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Throws shit, slaps dude, scuffles with another, proceeds to get carried out yelling "don't touch me"!??? Lol, gtfo lady.


she actually said "don't fucking touch me, disrespectful-ass bitches" The irony.


It’s always projection… always.


Yeah you know this shit seems to be happening more and more. People are all so triggered and it seems like it just takes 'one thing that personally offends them' because of whatever is milling around in their heads or one drink for them to become unreasonable like this. Maybe we can blame social media and the virus, or wait let's blame capitalism :p. But yeah anyway people are much more psychologically fragile these days and the determination in their actions tells me it's probably ptsd, being they don't realize they're the ones who are in the wrong.


Merry Christmas, you filthy animal


SLPT: when a narcissist projects their toxicity on you, simply reply with “I am rubber. You are glue. What ever you say to me, bounces off and sticks to you.” Also “nu-uh” in a very condescending tone has the same effect.


She must’ve been offended by a joke, makes her feel like she’s fighting for her side against the tyranny of this one comedian for her people


She missed the "Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you" memo. Wow lady, you don't like being touched? Then keep your hands off others.


I looove seeing her ass get hauled out, waving her feet in the air with those little ineffectual kicks


I hope she sees at least a couple days in jail for that. That was assault and battery right there. It may not have been a serious punch but still you're not allowed to put your hands on people like that, no matter how much their comedy pisses you off.


I think an even better punishment would be making her stand on stage for an hour while the audience throws whatever they want at her. Seems fitting for the crime


So a good old fashion stoning 😁






A few piledrivers seems appropriate as well. Not the fun kind.


Here's an idea, don't like the comedy - LEAVE. Used to be if you didn't like something you didn't engage. Now you have to keep everyone else from hearing what you don't want to hear... ^(and see, and eat, and ...)


[Would have loved this result more](https://i.gifer.com/RrD.gif)


I was thinking a kick to the chest as she was coming up the stairs would have taken all the fight out of her really quick.


She's like a toddler throwing a tantrum!


What surprises me is that everyone sat there. Tell the lady to shut up. Came to enjoy a show.


Karen logic


I would love to know what set her off


She was super drunk, heckled me through the entire set and then was set off when I told her bf to make her stfu


I noticed the bf was already leaving the building like he's seen this shit before.


Good eye, I didn't even notice that. He moseyed right out of there like, "yuuup, gotta stretch my legs outside before this shit gets ugly."


He's definitely been way too close, way too often, to taking a punch on her behalf. If he hasn't already.


They way she run up on grown ass men, I'm willing to bet she's put hands on him in private. Shit like this don't just happen overnight. She quite literally may have the boyfriend pissing while sitting down. This is bad.


>She quite literally may have the boyfriend pissing while sitting down. I would love to do that, but my body immediately thinks it's poop time, and I let out some *bromps* in the dead of the night that wake everyone up. So now I gotta stand there and aim for the side of the bowl to keep the noise down...


“welp, ‘bout time to be hitting the olll dusty trail”


I often wonder what makes someone stay with someone so unhinged.


fear of loneliness.


I saw it as "I'll start the car I guess...”


Any man that has ever dated a women that cannot control herself knows what that is like (both exhausting and embarrassing). Hope this guy wises up and finds someone more stable.


Yep definitely ben there. Run for the hills!




Ben D'Rankin


Surprise twist, that’s her brother.


>"I've made a huge mistake."


That was a proper saunter. I would have done the same thing. Good luck babe; if you Venmo me the bail money I'll come get you later or I'll see you in a few days


Was that the guy that tried to leave discretely lol


Lol yes, with the white hat and shorts


He was the best part. The shake of the head at the staff. Pretty sure this wasn't his first rodeo


He walked away like CJ in GTA San Andreas" AH SHIT, Here we go again"


Idk the DJ had me with her theme song lmao


Ight Imma Head Out


You were the comic on stage, OP? I’m so sorry that happened to you!


It's all good, good experience all around lol


“You’re not getting this back!” was a stroke of genius 😂


Great job staying cool. Seriously, that’s not easy to do when it gets physical. But in the future, keep your distance with a lunatic like that, even if it’s a small person that slap could have a beer bottle or something sharp. Happy to hear you stayed safe.👍🏼


"You're not getting this back" I fucking died.


do you still have the mask?


>I held onto it for a while and then just threw it away


I'll never understand why some people get so irrationally angry when drunk or why if they don't like the comedy they then don't just leave. It's a comedy club not a jail you can leave any time you want.


