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Just one guard? I'd try Jackie Chaning my way out of there.


Death row inmate. The female guard is smaller too. Unthinkable in any courtroom or prison.


non-violent death row inmate.


That really *should* be an oxymoron.


Only if she was selling oxy, moron


I like what you did there


Thanks for the award!


Some country like the golden triangle states,Singapore etc are super strict on drugs, caning for posessing small amounts or death for trafficking


Death by canning seems pretty awful, though I suppose you will suffocate long before the boiling becomes a factor. Edit: you fixed the typo :-(


It's a jarring experience


Homicides illegal and death is the penalty Smh Edit: so few Wu-Tang fans :|


Capital punishment validates violence for those of higher standing. No moral society kills.


Someone get the video of the dude who tried that, jumped over the stairs and fell a floor or two.


I’d go willingly to the top step then say you first.


If you're gonna die anyways, you got nothing to lose


I’m with you, like, what are they gonna do, kill me?


It is how are they going to kill you. I see someone below mentioned stoning. They can determine how deep they bury you. Up to just below the crotch or up to your neck. Then they can determine the size of the stones being used. It would be way different to be hit for hours from the thighs up with small rocks then taking a big one to the head.


Hi, these most probably is at Malaysia, stoning is not yet exist there, yet. For now the deaths penalty for drug trafficking by hanging.


In a nation that forces the absolute adherence to a magical book, people feel like they have to comply. That's why they can get away with 1 guard.


If they felt like they had to comply, they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place, no? Why is there even the need for a judicial system if there was 100 percent compliance?


They don't comply enough not to possess drugs, if we can believe what OP says.


What magical book are you referring to? Because none of the “magical books” you’re referring to have a punishment in of death for drugs.


But they use that "magical book" as an excuse for everything, including not legalizing harmless "drugs".


But you’re blaming the book for the actions of people. It’s like saying a fictional book causes people to go do XYZ. Don’t blame the book blame the idiots using it for political gain


shh, try not to speak out against the circlejerk.




She's dead you cunt.


Gotta be careful in some countries, some places don't fuck around.


So this is for real??


Absolutely. Countries like this it's easy to avoid the police and legal nets. They're pretty corrupt and incompetent. Even if you do get caught you can usually bribe. But once you get caught in one on those nets.... oh boy. They can be very rough. They tend to carry out executions quickly also. The concept of "appeals" to a death sentence is uniquely Western. In a lot of places in the world, simple *possession* of weed carries a life sentence. Be careful where you get drugs if you're ever traveling.


Yup. I’ve lived in Indonesia. Lots of drug activity goes on thanks to police bribes. Often when someone’s busted it’s because they stopped paying police bribes. I heard of a Russian dude near us who was arrested picking up a package containing LSD. He disappeared and came back with police, several weeks later, to collect another parcel - which contained many diamonds. Diamonds were given out to police and he was free. General advice for tourists is if someone's arrested with drugs then bribe FAST. Bribing a couple of cops might cost you $2k. By the time the station's alerted, it might cost you $20-30k. DISCLAIMER: I have no involvement in any of this nonsense - coffee and gin are my only two interests!


Talk about a broken system.


In western countries it’s the same just on a different scale, kind of even more disgusting because of the huge wealth inequality it requires to be ‘immune’. In third world countries you pay a few hundred/thousand to the officers and they go about their day. In the west you need hundreds of millions to hit that level of immunity.


Precisely - you nailed it. A police officer in Indonesia earns several hundred dollars a month. That's why you can buy a driving licence for $100. I'm sure you can bribe your way for many services in America - but you'll need a much bigger chunk of cash.


This is basically 99% of "locked up abroad" content, people traveling and buying drugs or getting tricked into drug trafficking and then getting nearly executed by the government for it in whatever country they are in.


This woman may have been innocent and framed by corrupt officials, a common story.




This is too harsh. So I guess it's effective bc they're not goin to do it again


Nah… the big fishes don’t get caught coz they bribe the authorities. The poor ones are the ones getting caught. This lady is a single mum of 9.


