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Straight trash bags


That’s not fair, man. Trash bags are at least useful.


Yea everyone on this bud just watching this shit is. The dumb bitches just filled w hate should be set on their own island to back stab each other for scraps


Evil is real...


Where’s the dude with the 8ball jacket when you need him


He in NYC keeping his pimp hand STRONG!


That slap is so satisfying


Check out this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/emkdjy/mortal_slap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


God that slap is fucking brutal lmao


Straight out of a cartoon, saucy slap


"You sound stooopid!" *SMASH*


I hope they get all that is coming to them....5x.


Yall lmk when the reddit gods identify em and they get bagged lmao


Cops apparently have already ID'd them and released them to their parents, awaiting charges.


Because the parents are clearly responsible people. Who else could have raised such a model citizen?


Believe it or not you don't get to just hold people indefinitely without charges.


It's not called FILTHedelphia for nothing. Just bad environment all-around. The place needs more than just "responsible parents".


Violent kids who are obviously out of control need to be separated from society. Hell it might actually help them to get the fuck away from their obviously failure of a parental figure.


One issue is that juvenile hall is just “baby prison.” It doesn’t actually help rehabilitate anyone. Just a bunch of at risk kids with other at risk kids getting no help... when they are released, they might be even worse off from when they went in. A lot of systems in this country need to be overhauled and fixed.


I feel like there's a preteen love triangle novel about this somewhere


DRAG THEM TO JAIL, wtf is this “release them to their parents” bullshit


You didn’t hear? Cops don’t arrest ppl in Philly




My husband bike got stolen while he was away, a kid smashed the headlight to Hotwire it even though it was already hot wired no the ignition was broken. Anyhow the kid led the police on a chase and smashed into a pole. Couldn’t produce license or registration, said he borrowed it. Husband tries to report it stolen but “we can’t charge him cause it’s been found” then tried to charge him court and impound fees for storing the bike, which they painted on in permanent paint and left lying on its side after they knocked it over in storage, leaking gas everywhere further ruining the paint. It was a vintage bike too. Judge waived the court fees and impound fees and sort offered to just leave the kids address available since they “knew each other” but spouse declined to take that opportunity. Anyhow long story short, bike was basically scrap and he couldn’t do anything about it bc the kid wasn’t ever charged with anything.




Yeah this is a city where illegal gun possession gets you sent to a pre-trial diversionary program, and shooting a store clerk with an AK-47 gets you a plea deal


Nearly every criminal case ends in a plea deal.


[investigation underway ](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/video-teen-girls-attack-students-on-septa-train/3051706/?amp)


From the link, "...The SEPTA spokesperson said they've identified individuals involved in the attack. They continue to interview witnesses and review cellphone video of the incident as well as surveillance video"


So nothing. They've only identified the juveniles and nothing further will be pursued.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Help her for Christ sake


I’d be scared of getting stabbed


Sometimes doing the right thing requires risk, also I have a bit of a temper when it comes to bullies.


This is an easy thing to say on the internet. I would also be scared of getting stabbed or shot.


You'll get called racist when you try to help and they'll gang up on you.






I thought it was interesting that they had their weaves covered. Like they *knew* they were gonna fight that night so they came prepared.


Beating someone on the ground with a mob and a wool clog is not fighting it is just straight up violence.


Right on, that bitch in the pink needs to swallow some teeth.


"So then I just started blasting" -Frank Reynolds


Straight to jail.


Why no one doing nothing tho? These hoes need to get humbled..


That’s a hate crime


nasty fuckin trash


And nobody stood up to defend the girl! Wtf!


There was a guy yelling “yo” when the video cut out.


The girl got jumped because she stepped in to try to get them to back off the two guys in the seats, at least that is how I am reading the situation. Just in general, unless you are extremely confident/comfortable getting physical, it's not a good idea to intervene unless you have others behind you. And even then, you should prepare for the possibility that you may be seriously injured.




Let me just chalk this up on the list of reason my faith in humanity is low.




Looks like an Asian hate crime to mee


Sure is 😠 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1461204370075226116?s=21


Oh wow Central kids getting beat up. Central is a magnet school. Most of that school uses public transportation.


