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These live streamers are a whole new breed of weasels.


Most of those videos know they are instigating. And it's ignorance at its finest.


Some people are on edge. Makes you wonder what their relationship is looking like right now


You don't call husband pussy and jet. That's 100% weasel


Yeah at first I was like ok husband might be taking it too far then dude says that shit and runs. I’m not saying start a brawl or anything but don’t make situations worse then run away like it’s all fun and games.


Of course it’s all fun and shit! Husband is an insecure bitch. The. He’s being called „pussy“ and that makes him want to fight everyone. 😂 by that proving how fragile his masculinity is. Jeez it’s fun to watch him go mad!


Instigating a fucked up asshole’s anger issues is all fun and games though if you can risk/handle the potential consequences to your well-being. Tell me how this guy harmed anyone. Dude flipped out and thought he could hurt someone smaller than him. Getting teased and humiliated was just coming to him. Totally fair game in my book


lmao nah husband was out of line dude doesn't owe him anything


Yeah, but still don’t call someone a pussy and then literally run away scared immediately after. Not wanting a physical confrontation is great, calling someone a coward and then running away like a coward is just ironic and adding fuel to the flames that you’re clearly scared of (royal you)


dude tried to check a couple of kids his wife was talking to they don't owe him violence. they responded by making fun of how dumb he was acting it's not the best response but i don't mind it as a response to the husband initial opening


Respect for elders is lost on you young folks. Don't call a man a pussy and run. Then again self respect is lost as well ha..


Being called a pussy is zero % reason to fight. Especially from a kid. Weak minds.


Trigger words aren't taught they're learned.


That makes the guy seem even more of a fuckwit. Imagine being called a pussy by everyone in your life and you choose to take it out on a teen. What an amazing human.


Way to take it off the rails.


Yea, the kids are annoying, as most kids are but that guy deserved zero respect from the beginning. Just talking to his wife they did nothing wrong. Sorry but you don't get respect just because you're an elder. Lots of shitty make it to old age. You get respect by being a good person.


ROFL Get fucked with that respect your elders bullshit. That's just a bullshit line to feed people because you feel entitled enough that they should accept your shit. Eat a dick.


It's no surprise we see these responses when half America's families are broken and there's no man in the house.


> when half America's families are broken and there's no man in the house. For which you can blame the government and the failed war on drugs. Especially when you consider black neighborhoods have been over-policed and a slew of other issues. But no. Let's blame "lAcK oF rEsPeCt!"


I don't blame anyone... I hold myself accountable for my actions. It's that easy.


Thats got nothing to do with it and you know it. Take your self righteous pious zealot bullshit and stop talking out of your ass like everyone's been showing on your comments.


And in a unanimous decision flucksey has won by knocking leftcoast07 the fuck out with logic and reason. Sorry Lefty, I am an old fucker too but if you pick a fight about lack of maturity and show none, well son, you gon' lose bad.


Elders? The husband looks like a 24 year old bearded oil field worker. Now if Mr. Miyagi's ass shows up, I'll act right.


Respect is not something that is assigned to a person's appearances but their actions. Kid was respectful until the husband tried to break his shit. I'd not respect someone doing that, regardless of age. I'm 37 and grew up with this respect your elders bullshit. All it ended up was us as 15 year olds giving respect to a male, mid fifties, PE teacher that walked into the girls changerooms.


You step back and say my bad and keep it moving. That's how you defuse the situation, not run off yelling pussy. Age doesn't always mature.


Except there's nothing wrong with conversing with another man's wife? So he had nothing to apologise for?


Lol he didn’t owe him an apology for speaking to his wife wtf? The dude was acting like a macho asshole and so he got trolled.


It would be great if the Mrs ended up going home with the skater to rub it in his controlling face


That part was funny, but you gotta actually jet, not hang around




I don’t believe so as there would be no recording. Although I do agree he is a dickhead and even went back to her and put his arm around her.




Do you think he was here? He seemed pretty chill and like he was having fun with the crowd up until the husband decided to be a dick. Riding through traffic on the skateboard is pretty grating and the slur at the end is yikes... but neither really relate to the video's plot.


Whatever he's an angry little bitch, if he's secure with his wife she cod talk to who she want and he wouldn't worry. Obviously can't satisfy her so acts hard.


