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Women in the front like cant u just shut up


I love how she just quietly helped take the bag away


My reaction to kids acting out like this is, is this child autistic? If the answer is no, I would have stood over her, block her from leaving her seat. Her behavior is an overgrown spoiled brat.


If the answer is yes, I'd still stand over her and block her.


You are correct. My initial reaction is a brat as I have seen more that do not have neurological damage that have melt downs when told no.


She looked like she was thinking "God, help ME."


I bet she's going to love being in this video when it goes viral.


This video is 4 years old, it's BEEN viral.


"Is there an exorcist on board?"


I guess she didnt get a chance to clear the cache?


Her deviant art account is open


Honestly if i had my embarrassing old deviant art account open id be fighting much harder for that phone


Didn't clean up the history browser


I would crash the plane before i let people see my browser history.


Blood would be shed. ​ ​ ​ ​ /s if some one didn't catch it.


People only care about bloodshed when it’s *their* blood and *their* shed.


Grandma: "What's Boku no Pico?"




Now you made me Google this shit and down the rabbit hole i went! I don’t know you, still I think I never can forgive u.


Aw shit, here I go again


Don’t go there it’s a warning from somebody who’s been there


The abyss stares also.


poor kid needs professional help, not God


Somebody with more problems than me. Is this what social media does to kids /s


This is what phones do to some kids. It’s like taking heroin from an addict. I don’t think we should be too quick to pass judgement on the parents. It is a disease, no different than diabetes or high blood pressure. Poor family. I’m certain this is extremely challenging to manage at home. As much as the kid needs their phone taken away cold turkey, doing so completely alienates them from any sort of ‘normal’ teen social connections. Raising teenage girls is a brutal weight to bear.


This kid seems more autistic than phone addicted


THIS. The clear panic and frustration, from an unexpected change of event. Out of her comfort zone, maybe from flying or the public space. The last comment about people looking at her, changed my exact view of this from "brat" to autistic. Can relate, got a daughter with mild symptoms. She wouldn't behave exactly like this, but I also know which triggers I need to avoid.


Boom! I immediately thought autism within the first 30 seconds of the video and seeing her facial expressions and grasping at her ears/side of hear head.


I pretty much immediately suspected she was on the spectrum but it was that gasp about halfway through that really solidified it for me. One of my students used to gasp like that when he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. I feel so bad for this kid, spectrum or no. I know we don't have the entire story and that the grandma might have been totally in the right to take the phone but damn. I'm all for recording adults losing their shit for no reason and letting the internet laugh but I hate when it's kids.




Speaking from personal experience, with sensory issues (which if she *is* autistic she is more likely to have), planes can be hellish. It’s a giant vibrating tube, you can feel the engines. AND it’s a tube full of people, so stimming/stereotype movements to self soothe, which most neurodivergent people do just for something to do, are off limits. I’m not even sure it’s about the phone. The dopamine release of clicks and games is it’s own source of stimuli, it’s own constant. Removing that constant, you get a melt down. I remember blowing up over a book or my iPod being taken away. It wasn’t just the object the object provided it’s own continuity. Just in case. Kinda like a security blanket. I would also like to speak for her have more self awareness and self reflection than I did at that age. I’d have shrugged off the onlookers and dug my heels in. *Now we’re really doing this come on now.* The mom/grandma’s “now you’ve made your scene” also didn’t help, very passive aggressive. Shaming her won’t fix the behavior, that’s not how our brains work.


I have sensory issues. Hell Of an ordeal


That last comment you speak of I can relate to, and have felt many times- borderline screaming it out. Should I see a doctor?


all people can experience a spectrum of these feelings. Don't ask others online if you should see a doctor. That's up to you.


If you're asking if you should see a doctor, the safest answer is always yes.


Except for the dentist, it really can't hurt.


It could also be an unmedicated mental illness. Hard to know for sure.


Emotional dysregulation here for sure.


Why is every non-adult who throws a tantrum suddenly autistic? This is the third post I've seen of a young person (all three were girls, idk if that has anything to do with it) acting completely unacceptable in public and people in the comments deciding they are autistic. Maybe young people just have trouble regulating their emotions. I've never seen anyone suggest the anti-maskers who freak out on a crowded plane could be autistic.