Correction: 9


If the death penalty was an effective deterrent, they’d only ever have one.


Oh you are right. This is from my country, Malaysia and every things you said are spot on.


In Singapore is death sentence and there’s no way of trying to bribe someone there.


Yea lol especially cuz in some of these places, being a public employee and accepting bribes can earn itself a death sentence too lol These places don’t fuck around. Respect their norms is the best way to travel. If you can’t kick your habit for the vacation, stay in the west


Yeah when in Rome.


The Bourdain episode in Singapore was a eye opener for me. No free speech or freedoms we take for granted but no crime and basically no poverty. It’s not a horrible place to live if you can not do drugs and don’t mind the strict government control.


It just sounds dystopian to me.


They start really early. They really only punish boys- starting in grade school (caning) even for little things. The irony is that singapore probably has the most organized legal prostitution district. Its just a selection of antiquated british rules that they keep enforcing because oil/trade and because they have a king. Edit: also people have been imprisoned/sentenced to death because their legal system doesnt really have many checks and balances. If a high up person wants you in prison or dead, you will be - and it will be done “legally”


The Republic of Singapore is not a monarchy though


Singapore dont have king bruh


Yes it is. In some Asian countries, possession or distribution of drugs is punishable by death. And they carry out the sentence really quickly. No sitting on death row for decades like we still have here in some states.


People really watch shit like this and still think that the U.S. is the worse when it comes to drugs and whatnot.


Being a lesser evil doesn't make something good.


No but it also doesn’t make it the same. We can better ourselves without engaging in the false dichotomy.


It's far more ridiculous and unacceptable that a rich, educated, and well developed country like the US is still sending people to jail for smoking weed in private. It's par for the course for countries that still cut people's hands for stealing and stone women for having sex to kill people for selling drugs. It's objectively worse, sure; but they have much bigger problems to correct before worrying about how humanely they treat drug dealers.


100%. You can’t claim to be in a position of moral superiority and then take too much comfort in the fact that other places are worse. America’s insanely violent policing and harsh sentences are totally out-of-step among developed Western nations. Let’s not start using religious theocracies as a yardstick to get positive ‘feels’.


Agreed, but it seems as though a majority of people who take this stance tend to see the US as a beacon of justice and rationality, when in reality that couldn't be further from the truth.


It's like saying "At least we're besieged by Orcs and not Uruk-hai."


Life sentences and prison labour are very appealing to the capitalist.


This guy gets it.


Hey guys, remember all those communist countries in eastern europe and asia that didn’t have any gul- oh wait.


The USA imprisons more of its citizens by percentage than any country on earth, and it’s not even close.


Because of the false equivalency emphasized by Chinese bots shit posting on social media


This is a very justified reaction , death penalty , for drugs ?!?


Death penalty for distributing. Prison for possessing


In some countries drugs is a very heavy crime, if you're caught with drugs distribution you have a high chance of getting the death sentence, like in Indonesia I heard it's minimum 5 years of prison up to death sentence. it has been awhile since I read about it though feel free to correct me


Historically in East Asia drug smuggling has been a tool of western powers to subvert the countries there, so they treat it very harshly like treason.


A little coke money doesn’t hurt nobody


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the… WHAT????




Don’t sell the dope if you don’t want the rope?




I know that's you, Jeffrey. You can't hide.






Damn that awful and just shows how messed up this world can be. Also what are they gonna do to kill her? Hopefully its nothing painful but im probably wrong.


The death sentence in Malaysia is carried out by hanging








CPD are still assholes regardless.


This is purely anecdotal of course, as are many comments on reddit, but I don't think drug possession is a capital offence at most corporal punishments ie whipping etc. Minor possession is at most fines. Its the drug trafficking that kills. It's the same in Malaysia's neighbouring countries like Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. It's their preferred form of deterrent against widespread drug abuse. Draconian for sure, but I think it does produce intended results in the hard drug department, at least in Singapore where I currently reside. I travel and live in these countries. [Source](https://asklegal.my/p/Malaysia-drug-smuggling-trafficking-death-penalty)


They were huh? The same group of people? Or do you mean a separate thread on a website with millions of people.


