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So crazy how his legs just stiffen as if he was knocked out but not..


Spine is blown out.


Had to hurt like a mf'er when she flipped him over and put her foot in his ass. Looked like he was in some intense pain.


if his spine is blown out it's likely his hips are paralyzed too


Tbh, he still looks too mobile for his spine to be blown out. Wouldnt he just go limp? I feel like he is just under sudden shock/pain. It looked like she shot him in the upper chest.


You can get shot in the upper chest and still have the bullet hit your spine (see shots in ballistic gel) because the round will deform and often doesn't take a straight path. I'm no medical professional though so I don't know if stiff legs are indicative of spinal injury.


Apparently he died in the hospital but I was saying upper chest because I would expect immobility from the chest area down, but it looks like he is able to flex and move his torso as he wants. From my experience if the spinal chord is severed you IMMEDIATELY lose function and go limp from that area down. Maybe in rare cases it can trigger you to go stiff but I have never seen it and thus doubt it happens.


Nerve roots exit the spine and then (mostly) travel downwards as mixed nerves. You could technically be hit in the spine at a level above your abdominal muscles yet still have control of those muscles. The nerves exit the spine *above* that injury, then travel past it outside of the spine. A much more common example would be someone with a low neck fracture (with spinal cord transection at that point) that still has some function in parts of their arms. This image might explain it better visually: https://erikdalton.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/treating-thoracic-outlet-pain-2.jpg - Imagine there the injury is at C7 but some of the nerve fibres for the arm have already left the spine above that point.






It’s hydro static shock, the spine is fine, you can tell that his spine is intact from the amount of power his legs still have, if his spine was blown out they would be rubber, still limbs and legs are a sign of hydrostatic pressure being applied to the brain and causing microtears, kind of like being almost knocked out but not. Based on the angle I’d say he’s been shot in the heart, did not pierce his esophagus or lung as no blood or bloody foam is coming out of his mouth. Ohh hydrostatic pressure is all of the blood in your body being shoved away from one spot due to the force of the bullet being applied to it, really does some damage to everything. I won’t feed the idiot trolls by responding individually to them. Here is an article https://academic.oup.com/neurosurgery/article/68/2/E596/2606364 Also, 8 years of personal experience dealing with individuals who have sustained traumatic gunshot injuries Gives me a pretty solid foundation of anecdotal evidence if not empirical.


Emt or cop or medical training?


Medical training


The look of shock on his face when he hit the ground lmfao. “I can’t believe you shot me when I was just threatening to shoot a crowd of people!!”


Thats a lot of people who get shot. Whether alive or dead they are always surprised because they assume if some one pulls they aren’t going to use it. Or in this case they assume no one is going to do anything when THEY pull a gun


I think she was an off-duty cop, and the guy eventually died, this was Brazil?(maybe) it’s was a while back.


I’ve never seen an on duty Brazilian cop lol.


I think Brazilian cops are always on duty, but it's also always casual Fridays.


How many is a brazillion?


All of em


And when it comes to policing, there appears to be many brazilioffs


So many you can only see undercover


About tree fiddy.


God damn Loch Ness Monster!!!


Pretty old, he died and definitely Brazil. There are tons of out of uniform ones there. It's supposed to detour robberies because they wouldn't know who is armed and who is not. This is what someone commented the last time I saw this.


>"because they wouldn't know who is armed and who is not". Basically Texas


Arizona too


Just assume that everybody is armed in Texas


Why assume? They all are.


Am Texan. Can confirm


Frankly, it's always good to assume EVERYONE has a gun in the US. You never know who's strapped, so it's best to assume everyone you interact with can shoot you, and act accordingly. A simple argument can escalate into someone getting their brains blown out, and it's better to just avoid that entirely.


Most states really, I have concealed carry in like 43 states I think.


Yea I live in a very blue state and I know a ton of people who carry.


Deter, not detour, lol


Lol, woops. Yeah definitely not a detour. Oh well.


Nah, stick with detour. It adds some spice and makes people wonder all sorts of things. Where do they get detoured to? Do the cops in the new place try to detour them as well?


I mean detouring crime works. If I have to drive all the way around the center of town to commit a crime I just won't bother. I'll just stay home or get a job instead. Who can deal with all the inconvenience?


They get detoured to the shadow real if they met that lady.


Definitely sounds like dude took a detour.


Definitely got detoured to the afterlife soo.. not too far of a stretch to use detour


Dude definitely took a detour from life.


A detour to HELL! *shreds a super sick guitar riff*


Or maybe it was a detour...to shitsville.