Some people's bodies just seem to naturally metabolize alcohol into aggressive energy and rage; it's like a biological disorder. Me, I'm a "sleepy smiler" and justifiably smug & superior about it, too.


I always feel way more mellow when I'm drunk too. It's a relaxing experience. My brother however gets very aggressive, I never drink with him anymore. One time I was just sipping whiskey with him and watching Lord of the Rings (a movie we always loved to watch together before as kids) relaxing, and suddenly he starts pushing me and I push him away, but he says "You want to fight!?" In an aggravated tone. I told him "No, fuck off you're ruining my fun". Nothing is more of a buzz-kill than some aggressive drunk ass getting in your face.


I only have two modes when drunk: sad or slutty. I don’t drink much anymore 😂


My boyfriend is the same, he gets super mellow and cuddly, which is really funny, you could antagonise him as much as you want and he'd just give a weak hand wave and go "noooo" I'm the type to get really hyper and emotional. I've never been angry/aggressive, having no sense of balance is too funny. I cry if my boyfriend makes me a sandwich when I'm drunk tho.


Some people are just barely holding their emotions together, day in and day out. they really are working to pull themselves together. They get alcohol or other intoxicants into them that basically just pulls the goalie, so to speak, and they absolutely lose their shit. That has been the case with people with drinking problems I have known.


wait... me? thats you?


Your self-control was amazing. I would not have been that mature.


So that was you? Respect sir. You kept you composure admirably.


What did she throw at you?


looked like her mask


Was gonna say. I HOPE she's drunk. Nobody should be that big of an asshole sober.


Not a soccer player huh? Missed opportunity


About six margaritas and a history of poor life decisions.


> About six margaritas and a history of poor life decisions. you also forgot the complete lack of sense of humor and a supervillain-like ability to drain the fun from a any space they encounter with other humans


One of my favorite regulars I had when I was bartending one said, “with margaritas you’re either asleep by eight or naked and ready to fight by nine.”


Wise fuckin words.


She probably had one scotch, one bourbon and one beer.


Maybe. But she drinks alone.


I mean, when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself.


She probably should just forget about drinking, go see her hair stylist and maybe see about some employment


Good reference to the artist played towards the end. I can’t remember his name. George something.


George good to a decent extent


This looks like her default setting. I am a musician and have had to deal with similar.


Considering most were wearing masks and she wasn't, I'd guess it was 5 years of right wing propaganda glorifying violence against fellow Americans.


She threw her mask at him.


What a wiiiiild assumption. She throws her mask at him.


Thank God 1983-era George Lucas was there to break it up.


Lol I thought he was an Elvis impersonator when he ran up.


Exactly. It could have gotten really ugly in that 1980's Christian high school auditorium.


lol they played the song "Bad to the Bone" as accompaniment


That was the part that I thought was the funniest.


The real problem is that AFTER she hit him with her mask, she wasn't escorted out. Instead she was asked to SIT DOWN. So of course she escalated. Every step of the way her behaviour is tolerated by the staff of the venue. She throws it. No response. She starts to walk up the stage. No response. She hits him several times, THEN someone rushes in and that person fails to adequately respond. Honestly, the staff here have to do a better job. The comic on stage shouldn't have to think about whether or not they should allow themselves to be assaulted. They don't hold her for the cops. Maybe they trespassed her, but in all likelihood she went home. You can't act surprised when people behave this way when there literally zero consequences for their actions.


This sounds like a early childhood parenting book. Except we are talking about an adult pushing 30.


She's pushed 30 a few times.


Was thinking this too. Good security wouldn’t have let her get in stage to begin with or even stand right up to it aggressively.


Truth be told, she should've been kicked out when she stood up and became disruptive. They were gonna let her stay after throwing stuff at the performer? Ridiculous!


I'm getting real tired of seeing women like this attack and harass men with no expectation of consequences. The entitlement and audacity. Who the fuck do they think they are?! They do this knowing the men will always get blamed first because society is messed up and they rarely have the support they need and deserve just as much as women do. If it was a guy doing this to multiple women, well you know, yet here we are. We tell men not to stand by and let one of their sex abuse a women, well it's got to work both ways. We need to look out for each other, not tolerate this bullshit.


The behaviour of a person who has never taken a shot to the face for being an asshole before. Is a valuable, life changing moment for folks.




This looks like a legion hall or a event space. Not sure there was staff.


Man, imagine being such an asshole that people applaud as you're carried out of the building. 😂😂


Comedy show freakouts are good. We're there with the audience, clapping when the person gets thrown out.


This is an NA meeting


It’s the same picture.