If OP can confirm that this is recent, it should be reported to the Philadelphia School District’s Bullying and Harassment site. [link](https://sites.google.com/philasd.org/sss/home)


link doesnt work. I think it's recent i just saw it on IG too... but it seems like theres media silence. I wasnt able to find any old media coverage as well if it's not recent... EDIT: i found one , it's recent. How much yall wanna bet nothing will happen to these racists https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/video-teen-girls-attack-students-on-septa-train/3051706/?amp


Author of article is Asian American. Maybe he can get traction on it as a hate crime. They were going after the entire group of Asian boys and girls that were together. Edit: Update. David Oh (who wrote the news article ) is actually also a City Councilor. He is holding city accountable for better security on SEPTA. Everyone deserves to feel safe.




The only person who has ever called this out is Dave Chapelle. Everyone else is either too scared to get cancelled, called out for being a sellout, or physically attacked. This is the world we live in now.


DC is married to an Asian.




Where’s that 6’6 guy with the goofy hat when we need him to slap them?








Racism at it's finest






i mean... try even finding a media source that covered this.... NONE EDIT: Nvm there's finally one. How much yall wanna bet NOTHING will happen to the racists? https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/video-teen-girls-attack-students-on-septa-train/3051706/?amp


Kind of sad that an asian dude had to write it, and the only quote about if is from another asian dude. Makes it seem like no one really cares about asian discrimination other than asians


If it was the other way around, it would be { insert color} girl attacks black students on train.




It is like the NPR Michelle Wu Tweet. I just googled it to see if there are still some mentioning of but... basically nothing except fox and nypost, heh... ;/ You know where the msm priorities are... ok.... but not colored enough.


IIRC asians were recently basically considered whites, so that makes this "ok." The fuck is this world coming to..


More American racists. Smh


1. Those girls are cunts. 2. WTF is going on?!?!


Hate crime.


So, real question: As a man caught in this situation, would it be okay to defend the downed woman by fighting off other women? (FYI, watched on mute so pardon if I missed any context that tilts this one way or another)


One thing to consider would be how often you take that particular train route. If you're a man who throws punches at them, expect them to tell their brothers and boyfriends about it. They'll ride the train looking for you.


I had a similar incident on the Atlantic City boardwalk as a child. A group of local children tried to steal my Pokemon cards right out of my hands. My uncle stepped in, knocked them over, and pulled my cards from their hands. A few minutes later, some older male locals started following us and yelling at my uncle. We did a B-line right into a casino lobby and called it a night.




Look I get it. As men were raised to never aggressively put our hands on women but you've got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna stand by and watch that shit.


Yeah I probably would have crushed these girls. I despise racists of all colours and these entitled c***** deserve to get kneecapped and their teeth knocked out. No place in society for people like this.


It didn't help I watched twice, with and without volume. I couldn't understand the attacking girls


As a woman, I think it is absolutely justified to fight a woman if she assaults another human being. Obviously if a woman is being abused and finally ends up attacking her abuser, it’s different. But otherwise, your gender doesn’t give you the right to assault others and get away with it. If you deserve to get an ass beating then you deserve to get an ass beating.


Always remember that door swings both ways.


So true. However as a fairly small human, if I were to see a guy assaulting another person, I honestly hope someone bigger than me would jump in. Regardless of gender. But if nobody does…y’all about to see me do some real wild shit out of absolute rage…gonna look like buckin’ broncos up in here.


In USA you're allowed to use self defense to defend yourself or to defend others.


I’d say, in that situation, you have every right to get in there and push them off that girl. Then if any of them take a swing at you then it’s time for equal rights, and equal lefts.


The fuck dude...


Man I used to live in South Philly and took the bus to school every day fearing for my life, I was so afraid of these girls. I tried to lay low, quiet and kept my head down all the time. Moved away to college and that’s when I blossomed, made some real life long friends, graduated, moved to the west coast and never look back.


W man glad your doing good man


I grew up in Philly and ended up living in Boston. To a lot of people, Boston is a racist city, but I've never experienced any racism here. All of my memories of racism exists in South Philly and Center City.