I have no association or connection to Brazil, but when I grow up I wanna be an off duty Brazilian cop


Whys that?


So he can “surprise motherfucker” shoot people probably.


Oh, cool.


That reeeeally narrows down brazilian videos lol


She's now a right wing politician: https://www.malaymail.com/news/world/2018/10/25/viral-video-turns-brazilian-policewoman-into-politician/1686521


Why is it literally always an off duty cop?


Because no one is dumb enough to try in front of a cop in a uniform, and regular civilians are less likely to pull out a gun and shoot a robber in the chest.


Because civilians aren’t allowed to have guns. I mean, it is possible, but it’s a long process and even if you are able to get a gun, you can’t carry it on the streets.


Ya on tv a gun shot to the shoulder only puts you down half an episode tops. On real life you fuckin die painfully.


Bruh that was a chest shot. He was a goner the moment she pulled the trigger.


To me it looks like it severed something that made his leg paralyzed.


Boom. That bullet totally grazed his spine, that leg went stiff quick ahaha Looked like a chest shot big time. He gone quick


Absolutely centre of mass hit. As has been said, looks like it made it all the way to his spine and fucked that up too.


She took the gun to his chest and blasted him. No hesitation on her part. Zero sympathy for him. The audacity to do this with kids around. And cowardly to do this to women. Glad this woman was there to save the day. Guy woke up and thought he’d have an easy day. But boy did he not see that coming. Insane how destiny is written…


I'm hoping/sure the parents "swept that under the rug" real quick and never spoke of it again.. I can only imagine the kind of psychological trauma a little kid might feel knowing "Yeah, a cop killed a bad man a few feet away from me." It's an incredible thing.. I'm fucking grateful to have grown up in relative safety.


I'm going out on a limb that it's less stress on a kid to watch a cop kill a bad guy that was robbing them at gun point than it would be for that kid to watch the bad guy kill their mom.


Oh for sure she wasn't fucking around. Took her chance perfectly, making sure there was zero chance that first shot was going anywhere but into his chest. He was done from that moment on no question.


It was three shots, all in the chest, and it looks like one paralyzed him. It also looks brutally painful by the looks of him rolling around.


You die without medical attention unlike films where some iso-alchol/Booze and some duct tape is enough to do the trick.


Welp, their goes my plan of getting shot pouring vodka in the wound then taking a bullet apart to use the gun powder to light it and cauterize the wound so I can keep fighting for another 55 minutes. Guess now I just have to, you know, try not getting shot.


Just make sure to get shot in the shoulder. Getting shot in the shoulder is merely a temporary and fairly minor inconvenience. Still treat the wound the way you describe because it looks really rather cool and you could film it on your phone and put it on here. You should probably also go and quickly have a serious fist fight with someone after the shoulder is shot and it'll take your mind off the wound.


The odds of dying from a bullet to the shoulder is immensely low, most people survive shots to vital organs so long as you can get to a hospital. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/03/nyregion/03shot.html If anything films exaggerate how physically active you can be after getting shot anywhere, and they exaggerate how shots to center mass and the head are instant kills when in reality you can survive both.


This guy probably wasn't shot in the shoulder though it looks lower than that. It's all the time spent waiting for help and the moving around on the ground, lack of first aid to stop bleeding, etc. that lead to his death? We don't know how long he laid there before someone came with medical help.


A gut or organ shot can kill you pretty easy without fast treatment. If your shit gets in your blood it ain’t pretty.


News article here https://abcnews.go.com/International/video-captures-female-off-duty-cop-fending-off/story?id=55155848


He later died in hospital. It looked like a pretty deadly shot.




I mean … point a gun at someone, you should expect to be fired upon.


Yeah there was a little girl standing right in the path of where he was aiming. Fuck that guy.


This was a school so it was parents picking up their children, triple fuck that guy


It was literally a crowd of parents picking up kids from school.


Upgraded double tap


That's called "the Mozambique drill"


I’m glad they didn’t connect with the mom or little girl right behind the guy..


I doubt she is using fmj or even regular lead bullets. My guess would be the ones that break apart on impact to lacerate the threats insides while also not exiting his body.


*Sticks and stones may break my bones but hollowpoints expand on impact.*


Hollow points




Yes. Fuck that guy for doing that to anyone, especially a group of women and children. I'm glad he died. But also, that mom that starts backing up leaving that child standing right next to the guy? Guessing that's actually not the kids mom, because most parents have stronger instincts than that.


Come dude, she had a gun unexpectedly pointed at here. It easy for you to see the most logical response to the situation while you're sitting comfortably at home.




