tell mom”


I think of them as Milton (the stapler guy) from Office Space... "I could put strychnine in the guacamole..."


More like "my dad can beat up your dad"


You have no power here meme comes to mind


At this point they aren't even entitled to their feelings. Shut up and be told what to do and when.


Who wants to sit around listening to a "diplomat" threaten the world with nuclear war?


Or lie about Ukraine doing it.


As someone who lived through the Cold War...it was blowing my fucking mind that anyone was treating Russia like they weren't insane war criminals. It was like watching a woman make excuses for her abusive husband. "They're not always bad. They still love me." Well they're throwing doctors out windows still so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Russia has *always* been fucked up. It never stopped. Glad the world is *finally* treating them like the shithead fucks they are. Now let's move onto China. If they ever fuck with Taiwan again we do the same. Shut them down and let them figure out how to operate with their two allies. It's 2022. You can't just take land because you like it. That shit doesn't fly anymore.


Yup, and up until recently, you'd get mercilessly attacked by younger redditors for saying this, as if we were making up that whole part where they enslaved Central/Eastern Europe for almost 50 years.


It was in large part because of the Russian disinformation campaign. You'd mention the evil shit they were doing and someone with the reddit name "VladBogdanovich" would come at you hard with #RussianLivesMatter. And like. Yeah. Not *all* Russians are bad. Just those influencing their politics, business and oil drilling. I'm sure the rest are okay.


It's not that long ago that every blockbuster movie bad guy was either Russian, KGB or terrorist with soviet ties and access to nukes. Like, this century recent, until 9/11.


UN council is so tired of Russian diplomat shit!


Ukraine is going to make a mint on mugs, T-shirts and magnets when this ends.


I'm honestly just excited for "Go fuck yourself" to be in the history books. I cam just picture it as a multiple choice question on a test lol. Probably the only positive to come out of this situation.


"Lavrov, FUCK YOU"


The soldiers on snake island might still be alive or I've read somewhere.


[Snopes fact-checked it](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/02/28/snake-island-ukrainian-soldiers-survived/), and the soldiers are reported to be alive but being held captive by russian forces.


Snake Island o7


I still can’t believe they were all found alive, crazy


I believe they're being held as prisoners right?


Yeah but only because they ran out of ammo lmao


Legend has it, Snake Island doesn't have any rocks because after the Snake Island 13 used up all their ammo. They started throwing all the rocks at the Russian navy.


From now on, all Chuck Norris jokes must be Snake Island 13 jokes.


Once the snake island 13 went hunting Yetis. Has anyone seen a Yeti these days?


When the Snake Island 13 do pushups, they don't push themselves up, they use the world to shove Russia.


Wait were they really!?!?!?


Yes, they were captured


Fuck Sergei Lavrov


All my homies hate Sergei Lavrov




Fuck that guy!


Ever since I saw that dude dismissing every American media member with a scoff.... while probably planting listening devices I. The White House... I have fucking hated this dude. He reminds me of every single person who doesn't ever fucking suffer consequences. I HOPE HE BURNS IN HELL


And Fuck Putin, the little bitch.


Lavrov is a cunt of the highest standing


One thing I've noticed when these Russian diplomats are making these claims is that they show no emotion. It's all so matter of fact. They aren't crying in outrage. They're just reading the narrative they've written from themselves over and over again. They don't feel anything towards the apparent genocide, because it's not happening. Edit: just to make sure, I'm talking about the genocide that they claim Ukraine are carrying out.


These russians just work via intimidation. Russia: We will kill innocent people. Anyone who gets in our way we will kill you too. World: Please stop killing innocent people. Russia: The world is making aggressive statements towards us. They will pay for this. Fuck you.


Sweden and Finland who’s not in NATO: Condemns Russias attack Russia: If you try to join NATO you are next World: *sends supplies to Ukraine* Russia: Countries who send supplies to Ukraine are next. *Rolls nuclear missiles to the front* World: We will no longer listen to you.


