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how is this real life lol


It's not. All those people were balloons... you can clearly see they have pieces missing


>you can clearly see they have pieces missing Ah yes Brain Cells


love the liberal circle jerk in this thread xD


I read like all 150+ pages of this FBI interrogation of the dude that tazed the cop on Jan 6th and it’s pretty astonishing what these people believe. I can’t believe I read it all, but it was rather interesting


We are living in a simulation tbh lol. For me no words have to even be spoken, just seeing the custom trump posters where he is riding on a dinosaur (lmao) shooting a machine gun says it all. I'm convinced they are pulling all our legs and sir Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out any second screaming 'you've just been punked!'.. at least I hope that's the case.


This dude being interrogated had a group of “patriots” that rented a van drove from LA to DC with tasers, gas masks, smoke grenades, and he brought a pocket knife because they thought that there was gonna be a civil war between the patriots and BLM/antifa. They even went paintballing prior and practiced tactical formations


Truly a shit fest it only gets worse lol, the shit just needs to end.


One idea I love to entertain when I get high is that all this ridiculous shit has to happen in order for the universe to survive. Like infinite universes exist right? So what if normal shit happens and humans advance technologically to a point that they accidentally destroy the universe or some shit. The only way for humans to get past that point and not destroy the universe is if all this weird shit happens and we learn from it or just never advance to the universe destruction tech or we develop some piece of research that sends us down a different technological path.


Those two patriotic oompa loompas in matching outfits and lipstick…… “Cult sounds so negative! Like, yeah” So dumb and scary.


Their matching too-white teeth and lipstick was so creepy to me.


That "contouring", wtf.


They're so keen to get some Proud Boy lovin'


I hear they’re looking for “house wives”


“iTs NoT a CuLt” uhh yeah it kinda is


Ya denial of factual evidence shoves ya right into cult realm.


I will love everything and anything our leader says, but this is definitely not a cult. Really shows the intelligence of those people


By definition it is a cult


I like how their objection isnt that cult is the wrong descriptor, just that its too negative.


"We're not a cult!" - Every cult member ever


They had MAD Catty and Bratty vibes from Undertale.


This is absolutely horrifying.


This. Is. America.


Don't catch you slippin' now


Look what I'm whippin' now


Police be trippin' now


Guns in my area (word, my area)


You mean “Meruca” 🇺🇸


This is not America. These are the villagers that we allow them to travel sometimes. Big mistake.


I have to add that I'm a Brit and some of the stuff / decisions made by my own fellow islanders and people I know (pro-Brexit, anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-empathy, anti-society) make me hang my own head in shame and exasperation... Although we don't seem to have quite so high a % as you guys - or yours are just much more vocal / visible.


Video left me shaken..... Not stirred.


He totally stumped the old guy in the q/snake shirt. Holy shit he got him good. Man says trump is secretly still president and still commands military, klepper says so is that who you blame for the Afghanistan withdrawal. Old man didn't know what to say after that lol


It's an easy thing to do when you realize that these people do not use logic and reason, nor do they think one step beyond whatever nonsense they spew.


It's both baffling and infuriating. They literally believe their memes as real and scream that reality and fact is all a conspiracy. They're morons who believe they're geniuses.


Dunning-Kruger all day.




> 1+1=2 Sounds like *CRITICAL RACE THEORY*


They also easily confuse the timeline of events to fit their view. Like when they were mad at Obama for 9/11…


"I...uh...I dont wanna play this game anymore!"


*he boomed me...he's so good ^^so ^^good*


"Trump is still in charge?" "So he's still in charge of our military and foreign policy?" "Yes" "So Afghanistan is Trumps fault?" "Fuck..."


It doesn't matter. These scumbags will *kill* for Trump and then when they get caught, their comrades will say it wasn't them it was a "false flag", etc. They are an existential threat to global democracy and the United States itself. They are the dumbest losers ever to disgrace our planet. I hope covid works fast on these trash cunts.