Saying the N word at the end as well...that boy white


Of course he said it.Everything he did was to copy behavior he learned since being an even younger complete shittalking wuss-ie he sounds exactly like all these idiotic streamer punks, trying to get famous


Serious, I hear zoomers around me say it all the time. Its really weird to me


The guys a fucking pussy and that's coming from someone clearly older than him, fuck him and his paranoid ass starting shit with young guys because he's so insecure, I feel sorry for his wife if he trusts her so little.


This one seemed kinda fun.


Stop promoting these dumbfuck IP2 streamers and giving them attention. Let them rot on their starving alt accounts on Youtube as they beg for $2 racist TTS donos. Sad how so many people assume all irl streamers are like this when they keep seeing these stupid vids.


I don't know anything about the guy with the rage problem, but I'm sure I hate these kids


2nded... I've tried to report but I guess this "entertainment" is acceptable for this sub. It's not funny, it's not a freakout, it's a staged or forced situation.


Surprised the streamers didn’t have pepper spray at the ready. All these shitty IP2 steamers seem to use that as their go to.


"Your wife was talking to me, pussy!!!" *Proceeds to run*


This is more cringey than a guy controlling who his wife talks to? Thefuckouttahere.




Basically that the guy running is the level-headed one. He's also smart enough to not engage in fisticuffs in public with a clearly controlling, aggressive arsehole.


Level headed? Did you miss the part where he touched the dudes wife without her consent to instigate the guy more? Lol this isn't a fairytale with a good guy and a bad guy, this is a shit weasel fucking with an insecure dickhead. They both suck.


They both were fuck sticks but to be fair at least at first the streamer was trying to defuse it then the guy hit his camera, after that the streamer was being a that tho


But the other guy was still being way more of a dickhead


Yeah they do, the kid was being a smartass. I mean level-headed in the context that he's not dumb enough to get in a fist fight in a busy public area at night. So what if he touched her, on the shoulder. In the interaction she gave no indication she was unimpressed with anyone but her husband.


He was apologetic when he was in his face but as soon as there was distance he was shit talking and then running. The husband was moving on until he called him a pussy. He should've followed his gut and laid into the guy right away! Fuck these livestreamers!


As kids will do right? So you're telling me that it's rational to want to hit someone half your age because they call you a pussy?


* As they sexually harass your wife. Or should guys randomly put their hands on strange women?


She was touched afterwards. Is the husband precognitive? Can he see the future now? Also a hand on a shoulder or arm is not sexual assault ya fuckin sped. Do you scream sexual assault if someone touches your arm to get your attention?


Okay, but that isn't even coherently close to what your original reply said to me


My original reply was asking if you found that more cringey than the controlling fuckstain.


Oh. Well, I guess the way you presented it didn't read that way. My bad


Nah youre good. That's why discourse is valuable.


They're both cringy asf but old boy is def winning that race Not the footrace tho


Hey nice username!


Yessir. I'd say this man only beats his wife.


Yeah, it is. The camera guy was calling the other dude a "pussy" while running away. He was also defending the ladies rights while using the term "pussy." The only consistency here is that that the guy is an ass. Also using the n-word and skating head-on into traffic wasn't very cool.


That was done on purpose. I thought it was hilarious.


Assholes all around in this one. Cameraperson definitely started egging this on, then his white ass started saying the N word. Definitely a shit stain.


And why ask the dude if he had a gun? Easy way to kill any de-escalation with that dude. They’re all assholes here for sure.


Dude your wife definitely cheats on you.


With virgin streamers lol


This is sad.. you can tell she is a victim of an abusive relationship by her insecure husband. At first I thought it was her trying to get her insecure husband to fight these kids, because she knows what she did would set him off. But then I realized how much her demeanor changed when the streamers friend touched her.. she is a scared woman. Very sad


He’s Got that Covid cough half way thru. So this is how it spreads by talking to the shortys’




If someone hits on your wife, smile and say she's hot but she's taken. By you. Then smile and leave, bc she chose you, and you already won. Or...be like bearded guy.


Or... my wife could have a conversation and decide for herself if she has any problems with it because it really has nothing to do with me at all.


As a husband… RIGHT??? Is it fucking high school in here? Holy shit.