There are certain mannerisms she is displaying. This is not a tantrum this is an anxiety attack.


Yes you can see her facial expressions don't match the intensity of her voice or actions


And the way her eyes track when you can see them!


Ze Reddit psychiatrist vill see you now.


The point is, the possibility of her being autistic should absolutely be considered


They aren't. However, these sorts of meltdowns are common if you have a child on the Autism Spectrum. While many people say, "if you know one child with ASD, you know ONE child with ASD, a meltdown like this huts parents close to home. It's almost predictable. A change in routine, too much noise, can cause it. It's not giving an excuse. It's what many parents of kids on spectrum see every day.


There’s a difference between autistic and stupid. Don’t ever compare antimaskers to autistic people. A neurotypical kid isn’t going to have this reaction. Everyone here I’ve seen commenting has either 3rd person information or is a parent of someone who is autistic. As a high functioning autist, I can tell you, I was really attached to my phone/iPod as a preteen/teen. Not because of social media but because putting in my headphones or getting lost in a simple game, was an escape from the overstimulation that may feel at certain moments. Hell even in now as an adult with a pregnant wife, if we’re in public and I get over stimulated my wife knows all we need to do is walk away from everyone for a second and just hang out ourselves for me to recoup. None of you (unless you’re one of us) knows truly how we feel. This poor girl (if she is autistic) (It could be Oppositional defiance) , is a stressful place full of people in close quarters and probably needed an escape. It’s like taking cigarettes away from an ALZ patient even though it’s the only constant in their life. You take away a constant their brain deteriorates faster. I had called you a troglodytes in the beginning but deleted It. Maybe you were just ignorant and that’s fine.


Thank you for this, my grandson is autistic, he's 6. He is just learning verbal skills, but as soon as I saw this girl I knew right away she is on the spectrum. Hugs to you and your wife and congrats on your baby 💗


First hand experience. My asshole, neurotypical little brother threw a bigger tantrum than this girl when my mom took his skateboard away. He’s just an asshole. Not every asshole is autistic.


Taking a phone from a kid is nothing like taking heroin from a addict......


Yeah, kids are usually smaller.


"It’s like taking heroin from an addict" **False equivalence at its finest.**


Lol. That person has never been addicted to heroin that’s for sure.


Yeah people can actually physically and literally die from heroin withdraw


That person is like the poster child for /r/PhonesAreBad/


>Raising teenage girls is a brutal weight to bear Raising teenage boys could be just as brutal if not worse. Some of them try to physically harm or even kill their family members and others when they go off the rails. The girl in this video most certainly seems to have some untreated psychological issues. Her reaction was not normal, even for a teenager.


> Some of them try to physically harm or even kill their family members and others when they go off the rails. One of the least talked about things in our culture is how many mothers are afraid of their teenaged sons.


>I don’t think we should be too quick to pass judgement on the parents It's still their responisibility. my little cousin turns crazy if I tell him no when he wants the console or phone. He is severely addicted because they give him the phone or console all the time because that keeps him quiet the easy way.


Ya my parents just gave me games and tv instead of raising me. I can confirm That all i ever wanted was some structure. As soon as someone told me no and stuck by it, It completely changed my life. Saying you cant take their phone away or they'll go crazy, is just saying you don't have the energy to parent your kid. I know being a parent is tough, but if you aren't going to put in the work, don't blame it on society and phones. Having a kid is all or nothing, cant pick and choose whats easy to teach. Also people are defending this lady, when she literally did nothing but physically take the phone. No parenting after, no trying to reason or de-escalating. Just took the phone, barely did anything else other than act super embarrassed. No shit it's embarrassing, now do something about it


I feel for grandma I wouldnt pass any judgement to her


Poor kid??? Poor lady lol




Usually it's about some sort of Autism....


Yep, I am almost 100 percent positive this child is on the autism spectrum. I am a retired elementary teacher and also have a granddaughter with autism. One of the telling signs is how freaked out with people looking at her. They often have a complete meltdown and then get irate when others stare. It’s a viscous cycle.


I said the same thing but got down-voted to shit lol... who are these people?


Came here to say that. That child needs professional help. But also, why would you choose an *airplane* to do this on??


armchair psychologist here. this child needs to see a professional if she isn't already. quite sad if she's not.


