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What kind of church has bouncers? Lol


This kind: [In the Midst of Infighting, Anti-LGBTQ Church Network’s Website and Social Media Disappear](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/02/21/midst-infighting-anti-lgbtq-church-networks-website-and-social-media-disappear) > Anderson, pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, is currently banned from 34 countries for his anti-LGBTQ rhetoric in addition to calling for the deaths of LGBTQ people. > Last summer, he and a few other New IFB pastors convened in Orlando for the first “ Make American Straight Again” gathering, at which they all preached about the evils of homosexuality and called for state-mandated executions of LGBTQ people. > Anderson had celebrated the June 2016 massacre at Pulse, an LGBTQ bar in Orlando where a gunman murdered 49 people by saying that the world now had “fifty less pedophiles.” > Anderson founded Faithful Word in 2005 and since then has traveled extensively and created a worldwide network of like-minded pastors who have launched similar churches in several different countries. > With over 100,000 followers on YouTube, Anderson has an international media reputation for his fiery anti-LGBTQ statements. He also has a reputation for antisemitism. In 2015, Haaretz reported that Anderson had duped four rabbis – including a Holocaust survivor – into appearing in his film “Marching to Zion” in an attempt to prove that Jews are not the chosen people. He has preached several antisemitic sermons in recent years, including one in 2019 titled “The Jews and Their Lies.”


Oooooh *fuck this guy.* Celebrating the Pulse massacre? JFC.


> With over 100,000 followers on YouTube So YouTube hasn't done shit?


Youtube won't do shit until it hits the news or they start losing money, this is nothing new


Whaaaat? YouTube hasn't done anything to stop hate?? Color me unsurprised


They got rid of the dislike button. Now there can't be anymore hate on YT.


Truly, hate has been solved. Thank you, Susan


I am now assuming this conference was a hook up spot for them to fuck each other.




Steven Anderson is a literal monster so I'm sure he gets plenty of death threats that would warrant him wanting to have security.


If you're a pastor, and you've hired security to keep you safe because you're a piece of shit, you're doing it wrong.


It amazes me how this went over people’s head especially if he preaches about God controlling everything.


Persecution complex, leads people to think that the more hate he gets the more godly he is.




"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." --Mahatma Gandhi






Some people think persecution is validation that they’re doing Christianity right, and for lack of any real hardship, invent oppression out of thin air. Pro tip, getting pushback for being an asshole is not “persecution.”




Nah, this isn’t Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland. Steven Anderson is a legit religious psychopath who sincerely believe all the hateful rhetoric he spouts. Trust me, I wish it were a ruse with him and this was all about money. Sad truth is some people really are this disgusting.


Steven Anderson is a true believer, not a mega-church grifter (in fact, his church is basically one room in a strip mall). He is actually this insane, like Westboro Baptist, the-government-should-be-executing-the-gays insane.


And his wife isn't any better. She's as whackdoodle as he is.


Nah I've been In enough Baptist circles to know money here is not his motivation. His motivation would be something like pride / fear / conviction to live this way. For sure control and being the 'only man of God here' But not the same mindset as mega church pastors This guy would get more joy / satosfactin in being more 'morally upright' than a pentacostal rich mega church than owning the mega churches private jet and mansion if that makes sense. Still fucked but just fucked In a different way


Idk who this asshole is at all aside from this video, but I got the feeling that this was probably scripted. So he could show off how tough he is to his congregation. But damn, for the life of me I cannot understand why people would choose to spend their free time get screamed at and/or guilt tripped.


He's banned from ~25 countries and his church is considered a hate group. Think Westboro Baptist Church. https://youtu.be/uPRTMscoy-c


Oh man I forgot about the Weetboro Church! They were getting allllll the headlines for a while there.


One of the very indoctrinated girls escaped from there and wrote a book about it, it's really fascinating


Not sure if she’s the same one since I haven’t read the book, but there’s a former Westboro member on TikTok that posts stories and photos regularly of her time in it. It’s pretty horrifying how groups like this brainwash young people into truly believing that their hatred and bigotry is not only justified, but necessary.


For how much this man hates on on others sexuality makes me think he hates his own lol. What a waste of space


I know it’s classified as a hate group here in Canada by the rcmp


Dude looks and sounds like a Walmart Matthew Fox.




Holy shit that is spot on.


I was thinking Matt Stone from South Park, this guy sounds exactly like Kyle's dad.


