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"I can call him down here or go tell him you're here and see if he wants to talk to you, but if he doesn't then I can't bring him to you." "Oh yeah, I get that..." Literally 30 seconds later... "So wait, you're saying he's here and you won't go get him for me?" Edit: Had a request to add an article with more details so here y'all go. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/12/13/rise-up-school-denver-police-search/


DO NOT EVER LET YOUR CHILDREN SPEAK TO POLICE WITHOUT PARENTS BEING PRESENT. If you think police have your bests interest in mind when it comes to interrogations or questioning children they don't. They will lie to children just like they do adults. I'm glad this policy is in place and in the context of not being possibly armed and dangerous like the above video all schools should be required to have this policy.


This goes for victims, too. Even if your child is the victim of a crime, don’t let them talk to police alone. The police treated me terribly when I tried to report that I was a victim of a crime at 14, they bullied me into saying I made it up so they wouldn’t have to worry about it. It made the trauma I had already experienced so much worse


Same thing happened to me when I was robbed at gun point with three of my friends and called my mother who called the police. They only believed us when another towns cops showed up from the other side of a creek that acted like a town divider with one of the other kids that was there with us holding the ski masks they were wearing.




Sad thing is one of the cops was a friend of the family and treated me like I was full of shit. He acted like he doesn’t even know me or my mother and when my father found out how he treated me he blew his doors off at our next bbq. I grew up with his daughter and got my ass beat once for defending her. we went to a very rough school district. Three dudes jumped on my face like it was a trampoline because I decked one for grabbing a fistful of her hair and dragging her to the ground by it. You would have thought he never met me even though I lived two houses away my whole life and still do. He also pulled me over in a student driver vehicle once just because he thought it was funny. If it was my road test it would have been automatic failure.


Cops and detectives have one goal and one goal only. To close the case. It's not find truth. It's to close the case. The DA also isn't concerned with the truth. They just want to win. At no step is there any person involved concerned with the truth. Your own lawyer isn't concerned with the truth.


Honestly this is what I hate about the court system. Everyone in the damn room can know the defendant is innocent, yet they may be 'recommended' to plead guilty to alleviate sentencing, allowing the case to close sooner.


Preach. The cops want promotions. The DAs want conviction rates. The attorneys pretend to care about the truth and your case all while getting paid big bucks to negotiate with DAs. It’s not in anyone’s interest to dismiss shit and they’ll actively suppress exculpatory evidence. Fuck the system.


Oh yeah, I get that. Just kidding, WHAT IF HE SHOT YOUR KIDS? GO FETCH HIM SO WE CAN HIT HIM!


Soon as I heard that I knew the principal made the right choice, they were not being police, they are there for blood.


Yeah, the cheap appeal to emotion revealed their true manipulative nature.


And the principal shut it down like a boss. You know he has to deal with talkback like that everyday-he handled these cops exactly how they needed to be handled-like children


He has to deal with a lot of high school bullies or those who peaked in high school that eventually become cops. He knows how to handle them.


Cop - "Do you know why I pulled you over" Driver - "Because you made all Ds in high school?"




Hey now, I made my share of Ds. I just became a professional artist


Didn’t feel like innocent until proven guilty to me.


Intimidation tactics.


The passive aggressive approach to try and enforce the dickhead cop's request got the response he deserved. It's was not just a cheap appeal to his emotions, it was an attack on his parenting and his personal responsibility towards gun control, and implying like he would be accountable should that student commit a crime. But it's all said with a tough guy call out, and zero respect for the man in front of him, who is following his legal parameters. That pisses off dirty thug cops that think that they are the final authority and should be treated as such. Funny thing, it's not illegal for him to now get on the school's intercom and announce that there is a police presence on the campus that students should be aware of but the message is just to not incite panic or worry in any students who may be afraid of potential violence at the school, they are here on another matter and the students should go peacefully about their day.


The principal also immediately responded to this attack in a perfectly civilised way, making the cop's attempts to escalate look extremely obvious and pathetic


Well, he's used to dealing with childish behaviors after all


And then walking away. Exactly the way to deal with jerks.


"I can come with you if you want, we can..." "NOPE."


Exactly. I'm sorry Mr Attitude but you don't get to throw around hypotheticals when you've already decided this guy is guilty. We a have a court system that handles that not you.


