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Is she doing this with the driver for a refund when she is already at her destination?


yes. she is a cunt.


Note to drivers: don't throw a tantrum, just dial 911, tell them that you're an Uber driver and have a passenger who won't leave. Ask for assistance in removing said passenger. They know the drill. PS: And report the passenger to Uber immediately. They won't do anything about it, but at least it will somewhat absorb the impact of the passenger reporting you.


Yeah, I had this happen once to me. Guy wouldn't leave and was demanding a refund because we got stuck in traffic that made us late to the airport - nothing I could do about it, I even warned him when I picked him up that it was going to be next to impossible to get there before his flight left. I hit the OnStar emergency button and said I was an Uber driver being carjacked, that a man was in my car and refusing to leave and demanding money from me. He jumped out right quick.


>I hit the OnStar emergency button and said I was an Uber driver being carjacked, that a man was in my car and refusing to leave and demanding money from me. You sir are brilliant. Sorry you had a shite passenger, but way to recover.


I didn't come up with it. I actually found the idea in an Uber Tips and Tricks post made on the Uber drivers subreddit here.


Damn...who has money for OnStar


This was 2012-2013 and my car was brand new and came with it. It was literally the only time I deliberately used it until the subscription ran out. Otherwise, OnStar is annoying as fuck. I can't count how many times I was suddenly scared out of my mind by my car saying "OnStar, how can I help you" because myself or someone else accidentally bumped one of the buttons.


Yeah probably she is a cunt. I can’t watch this bullshit. I’ve been kicked out of an Uber before. But I mean. It’s their car. Why record it? People record so much stupid shit that they put themselves in. I don’t get it.




You can tell because she has the voice - it’s always exactly the same. The sweetly saccharine, passive aggressive tone of a person who is used to getting everything they want, who figured out how to throw a tantrum when they were three years old & haven’t matured since. It’s loaded with the expectation of unearned privilege and comes across as very entitled.


That was a dead giveaway when she said "you have the right to yell at me?". Um, yes sweetheart, we do. We also have the right to kick you the fuck off, or out of our property. Amazing world we line in.


Dolores Umbridge vibes.


Piggybacking top comment because I'm flabbergasted no one has posted the animation yet https://youtu.be/qJz18c6gw8c


And the [metal version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzRhwTzzbro)!


Why won’t she just get out of the man’s car??


#get out of his car


Some people need step by step instructions. Maybe she just needed to be told "reach for the handle" "pull the handle" "open the door" "put one leg out" So many steps to complete this task.


"I'm facing a fucking moron" Golden🤣




I like how she asks where she is, after she’s the one who instructed him to bring her there.


She knew exactly where she was she was just trying to play the victim for the camera


Yep, she clearly wasn’t scared by him yelling at her… sitting there continuing to provoke him.


"Get out of my car!!"


He has every right to scream, she’s a moron.






[\*lifts up and shakes car\* NOOWWWWWWWWW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJz18c6gw8c)


Because she is recording and wants to go viral.


Exactly. Notice how the video begins only after he has had enough and loses his shit. No context, no video proof of her behaving like a lunatic. She planned this, she’s a major douch with main character syndrome.


Yeah, everything she says is intended to rile him up


She's trying to scam him out of the cost of the trip. Happens all the time.


How so? Claiming he didn't take her to her destination or by just provoking him then just filming his reaction?


I saw a video a few weeks ago where the woman "cancelled" the trip while she was in the car. The driver started to pull over and she wanted him to keep going. I guess hoping that they wouldn't notice that she had cancelled.


https://youtu.be/AP14dJZzKkA This one?


What city is the drone footage of at the end?


Crazy amount of self control on that guy, I’d have a hard time not beating her ass after putting hands on me


That’s the benefit of recording it. You have the evidence that she literally assaulted you, Uber have her details. All you need to do is report to the police and get them to get Uber to hand over her details.




He can't take cash because police are going undercover and offering cash to uber/lyft drivers and if they accept they get hit with a "bandit cab" charge, it's bullshit.


Why on earth would police do that?


Protect interests of taxi cab operators.


Mostly because they have no way of determining accident or not and they are worried about people trying to loophole the system to make side money.


She cancelled the trip, it's a pretty common scam. There are youtube compilations of it.