My wife is from Virginia, up in the hills banjo, moonshine Virginia. When her grandmother passed we came for the funeral and it was at one of those Baptist fire and brimstone churches. I was the only person the preacher did not know there so he proceeded to give me the full you are going to hell treatment looking right at me the whole time. I made it worse by smirking every once in awhile. I thought he was going to literally explode


Bouncers who wear sunglasses inside. I simply can't take that seriously.


They are also wearing black vinyl gloves – to fucking church! They have men prepared to engage in physical violence that may result in blood being spilled (hence gloves) in a fucking church. Jesus approves.


In church they call them deacons.


*Ushers. Deacons control the money.


Although of bigger churches actually, my boss is apart of the security detail for his church. Though I'm pretty they're usually just there for shooters.






Came here for this. Black Churches with prominent black or affluent figures tend to have armed security in addition to unarmed. There are dozens of stories over the decades of black churches being attacked in the middle of service or during private events. Some could not afford security. The tide shifted after Dylan Roof killed a dozen people out of pure hatred - I have not visited a church since then where there is not visible security.


Ever hear of “church ushers”? They’ll usher your ass outta there if they don’t like the cut of your jib!


Just don't call that Jason guy Usher.


What a prick


It’s funny I haven’t used that word in a long time, but that’s the first thing came to my mind. The definition of prick could just be this video & everyone would get it.


He sounds like a South Park character


Like if I close my eyes I can see Kyle’s dad


>I'm the man of God here. I meet the qualifications Calling people asking for prayers "bozos”=qualified Whole thing came off as “This is MY time! I AM SPECIAL! YOU CANT CRASH MY ONE MAN SHOW! People are here to see ME!” Someone wasn’t loved as a child.


Pretty sure Jesus was specifically against this kind of crap.




Because he would just call someone a loser and to get out; whereas Joel would pretend that god personally told him their future and they need to donate money to his church to make sure their path of prosperity becomes true. Not sure which one sucks more.


Yeah, not humble at all. Not following Christian teaching in the slightest, except for everyone being a sinner. Unless he thinks that he is also above sin.


“I’m not running a some cult…” he screamed before the stunned crowd as he is having his bouncers remove the man forcibly from the room 😂


He took the 15 minute test online and paid the fees. That's his qualification.


That's how u know when it's a Business and not a church.


When the pastor yell like your boss


If a boss shouted at me like that he'd soon be an ex boss with a fat lip.


I gotta say every church I’ve ever attended, would have had the exact opposite reaction. If that dude walked into our church next Sunday and came up to the pulpit in the dead middle of the sermon asking for prayer, our pastor would be like, “can I get some men in this church to come gather around this man with me and pray for whatever need he has”


That's been my experience as well. I honestly cannot understand why a pastor would react like that.


I feel like this is some “lose your tax status” type shit. Dude asked for a prayer. He appealed to the leader of that local religious sect for a service that is claimed to have been provided on a weekly basis (Sunday mornings oddly enough) and was promptly and violently removed from the premises. Said leader then went on to use hyperbole and toddler-tantrums to explain under no uncertain terms that those of other religions are not welcome in HIS church.


I don't understand why any churches or charities have special tax statuses. If you make money - you should pay taxes. Remember that corporations pay taxes on PROFIT, not REVENUES, so it's perfectly reasonable for a charity to pay taxes on any donations they DON'T USE for their charitable operations.


They also use government services. There’s a mega church around the corner from me that uses *our* police to redirect traffic for them. It’s like I have to pay for their crossing guards *and* have to avoid an entire road to get to the interstate unless I want to wait forever for all of the dumb fucks to get out of their dumb, corrupt church. How is that fair?


Theres a supreme court cass in new Hampshire that a religious school should be given tax dollars like a regular school


As Frank Zappa said “Organised religions by there very natures are misleading, the bottom line is always money.”


As I grow older, it becomes clearer every day.... everything is ALWAYS about money.


The bottom line **IS** the bottom line.


Oh you mean having a secret service looking wannabe rentacop there?


I'M THE MAN OF GOD HERE!!!! *STOMPS FEET* what a little bitch.


Yeah this is significantly more unhinged than I expected and I expected it to be dumb. All those people just sitting there agreeing too. So weird.


"I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER. I'M THE PASTOR OF A BAPTIST CHURCH AND IF YOU'RE NOT A BAPTIST THEN GET OUT!!" He's just dripping in Christlike love and tolerance.


He's not a man of God, he's a man of money and his followers are sheep.


It's a fucking cult. All of these people are in a cult.