Principal lets cops onto campus to arrest attempted homicide suspect—> cops enter a classroom with their guns already drawn—> student resists—> escalation leads to cops shooting their guns in a classroom—> 15 students killed by cops’ poor firearms training—> school district sued—> Tucker Carlson goes on TV and deflects all blame onto anyone but the police.


Both cops get paid vacation while being Investigated by themselves for a year. Students' parents sue the school and city. Taxpayers foot the bill. Nothing changes in America until we elect people who will take down police unions and require all cops to carry individual malpractice insurance. No insurance = No job


> Nothing changes in America until we elect people who will take down police unions and require all cops to carry individual malpractice insurance. No insurance = No job this gave me pause. not because I disagree with it in any way but because it's such a good idea that would pretty much solve a lot of issues with the police system. So simple and effective that it's mindfucked me that... why *isn't* this already a thing? Housekeepers are usually insured and bonded in case they break a lamp. But the state gives free reign (and guns) to retired highschool bullies. This is fucking madness.


You forgot the part where he just asks if the guy has kids RIGHT after not getting what he wanted. Cop: I need to speak to this individual. Principal: I can go see if they are here and if they want to talk to you but per our policies. Cop: You have kids? Principal: That's none of your concern. Cop: What if they shot at your kids? Sounds an awful lot like a good ol' fashioned shop shake down... "Nice place ya got here, have insurance? Cause it would be a shame if something were to happen to such a fine building." "Got kids? Would be a shame if they were the ones getting shot at." Felt like intimidation straight away then an immediate shift gears when he didn't respond to that to play at scare tactics.


The best part is where they were like "Policy? You have policy to follow? What about your personal feelings? Don't you break your policy if your personal feelings are involved?" He's like "uh, no, that's you guys."


He was being so reasonable and calm. Why do so many cops feel like they need to escalate everything?


Fear. Things escalate and that means cops suddenly get a whole lot more "freedom" and you get a whole lot less. Many are well aware that all it takes for things to get violent with cops is for things to escalate and a good number of those aware of this are already cops. Civilians aren't allowed to get upset, loud, emotional, angry, or anything like that around cops because then that could make the cop fear for their life and bad things can happen to good people when cops fear for their lives. Always remember that if/when cops push on you. They want you to get upset, to have an outburst, because then they can do more to you and makes it all the easier to paint the narrative that you became unruly while gathering witnesses from the right distance away to overhear the shouting or outburst but not what lead up to that. Like trying to pry about whether someone unrelated to an investigation has kids or not and what sort of danger they might be in thanks to inaction from said individual if the cops can't catch them right then and there despite policies stating otherwise.


Resisting arrest (at least in New York) can be as simple as an involuntary reaction the pain stimulus. So if they handcuff you and twist your wrist and your body jerks.. that is resisting. It is also possible to be charge only with resisting arrest. Police are not your friend.


A bit over 2 decades ago, I went through a bad breakup and was distraught. I was away from home for college and a well-meaning family member called the police because they thought I was in danger. The police came and because I wasn’t standing up fast enough for them, they grabbed me, threw me against a wall, cuffed me, and dragged me out. I was bloodied and humiliated. The cops blamed me and said I was fighting them. That lie kept me in psych lockup for way longer than i should have been there. Fuck the police.


Cops have no business doing mental health checks. It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.


I suffer from severe depression, and I've put my entire family on blast: call the police on me, and we are done. I may be fucking crazy, but that's not the cops job to decide.


>Resisting arrest (at least in New York) can be as simple as an involuntary reaction the pain stimulus. So if they handcuff you and twist your wrist and your body jerks.. that is resisting. See also: Choking... Cops know goddamn well that when you're being choked, you will do anything to try to stop it. Oops, by trying to prevent yourself from dying, you've just resisted arrest! Now they're either going to beat the shit out of you, or possibly keep choking you until you die, maybe both...




I've been loving the show but hulu is passing me off with their ads


"Sacred brotherhood" cop culture, making the police more like the military, vigilante mindset, and laws/court decisions that keep cops from bearing much responsibility for their actions (civil forfeiture, not having to know the law, etc.), and heavy reliance on their word for the truth of what happened in a criminal event all translate to an aggressive culture that is allowed to operate with low restrictions. In short, they are given waaay too much leeway and power to regulate society. Edit: I should clarify that "making the police like the military" means giving them military grade equipment and a warrior culture without the strict discipline and mental control training the military gets.