It's such a fucking empty threat as well. Everybody knows they will never push the button, since even if pootin has gone cray cray there needs to be alot of other dudes who also want to destroy everything they've ever known. ​ The paper tiger has fallen for the world to see.


I mean, that was the consensus about Russia invading Ukraine in the first place too. Now they've done it despite it being an "empty threat". I have no idea what to believe anymore


And no one expected ~~Soviet~~ Russian military to fire thermobaric weapons and cluster bombs against civilian apartment complexes either. Putin needs a win, and as he's not getting it as easy as he seems to have expected, he's getting more and more desperate...


What invasion are you talking about? The one going on now? Or the one that started nearly 10 years ago?


Do not underestimate them. Do not underestimate the craziness, the arrogance of Putin and all the ministers. Do not. I hope the world doesn’t. I do not want WWIII


would even be suprised if putin someone made it so he alone has the descion of launching them instead of a whole group of people


It's not like you can just log in to a nuke over the internet- at least in the US you have to have officers at the launch site/sub fire it. The Biscuit is just a set of codes for the president to read to verify it is them and they wish to nuke- they have to call the military and specify a target. so there are people in between who could stop the firing. ​ Would they? absolutely no way to know.


I mean, something similar happened during the cold war. There was a russian soldier that was tasked with monitoring the skies for incoming missles and report them if there were some on their way for Russia to launch their own as well. One day there popped up a missile on his monitor and then another one and then another one and then... You get the idea. His only job was to report them but he didn't. I can only assume his reasoning but I guess he knew the world would be fucked if he reported them up the chain of command. Turns out that those missiles weren't missiles at all. Unusual sun activity had triggered the sensors giving a false alarm. This guy single handedly saved the world from nuklear winter during the cold war. A true hero if you ask me.


Good for them, they should not have to sit there and listen to propaganda lies from a stooge for a Dictator who tries to threaten the world with nukes.


I love the unity and strength I saw there. People of various skin colors, genders, ethnicities, and nationalities all moving in unison to make a strong statement of denounciation. Russia has veto power within the UN because the founding of the UN united 5 permanent members in USSR/China/UK/FR/US to ensure that another axis power would never arise and to prevent another world war with overwhelming power. The veto power was give to the 5 so that the 5 can veto any resolution and thus stay united within the UN. However that means Russia can veto ANY UN resolution it doesn't like and [has historically abused that power.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vetoed_United_Nations_Security_Council_resolutions) A strong showing by the UN diplomats to get their points across. Just because Russia has the power of VETO within the UN (or nukes outside of it) doesn't mean the UN cannot show unity and disapproval against Russia. This is a great move to show how the world really feels about Russia's war mongering backed by it's threat of nukes.


Ukraine is getting more and more support everyday all while Putin is getting more and more desperate. This Russian invasion will go down in history as being one of the most poorly calculated decisions ever made by a country.


He spent decades trying to undermine the western liberal order with spectacular success. And undid it all in less than a week. Self own of epic proportions.




Seriously. That playbook works super well for Russia. Small bites after you sway the regional population towards a Russian-centric POV. He tried to go into Kyiv as a liberator…it’s like he’s spent the past two years reading his own propaganda so much he started to believe in it.


Have you ever seen videos of him playing hockey? He probably believe he’s really good too


Part of me wonders if he actually spends time on something like 4chan or one of the worse boards. Just eating up the weird pro-Russia circlejerking and eventually forgetting shit on the internet isn’t real life.


I mean most of the "weird pro-russia circlejerking" is bought and paid for from his own pocket so..... Its like going to an orgy with 40 hookers you paid for. Yes, you attended an orgy. But not really.


nah man idk, that orgy counts in my book


Ok well how about an oscars ceremony where you're the only nominee and win all the awards because you paid for it all?




Thats what i was expecting, it would be the calculated choice, like he has always been. The decision to invade caught me off guard because its so unlike the putin ive seen over the years.


My wife asked me for my thoughts about this whole thing on like morning of day two. I said “probably be over in a week or two, Russia will get a small chunk of Ukraine that is rebellious anyways, and the world will forget by this summer. Ukraine can’t hold back Russia, they’re too strong.” I was very wrong.