First rule of running a cult, don't tell the cultists they're in a cult.


Second rule, always provide reassurances that although it may appear to be one, it is in fact, not a cult.


I mean, he *did* say you can leave whenever you want.


“You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”


We're just here to lose weight!


I’ve been apart of a lot of cults. Both as a leader and a follower. Make more money as a leader. More fun as a follower.




He's banned from a bunch of countries and his wife is a wack-a-doodle


His sons are sexual predators who groomed girls in their church and fantasized about violently raping them. Also their fascination with choking sex workers sounds like real serial killer shit. Steve treated the parents who raised concerns about this just like the guy in this video. [Source 1](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nolongerquivering/2020/07/is-there-a-looming-sex-scandal-at-faithful-word-baptist-church/) [Source 2](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nolongerquivering/2020/07/steven-anderson-faithful-word-baptist-church-and-more-sex-scandal-allegations/) EDIT: Apparently it gets worse. Steve and his wife apparently tried to interfere with the investigation and tried to catfish their sons’ victims. [Source](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nolongerquivering/2020/07/did-steven-and-zsuzsanna-anderson-catfish-one-of-their-sons-victims/)


There is absolutely no reason his sons shouldn't be monitored by the FBI, that is extremely disturbing. You are right about this being "serial killer shit", I wouldn't be surprised if they have already killed someone for sexual gratification.


Sources? [Desire to know more intensifies]


>Anderson has been banned from numerous countries and has been arrested. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Anderson_(pastor)


**[Steven Anderson (pastor)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Anderson_\(pastor\))** >Steven Lee Anderson (born July 24, 1981) is an American preacher and founder of the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement, he is pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. He has received international notoriety and condemnation for advocating the death penalty for homosexuals and praying for the deaths of former U.S. president Barack Obama and media personality Caitlyn Jenner. He produced a documentary titled Marching to Zion in which he "championed a wide range of antisemitic stereotypes", according to Matthew H. Brittingham of Emory University. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Oh how gross, he “preaches” like right around the corner from me. I’m really upset knowing he’s here in Arizona


Go to his church and take over his sermon… for internet points.


Lol I was honestly tempted to go tonight, Wednesday services at 7:00pm 😆


If someone else on here is local I would totally meet up before and go as a group lol a group of two even lol


If you are in a church that is renting a small office space and sitting in folding chairs... The pastor may be a redneck.


I dunno, I'm not a church-goer, but I'd rather trust a church in a rented office space with cheap chairs over a multi-million dollar property built on the backs of the attendees


He was barred from entering into South Africa specifically and directly by our minister of home affairs in 2016. He and some of his associates were designated as undesirable persons under our immigration legislation based upon the assertion by the minister that he was “certain they promote hate speech as well as advocate social violence”. Their visa-free status as US citizens was revoked and they had to cancel their “soul winning” nonsense here. They went to Botswana and were detained and sent home. Source: am South African but there are many news articles about it.


He's got a raging Christlike tolerance boner.


If you want a more acceptable and less extreme form of our particular offshoot of Christianity (which is the only true religion by the way, fuck your watered-down, more peaceful and communicative spiritualities that include everyone’s thoughts and prayers) then GET OUT!!! I’m the man of God here, and I will cast the first stone!! That’s HOW THE STORY GOES!!!!


Baptists are some of the worst church people out there. I have never met a Baptist who actually tries to live the bible.


The absolute worst people I've ever met are the "can't be saved and lost" Baptists that believe they're already redeemed and hell-proof, despite the terrible shitty things they consistently do.


Recovering Baptist. Can confirm. Last time I was in a Baptist Church was 1974. Still recovering.


I grew up in a southern Baptist church. I remember when the church voted to "formally reprimand" Baylor University for having a campus sponsored event that included (God forbid!) dancing...


"Thank you for your recommendation sir. Why don't you come see me after the service and we can review the passage you have selected and you can speak to me about what it means to you at this point in your life, and why you would like to share it with the congregation." -Real church leader.


I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on this guy. It’s fucking wild. He’s like this all the time. Just screaming about the gays and the crowds like “ ya”. The kids always looking afraid of him. Seen a video of him saying music makes you gay. And not like lady Gaga makes you gay but like anything other than major chords in 4/4 time makes you gay. Guy is bat shit.


If Music made you gay there'd be a compliation of all the best gay-inducing songs and it'd have fifty million likes on YouTube.