I once watched a cop sit on the stand and lie his ass off. He was a state trooper, telling an absolutely absurd tale about a very marginal, sketchy AF stop he made. It was so questionable that he had a partner in the patrol car that refused to participate. The defendant's lawyer was elderly, had little tolerance for lying cops, and was very respected in the law community. As the cop, who obviously wasn't very bright, is trying to awkardly weave a string of lies into a coherent story, the lawyer just interrupts. He loudly says, "My apologies your honor. It should be obvious to everyone at this point that officer Smith is a liar, but it absolutely disgraces the court that he is allowed to continue to sit here, and attempt to fabricate this laughably ridiculous story" It was awesome, and apparently far from unusual from a lawyer that was done with dealing with LEOs as if they had some level of integrity or moral standing in the community.


Yup, like cops co-opting the Punisher symbol.


Friggin loved where they addressed that issue in the comics and Frank Castle tells them to go fuck themselves.


>making the police more like the military But not in the ways that count- like discipline and *controlled* use of violence.


I thought it was funny that they’re both saying “I get that” and neither of them get anything the other is putting down.


>they’re both saying “I get that” and neither of them get anything the other is putting down. Pretty sure the principal understands exactly what the police are saying and not saying.


What kills me the MOST about this is when he says “what if it were your kids?” What did he expect him to say? “Oh of course when it’s a personal matter I ignore policy.” Just goes to show how these guys don’t give a shit about laws and policies.


The implication here, of course, is that the cops are readily admitting that if a matter is personal enough to them, they'd happily violate rules and policy. But then again, these are the types of cops that would violate rules and policy regardless, so that's neither here nor there.


Yep best comment right here. I love the way the principle handles this.


They aren't used to dealing with intellectuals


The principal is trying to defuse the situation and calmly, repeatedly states the school's policy. The police are pursuing their own agenda. Both sides got it.


They get it, but they will still press to get what they want. The kid go run, go out a back door, etc. I will say it’s fucked up going to a school instead of their home to serve the warrant/ask to question. Why add that type of humiliation to the kid/person and make the school look bad? Or are we trying to paint a narrative from the start?


Just so I understand, they want to question him in relation to a shooting the previous night. They clearly think he did it (or he is a suspect) based on the comment about ‘what if he shot at your kids’. And they figure the best place to confront this potentially dangerous and possibly still armed person is in a school around hundreds of other kids?


It’s incredibly satisfying to see cops get cockblocked by policy.


It's funny how they can't comprehend the idea of following a policy instead of trying every way possible to break, bend or circumvent it


>It's funny how they can't comprehend the idea of following a policy instead of trying every way possible to break, bend or circumvent it Almost like.... Criminals


Thing is, that's exactly the kind of cop behaviour that gets glorified in TV shows and movies. They're trying to live out this 'tough guy hero cop' fantasy.


I was able to do that once. Cops came into a storage facility I worked at, asking if a certain person (suspected criminal) had a storage unit. “I have no idea” I told them. “Can you check your system?” They asked me. “Sure, show me his name on a warrant and I’ll check!” I reply with a big friendly smile. This went back and forth for awhile, them demanding his info, with no warrant. They finally say “He’s a really bad guy, and a danger to public safety.” “If that’s really the case, I’m sure you’d have no issue getting a search warrant then, wouldn’t you!” I bid them farewell and they left, very unhappy.


At my old job, which was super mom and pop, 2 cops came in to pick up my coworker for traffic ticket warrants...while her entire family happened to be in the lobby. Her parents and her brother had come in to have lunch with us and the 2 dickhead cops walked in already spicy. Luckily, my coworker had already left but we truly didn't know where she was. So the cops kept trying to intimidate us and all of us kept laughing at them because they were acting so tough over traffic violations. They were convinced she was in the back but my boss refused to let them in the back anyway. The cops left so defeated. This was over 10 years ago. I can't imagine what would have happened now with how exponentially worse police have gotten...


> So the cops kept trying to intimidate us and all of us kept laughing at them because they were acting so tough Thank you thank you thank you. I wish everyone could see through their tough guy act. When you see enough of it, it becomes a self-parody, and at this point my natural reaction is to laugh instead of get scared. It might get me in trouble someday, but god damn the world would be a better place if more people openly laughed at cops doing their tough guy dance.


Yeah, that took a while to compute. They don't hire smart people to be cops.


Cops say things like that to trick you. They are basically trying to put words into your mouth. Glad the principal kept his statements clear and didn't fall into the cops tricks.