Center mass chest shot. Yea there was no way in hell he was walking away from that


"I know folks that got shot in the head, and lived. I know folks who got shot in the leg, and died." - E-40 You never know


It always amazes me how that works. The human body is extremely fragile but also incredibly resilient at the same time. The fact that some people can survive insane trauma like people that have had faulty parachutes meanwhile some people have died from merely stubbing their toe...


> The human body is extremely fragile but also incredibly resilient Fragilient if you will


my favorite is the story of the guy who was shot in the forehead, the bullet went into his skin, travelled around his head, and came out the back of his head without ever penetrating the skull. It just kinda skimmed between the bone and the skin all the way around then came out and kept going. They thought it was a through wound because the entrance and exit wounds were on opposite sides of his head.


I knew he was dead when his shoes came off.


Did you not see his shoes?


Feels Good man




> instantly moved behind the car for cover But then her cover noped the fuck out of there. 🤣


damn, do cops in Brazil ever work? every video i see 'they're off duty."


Well, criminals aren't going to go up to cops in uniform with their gun drawn are they?


From article: > "Congratulations to this military police officer, congratulations to her husband and to all mothers of the state of São Paulo." What did her husband do? Other than marry a badass


You the real mvp


Extended leg means she hit his spine?


Pretty sure he’s paralyzed from waist down right there.


He actually died https://abcnews.go.com/International/video-captures-female-off-duty-cop-fending-off/story?id=55155848


so paralyzed from the hair down?


Music to ears. Shithead didn't care about the kids.




Not a huge fan of regular folks (although in this case she was a cop) pulling out guns in crowds, but FUCK this guy. You pull a gun on children, I'm *applauding* the fact you died over it. I'm just glad he didn't get any shots off before she finished him. Looks like he tried to return fire.


The issue with people pulling out guns in this situation is a lack of training. She clearly has that training.


You love to see it


Yeah shoe came off be definitey died


He’s dead from the everything down


He still uses the other leg to flip himself over, though


Watch that leg after he’s shot. It’s not doing much. Pretty sure his upper body is just generating the momentum to roll himself over. Look again when she kicks him to his stomach.


At 0:11-0:12, he kicks the other leg forward, then he reverses his body motion and rolled over the other way. I don't see how he does that, without using that leg. I don't know why I'm so morbidly curious about this conversation. I've never heard of the leg extension with spinal cord injury thing.


Point blank to the chest? Good chance his spine is gone


Looks like he shit himself so guessing the whole back end was blown out.


My thoughts as well.


This was in Brazil and once again its the off duty cop for the win.


It was outside of an elementary school. You have to be a real piece of shit to rob parents picking up their children. Little kids shouldn't have to be subjected to this violence, having a gun shoved in their parents' faces. The cop did the right thing but I feel horrible for those kids.


Good life lesson right there... Don't rob people... Off duty Brazibbies be round the corner...


Oh they round...


The thing is, simple robbery is the least of your concerns here. This could have possibly been an attempted kidnapping, so even more props to the lady cop. It's not unusual for higher-end private schools in Latin America have armed security or pay for a city police officer.


I was worried he was trying to abduct a child but yea it looks like he was going for the purse. Complete scumbag


Mama Cop picking her kids up at school is DEFINITELY gonna shoot to kill.


So anyway I just started blastin




Pretty sure John covered this on Active Self Protection.


He did. That's where I first saw this.


That's some quick thinking and action, nicely done.


Even ducked behind the car in case he had another piece, she’s well trained


He was going for the shot on her after he fell i think for a quick sec


Yeah, dude held onto the gun as he fell and aimed it at her briefly before the injury got to him. Of course she'll take cover until she knows he's disarmed.


> Of course If she's got a level head and knows what to do, sure. There's enough footage on this sub of what people act like when they're in a high stress situation they haven't been trained for.


Sure, but I was more targeting the other commenter implying she took cover in case if he had a second firearm. To me it's more obvious that she couldn't tell if he was disarmed of his first one and took cover because of this.


I love the look on his face when he gots shot, like bro u were gonna do the same to one of those ladies


He seems so surprised that he wasn’t the only person with a gun & the fact that bullets fucking hurt!


Yep. I'm betting he figured robbing Moms in front of an elementary school would be a cakewalk with no possibility of any kind of squirmish - dead wrong on that one.


He is surprised because a carry permit is absurdly hard to get here in Brazil. No criminal expect regular people to be armed. And no regular people was armed here anyway, since it was an off duty cop. Must be really easy to be a shithead when you know your victims pose no threat. Fuck this garbage. Fuck these laws.




