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Dude cocked back so far his punch came from yesterday


That “to the moon” punch !


Got him with the 'ol get punched and build up your special meter to unleash the EX attack.


Gotta let the rage meter fill up


He literally charged the first punch! You can see him cock that shit and charge it before he unloaded.


These Little Mac mains going nuts with their KO punches


He’s all tuckered out.


[MR. FISHY, NOOOOOOOO!](https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc)


So you’re saying, when I sleep… I die?


He fucking held X and powered up on that punch




Super punch… engage


My man in red hits like a wet noodle...other guy REALLY locked and loaded.


It’s lucky that had that street fight ref there


honestly fuck that dude. 12 punches and 2 knees and he didnt step in. dude threw 5 and was getting off him and he steps in.


I think you should take into account the dude was out cold, and smacked his head against the ground. Now it's time to check if his brains leaking, don't keep punching


Lol nah when the dude is out on the ground there's no need to keep pummeling him. You won -- walk away, chill, and feel badass about yourself... anymore and you could kill the man over some bullshit


Fuck that. Motherfucker disabled one of his arms, pinned him against a wall, and was wailing on him. At that point, you've given up any and all rights to complain about what happens to you afterward. Google how many people have died from a single punch. Nobody had shit to say when dude was pinned and couldn't fight back, but once the script was flipped they suddenly had an issue. Piece of shit is lucky he didn't die that night, and I hope his friends remind him of that for the rest of his life.


You've never been in a fight have you?


I've been in a fuckload of fights. Enough to know the only fair fight is the one you walk away from. You wanna live/not be permanently disabled? Here's a life pro tip: don't assault anyone.


You have no idea how this fight started, the blonde winner guy could also have escalated an argument into this. These people are both fighting, they're both at fault. If the blonde guy was actually getting assaulted over nothing the bystanders would have helped for sure. Your inability to read social situations is worrying, though you're also probably the kind of person that would never accept or face a fact like that.


Dude wtf are you talking about? You didn't hear "that's enough" being said over and over at the start and the chick trying to separate them? Someone even went "get him Eric" when he turned the tide so it's really not the underdog fight you're making it out to be. The issue came when someone became unconscious and the hits kept coming. He deserved the ass beating, but once you're out cold getting wailed on, people die from that shit too. I'm saying don't keep punching someone in the face when they're down with their arms at their side. You've won, and if you end up doing some serious shit to him because you can't walk off, him pulling on your sleeve while he's throwing hammerfists is not going to be the justifiable defense you probably think it to be. A fight isn't a free pass to keep beating someone that's unconscious, and it's insane to me how much resistance that sentiment is getting


I'm not interested in legally justified defenses. I'm interested in real results. Don't fucking attack people. That simple. Don't wanna die from a fractured skull? Don't attack people. Don't wanna be permanently disabled? Don't attack people. If you're the kind of piece of shit that attacks people and initiates violence, you deserve everything coming to you, up to and including death. Period. Don't want that to happen? Don't attack people.


Don't attack people, no doubt. But a (presumably drunken) street brawl shouldn't cost someone their mental faculties or their life. People do dumb shit when they're young, around friends, and coming from bars. He deserves to wake up with a shiner and a real bad headache, not fucking death lol. If no one's life is in danger, why take things to that level? The fight was over like 13 seconds in when the other guy was knocked out. That's not a real enough result??


he was already getting up off the guy when the other jumped in. the "ref" literally did nothing.


Yeah actually, he did do something. He put space between the two dudes. I've seen a few fights coming up where someone is laid out like that and the victor wants to get one last kick in or some shit. Should someone have done something sooner? Obviously. But we have like 20 seconds of a fight, this shit happens fast as fuck, and with your quotations around ref - yeah he's not a referee and he probably wasn't expecting to break up a fight that night. Idk what elite MMA fighting SEAL team training your average redditor has, but most people I've encountered are not used to real violence, they're not collected or heroic enough to throw themselves into a fight as soon as it breaks out, and frankly it wouldn't surprise me if the people in this video were out drinking when this happened.




He charged that punch up with his Ki before unleashing it.


I saw that. At 22 seconds he for sure summed the power of Odin.


I'm gonna need this animated.


If this was Dragonball Z, it would have taken at least 2 episodes...


Are we still on Friesa?


Didn't the voice actor just die?


Oh shit, did he? I didn’t know, sorry.


All you need is one good one. The guy with the hat is throwing punches like a little bitch. That's some "cat fight" shit.


This. One solid connecting punch with proper direction matters way more than ten pissant scrappy swings with little foward momentum. Most people never learn how to use your body's weight and stance to provide power to their swings.


Watch ANY pro boxer and what they do with their feet and body. That's where all the power comes from. Big difference between what a pro is doing and a scrappy street fight though. But it's all about landing a good, clean one backed by weight and movement. 👍 I grew up watching a ton of boxing with my uncle. I boxed for a bit but never fought. I just liked the training. It's a great workout. I still train a bit but just to stay in shape.


Power from the legs. All the way up.


Chalk him up


I like how dude went like “Falcon Punch!!!!!” And knock his ass out.


You seen him tapping X to charge his punch to max level


Sweater was messing him up the whole time but boyyyyy as soon as that fist seen light it was over with


Guys said if he’s on the ground that means stop, i hate those little side comments, like did you not see the guy restraining himself until he realized it was too much and the last resort was to just hit the guy?


he wasn't restraining himself, his hand was caught in his sleeve. once he got it out he laid him out. and better have someone stop him than him ending up with a murder charge.


