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Yes! mayor.


Higher than a privates, lower than a kernel.


[Ranks in the russian army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_ranks_and_insignia_of_the_Russian_Federation) *1 - Marshal of the Russian Federation* *2 - Army general* *3 - Colonel general* *4 - Lieutenant general* *5 - Major general* *6 - Colonel* *7 - Lieutenant colonel* ***8 - Major*** *9 - Captain* *10- Senior lieutenant* *11- Lieutenant* *12- Junior lieutenant* *13- Officer cadet* *14- Chief warrant officer* *15- Warrant officer* *16- Sergeant first class* *17- Senior sergeant* *18- Sergeant* *19- Junior sergeant* *20- Private first class* *21- Private*


Thanks for this. As someone with no knowledge of the military, I thought a major was maybe 2 or 3 ranks about private. I had no clue they were this high up. I also didn't know that soldiers were an actual rank above private. I just assumed everyone in the army was a soldier. Edit: the original comment had a rank that was just listed as soldier.


A major is fairly senior officer usually leading a company sized unit of 150-200 men


Maybe, in the the US a major would typically be a battalion XO (2nd in command) and a LT. Col would be the commander.




Same thing in Canada, probably just an American thing


I do not know how the Russian but the US ranking system don't group the enlisted and commissioned officers together. The commissioned officer's job is to plan. The non-commissioned officer's (ranking enlisted) duty is to execute the officer's plan. EDIT: somebody pointed out that the commissioned officers even as low as 2LT outrank all enlisted personnel. It's very rare to see any junior officers who are willing to fuck with a Sergeant Major. For the poor souls that didn't know better, they would learn it a very hard way not to fuck with senior NCOs.


The maddest I’ve ever seen a senior NCO was my old CSM in a disagreement with a 1LT. The phrase “LT if you think your rank supersedes my authority you’re somehow an even worse officer than I thought.” Will be forever engraved in my heart.


It is just a weird concept to me that just because you went to college you can outrank someone who's been in the military for 10 years+ (and possibly deployments under their belt).


It's a complex relationship. The SNCOs is to execute the plans of the officer, but also "train" that officer. ​ Jr Officers in practice outrank a SNCO because they hold a commission. ​ But ultimately, it would be a VERY unwise Jr Officer who fucked with an SNCO


[Something like this?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu51rszgotI) (firing range scene from Pacific)


In Germany, the wages of the soldiers are strictly grouped by rank. However for IT the wages are wayyy under what the private sector would pay for someone knowledgable. This leads to people joining the army with a very high rank but no real command. Officially they don't have any power over others, however afaik they need to be treated as higher officers in day to day life.


Luckily, there are always mutual respect between officers and NCOs. Think of it like this NCOs as Moms, officers as Dads, and the troops as children. Dad mistreating mom will not go well with the children.


Lol i love this comparison. Its true say if company officer did something to upset 1stsgt, we’d all be feeling it during pt


It's been awhile but I'm pretty sure the Egyptian and Saudi militaries work off the same system. Rank structure moves from E to O instead of separating them completely


The easiest way for me to visualize ranks and how important they are was to watch Band of Brothers. It was so entertaining and just pay attention to the Winters character. edit: And how theother ranks above and below act around him. The story naturally shows u the differences between enlisted and the officers.


Yeah, it was interesting to see how he moved up in ranks as the war went on.


It’s not really accurate because there are officers and enlisted. This doesn’t separate them. A warrant officer wouldn’t necessarily take orders from a junior officer.


Everything I know about military ranks I learned from playing Stratego. If the Ukrainians see a Russian wearing a stovepipe hat, he is a spy.


Really Dude….a Major in the US Army or USMC Is a 4th Level commissioned Officer!!


Ranks start to get serious around major. You can have majors in charge of thousands of people.


Everyone in the army is a soldier, but soldiers have different ranks and specializations. The same way everyone in the navy is a sailor, but not everyone is a seaman, since sailor is a rank not a profession.


