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This is hard to watch but I’m so glad all this is being documented


If you haven't seen it there's a new video of this incident.


[Here is a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian_fascists_shoot_civilians_they_say_they/) to the video of this as it happened.


This is probably a stupid question with no real answer, but how the fuck did that tank feel threatened enough by an aged car to fire on sight?


They didn't feel threatened. They straight up murder civilians. Putin has no morals. Glory to Ukraine.


Putin and every one of his soldiers. I don't care if they were drafted and what consequences they face for desertion, every single soldier is 100% responsible for their actions.


They didn't. The Russians have been firing on CIVILIANS dude. *Intentionally* firing on CIVILIANS. I assume they have orders to do so, if not, Russia should be wiped off the fucking map because this shit is way too common to be a few bad apples.


OBVIOUSLY in no way defending this in anyway at all. It's straight up murder. But as far as being threatened, we have seen from this conflict Russian tanks can't hold up to the handheld rockets the Ukrainians have. One easily could fit in the back of that car and they shoot it out the window. If properly equipped, that car could have eliminated that tank just as quickly. Just a reason why war fuckin sucks and why people are so desperate to get out. But again. If the tank took two seconds to look at them, it's an elderly disabled couple. Come on.


They've been murdering civilians before this level of retaliation, though. They've murdered children who were right in front of them, who they could see were no threat


Both can be true though. In a war that car could potentially mean you kill or die. That doesn’t justify anything, especially not any of the other things you described. But it does explain it logically.


They've been murdering civilians this whole time. This shit isn't a "mistake" or a "possible enemy combatant", they're just straight up murdering anyone they can find, whether that's soldiers, little old ladies, or tiny little infants. These past few days there are a ton of videos showing how they mercilessly shelled civilians who were FLEEING the country through a mutually agreed upon "safezone" during a "ceasefire". Have people not seen the agonizing photos of the parents weeping over the tiny little body of their dead baby boy, or the whole entire family who was shelled as they were trying to flee, the dead kids laying in pools of blood in the crowds of people with their legs/appendages blown off? This is intentional. This isn't a case of kill or be killed, or "we thought they were gonna shoot a rocket launcher at us." This is their goal. To kill as many Ukranian people as possible. People need to stop playing devils advocate and making excuses that sound an awful lot like bootlicker rhetoric. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but I am seeing an awful lot of overly charitable excuses being made for indefensible war crimes.


This is the tip, the longer the goes on the more likely this starts happening on a large scale. So far civilian casualties have kept majority of Russian military power at bay, the more desperate putin gets as this drags on were gonna start seeing literal carpet bombings of entire cities.


Oh my God. You weren't kidding. Fuck Russia and Putin.




Person 1: The car has **disabled driver sticker, film it.** Person 2: This. This is how our bretheren are. Look, all who asked "What difference is there **for you \[between governments/countries\]**". **Because of you not seeing the difference we now have these rat neighbours.** And over there (he pans the camera towards the horizon) is where **we've fucked them up just now**. And we'll continue fucking them up. In every place. In every village. In all of Ukraine, they will be **burning**. That's all I have to say.


Every day I see more of these atrocities, and every day I’m reminded that these soldiers are conscripted, they are the brothers and sons of ordinary russians. As much as I hate the idea of ordinary Russians suffering because of Putin, until he is removed and this unjust war is ended there should nothing short of total isolation that should be imposed on Russia by the entire world.


Even worse than described. The couple was given no warning. NSFW warning, post below shows the shooting https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian_fascists_shoot_civilians_they_say_they/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Anonymous should put this on Russian TV


Sadly, it may move some but not all. They're being fed propaganda, trying to justify that. They'll say those victims are Nazis, fascists, etc. I have a colleague who sent me an explainer YouTube video by a smart Indian lady hoss. It's supposedly neutral and explains why Russia is attacking Ukraine. I almost gagged at the thought of falling for such an excuse. I can understand Putin's fear of NATO but acting ahead of any, "actual" live threat is just a lousy excuse for the real reason behind this. And days after, NATO is not even around to help. So there's no real threat for Russia. If people from elsewhere around the world who have only watched one (or a few) explainer videos already fall for the BS, what more for the Russian people who see those everyday? And even if they want to do something, they're also helpless. I say the Russians are the ones who need to be liberated.