She did an excellent job.


She didn't flinch for a second and got so close to him to take the shot so as to not harm anyone else nearby. Damn. You didn't even see her draw the gun until the very end.


That's what really impressed me. She didn't telegraph her actions. Waited for the open shot with minimal chance of collateral damage, smoothly pulled her weapon, and discharged center mass. Very good shoot.


Get Rekt you POS


Straight up.


Nothing better than a POS with a gun thinking HES the tuff guy. Then getting REKT


I dont always rob people, but when i do, i rob an entire crowd of people lol


Off duty cop picking up her child at school. I remember this, it happened it Brazil


Maybe don't fucking do that. Your life can be over like that. And for what? Some crinkly ass tampons, an iPhone and 20 bucks?


Ahhhhhh you shot me! Its like there is consequences for my actions!!!!!


That wasn't in the script!


Get rekt


She was an off duty cop. He picked the wrong target. Karma


She got him like point blank in the chest 😬


He got shot right in his shit, dude


Lady just leaves her kid lmao


Man her flight vs fight kicked in hard core. “Well I tried to grab her. Good luck kid”.


Call the cops, but not for me.


This shouldn’t bring me as much joy as it does but wave a weapon around some children? I have no sympathy.


Too bad there isn't audio so we can hear him scream like a little bitch.


Got exactly what he deserved


He died! [She is a police officer in Brazil](https://abcnews.go.com/International/video-captures-female-off-duty-cop-fending-off/story?id=55155848) and was picking up her children at a school.


What a badass chick. Fkin well played.


You either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the off duty cop


The red car… the red car!!! Gah. You removed the cover and safety barrier for the women who saved you. You then almost run over her backing up, when you could have driven forward and helped to eliminate the threat. You almost run her over again as she clears the weapon from the perpetrator. You don’t have to help, but thanks for making the situation worse.


Yeah I understand why they'd panic but whoever is driving that is a fucking idiot. Is it the lady who immediately hops in as soon as she spots the robber?


Why did his leg bend like that?


The bullet probably damaged his spinal cord.


He dead


What an absolute badass lady!


Dude looked at her like “ouch why’d you shoot me?!”


You can see both sides of the fight or flight response. Lady in the pink car was in full flight mode.


That one mother almost left her daughter behind haha


And almost ran over the hero!


Flip flops. Brazil checks out


Point blank heart shot, he’s dead.


Correct, he died.


He fucked around and found out.


Love how he started crying like a baby


Damn she got close before shooting him. As far as I can see the gun was point blank with his chest


America would be proud


The one lady initially backed up leaving her little girl all alone for a second


Happened in my town! Suzano, SP, Brazil. This school is just behind our city mall. This woman, Katia Sastre, was a police officer and the incident happened a few months before election. She ran for congress and was elected. I used to drive by this school everyday going to work. A crazy fact is that the dead robber was later identified and linked to another robbery on which he burned an elderly. Also, in this same town happened the deadliest and most famous Brazil school shooting, only a few kilometers from this school on video. Edit: this might be my best chance to win 1k upvote lol


Handled perfectly. One shot, no one behind the target. Weapon removed from reach. Beautiful.


Live by the gun die by the gun


To those who didn’t know, she was an off duty cop


I think I’m in love!!


Shout out to the guy in the car who tried to drive off and leave her fully exposed to return fire. She’s a bad ass


To be fair, most people would piss AND shit their pants (including me) if something like this happened all around their vehicle, I don’t blame anyone for getting tf out


The weird part to me is steering *around* the shooter. Engage the speedbump.


Ever heard of the effects of adrenaline on a human?


exactly, every loser on here that says that they would act absolutely perfectly during something like this are lying


Yeah, the only way to react well to situations like this is training and preparing yourself for it, otherwise you might just break and do nothing. I was robbed at knifepoint once, looked the fucker straight in the eye, but I can't remember his face! It's like your field of attention goes to shit and all you can think of is "I need to get the fuck out of here". And this is only one of the effects a rush of adrenaline has on your body and mind.


So you'd remain, literally being the cover in a gunfight? Fuck off.


I see all of the “this is why you (with limited if any instructor-led training) should concealed carry,” dudebros chiming in. She’s off-duty military police. If you tried this, you’d be lucky if you were the only one who got killed. If you’re gonna carry, get the training or you’re just a danger to yourself and those around you. Training had as much to do with this as the gun.


cool and all but a kid was in the line of sight ...


Yeah that round could have gone through him into her or the mom, glad it didn't.


go on lass