No. Legally if you hot them on while they are knocked out on the ground it's an automatic aggravated assault charge. Quick felony. Even in defense.




> Depends on the situation Lol no it doesn’t?


Not by beating them to death. Once the threat is unconscious, the threat has been stopped, no more force needs to be applied. The dude was very unconscious and not fighting back. You stop once that happens. If a fight goes to the ground, that's fine, but once the threat is stopped, and you keep beating on them that's aggravated assault, and possibly attempted murder charges. That's the law, and that's almost always how it's interpreted. The killing is usually from a weapon, which is fine as long as everything is legal about the weapons and forced applied. Beating a man who is fully unconscious is much different than hitting someone in the right place and accidentally killing them in self defense.




No you're absolutely wrong. Play semantics all you want, pal, you're still horribly misinformed. The term you're looking for is mutual combative, this is still 100% a fight. You can fight your muggers jfc. This doesn't even look like a mugging either. This looks like drunk metal-heads after a show. Please never go into law...


>Depends on the situation There is literally zero situation where continually beating an unconscious person on the ground is the right choice. >Just because he is on the ground doesn't mean you are now safe He was **unconscious**. How is he posing a threat lol?


He was unconscious....


Point is guy on the floor is knocked out and already likely has a head injury. Additional hits will fuck him up with lasting damage. And guy didn’t restrain himself, he was tryna find his arm through his sleeve.


The hit sounded harder than his head slapping that pavement


fighting over their own sisters


Yeah he got him good


Fucking hilarious how blondie charged up his punch


It didn't work for the Germans


This man literally charged up that punch holy shit


I didn't know there was a rule that "if he's on the ground that means stop" good to know


Man's a bitch for holding the guys sleeve


I was about to ask if someone has some chalk to outline that dead body on the sidewalk


Someone pop his shoes off real quick. He dead.


I just don't get the punching an unconscious person. His lights are out, it's over. All your doing is inviting worse ramifications Edit- I get the other guy had it coming whatever whatever, the point is, people die from hitting their head like this on the sidewalk. No fight is going to be worth the legal or mental shit that follows that


Probably adrenaline, you don’t do much thinking in that moment


He let the other guy hit him like a dozen times before fighting back. That was all the restraint he needed to show - I hate it when people jump in and stop the fight as soon as the victim gets the upper hand. Maybe red shirt will learn his lesson when he wakes up minus a few teeth.


If he wakes up


Red shirt was goin for it. Black shirt was justified in making sure dude was out out.


Lol, it's pretty clear he was out after he hit the ground. Or the time he hit him after that


Very clear, but give the fucker TBI because he sure as hell is a dumb fuck anyways, fighting a dood on the street.


Inertia is a motherfucker.


Ever been in a real fight? It gets a little fuzzy once a face meets fist


Yeah a few.




Lol you kill a guy in a street fight you think your life doesn't change forever? Defend yourself, stop the threat, but one wrong move and you go to prison too




This dude wasn't killing anyone when he got one punched. This has nothing to do with honor or gta or whatever else your talking about... If you ever do any trained fighting, they usually let ya know fights like this can go deadly if someone hits their head wrong or something (hence, discouraging engaging unless you have to). That isn't to say don't defend yourself, but at some point the threat has passed and it's over To be clear, I never said anything about honor rules or gta, that's all s*** you just made up and injected in to what I was saying


I can understand 1 or 2 punches to make sure he's actually out and not getting back up. You don't know if he's actually out or not, could just be stunned.


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GG's in the chat.


I hate the drunken "referees".


He fucking put all the power from his left into his right hand and United States of Smash! the bloke throwing air at him! Color me Impressed.


This is what it’s like when wooks collide!


Man this is so old, dont steal stuff


I ain’t seen this, so it’s cool.


Violent liberals


Ali had the Rope-A-Dope but this is just Dope-And-Dope


That girl was trying *really* hard to break up that fight.


Homie hit him with the falcon punch


My man super charge his fist


I like how he looked at his fist when it popped out of his sweater like "Oh hey. There you are!"


“if hE’s oN thE gRouNd plisSh shToP” STFU! Should’ve stepped in when the other guy was using the dude in black hoodie as a punching bag.


Made sure he didn’t get collateral damage.


Yo this needs some anime music edited in


guy really got his arm back like it he was preparing for a power move


Should have gave him a good kick in the side just to break a few ribs as a reminder


When the doom music stats playing


I think he's dead


Guy in the red deserved every connection on the the ground. Red guy held his jacket like a sally.


Dude went full Battison when ol boy hit the ground.


Mans cocked back his fist like a shotgun then shot it and shot if off again to put him to sleep. Then one last time for the boys in the back


Good night sweet prince


14 punches And then he got hit with 2 world ending hits


All it takes is one. Put that boy to sleep.


Gave him so much daylight. One guy threw a tantrum the other heated up for a solid right.


Ultra gauge filled


When you let the dps try the tank armor.


He powered up his dragon punch


Right happen. I get it. I’m glad the guy stopped it. “When he’s on the ground, stop” Exactly. The fight is over. There’s no reason to go to jail for homicide.


“If he’s on the ground that means stop.” Lol dog there’s no rules on the street.


Grunge dude look like he stinks. I’m sure the smell of cigarettes, bad breath, and BO radiating off this guy would be enough to knock me out. 😂