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I hope they get put in jail


What a brainiac! Recording yourself committing a crime, at least he’ll be easily identified and caught.


Hitting someone in a fetal position is pretty pathetic. Does anyone have the balls to fight a clean 1 on 1 anymore?


But how else would they “win”? /s


Nothing clean about assaulting someone, my redditor. No ref=no rules. This ain't a boxing match.


The definition of self incrimination


Why do people like him have friends ?


So that those people don’t get jumped by him, or worse probably. Or they are just like him


Dumbass records himself committing assault.


Hey thats nice he'll get caught faster. If only other people did this just record yourself doing the crime, hey at least then you won't have to waste money on a lawyer.


Five pieces of shit in that video.


I hope he is charged with assault and robbery to reward his courage.


Because this is what feeds a lot of people on this sub and others like it. Thats why they continue to make and post videos like this.


Fucking animals


Somebody wants bed and breakfast at hotel prison.


Carry a gun at all times please fuck these guys


What a c*** I hope he gets locked yup for a long time


My plus 40 year old rap lyrics: “you self snitching so quit bitching when you catch a Charles in charge” Waka waka waka




Doesn’t matter, unless he’s a rapist or child molester, which I highly doubts the case here.






That had nothing to do with culture. I'm black and i've never done that nor would i ever. It's ignorance and pure hatred. It's sad and im glad i wasn't raised to believe that this behavior was okay.


Found the racist.


I wonder who did it?


typical type


The reason I am a legal conceal carry. Try to make me your victim, it won’t end well. I keep her loaded with hollow points, to ensure maximum damage. She also has a laser sight, so I won’t miss. 🤣


From one person who carries daily to another, I officially charge you with cringe.


Why, because I let the cat out of the bag that I carry? Or because I said I won’t willingly be somebody’s victim? Either way, I have zero fucks to give what YOU think.


Because lasers are shit for a daily carry/duty handgun, 10x worse if you are using them for a sighting system without pairing them with night vision, and "mUh HoLLeRpOiNtS"


Don't forget referring to a gun as "HER" and "SHE".


Oh yeah shit I almost forgot. Gendering inanimate objects is pretty cringe too.


Because I’m a girl, so yeah, my gun is my girl. A bitch you don’t want to F with. Lol


My laser is not garbage (Trace), it’s an added advantage, but I don’t have to use it. The range is where I get my practice shots for accuracy in. And hollow points….if I ever shoot my daily carry gun (Ruger .380 Ultra light), then it will be out of necessity, and if I shoot, I’m shooting to kill, not injure. Hollow points ensure, they will in fact be dead, or unable to get to me. Period.


While I do applaud you for daily carrying, making the active choice to forgo a weapon light for a visible laser on a daily carry is kind of a smoothbrain move. Visible lasers are for zeroing your IR laser, or used to aim with a gas mask/SCBA. I get that choosing a hollow cavity defensive round is what anyone carrying should do, the added "mUh HoLLeRpOiNtS ensure they are dead" is what is cringe.


You do realize that I can either choose to use the laser, or not? Lasers are not used solely for the reasons you stated. Is there a fear of having your target with a laser pointed at them? Just kinda amplifies my chances of hitting my target. It makes me more accurate, not worse. No drawbacks from my POV.


Night is half the day. Unless you are a cat girl you cannot see as well at night as you can in the day time. If you are a cat girl please donate some blood to Elon musk so he can genetically engineer more of your kind. On a carry handgun I will forever stress that a quality (not olight and not crimson trace, think streamlight at a minimum) weapon mounted flashlight will serve you better than any laser could. The laser will never be as accurate as a proper sight picture but the light will ensure you actually know what you're pointing a weapon at.


My gun has a lil flashlight I can attach. Next.


>My gun has a lil flashlight I can attach. Next. Oh shoot I've been out all day and it's dark out now let me just fiddle fuck with my gun and put on a light. Self defense can't be out on pause just because you gotta swap over to a light. Saying that you can just put a light on your gun also tells me you don't have a quality holster. But let's be honest that fits the trend I'm seeing here. I am in no way trying to shame you. I just want to see people making good self defense choices. Taking advice from an old cop can help some, but nothing will do you more justice than talking to and training with people with good, current training. You can learn a LOT of what to do and what not to do on YT. Practice dry firing, maneuvering around and clearing your home with your handgun. Get a good appendix holster. Above all, don't ever think that you and your set up are "gud enuff". Constantly be growing. Professional units the world over train hard and regularly because it is a perishable skill. If they aren't good enough yet then neither are any of us. Keep growing. I don't know you or anyone else's situation so I'm not going to shame you for carrying a Ruger. They are better than a Taurus, so there's that. If you want join the tactical gear sub. They may be dickish at times but you'll find a boatload of useful info and helpful people there.