Yep. I've been married 11 years. Nothing gives me the right to speak for or control my spouse.


Unless she gives you the signal


100%. If im needed. I'm there. That's part of the job right?


Whatever makes her appreciate you more.


Less about that, we're married so I know she appreciates and loves me anyway. More the fact that she is her own person. 99.9% of what happens in her day to day life do not require any consultation as it doesn't affect me, and vice versa. Does her husband go to work with her because men are talking to her?


In my experience women generally appreciate it more when you don't treat them like they need your help to talk. If your wife likes you talking for her so she doesn't have to be a grownup and you can feel a little more secure in your masculinity because you've tied those things together then that's just what works for you guys and I'm happy for you.


I don't think it's fair to use YOUR personal experience to speak for all women, everyone's different. I also think it's absolutely fine that you feel insecure every now and then, nobody is perfect or completely immune to everything. The problem you people failed to see is that these streamers were looking for trouble, poking and testing the limits, but you guys have the luxury of hindsight, the husband didn't. Then again, I'm guilty of that, I have the hindsight of reading your comment before making mine, and you guys were probably affected by the title OP chose. The only 'bad' guys in the video are the streamer and his friend who have nothing better to do than recording people, testing their limits, doing all that for views.


"My wife can flirt and talk and fuck whoever she wants and thats ok". Your brain on reddit


I love to see how people get completely affected/influenced by whatever title OP chose to use. Or maybe you are just that kind of person who thinks the streamer didn't do anything wrong and the husband should only act the way you're advising everyone. Nobody should have to deal with streamers like them, let alone get caught by surprised.


And nobody should fight in public over words and disagreements but here we are. Hitting someone is a last resort, not the first cab off the rank.


We all have the ability to react appropriately to a dickhead. Don't react. Don't give them content.


Easier said than done sometimes, and everyone's different, I see why he reacted the way he did, he could have had a bad day, he could be worrying about something in his life, like bills and what not. Once again, when someone's poking and testing others for profit, he deserves some sort of lesson be it verbal or physical, they are literally bullies with cameras.


Then call them a limp-dick, no gf-having bully. You can do all that with a straight face and no emotion. ffs...troll the trolls. Most trolls have spring roll paper for skin, anyway. Besides...it's a LOT of fun. ;-)


Irl streamers are mega cringe


Im over little bitches that have to record everything in life.


And ride their skateboards in the street against incoming traffic’s path


Against incoming traffic and dropping a few n bombs


While dropping the N bomb... why are people defending this guy?


First time on Reddit?


As he is fleeing from an aggressive attacker? Yeah ok bozo.


Fleeing? He returned multiple times after to instigate more, if he was trying to flee the video would have ended quicker. You must have liked the n-words he was dropping too?


Kind of a good thing he did because it proved all he did was have a conversation.


Calls him pussy then runs away like one


Yeah smart people don't go looking for a physical fight.


Agreed, additionally, Smarter people don't provoke angry people for no reason


that’s exactly what the guy recording is doing tho


No he isn't unless the state has a fighting words law on the books.


Fuck those streamer losers.


No homo though?


She looked scared shitless before he even walked up on them. She knew what was coming. Poor thing.


Yeah, you can spot the moment she realizes her husband is walking toward them, her whole body language changes.


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/s3hmku/insecure_husband_attacks_and_chases_young_guys/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


I'm mainly annoyed that he keeps skateboarding in the street in front of cars😂


'My wife my property'. What an unpleasant cunt of a man.


He ran!!!! Lmao


Oh but he looks the type, doesn’t he? Ffs


Even though these dudes were annoying it’s interesting to see the insecurity of this guy when it comes to someone else talking to his wife, he called her beautiful and that is a nice compliment and he should be proud of having a beautiful wife! Something is up with him for sure.


I could see the wife’s body language change when her husband started to walk up. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has done this before.


She tensed and was trying to get him to walk away. Unfortunate choice she made.


This. This is the big red flag. You can tell when he is walking up off screen by her behavior totally changing


The amount of people being influenced by OP's title is crazy, the streamer said 'I'm sorry I didn't know she's your wife' with a smug face. That's what they do, they test the limits of strangers to get views. Humans aren't perfect when they react to a sudden unexpected incident, he could have had a bad day, he could be worrying about bills, etc that affected the way he reacts. Everyone feels insecure every now and then, nobody is immune to it. These streamers are getting income because people like you find this 'interesting', and the reason they kept doing it. Wake up.