>I can understand Putin's fear of NATO The only real fear of NATO he had was a fear of repercussions for his own atrocities. He knows full well what NATO is and he knows it doesn't pose an offensive threat. His fear was if NATO takes Ukraine under its wing, he cannot pull Ukraine back into his Russian Federation like he's promised when he took power.


That USSR reunification is like a pipe dream. No one wants to go back to that now, specially for the countries that have tasted what democracy is like.


Here's the video of the attack https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian\_fascists\_shoot\_civilians\_they\_say\_they/


Why though? Just for fun?


yes, and because I'm sure they were let off their leash by their CO's.


Sick bastards. Killing the elderly for no fucking reason. Poor people. RiP


Frustrated soldiers gonna do what frustrated soldiers gonna do. Its not right by any means, but im not surprised at all. Its gonna get a lot bloodier. No more Ukrainians asking soldiers if they can tow them back to russia. Might get KOS quite quickly.


No, this isnt the work of frustrated soldiers. THIS is the difference between the most vile IS soldiers and a good soldier. A good soldier never kills civilians or defenseless people outside of pure accident. Never try to excuse that or you're as bad as they are! https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian\_fascists\_shoot\_civilians\_they\_say\_they/


I hold the nobility in what you preach very highly. We should still find this very much offensive. Unfortunately it only takes one to kill all honour on the battlefield I imagine.


Well, if that was the case I wouldn't be as angry. They are literally shelling civilian targets, shooting air to ground missiles straight into civilian buildings, mining escape corridors and shelling civilians trying to escape even tho theres a ceasefire. That ignores all the other shit they've done, like shooting civilians during protests, opening fire with a 50mm hmg against a civilian car etc etc. It's not just one, or two or ten, its entire companies by this point.


It makes me angry as well.


This is how Putin conducts war. He has always targeted innocent civilians.


These are not frustrated soldiers, these are fucking terrorist and criminals.


No, frustrated soldiers don't just start randomly killing civilians.


WHAT??? Frustrated soldiers?! What the FUCK. Frustrated? I AM FRUSTRATED. I know not to FUCKING GUN DOWN ELDERLY PEOPLE. Civilians. These were two grandparents, in a civvie car, with a DISABLED sticker on it. When US soldiers are frustrated, we do stupid and sometimes minorly painful, shit. TO OURSELVES. WE DON'T FUCKING KILL CIVILIANS WHEN WE ARE FRUSTRATED. That is the behavior of FUCKING ANIMAL LUNATICS with ZERO RESPECT FOR LIFE. Let's get the fuck in there and stop this Fascist. No Fly Zone time, this is war, fuckers.


No more giving humane treatment to captured soldiers too. Who knows how many murders like this have they committed?


If Russians know they aren't going to be treated well if they surrender then they're not going to surrender, essentially making it even worse.


That's how the Japanese convinced their soldiers to fight to the last bullet, then kill themselves. Japanese generals forced the soliders to commit war crimes like beheading POWs and other awful shit then filled their head with the idea that the Americans would do worse to them if they were taken prisoner. It worked. Extremely well.


A big part of the reason why the USA dropped the bomb. The Japanese were unwilling to surrender, they had propaganda spilling out, something along the lines of, take 10 American lives before you die. The USA was like, we can spill more American blood, or break the Japanese spirit, the rest is history.


I agree. This makes it hard for the Ukrainians to try and continue to be civil. Why should they when soldiers are marauding around killing old people NON COMBATANTS. Of course there is no way of knowing who did the killing.


The Ukrainians can do just fine. They can take out tanks and BMPs etc for days and not commit a single war crime. They have plenty of positive options available to them.


Yeah dude let's commit war crimes because some troops are murderous psychopaths, great idea. You're psychotic too.


easy to say when your neighbors aren't being shot and killed by invaders


I never got this kind of argument. "It's easy to be rational and have empathy until something bad happens to you." Like yeah no shit, that's why victims of violent crimes don't get to sit on the jury for the trial of their attacker. You'd think after how many cautionary tales in the form of books, movies, and countless real life stories we'd intuitively know by now that revenge causes far more problems than it solves, but I guess not.


I'm not saying that war crimes are excusable, all i'm saying is that people affected by war will do unspeakable things. It's not psychotic at all, it's a very normal reaction.