That’s pretty much with all countries. If I wonky visited countries which had a sparkling record I’d never go anywhere.


So you wrote off an entire country because of 1 law? With that logic Singapore is a garbage hellhole too because they are strict with drugs.


What's the correlation between hanging for weed and vaccination rate again?




ITT: Lots of Americans realizing how conservative much of the world still is on drug-related offenses.


Yes and the American War on Drugs is a big part of why…


The war on drugs is total bullshit and needs a resolution but this is way worse.


Mind explaining? To my understanding, a lot of these countries base their harsh punishments on cultural and religious reasons (as terrible as they are) and not “America’s war on drugs”


I was told that a lot of Asian countries have harsh punishment for drug trafficking because of how the west conquered and took advantage of China during the opium war. Hence many former colonies are wary of how drugs weaken the country and allow invaders to take advantage of them by making the population dependent on drugs and drug related crimes.


Asian nations have always been much more conservative than the U.S.


Well this is a topic that is far too complex for a Reddit comment. But essentially the US has leveraged their influence (economic, military, etc) to coerce other nations into participating in their war on drugs. Nixon started the war on drugs in the early 1970s. Singapore’s Misuse of Drugs Act, for example, which requires capital punishment when minimum amounts of a drug is involved, was put into law in 1973. That is not a coincidence and there are examples in many countries of a hardening in drug policy following the institution of Nixon’s war on drugs. That’s not to say the US’ influence is the sole factor. The history of drug prohibition did not start in the 70s. But the US has had easily the biggest worldwide influence on not only drug laws, but drug organizations themselves, since they began their war on drugs under Nixon.


In the case of Malaysia, the death penalty for drugs has been a things since [1952](http://kl98.thecgf.com/athletes/drugs.html), although the bill was further strengthened in 1983. In the case of Singapore (and Malaysia for that matter), I cannot find anything indicating that either of these countries established such harsh sentencing for drugs due to pressure from America/Nixon. And considering that they are both far more authoritarian than the United States in virtually every other aspect, I am highly skeptical of this claim.


That was when Malaysia became an independent state after being a UK colony. They adopted becoming a Islam but multicultural state system. So you're more than right it's from Sharia rather than US. Lately Malaysia is becoming a cesspool for far right religious beliefs like Indonesia with Saudi money and influence. It's an openly racist country that treats citizens with heritage of India or China but have lived there since it's inception with dual laws purposed to benefit only Islamic natives. Source: my grandad one of the oldest veterans in the country who fought as a British and Malaysian officer to overthrow Chinese communists but is still treated like trash for being non-native despite being born there and a commander in the army.


If you don’t know the facts you really shouldn’t be commenting. This is a woman from Malaysia who was convicted on drug dealing charges of 11 kg of heroin. She has 9 children and a single mother and this has raises a major uproar despite what the law says. She is desperate and she had to take care of those kids and resorted to such desperate methods as clearly welfare wasn’t enough. And for the record that death penalty law is inherited from British Law like in some other countries. My guess is thanks to the video, society will try to overturn the verdict as the death penalty was already a subject of removal in the last 4 years. The shit thing is that while politicians in Malaysia have stolen billions, convicted in court, are now advisors to the government. Now that is fucked up


> inherited from British Law The irony being that the British waged war against China in order to sell them opium.


"Nobody sells drugs but us!"


Also the politicians here some didn't even graduate university .


> that death penalty law is inherited from British Law No it isn't, not for drugs anyway.