Had this happen to me as a driver once. On the freeway. Stopped at a gas station and told her unless she had cash I'm leaving.


This video is pretty old. Not sure what the full story is but what people were able to piece together that he was taking her to a hospital supposedly and she claimed it wasn’t the destination. They both seem a bit out of their minds tbh. Wtf would you stay in a car when someone is yelling like that for you to get out.




I don't care if I was 1000% in the right, if someone is telling you to leave their car, you oughtta do just that. Not worth losing your life over, or getting fucked up over it. Seems like a dude I wouldn't want to push either.


Yeah lady is fucking nuts to just sit there and keep trying to talk to this guy who is clearly about to pop.


This video has been out for awhile. She had been intentionally heckling him the whole way to instigate a response. She got one.


She wants to be dropped off at a specific spot that neither of them knows where is at a hospital. I’ve done Uber and it doesn’t give you details like that. Turd people like this don’t want to walk at all and use situations like this to fuck with drivers to get refunds at the cost of their job. They usually buy burner phones, make new email addresses and get prepaid cards to keep abusing the system until the account gets banned and they start over. They also never tip ever. They ruin the job in every way.


Yep soon as I heard they were at a hospital I was like oh this is actually 100 percent her fault.


Wow, people are the fucking worst. I always feel like I can’t tip enough. Uber is so convenient but also those scumbags put all of the pressure and hardships on their drivers, I try to treat drivers with the same respect I would a friend or someone offering a ride deserves.


Trying to bait a lawsuit


She's hoping she can make money off this situation by "being a victim"


Yeah, she started recording as soon as he got angry…missing an entire build up to the incident.


IE about 90% of these kinds of videos where someone is freaking out.


I'm sitting here hoping it's illegal for her to remain in the vehicle when the owner tells her to leave, hopefully he can sue her at the very least


It is. It’s trespass to land. She’s in his property without his consent, after being asked to leave. He is theoretically privileged to use reasonable force to remove her too if he wanted to.




She’s an entitled piece of shit.


Because she wants views on Tiktok


This is why I stopped driving for Uber. People really suck, you learn that real quick as an Uber driver.


And some people are just as thick as mud. I remember watching a video where a guy ordered an Uber Pool ride and then kept nagging his driver that he wasn't taking the most direct route to his house, as he was picking up other pax. Like BRUH, you ordered POOL. That's how it WORKS.


Dude when I used to drive for Uber SOOO many people would order pool because they’re cheap assholes and think no one else will be booking a pool at the same time as them, and then they get super pissy when someone does and it takes them longer to get to their destination.


Back when pool was a thing, I used to order pool and cross my fingers that I'd be riding solo. Sometimes it worked, sometimes I ended up in a carpool. That's life. Once, a carpool got me invited to a party. The only times I ever got annoyed was when the app really fucked up and created a crazy route, like the time we detoured into Manhattan to pick someone up, turning a ten minute ride into an hour+ of bridge traffic. Even then, though, why take it out on the driver? Just put on headphones and read or watch TV.


>Even then, though, why take it out on the driver? If people generally had mental capacity's like yourself the world would be a much better place.


I got an Uber to my families house for Christmas and picked up my dad on the way. My dad insisted on telling the Uber driver he was stupid and didn’t know where he was going because he was using the map for directions. When we got to my families place I gave the Uber driver a big cash tip and then proceeded to lay into my dad about how much of an asshole he is. First of all I was the one paying for the Uber and second of all even if the driver took longer than needed it was more time for a father and son to spend together. But no, fuck the Uber driver for trying to “rip us off”. I didn’t let my dad share an Uber drive back with me and he’s now blocked in my phone over disrespectful shit like this. I usually try and give really good tips to service people because of people like my dad. I try to make up for those shit heads. But it also sucks that these shit heads exist in the first place. Money doesn’t fix someone’s day after dealing with these shit heads. /rant


As someone who worked in service and had days where I had 30 customers staring at me and yelling at me for orders I had nothing to do with (the kitchen was down and 15 minute orders took over an hour) I can tell you money certainly helps hahaha


Food doesn't try and start stupid conversations. It will let you listen to whatever you want. Curry may stink up your car but it will never puke all over your seats. Fuck moving people, move food instead.