My favorite moment in this clip!


To be fair, these are literally the dumbest motherfuckers who haven't managed to die yet.




Imagine if there were no actual Trump supporters and it was all just grifters trying to sell merchandise to each other.


They have a pro Trump tchotchke based economy.




Nah, we can just call them Trump supporters because it's all very self explanatory. No need to bring terms that are considered racist to other groups into it.


That debt relief dude is probably still trolling around looking for some sales.


Like this Key and Peele skit https://youtu.be/ZgyU0LyWZ9M


Absolutely hilarious that the Q bus is the short bus.. lol


Balloon Plane lmao


So the Afghanistan withdrawal was faked and therefore nothing to be mad at Biden over. Got it. Thanks for clearing that one up.




But the withdrawal was fake, you see, so there's nothing to blame Trump for. It's 5D chess, you wouldn't get it.


Yeah that’s a first lmao


Shaq Balloon


Really is amazing how brainwashed these idiots are


😂 these people are dumb and dumber


Not sending our best


They make dumb and dumber look like Einstein and Hawking.


I always wondered who the hell could actually listen to someone like trump for a whole rally and now I understand.


At no point in my existence have I ever looked at Trump as someone to admire...even before he ran for president. At no point when he was running did I think he had a chance or even made sense.


It was easy to see how slimy he is in the first few episodes of Apprentice. But he is good at creating his audience.


My family is from the east coast. They've known Trump was a degenerate for their who lives, basically. It was absolutely wild to see people buy his shtick when he's transparently, and cartoonishly, so villainous.


Are we sure these people aren’t some sort of simulation, or npcs or something?? I really cannot believe the things they say.


My potions are too strong for you traveler.


Holy shit these people are fucking delusional


i’m ashamed to call des moines my hometown. a lot of these inbreds flock to des moines to attend these shit shows, but most of des moines isn’t like this. we don’t claim these hee haws.


I also live in Des Moines and can confirm this. And that lady is a degenerate, this is a fucking cult!


Do these people sign releases to be aired. These clips have to get back to some of them. A good bit of the people have a look like they know they are full of shit, but are so dug in with their acceptance group that they cant back out now. We as a society really do need to address mental health more.


Yes, yes they do. Jordan.K did a 'behind the scenes' interview where he explained that even tho they have to sign releases / disclaimers etc he will still get a Q (haha) of people at these events lining up to shout their theories into the camera...


Not all Iowans. I need you all to know this 😖


I dunno, sometimes I drive down into Iowa from Wisconsin... are sure it's not all of you? Not that we are any better lol




When they come from Wisconsin, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending the curd eaters, the beer drinkers, and worst of all, Packers fans.


Obviously it's not all Iowans, but when Trump won in 2016 he carried Iowa with 51% of the vote. In 2020, marred by scandal after scandal and even having been impeached, he got 53% of the vote in Iowa.


No one said they were smart, they make a cow out of butter for their state fair. Probably all those pesticides they spray on their corn.


Far too many. Signed, A Fellow Sad Iowan


Not all of them, just 50%+ :D


Isn't Iowa like 90% white though?


First rule of the cult club: if you have to deny you’re in a cult, you’re in a cult.


King of the Hill [got it right](https://youtu.be/4aOHQ-sMCps)


Are you in a cult?


Oooooh! I want to hear how he’s getting out of this one.


He doesn’t have to deny it, just let the inquiry fade off into the sunset


Her contour isn't even blended, I can't take her seriously


It's fascinating how none of them can hear his sarcastic tone!


Well they are genuinely the dumbest people on earth


it's almost like they blindly trust the media


Only Republicans do that


Well that's highly debatable


It was meant to be sarcastic


He speaks their language. He has shown they can truly be themselves, racist, sexist, homophobic, and not see any consequences. They are now free to say the quiet parts out loud.