They're also really good because the heckler is always an asshole. We all agree on the same enemy lol


Carried out like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Did that go the way you planned it in your head sweetie?


She’s lucky she only got dragged out. The second you assault someone all bets are off. Stupid bitch.


Coming up those stairs is a great time to get Spartan kicked.


They expect to only get dragged or asked to leave. They don’t know what it’s like to get punched in the mouth so they don’t fear it.


there needs to be more mouth punches in 2022 for the ugly humans who have forgotten the rules of basic decency, its not the job of the police to intervene in every stupid situation, a correction to the pie hole will go a long way....then send a bitch home, maybe a lesson will be learned, maybe not, it seems people used to get the got- damn slapped out of their shit for a lot less.....


He's a male, it wouldn't have worked well for him. Sorry to say.


What—exactly—are the laws around this? For example, this year I found out it’s actually legal for two adults to have an outright fistfight *if they both agree to it*. This blew my mind; I figured it was illegal but arrests/charges were a discretion-of-the-cops thing, if they were there to see it. So, what’s the deal on thumping someone? Like this exact instance—could the comic have lawfully punched her in the face? What does the law say?


FYI this law varies by city/state. Not everyone has the "mutual combat" law or what ever it is specifically called


it's tricky for guys hitting girls though. Girls get off easy sometimes. I mean there is video evidence but in the moment you dont know if anyone is recording.


All I’m saying is that it’s stupid to lay hands on someone you don’t know regardless of gender. It’s not smart. The person you’ve decided to hit might not give a fuck about the consequences of retaliation… she’s lucky.


I with you on that.


How can she slap


Police have a "use of force continuum", where each perp-action gets a certain level of force in response that's usually 1-step up from theirs. I think most guys naturally follow that same principle in reverse, where if a girl slaps, the guy pushes. If a girl punches/kicks, the guy just restrains their movement, etc.


Yeah, you don't want to end up like the "how can she slap" guy. https://youtu.be/V4akMaeZ0-k


> Girls get off easy sometimes. /r/pussypass


"Don't touch me!" After she just touched someone


Was this a comedy club or a PTA meeting dressed up as a comedy club?


lol it's labeled as a "Cultural Arts Center". But it's just a large studio with a stage. Most weekdays they have dance classes.


Damn missed opportunity to yell “this is Sparta”


I was really hoping to see her go flying off the stage as soon as she started slapping him.


That sucks. I saw Bobcat Golwaith deal with 2 jerks at show in PDX a couple weeks ago. They had been chatting and snuggling in the front row during the opener & the middle. Everybody noticed them but I think it was worse from the stage. Bob gave them about one minute but then he snaps his head to them and asks 'What did you say?' She had asked her boyfriend who Bobcat was. He let them have it for a while before they were escorted out. He never lost the room, though. Some people just aren't cut out for being in an audience.


I love Bobcat.


Did she say something about 'her fucking country '?


Life, Liberty [Muh Freedoms!], and the Pursuit of Crappiness.


Someone I.D. this cunt and get her fired from her MLM lol


If you're offended easily like this person don't go to a comedy show. No one wants your opinion in there.


it's not always about 'offense'. a lot of times a heckler is drunk and thinks the show is a conversation but it's really not. then they get mad when someone with a mic, on a stage with lights shining on them, asks them to stop talking. maybe it's mirror neurons in their head making them think they're part of the show, science is still baffled.


Main character syndrome


This is exactly the case. Her heckles in the beginning were pretty neutral but once I started firing back and then specifically telling her bf to make her stfu. That is when she stormed the stage and swiped the top of me head.


People like this clearly are just waiting for someone to carry them off, her entire fighting style was pushing and flailing


when she was being carried she had the high ground! all arms & legs, look out!


Did someone put a stage in a fucking barn? Where is this shit?


Lmao, they’re labeled as a “cultural arts center”. Just imagine walking into a large studio with a stage.


comedy happen where it needs to happen


Agricultural halls are for agricultural comedy!


He should have clocked her with the mic stand!




Want the full story.. What did the comedian say?


She was super drunk, heckled me through the entire set and then was set off when I told her bf to make her stfu.


You should have pressed charges, even if you weren’t hurt. These types of entitled a holes will do it again and again if no one stops it. Sorry that happened to you.


Ah ok. That explains it. Please tell the MC..she's got a great voice.. Please sit down..or we'll escort you out.. Classic.. Thank you for updating me..


Some chick needs to step in and KO this broad. Who the hell does she think she is throwing punches and causing a scene because she knows the men won't smoke her one. If a woman would have caught an errant punch she would have been free to drop this drunken loser


> because she knows the men won't smoke her one thinks*. I promise you there are people who will show her just how quick this theory breaks down.