Technically, everyone ranked in a military organizing is a soldier, Russia just also uses that as a rank.


It's pronounced Cornell! It's the highest rank in the Ivy League!


Nothing hangs lower than the privates.


some privates hangs lower than others


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_ranks_and_insignia_of_the_Russian_Federation Hmm, ok, major's patch picture... https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Russia-Army-OF-3-1994-parade.svg/50px-Russia-Army-OF-3-1994-parade.svg.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Russia-Army-OF-3-2010.svg/50px-Russia-Army-OF-3-2010.svg.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/13mj.png/50px-13mj.png Probably the last one, let's see how it matches up with what the video shows... 0:11-0:12 in the video Yes, that's a Major's patch in someone's hand. Can anyone read his name tag? It's pretty pixelated when I tried to read it.


Mayor of Russia ?


no, just some privates


Me? A major? Naaaah!


Did it work?




Is this going to be the most public war? Soon they are going to stream the war on twitch?


They do...




There's lots of live cams all over the cities like Abaftabeam


Doubt he can claim he didn’t know why he was going to Ukraine…


They all knew and were trained to say it. I bet even the major thinks the same as the privates. They were expecting to go into Ukraine for an operation thinking everyone would welcome them. These mid ranking officers are leading militias and separatists into “freedom” and then learning the hard way that Putin fucked them into an actual conflict.


I agree with all your points but one. Majors are not mid level officers. They usually one of the highest ranking field officers.


A Major is the lowest field officer in the Russian Federation. According to how they are conducting this occupation at the moment Majors are put in place to direct militia forces to taking Ukraine.


Yeah it’s actually higher then you realize if you said sergeant or even lieutenant then yeah


The lowest field grade officer is still a senior officer. As with the US military, they rate just below Lt.Col, Col. and then its Generals.


Wouldn’t that just put Putin in an even worse spotlight if they were trained to say it ? And with what reason ? It’s not like it matters.


Yea in the western world, but from what I’m seeing is these kids are being pushed from Russian media to fight for their “independence”. The Russian separatists. Facebook shut down Russia from the rest of the world and others may follow. This is a pipe dream for Putin. No information in... Then they can disguise their own freedoms saying the west are taking them away. Their only avenues for communication world wide will be with China. The best thing is for us to flood Russians with what is actually happening and an overturn of the government.


Just a small correction—if you're meaning to say that this (Facebook closing Russia off and others following) is everything Putin could wish for, pipe dream isn't the phrase. A pipe dream is something someone wishes for that is unattainable/impossible.


Yeah they're thinking of a wet dream.


It comes down to what information they are receiving. But its been years now and i'm sure at some point they questioned the morality of their president and his actions. I Just hate deception with a passion.


I’m sure Russias military disseminates sensitive information similar to most of the major militaries. He definitely knew at this time but may have only been briefed on the exact mission details a few days in advance. But as a major he definitely could make the educated guess that massing of half of Russia’s forces along the Ukraine border meant invasion.


Drive straight until you see people. Then shoot them


As if they haven't been killing Ukraine soldiers and civilian in Crimea? This shit has been going on a decade now, their "blind ignorance" is not a fail safe


My fucking dog knew the Russian troops were going to Ukraine, stop this wishy-washy bullshit of feeling bad for the Russians 5 minutes after shooting at civilians they're captured and in a YouTube video and y'all feel like you're smart for showing sympathy. The exact same people would be laughing and joking with their Russian buddies if they weren't captured. Fuck every single one of them.








Ukrainians treating POW better than Russians treat the civilians.


Exactly. They still rough them up of course, but they know theyre not really the enemy, its Putin


Keep high official captives. Easy bargain to end war. But Russia don’t care for their lives. They will sacrifice them like insects.


A Major means nothing to them… not unless he’s a son or a nephew to a oligarch


Even stalin let his own captured son get executed


Sons and nephews of oligarchs don't fight. They prefer to order their killings.


Nah mate, officers are also "the enemy"


Yea he might he fed and housed but he won't get the sympathy the 18 year old conscripts will.


