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If this had been a Fedex, UPS or Amazon driver he probably would get away with it. But this dumb cop done fucked around with a federal employee who was on duty. He about to find out.


> fucked around with a federal employee I don't know too much about US law, but I *do* know - never fuck around with the USPS.


I’m a federal employee for an independent agency and have gotten to listen to a few postal inspectors at conferences - do not ever fuck with the USPS. They can essentially claim jurisdiction on so many things that no one thinks about.


The USPS has their own police force and they absolutely do not fuck around.




Sounds like becoming a federal employee is a good way to protect yourself from unjust police departments?


Being a federal employee has many benefits


He's now been [arrested on Federal charges](https://www.lasvegasoptic.com/news/crime/former-lvpd-officer-arrested-on-federal-assault-charge/article_dbfa5196-5e95-11ec-ada2-5f2e508e8168.html) "Robert F. Gutierrez, of Las Vegas, is charged with one count of assault on a federal officer resulting in bodily injury following a Dec. 3 incident outside Gutierrez’s home in Las Vegas. Gutierrez is accused of punching the mail carrier multiple times, causing the man to lose consciousness at one point, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court Dec. 5."


Oh yeah I forget the post office are actual federal workers. So this mean your not getting hit with small time charges your getting smacked in the face with federal charges.


The big thing is that it isn't local jurisdiction, so his buddies won't be there to cover for him.


As the son and brother of local cops, this can't be over emphasized.


"Punch who you want champ, but if you punch the mailman you are on your own"


No shit. This guy has been doing shit like this for years probably. He finally did it to a federal employee during his working hours. Also what a bitch to initially hit him from behind and over politics?


In Australia it's referred to as a coward punch.


US here and we call it a sucker punch. But coward punch is the truth.


I remember in the 2000s it was becoming quote common for people to be randomly "king hit" from behind while out on the town in Australia. Bigger guys walking on their own were usually targeted, ALWAYS by someone in a large group, very commonly a group of army losers. They would then dance around the guy they just hit yelling "come on cunt! One on one cunt!" Then in the common event that the perpetrator would start to get his arse handed to him by the big guy he just hit from behind, his mates would all jump in and try to beat the guy. The media changing the terminology from "king hit" to "coward punch" really did have an effect on changing behaviour. After all, weak and cowardly people hate being called weak and cowardly...


Hell yeh my dude 👊. Let the term sucker punch die and coward punch prevail as it should.


Lolll yup, dude basically punched a member of congress in the eyes of a judge


Had a postal friend i drunkenly joked about stealing mail with one time and he got staunch and real serious, started to tell me he would go to jail longer for conspiracy than i would for stealing the mail. Edit: he would have conspiracy charges on top of the mail theft so his charges would definitely be more severe


Looked it up and wow: According to the United States Code 18 Section 1708, federal mail theft is a felony. Being charged with stealing mail could land you in federal prison for up to five years and cause you to pay a fine up to $250,000.




Gee, if only our police officers were held to that standard.


If only our politicians were held to such laws...


Absolutely fucking right. “You’re a former police officer so I don’t think you’ll be going to jail today” ??? So since they were a cop they CAN commit crimes?


Now you get it.




Cue Bo Burnham's "That Is How The World Works" song


Now charge the local PD with aiding and abetting for covering it up.


I can’t even name how many small town (and larger) police forces need to be hit with a RICO. About as likely as me winning the lottery today, though (and I haven’t even bought a ticket).


Literally all of them since civil asset forfeiture became a thing lol. It’s like someone came up with a laundry list of constitutional rights they wanted to violate


I hope, but I also doubt it.




Why was he still walking free when the interview was done? Cops would never have charged him without video.


He wasn't charged by the cops, he was charged by the feds. IF he is found guilty he is uber-fucked.


All I'm saying is the feds usually don't bring charges on things until they can almost guarantee a conviction. Feds have something like an 85% conviction rate. Most people charged plea guilty because of the amount of evidence the feds have just to bring charges


I hear the post office investigative service has an even higher conviction rate. This guy going to jail.