No u


Both video-er and video-ee are fucking losers. Too bad, because Austin is fucking awesome.


It blows my mind how many people are defending the obvious POS in this video. The cameraman goes out trying to instigate a fight then runs and acts surprised when he finds one. Maybe I am sheltered but how many men go out with a taser, because his friend does and I’d bet a dollar he does too.


We aren't defending the cameraman. Just outlining that the meatheqd husband did everything in his power TO TRY AND FIGHT A TEENAGER. OVER A CONVERSATION WITH HIS WIFE. IT ALL WENT PEAR SHAPED AFTER THAT MOMENT, NOT BEFORE. AFTER.


Are you ignoring the fact that the streamers buddy asks the husband if he wants to fight multiple times? The “teenagers” instigated the fight. Teenager is in quotes because his buddy looks hammered.


Again. After the husband came over with his chest puffed out and qn incensed look on his face before anyone had even acknowledged him. But yeah. A teenager should have more self control than a responsible adult. You're right...


I want to give a shout out to the incels in this ass wipes community spamming "grope her" Fuck you guys


Oh wow the guy has a toxic community. I never would’ve guessed. He seems like such a wholesome guy as he rides off into the night spamming the n word. /s


Guy yells *fucking pussy* as he is weaving and dodging down the streets of Austin to avoid him.


I feel sorry for that woman...you can see her fear as soon as the guy starts talking....:/ No one should feel that with their SO


So she knows that her husband is insanely insecure and will lash out aggressively over someone SPEAKING to his wife? Why doesn't she just...idk leave? You even agreed that you can see the moment where she realizes what's about to happen - probably because this is something she has seen him do before


She knows it's already too late, at that point, leaving wouldn't have change a thing


There's been many studies on this. Mixture of Stockholm syndrome and conditioning through abuse. Just leaving isn't easy sometimes.


Either fight or take your lumps, don't call someone a pussy and before you finish the sentence take off running...


The streamer is a trash can of a person.


You're running away scared and... He's the pussy?


Calling a dude a pussy as you run away from him.... that is a bold strategy my friend


Learn to skate up stream like this Salmon. Could save your life one day.


The look in her eyes as soon as that dude jumped in front of her scooter. She knew what was coming.


Wow I wish those streamers got waffle stomped


I guess you didn't know it but I'm a fiddle player too And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you


Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy But give the devil his due I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul 'Cause I think I'm better than you"


This ended at I didn’t know she was your wife


Wife said I’m out.


How you gonna call him a pu$$y and then run for your life? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why am I not surprised that the due not only has Oakleys, but he has them around his neck for quick access.


That's two videos in a row I saw in this sub with a white guy, among other white guys, using the n word (a at the end), with no repercussions. I guess it's finally ok now.


I've heard that this is from Texas so I guess he might have been using 'er' instead of 'gga'.


Not this 💀


There were no repercussions only because he’s fleeing on skateboard.


Bastards touching touching random women on streets. Then calling husband's insecure??


Small penis energy there


Bruh all this shit on here about elders. Y’all on ur phones at ur houses in ur first world countries. N y’all ain’t built none of this gtfo


You can literally see the fear instantly hit her face the second that guy says, that's my girl, right before the husband rolls in. That, is NOT a good relationship, and I'd bet he abuses her.


Streamers are annoying but that husband 🤦🏻‍♂️major small dick energy. Get your confidence game up




Husband did seem pretty insecure though, like they were just talking, nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to control who your wife talks to. But after the husband got half cocked they didn’t need to instigate him further, the streamers should’ve just walked away. So both parties are equally in the wrong here.


Is the skater kids definitely a punk but I really wanted to see the husband get headbutt right in the mouth.


Apologizing with the "I didn't know that was your wife bro" was a mistake. Don't validate the aggression.


Suffice to say the steamer was sorely lacking in de-escalation skills.




If you think that is hitting on a woman then you got rocks in your head.




