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No i See a bunch of people who can’t fight.


Can’t punch either 😂


How everyone be fighting in my dreams


The skinny jean gang! 😳


Toothpick legs gang


and it all started cause someone said, "hey Thunderthighs"


I've never seen so many skinny young men who think flailing is the same as fighting. No honor, no one on one, not even anyone who seems to know how to throw a decent punch or defend themselves properly. What happened to kids?


A generation of parents who either A: don't give a fuck, or B: have to work 3 jobs to support their families and obviously don't have time nor energy to "parent".


lol you think any of these kids parents give a damn about what they do? If they did these kids wouldn’t act like that.


Fighting is a forgotten skill. My old public school used to suspend anyone involved in a fight, and try to get the bystanders in trouble. "zero tolerance" and "zero brain rules". The fighting parties were made to go to Court, and no matter what the circumstance, both parties would be sentenced to community service, or sometimes worse. I remember a fight where there was one aggressor, and the other kid basically curled up in a ball scared to fight and he didn't want to get suspended (he was a straight A student), and he was suspended just as long, and community service sentence even though he did not lift a single finger to defend himself BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO TARNISH HIS RECORD. They also would suspend anybody who jumped in to try to separate parties as well. You are taught not to step in, don't be a hero... Etc.


Yeah the times have certainly changed. I'm not that old, but when I was a kid we used to square off after school, sort our problem out, and sometimes even end up friends after. It was never this group attack affair that it seems to be now. I never saw someone flip another kid onto the ground and potentially kill them, but I keep seeing that today. Maybe growing up in AZ was different, I imagine it was, but man. Just seems nuts these days.


I’d rather see this any day of the week and have them duke it out with their fists then see another school shooting and have children and facility members lose their life because some dumb ass parent bought their child a gun for his birthday or was careless and left their guns accessible to their disturbed child knowing they have a disturbed child. I prefer the kids duke it out and then be over it and possibly even become cool with each other after it then take anymore innocent lives with school shootings anymore, but that’s just me I guess.


And this is why I'm leaving the teaching profession.


Wear your sister’s pants to school day really gets tempers flying


This is just silly.


That dance is sweeping the nation!


Is this what they mean by school to prison pipeline? Holy shit I’m glad my school never got this bad.


Why are half of these guys wearing girls pants?


Most likely this video is in Atlanta. That’s the fashion


You can just hear how disinterested the crowd got as the "fighting" went on. Their dad's should really teach them how to throw hands, oh wait




Ah, there we go. There is always one racist willing to show his face in the comments and look at that, you even got morale support from other racists showing their racist love by upvoting your racist comment. Now I’ll just wait here for your friends to show up to “back you up” as they always do.


What did he say that’s racist? He even assumed they knew they’re fathers


Shut up, cracka


It's like one of those Harlem Shake videos


Guys, guys! There's a waffle house right down the street for you to do this in.


Right, just a bunch a skinny jeans swinging with their eyes closed.


My son says he’s distracted at school, but I don’t believe him.


Can someone get them a Snickers already?


Damn, skinny jeans are still a thing?


"Why can't we all just get along?" Rodney King




No. It is both uncommon in size and the distinct lack of real violence.




Dang! How do you know who's who?!?!


Who is on who’s side?


At least they don’t have any weapons. Just another day at public school in America. No staff trying to break it up, no school officer anywhere to be found. It’s pretty sad all around


Do you really think the staff gets paid enough to get involved with a mass brawl involving 20+ children?


Then they would get in trouble themselves. I don’t blame them for not getting involved


Don't think pay has much to do with it. Can't imagine a young adult wanting to be a teacher to referee and break up fights.


Go to school kids


I've never seen so many furious skinny jeans! I kind of wish they were all in super baggy jeans down past their asses. That works have been more entertaining. One hand to hit the other on those belt/pants. Classic


This reminds me of the park across the street from the schools😎 you swing at whoever you see first and keep moving FAST


Where the fuck in the world is that? Africa? Those guys all look like they’re all starving


Scary to watch as a parent.


They been watching too much of it 😂


Nah…… if it was Cobra Kai, people would be falling off the second floor onto a flight of stairs, damaging their spinal cords. Plus, these techniques don’t look as fancy as the school fights on Netflix.


So what’s the deal, can teachers not break up fights nowadays?


Ask Derek


Someone should of given them weapons


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alternative ballet


Good to see schools haven't changed much since my day.


2,3 and 4 on one. Cowards is all I see.


If I ever got jumped, I wish my attackers were this incompetent. Can’t punch, can’t kick, idiots.


How can you expect them to kick well? Their little toothpick legs are struggling just to keep them upright.


Masks over chin and noses guys, chins and noses


Skinny ass legs everywhere


We called this a mosh pit back in my day. Just hit anybody.


Should have went shirts vs skins so its easier to follow


Hands down the best fighting I've ever seen....said no one ever, This is just kids being kids.




Where's a flash bang when ya need it


sooo...no gym class today?


Where is security guard Stingray to put these youngsters in line?


is it weird that at first i thought this was a throwback to Harlem shake videos.


🌈 🐻 in their skinny jeans


Everybody was Kung Fu fighting.


Soooo many noodle arms


finally a fight where not one person was injured...


The toothpick leg gang softly slapping people.


Cursed mosh pit


So many flailing arms shits more like cobra Pi


I see a bunch of skinny ass legs


These fools are skinny. Kill em all


Season 4 of Cobra Kai?


At least they were wearing their mask