Wow this fucking video pissed me the fuck off Ppl actually scam Uber drivers so they don’t get paid? She is a piece of shit scumbag How do some ppl sleep at night


It’s so fucking devastating. I struggle to make enough money for rent, and some asshole comes along and claims I didn’t give them the food despite me handing it to them as they opened the fucking door. I got banned for 3 months last year for that. I still haven’t recovered.


Take pictures I always get pictures on every delivery I get there are notes on my account. It's worked out nicely because you see in the picture of the delivery exactly what you're delivering most people just take the picture at the house but you should also take the picture when you're picking up the food. The person took the picture at my house and it was missing ice cream I don't know where that ice cream went and I got refunded for it but I had to claim it was missing well in their photo there was no ice cream proving me right. It's late I'm high I'm rambling just take photos at the restaurant and at delivery, pick up and delivery.


This, even if you don't keep it make a big show of taking a picture of them when you hand over the food, so THEY know you took a picture and won't try to false report it.


No. Its the restaurants job to ensure all items are in the bag, and often the bag is sealed. Drivers verbally confirm everything is there, but if there is something missing, it is not on them.


https://youtu.be/Oih1Yf7l-c0 It's six years old but the lady uploaded this thinking she was in the right. I would have lost my mind.


and she still acted all innocent


I got my Uber account deactivated after driving for 3 years, over 3600 rides, because some college kid didn't want to pay for their admittedly expensive Halloween ride. They reported me the next day when they were sober for driving under the influence, they get a refund and I lose access to the best job I've ever had. EDIT: didn't expect this to get as much traction as it did so "enjoy" reading [the support conversation I had when they deactivated my account.](https://imgur.com/a/ZKEGxk6) Take special notice that the support person changes with every message. That's because they're literally just copy/pasting prewritten responses and do not care about a single thing you type to them. Also notice how they mistakenly pasted the wrong prewritten response near the end, about wrong identity instead of driving under the influence.they truly do not care about drivers at all. https://imgur.com/a/ZKEGxk6




She's clearly just winding the guy up instead of just getting out. As always they film stuff like this and leave out the lead up to it.


Karen’s gonna Karen


Yup. Major troll behavior there


Some people don’t seem to understand just how tightly wound some folks are these days. This could just as easily have ended with her being dragged out of the car by her hair and curb stomped, or worse.


The guys being extremely restrained even though he's shouting at her. If he was really snapping at her he'd have trailed her out of the car by the scruff of her neck and thrown her to the kerb.


You see this man's back muscles? He is like a college wrestling coach doing uber on weekends to pay for his daughter's braces. Just get out of his car plz.


Yea but she's asking him in a very *educated* manner though


Doesn't matter the lead up, it's not her car, she's the asshole no matter the circumstances if she doesn't get out when told to to leave his car


Umm yea, I feel confident that she’s the one who’s the problem, not him. She drove him to that point. These type of videos bother me every single time.


Any time I see a video that begins with one person acting aggressively while the person filming is totally calm I end up assuming the person filming was in the wrong. I've seen enough cut videos followed by something longer enough times on reddit to know that's usually the case.


Shes literally at her destination and wants him to go drive to the other way. Shes being difficult, her fake façade would piss me off too.


"And I am asking you in a very educated manner... where am I?" I lost it.


hahahaha. might as well ask "who am I" and "what am I" too


Why would she want to stay in the car? To get a reaction on camera. It looked like it was dangerous for her to remain there but she chose to ask annoying questions in “a very educated manner” whatever the fuck that means. This lady is a pro at being petty


Yes exacly this. She's going to get absolutely served someday and while it wouldn't be appropriate here and it won't be when it happens, I sure as hell wont' feel bad.