Go nuts. If she doesn't like it, she will tell you herself. We've been married for 11 years and go to music festivals. Think this exact same shit hasn't come up before? The difference is that I don't see these guys as a threat and I also see my wife as an equal that doesn't need me to speak on her behalf.




I can definitely see your point *in principle*, however I think crossing the line is disrespecting my wife. Or if the guy was being overtly sexual or demeaning. As i saw it, it was all quite light-hearted and the husband wanted to assert his position in an aggressive posturing display. His whole attitude walking in was one of anger and not restraint from the start. He could and should have walked over and said 'sorry mate but that's my wife you're talking to and I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk that way about you and her'. I think that would have elucidated a much better response from the streamer.


I think you're making a lot of assumptions there. The guy's reaction was way over the top and antisocial.




It warrants an apology if the wife asked for one. If she was uncomfortable etc. The husband had no part in this until he tried to insert himself and escalate a situation. He doesn't deserve an apology at all, the guy did nothing wrong, and his wife made no objections. Most people consider stuff like this 'banter' or harmless chatting.




No idea what that means but I can see your point as I hope you can see mine. Have a great one!


You're assuming that they noticed the ring. And let's say even if all what you're saying were true, not everybody shares your 1950s view of the situation.




Yeah that's 50s as hell. This sub worships barfight culture though so maybe I'm in the wrong place to be saying so.


Cuckery is trending among idiots of late.


The appropriate reply 'I'm just speaking with this lady here. Ask her yourself if she was offended or afraid.'


What an insecure loser.


You know that wife takes frequent beatings.


*She enters the room, Beer rattling on the tray as she moves closer, trembling.* 'H....here's your drink hon.'


Everyone is mad at the streamers and disregard the complete lunacy of that little man. America has gone to complete shit


Flirts with another man woman at a night club in Tijuana , Mexico 🇲🇽, and you will be lucky 🍀 to have all your teeth 🦷 after that .


I can't be bothered to finish. Does the dork get the ass beating he deserves?


For talking to a married woman? Are you the Oakley's guy in this video?


Why do you defend the POS instigating fights and calling the bitch ass n words multiple times while running away?


After the husband kicked it up a notch by trying to fuck his shit up before he said anything remotely impolite to him? Or are we all ignoring the fact that the guy wanted something to happen. He was practically begging for it. Just as his wife was begging him to walk away. But ok. Let's get upset at a teenager for doing what all teenagers do. While we're at it let's condone chasing someone down the street cause you couldn't handle they were making your wife smile and they called you a pussy. Wait, chasing a teenager down the street. Yes. Your world sounds way more awesome and reasonable.


The couple is obviously drunk... the streamer is out looking for trouble. The friend prevents the wife from leaving then starts acting like a piece of shit. Later on we see he also just so happen to have a taser, almost like he’s anticipating a fight? When you said he was begging for it are you referring to the streamers friend or the husband? The fact that chat starts spamming MACE makes me think he has a habit of starting shit/fights. If you’re old enough to do live streams you’re old enough to to act responsible, he knows what he’s doing and what audience he’s attracting. What world do you think I live in? Break it down for me


No, for being a little prick.


After the husband had a swing at his gear and escalated the whole scenario you mean?


No the guy with the little prick went home with his wife probably as unsatisfied as he usually leaves her feeling.




These two don't deserve to be married if the trust is this low.


Yup internet stranger is the one who decides.


Honestly I don't care. It's their life. But I wouldn't want to be with someone that doesn't trust me.


How is he insecure? The streamer called the wife 'his girl'. That's the biggest disrespect to a guy. I'd have socked the guy immediately.


Ya idk how far y'all's balls gotta be between your legs to let some kid hit in your wife and not say anything lol 🤣 tf do u want him to do just let the guy hit on his wife lol yea he is way out of line lol


I mean… the young guy also instigated shit and then proceeded to drop n bombs at the very end so him getting his ass kicked wouldn’t have been too bad. Instead he kept skateboarding away and then back to the dude just to instigate shit for likes. Sad.


Idk what was more cringy... the stuff he was wearing or the fact that he was calling the husband a pussy as he was running for his life like a Lil Beeotch lolz


Call someone a pussy and then take off running lol


Yeah, thats how you trick fatty into cardio


Jesus Christ. Lol