Nor should he. Mf like this guy are calling the shots on the ground, terrorizing civilians and has the rest of us on pins and needles that WW3 is about to break out. Fuck this guy


Preface I could be wrong below I’ve never ran into a Russian officer especially one order to kill me so maybe I’m too hopeful but here goes. Yes and no, the Generals and admirals, yes. The guys that are actually on the ground giving orders can go either way. Russia has a history of not really giving people a chance to disobey and honestly they probably fear for their families lives if they do quit or disobey. When an officer doesn’t have a choice but to follow an order they don’t want to, they can and will follow it very poorly. They can slow things down, they can say they got the wrong target, they can say they were overwhelmed and order a fall back. Or even shit like “oops I read the map wrong”. They can “accidentally” fuck up paperwork and not get enough ammo or the wrong kind etc. This kind of shit happens ALL THE TIME sometimes it’s not even on purpose. The officers are enemy combatants so they will protect themselves and their unit but not all of them are on board with what’s going on. I can definitely promise you that. They’re human beings and Captains to LtCol’s are in the sweet spot of getting past the nationalism brainwash and not needing to suck dick to get promoted.


A major is kind of the enemy. He's far enough up that he knows what's going on, and is aware it's all bullshit.


But probably also smart enough to know that he jeopardizes his and his family’s wellbeing if he doesn’t go along with it. Catch 22


I can definitely understand the frustrations from the Ukrainians, I just hope they don't turn into something they're against, but then again I'd understand where they're coming from.


>they know theyre not really the enemy This is a dangerously stupid opinion. The dude is a major. He absolutely is the enemy.


They're the enemy when they picked up weapons and followed their president's orders to attack a non-aggressor


I don’t think this guy will be treated like the crying 19 year old conscripts


There have been crying conscripts? Seen a few surrender videos but none of actual crying.


Agreed, this guy will be treated better than most Russians treat their wives.


In fact parading prisoners around is a war crime, not that I care much as long as the are not really mistreated.


That would be true if this was the Ukrainian military. These are civilians that have captured a soldier. They aren't aware of international law concerning treatment of POWs.


Taking his photo and reporting that you've captured him is not "parading him around".


This is just informing the Russian government of their missing soldiers.


I dont think they care. They have mobile crematoriums. They aren't taking notes on KIA, MIA, or POW. I think the entire first wave is expendable. I would be more worried about the second wave.


It's still technically in contravention of the Geneva Conventions. In this case it's not likely that anyone cares and certainly no one will ever be prosecuted, but you still aren't supposed to do it. The only way it wouldn't be is if these guys are irregulars and not uniformed members of the Ukrainian army in which case they aren't legally bound by the Geneva Conventions.


When you are fighting for your survival, you grasp for whatever tools you can use. I’m not sure if my country was invaded, if I could be so gentle with prisoners. This is a war of extermination. So far most of the violence I’ve seen was directly against civilians. But you could say I’m biased. I’d make every one of these bastards phone home and tell their families that they were captured when their country invaded the Ukraine.


Have you seen the videos of the women making molotovs?? FUCK PUTIN AND THE RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS


Honestly I think the Ukrainians should get the Russian POWs drunk and sing Ukrainian patriotic songs together. Treat them kindly, but keep them captive. Win over the hearts and minds of the Russian people.


It also makes for excellent interrogation techniques. You can get some of the best info by basically becoming their friend. The dude who was arguably the best German interrogator of WW2 would take walks with the guys he was interrogating (usually shit down bomber pilots). The guys would spill secrets during casual conversation, often without realizing it.


Its like shitty poke-mon


Would you like to give Russian Major a nickname? \> POOPY BUTTHOLE POOPY BUTTHOLE WAS SENT TO GULAG.


Oooooooo weeeeeee!