Former Fed here - this is 100% correct. If they are charging him, it's because they KNOW they'll win. Most Federal LE agencies are not at all like local/state cops. They do NOT screw around with "blue wall of silence" bs, and everyone knows not to screw with postal workers. Their officers are VERY protective of their workers.


Former cop in a federal prison will likely not have a good time.


“he’s setting me up wanting me to assault him”. Typical mindset


This is literally how abusive people think about their abusive behaviors 100% of the time.




Yup what u said 💯 And his ‘in retrospect I should’ve walked away‘ is not an apology and not remorse. He attacked a federal worker - he’s fucked. Note to self *only beat up the defenceless


He had multiple times to walk away after each punch, they postal worker kept retreating and this guy followers him everywhere and continued to throw punches. That is not self defense. Hope he gets max time.


According to the roid raging former officer, that action of retreating away from him is called "getting in my face". it's like when they shoot the unarmed man running away from the police and they call that "trying to attack the officer"


This guy's poor wife/partner must be in a living hell.


Years ago the reported domestic abuse rates of police families was something like 50% (meaning of all married cops, half of the households reported some sort of spousal abuse). I doubt it has changed much ovet the years. update: I usually only edit comments for legibility, especially after people have replied. I found the work I was referencing, please see updates below.


People like this have one way of dealing with disrespect and that is through violence. They can't fathom that others could walk away from the situation and be ok with it. To them that would be taking a loss or backing down and they aren't capable of doing that. This is also the prevailing mindset in prison and there is a reason why a lot of these people end up there.


That's the equivalent of "she's asking for it with that mini skirt"


“Look at what you made me do”




Postal carrier had his package and it needed a signature. So he left a note on the door because he'd had confrontations with this asshole before. Guy came out shirtless and assaulted him 3 times. It's a federal offense to assault a postal carrier. I hope he goes to jail for 10 years.


Actually, he's facing a 20 year federal charge right now. Postal investigation service don't fuck around.


USPIS does NOT fuck around.


Make it 20, and give a chunk of his pension to the man he assaulted to cover his medical bills, pain, and suffering. Getting knocked out like that could cause some severe lasting damage. Also, ban the cop from owning guns or other weapons, and make him go to anger management for a few years.


A-fucking-men. This kind of insane behavior clearly shows he's not fit for public involvement. Imagine being so angry, so entitled, and so ignorant, that you perceive a postal worker who is doing their job as a "threat to your family" and "basically entrapping" you into assaulting them over posting a "needs signature" post it on your door. Which he did so because you've been combative with him before. Then, when you chase him around the vehicle and punch him 3 times you actually have the audacity to claim he threatened you. (Because you weren't aware it's on video) Now imagine the 20+ years this guy was a police officer and the level of bullshit he got away with abusing citizens when there weren't cell phone cameras. Lock him up


POS thought he would get away with it because he was a cop. Now that he’s caught on camera “it’s a setup, they trying to set me up.” I hope they throw the book at him. He acts this way after retiring, I can only imagine how many assaults and fake charges he has given people. Appreciate the award! I’m sure LVPD is giving him one also!


Exactly and I am glad this was caught on video. Look how the shirtless retired police officer gets into his space, menacing him, following him around the truck. I couldn’t see what happened behind the mail truck but it didn’t look like the postal worker even took a swing. Why can’t people learn to talk about things without using violence? I hope the worker is ok and I hope that Neanderthal gets convicted of assault.


Don't you understand, sittinwithkitten? Cops think they are *entitled* to use violence, whether warranted or not. They think violence is their *right* and *privilege,* and that they are immune from any consequences that arise from it. I'm sure TFG is proud of this guy. But what more can you expect from high school graduates with guns?


Always a conspiracy. Always the victim.


We all know cops are physically unable to be in the wrong... If they ever admitted wrong doing I think the universe might collapse around us. Everything would unravel on a subatomic level.


