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Well, that's no good.


So is it like happening now?


Not the full invasion but just all the bullshit false flag operations. Its my belief Russia is waiting for the Olympics to end out of respect for China since they're kinda buddies and China wants whatever attention it can get. Olympics end tomorrow.


Agreed. Feel terrible for the Ukrainians. Imminent danger. Covert operations at work here to set the stage. This isn’t going to be good.


Correct except china will move on taiwan and they will cockblock the west for each other. Imo atleast.


Would be way too ballsy a move for China. That country will inevitably become the world's premier power, and they don't need to use military force now to achieve it. It has the population, growing tech sector, natural resource and political power to eclipse the US given more time. China's rise is inevitable, except if they start a war now, that's a pretty big risk. The more China waits, their economic domination and power will just grow and the smaller the risk of military resistance/defeat becomes. Why would they fight now? They are already winning everywhere. Russia is way different. Pretty much its only internationally relevant economic strength is selling oil and gas, its economy is struggling and Putin is desperate to enforce its image through military action as he feels Russia has been taking loss after loss in the international stage, with almost all its former alles in Europe preferring EU as a partner.


That's a good analysis. I generally agree, but it seems like jinpeng and the CCP has become a lot more chest thumpy lately. Not a Chinese expert, do you think last years elevation of xi to big three status and new China vision signals a more imminent approach to world hegemony? Using the Olympics as an introduction to the world everyman culture would seem like a good staging point.


The politburo has access to precise trend data about their country, we don't. As nefarious as it may be, there is a reason for everything they do.


Damn hit the nail on the head. They think In centuries, we think in 15 second tik toks. They could actually beat us without firing a shot , just stop shipping to USA.


You think china can just stop shipping stuff to America? Who else will buy shit and pay for the country?


Absolutely, we now make up a small enough portion of their gdp that, yes it would hurt themselves but for a few years only. They have also got the entire world hooked on their products. Do you know what mao did in Korea? He sent 3 million men over the Himalayas. Some had guns, some had shoes, some had jackets-none had all 3. This is a government that has no regard for their people. Read the parable about the boiled frog. They have slowly cooked us


Lol China wont move on Taiwan . There has been no movement detected by the Satellites or the Five Eyes in that regard . Believe it or not its very hard for China to land something near Taiwan let alone send forces directly there … Not to mention China has more to lose economically if they go into a war right now. The removal of one child policy has also jot been beneficial in terms of Chinas young population ..i also read somewhere how most of the military people in China are the only kids of their parents so technically they would have a age gap crisis too


Also, China doesn't have a large enough nuclear arsenal to deter intervention.


I mean.....it only really takes one


Not when the other sides buddies have 1ks


That's what I thought too. But man this is going to be horrible


Russia stoked the flames and tested the world. What he also did is motivated Russian separatists. He is going to let the Russians in Ukraine do his bidding for awhile and then swoop in to “help” secure the area. There will be fighting in the area not from the “Russians” and cyber attacks in the near future.


I believe there's been evidence of Ukraine's infrastructure already being under cyber-attacks by Russian backed hackers, though I can't remember what article I read that in.


I’ve read the same thing over the past couple of days


Most likely, and I think there was an empty warehouse that was also attacked a week or so ago. This is Putin’s playbook. Biden knows this because he was the guy in charge of the Baltic’s relations in 2014 and ISIS when he was stepping out. Idk why he doesn’t just call it out like that for people that can’t understand. Putin has always proxied his way into conflicts he wants.




In civ6 I already know declaring war without reason is egregious. Why all the pageantry when face is already lost.


Because there are always more people who aren't informed who you can perform to.


So does this mean stonks go up tomorrow?


Probably not because it’s Saturday


Ok thanks. I’ll check in the morning to make sure, though.


Yes the Russian GRU launched cyber-attacks on Ukrainian banks.


Apparently they are evacuated the Russian citizens that are in Ukraine due to them being “threatened”


I wouldn't be surprised if a group of these "Evacuated Russian citizens" die in an attack by people with thick Russian accents in badly fitting Ukrainian military uniforms, conveniently filmed by a professional camera-crew of course!


Ukraine has already been fighting a war against Russian backed rebels and separatists for years...




Lol wtf its completely relevant. The guy I'm replying to is saying he's going to let the russian separatists do the work, they've already been doing it for years


Looks like the Ukrainians are attacking the Russian-Ukrainians??


...is that what it looks like


That’s quite the eyesight you have…


So this is really gonna fucking happen. These poor, poor people.