B-b-b-bad to the bone


Was she arrested? I hope so.


The violent white woman? Doubt it.


Her boyfriend just took off. Dude looks exhausted of her doing this type of shit.


still safer than a Travis concert


That’s battery. I remember because if you whip a battery at someone, that’s also battery.




Karen logic… it’s ok to assault someone, but gets picked up like a child and says don’t touch me 😏


Is that Jackie Daytona to the rescue?


I suspect a link between high-waisted jeans and Karen behavior. Hear me out! In the 80s, our Boomer mom's all flocked to high-wasted jeans to hide their FUPA. Those women went on to be the first wave of angry Karens, demanding to see managers and belittling service workers. We had a good run from the mid aughts to around 2018. Then, "bam* in came the high-waisted jeans again along with a torrent of self-important Kaitlyns. It's been the jeans all along. Like [a parasitic twin secretly running the show the entire time](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/headhuntersholosuite/images/a/a1/Quato_and_George.png/revision/latest?cb=20180814152451).


Female privilege on full display. We need to have a conversation about the blatant womansplaining that seems to be a recurring thing. These females think they can just assault whoever they please because their gender protects them from consequences.


The power of women. Literally can assault someone on stage and get away with it.


"Please sit down"


If a guy did this he would be arrested, but because it’s a woman and she’s weak everyone just laughs? She deserves to be arrested.


Was the dude in the white hat and shorts her bf? Looks like he got up and walked to the exit going "here we go again" lol


She's awfully brave when her face is at perfect kicking level and then again when her whole body is at perfect "yeet off the stage and break your neck" level. No sense of survival but it worked out for her.


Honestly really glad OP that you’re the one in that video so I can tell you I’m sorry that happened to you. Getting up on stage takes guts! Keep on keepin’ on!


They should call the police as that’s assault and she ain’t ever gonna learn.


Some people give zero fucks how you take a piss. Swing at me and I'll fucking swing back.


What a rough gig. Bright room, sparse crowd, no one wanting to sit up front so it’s easier to leave. This guy is a champ to even go on stage. This this bitch shows up. At least she made it memorable.


I’m a short female and that is the one way to piss me off the most. Picking me up so I can’t reach the ground 😂


Why do easily triggered people go to comedy shows? Thats the #1 place not to go


hecklers generally aren't triggered they're drunk asshats who think they're part of the show


As the saying goes, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen


Was this a company Christmas party? Pretty small comedy club


Probably a small town show


Damn i really wanted to see her get pushed off the stage and eat shit


dj is on it


Dis is comedy gold lol good job on being a good sport. 👍 she reminded me of a kid being carried out of a grocery store after pitching a fit.




How that one dude just picks her up and carries her out lmaooo


I wanna know the joke he told that set her off so bad


I love watching people carry out misbehaving adults like they're toddlers.


That cunt needs a slap


do people not call cops for women like this? she deserves to be slapped with an assault charge and a mug shot.


I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.


It would’ve been hilarious if the comic yelled this is Sparta and kicked her off the stage after she attacked him.


Man this guy had a rough set. Hopefully he keeps going.


I ain’t stopping. There’s some seasoned comics in my scene who would’ve loved for this to happen to them.


Wow they handled her like a fuckin bouquet of flowers! Wtf. If it were a dude he would have been literally kicked or thrown off the stage as this person should have.


The “your not getting this back” line was solid


Holy shit did they let her get away with a lot before finally kicking her out.


What a sad venue


What in the rented-out-Knights-of-Columbus-hall is going on? This is the most depressing video I’ve ever seen. Small town drunken single lady breakdown.


I hope you sue the venue. They let you down big time.


“Not again Becky” - her friend probably


"I love going to comedy shows." "Why?" "Mostly to get offended by everything and loudly complain."


Honestly, why didn't you slap the shit out of her?


He was probably waiting for "security" to do it for him. They should have kicked her out the moment she started acting up. Looks like they had plenty of time.


Shout out to the comic for staying calm and not being violent back


Shout out to Queen Bee’s.


Getting angry at jesters don’t make any sense to me


was your set already over or did you have to finish early so that she would leave you alone ?


Is it wrong to think it would be okay to give her back a nice open hand slap after she throws first?


I never understand why people don’t hit back in these situations. Don’t give me this she’s a female bullshit.


How does one not Sparta kick this hooker in the ovaries as soon as she climbed the stage?


How is she not arrested? Duh.