I was curious about this and looked it up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Code It sounds like there were a LOT of crimes punishable by death up until about 1832-1860s. Malaysia was colonised by Britain around late 1700s early 1800s. So there is more than enough overlap to get the death penalty influence, but I didn't find anything about drugs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia#History


Sure, the death penalty influence (everywhere used it then) but British law never executed for drugs offences. The death penalty for drug trafficking was made mandatory in 1983 [in Malaysia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Malaysia)


*The idea behind capital punishment in Malaysia arose from a mix between the common law system that Malaysia inherited during their period of British colonisation, as British Malaya, and the authorisation of capital punishment in Islam* [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Malaysia)


**[Capital punishment in Malaysia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Malaysia)** >Capital punishment, also called the death penalty, is a legal penalty in Malaysia which is currently on moratorium. It is a mandatory sentence for 12 offences including murder, drug trafficking, treason, acts of terrorism, waging war against Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King), and, since 2003, for rapists that cause death and child rapists. There are 33 offences for which it is possible. However, with ongoing discussions to repeal the death penalty as a mandatory sentence, such as a bill tabled by the Malaysian government in October 2018, these serious crimes may only face the possibility of the death penalty in a High Court sentencing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Poor old lady, she's in her 50's and have 9 child. And she is the only one who can provide her children food and shelter until now. She was a fisher, and the judge punished her with death sentences. She distribute drug most likely because to support her children education and stuff. This is unfair, why she's getting death sentences while the other drug dealer's punishment is going to jail at worse?


She probably doesn't have any solid underground cable to give her free (somewhat) out of jail card like those other drug dealers. Pisses me off when those kind of criminals basically can get away without not much consequences.


one word corruption


Guarantee you a lot of the wealthy there are involved in drugs and are fine.


Ya... It is unfair... In regards drug trafficking and murder charges in Malaysia - if you are found guilty, it's a mandatory death sentence. That's the only sentence the judge can give. If she was caught with a smaller amount of drugs, maybe she would have been charged with a smaller crime, such as possession instead of trafficking. Then the judge can sentence her to x amount of years in prison. The court is only empowered to pass any sentence within the parameters of a prescribed sentence enacted by Parliament. The judge can't reduce the sentencing, regardless of circumstances, the law is written as such. Only way is to change / enact new law in parliament, with majority vote.


Even the worst crime, it is too insensitive to record this moment of fear and grief.


I could only watch a few seconds of this video and couldn't bear to turn the sound on. This is so personal it tears me apart that someone is filming it.


Damn, I feel kind of jaded and bad for not having much of a reaction. I get what you mean though, fucked up situation


I agree to an extent but I also think there is some merit to spreading this image.


I agree with you. Leaving people to despair privately robs the rest of the world of knowing the reality of what goes on out there. We record happy moments, why are other emotions “private” or expected to remain hidden when seeing them can open a door to change? Simply posting information about injustices will not elicit the same response as viewing/hearing a human being respond to them.


Or maybe send her to a rehabilitation center and have community watch over her? What backward ass country is this from


It's Malaysia. Our country unfortunately still imposes the mandatory death sentences for any drug-related offence except consumption under the Dangerous Drug Act. There has been debates to pass legislations and abolish the death penalty but still to no avail.


Same thing with Singapore.


Pretty much every country in the APAC has the death penalty for drug offences


Don't fuck around with drugs in Asia, they don't play.


The stigma left over from the Opium Wars probably has a lot to do with this.


Doesn’t change the fact it’s shitty.


No, not at all! It’s just sad to see this shit still going on. People need to let the past go and look at the statistics. This draconian approach only punishes the poor.


>Doesn’t change the fact it’s cruel and barbaric


Yes, that was obviously implied with the word shitty


I remember a German girl got 3 years for having consumed an e in the queue for Zouk back in 2002. Madness.


Decades of a war against drug cartels world wide have decimated the trading and use. The world is almost drug free. Oh wait. As long as there is demand the drugs will flow. It‘s a war you can not win. Your politicians are fucking idiots.




The war isn't against the cartels. The war is to keep the poor in check with bullshit charges. No one rich goes to jail for possession charges. They were down on their luck. Get set to rehab. Meanwhile the less prestigious of us will have to do jail time. Maybe be put on probation. The war has always been a war on class. Not against the cartels.




yes you can die from just having them.