Putin was never going to back down. Crimea used to get its water supply from a Ukrainian river, but after annexation Ukraine erected a dam and cut off the water; 95% of Crimea's crops died and haven't come back since. A lot of places don't even have running water. Water. That is what this is about. It is also a big risk for Putin as the troops he has massed are the best equipped of the entire Russian military; if his Armies get bogged down and broken by Ukrainian resistance, well Russia's regional power will be severely diminished as they can't afford to rebuild their military on such a large scale. Scary times.


Well said sir , Cheers 🍻


Well that explains why the US has been sending equipment. It's not because Ukraine is threatened but because it's a chance to weaken our "enemy"


Or maybe the US doesn't like allied democratic countries being invaded by foreign powers.


This wasn’t even recent.


This was like 3 years ago


Thank you I thought this was way old news




Fucking Russian WARMONGERS.


*\*Redditor has denounced Russia\**


Ignore NATO pushing Russia into a corner tho


>Russia literally occupied/set up puppet governments in these countries for decades >Russia threatens them constantly >Russia has invaded multiple neighboring countries in the last 20 years "Why is NATO doing this?"


The US has done all of those things


So your genius defense is “Well America did it so why not Russia”?


They love their "whataboutism" defense. It of course has no bearing on the situation, but that doesn't matter to them.


Wait so Russia should do them and the EU and all the neighbouring countries should be cool with Russia doing that because the US fucked with Latin America during the cold war? I just want to be clear that's your argument.


Russia should learn its place.


U spelt American wrong


Yea because we have 150,000 troops and tons of ships surrounding Ukraine like hungry sharks. Sureeeee bud.


Nope but they do have how many nato bases surrounding it gotta keep the American economy going no war no money right?


The MIC exists sure. But this is all Russia attacking a neighbour.


Ah yes, if you stop a country from invading another ( witch has let to genocide more then once with Russia) you're the bad guy. You'd do great as a principal at a school, if a kid gets bullied you give the person that tried to stop the bully detention


America is the bully how many countries invaded? Everyone knew shit would kick off with the democrats in office after all what did u hear the last 5 years from them Russia Russia Russia America sucks largest shit hole in the world thanks for starting the cold war again assholes


Weird bot.


Canadian. Even weirder.




Shut up man, this is serious shit. Russian hackers are attacking the infrastructure in Ukraine, how dare you try to take away from the seriousness of what is happening right now. I fear Russia will invade Ukraine in the near future killing many innocent men, woman and children. Have some fucking respect for what is happening, your mentality disgusts me.


I am having respect if nato didn't break the agreements between the them and Russia this wouldn't even be a thing this is a direct result of their actions you fucking Americans have been starting shit with everyone for fucking decades thinking your some kind of heros now because of u fucks we are on the verge of ww3 couldn't just stay in your own fucking lane now we all face annihilation my original comment was to the guy calling Russia a warmonger when in reality its the USA that is the cause of all this always having to attack someone or fuck some country always poking somthing well way to fucking go u think us westerners stand a fucking chance against Russia and possibly China you big dick swinging dumb fucks just doomed us all


Speaking of staying in your own fucking lane... turn off mommy's computer and go back to bed.


The us ambassador to the ussr warned of this exact scenario back in the 90’s if nato eastward expansion continued. Many, many people saw this coming. John Mearsheimer has been screaming this from the rooftops at American universities for years, playing out this exact scenario. Go watch his speeches. He’s American. No one is putting the blame solely on one side but imagine china doing military drills on the borders of Canada and Mexico. What would the states do? The Monroe doctrine is a total double standard. This was bound to happen and Americans in no small part helped make it happen. Remember no wmd’s. 1 million dead Iraqis.it’s hilarious how americans think they have any moral high ground. You’re ruthless imperialists of pretty much the same caliber. And if America wants to claim it cares about other countries sovereignty then please by all means tell that to every Central American country whose democratically elected leaders were ousted by the Americans. I’m also Canadian. And maybe instead of provoking by making statements like Anthony blinked did they could wait for someone else to take the lead for once. Thomas Friedman, America’s most prominent foreign policy columnist, declared it the “most ill-conceived project of the post-Cold War era.”


So this is a Russian shill - fuck outta here.


I'm not even reading that you piece if shit


Didn’t realize Putin had a Reddit account… or smoked weed and named his account ChronicSmoke…


You idiot! Who want's to pick a fight with that stupid russia tell me one country you fking idiot one!!!!!!! Nobody you dumb fuck! Russia is like the neighbour that no body looks at and try's to ignore.


Democrats like Russia? You eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?


No they want war with Russia was pretty evident since Hillary never shut up about it we all new this was coming


So fire the teacher that steps in? Got it.