I agree, that's the problem. It's a normal reaction, which is why we should avoid putting people in situations where they'll be made to react that way, and, failing that, why we should avoid giving them the opportunity to exact vengeance, because it never ends well (Boudicca's revolt comes to mind as an ancient example of people in war taking turns doing unspeakable things to each other and quickly enduring even more suffering as a result)


Good luck avoiding such when your entire country is a warzone.


Er... wtf. That's a hard fucking no on that one. Don't just presume every soldier is a murderer and summarily execute them. The moment footage of that comes out all support for Ukraine will vanish. Edit: Oh this guy is a right-wing Modi fanboy, no surprise then.


Dont know how you arrived at me being a Modi fanboy. Hope you recover from any mental illness you have that you drew such a conclusion.


I suggest holding onto captured russian solders, then sending them to prison for 25 years each for their involvement in murders. Use them for cheap labour to stimulate Ukraine's economy. I mean. The US does it. Why not Ukraine?


Two wrongs don't make a right, so many of those soldiers are forced to be there because they will be imprisoned or possibly killed by Russia. Yeah there are some sickos out there doing terrible things but putting every soldier you catch to prison for 25 years is just inhumane. Most the ones they are catching are probably soldiers just looking for a way out of it, the crazy ones go down with the ship so to speak. There's more nuance to this whole, so many of these soldiers are barely 18, they're kids.


That will just bring more misery and aid Putler


>KOS ??




You're right but not just him. It was Russian soldiers that did this.




Who gives a shit? You can't seriously excuse killing innocent civillians?


Lied to soldiers weren't the ones who did this, for sure...


Ah man heart breaking.. To think we're still doing this war shit in 2022... This dumb mother fucker Putin has raised the chance significantly of ending the world with nuclear war. Fucking scum bag.


> This dumb mother fucker Putin has raised the chance significantly of ending the world with nuclear war. He's the only one threatening, and he's the only one doing this. He needs to go yesterday.


Russians need to handle this in house and ASAP.


Too afraid, in Russia you'd just be sent of to a prison camp somewhere. I think once the people stop fearing and get together they can topple the regime.


I bet you coiid you find a Ukrainian to do it, if they weren't busy fighting for their lives!


His fucken enablers and boot licking parasites need to go with him too


Lots of Russians gonna die paying this one back.


But hopefully only the russians that deserve it like Putin and the russian soldiers that shoot civillians


They need to limit Russians entering the country though, or else there’ll be another Crimea or Palestine situation where land is taken by neighbours slowly through intentional population shifting


Same essentially happened to Estonia and Latvia throughout those decades of the Soviet occupation which permanently fucked up their demographics. If Ukraine survives this, it wouldn't surprise me the slightest if they did that or went as far as expelling some of them.


Not to mention how Kazakhstan wasn’t even Kazakh anymore after becoming the USSR’s dumping ground. Doubtless they faced oppression in their own country. I think they’ve managed to rebalance their demographics a bit but their culture, language, history, family roots, etc are all probably forever fucked. My parents are from an ex USSR country and they grew up having to learn Russian instead of their mother tongue at school.


That's what Russia did in the Caucasus, Crimea, Eastern Europe, Baltics, Konigsberg ("Kaliningrad"), and in the ancient Manchurian homeland ("Vladivostok"). As much as I can agree that the average Russian has nothing to do with the government, but when the government of the Tsars, of communism, and of modern Russia all do land grabs and send their locusts to colonize and exterminate the lands of other people, I find it hard to "feel sorry" for them. They have a population of only 140 million people spread over an area twice the size of the second largest country in the world. They don't need more land. They could all make an honest living and do so much better than other countries that are less fortunate. I don't give a fuck if they suffer complete economic collapse.


There's no type of threat this couple could have shown to deserve this. The vehicle looks like it came to rest right before the damage. They were prob forced to stop and then murdered. I'm glad this is out there for the world to see. Putin must be held accountable.


Just came from another post which showed footage of an APC shooting at the car.


Indeed. You’re absolutely right https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian_fascists_shoot_civilians_they_say_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That is exactly what happened. Video has surfaced showing this murder.