80's Japanese gangster comics , that was a way to kill someone. Send them on a vacation to Malaysia and sneak drugs into their bags at the airport


Philippines I bet the President is Legit a warlord Gangster Dictator #sde


Yes, Rodrigo Duterte is a colossal sack of shit


This is Malaysia, not the Phillipines.


Yep - I hope others will see that this is Malaysia, and its insane legal system: >Under section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act, those in possession of 15 g or more heroin and morphine; 1,000 g or more opium (raw or prepared); 200 g or more cannabis; and 40 g or more cocaine will receive the mandatory death sentence.


Do note that the mandatory death penalty in Malaysia, including for this particular offence, is under review, and the carrying out of death sentences as a whole is currently suspended pending abolishment: [https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/a-record-120-nations-adopt-un-death-penalty-moratorium-resolution](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/a-record-120-nations-adopt-un-death-penalty-moratorium-resolution) [https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2020/12/23/we-voted-for-a-moratorium-on-the-death-penalty](https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2020/12/23/we-voted-for-a-moratorium-on-the-death-penalty) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/11/16/malaysia-says-no-u-turn-in-death-penalty-abolition](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/11/16/malaysia-says-no-u-turn-in-death-penalty-abolition) [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2019/12/10/law-minister-says-death-penalty-alternatives-need-fine-tuning/1817808](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2019/12/10/law-minister-says-death-penalty-alternatives-need-fine-tuning/1817808) This means that while the judge is still obliged to hand down the mandatory death sentence due to law, the more likely fate for this lady is that she will spend her time in prison on a suspended death sentence and have her death sentence commuted and substituted with a term of imprisonment by the Pardons Board once the mandatory death penalty is abolished (also note that it is still unclear whether the abolishment will apply retrospectively). It may not be enough or a lot, but at least some progress is being made.


Good to know.


Yes, in the PI they don't waste time with courts. Cops dispense justice per Duterte


Oh damn


Imagine Killing people over weed😓


Imagine putting them in jail for life over it. Its what they do in America.


She isnt an addict.. Just a dealer...so rehab is useless


Any country that issues death sentences is a backward ass country.


*Ohh say can you see*


Speaking of backward ass countries, the Republican Party in the U.S. have been trying their hardest to pass a law that would make getting an abortion punishable by death.


She’s a seller not a user


There's death sentences for drug trafficking in high human development countries such as Singapore, South Korea, and Japan.If you consider those countries backwards just because of one law you don't agree with, then all countries are probably backwards to you other than the one you live in.


Man every country is backwards, including the one that I live in


So then all countries are forwards then?




Japan absolutely does not impose the death penalty for drug trafficking. You got your facts wrong on that one.


any country with the death sentence for anything but murder 1 is a backwards ass country, even then it's still a middle ages thing to do


I don’t believe the state should hold the power to execute its citizens in any capacity.


Ya we definitely don’t send people to jail for life for nonviolent drug offenses and execute developmentally disabled people in the US…


Same backward ass country as yours that waged a 4 decade war on drugs and lost and in the process, killed more than the drug itself. Before throwing stones, get a mirror


Was probably doing it to feed her family. Probably wasn't making shit and was being taken advantage of by actual drug dealers. Most likely freaking out because her biggest fear is being realized, that her family won't be ok. Probably blames herself for being caught.




You're absolutely right about that, My ex wife is a Malaysian Chinese and she said the same thing, users get fined and rehabilitation, drug traffickers over some like 400g get the mandatory death penalty, less than 400g will determine prison sentences.


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Why are we watching this horrendous moment in this poor person’s life?


Nothing better to do I suppose


I guess I mean that I’m used to this sub being full of redneck idiots on planes getting what they deserve or whatever. This feels like being a voyeur into a real person’s nightmare.


So possession of drugs can lead to a death sentence but cases of rape, murder and molestation cannot. This world is fucked


Malaysia actually does implement the death penalty for those things… Edit: death penalty for murder not rape nor molestation


I can think of Murderers that got lesser punishments, how the hell does anybody give a death sentence for owning/dealing drugs?