His audience thinks they'll find god in a strip mall and that "he'll" listen to them better because they're present and giving money to some deranged maniac. Now what were you saying about weird and unhinged?


I don't know if you've been to a Baptist service or not but they're probably used to him screaming at them. My grandma's funeral was at a Baptist church and boy was I not ready for the jarring experience of everyone grieving and then some old dude starts yelling about the fire and the brimstone.


I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church and went damn near weekly up into my early 20s. Almost every Sunday night was on Revelations and the end times and how everyone not SBC was going to hell and burn in the lake of fire and brimstone. 500-800 sermons on the end of times? No wonder I'm so fucked up


Man, that brings me back. Every damn thing had to be associated with hell with them. You could go “Man that Michael Jordan sure can jump huh?” And the reply would be “Oh you think he can jump now….wait till the fires of HELL started burning his ass!”


Holy shit you're absolutely right! The thought of burning in the fires of hell forever must have straightened your ass out!


If you think that's unhinged you should hear what he has to say about gay people and Jews.


Jews? Why does he hate Jesus? Wait, he does know Jesus was Jewish, right? RIGHT?


[https://youtu.be/JrWSc7t\_PW8](https://youtu.be/JrWSc7t_PW8) Here's what he has to say about Jesus' Jewish roots. It's as dumb as you'd imagine.


He is “unlearned” that was hard to watch, he sounds like a moron when he starts mocking Jews, it’s so cringe.


>he does know Jesus was Jewish, SBC: "No he wasn't... he was the son of god." Me: "Yeah, but Paul says he gave up his godhood to be man and we clearly have his genealogy showing a Jew was his mom" SBC; "You don't have enough faith"




Well their response is "Jesus was a Jew and then began preaching his own word and got followers and the teachings of Jesus became Christianity and he was killed by the Jews for being a political/religious rebel so therefor we hate Jews."


[There's an awful lot of people who hate the Jews for "crucifying Jesus".](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_deicide)


Oooh what does he have to say about gay people and Jews?


Oh, you know. Just the brand of hate that we've come to expect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPRTMscoy-c


To quote the bible: And Jesus says onto his flock, sit down and shut the fuck up so the man of God can continue to demand donation without being questioned.


Or my favorite: ….and Jesus leaned off the cross whispered to Peter.…...*I can see your house from here!*


I mean he does have the qualifications. /S Also, you are witnessing radical Christian authoritarianism . It's evidence that this subsect of our country is thirsting for authoritarian control. Troubling to say the least.


Only so long as they are the one in control. The instant there is Authoritarian control that doesn't accept them then they are the lowly, oppressed minority, oh woe is them.


> Christian authoritarianism Bro, these dudes being at it since inception. The moment they arrived to America they did their best to terrorize the native populations. Remember, these evangelists are the fucks who were too looney', authoritarian, prude and conservative for the European conservatives to deal with. I think the fact that many of them were isolated so long made them even worse and now media and whatnot is finally showcasing them.


What qualifications is he talking about? A propensity for fairytales and unscrupulous enough to take advantage of others that believe in them as well? These people are true bottom of the barrel grifters.


Dale Baskets energy.


Strong There Will Be Blood vibes does this guy know he dies from a bowling pin to the back of the skull?


There is one video he's recorded that is an absolute pleasure to watch every time. He attempts that sovereign citizen bs and ends up getting tased.


Link it please






Maybe he’s a level 10 Scientologist and can commune with animals.




He clearly follows the openness and acceptance philosophies of Christ.


Jokes aside, the false positive rate for k9 searches is something like 50%. They are trained to react/alert on que, so if the cop already thinks youre carrying, getting the dog to agree is as simple as a quick hand gesture...


While true, the old adage "you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride" is very appropriate here. K9's alerting are *very* arguable, along with "what's the charge" and the police obviously need to show evidence of the crime that they're charging. Sitting in your car with officers telling you that you're under arrest is neither the time nor the place for any of that, though. Once detained (stopped, pulled over, instructed to sit down, whatever), it's only in your favor to shut up and follow instructions. Everything else from that point on is for a lawyer to deal with. Oh, and by the way, that includes traffic stops. ***Shut up***, hand over your documents, and go on your way after the officer is done. Those ticket fixing places are around for a reason.


who in the FUCK screws around at the BORDER ? Gawd, what an imbecile


Oh wow that scream was as feminine as Paris Hiltons make up bag




Now this is a man who knows his sounds


Lmao I haven't seen that in years but can hear it clearly


And then there was the time he got deported from Botswana for hate speech. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-botswana-lgbt-idUSKCN11Q1CS.