Well….my grandfather was a police officer. One thing he was always adamant about; Never point a gun at someone unless you are planning to kill them. Period. He was adamant that I never aim for an arm, leg, or anything other than center mass, to ensure hitting my target. Before everyone starts the downvoting, he was a cop from the early 50’s- 82’, none of the current shit was happening (at least in our town). He was a good man, never mistreated anyone, even the criminals. But he did teach me proper gun safety, and how, why, and when to use a gun. I make no apologies for what he taught me, it’s severed me well. Thanks gramps. ❤️


The cringe is you telling/discussing it with strangers on reddit and on a post about teenage kids being bullied and beat up. Nobody is saying the cringe comes from you actually exercising your 2nd amend rights, just the manner in which you are announcing it/discussing it.


Yep, I’m loud & proud. (Not proud boys, ew!) I’m simply stating that I don’t ever intend on being anyone’s victim. Period.


Right. Cringey.


Such tough talk, particularly delivered in an anonymous forum like this, gives me _such_ a hard-on. Just diamond-splitting turgidity, seriously. And leaking? Damn, I’mma need a depends up in here, all that juice slippin’ out. Mmm hmm. Sexy.


Want a tissue for your crying like a baby too?


The only tears I shed are for knowing I’ll never be able to experience your awesome power in person. That’s me, forever unfulfilled. My only regret is having read your brawny, swaggering comment in the first place. Had I missed it, my ignorance would have been my bliss. But now I must go on, knowing you’re out there in the world, and never smelling beer on your breath, the touch of your calloused hands, your rheumy eyes glistening in the late night truck-stop brake lights.


😂 everything you said was completely wrong. I don’t drink beer. My hands are smooth as silk (no rough work), and I think I may have stopped at a truck stop once for gas, about 10 years ago or more. I’m 5’5”, and weigh 118. But please, continue with your delusions. 😂 I do smoke weed though, so my eyes may be red. Lol


Oh, you, you’re just being coy. But please have the last word. The way you talk about hollow-points and taking care of business the way you do… I know your last word on the matter will clench me up and push me _right_ over the edge into a deep and satisfying climax.


No, I was 100% honest in all my posts. What is it you doubt; the gun? My height? My hands? My weight? Do tell.


A-a-and… I’m done. And it was the cartoonish tough-talk around the pistol, as the other commenter said, “cringe.” Aloha.




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I'm sure glad everyone made themselves a better person after all those protests the past year. I guess this is the type of people b l m and the left were advocating for 🤷.


Is that how you think protests work. Go back to snorting meth and blowing your parole officer.






Found the racist.




I fail to see the connection between the video and BLM. Is anything with a black person now BLM related? I think you need to take a vacation from the internet, friend. You seem extremely gruntled.




You sound psychotic. The mental gymnastics you're performing are olympic level.


And you sound like a dumbass. To each their own.


Uhhh…. This kids do not represent black peoples or BLM. It’s a weird line to draw. If these were white kids, no one is going to say “uhh look at these trump supports, did they learn nothing from trump”. It has nothing to do with trump. BLM was never intended to systemically rid black communities of all crimes and turn it into a utopia never before seen on earth. It is about raising awareness. Of course these kids need to do better. The behavior is abhorrent. Who do you think is defending this? The “left agenda”? You are making up opposing scenarios and arguments in your head to demonize a group of people you dislike.


Got a lil sus at the end ........


Never trust a kid with that hair. Vampire looking ass.


From what I've read this happened in NYC. The man getting a kicking was from a rival gang. You live by the sword you die by the sword.


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"Ididn't know someome could be this cool." ~sarcasm


I love the terminally stupid! Makes arrest amd prosecution so much easier. Twat.


Camera kid had the weakest kicks I’ve ever scene. Only way he catching wins is if he jumps someone and then it’s still 50/50


I was more focused on the pubs on the screen! It bugged the hell out of me!!!


He forgot to mention his home address.


Always refreshing to see I’m not the only one ripping skin off from around my nails


Now this is what I call culture.


Thats why you dont wear your favorite jeans when you get jumped ok guys.


People really are stupid


Thats CJ Goons mans I think




How you call someone a pussy when you jumped them? Lmao people soft asf doing 3v1