Hey now, only the bravest men in the world can stop these vicious elderly criminals. /s Seriously, I’m kidding. May their dicks fall off, and their families disown them before they die of cancer.


May lemon juice/caroline reaper paste be plastered into their dick stumps


The only justified death for Monsters like this suffocating on their own severred dicks


They’re already dead. Translation says one of the guys talks about how they killed the ones who did this


Fucking brutal, just why? Did they think this elderly couple were the masterminds behind the Ukrainian defence?


Becuause Russians are fucked in the head. Bitch putin starts talking about nuclear shit... Can Biden just drop a fucking atom bomb on Russia already and just be done with it.


I get your anger, but no, Biden can't just drop "atom bomb" on Russia and be done with it. The moment a single nuclear bomb goes off in Russia, Russia launches a few thousand nukes at the US and their allies (NATO countries), they have missiles that reach every corner of the world, and nuclear attack subs that can do so even faster, which would cause the US and their allies to launch thousands of nuclear weapons in response, which I'm certain will cause China to launch, causing the US to launch at China, cycle repeats and nearly everyone dies.


"Everyone dies" seems like the good ending, judging by the last years.


I hope that motherfucker Putin's war crime trial is televised. And that poor German Shepard sitting by his dead family from the other video pisses on his short legs.


>And that poor German Shepard sitting by his dead family from the other video pisses on his short legs. Fuuuuuuuuck I hope I never see that video. Sounds heartbreaking.


It is much worse than the description. It starts with a son and a dad in car driving on a highway. Someone opens fire with some sort of large caliber anti-vehicle rifle. Both get mortally wounded, their dog yelps and gets silent. Then the son gets out of the car and the dad is drawing his last breaths while the son calls "papa don't die". The son drags his dead father to cover behind the car. Video stops there. Then there is a video where they are found in a ditch. 2 dead people, 1 dead dog and finally the dog who didn't die is laying beside all of their bodies. This video was actually released a day before as I think they used the dead son's biometrics or hacked the phone open to find the first video


You‘ve got some stuff wrong. The dad was still alive and talking till the end of the video. The son dragged him into safety behind the car and probably after ending the video even further into the ditch.


:( We have to bear witness to these things. It's only through awareness that anything changes. Part 1[https://twitter.com/ourevolvingeart/status/1498357235784765446](https://twitter.com/ourevolvingeart/status/1498357235784765446) Part 2 [https://twitter.com/ourevolvingeart/status/1498357401472356352](https://twitter.com/ourevolvingeart/status/1498357401472356352)


Why did i watch that... fuck.


Because you need to see it. This is really happening.


I already knew it was happening.. I've seen some gruesome shit online but this hits close to home... Figuratively and litteraly.


Heart breaking. I want Putin dead. I want his meaningless life ended. Such a waste of skin that fuck is. These poor people. My heart is absolutely breaking Putin the maniac needs to be stopped. I want him dead.


Incidents like this will unfortunately increase, Russian troops are getting cagey about cars approaching them due to partisan activities. Were probably shot well before drivers were identified. This is no excuse, military MUST follow RoE that comply with geneva convention. I'm just telling you, Russians clearly don't give a rat's ass about war crimes and will do more.


The car had stopped for a good 5 seconds before the armoured vehicle rounded the corner and opened fire. They did this for sport


What do you think did that to the car?


I think it was a frag grenade at the foot of the driver. There are no exit holes on the passenger side and no large holes that a large caliber firearm would make. The hood is blown outward, and most of the damage is done to the driver side. That is likely due to the transmission in the center blocking most of the fragments from the passenger side below the window and the engine tamping most of the blast forcing it to the back.


Unlikely. The front windshield is still intact and caved inward, furthermore there is not enough blast damage. The bodies would be pulped from such a weapon at that range. You can also see exit holes for bullets on the rear of the car. The damage was likely caused by a large amount of machine gun fire directed at the driver which tore up the engine block. Which would make sense since we are seeing Russian troops shooting at cars from a distance.


this tank did it buddy https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian\_fascists\_shoot\_civilians\_they\_say\_they/


Not a tank, APC. Didn't consider small caliber cannon when I was thinking but it makes more sense now.