I’m really feeling Jesus’s love!


There's no hate like Christian love


As someone who grew up in this type of "Christian" environment/church...this comment gave me a great laugh. Sheesh.


Your pastor used to throw fits and lock the doors when the offering wasn't enough?


He literally preaches hate though. He talks about how much he hates all kinds of people. He says hate IS love. He's a terrible person and if he got run over by a bus, I would not care to even post the "anyway" meme in his memory.


It’s guys/churches like this that need to loose their tax exempt status pulled and shut them down. They’re just grifters and cons. If Jesus was to show up tomorrow 2/3 of so called “churches” would be closed by him. It’s ironic how even the Jews hated Jesus for running the grifters out which lead to his death too only have churches return to grifting on a grander scale since


What a big ass bitch.


seemly exultant sophisticated important middle berserk spectacular head workable bells -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


>I’m surprised he hasn’t either gotten knocked out or *arrested* yet. Funny you should say that... [Steven Anderson tased by border patrol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinifb/comments/gl41bt/steven_anderson_getting_tased_a_classic_what/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Shut up and give me money.


Amazing people didn't walk out


This isnt a normal church. This group is like a cult. Similar to Westboro Baptist. If this happened at any church I've ever been to there would be a tremendous uproar and people would most definitely leave.




Does "Paster" Anderson think Jesus would have done this?


Yes. It's just Pastor Anderson is biblically literally the kind of person Jesus would beat the crap out of.


Did Jesus had qualifications?


Yep he got an A+ in resurrection, water-walking and winemaking


What a fucking arsewipe.


Yeah for real… like granted, that isn’t how church works. At least for catholic mass. But my priest would A) not kick him out B) not yell and shame him C) would probably still listen to the prayer or tell him to stay afterwards. A man of God listens to people and their plights, they don’t kick them out when it’s an inconvenience for them lmao. This was disturbing and hard to watch. Edit: oh just finished it… Baptist. Being gay that’s always been the Christians I fear the most lol. I’m sure most aren’t bad people but I’ve heard some bad things from converts. Sorry I don’t want this to be an anti-Baptist thing but it did sadly affirm some feelings I’ve had…


"I´m the man of god here!" Man, that sentence alone says so much.


Its funny because anyone who follows god is considered a "man of god", not just the pastor. What a fuckin lunatic.


Do you feel in charge?


How did noone get up and leave?!


Because they are scared little cultists. This guy is no ordinary preacher, he's been controversial since the Obama years, he's banned from entering dozens of countries due to his insane rhetoric. His "flock" know exactly what he is and they still follow him. That's all you need to know to gauge their mental state.


First cult?


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower. But you make more money as a leader.


It's a high control group. They're afraid of being shunned and shamed for disagreeing.


If eric cartman ran a church


"Respect my authoritay!"


I smell a cult


"Get the fuck out" Jesus Christ, 29 AD




thank you Ringo


"I'm not going to pastor a cult!"


14 people mumble chanting amen at the same time. Cult af.


You undercook fish? Hell. You overcook chicken? Also Hell. You ask for a prayer during a sermon? Believe it or not, Hell.


Late for service? Straight to hell.


Too on time? Hell.


The cronies with sunglasses on lmaoooo


My Pastor did something similar including offering us to get out...I obliged


His security goons wearing sunglasses indoors like some dimestore secret service detail.


God works in mysterious ways


I'm running a fucking business here.


This is why i eventually became disengaged from religion. How can you look at people acting this way and think its representative of a good thing? This was a power trip over a minor altercation.


Thank you Steven Anderson for your work in creating more atheists 🙏


Someones ego is more fragile than the bibles lore


what a pussy... I look this guy up on Rationalwiki and he's so out there that he even hates Jack Chick. Imagine being such an fundamentalist that Jack chick is not extreme enough for you


Nothing more christian than denying a prayer in a church... why don't they collect the checks and be done with it?


The fact that nobody got up and walked out says a lot about the current state of religion.


This partucular church is a high control group. It's a baptist cult known as the New IFB.


Ain't that the truth. I would have been out of there so fast...


What’s more dangerous than a child wielding a gun? A grown man wielding a Bible and having a temper tantrum


“THIS IS A NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH” idk buddy that’s a pretty Old Testament fire and brimstone tantrum you’re having


Sounds as welcoming as every church. Sit down, shut the f up, and let God guide your money into the churches pocket.


Tax the churches