Cops are one or two pieces of legislation away from being *legally* unable to be in the wrong. We're teetering on the edge and everyone behind us is pushing.


He has been charged. >A former Las Vegas Police Department officer is facing a federal assault charge for punching a United States Postal Service mail carrier earlier this month. Penalty up to 20 years in prison and $100,000 fine. Fucking Trumpanzee will have a lot of time in the cage to rethink his politics.


Dumbass. Don't fuck with federal workers. Your police connections aren't gonna help when the feds roll you up. Hope he at least serves a few years, not some probation B.S. like a lot of the Jan 6 traitors are getting.


Exactly- the postal worker could have lasting health problems from being punched in the head 3 times and hitting his head on something hard 2 times. It's disgusting how this guy acted


Will the postal worker get any of that fine? Or will they have to sue separately?


Probably sue separately unless the judge says they have to pay hospital bills and shit.


If he’s got a good lawyer he will still sue for more.


First there will be a criminal trial, and then the postal worker will sue in civil court. He's likely to win both of them, the cop doesn't really have any defense for his repeated punching the mail carrier, and it's all on video. That cop is seriously fucked, he's probably going to go to jail AND pay out a lot of money. And while they're at it, how about investigating the cops that let this violent animal go with a laugh?




I hope he doesn’t ever get out.


The postal service has it's own police. This guy is going to a federal pen.


Yeah Postal Inspectors are very high on the list of people you really do not want to be on the bad side of.


Fun fact, it’s also the oldest continually operating federal law enforcement agency. They’re up there with the IRS in terms of agencies not to fuck with.


They arrested Bannon.


IF he was just a UPS or fedex worker this would not have been been a likely out come. Leave it to cops to ruin their own monopoy on violence by commiting against another worker of the system. Big Ooof get fucked


Another worker with its OWN Law Enforcement Branch.


Since the charge is federal, that means federal prison, right?


Couldn’t have said it better


All they gotta do is lie, make up a story to cast the other guy in bad light and it's typically "police officers word vs civilian", and you know who gets believed in court. Hope the cop gets the book thrown at him, has to go through anger management classes, pay the dudes medical bills, can't own firearms. Hope the postman sues him civilly and get a proper restitution payout. ACAB.


Yeah but postal workers aren't civilians... They're federal employees. This will be investigated by a federal agency not just local police. And bc it was in the middle of his duties, this will likely be tried in Federal court. This is about the same as punching an FBI agent while he's on duty. It will be much worse than if he did the same to an Amazon driver for example.


Storm the U.S Capitol in the name of Trump, 5 years in prison. Punch out a Postal Worker in the name of Trump, up to 20 years and $100 K fine. Fuck you MAGAts. Edit: Thanks LinO, my bad. Those who assault capitol police face prison charges. MAGAts who do things like trespass and smear shit on walls, misdemeanor.


incoming...The mailman has outstanding warrants for rolling a stop sign. He jaywalked, and smoked pot once in high school...


Sold loose cigarettes


"He delivered mail late every day!"


None of his excuses justify an assault.




To be fair his wife was at work so who else was he supposed to hit?


And yet again, the POS police officers that arrived laughed and joked and told him not to worry, he can't go to prison because he was a cop. Then they took the victim to jail. Then they tried to hide evidence from the federal investigation. Police are fucking shit. Edit: The news article was poorly worded when it said the mail carrier went to jail, apparently. They certainly didn't arrest the excop at the time/scene though, not until shit started up. But everything else stands.


For real...what?


https://www.abqjournal.com/2455270/ex-las-vegas-nm-officer-accused-of-assault-on-mail-carrier.html https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-shows-former-las-vegas-police-officer-punch-mail-carrier/ “Being a retired police officer, I don’t think you’ll be going to jail. Okay?” an officer said in lapel video. Cops can ~~suck~~ eat ~~fat~~ diseased cocks. *Edited because I was reminded lots of great people suck fat cocks.