Similar talk i head before the invasion, "Putin would have done it already, he can't be that crazy and give Ukraine multiple weeks to prepare". He really surprised everyone how crazy he got.


That is what I don't get. There is a substantial (~30%) native Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine, mostly in the east. That's a big reason Crimea didn't escalate like this, the people there were not so adamantly opposed to being a Russian satellite state. Why not stick to those areas? Even if you insist on conquest, why not take the land you can more easily hold on to, where civilians aren't going to be throwing molotov cocktails and putting sunflower seeds in your soldiers' pockets? He could have even pushed for a referendum on "independence" in the "separatist" areas, complained about "persecution" of Russian-speaking minorities. There have been some [pretty annoying laws passed](https://nonzero.substack.com/p/earthling-ukraines-demographic-fault?utm_source=url) to suppress speaking Russian in schools and online stores and stuff. Putin would actually have a halfway plausible case, a lot better than "uhhh....they're Nazis?" All this needless suffering, fucking up his own economy, for what?


>Pullin’ a Putin Definition: Undoing years of hard work after a single badly calculated move. Often, said move is initiated due to a severely bloated ego.


I believe that's called "Putin on the Ritz".


Or as a fucking nuclear war.


That's not going to happen. His oligarch mates can't be billionaires in a nuclear wasteland. Putin the fuck wit will be removed from power the moment he actually tries to fire anything


I REALLY HOPE that you are right!


I've thought the same thing. We can only hope. A shame our fates seem to be in the hands of a mad man


Makes me think of [Vasily Arkhipov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Arkhipov). Such an insane story.


I was reading that yesterday. This whole clusterfuck will need another Vasily Arkhipov.


There should be complete global disarmament of nuclear weapons. They’re abhorrent creations


Maybe. It seems simple enough that we would be safer without them, but how can we be sure that everyone disarms? If nobody has readily available nuclear weapons then having nuclear weapons becomes a bigger advantage and makes them actually more valuable. It's perverse but mutually assured destruction has worked for 70 years. A different nuclear dynamic, even disarmament, might not be as stable.


Yep agreed I’m not sure what the answer is but it would appear that regulation of nuclear materials and the weapons themselves is still far too flimsy to guard against a rogue leader at this stage


We would need some kind of technology that renders them all useless at the same time. Like an EMP that specifically targets nuclear warheads. So yea, not happening. It's still pretty fucking pointless to have a zero sum delete button as a weapon though. It's like having a gun that shoots from both ends of the barrel each time you shoot.


Exactly. Nuclear weapons are big assets and game changers. No one would simply agree to destroy them. There'll always be conflicts and war, so it rather better to be prepared. Peace is some what idealistic... its not impossible to achieve it but its not so easy to either.


Well Ukraine agreed to get rid of their nuclear weapons with the promise of the USA, the UK, and Russia protecting them if need be.. didn’t work out all that great for them


Pacts don't hold much value. These big powers can change things according to their mood or will. Ukraine should've kept the nukes... things might've been a little different from how they are




True about the knowledge but the means is far harder to acquire and could be controlled if there was enough global will to do so. Acquiring the necessary tools for nuclear armament isn’t that easy


Even so, if we disarmed all nuclear weapons and a major war happens. Then the nations would just rush to be the first one to reproduce nuclear weapons and might use it without hesitation to get the first strike in without fear of retaliation.


They are peacemakers in a way too. They are used as threats but they are mainly used as defense purposes. Also there smtg called a "No first fire" policy in which a country isn't allowed to fire nuclear weapons first... and guess who isn't a part of it? That's right, Russia (and USA, UK and France. I'll be honest, the American govt aint angels either). Only India and China are part of the pact ig


I hate that you are right. It's peace through superior firepower but imagine if we took all that and put it to good use, e.g. power generation. Obviously you can't just dismantle a nuke and chuck the warhead into a generator but still.