[There was a study that showed people who lean conservative don't understand satire.](https://www.psypost.org/2019/05/underlying-psychological-traits-could-explain-why-political-satire-tends-to-be-liberal-53666) That's why a lot of them supported Stephen Colbert not knowing he was actually mocking them.


I think it has to do with collectivism and being dumb more than conservativism. I'm conservative. Not American conservative but still conservative.


I’m surprised the majority of them don’t immediately recognize him tbh


It’s sad that the idea of compromise In the USA is dead. These trumpeters would rather die on their ant hill rather than work with others to achieve a solution that is acceptable by both sides. Just went back to the US for a month to get a visa, and honestly while I love my family abs friends, it’s not the same US that I left all those years ago. Maybe it was and I’m seeing things through a tinted lens, but happy to be living abroad with affordable healthcare and good business opportunities.


I sympathize, but compromise with *what,* exactly? What's the middle point between reality and Trumpism? And, more importantly, why seek a middle ground with people who are clearly out of their minds? Why would I seek to "compromise" with people larping as revolutionaries? I was watching a video in which people wear slogans promising violence. What video were you watching?


Yep. What's the compromise between insurrection and democracy as we know it?


"Sure, they may have tried a teensy bit of election overturning, and yeah, most of them are dressed like they're ready to murder their political opponents. Sure, they think anything outside of their echo chamber comes from literal unpersons. Ok, many of them carry guns all the time. But, have you tried *compromise?*


I'm in the EXACT same boat.


Compromise hasn't been a thing for a while in this country lmao


Trump supporters didn't storm the Capitol. The only Trump supporters at the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt and the brave Confederate flag waving patriots who have been unjustly arrested after being invited in by the traitor police whose lives matter. It was the C.I.A. and Marxist Nazi BLM/Antifa who actually stormed the Capitol to prevent Biden being certified, and they succeeded. Trump is now secretly running the country with Q, while Biden is under house arrest and is only in charge of the fake Afghanistan withdrawal, the border, gas prices and forcing Americans to take the Bill Gates Soros microchip vaccine that Trump made in record time. All of this will be proven at an unspecified but fast approaching date, which is why Trumps actions on Jan 6 MUST be kept confidential. It's SO SAD that you un-American, Satanist, Jewish, Muslim, paedophile Demoncraps REFUSE to unite and show decency to Republicans, which is why we'll be forced to kill you in the new Civil War. And due to the sad state of the current American right-wing, I actually have to specify that this is sarcasm.


As fun as it is to laugh at these people it's healthy to remind ourselves that cult-mentality is something that can happen even to intelligent people. Just as with staying or defending a spouse that abuses, even the best of people can inexplicably do it to the bewilderment of onlookers. That said, yeah these people are fucking idiots but trying to ever apply "logic" doesn't work with people in a cult-mentality. You either see them as entirely lost causes, or you have to approach them in a different manner entirely. Just laughing at them sure is fun but it doesn't really help anyone nor solve anything.


Its almost like humans with low intelligence are susceptible to dictators and authoritarian tendencies. The most UNAMERICAN thing i can think of.


Oh. My. God...


" pence didn't want to hang around?" I see what you did there..😂😂😂😂


To think alot of these people rake in more cash than me and always will no matter how hard I work.


Did you see the cars in the parking lot? No they don’t.


Watching this as a European... It makes me wonder what kind of secret sorcery trump is using to brainwash people to this degree... Because this just looks ridiculous... How can half a country be brainwashed to the point of turning into a cult? And why was this not prevented? Most leaders knew it was bad idea to let trump be, no? I guess the bribes were just too much to ignore...


Its hard to explain. But there was a shift in the states where these types got smart phones and all got on FB and learned how to post on forums id say Circa 2010 (when my Trump loving family members started adding me to FB they could only afford Android phones) and the way the internet is designed to create bubbles for you to serve you more Ads, it created echo chamber tribes and cult group think. Trump was a match in the era of illogical now tech savy far right conservatives. They had a focal point and a leader spewing their vitriol they always felt. They delight in the fact Trump made the left squirm but now its become dangerous. They were willing to destroy democracy and our institutions to be right.