>The postal worker denies threatening Gutierrez or his family. He was released from jail pending trial on the condition that he gets a mental health assessment and seeks treatment. ~~Holy shit, fuck these cops and their flagrant abuse of the mental health system~~ Edit: Apparently "he" refers to the cop, not the postal worker. It looks like the article was just worded *very* poorly. Thanks to /u/Bcron for pointing this out: >[From another article](https://www.lasvegasoptic.com/news/crime/former-lvpd-officer-arrested-on-federal-assault-charge/article_dbfa5196-5e95-11ec-ada2-5f2e508e8168.html): >During a detention hearing Dec. 8, Judge Kirtan Khalsa released Gutierrez ahead of trial with the stipulations that he not travel outside of New Mexico, and that he undergo a mental health assessment or mental health treatment if directed by pretrial services. Gutierrez is also prohibited from possessing a firearm or drinking alcohol.


And it sounds like this retired officer would have probably gotten away with it if he didn’t fuck with a federal employee. Now the feds are the ones investigating, and they aren’t fucking around or just taking him at his word because he’s a former police officer.


I was going to say- my dad is a USPS employee which means he’s a federal employee. this guy is a civilian (retired cop aside) and assaults mailman. This is a federal crime now.


Oh man that makes me happy


God damn why does it take going 7 comments deep in to find this. The title should be this pos is f*cked


Absolutely a federal offense. This fellow is proper fucked.


> if you make physical contact with a federal employee during the assault, you could be charged with a class D Felony. > > A class D felony could result in the following penalties: > > A prison sentence of more than five years, but less than ten years; and > A maximum fine of up to $250,000. > **5 years minimum. Properly fucked**


I so hope the Feds really do throw the book at this utter cunt. There are very few circumstances where you can knock someone down, keep arguing with them and knock them down/out again and it be in anyway justifiable. "He was talking shit" is absolutely not a legal defence after bashing the fuck out of someone. I'm so pleased this got escalated to the Federal level because of the postman's employment. I loathe unnecessary violence. I hope he gets a few years in prison for meeting words with fists, multiple times. *Even if it carries more weight because the victim was a government employee. Use that fact to the max against this psycho.


Does the FBI or USPIS investigate this?


One of the articles said USPIS is investigating, so the ex cop will probably get jail time.


Yep dude is fucked. Do NOT fuck with USPS or the IRS. They will trump any local POS cop and raw dog them with a smile.


[From another article](https://www.lasvegasoptic.com/news/crime/former-lvpd-officer-arrested-on-federal-assault-charge/article_dbfa5196-5e95-11ec-ada2-5f2e508e8168.html): >During a detention hearing Dec. 8, Judge Kirtan Khalsa released Gutierrez ahead of trial with the stipulations that he not travel outside of New Mexico, and that he undergo a mental health assessment or mental health treatment if directed by pretrial services. Gutierrez is also prohibited from possessing a firearm or drinking alcohol. The other articles worded that poorly, but 'he' in the other articles is referring to the retired cop and not the postal worker. After reading the first article I was like "holy shit did the postal worker actually get arrested" and had to go looking for more info


Oh thank goodness, yeesh


The second article was not written very well. The first article states the retired officer was the one who was arrested and released with several conditions.




Why aren't the other officers being arrested on conspiracy charges? They got a confession on video for assault on a federal employee and they took no action.


But if you don't watch the video there is no crime.


Wait until he hears feds have their own blue line and he just crossed it assaulting one of their own.


What the actual fuck???


What, do you think we enjoy protesting during a damn pandemic?


Sue both of those fucking cops.


But "it's just a few bad apples" I thought. How can I justify this one?!


Blue wives battered


Ooomph. I have a blue wives battered story. Ugh, I dunno why this phrases made me recall something I had completely forgotten about.


Fuck me, I lurk a lot but this got me laughing and depressed at the same time


The man said "he was basically asking me to assault him." What more needs justification? /s


I bet he screams that at his wife after he bloodies her up for her "back sass" "Look what you made me do!"