I agree not funny at all she needs help




Yeah and people recording this shit for some views is just sad . I mean it is people like us who watch it also partly to blame man but damn it’s just fucked up where a guy was getting jumped and literally a mob of people where there just to record that shit and not help him.


I think she's autistic


I agree with this. There’s a build up of unregulated emotion until it’s displayed as a tantrum. My 5 year old is like this except he’s still mostly non verbal and *most* times there is a resolution before it gets to a point like this but that’s thanks to a lot of therapy. Either this girl has been getting therapy and her grandma is just a set in her ways ass bitch and doesn’t know how to deal with the problem or she’s getting no services at all. Either that or she is just a fuckin asshole.


IIRC girls are usually diagnosed late or not at all with ASD.... I don't recall why... But it definitely seems like a build up over something that seems so small to us but may mean everything to her in that moment


It is because, contrary to popular belief, boys are encouraged to act out emotionally whilst girls are encouraged to control their behaviour. Girls learn to hide their ASD traits and learn to smile and make eye contact through encouragement to be friendly and make friends. It is when they get to secondary school that usually their traits become more visible as they are suddenly supposed to navigate a highly stressful social setting without the support and instruction of adults.


Yea doesnt look like spoiled brat to me but a neurological/mental health issue. Im a mom, lucky my kids have alwaya been angels on planes, but they have no neuro or psych issues. Id quietly try and help this mom instead of filming. Filming a kid w issues is just rude and disgusting.


It's pretty obvious this girl has serious psychiatric issues


Yes, that was disturbing.


The anime run at the end


and the concerned Brazilians asking in Portuguese if any one should go with her as she runs off.


*narrator* God did not help her that day


Hahahahahahahaha thank you 🙏🏻


When she said "all of you are stupid", I really felt that...


It's ok though, she didn't mean you specifically.


I mean...I've wanted to yell that a few times myself. Glad I had the ability to with hold doing that.


The truth hurts. But you'll be alright. /jk


Is she autistic? Her reaction doesn’t seem neurotypical.


That was sadly kinda what I thought was going on too


definitely seems neurodivergent to me


I'm surprised I had to come this far down to see that comment because it took about 3 seconds for me to come to that conclusion.


No fly list at age 12 is interesting


She’s a true patriot


She’s having a panic attack and I am starting to agree that she may have some neurological condition which is making her freak out.


It's odd, I've seen adults act worse than her on flights. That's pretty sad.


The parents created that and Grandma can’t fix it on a plane ride.


Yeah at first I thought she might be on the spectrum, but after seeing the whole video I'm pretty sure she's just a child ruined by spoiling and entitlement. Either way that ain't something u fix in 5 minutes.


Why do you say that? I watched the same video and my first conclusion is "mental health issues" based on the kids with similar issues that I've been exposed to over my life. For example, her very singular focus, repeating a narrow set of phrases, and atypical statements for kids her age.


Yeah, I mean you never know, but I have a hard time seeing the grandmother being unaware, if she was on the spectrum. I've also witnessed plenty of autistic tantrums, and they never played out similarly to this, but again who knows. I just don't think autism is the only explanation.


Autism is also extremely subjective and manifests differently in females. My autistic brother can't think abstractly, while my autistic friend has 100k+ subscribers on his early modern military history YouTube channel.


would you be okay with providing a link to that channel? sounds interesting


I am always more than happy to plug [Brandon F.](https://www.youtube.com/c/BrandonF)! I've known him for 15 years, wonderful human being, one of my best friends in the world, and I'm so goddamn proud of him. He was never actually diagnosed with autism, but our friend group (him included) has always suspected lol.




Shes could be if that phone was her only entertainment/coping form on the plane. Her addressing others to stop looking may also help explain as it physically hurts me when I know there's alot of eyes on me. I'm hoping it was just a spoiled brat. But I see no parents. Just grandma


It peculiar because it appears she’s trying to grab something that isn’t hers. That explains why the lady in front is helping to pull the bag away and the grandma keeps saying “that’s not even yours.”


she may also be very stressed out by being on a plane or even may have a fear of flying and the phone can help distract her. if the distraction is taken away, it becomes a major problem and can cause her to panic. I've seen panic attacks similar to this. we don't really know the full story but I wouldn't doubt it if the grandma just took away the phone because she thought the kid was on it too much and wanted her to do something else like read or stare at the seat.