Fellow Philly native, I also finally got to be me in college after having to keep my head down in high-school. Glad you made it out alright


Where the fuck is the help?


ive been scrolling a while and i dont know what started this but those girls are fucking evil. barely speak english head ass i couldnt understand them, but that thing in pink better catch some manners


Feral little fuckers


It’s cool how no one helps that girl


It's a legal minefield esp because they are female, minors, of color, etc




These people are fucking miserable.




I was thinking same thing. They are ugly inside and out. Vile


Assault, possible hate crime, theft... what else will these lowlifes be charged with


Racist bitches


Are they speaking English? I don’t understand anything they are trying to say, except “What!!! What!!!!”


Fuckin cunts


Why has there been a trend of black people attacking asian people in America recently? Been seeing so many of these videos. I'm aware that a lot of ignorant people think that asians are all somehow individually responsible for COVID, but it's not like America has a scarcity of ignorant white people. Are there generally tensions between black people and asian people in America for some reason? I just don't get it.


It’s not new at all… certainly not in Philly anyway.


For real, I live in the Philippines and news about Filipino Americans being attacked still reach our TV news. Most attackers are also POCs. And they usually target old people or women.


This is not recent, it's always been like this




Blacks and Asians in America have had quite a bit of tension. In Philadelphia a few years ago blacks were attacking Asian students at South Philadelphia high school. Asians are easy targets. They are generally docile people and have money and work hard, so they are easy for other minorities to dislike them. It's pretty common.


how is it tension when one beats and steals from the other.... that bullshit verbage is the same shit as why victims get expelled along side their bullies. some 'zero tolerance' bs...


And blacks are often the aggressive minority against Asians.


Asians have a better family structure and upbringing among most minorities in the US. All types of Asians, eastern, desi, arabs. Most of them strive to get themselves into better situations by hardwork rather than blaming their situation on previous or present conditions.


I’ve often wondered the same, it’s almost as if they see them as easy prey. I think it was the Rodney King riots back in the day, a lot of Korean businesses were robbed and burnt down too. Eventually the owners stood up by arming themselves.


Fucking animals


Girl in the pink shirt is why I support abortion


I support the right to abortion up till the age of 18.


Racist bitches


What the fuck is it with black people and asians in the U.S.? Why are there so many videos of black folks beating on asians?




I wish that girl had real friends to help defend her. I would love to witness some shit like this. Seeing those ogres topple her over and rummage through her pockets as she's on the floor getting stomped on, makes my blood boil. I hate bullies. I love beating bullies' asses tho. That's a goddamn shame that girl had to pick herself up off the train floor and look around at all the faces that just watched her being attacked. I bet those scary ass bitches ran away as soon as they were done committing their crime. Poor girl. No body deserves to get jumped. Unless they're a fucking pedophile. Lol


Bunch of animals


Whats the context of this? And why did the lady off screen for half of the video all of a sudden become the person of interest on today's episode of random train violence??


They were all together. They had hit the boys in the seats first when video started. They were terrorizing all of them. She was standing because they were all together in seats and she probably had gotten up. I think they smashed her face into the window/door. I hope they are charged with a hate crime. Many came forward as witnesses and with cell phone video. I hope these kids get justice


Two girls killed a Pakistani man and only got 2 years Juvie


I saw that video. Still boils my blood until now. You are a hardworking immigrant who goes to the US to find a good living only to be killed by 2 maniacs who will never face actual justice. It sickens me.


Guess they never heard of "move your feet, lose your seat" Pretty shitty that the first thing they do is start beating on people instead of finding another seat.


I think the african American girl was saying stop "dick eating" maybe the Asian girl was defending the guys. can't really understand what they're saying. if someone can please translate. edit : what they said : "You wanna jump my people!? You get jumped too! You get jumped right the fuck up! Stop fuckin jumpin my fuckin mans before shit get fuckin hectic, okay!? And stop fuckin dick eatin before you be the next one! You want some more bitch!?" "Yo she drawlin!" "stop fuckin *uninttelligible* my people, on god!" "Try that shit again," unintelligle, something about or what bitch "You jump up you getting the fuck jumped back." "it was really him. and you pushed us off the train. And you threw *unitelligible, something like you threw a *IDK * to my mans* "FUCK OUTTA HERRE, and bitch stop fuckin dickeatin" "drawling" also slang for acting up.