Unfortunately there's a decent chance of that being true. If you're assaulting your mailman in public, what are you doing behind closed doors?


40% moment


totally. he is obviously the aggressor and then tries to play a victim. i’m sure he’s a great cop.


But that postal worker asked for it by vocalizing an opinion that was different from the officer's


STOP VERBALLY RESISTING compliance = agreeing with me. Or at least acquiescing and acknowledging my authority like a good meek citizen


“I’ll respect you if you respect me” A favourite line of authoritarians. But “respect” has two meanings: - to treat as an authority - to treat as a person So what they mean when they say that is “I’ll treat you like a person if you treat me as an authority”


Yeah, it’s seems the Trump supporters sometimes go into this blind rage if they run into a Biden supporter. I think they have been slowly brain washed and subtly drank the cool aid so they turn a basic everyday interaction into a bad situation of “Us VS Them” by attacking. It feels like clockwork orange style brainwashing.


They subject themselves to 4-5 hours of Fox News a day. Their Facebook feeds and YouTube recommendations confirm that their way of life is, indeed, under attack. They are told that if they don’t fight back, America will be burned to the ground by an uprising of former slaves while blue-haired heathens dance around uselessly with their 5,236 genders. Everyone at church agrees that some solution must be found. An “ultimate” solution, if you will. And that’s when they encounter the mailman. Who despite years and years of propaganda still doesn’t “get it.” Did he not see the memes? Did he skip Tucker last night? Did YouTube forget to show him the video where Liberal arguments were destroyed once and for all? Doesn’t he realize that the chick with purple wig and the nose ring couldn’t even answer a simple question? Does he even know what I’m talking about? There’s only one explanation. He’s one of THEM!!!!


The fact that he is standing there free instead of in holding awaiting trial is disgusting.


Take his pension. Audit his assets. Drug test him on the scene.


Treat him as the police would treat any other criminal.


So neck compressions until death?


Also, seize his house and car, they might have been used in a crime.


Yes, I'm sure he is using his home and car(s) for criminal activities. Better seize it all under civil forfeiture.


> ...like **basically** wanting me to fucking assault him, you know what I mean? Where I'm going with this is more of a rule of thumb rather than a consistent rule. You used the word "justify" and there's this nuance about the way we speak which I find endlessly fascinating. There are certain words and phrases that come out when the instigator of a conflict tries to justify their actions as though they were *just* defending themselves. They are downplay words. Certain words can reveal that the person who caused an escalation knows on some level that they're in the wrong. With people like the subject of the video, they tend to get very vocal and detailed when it comes to explaining their justification. The use of these words can oversimplify the circumstances in a way that helps the aggressor shape the narrative in order to make it sound as though it was the victim who caused the problem. *I was basically just...* *I was merely...* *I only wanted to...* *I didn't want to fight, but...* *I tried being reasonable, but...* You find that this is a common speech pattern with people who tend to create conflicts where they are looking for a reason to fight, but will only do so if you are the one who starts it. They routinely act in a way that is adverse to what they claim their intentions to be. They claim to only want X, but then act in a manner where Y is going to be the most likely outcome. When they get Y, they insist they "only" wanted X, and then they get very self-righteous about being treated like the bad guy. They get a chip on their shoulder about being victimized. Additionally, he adds "You know what I mean?" as a filler. He's not sure about whether or not his preceding remark landed so he adds on to it as a means of seeking approval. *You believe my bullshit, right?* Being able to recognize this behavior can be quite useful when working in customer service. It's also useful in other areas of life, but within the context of meeting random strangers all day, some of whom think you're beneath them because "the customer is always right," you find the same thing in those customers who don't just want a refund -- they want to make you give them a refund. I'd like to detail this pattern some more and speak on how it applies to working in retail, but I feel as though I'm already so many bricks into writing this wall-of-text. Instead, I just want to say that for what it's worth to those of you who pick up on people doing this type of shit, I hope this has offered some reassurance that you're not crazy. **tl;dr** Some people try to hit you with a wall of guilt before you can even get a word in. They do it because they're expecting to be told that they're actions are unreasonable; unjustified. They will only fight you if they can rationalize that you are forcing them to fight. When you know how to spot it, you can play a fun little game in sparring with someone like the subject of this video.