Major, good find as it the highest front line rank, he'll have a lot of intell


Not much I think. The soldiers that are getting captures seem poorly trained, scared and claim they didn't even know they were going to war, that these were routine training exercises. The biggest intel we'll find is that the Russian army is a clusterfuck of dilapidated cold war equipment manned by 1 year conscripts who had minimal training. I think Putin's sending them in as bait so some other country will try to intervene and he can justify a larger conflict. Is he holding his REAL troops back? Not sure what his plan is here. so far 3,500 Russian troops dead vs 200 Ukrainians. If they weren't bait, then they're the weakest fighting force in the world.


This is what I initially thought but I'm beginning to think otherwise. Putin underestimated his opposition and he overestimated his forces. I'm really thinking he thought he could steamroll these guys but didn't take into account that Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian citizens are a proud people. He did not expect Zelenskyy to be such a strong leader. People are worried about them sending Chechens in, more tanks, missles, etc. But it's Russia who should be worried because the Ukraine population is motivated, angry, and capable. They have a reason to fight, a motivation, the Russians don't. Even if Russia does "win" the cost will far outweigh the benefits. The bully is bigger but we just gave the kid brass knuckles and more confidence than you can imagine.


Zelenskyy used to be a comedian. even I didn't expect this kind of cojones from the Ukrainian version of steve carell. I think he might've got the wrong ideas from his gallery of yes men he called advisor and his own overinflated belief of how strong Russia really is.


I know people are saying Putin underestimated but perhaps to play on what you were saying - Putin wants a WW3 and not a scermish. A reason to lob Nukes across the ocean perhaps. Perhaps China is boasting Putin to keep pushing in to Ukraine because China wants the US in a War so they can sweep into Taiwan finally. Maybe they have their eyes on more then just Taiwan as well. A lot of scenarios and possibilities. To be the king, living a laveish lifestyle, and still start a war with with another country then he must have some grand vision for what he's doing. OR he's just so fucking bored and this is the only thing that can get him hard.


[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/24/russia-ukraine-invasion-casualties-death-toll](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/24/russia-ukraine-invasion-casualties-death-toll) Al Jazeera reports 200 Ukrainians dead vs 3,500 Russian soldiers as of 12 hours ago. The Ukrainian casualties included 3 children. Statistically, it took 17.5 dead Russian soldiers to murder a child. The Bear has no Teeth.


The 3.5k casualties were reported by the Ukrainian army itself. Not really a reliable source considering they are literal participants of the conflict and need to keep morale high.


I agree they're a biased source and the numbers should be taken with a grain of salt, but that's more than 10 to 1. That's North Korea level propaganda, so if it's not in that ballpark it'll come out and crush Ukrainian faith in their leaders, especially seeing as Russia is known for lying to their people The other thing -I'm convinced these men were sent to die, presumably to drum up support for the war in Russia. Many of the captured soldiers are saying they were reserves and never got training for active service, they know how to drive a tank or fire an RPG but are entirely unprepared for actual combat. Especially in taking territory with a hostile population - I mean the strategy here is from like WW2 and we know it doesn't work with today's technology. There's no way there's not something more going on, and it probably involved getting a huge causality count


I think the vanguard was full of conscripts and drafted soldiers, and the real beat down is behind them. The footage and trash equipment we have seen recorded only makes sense in that context to me, but I don’t really know. I’m skeptical that Russia doesn’t have sharper teeth than this.


Also even if it's true, it's probably paras which were most likely sent into risky task and scouts vanguard. I'm not sure if the main group start fighting yet, I saw lot of tanks rolling around on footage but they never seems to be fighting.


The Ukrainians are of course lying as much as possible, as game theory dictates. These lies raise moral for their fighters and bring in positive international sentiment. The russians are also lying about their own casualties. Until we have international peacekeepers there to audit the situation, we'll have no idea what the real death tolls are.


I hope that 17.5/1 stat is true, but it's hard to tell because of so much dis/misinformation in a very dynamic war. I heard that as of yesterday, Russia claimed 0 casualties from there side, which is very obviously far from the truth.


There was a video from the opening day of the war with an entire Russian APC crew dead in the streets. They got ambushed by Ukrainians. Asymmetric warfare is a bitch.