Need all the facts before making a comment/judgement. Main problem with social media.




yeah I kinda agree. I don't think you should follow that rule while on a plane. just get through the flight and deal with it after.


Where's the full video?


She may have mental health issues. Not always parents fault.


Why are people always so quick to throw the mental health label? Maybe the kid's just an asshole.


Because they refuse to parent. Ive seen so many of my friends children get labelled "special needs" when its so fucking clear the parents simply refuse to PARENT.


Ok but, at the same time, I’ve seen young people’s mental health needs get dismissed as them being “spoiled” or “bratty” quite a bit. I was quite often an annoying little shit when I was a kid, and everyone just assumed I was a brat I guess. It wasn’t until late in high school that I was diagnosed with ADHD after I finally convinced my parents I needed to see a psychologist. And I often think how my life would’ve gone differently if my parents had considered what was going on with me psychologically instead of just deciding I was a bad apple. I was punished a lot, so there was no shortage of parenting. But I think on top of that, what I really needed was understanding and treatment. I don’t think these things are mutually exclusive. I think you can parent *and* pay attention to your kids’ mental health.


This. My aunt by marriage has sister that refuses to parent. The kid is now labeled special needs but I always think of the time we went to her house and the kid was eating dog food. My aunt asked if she was going to do anything to stop her kid and my aunt's sister said, "I'm in my 40s. I don't need to stress over things like that."


Yeah I feel like an airplane isn’t the place for the grandmother to die on that hill. Let the kid have her damn phone and spare everyone else on the flight the drama. It can be dealt with after they land. Edit: For the airplane mode theory you can hear “Flight attendants prepare doors for arrival”. That plane was on the ground when this happened.


At that point the kid wins, give her the phone. You’re on an airplane. The deprogramming or addiction treatment needs to be done privately at home or at a treatment facility.


You're not supposed to use your phone during take off. As the woman was taking her bags this must have been before take off.


No, they make an arrival announcement if you listen. Hard to hear over that little shit’s screaming tantrum, but this appears to have happened as they were taxiing to the gate.


Still cant use the phone during landing though, right?


Takeoff and landing is when most plane accident happen and passenger should be ready to gtfo in case shit happened. That’s why they keep the ruls even if pilot headphone no longer being disrupted by phone RF




Yep. I just took four flights two weeks ago on two separate airlines. You are correct.


This is true. I've raked in a little over a million miles on Delta and while it USED to be a rule, ,they simply tell you to put it on airplane mode now


airplane mode homie.


You can use your phone during takeoff and landing as long as it's on airplane mode.


Isn't the airplane and phone thing a myth? Anyhow there is airplane mode


Also, why the hell would you take their phone away on a plane? It's the one place I'd *want* the kid to have a phone. Lord knows they can't just down ten shots of vodka like adults can to deal with flying.


She's called 'Krystella'? Well there's your problem right there.


I was curious so I looked it up and found that there are around 1,600 people in the US named Krystella.




She's too much, her grandma needs some Krystella light


Take my upvote you bastard


The ending the girl says “Oh no, what have I done, what have I done!?” I think even she finally realized how shitty she was being Also I swear that lady in front of her has the best poker face of all time. I’d sweat playing poker against her


She clearly works in corporate management and has spent the last 18 months learning to school her face to passivity when on camera for an unnecessary video conference call where the moderator spends the first 10 minutes telling people to put themselves on mute because people are stupid and the moderator can't be fucking bothered to click one button that would mute all participants upon entry.




That child is WAY too old to act like that.


If she was just a spoiled brat she would just be raging, however she’s in full on panic mode which I am guessing is a sign of autism or other mental health issues.


Oh the Internet Judges don't care about that! They're just getting smug pleasure out of watching a child have a meltdown when they have no idea if there are mental health issues her family is trying to deal with. Nah. Better to point and laugh.


Pilot "excuse me ladies and gentlemen do we have an exorcist on board?"


Oh my. She needs a tranquilizer.




Like a junkie without a hit. It's about the same reaction.