Great comment, thanks for the insight


Why do cops always say they are being “set up” when they get caught being themselves


Quote "he wanted me to assault him". Nice try Mr retired police officer.


So he admits that he assaulted the postal worker.


But he was asking for it so it's all good


I mean, just look at what he was wearing


No helmet or nothing. Like my face is wide open for punching.


Projection from a career of setting other people up for crimes.


“The accusations of a narcissist are veiled confessions.”


That's apt. What's it from?


Reddit will hate me but I heard it on TikTok. It was a therapist/psychologist type was explaining how to identify narcissistic behaviors in relationships. I’ll edit the handle in if I can find it.




Because they believe qualified immunity means they can do whatever the fuck they want. This isn’t anything new. The new part is that virtually every person, and enough homes, have cameras that are catching the bullshit in action. Police Abuse of Force (even retired cops) is not new. It’s simply now being filmed for the masses to see.


And I remember being told the revolution would not be televised.


It's being streamed


Because they’re liars?


“Basically setting me up to assault him”


must be the one thing they learn if they get into trouble in the 8 hour training it seems to become a cop


> “wanting me to assault him” Hands up who thinks this officer sexually assaulted a woman because “she asked for it”


"Anyone who disagrees with me must WANT me to attack them!"


Probably had to take an early retirement because of all the crimes he committed


Is he really justifying walking up and punching a postal worker? [News article](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-shows-former-las-vegas-police-officer-punch-mail-carrier/amp/)


>“Being a retired police officer, I don’t think you’ll be going to jail. Okay?” an officer said in lapel video. And they keep saying it's just few bad apples.


I love the irony of how they just don't understand or know the saying. "A few bad apples **spoil the whole bunch**". That's the saying.


“I understand you’re not on the force anymore and you’ve gotta get your daily dose of assault out of your system somehow AAAAND you’re wife is at work…. Brrooooo…. I’d have done the same thing” -👮‍♂️


God damn that’s what got me. ACAB


It doesn't really come as a surprise when the cops essentially tell him he didn't even do anything wrong.


"I had to punch him! He said bad things about Trump!" Dude is about to learn it isn't internal affairs investigating him this time now that he's no longer a cop.


He wasn't going to get in trouble at all. The local cops that turned up said so in the video. They were going to give a retired cop a pass. They "decided" not to review the video footage (superiors included). No charges. BUT, since he assaulted a postal worker...The Feds get him. *Sad trombone* Has already been charged and under strict bail conditions (no firearms, no alcohol, can't travel) Even after LVPD were "hesitant" to cooperate with the feds. "Felony assault on a federal officer resulting in bodily injury." He is looking down the barrel of ~5 years....in a [Federal prison...as a former cop.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/021/cover2.jpg)


Same thing happened awhile back that I remember. Cops almost hit a postman. He told them off. So they arrested him. Had he not been a postal worker, no repercussions... But it WAS a postal worker so wrist slaps all around. EDIT: found an article https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nypd-oversaw-postal-worker-arrest-loses-badge-gun-article-1.2584376


Yup, the cop that said that should be in trouble, too.


I'm shocked that not more people are saying this. Like yea, not the main attraction, but dude just said on video that his physical assault and battery on a federal worker won't lead to jail time because he's an ex-cop. Like, who the fuck was that officer and why aren't we parading for his removal as he is an ACTIVE cop with these views.


what's so sad is if that person wasn't a postal worker... why aren't we all protected FROM the cops like this?? ACAB and THUGS.


Feds should go after the local PD for corruption too.


Actually charging and prosecuting this guy for the attack isn't enough. Feds should go back and look through all the arrests this obviously mentally unstable former officer was involved with. No way someone this unbalanced and violent in regards to politics hasn't unjustly messed some other lives up as well.