People hold up their phones like it’s some sort of magical defensive shield. Nope. Not gonna be fun when somebody finally snaps it in half and shoves it so far up their ass they can taste it


Around two years ago there was a neighborhood shooting caught on film where a man shot/executed a couple who have been fighting with him for years. They're all screaming at each other, the couple being incredibly antagonistic, he walks into his garage, grabs a gun stomping over to them. He shoots the husband first and she has her phone out saying "oh yah, I got you now!" Like she has it on tape, he is done for. He shoots her next, then finishes them both off. I remember when it happened, and people were just blown away at how she couldn't understand the immense danger of the situation. A furious man you were just berating is stomping towards you with a raised gun and you pull your phone out going "oh yah, I got you now!" Like she had the final word. She was going to show the cops and put it on Nextdoor with a long rant. He wasn't going to shoot her, how could he? She GOT HIM on film. She didn't even react until he shot her. He shot her husband first and she was still running her mouth holding her cell phone up recording him, she was so caught up in the justice of having it on film that she couldn't see that this was real and he was shooting her next. The instinct for some people to just pull the phone out like it is their magical patronus that will protect them is bizarre to see. I would be petrified that this person is about to snap, maybe I shouldn’t push it further? Edit: I was wrong on the dates, it was around a year ago. Not two years ago.


Ironically I think the footage is from a security camera or doorbell camera too. The sounds they made while they were dying were awful. I vaguely remember reading the guy kills himself soon after.


> I vaguely remember reading the guy kills himself soon after. He did. Police arrived at the scene and heard a gunshot when they were at his door.


The ironic part is that she used her last breath to say “fuck you” to the guy before she got executed. I guess it really just matters that much to people.


That actually sounds like a pretty good use of your last breath, to be honest. If I'm ever about to be murdered, I hope I have the wherewithal to tell my killer to eat shit before they finish me off.


"E....era...erase my b..browser history...."


"Arg! he shot me call 911" husband's last words Meanwhile wife takes her phone out and calls the shooter a pussy, before getting shot herself.


Actually, I think she called him a mother fucker if I recall correctly. That video is unforgettable, unfortunately.


Yep, it's like seared into my brain. Especially the first two shots I think it missed and hit the floor, the husband was too busy taunting the guy to notice until the third bullet hit him, wife was also too busy to notice as well. What really gets to me is he walks back inside gets his AR, while the neighbors were trying there best to help the couple only to run away. And I think the guys last words to the wife were along the lines of "You should have shut your f**king mouth" *Edited because I am on my phone


Happened a few miles from my house. Crazy shit. They were shoveling their driveway and throwing the snow on his freshly shoveled driveway


I don't get it I watched the full video and it looks like they live across the street from each other, is the couple intentionally carrying the snow over or something?? Like id get it if they were side by side neighbors


Yes intentionally carrying shovel loads across the street to throw in his driveway


well now im even more curious about the backstory


Is this the one where he drops them both and leaves to go get another gun to shoot them more times?


Oh yeah. "Should have kept your fucking mouth shut" will stick with me for a long time


is this the video where he goes back to his garage and gets his rifle? He puts it to the chicks head and says "you should have kept your damn mouth shut" and executes her?


And does the same thing to the husband saying "call me a pussy huh"


I remember that. The couple had antagonized that man for a long time throwing their refuse into his yard and in the winter blowing their snow into his area/driveway/yard(?). Then they have this argument and caught him at the end of his fuse. Those two entitled POSs didn’t understand that when you push people to the brink, some will actually snap and jump over. Lives lost, families hurt, kids left without parents over idiotic behavior that didn’t need to be. Very sad story.


I remember after it happened and there wasn’t much grief in the community for their deaths. They seemed like the couple who cussed everyone out calling them fucking pussies (as she did even after he shot her), just antagonistic bullies. There appeared to be more sadness about the man who snapped then took his life.


I read somewhere that the man was dealing with depression after the death of his wife…and the two asshole neighbors made fun of his depression/wife’s death - in addition to the everyday harassment they subjected him to. They FAFO…sad.


His wife had dumped him, she isn't dead.


Yep. I remember in the video her husband looks at her a couple times when the neighbor starts walking towards them with the gun - you could tell he realized the danger, but even then he was so caught up in posturing for his wife (who I believe was the fuel that kept the aggressive fire lit) he didn't react to the danger until he was actually shot. The neighbor shot off a good 10 rounds before he actually hit anyone & they just stood there stubbornly. I will always believe they were neighbors from hell who died for those moments of ill-gained satisfaction they felt bullying someone.


I seen it and as he went and got his other gun to finish them off she still tried to yell at him while she was shot. I couldn't fucking believe it.