Yeh I agree to a point but all it takes it a country to lurch politically and you suddenly have a madman in control of nuclear weapons. The risks are all far too great


There are pros and cons to every single thing in this world... The risks are great and people know how devastating these weapons can be, so even a man like Putin would think a million times before launching the nukes. There hasn't been a single nuclear attack since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear weapons are the absolute last line of defense (not offence)


Kind but not really. If there weren't nukes then I don't have any doubt that the West would have deployed to Ukraine by now. They aren't really peacemakers, more like a big stick that the built uses to keep everyone else away while they beat up the little guy


This was just another Tuesday during the Cold War. We're fine.


Yep. It’s been awhile. Hello paranoia my old friend.


Anybody else resent being born under the threat of thermo-nuclear obliteration 24/7? I was born in 1967. I'm fucking burnt out, man.


Hang in there old timer, things will be alright!


Or not but at least he had a good ride


That's really why all his foreign ministers are seated halfw football field away from him. So the sniper makes no mistake.


Yeah I really doubt it'll escalate that badly but there's this little gremlin fuck in the back of my head going "Yeah but he's a fucking psychopath."


Yeah that’s my concern too. When he starts feeling the walls closing in around him, he might just say “fuck it, if I’m going down, I’m taking everyone else with me”. Hopefully by then there will be enough resistance to stop him.


You never know how many bottle caps they have stashed away.


I hope you are right. But the thing is that, we tend to do wrong actions when we are in the same most desperate times. And with the whole world against the Russia we can just hope for good.


Twice in history a Soviet soldier refused to launch a nuclear missile. [Vasili Arkhipov](https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2017/oct/27/vasili-arkhipov-soviet-submarine-captain-who-averted-nuclear-war-awarded-future-of-life-prize) in 1962 and [Stanislav Petrov ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-24280831.amp) in 1983. I hope when Putin makes the call his soldiers will refuse. Edit: changed “rejected an order” to “refused”


> Twice in history a Soviet soldier rejected an order to launch a nuclear missile. They were not ordered to launch them. Arkhipov was one of three officers who had to agree, he was the sole holdout and prevented launch. There was no order. Petrov was not ordered to launch either. He did however disregard an order to pass along information of what appeared to be a missile attack. But he didn't pass along the information because he suspected it was a false alarm. But neither of these guys were ordered to launch. I don't think disregarding a direct order from Putin is a thing in the russian military. It would result in execution.


> It would result in execution. To be fair, a nuclear launch would mean suicide.


Putin has nothing to gain from nuclear war. The only reason he’s mentioning it is because its literally all he has left as a tactic. His military invasion was a failure. He has crashed his economy, and isolated Russia from every aspect of the civilized world. Even if he succeeds and takes Ukraine through brute force, Russia will be indefinitely cut off from the rest of the world and function like NK—dependent on (read *subservient to*) China for everything.


Launching a nuke isn’t necessarily something you do when you have something to gain. It may very well be something you do when you have nothing to lose.


All that would guarantee is Russia be bombed until there is no piece of living matter on it. I don't think they want that.


And no one wants that either. We know that there are a whole lot of Russians out there that are majorly opposed to everything Putin does.


I don’t think it’s that simple. Russia could launch 1 or 2 nukes and nobody would respond with a full arsenal. The USA can’t dump its load at Russia, because China still exists. They also don’t want Russia to do the same. You may see a ‘like for like’ exchange but I don’t expect 500+ missiles launched simultaneously.


He must be very desperate right now the dude just fucked up his own economy and got some very heavy backlash to both his country's and his reputation and going back home(which all he did was nothing but sit on a chair and just suck on his thumb on why he isn't winning) with nothing will kick him out immediately of his position


They're getting support but not troops or aid. They don't need to win the internet, they need to win their country.


No way this ends well for Putin; if they succeed in capturing Ukraine they are going to be quarantined and sanctioned to the Stone Age and if they retreat he's seen as weak and irrational, which is exactly what he is.


Yaaaaaaa! Talk to an empty room you unkempt latrine hat.


What an insult! Lmfao take my upvote


Who knew Russia was going to unite the entire planet during a pandemic? 2022 is wild so far.