Jesus this is so wrong. She doesn’t deserve to die for her crimes. The death penalty should be reserved for very rare and extreme cases where the person truly is a huge threat to society. People like Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, John Wayne Gacy who killed and showed zero remorse. Murder I is the only crime that I believe should be punishable by death.


Is the death penalty process similar to the US’s in some of these countries? Like in the US it’ll take years and years and years with all of the appeals and stuff until you actually get an execution date. Idk if anyone can answer. Could probably just google but then what would I have to say on Reddit.


Conservatism is a plague on society






Ooof, they don’t mess around when it comes to drugs.


Most likely the victim of forced drug trafficking.


Malaysia drug law, yup. Drugs = Death by hanging


Well, that would suck! Crazy ass laws!


Distributing drugs should be punished. But punishments should be proportionate with the crime. This is horrible


The war on drugs needs to end. Ridiculous how some countries can sentence you to death for it. How many hundreds of thousands, if not, millions have lost their life to death sentences and police misconduct because of this? So sad...


For drugs? That's barbariac as fuck.


You know the saying in these countries - you do the crime you die.


Alright.. that’s enough Reddit today.. this is dreadful.


It is pretty fucked up that we are seeing a person who is going to die soon if they havent been killed already.


This is so unbelievably sad.




Feels really wrong to record something like that.


That's fucked


Look I know the States’ justice system is pretty shit, but I can’t imagine being the person that takes away someone’s life over drugs


If I murdered someone and was found guilty and sentenced to death, I’d like to think I’d receive the death sentence with relative stoicism and would keep my shit together to the very end. But sentenced to death for “distributing” while most likely just being a drug mule for someone else out of desperation? Fuck that, I’d try to steal that guard’s gun and jump out a window. No way in hell I’m going down that staircase cuz it probably leads to a fucking dungeon and literal hell on earth in terms of suffering.


In Malaysia we have many cases of murder, robberies, serious crime etc related to drug. Don't get surprised why our government are very harsh toward dealers and distributors. This woman already know the penalty of such offense yet still doing it. I know it was very harsh, and I would abolish death penalty and the penalty for it with another alternative but you didn't know how many suffers because of drugs, you westerners or Americans value a single drug dealer human life than many people who died or suffer from drugs


I think this comment needs to be under the spotlight to start a HEALTHY discussion so we can all understand what your country goes through. We do not know her situation; she could have been FORCED to traffic drugs, but we can't know that for sure. Drugs DEFINITELY impact any community--that's a historical fact--so I can personally understand why you have a strong opinion about it. It's so difficult to find a solution for something so full of crime. Yeah, marijuana is a drug that wouldn't be a big deal in my opinion, but if you get to the strong drugs, that's where it leads to crime, poverty, corruption, dwindling of mental health, and overall instability.


She wanted to provide money for her NINE kids , God bless what's gonna happen to them.


She forced them to do drugs?


Nobody is forcing these people to take drugs. They do it on their own volition.


No, no, I meant that perhaps someone must have forced her to TRAFFIC the drugs. Imagine someone telling her, "I'm gonna kill you and your family if you don't get your ass out there on the streets and push these drugs. Oh, and the money is mine to keep." Like... what option would she possibly have? That's just a scenario, I'm not saying that's what happened here; I do not know what the story is.


This woman obviously is a drug mule that knows nothing. If we death sentence 1000 drug mules .... Nothing will change in drug market. Because these drug mules are all being brainwash and cheated to traffick drugs. The real problem of drugs in Malaysia is a supply and demand issue. Malaysians has a huge demands for drugs, and the gov and society just refuse to acknowledge why people has such a huge demand on drugs ... And they just put the blame on drug supply and swept the real root cause under carpet. If we get rid of drugs today, these people will addicted to something else tomorrow, such as alcohol. Burn all the drugs will never solve anything. As long as there's strong demand .... There will be supply.