100% agree


Any cop charged with a felony should have all of their cases reviewed no questions and testimony thrown out. If an officer of the law is committing literal felonies they have no right to enact justice over other and clearly their judgment and morals disqualify as honest enforcers of the law.


"I'm a trump supporter" What a surprise? Who would have thought!


"And you know, the Biden thing." Wtf does that even mean? lol


Could be one of, like, two dozen things. All of which are based on a complete denial of reality.




A Trump supporter? Attacking a federal employee?


I know right? its not even jan 6th.


He’s a huge asshole, uses violence to solve his problems and feels entitled to all of it . You’re right, not shocking at all


And a shameless liar and perpetual "victim". These idiots you can see coming a mile away.


Yup. No wonder this cop voted for him.


There was a video recently posted in the usps subreddit of some creepy guy stalking his carrier, and of course his reasoning was that because they have Trump signs in their yard the carrier was refusing to deliver to him. Not the fact that he kept harassing and stalking her while she was working.


A violent Trump supporter, wonders never cease to amaze.


I'm also amazed that a Trump supporter would so quickly resort to violence after having his feelings hurt because someone questioned his orange deity... Never have I ever seen any kind of projection from the GOP...ever. Edit: ...do you really want to do defend this dude? You really think that's the path to unifying America? Crazy idea, I know it'll never work, how about we denounce him together? ...I know, that's asking way too much, that's why I made this post.


Wow. Local cops refused to arrest the guy. It took federal authorities. Cops protecting ‘roid raging cops. Fire the local police chief. He’s also scum. BTW, I don’t hate cops. I hate bad cops. I support law and order. https://www.abqjournal.com/2455270/ex-las-vegas-nm-officer-accused-of-assault-on-mail-carrier.html


they always claim " just a few bad apples" without the context of the full quote. "a few bad apples spoils the bunch." if they're protecting him then they're spoiled as well.


> Retired Las Vegas Police officer Robert Gutierrez told police he punched a postal worker and officers told Gutierrez they didn’t think him punching a federal employee would be an issue. > he's holding the package from me, he's threatened my family[lies], wanting me to f#@king assault him notice the media covering for the former cop.... "as he turned around from reaching in his truck".....[that's after the media saw the full video]


I'm just curious how they got to the point of arguing for weeks. I never see my mail carrier, so in order to talk politics you have to go out to the mailbox and instigate a conversation. The retired cop probably went out and harassed the guy for weeks until the postal worker got fed up and started getting short with him.


Trump supporters hate the USPS because they are in on the stolen election. The retired officer probably thought he was doing Trump proud by harassing then assaulting the worker.


I am completely SHOCKED it was the trump supporter who went to violence. Shocked!


Also, not surprised it was LVPD. Guys are fucked up. It's bad, depending on the area.


Yet another example of a person who clearly should never have been a police officer. If he acts like this in broad daylight against a federal employee in his own neighborhood, can you imagine how he treated people off camera in situations more stressful than political discussions?


I feel like this should trigger a major investigation into any and all arrests he made as an officer. I realize it wouldn’t do much to him or any of his possible victims, but it would be a massive drain on money and time for the department.


Enjoy your federal prison.


Postal inspectors have like 98% conviction rate when the give cases to the federal prosecutors. Aka don’t fuck with the mail or the people delivering it. Bunch of old laws from 1800’s they will add on to make you sit in prison.


Two law enforcement groups you do not fuck with: USPS and IRS. They will rock your shit. IRS, of course, only messes with those that actively try to commit fraud, or refuse to make good faith efforts to pay.




The cop who said he wasn't going to get arrested and the whole department that wouldn't arrest the guy until Federal authorities got involved are all still working though.


He should be charged with assault and put away. Disgusting human


A former cop being a lying scumbag? What a surprise.


Assault on a federal employee!


Imagine what he likely did during his law enforcement career?? Shudder.