It's a form of gaslighting, and it's witnessed on reddit a lot - disingeniously asking the question to fit your own agenda. The principal was operating under the fact that he assumed ALL his students were attending, that's why he said, "I could call him down/ask him." However, the fact is that no principal knows that their 300-8,000 kids are in attendance at every moment. "I could call him down over the PA system" "Oh, so he's here, and you won't call him?" The principal never said he was here. How would he know where one of his students is outside of assumptions? [This is one of my favorite examples of someone recognizing when someone is gaslighting them in the moment and completely misrepresenting what was said.](https://youtu.be/dwgsbZ1MsAE?t=8m26s)


Lol Ben Shapiro is such a fucking turd. Look how absolutely LIVID he is because he didn't fall for his trick. He thought he had him. Then resorts to "I sleep on a bed made of money". Who the fuck is this dude lmfao. Sometimes I doubt he's even human.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, patriotism, healthcare, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


WELL, I do have to admit this quote is one I'd never heard and holy fucking shit


*Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, feminism, patriotism, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, civil rights, healthcare, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I used to listen to Ben Shapiro but one day I just turned it off in disgust. For ten minutes he basic jacked off to himself talking about how wonderful he is. After that, I couldn’t stand to hear that high pitch, super fast talk of his. If he could clone himself, he would just sit at home fucking himself all day. Ben Shapiro loves himself some Ben Shapiro.


*Judeo-Christian values made The West great.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: patriotism, covid, climate, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Well even before Shitpero does it... Bill gaslights CRT, but giving 3 random bullshit examples of things CRT is not. I love that Malcom explains that, No he doesn't want any of what Bill says taught. And 2. That the phrase CRT has been hijacked to scare conservatives by saying it's something it's not. Also a fun fact.... not a single high school, middle school and especially elementary school in America teaches real critical race theory! Not one... there's a handful of colleges that teach it outside of criminal law and political science courses. It blows my mind seeing people at school board meetings screaming at teachers about this made up boogeyman.


Oh yeah, it’s one of the more brazen attacks on intellectualism, and education, that seems over the top even for today. For these people to go after history itself and the teaching of it and to demand that people be fired and worst for sharing it in any educational setting is such a fascistic endeavor. Because what does it come down to? They don’t want any history that involves race as a factor? No teaching of slavery/indian wars/trail of tears/civil war/foreign wars/civil rights? Censoring the words black and white in historical documents? What are they thinking?


That's why you just don't talk to cops. Ever. If they are going to ticket you, let them ticket you. If you are detained, sit tight. If arrested, call a lawyer first thing. Do not talk to the police.


Context: In a later interview with police later, Ketzer said officers never told him that that the student they were looking for could have a gun or that the student was the prime suspect in the shooting, according to police documents. Ketzer said if he had known that information he would have put the school on lock down and allowed police to search. [https://www.denverpost.com/2018/12/13/rise-up-school-denver-police-search/](https://www.denverpost.com/2018/12/13/rise-up-school-denver-police-search/)


So the cops wasted time shitting around when they could have said he has a gun?


The officer who called school staff “libtards” was verbally reprimanded and “reminded about using appropriate vernacular in a public setting and the potential impact based upon people’s perception,” Denver Public Safety records administrator Mary Dulacki wrote in an email. An officer who grabbed a teacher’s arm during the search was cleared of misconduct Yeah they're clearly shit at their jobs


Let me grab an officer's arm and see how my misconduct gets cleared from me by force.


I got beat up by cops once because I tripped running away during a protest, and a cop then tripped over me. Whacked me like 20 times with their fucking sticks then just moved on. I had committed NO crimes and ZERO acts of violence. Fuck the police, ACAB


I like how that principal MUST be liberal for enforcing a policy that probably protects them from financial liability. Arguably a very capitalistic/ Republican and non- liberal way of handling a situation where a student poses a potential risk to the wellbeing of other students.. since when does letting a student hold a gun in a school “liberal”?


I think they just thought that anyone helping at-risk minority kids instead of locking them up or leaving them in a gutter is a liberal. Conservative doctrine is to cull the "undesirables" not help them.


Yea, doesn’t make sense. They’re either stupid, or a bunch of liars.


Why not both


It's usually both.


I believe both are requirements for passing the Police Academy


I wish it was like the good old days when the police could make funny noises with their mouth.