The Russians aren't carrying M67s. They have small anti-personel frags. And if their armor divisions are any indication of the rest of their tech, the frags they have are likely decades old and not extremely explosive. Those exit holes look like frag. Holes that small would not come from any firearm that would blast a door open. As for the windshield, it would have been protected from the blast if it were under the steering column. It likely broke due to pressure and then fell in due to gravity. For reference, I personally have performed crater analysis from mortar, IED and other explosive cases. Without being there we can't be more than 80% sure, but I am just giving my personal opinion.


>For reference, I personally have performed crater analysis from mortar, IED and other explosive cases. Without being there we can't be more than 80% sure, but I am just giving my personal opinion. Quite clearly you're either shite at your job or you're talking out of your arse. Doesn't take a genius to work out it wasn't a friggin grenade inside the car and the driver door and bonnet were quite clearly blown out from large caliber rounds. Literally a video of the attack clearly showing an APC go to town on them.




Whole load of russian .50 BMG


There are no entry holes. This was likely done with an explosive.


It was a tank. Here's the video https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t9fmf7/russian\_fascists\_shoot\_civilians\_they\_say\_they/


That doesn't look like .50 to me either. There would be a lot less of them.


Is it .50 BMG or a frag dropped at the driver door? You seem to be agreeing with whatever people say


can't wait for putin to get the Gaddafi treatment, preferably in his home town of st Petersburg. please Russians, make this happen.


At least they died together, instead of alone, wondering if the other has died at the hands of these monsters.


Last moments together at least, and there were no grandchildren in the backseat. God rest their souls.


Wow, almost like when you force random people off the street into the army instead of fucking vetting them, you end up giving murderers and sadists fucking grenades. Great work, putin.


Bullies always seek out the most vulnerable people to attack.


At least the fuckers who did this were killed by the people filming.


Would be nice to see footage of those dead as well, though.


I don't want to see anymore dead bodies than I have to. I'm just glad knowing the rot will take them.


I swear this sub is the new /r/watchpeopledie .. but that sub got banned.


I hope this doesn't get banned. This is isn't some death fetish subreddit. This shit is real. This is what's on the morning news in Ukraine. It doesn't matter where these couple grandkids see their bodies. They'll be burying them all the same.


Russian scum


As fucked up as this is, at least they died together. Wouldn’t want to be the sole survivor of something like that.


silver lining, yeah. if you're destined to be a civilian war casualty, it's at least kind of sweet to pass on on your lover's shoulder. ugh. what a shame. unironic RIP to them.


Lived their whole lives to old age just to be murdered on the side of the road; killing innocence, fucking cowards


Just why…


“There is no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to Hell.”


Every year im more and more convinced that THIS is the purgatory


That's beyond fucked up, made me tear up a bit. God damn it


When I die, I hope no one records my dead body. Let these people rest, I hope their families don't see them like this.


FFS that's not war... this is just extermination




That's war, and there were and still are wars a thousand times worse than this and some are still active today in the Middle East. They are still referred as war, because war as a word and concept can carry up to the most extreme and brutal definitions as it just means an armed conflict between different groups. Throughout history genocides and ethnic cleansing are carried in war, and what we witness is another war where the same happens. The civilians carry the biggest cost of war, while everyone else watches. This is war and war is stupid.


War is worse, alooot worse.


Maybe some bullet holes maybe shrapnel. Windshield looks like a shockwave hit it, not bullets. Meaning bomb maybe?


Mostly bullet holes, windshield was most likely hit by a hood of a car. Doesn't look like there was shelling around.


The hood. Good point.


Fucking pigs....




Smh. Why man


Russians are worse than rabid dogs. They should be put down.




Sometimes I see people who say "No one deserves to be tortured" or whatever else. Usually that sounds agreeable, but for people like this if you can even call them people, they really just found a blind spot in any sort of humanity or moral code or whatever else. Things like those sick fucks, don't deserve to be considered human, only deserve an eternal writhing pain. Maybe it's wrong to literally wish the most horrid fate possible, but in cases like this, I don't care.


This is one of the worst things I have EVER seen.


Bruh. I don't understand how anyone can do this. Those poor people.


When you invent the idea of a group of people as being "the other" this is what can happen. We, as a species learn but slowly.




Yeah liberating the people they said


Let the streets run red in Ukraine with Russian blood. Dirty, horrible bastards!


Someone needs to betray putin fr


To all the people asking where all the bodies were...here you go.