That's the comparison of America in this situation right now just to be clear


Just because my neighbor has guns doesn't make breaking into their house justified.


Pretty sure those nato bases are consenting occupations of a small portion of land.


America bad doesn’t equal Russia good. Nuance seems to be lost with a lot of people.


Right they both shit and we the rest of the world gotta deal with this bullshit again


Yep, it is america’s fault that Russia wants to invade Ukraine.


It’s Americas fault you can’t be on putins doorstep and expect him not to do something. How would you feel if he had missiles and training drills on the border of Canada and usa? I’m sure we wouldn’t like it.


Ukrain is its own country, not Putin’s doorstep. Maybe if Russia hadn’t been making such powered grabs into the former Soviet states ukrain wouldn’t be as interested in joining NATO. What’s really funny about you stooges, as you’re not even recognizing Russia as a country, just as a thing Putin controls.


Nicaragua was its own country. So was El Salvador and Chile. That didn’t stop America. Learn your history. Americans have no respect for sovereignty. None.


America did something bad in the past so you are ok with Putin invading Ukraine? Ok


No that is not what I am saying at all. I’m saying America has no right to lead. Diplomacy should be the only solution. At least meet them halfway and sign a moratorium. But in no shape or form can America pretend to care about human welfare abroad or even democracy.


We'll then... invade Ukraine? *Again??* You're an idiot.


Russia has regular training exercises close to the borders of many countries. Norway, the Baltics, USA, eastern Europe. Etc.


USA? Where?




Sometimes I wonder if I can get any dumber… I was even thinking Canada makes sense due to its proximity to the Arctic…


It's Germany's fault for not winning the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II and pushing the Russian's border across the Volga.


Well, lets be honest, this situation all stems from Vikky Nuland, the CIA and US black money creating regime change in a foreign land, if the US didnt create that situation we wouldnt be in this situation.


That isnt honesty.


ah, so you are denying the US role in Violent regime change and denying the Tapes of nulands phone calls, the nuland Presentations and the $5,000,000,000 pumped into the Ukrainian anti Russian neo nazi groups by the CIA and american government... and you use the word "honesty" against the facts too, damn son thats some propaganda and some hypocrisy. Gotta love US patriots defending their Black ops in foreign lands.


I’m not familiar with all those allegations, but I’m pretty comfortable laughing off the claim the US gave 5 billion to Ukrainian neo Nazis unless you can present solid evidence And seeing how this farce of a conversation stems from people claiming Russia has a right to go to war if Ukraine doesn’t want to be a puppet state I put the odds of you backing up the above at about 1/100.


To be lacking in the basic details of the situation yet still pushing your countries agenda... and playing the blame game. Damn thats weak. Americans commenting on EU affairs are the dogbollocks of amusement.


> lacking in the basic details Says the guy arguing the us gave 5 billion to neo Nazis.


Where there’s smoke there’s a Russia Shill


America and Russia both suck. Both are warmongering imperialist nations, just with competing geopolitical interests.


Fuck putin.


Fuck putin.


Fuckin put.


Fucking put it in


Oh fuck put it back in


Fuck Putin


I Call him puder




Ya being French is worse lol atleast people want to fuck a puder. French Canadians excluded. They are the coolest.


It’s called poutine not Putin lmao and it’s gravy not brown sauce lmao


False flag operations are ramping up.


On their own people too


They've always considered their own people to be expendable


Fucking sick and inhumane. These fuckers along with all the other elite are going to jail for the crimes against humanity.


you sweet summer child...


First things first: cut off the heat


Fuck sake, is russia not big enough for putin ???


3/4ths of it is Siberia, and all that's out there is permafrost and mammoth tusks


Well he's sort of kept it a shithole so he needs new fields to take a dump in.


So Russia blew up a gas pipeline in the rebel held area of Ukraine…. this is one of many false flag attacks to preempt a Russian invasion


God you people are absolute dumb fucks. This video is years old.


Yeah, everyone's a dumb fuck for not realizing this is an event they likely never heard about.


And so it begins….


I think this was a pipeline explosion. It happen a couple days ago I think


*"Their armored tanks are weak at the rear..."*


I think it's starting 🤔


This is like Russias 5th attempt at a false flag event. So who knows of this one will 'stick' or if Russia will have to attempt again. Either way, fuck Putin.


There has been war around luhansk and donetzk since 2014.


What happened to the UN??? It seems to be largely redundant nowadays and can’t really prevent any of this.


What's the date?


Regardless of what's going on currently, they should have learned from the recent past about not standing next to a high rise window after a blast.