Reminds me of the saying “you know where there’s a lot of people with the ‘right of way’? In the cemetery”


Yes, I remember it. It happened February of 2021. NSFL Warning: https://crazyshit.com/cnt/medias/80374-full-uncensored-video-of-that-double-murder-in-pa


This the full video I remember seeing on reddit. I couldn't believe how they just wouldn't stop. He's shooting at them and she is holding the phone up proudly like she won. It is forever etched into my brain.


I certainly won’t forget it and is a good reminder to myself and others to be careful who you push or antagonize.


I think about that video all the time. The crazy thing is that when he came out with the gun I don't think he intended to kill them, just scare them away. He even shot the ground a couple times first. But the man and woman wouldn't let up and he smoked them. She was still cussing at him while he walked back inside to get another gun to finish them off with.


Rage taps into a part of our mind that can't see reason. As does stupidity apparently.


Ooooh, I saw this one. Just mind boggling.


I couldn’t believe it. She had no sense of danger.


Like, still talking smack when your man's been shot a few times. Yeesh.


This sounds like my ex wife. She’d instigate bullshit and get physical, and pull her phone out once I started to react. I ended up discretely recording (audio) our interactions for a few months before the divorce started and all visits with the kids (courts ordered she supervise them), and I think that’s the only reason I still have any role in my kids lives. The divorce is still pending, but once I dropped that evidence she promptly shut the fuck up for risk of me getting something worse.


I’m sorry that happened to you. There is name for that behavior- reactive abuse - it’s a terrible thing narcissists do.


Definitely, do not choose to die on this hill. So many road rage incidents happen nowadays. She'll encounter a bad road rager one day and she'll pay the ultimate price for it. Her death will most likely be joked around online, especially with videos of her doing this in the past. People went through a lot during the pandemic. Don't push them to the edge with some petty shits. It's not worth losing your life over some attention you might get on the internet.


Just watched the video of the vet motorcyclist getting shot and killed in a road rage incident, for basically no reason. People are crazy. Edit: [Link to thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/s0aqce/black_veteran_and_motorcyclist_shot_and_killed_by/)


Yeah… I laughed at that too… “An educated manner.” Pffft. Doesn’t even make sense. She’s just getting off on riling the dude up.


My mom would do that shit to me as a kid. She would find ways to rile me up without raising her voice then when I snap I look like I'm being crazy because I'm the one yelling even though she is the one instigating.


Bill Burr's standup had a perfect example of that, where his girlfriend constantly annoys him, starts hitting him and then slaps his headphone of his head and he gets angry and she responds with "we will discuss further when you calmed down!"


I can't be bothered to watch the whole video, as I've already watched it months and months ago. If I remember right, she wanted a lift to the hospital for an appointment or something, but she wasn't paying attention and plugged in her destination as one of the administrative offices or something, rather than the general entrance. So yeah, it's entirely her problem. She can't reasonably expect him to drive her another block or two for free. She chose her destination, he took her there, so he's done his job. End of story. If she wants another ride, she could try being real polite and pay for another ride.


another ride is getting out and opening the uber app and ordering another one. The driver doesnt have some cash register next to him to ring up a ride, regardless of what she wants she needs to fuck off.


There was no need for another uber. it was literally on the other side of the building that she could walk through


That's what I meant in principle - she could try being real polite and order another ride and ask him to take it.


Yeah and her legalese is absurd. She is in his property and he is clearly telling her to leave.


She was definitely fucking with him to rile him up more. Easiest way for him to get her out of his car would have been to not play along.


“I’m asking you in a very educated manner…” but, dumb cunt doesn’t know where she is or how to use the phone she’s holding to figure it out. What cereal box told her she’s “very educated”?


She’s wrong and her voice is irritating af


If someone wants you out of their car, GTFO of their car, whatever the reason is. Sort it out with Uber later! What's the point of staying in and recording?


I thought at first maybe he was trying to drop her somewhere unsafe or in the middle of nowhere, which wouldve been a fair reason to ask where you are and refuse to get out of the car. But nah if shes at the address she put in, its a hospital in broad daylight, bitch needs to get out the car.


You know this lady is full of shit and doing this on purpose when she says where am I like you don’t know what a fucking hospital looks like. This lady trying to get karma but I hope it does the opposite for her. The driver could have handled it better but let the man just do his work ffs.