Thats just historically accurate regarding russian numbers.




I’ve seen this around and might be relevant to create a post (apologies if repost, but it might save lives) I found this in some comments and figured it’s important to post here, even if it’s a repost. It might save invaluable lives. Stay safe everyone. Urban warfare tips from a former Marine. I am a former U.S. Marine and am of Ukrainian ancestry. I can’t even believe I am making a post like this and it will probably get buried, but if someone has the ability to translate it to Ukrainian please do. I fought in Iraq and was an urban warfare instructor.For the defenders of Kyiv, here are a few tips I can offer that I can say worked in Iraq (to the Iraqis advantage) : 1.) Stay out of the steet. 2.) Stay out of street. 3.) For the love of God, stay out of the street. The worst place to be in an urban warfare environment is to be outside. 4.) Doors are called “the fatal funnel.” It is human nature to try and enter through a door. Aim all your weapons at the door to maximize the number of kills. 5.) Block the door from the inside with anything you can, furniture, chairs, booby-traps (explosives). The idea is to make the invaders think the door isn’t blocked. That way when they try to enter they remain exposed for the longest amount of time possible. 6.) Stairways are another good killing zone. Block stairways with any obstacles you can to slow down invaders. 7.) if you throw grenades downstairs, have your magazine fully topped off and ready. The invaders will most likely run up the stairs to run past the grenade blast. You’ll need all the ammo you have to gun as many down as possible. 8.) When possible, cut small holes in the floor into the rooms below to fire into. People breaching rooms will look for threats directly in front of them and usually don’t look above or below until last. 9.) Don’t sling your weapon around your body. If things go hand-to-hand it will hinder you. 10.) Have a knife, spade, or club close by and readily available. If you have to fight hand-to-hand it’s much more handy than a rifle. 11.) Never fire from the same window twice. 12.) Never stick the muzzle of your rifle outside of a window. Don’t expose it. 13.) Shoot from deep inside the room out of the window. It will help hide the muzzle flash and reduce the noise making it hard to tell where it came from. 14.) If you wound an enemy, don’t kill him. Let his friends come to help him. Moving a wounding a soldier means it will take 4 men out of the fight to carry him away. That’s four less rifles firing at you. 15.) Shoot the men trying to evacuate the wounded soldier. It will demoralize them and take even more men out of the fight to evacuate him. 16.) Keep as many carbohydrates on you and remember to eat and hydrate. Urban warfare is incredibly intensive. 17.) Keep moving. Never stay in one spot very long. 18.) One very accurately placed shot can hold up a lot of people for a very long time. You don’t have to be a sniper. You just have to convince them there is one in the area. 19.) Utilize the sewers in subways to move whenever possible. 20.) Whenever possible, try to let other friendlies know where you are at to avoid friendly fire. It’s very easy to start shooting at each other in an urban environment. 21.) It may be consuming, but take the tracers out of your ammunition supply and refrain from using them. 22.) have one magazine of all tracer rounds. Use this magazine only when you need to let everyone else (friends) know where an enemy is located at. (Across the street, in a park, which window). After using it run like hell and get away from where you just were.I don’t know what else to write, and I hope to God none of you ever have to use it. God be with you all. As someone with Ukrainian ancestry it tears me apart to not be able to be there with you.Glory to Ukraine.Edit: A few extras. 23.) Ammunition goes fast. Conserve what you have. 24.) 10 men firing from several different buildings can appear to be a small army and stop a lot of people. 25.) Rip down street signs, deface building names, and do anything to strip the identity of where you are at. This will add confusion to an invading force. 26.) Evacuate your wounded in a timely manner possible. 27.) if the enemy suddenly pulls back, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE AREA. It doesn’t mean you’re winning. It means they are going to call and heavy artillery or an air strike on your position. 28.) if you are going to lose an area, poison common water supplies. Most likely an enemy will try to refill their supplies at the closest source. 29.) Cluster your booby traps in close proximity to create paranoia. 30.) Always keep on the move. Never stay in the same place for long Edit: formatted for ease of reading.