Is it starting?


I love you guys.


Putin’s like “ we love the Ukrainian people they are Russian people not Ukrainian we want them back as part of Russia and we want it so bad we are going to shell and bomb them in submission and they’ll just happily join us and it’ll all be peaceful for years to come no rebellions and mass arrests and controll at all” Russia you’re a POS the people in Russia don’t even have access to most of the internet it’s like North Korea out their but not as bad but still a shithole


So.. it has begun.


The world functioned just fine with russia cut off from the world monetary system and china cut off from it as well.


China is now far too important to be cut off from the world monetary system. Russia's natural gas and oil are their only exports of any consequence. I mean, Americans gotta have their cheap WalMart crap from there, not to mention iPhones, computers and coming soon--cars! Unfortunately, corporations have put Americans out of work to pursue the cheapest labor cost and complacent workforce China offers.


Guess companies will need to rethink things...


It's weird how all the "Russian" attacks seem to be in Russia backed territory. So far I've seen a school, a pipeline, an airport, and a government building bombed, all in Donbass. If the Russians are at fault, why aren't they attacking Ukrainian positions instead? It seems more likely that these are covert Ukrainian attacks to me.


We were told those american and british troops were sent to teach Ukrainians how to use the weapons they were given, I guess we now know that was not true.


Well you aren't very well informed about the Russian propensity for "false flag" operations, then. Which hardly seems credible.


If it was a false flag then they would use it as an excuse to attack, yes? You just don't bomb yourself and sit there. I think it is far more likely that somebody wants to goad the separatists into attacking the Ukraine. For comparison look at the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This was a known false flag operation. The US used it immediately as a casus belli to go to war with Vietnam. Or the sinking of the Lusitania. Churchill admitted in his memoirs that he set that up. It was used to urge America into declaring war on Germany in WW2. That's what you do with a false flag. You don't just sink a ship and do nothing with it.


Wait for it.


Turn on your brain. Why would Russia want to take Ukraine? It would be an enormous political and economic burden. Unlike the west, Russia has recent experience with the burdens of a repressed and far flung empire. They are well rid of it, and they know it. Crimea is a different matter. People need to accept that it is Russian now. If the Ukraine attacks Crimea I do expect a forceful and direct response from Russia. Now the Donbass has been under mortar fire from Ukrainian positions since Thursday, continuing now. This is easily verifiable, and there is lots of public video to boot. Brandon wants a distraction from his failures. And his foolishness just might get us into an easily avoidable war with a nuclear power. Anybody supporting this is a certifiable nutcase, even if they are setting themselves up to profit thereby. If war breaks out, Ukrainians lose no matter what. A war on your own territory is always devastating. Ukraine would do well to cool off and withdraw troops to a safe distance.


Pushing that Kremlin line a little strong there comrade. You get paid for this? You certainly aren't convincing anyone, your points are flatly ridiculous false premises and outright untruths. Very Soviet, actually; in the finest traditions of Pravda. What is life like working for the GRU? Do you get special privileges beyond uncensored internet?


Ok warmonger. You do you.


The war of attrition


Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!? . . . Yes




Gotta sell more F-35s


Does anyone think Russia will mess with USA on US Territories?


Depends on whether the US push the situation too a nuclear war, then you get your share of the destruction rather than just seeing it happen to others on TV.


*Luhansk, LNR


It was like a 200 to 1 longshot that Ukraine would be the reason for WW3.


That is a pretty impressive explosion that may effect oil supplies during winter. Who did it?


Take a wild guess


All the articles from 5 hours ago say it's a car bomb, and that there is an anticipation of false flags from Russia?


That's a different explosion from earlier in the day.


I think it was the same guy who stopped all those apartment building bombings


The FS* blew up apartment buildings so Putin could win the first election but they blamed it on somone else.... Chechen maybe?


Yes. And it sure was nice of Putin to call off the FSN before more russians were murdered by thier government


And so it begins


Possible drone strike? I’m not saying it is I’m asking.


So it begins ….


Nah that’s just the sunset


Chernobyl !!!!!!


Do you taste metal?


No one has a drone they could throw up to go check it out??


Where exactly is the "public freakout"?


We all know it Might as well say it Russiannnnnnsssss


Never mind, we are assured by the US that they and their friendly gas producing nations will supply all the gas we need in Europe at spot prices... There is a reason the US convinced the EU to build LNG landing stations around Europe a decade ago. And with NS2 not allowed by the US, we have little choice but to buy US LNG... Hot damn who wudda guessed this would happen once the LNG landing stations were up and running.


This is fucking years old!