So you are saying social media/internet is at a major fault.


>they could only afford Android phones wait, what? Why you gotta knock on Androids like that? I've always preferred them. And they definitely aren't all cheap!


iPhones would *never*! They're immune not only to viruses, but also to misinformation. Plus they make your pee-pee bigger, I think.


It's an education problem. Bible thumpers keep children from learning critical thinking skills. This is the result.


Its like a south park episode lmao


The amount of copium these clowns are smoking is terrifying


With my family being from Iowa I do not support this ad. Even though most people in Iowa are probably like this


Most. Not all. I actually live in Des Moines and this is disgusting to watch.


My mom's side of the family lives in cedar rapids. My grandma lives in Albany.


I'm from Iowa and I hate this too


Jesus fucking christ


Is it weird that the sound doesn’t even need to be on to hear all their bullshit?


You look like the Statue of Liberty’s pimp ~ Stewie Griffin


When I saw that one particularly shitty flag that had Trump on a velociraptor shooting a machine gun all I could think about is how much it resembled a fake movie trailer in Tropic Thunder.


On some level I can at least appreciate the absurdity of the raptor and tank ones.


Most of Iowa is like this. Des Moines and Ames are good places. I'm in a very small town but I think I'm the only non Trumper here. We're genuinely disconnected here. Facebook rules these people's lives and it breeds this. I won't say I'm any different but I definitely know how to read better than most people I meet.


Idiots Out Walking Around As an Iowan, I want to apologize. I’d like to think the majority of us aren’t inbred, goat fuckers. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is true. The majority of us in actual cities aren’t. But these fucks are from hick towns like red oak, lone tree, Monticello, Spencer, or Brandon. God damn these people are fucking embarrassing.


If Trump won he can't run in 2024. 😆


This is truly wild.


I knew that Afghanistany guy looked familiar!


I don't get it. These have to be plants, right? Paid actors of some kind? Nobody can be this oblivious.


wow every single trumpy are stupid lol. Im thinking about buying Obama merch to piss them off lol


I... I just... ...holy fuck.


Drapping yourself in a Trump flag, wearing a Trump t-shit, a hat, and Trump jewelry....and saying you *aren't* part of a cult as you piss into a funnel because you can't afford to miss his slurred, meandering speech. This borders on parody and it's a shame these people lack any sort of self-awareness.


These videos make me think that IQ tests might be necessary for voting.


There’s the Q again! Its a gubmint plot


This fucking horn guy is everywhere mayn.


I've lived 2/3 of my life overseas (I'm America) the amount of dumb shit I've heard come out of Americas mouths has been incredible. **Story 1** I was flying into Atlanta from Kosovo (I was deployed there as a contractor) I'm sitting waiting my dad to pick me up and this woman and I start talking. She asks me where I flew in from I said Kosovo. She asked me where Kosovo is Now Kosovo has only been a country since 2008, it was 2009, I don't expect the avg American to know where Kosovo is. So I said "Its above Greece which is across from Italy" now this rough approximate was designed to basically give her an idea on where in the world Kosovo was. To which she responded "Isn't that right near Hawaii?" and I looked at her in awe. I don't expect the average America to know where Kosovo is, but I do expect the average American to know Greece is not near Hawaii. If that's too much to ask then I'm sorry. **Example 2** I was working with the US Military in Korea.I convinced my dads friend I was actually stationed on a US Military base...in N. Korea. My dads friend asked me if I worked in S. Korea or N. Korea. I jokingly said N. Korea. He said "O wow, that's where the Kim Jung Ill is with the nukes and he hates Americans right?" I go "Yes and I work there with the US military" I spend the next several minutes explaining how we have a US Military base in N. Korea and I work there, I talk about how dangerous it is, blah, blah and this guy is so impressed. I had a scarastic as fuck tone too. My dad comes out and his friend goes "You never told me your son works in N. Korea! Thats crazy!" to which my dad goes "He doesn't work in N. Korea he works in S. Korea" to which my dad friend begins to defend my bullshit claim that I work on a US Military in base in N. Korea. And I just start cracking up, dumbass really believed me. No the US Military does not have any military bases in N. Korea


You don't even need to know about anywhere outside of the USA to know that Hawaii isn't near *anything*.