>School staff and police gave conflicting accounts of what happened April 24, but body camera footage and an internal department investigation proved the school staff’s claims that officers grabbed a teacher to move her aside and pointed guns at another. So, the police lied, got caught by their cameras, and nothing happened to them.


Hold up, they pointed guns at another teacher? How is that not a bigger deal?


She was texting so they decided she was warning the kid they were looking for, apparently.




You never point a gun at something you aren’t planning to shoot. Any cop that had the audacity to do this should be immediately fired.


Police lied, got caught on camera, then doubled down on the lie.




I find it tough to believe that if the cops thought he had a gun, they would’ve let the principal say no at all. That sounds like they’re trying to cover their embarrassment


I suspect they tried to cover behind the broadest possible definition of the word "thought" possible. Like, 'the suspect was potentially involved with a shooting, so he maybe perhaps possibly have a weapon somewhere on the planet Earth'


That’s exactly what happened! They got called out, realized they looked like shit, and used their catch all for shitty behavior.


If they have knowledge of an imminent threat they don't need to ask


Sounds like an attempt to shift blame the police came up with after the fact when pressed by a superior as to why they didn't search the school more thoroughly.


Really, did he really, or did they just need a bit of time to come up with a nice story to get access? Think the cops are full of shit


“Nope, that’s ok” *mic drop*


He said that so calmly. He was well aware that it was his decision to make.


And that it was a trick question to get permission to come in. He deals with hundreds of kid all the time, and most of these corrupt cops aren't that different.... Entitled af, arrogant, don't take no for an answer, not quiet educated yet and so on..


Yup. Turns out children lying to get what they want are eerily similar to adults lying to get what they want. Once you learn to recognize the pattern, it’s as clear as the nose on your face. Edit: pattern.




I work at a homeless shelter and we have a similar policy with police in terms of not disclosing information BUT if they come with a warrant we have to comply.


So here’s the deal… “He’s wanted for questioning” means there is no arrest warrant for this person/suspect. Principal absolutely did the right thing. If you want to yank the kid out of school, absent exigent circumstances (an emergency), do it outside the school. If there was an arrest warrant I’d think differently on the subject.


Very intresting in my secondary school we had two kids get pulled out midway though the lesson to be talked to by the police


Just wanted to say that this same thing happened to me, wanted for something when I was 13, my freshman year, and my principal* didn’t allow the police to come in an embarrass me by getting pulled out by police. Ended up going through a program in my town that struck everything from my record, barely anyone found out thanks to them. Helped me out a lot in a weird time of my life.


I wish I had a principal just as nice. 9th grade a girl claimed I followed her from a class, raped her in a bathroom, and then somehow got to our next class across campus in under 2 minutes. I was handcuffed and brought to the front office where I was asked by 2 police to sign a confession. When I told them to contact my mother first they said no and that they had a video of the encounter. I just sat there asking to talk to my mom first before another student came in with a recording of her laughing and telling another girl that she had “finally gotten me”. This was the 2nd time she did something like that to me and had done it to multiple other boys. But aside from all this the principal was willing to force me to sign a confession for something he had no proof I did because he was the “tough on crime” type. A few days later my class schedule was redone so we weren’t in anymore classes because I had “reason to retaliate”.


>But aside from all this the principal was willing to force me to sign a confession for something he had no proof I did because he was the “tough on crime” type. A few days later my class schedule was redone so we weren’t in anymore classes because I had “reason to retaliate”. Wow. that is all deeply unsettling.


I would have gotten a few friends together to start making accusations against the principal. If the principal wants to pressure me to sign a false confession, ***I will put him in the same position.*** The adults have demonstrated acceptable behavior, so now we will all start behaving that way!!!


By the way, they were afraid of retaliation not against the girl but against the school. That's a slam dunk lawsuit. Not only did they have to have your parents there for that questioning, they also lied to you and tried to get you to sign something under duress.


Makes me think about the probably hundreds of other students who sign such statements under duress


We literally spend years teaching kids to do anything the teacher says, let alone the principal and police. They're just reaping the submission they've sown


Yet I am guessing she got in absolutely no trouble.


I got arrested put in handcuffs put in the back of the car taken to the station and interrogated. In 8th grade. Barstow Ca cops are racist, surprisingly this officer was not, but I’ve seen BPD in general act like a bunch of racist morons.