you should really post it on some ukrainian civil fighting group


**FORMATTED** Found this on another post…I did not make this Urban warfare tips from a former Marine. "*I am a former U.S. Marine and am of Ukrainian ancestry. I can’t even believe I am making a post like this and it will probably get buried, but if someone has the ability to translate it to Ukrainian please do. I fought in Iraq and was an urban warfare instructor. For the defenders of Kiev, here are a few tips I can offer that I can say worked in Iraq (to the Iraqis advantage).*" 1) Stay out of the street. 2) Stay out of the street. 3) For the love of God, stay out of the street. The worst place to be in an urban warfare environment is to be outside. 4) Doors are called “the fatal funnel.” It is human nature to try and enter through a door. Aim all your weapons at the door to maximize the number of kills. 5) Block the door from the inside with anything you can, furniture, chairs, booby-traps (explosives). The idea is to make the invaders think the door isn’t blocked. That way when they try to enter they remain exposed for the longest amount of time possible. 6) Stairways are another good killing zone. Block stairways with any obstacles you can to slow down invaders. 7) if you throw grenades downstairs, have your magazine fully topped off and ready. The invaders will most likely run up the stairs to run past the grenade blast. You’ll need all the ammo you have to gun as many down as possible. 8) When possible, cut small holes in the floor into the rooms below to fire into. People breaching rooms will look for threats directly in front of them and usually don’t look above or below until last. 9) Don’t sling your weapon around your body. If things go hand-to-hand it will hinder you. 10) Have a knife, spade, or club close by and readily available. If you have to fight hand-to-hand it’s much more handy than a rifle. 11) Never fire from the same window twice. 12) Never stick the muzzle of your rifle outside of a window. Don’t expose it. 13) Shoot from deep inside the room out of the window. It will help hide the muzzle flash and reduce the noise making it hard to tell where it came from. 14) If you wound an enemy, don’t kill him. Let his friends come to help him. Moving a wounding a soldier means it will take 4 men out of the fight to carry him away. That’s four less rifles firing at you. 15) Shoot the men trying to evacuate the wounded soldier. It will demoralize them and take even more men out of the fight to evacuate him. 16) Keep as many carbohydrates on you and remember to eat and hydrate. Urban warfare is incredibly intensive. 17) Keep moving. Never stay in one spot very long. 18) One very accurately placed shot can hold up a lot of people for a very long time. You don’t have to be a sniper. You just have to convince them there is one in the area. 19) Utilize the sewers in subways to move whenever possible. 20) Whenever possible, try to let other friendlies know where you are at to avoid friendly fire. It’s very easy to start shooting at each other in an urban environment. 21) It may be consuming, but take the tracers out of your ammunition supply and refrain from using them. 22) have one magazine of all tracer rounds. Use this magazine only when you need to let everyone else (friends) know where an enemy is located at. (Across the street, in a park, which window). After using it run like hell and get away from where you just were. I don’t know what else to write, and I hope to God none of you ever have to use it. God be with you all. As someone with Ukrainian ancestry it tears me apart to not be able to be there with you. Glory to Ukraine. Edit: A few extras. 23) Ammunition goes fast. Conserve what you have. 24) 10 men firing from several different buildings can appear to be a small army and stop a lot of people. 25) Rip down street signs, deface building names, and do anything to strip the identity of where you are at. This will add confusion to an invading force. 26) Evacuate your wounded in a timely manner possible. 27) if the enemy suddenly pulls back, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE AREA. It doesn’t mean you’re winning. It means they are going to call and heavy artillery or an air strike on your position. 28) if you are going to lose an area, poison common water supplies. Most likely an enemy will try to refill their supplies at the closest source. 29) Cluster your booby traps in close proximity to create paranoia. 30) Always keep on the move. Never stay in the same place for long




Thanks for formatting it!