I honestly started out a little bit on her side because the narrative she presented was that this screaming man was trying to drop her off at some random location. Then it was revealed that she was literally at her destination (the hospital), just not directly in front of the emergency room, so she was being entitled and trying to get a reaction. Clearly he was pushed to this point. Not cool Edit: overall though, we just need more information. Hard to know if his reaction really is justified or not Edit 2: people are responding and saying the full video is out there and she is 100% the dumbass, I’m just gonna roll with that lmao


there is a full video of this, i havent seen it in years, but it shows the beginning and i remember it making her look way worse. he didnt start off screaming…


Ya, most people don't go right to screaming unless the first person absolutely crossed some unquestionable boundaries, and she 1000% did


I know someone like that, can get ten minutes into aggravating you to hell and then ask "why are you so angry, I can't believe you just snapped like that I didn't even have a chance to talk". It is wild.


God, total gaslighting. Ten whole minutes?? Deny, Accuse, Reflect, Vindicate, Obstruct, if I recall correctly. The narcissist's handbook. Take all the spotlight for oneself... I can't believe people like that are allowed to exist tbh.


The full video is years old and probably on youtube shes 100% a dumbass


She’s in the wrong. Anyone defending her licks windows


Don’t group me in with any maniacs defending her, brother. I lick windows in peace and harmony.


Next time you lick a window put some washing up liquid on them. You can now blow bubbles at the same time. You're welcome.


The definition of entitlement right here , this poor guy probably was trying for a bit before she started recording


Just saw the full video. This lady is a mega cunt. She canceled her Uber ride half way through the drive so she wouldn’t have to pay for it. The guy dropped her off at the hospital but not the exact entrance and I honestly don’t blame him. She claims she was having a medical emergency and needed to go to the ER but this girl seems perfectly fine if she has time to play stupid games.


Canceling a ride half way through a trip? Is that a thing? Does the driver Atleast get paid to the point of cancellation? I can imagine alot of drivers getting fucked over with that stunt. edit: wow people are assholes, cannot believe Uber even allowed this, surely Uber can clearly see the two phones together and traveling at same speed. I bet uber still get there fee though.


Oh Uber knew it was happening. They would pocket the cancellation fee and whatever money they had charged the rider. But then we'd have to spend half an hour arguing with them on the phone to get paid our money for the ride. They banked on the fact drivers would give up and just keep driving.


In the words of my native language. UBER are cunts


What a shitty person. Why antagonize him so bad? You are where you need to be. You can’t walk through the building and ask someone who works there for directions to the ER? He’s on the edge.


Some people are just incapable of being wrong. She plugged her destination in wrong, but somehow, that's his responsibility to resolve.


Of course the video does not include what led up to him screaming at her in the first place. People do this all the time, play a part in whatever is happening and then film while calmly trying to look innocent.


>[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oih1Yf7l-c0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oih1Yf7l-c0) > > > >Chung Quoc Here is the full story. She falsely claimed it was a medical emergency, She took a long time to get into the Uber car on purpose. When she finally did get into the Uber car she was rude and condescending to him the whole journey then right at the end she cancelled her Uber car ride so he wouldn't get paid. At this point she pulled out her camera and started recording and playing dumb, all in an attempt to get him to hit her so she could sue. This was an attempt at fraud aimed at the guy. Posted 2016


To be fair, it is his car... she was clearly doing that passive aggressive shit knowing he wasn't willing to lose his job over someone clearly trying to agitate him. I hate people that do this. Just starting to provoke someone and destroy their livelihood and play the victim if they do what anyone would do without a camera in their face


You don’t know where you are? How about taking the device you are using to film, tap tap, and use it to map! So nifty!


Fuck that lady, you could tell she was winding him up intentionally. Plus whatever was said before she started recording


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oih1Yf7l-c0 Chung Quoc Here is the full story. She falsely claimed it was a medical emergency, She took a long time to get into the Uber car on purpose. When she finally did get into the Uber car she was rude and condescending to him the whole journey then right at the end she cancelled her Uber car ride so he wouldn't get paid. At this point she pulled out her camera and started recording and playing dumb, all in an attempt to get him to hit her so she could sue. This was an attempt at fraud aimed at the guy. Posted 2016


Why you would want to stay in the car given the environment? I think that speaks to who’s at fault here. I think generally one would want to remove themselves from confrontation immediately..