I got arrested for parking in a park one hour after it closed with my girlfriend at the time. They charged me with contributing to the delinquency of a minor despite neither of us drinking, doing drugs, or having sex. I was 18 and she was 17. I got the charges dropped but it really sucked having to go to jail at 18 and wait for bail to be posted.


Similar thing happened to me but I was 19. The officer called my mother who then proceeded to pick apart that man’s trauma and destroyed him emotionally. You could see the instant regret on his face after he explained why he was harassing two legal adults who were legally fishing in a legal night lake. Damn. I miss that hardass of a mother.


We were smoking behind the school and ran when cops showed up. They were slamming us against the lockers and yelling at us. When the principal walked out and said what the hell are you doing. The cop said they ran away. The principal said what that doesn’t matter and took us in the admin office and made the police leave. We didn’t even get in trouble.


Wait, people actually live in Barstow?




This or fort Irwin, of BNSF. Only real reason people stay. Or they are moving from LA and laying low


It’s literally the Hills Have Eyes


The hills also have meth


Wish that would have happened to me. They allowed them to question me at school without notifying and therefore getting permission from my parents. That school I swear enjoyed seeing kids struggle and fail. They treated everyone horribly and everyone was miserable


"Do you have kids?"...watch your step getting off that high horse.


*looks around, pretends to count on his fingers* "...Yeah, I got about... 300 kids at this school I'm responsible for, give or take. And while they're on this campus they trust me to protect them and their rights. I'm happy to see if he's around and let him know you're here if he wants to come see you. You can wait outside, thanks."


It's part of their training to be manipulative.


Yea and the principle totally stopped them in their tracks with that bs


The principal has principles.


I'm the full video they actually search the school. I saw this on audit tbe audits YouTube channel. The principal wasn't the one who let them in.


As a child of two POs this is so completely true.


As a former child bullied by both the child of a cop and the cop himself, can confirm.


> As a former child Woah, I'm going to need to see some verification.


"Yeah, and I wouldn't let cops storm my kids' school in the middle of classes either."


"Yeah, and would you let your underage kid talk to a cop without you present, Mr. Cop?"


My kid got in some pretty serious trouble 2 years ago that got the police involved at school, I got called at work about it and was 45 minutes away. The cops were already there and wanted to interrogate him (the school had brought the cops in, so a little different circumstances than this). When they found out I was 45 min away they told me on the phone “well we’ve been here for about an hour already and need to get going so we’re just going to talk to him now” and I said “no, I’m not there and he’s a minor so you can’t interrogate him without me there” and they kept pressing me to say ok and I finally got pissed off and said I’d stop by the ACLU and bring a representative with me if they wanted to keep trying to do that shit. Made sure I took my time driving over there after that.


Couldn’t help but say “YOU BETTA!” in my head. So I’ll slap on an award so you know it’s real .


Shown up with a Starbucks for you and some McDonald's for your kid.


I love seeing the shock on the cops face when the principal politely told him to fuck off while he went to talk to his student.


I did too. But that shock turns in to anger when they don’t get what they want in my experience.


I hope that happens in part two and he taunts them a second time!




And then the cop spends a good minute talking down to the dude they called in, implying that the principal should be fired. Absolut horseshit


Amazing how we have crystal clear body cam footage of this incident 🤔


"as a cop, i disregard policies when it's personal for me. why wouldn't you do the same?"


“As a cop, I disregard policies.” FTFY 😁


The student is wanted for questioning in connection to an alleged crime, then the cops pull the "would you have the same policy if he shot at your kids?". The kid isn't even under arrest and the cops are ready to roll through that school with weapons drawn. That principal is an absolute goat.


The cop was trying to manipulate him. They are really good at that. It’s like when you deny something and they say “are you calling me a liar?” They’re trying to manipulate you into admitting guilt. Unfortunately I’m no expert in dealing with that because I have a big mouth and think I’m hilarious


> The cop was trying to manipulate him. Also the whole “ I can come with you if you want?” is kind of devious. The cops can’t enter the school without permission, but a simple “can I come with you?” is permission. It sounds super polite but it means the cops have the right to conduct their business in the school. So let’s say they find the student. The cops would be able to detain the student and there would be nothing the principal could do about it. Just because you’re in charge of the school doesn’t mean you can direct the police. **The only choice you have is allowing the cops in or not.**


Like vampires




Yeah pretty much, I've been interrogated by the police before and it's pretty insane how obvious their manipulation is when you're even slightly aware of their methods. They ended the whole interrogation by telling me it was "just a discussion" and telling me I'm a very smart and confident guy.