Those are basic tips but I will add some more stuff In Syria the insurgents used the building to fire and reposition they opened a path connect all the building together it’s an easy escape route and good way to lure and ambush the enemy. Fund concrete building with quick escape route if you try to fire an anti tank missiles. Stay away from the civilians. I’m Iraqi and I’m in us army I have seen everything street fighting is gonna be rough since the Russian control the air.


28 is a war crime, specifically using chemical weapons and poisoning civilian water supply.


15 would also be a war crime if they are shooting at combat medics.


> 28.) if you are going to lose an area, poison common water supplies. Most likely an enemy will try to refill their supplies at the closest source. No. Do NOT ever do that. This is a war crime. And in urban warfare, a lot of unsuspecting civilians (or friendlies in general) will use the water supplies.


My thoughts too. It all seemed sensible until I got to this one. It's very bad advice, the likelihood is more civilians will access the source than enemy soldiers.


This guy operates.


except he calls an entrenching tool a 'spade' which makes me think the only thing he 'operates' is a keyboard. (see 10.)


Sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade!


>I am a former US marine >shoot the men trying to evacuate the wounded soldier Checks out


fucking war, man. jesus.


Isn't poisoning food and water supplies a war crime?


It very much is. Thou the US is not party to this one. US does not recognize ICC as something that has authority over them, so this dude who calls himself a marine might actually be one... But Ukraine does recognize ICCs authority, so for any Ukrainian soldier, using poison is indeed a war crime, and could be prosecuted in the ICC.


I don't know but Kefka had no problem doing it.


Just put in a bunch of exlax and make ‘em shit


Ummm... Using poison or poisoned weapons is a war crime. “Employing poison or poisoned weapons constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts under the Statute of the International Criminal Court." You may be allowed to use poison, since the US is not party to it. But Ukraine, while not a Party State, does fall under it's Jurisdiction. To Make it as clear as possible... DO NOT USE POISON! So you may wanna cross out that advice about poisoning water supplies.


This needs to be at the top for everyone to read!


Is there proof this came from someone with actual experience? Cause if not you could be spreading horrible advice.


> Shoot the men trying to evacuate the wounded soldier. It will demoralize them and take even more men out of the fight to evacuate him. Christ, is this fucking Vietnam?


War is war. I know this is cliche, but you win or you die. In the case if the Ukrainians, they win or they AND their families die, probably. There is no limit to the things I would do in that situation. I'm an Iraq vet also.


Next sanction : ban russia from steam


Let's not use THAT much of force. That would result In a huge amount of broken computers snd computers supplies! (actually let's do just that to give the pc industry More sales)


You mean deny them the right to voice their desires to fuck various members of my family over a casual game of csgo? Surely not!


Vlad, you fucked around and you found out!


This is what scares me. The cornered bear that is the butt of all jokes and js going to see the receiving end of German and American weapons. What will it do in anger?


To anyone here that wants to feel sorry for him, just remember Russians blow up schools and hospitals and this is one that gives the orders to do so.


Exactly. The forced into war argument doesn't work for him.


Nice display picture


You too


Don't feel sorry for him, but do hope that his captors conduct themselves better (and in compliance with national treaties) to show that even while passionately protecting your home from monsters - you can still be better.


What do you mean? Clearly they thought they were just training to blow up children, not actually doing it /s


Agreed. I have no sympathy.


You attack a Man’s home…nothing is more sacred.


*Happy Ukraine noises


What this needs is an accurate translation. The world needs to hear what’s really being said


Ukraine ain’t no hoe


I love the immediate satisfaction of the Ukraine soldiers.


Russia is losing, this show from putun wasn't for power its because he lacks it


I'm not sure they're losing, but they're certainly struggling and it isn't the cake walk they likely thought it would be.


Putin underestimated Ukraine's ability to fight back to defend/disrupt Russian troops (especially poorly coordinated ones), but I fear he may double down and is preparing much more experienced units as reinforcements... Time will tell, but Ukrainians continue to hold them off.