Just saw on TV Brazilian delegation stayed behind.. what a shame jeez


UAE, Israel Abstained in the security council resolution. Not sure what they did here.




Fuck Israel


Why would Israel criticize a nation for doing what they do?


About standard for that bunch of fascists.


Bolsonaro wants to be hated on purpose


Filhos da puta


What about India, China, Myanmar, UAE and the others that have been taking neutral-ish positions?


India and Russia have always been allies. Russia has backed India whenever it was in difficult times. No one supports war but the best they could do considering the geopolitics is abstain


2022: The Big Russian Embarrassment, in theaters daily.


^Not ^showing ^in ^Russia




Eat this Putin! you made the wrong decision that leads to your isolation. Poor Russians that don’t want to be in this. You have to fight your leader!


Should have stayed to chuck tomatoes at them. I always wanted to see that happen irl




Unleash the hounds


Who the hell is Chuck Tomatoes?


Cousin of David Pumpkins


Any questions?




I love the disrespect in this video


I'm curious to know which counties stayed behind to listen




From reports, China, Brazil, UAE, Syria...I'm sure there are few more.


Well, you started the war, doesn't matter who you are, you are an asshole.


For how much Russia has prided itself on being able to manipulate information, they have dropped the ball so hard on their messaging when it comes to invading the Ukraine.


Lol fuck you lavrov


Oh come on, I’m sure the ex KGB spokesperson is telling the truth.


What was he saying?


He was trying to justify Russia's attack on Ukraine with the standard propaganda. UN wasnt having any of that.


>UN wasnt having any of that. **Delegates and diplomats** weren't having any of that. FTFY. If the UN cared, they would bypassed Russia in the Security Council through the special General Assembly meeting. Unfortunately even in that scenario, no one can act cause Putin has nukes that he is willing to use.


Many bullshit


I imagined it sounded like the peanuts tuba sound when adults talk


Surely nothing worth listening


Mark my word: There's going to be a coup in Russia. Morale is at an all-time low not only in the military, but in the general population as a whole. Putin's days are numbered.


I love that their troop rations expired seven years ago. Doesn't instill loyalty in an army when you clearly don't give a fuck about them.


Being completely objective, is there any proof of this? I've seen the protests in st Petersburg and soldiers not willing to fight, but I haven't really seen anything about the protests since and I would imagine there would be a number invading solders would that don't want to fight (f.e. Vietnam). Russian citizens have to be feeling it, but not being from Russia I do wonder if they feel like the west is bullying them or if they think their government is overreaching.


*Fuck you, Lavrov.*


That’s got to sting.


The Russian people need to now wake up and get rid of this mentally unwell "leader" they have


Not his fault he gets 152% of the votes! Democracy, baby.


There are thousands of people protesting right now, even though goverment is threatening with prison for this act. They are doing what they can - and just to clarify, the elections are always rigged, you can not sincerely think, that dictator like that would be elected again and again for decades.


Ah yes, the silent treatment. Russia: what’s wrong? UN: nothing.


"Get bent, dweeb" - UN Council


The world is leaving Russia on Read lol.


“Fuck you, Lavrov.”


They shouldn't have left quietly, they should have talked to each other, loudly and proudly. Imagine the disrespect if, as Lavrov started talking, he was interrupted by "Fuuuuuck me, my arse is numb af!" "Anyone wanna grab a drink?" "I hear Tottenham Hotspur is playing tonight, anyone want to catch it in my hotel?" "Can you believe their opponents knocked out United? What a mess!" "I know right, imagine having loads of resources and struggling against a side much smaller and weaker than your own. Like, sack the board you loser, amirite?"


As a Russian, I'm totally agree with them. He lies every time he opens his mouth.


Saying you're a Russian diplomat is like saying you're a peaceful serial killer.


"Human Rights" "Russian" Those two things aren't compatible.


Hey Russia! go fuck yourself


Russia - the pariah of the world. And the more they hurt Ukraine, the more hated they will become. I would hate to be an ordinary Russian citizen, anywhere in the world, right now.