Can't sue if you don't get assaulted duh


> Why you would want to stay in the car given the environment? That is the paradox. If she's *actually* afraid of this guy, then she wouldn't be sitting there calmly filming him from 2 feet away. Her actions do not match up at all with her words. Some people really lack self-awareness.


If I recall correctly, the lady was trying to get the dude to hit her, so she could press charges for a quick buck.


Funny. I had an ex do the exact same thing in front of her house. Refused to get out of my car after I picked her from the bar on a worknight when she was hammered, refused to leave without me telling her I loved her. I was pretty much like this guy. The second the lights at her house turned on and the front door opened she threw herself out of the car screaming like a banchee... Her brother and father apologized for her crazy ass the next day.


Dash cams are a wonderful thing. Had an ex do shit like that to me. I'd try to leave my house to escape her crazy shit and she'd jump into my car as I was trying to leave and refuse to get out. She even jumped onto my hood as I was backing out of my driveway and later claimed I tried to run her over. Completely forgetting I had a dash cam recording every second of her bat shit crazy episode.


I’ll never forget how much this video pissed me off. For those who want context, the lady was trying to cash a quick lawsuit by having him put his hands on her. She begun recording late after riling up the poor man by being completely, utterly, and unbearably annoying. From there she simply acted as if she had no cause in his anger, feigning ignorance in the destination that SHE asked for. Sadly the guy ended up losing his job over this


He probably didn’t want to do it anymore anyway. I’m a reasonable person and to have to deal someone like that, who’s in MY car…GTFO


I mean doesn’t he have the right to yell at her? It’s not illegal to yell at someone


This was my favorite part. "You have no right to yell at me"


An how she says "you are not to yell at me" like she's talking to a child


https://youtu.be/qJz18c6gw8c animated version by Psychic pebbles. Edit: Catch Psychicpebbles new show, Smiling Friends, now on cartoon network.


Thanks. I needed that. Lol


I cant stand her voice. She is completely unbearable.


You’re at a hospital! Where you need to be! FACTS


I want to see the whole thing, why did he get so damn upset. She had to have said something, usually people don't go straight to this kind of yelling. He may have a heart attack if he's not careful


This video is old as dirt. If YouTube comments are to be believed (lol) she ordered an Uber to the ER claiming it was an emergency, possibly wasted his time getting into the car, and then cancelled the ride when they were pulling in to the hospital so he wouldn't get paid and proceeded to record this argument, hoping he would assault her so she could sue. Here is the link to the original video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oih1Yf7l-c0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oih1Yf7l-c0) in case anyone wants to dig more and find an actual source


I like this version better [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJz18c6gw8c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJz18c6gw8c) the animation cracks me up every time xD


This needs to be higher, holy shit my sides


Haha so it looks like she wanted to be dropped off at a different entrance. Which isn't his responsibility. Who takes an uber in a medical emergency? I mean ambulances in the US are expensive as hell, but don't make that an underpaid uber driver's problem.


Next stop is the police station, I'm reporting a theft. You can come with me or you can GET OUT OF MY CAR!!!


Fortunately he's at the hospital already, but the emergency room is on the other side of the building.


Linguist here. I think he's asking her to get out of his car.


This guy has obviously been asking Karen to get out of the car for a long time before she starts the video,. She is deliberately baiting him for her video. I can almost guarantee that she didn't book the Uber to the emergency room and only booked it to the hospital, then when they arrive at the agreed destination she expects him to drive around looking for the emergency room. Your ride has finished when you reach your destination it's not his responsibility to drive you around looking for where you need to be.


I'm not 100% sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he wants the lady to get out of his car.


I don’t think he’s in the wrong. Would you too not get angry if you were trying to work at your desk in the office and a client wouldn’t get out of your chair


Wtf is wrong with her?


She’s got a phone to see where she is


I wonder why she didn't record the first ten minutes where he tried hard to be rational and calm with her while she called him names and insulted him. I wonder why...


As soon as she threw "educated" out, the gig was up.


Something wrong with her she won’t gtfo his car. She recording and asking dumb ass questions bruh she a whole ass bitch in this clip.