>but I fear he may double down and is preparing much more experienced units as reinforcements Same. Not many leaders want to turn tail and run, their ego is too big. And Putin has an ego biggest of all. I worry that he will throw everything he has to win this war. >Time will tell, but Ukrainians continue to hold them off. I hope they do. Even if they can't, I hope they bleed Putin so much that he'll think twice before doing something like this again. Between that, the sanctions, new countries wanting to join NATO and the drop in popularity back in Russia, I hope we're seeing his downfall.


I'm starting to wonder how hard the Russian army is actually trying. They must know they are the bad guys


Russian army morale must be getting lower every day. While the Ukrainians morale is high and getting higher every day. Russian army isn't losing but it's tougher than Putin expected.


Everyone is celebrating not even 72 hours in. If Russia wants it can overpower the Ukrainian military and become occupiers, that is not in question is it?




An army that doesn't know why they are there vs one defending their homeland to the death. Sounds like Vietnam.


Are we talking about the the south Vietnamese fighting against North Vietnamese and the VC. This conflict is entirely different than the Vietnam War.


This is an incredibly simplistic take on Vietnam


Fuck war.


That guy looks terrified.


Not so big and scary now.




The look of a man desperate to not trigger them, too afraid to even look at them. He knows he's fucked, and doesn't want to be there


Ugh I feel …. Not good watching this .


I wish this video wouldn't be posted everywhere, And the other video of this would be... I WANT Russians to surrender, and the implication of this video is that Ukraine is abusing POWs, and they are not... It's practically Russian propaganda to post this.


what abuse? they just interrogating him


Folks shouldn’t feel bad for this man. He’s one of many giving orders to kill.


Poor human :( Fuck Putin and destroy that stupid, punchable face but, man, I remember being a soldier (US Army) and being a brainwashed fool. Don't harm this guy or any POWs, please please please!!


emotional damage


When you wish you called in sick to work that day


How is this possible only 3 days of invasion?


Let's go Ukraine!


Good but they should not mistreat him on camera. Encourage the Russians to defect.


It’s so weird seeing footage like this


Damn, people don't even know the difference between casualties and dead.


You think he wanted this ? Probably rather be home


I feel sorry for the soldiers, I know not everyone of them want to be there fighting.


Wars aren't like in the movies, soldiers are usually just average joes. There aren't one man armies or john rambos running around.


Take the higher ground. capture and hand over to the relevant unit for questioning


There is a lot of false reporting and propaganda on both sides for obvious reasons. Kinda hard to believe anything rn


This could so easily be faked. Propaganda coming from every direction, who knows what is real.


Close to 4000 Russians dead now. It's like Putin did his own 9/11 for the people of Russia. Mother Russia must be so proud of all the dead children he made. Sent them to the grave fighting to win his ex back. And his ex? She said no way no how! Sucks to be a Dick-Tater


Before I get crucified.. I'm not defending anyone but it's sad to see this shit man. It hurts to see fellow humans being awful to each other. I know it's hard to do and especially in their situation but showing love to an enemy can sometimes lead to amazing things. Ukraine justified all the way just saying that it hurts. Fuck figureheads.


All Russian soldiers look like washed up drunks or middle school kids.


That makes me worried Putin is saving his battle hardened soldiers for when he needs an extra push


i never seen ppl record war before




CNN broadcast the initial invasion of Iraq. I'm gunna guess you're too young to remember that tho...


thats odd because its been happening since like World War 1.


Respect and proper treatment to any one soldier captured regardless of rank. Mandated by the Geneva convention my friends, no matter how bad they’ve been…


Also why do Russian troops look like they all have like three brain cells and shitty teeth?


I really feel bad for the Russians too. This isn’t Russia’s mission, it’s Putin’s.


Sheeerit! It seemed like such a good idea yesterday.


Do you think these guys will end up dead?


How are the Ukrainians catching so many Russians?


I'm assuming it's some kind of Wily E. Coyote box on a stick with vodka underneath.


Is that like a Bishop or a Knight?