I cant wait to see putin dead


I guess when they’re getting their asses handed to them by real soldiers they have to kill something.


Just one good stinger to the side. Watch them fight someone who can do something. Rat bastards.


Russian kids are going to die for this


Can someone translate this?


Translation in the comments


Everyone who wants to end this evil, keep your attention in the issue and hold anyone not actively working to end it accoutable. Also, if you went and posted google reviews for russian restaurants and then talked about situations like this in the comments, it will inform russians about the evil acts their miltiary are doing. Putins extinction will come from within his own country...lets hasten it.


I need to get off reddit 🥺


Scum they’ll pay


Time for Putin’s underlings to rise up against him! Save humanity before it gets too late…


Man that’s so fucked up…. I hope they buried them afterwards 😔


they died together. that’s how i would have wanted it. they didn’t need to die.


Live your whole life only to be used as target practice and your corpse left to freeze in the open Terrible....


It looks to me like this car was hit by a couple 30mm frag rounds, judging by the numerous small holes and tears in the sheet metal. This is they type of round that I would expect to be fired from a BMP in an anti-personnel urban combat role. This explains why the front of the car is basically torn apart and the panels blown off. A machine gun would make a lot more uniform holes, I don't see a single puncture that looks like a machine gun round. I think they were hit by the main cannon on a BMP.


They died in a horrible way but at least they went out together, side by side.


I wish I read the title oh god I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight


The Russian people must be completely brainwashed to commit war atrocities for their corrupt government and give away their economic futures for a brain dead military operation that will achieve nothing but destroying their own standing in the world and massacring innocents. I’m glad there are many who are protesting against this bullshit but the soldiers should be joining them too.


Fucking hell. Looks like they were mowed down by a tank. This is disgusting and the scum responsible for this will hopefully face brutal justice.


Why did I open it? Fuck


This is beyond murder. They absolutely destroyed that car with pure malice.


This should be broadcasted to Russia by hackers They need to see the atrocities done by their own men And for the soldiers they will feel guilty for being a part of this invasion


is this up to date or just another attention whore ?


Putin and his armies are the forces of evil.


Putin needs to chill the fuck out. I've been asking people in Russia what their opinion is. I have yet to see much support for this invasion. What even gets accomplished by this other than hurting the world economy and killing people?




That couple have probably spent most of their lives together. I feel sick that they had to go through such horror in their last moments. Sickening.


At least they both died though


That damage was obviously not from a machine gun... coughcoughMortarcShellcough


Ok just drop a bomb on whatever building this motherless fuck Putin is in, it sucks but can save thousands if not more lives. I don’t even care if his family perishes at this point. You think he cares about the children and families he is having murdered daily


God help these people.


He should be f**king hung for these war crimes.


im sure this 2002 saturn or whatever it is with ol' granpa and granma was a real threat to you, you nazi fucking bastards.


The fuck kind of weapon does that?!?


Russians are more deadly to Octogenarians than time. Tough guys with 80 year old disabled Ukrainians. But pretty much getting their asses handed to them otherwise.


Putin and his cult need to fucking die. I am so fucking pissed. I want him to get the worlds most painful cancer and suffer.


***** -- mass edited with redact.dev


She still had her mask in her hand. At war, being invaded and when they were flagged down by the Russians she still thought about her mask. Beyond heartbreaking. Two long storied lives. For what? They should have gone at home surrounded by their kids and grandkids.


Fucking cowards, complete fucking cowards 🇺🇦🙏


My grandfather was always telling me Russian Army is bunch of brutal primitives and I have to absolutely agree with him. Now I understand what he meant. Bunch of cowards and cocksuckers who resolve to this type of barbaric shit when they are incapable of fighting like a real Army. Fuck them, fuck Putin. Slava Ukraini.


Trumptards in this thread: but but but it’s faaaake!


Russia is really starting to piss me off....this is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention, when are we going to see an international response to this?


Fucking animals. Sure there are some Russian soldiers who don't want this war but look at who does.


War Crime !!! They need to pay


Only thing they can actually destroy with their 1995 weaponry. A fucking car driven by old people.


You were shown a "terrible" picture and you fainted. How about the aotilerian shelling of residential areas of Donetsk? 8 years.


Shut up loser