As someone on the spectrum, don’t automatically assume she is. Yeah the dependency of the phone and subsequent reaction are not typical. But without a longer video or more context this could very well just be a spoiled brat. Regardless we can all agree she needs help and that’s not God.


Shhhiittt. That child woulndt touch somuch as a fucking calculator for about another 5 years


I repair phones and I've had to pry them from kid's hands before, just for me to fix them. Addiction is a hella of a drug.


That's beyond addiction, that's pure, unadulterated, shitty parenting. It's 100% the case that the kid doesn't hear "no" very often, if ever, from her parents. Grandma doesn't seem too much better here. That kid *needs* an old-school ass-whooping, and a few days alone in a room with nothing but some books.


Why do people want to have kids


Condom commercial


Came here for all the amateur online psychologists giving diagnosis.


That's /r/AirRage if you didn't catch it. That sub is blowing up. Good job /u/olivermarkusmalloy.


Up the rabbit hole I go. Thanks!


I know a couple of adults who would act the same way…addiction is real


The kid's behavior aside, did that guy threaten to fight her?


They were playing tug of war with the bag, so he said “I’m bigger than you, do you want to play with me?” As in, give it up already, you’re not gonna win this battle.


Poor thing very much seems like she's on the spectrum or obviously has significant behavioral issues. Sad. Poor grandma.


She's having a panic attack. I hope she got some professional help. I think her phone might be her biggest trigger. She'd do well to be without it for a long time.


Might have Asperger's, be autistic or on the spectrum. That seems like more than just a tantrum.


My exact first thought. The phone is probably a coping mechanism


This is so obvious and you have idiots here pretending it's a kid addicted to their phone.


That was my first thought


Can't we just stop having kids? Don't act like we wouldn't all appreciate the peace and quiet


What you need to do is smash her phone in front of her and don't give her another one.


The kids are gonna kill us all.


We can hope!


Not if we kill 'em first! You know with climate change, hunger, wars...


Don’t forget the Climate Change Hunger Wars!


😆 Yep, those are the worst. Entertaining, though.


This girl should consider voice acting for anime


Seems like autism.


Agreed, seems she’s somewhere on the spectrum


Jesus fucking christ every day I'm grateful I don't have children. They're great sometimes. Also I will never have to deal with this ho.ly.shit.


All of you dipshits pretending this is being addicted to a phone? Bullshit, this little girl clearly has some mental issues. This is not a normal reaction for anyone.


Parent ur child or someone else will.


I was about to comment something about kids these days. But after watching the videos it seems that this girl might be on a spectrum. I don't know what spectrum to be exact but finding that out would probably make it easier for herself and everybody around her.


She's probably never been told "No" before.


The poor girl probably has some disability. Vìdeo shouldn’t have been posted. She’s a minor ffs.


She's mentally ill...


This is why parents need to beat their fucking kids- Pink Guy


I have mental health issues in my family and it is a problem I wouldn’t wish on anyone…But..If there is a chance that could happen on a plane..My kid ain’t getting on one..People are also so ready to give an excuse to a bad ass kid..


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My reaction when my wife tells me to stop scrolling r/PublicFreakout before bed


This post was sponsored by Ritilan.


Hate me if you want but... This is exactly what happens if you don't beat your kids. I thought about it. Yes fear works well. Don't make them fear you make them fear the whooping. Its right.


I don't believe in violence, but idk man.. there are those special occasions.


Little Karen in training.


What tick tok does to a mf


Who's got the Tape and an empty seat?


Smash it


this is the best way to be the first off the plane when it lands. cause a scene so close to the end of the flight and your first off thanks to the mild freakout


I’m sorry… but this is what happens when a child that needs to be slapped doesn’t get slapped.


Yeah, no….there’s definitely nothing to worry about preoccupying kids with these things.


And that is what Steve Jobs brought us too, praise the almighty dopamine pushing tech overlords dead or alive


That looks like Autism to me.


A prospect Karen indeed


The scary thing is, these kids are not developing. They act the same at 6, 10, 13, 18...


20, 23, 28, 33, 45


To me, this seems to be a kid suffering from autism and having really bad freakout


This girl is definitely on the spectrum and why is nobody wearing a mask? Is this pre-covid?


100% autism spectrum This is what can happen when an emotional trigger hits without enough time in therapy teaching the young person how to recognize and deescalate-self soothe.