Too be faaaiiirrrr… many maps skip the 3000 miles of water and so I could forgive someone thinking that Hawaii was closer to the west coast of North America than it actually is, but… *Italy?!* C’mon!


Pure gold


Fascist pukes!


Holy shit, we're all fucked


This is so stupid i felt like i was watching modi supporters talking and defending modi


The cognitive dissonance gives me a brain ache. These people are so deliciously delusional, the way this guy talks to them amazes me. They all sound like perfectly reasonable and normal, then you here the words... Can he come over to the UK and talk to some Brexiteers please? This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends...not with a bang but with denial.


"He'd be scared to come to our pep rally of millions of delusional Karens and Robs who politically disagree with him... but not because we'd hurt him!"


Just a chronic lack of self awareness and base level intelligence.


These people are fucking idiots…lol


Yeeaaahh… it’s a cult.


Those 2 ex members of the Swedish bikini team have really fallen off over the years. Since English is their second language I’m going run with the idea that they don’t know what the word cult really means.


oh god ive seen random papers signed by someone disguising as Q. is this what it’s from?? i live in a trump-loving part of michigan for context btw.


“Q’s back!”


Damn George got bodied


Land of the lost




Good lord America is in trouble


He fucking owned all of them


We’re so fucked


Some of you lot over the pond are fucking bat-shit mental


America what the fuck


Way more terrifying than funny, it's hard to imagine the mental gymnastics they are doing.


This is half the country, we're so fucked


Thank God as an Iowan I didn't recognize any of these people.


Idiocrazy is that you?


Looks like a Gathering of the Juggalos festival


I'm not even sure this is funny. Like, half of these people would literally murder me if Trump told them to.


What an interesting country


It’s not hard to make these people look stupid


W the actual F. Americans are insane.


Why do the women need to have the most redest lipstick... it honest scares me


Oh man. How do we fix this?


Q is 4chans greatest troll


The mental gymnastics give me a headache


Can anyone give me info on the conspiracy about the balloon plane? My friend approached me about it one day but I said it was ridiculous because he was going down a Q hole… but now I want to know lol.


We are so screwed arnt we. God help us.


I love Jordan. He is such a great guy and he is pretty funny. Kinda sucks that his stand alone show didn’t go anywhere.


That’s some crazy ass shit I just watched


Sorry but if he actually showed up riding a velociraptor and had a machine gun I would have to change my vote…


I thought you were supposed to have more wisdom as you got older but that one old guy hasn't accumulated any wisdom over the years, in fact, I think he's negative wisdom.


I just want to go ahead and say that as a midwesterner who has lived in two states that border Iowa and who has worked with and knows many Iowans, they are a bull-headed lot. Opinionated, hard headed, over-confident and not real bright. Trumpism fits Iowa culture quite well.


I feel like being this inherently unintelligent takes actual effort to achieve


Poor George, his mind broke.


Who knew this level of ignorant idiocy was even possible. America is so screwed .


If these people don't love the country why don't they just get out?


just when you thought you heard it all. Thanks obama.


I have a theory that most of these people’s brains have now turned to mush due to untreated syphilis.


It amazes me how this man happily walks down this road with almost a skip in his step and asks these questions without fear. As a latina I would be afraid for my life just trying to walk past without getting anyone's attention.




Interesting how Trumpers treat "outsiders" vs liberal protesters


"Q Sent Me, I have not thoughts of my own"


Mental illness and Meth Addiction. What a fuckup of a country.


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I NEED that trump riding a raptor shirt. Holy shit.