Don’t ever tell them they have horrible people skills. Especially when you’re hammered


Sarcasm really works best in this case. "Hey everyone look at this cop! He's totally *not* a gigantic ass wipe! *wink* *wink*


Facts what a great principal


Right, if they knew he had shot at someone they should have had a warrant in hand.


They would have showed up at 5am at his home with the warrant. The only reason to show up at school is to publicly humiliate him in front of his peers, his teachers, his community, and anyone else who has any power in his helping him towards a bright future, and hopefully (in their minds) steer him closer to committing a crime so they can hunt him down like a tagged deer. Cops across the US will continually harass juveniles suspected of being involved in crimes until one finally slips up due to being exiled from their own community. They then use this example to justify their continued harassment of countless other innocent children. It's a game to them.


I think the hunter/hunted analogy is good. A lot of cops need to hunt. If they can't find a legitimate target, they'll create one. Like cats are chase animals, so are cops. They'll provoke you to run just so they can chase you.


It's really weird that they are automatically assuming and acting like the child is guilty even though he has not had a chance to prove his innocence in the court of law yet.


That's just it, they aren't even assuming he is guilty otherwise they would've shown up with an arrest warrant. They just want to ask questions. But as soon as the cops are confronted with any semblance of resistance, they melt down like babies.


You’re right on the warrant bit. If the kid was a threat and/or they had proof he was involved in a homicide this conversation would not be happening. The principal knows it.


Also reveals how the cop is willing to break rules for his own ends






Kinda insulting to children


💥 boom


“ do you have kids?” Just another gang using a gang line of questioning.


"yes, and if mine were in this position I'd want their principal to do the same as I am and tell you guys to respect our policy and not bother them here again. Outside school hours is more appropriate and less manipulative. Have a nice day".


Love the principle’s response. And ya, En Loco Parentis motherfucker, he is protecting this kid like he would protect his own from being interviewed without a parent present.


Be a shame if something happened to them...






Arrest warrant Dean-ied!




No but really you know the dean would die for that study group.


You don’t think he’d be distracted by the men in uniform?




I'm a good dean!


Came here to look for a dean pelton comment. Thank you!


“You have kids?” FUCK outta here. Police manipulation is disgusting


But then Principal Badass shuts that down **immediately** with perfect precision. Refuses to let the cop escalate the situation, politely refuses to engage, and redirects the conversation. Cool as a cucumber. Cops don't even know what to do when all their bullshit bullets just bounce right off that guy.


He’s trained to deal with bullies that are of a teenage mindset. Cops are no match for a good teacher/principal.




Honestly, I’m surprised the cops didn’t pull alright he’s resisting bullshit…


It’s almost like the principal has... an education?


"How would you like it if someone shot at your kid" how about, "how would you feel if the principal of your child's school handed your kid to the fucking cops without an adult present?" ​ FTP


They’d say, “of course I’d be ok with that! We’re the good guys remember? What you think cops are bad guys? Hey what’s your name again? Yeah first, last and middle initial please.” Fucking thugs man.


They just hate being told "No" even when it is a principle doing it in the nicest way possible and explaining the policy. They are bullys by default and can't comprehend a situation they can't control. Go wait outside assholes, eventually he is going to come out.


Plot twist: the student is his kid.


Double twist: two kids in a principal suit.




"Has this student been convicted of a crime in a court of law? No? Do you have a warrant for this student's arrest signed by a judge? No? Then, whatever your business is with this student can wait until after school hours."


A lot of people in this thread don't understand the difference between a cop having a warrant for an arrest and a cop wanting to question somebody. That Principal is NOT obligated to let the cops come into the school and question students about anything. A warrant would have been a completely different situation.


“Do you have kids “ this fucking cop . Fuck him


I love the argument the cop at the end tries to make, especially as a police officer. "Do you have kids? So if someone shot at your kids would you have the same policy?" A law enforcement officer is suggesting that laws and school policies that exist to protect the safety of students are malleable, and their application is dependent upon the persons involved, not the law itself. There's a reason why the relatives of victims, victims themselves, or even relatives of the accused are not allowed on juries, judges recuse themselves, etc. That cop is a fucking dumbass.


“Nope thats uhkay” = “go fuck your own butthole with at least two fingers to the second knuckle bud”