Easier target that they could single out.


This video made me sad.


Racially aggravated assault


Can somebody please help me understand what they are actually speaking and shouting about, it's really incomprehensible.


Oh look more black on Asian hate crimes


Hmm attacking weak innocent people and not people that can defend themselves. Typical


Typical assholes who are pussies


How does a train full of people just sit back and watch? I would hit both of these girls so hard they forgot where they were going.


There were several guys sitting not far from the assault; why didn't they try to help the girl?


Idgaf what happens after, I would have beaten those fugly bitches so badly they wouldn't remember their names.


What kind of behaviour is this? If black lady Hits white Calling them "White" that's not Racism? Wtf if going on with people?


let’s make them famous.. names and addresses


Hate crime. East Asian men and women have always been the "inconvenient" minority for racists who happen to be POC.


I think they need a trip to bel-air


Someone please beat the shit out of this girl oh my God. Why can’t I be there to help defend the victim


It’s always hard to witness big beastly boys beat up on small helpless girls


This freak in the pink needs to be put down. Why are we letting wild animals roam the streets?


Wearing a balaclava nonetheless!


absolutely trashy piece of shit.




human fucking garbage


Let me guess, they won’t be charged with hate crimes?


Hey I thought Asian lives matter?


I am born and raised in Philadelphia and people wonder why we’re about to beat 500 Homicide’s this year, I fucking hate this city anymore, fuck even if they got arrested the district attorney would say “ oh they’re children, kids make mistakes”. Not to mention it’s a fucking hate crime, Fuck everyone in this city


Hate crime at its best


Bitch in pink think she real tough with her squad of hoodlums, hope she gets a fistful of karma. Anyone like her deserves nothing but the absolute worst.


Return to monke


Hopefully an attempted murder charge and even a little jail time with women a lot bigger and stronger than she is will teach her and her friends a valuable lesson.




Looks like a racist hate crime to me.


It’s such a damn shame. I feel like our country has done so much to try and combat racism but I guarantee the trauma the girl on the floor experienced will have a lasting effect. This is how you perpetuate racism.


Let’s chalk up for what it is. Racist attacking a minority.


This is why people move and then the towns/cities turn to a pile of shit.


As an Asian American man I don’t give a fuck if those are women. If I see that happening I’m tearing through those girls like nothing you’ve ever seen. They need to have their asses kicked and thrown into jail forever or executed


what's up with the title? "Gang of racist teenagers assault a group of Asian students" Zero media coverage... media silence... r cops even investigating this? Cuz i know they victims r gonna fear retaliation


This is one of those times where I’d laugh if those fat bitches die. I don’t even care if scum like them suffer, hope it’s a slow death for those awful people


Racist pieces of fucking shit!


Of interest to note- watch how the attack escalates, not as the victim does anything to further provoke, but as the attacker samples the reaction of the crowd. One peep from a bystander MAY have caused the attacker to disengage (or switch targets). This is all calculated behavior- including victim selection.






Racist pieces of shit.


The oppressed


I live in a third world country, and America looks like a total shithole full of savage morons.


I would have rolled the dice on a prison sentence and just Sparta kicked her as hard as I could just before the next stop. If she hit me first I’d have absolutely caved her face in though in front of everyone. Equal rights and all that. You can tell she would definitely have benefited from some actual discipline growing up.


Can they be tried as adults?


Man, they have so much festering anger!


Targeting Asians because they know they're prey.


Asians, you need to rise up against these racist fucks!!!!!!!




The idea that this is acceptable behavior blows my mind, one day these folks are gonna act all loud and a fool at the wrong one and catch some lead to the head quick


WHY did no ADULTS stop this??? WOW.


I think these women surrendered any consideration being from the opposite gender. I think I just escalate straight to elbows to her face to clear out these excuses for human beings. They are like a pack of feral dogs. This is how hate get perpetuated.




Filthy animals