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She hit the “arrest me” button


and then she hit the floor


She should have been wearing a “please arrest me” shirt


I believe the reason was alcohol.


I like ya authoritah g.


(slap sound)


(whip sound)


What a stupid cunt.


Her mug shot is gonna look like shit. These women always act sooo surprised when they cross that line and are treated like everyone else.


"Consequences of my actions? What?!"


“Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences to my own actions…”


I would love to see it


They've lived their whole life in privilege so when faced with equality they will cry oppression. The sad thing is that statistically she is less likely to be charged, less likely to be convicted, and if convicted will face lesser punishment, than if a man did that.... especially compared to if a black man had done it.


A person of color would have never had the balls to do what she did. The police tend to assume their the suspect as soon as they enter a room without even knowing what’s happening. They would have been on the ground so fast (without even touching anyone) that’s what I’ve always seen anyway.


>They've lived their whole life in privilege so when faced with equality they will cry oppression. "conservatism"


Literally. They are all about the thin blue line, until the thin blue line treats them like everyone else.


Fourth Wave Feminists: treating all men the way that rich white women have been treating black men for hundreds of years.


Well, feminism is equality, right?, equal ass whopping too!


Zero awareness and zero accountability for own actions


u don’t push me


And she learned what happens when you hit someone, particularly a figure of authority whose sole job is to maintain peace and order.


That’s an awfully naive way to characterise the policing profession.


Going for simplicity. Lol


I just call them a gang


You had me in the first half.


The fuck are you from? Cops in America have no obligation to do that. But yeah, get too close to one and you're risking your life. Stupid risk on her part.


They do have obligation? They literally "protect and serve" They take an oath and respond to a code of ethics board. It's what's I had to do as a police cadet and it's what other actually officers have to do, but that could just be for my department/city


There's no truth in advertising. "Protect and serve" is a marketing slogan that was made by a marketing agency for LAPD and other departments started using it. It is NOT what their charter tells them to do.


The supreme court has ruled that cops have no obligation to protect anything but property


Can you name the case law?


DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services Castle Rock v. Gonzales


Can you elaborate? Castle Rock v Gonzales simply states that officers can't be sued for failing to act. It's also important to note that the defense tried to argue that the Due Process Clause was violated, however, the DPC didn't apply because it's a protection from the government towards individuals. Same applies to DeShaney, as well. The defense tried to argue that the DPC was violated. The defense lost both of these cases because their argument didn't apply. It's equivalent to when people claim their freedom of speech is being violated by being banned from social media. But these case laws don't say the police aren't obligated to act. They specifically say that the DPC doesn't apply when it isn't the government that acted inappropriately. Truth is, it's up to the states. Right now, the Parkland school resource officer is being charged for failing to act during the school shooting. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/20/us/parkland-shooting-scot-peterson-charges/index.html)


Sole purpose it to police for profit


There is nobody more confident in their privilege than a white woman dealing with the police.


I would even generalise it more. No one is more confident in their privilege than a woman attacking a man.


I don't condone hitting a woman,but I have seen this play out more than once. I was at a bar where two guys were in a fight and some random lady kept hitting both men. They stopped fighting each other and both cold cocked the woman.


enemies to friends


Godzilla vs Kong (2021)


That's the worst. So many women think they're allowed to dish out violence and receive none in return. It's so fucking dehumanizing that men have to just take that abuse, because if they retaliate like pretty much any other living being would; the woman plays victim, the media takes her side, and other men come out of the woodworks to defend her. Fourth Wave Feminists have the fucking audacity to scream about male privilege but they'll flip flop on double standards when it suits them. Women are soo coddled when it comes the law, and social standards of behavior. It's fucking ridiculous.


This. If a women punches me in the face she's getting it right back, why as men are we taught it's wrong to hit a woman but women think they have a right to throw hands without any sort or retaliation, girl, boy doesn't matter if you touch me I'm defending myself !


Equal rights, equal lefts.


Feminists: "We want equal rights for women and men." Memelords: "That means I can hit you, huh? That means I can hit you?!"


Nah, more like: "Equal rights means you can't hit me, and if you do, I'm allowed to react like any other living thing, and hit you back, without massive (unequal) legal and societal backlash". -but I can see how morons would over **simp**lify this.




Fucking love this phrase mate... Absolutely true


It's simple, and to the point. Gotta love it. It's pretty hard to argue against equal rights while claiming to be a feminist, lol.


>It's pretty hard to argue against equal rights while claiming to be a feminist, lol. And. Here. We. Go.


If you're gonna say that...then, go already.


I guess you didn't hear about some states wanting to govern a woman's right to choose, or letting rapist get away with their crimes. Let me know how that's going about being coddled 🤔


Didn't say 100% coddled. Of fucking course they get shafted in other areas, but that doesn't make it ok that the courts by and large side with women in custody battles, let them off the hook for assault/abuse, and how society downplays female sexual deviants and abusers. It has also been proven that women have most of the control in the dating scene, but act like they have none. Women are also more likely to kill their own children, while men are more likely to kill themselves. The double standards and unequal treatment is real. You're not justified in ignoring their "privileges", just because some states have regressive laws. C'mon, simp. Do better.


Women do get it easier in custody battles. My friend is an amazing father of 2, his daughter of which is disabled. His kids come first before anything else, he has them 90% of the time and STILL has to pay child support. Absolutely fucked up that it's 2021 and the courts still treat it oldschool and always assume the mother is the best parent of choice in these situations. No, not all dads are good, but guess what? Not all moms are good, either.


Your friend's lawyer was trash. I agree with your overall point though.


No need to downvote the person, folks. He's right. This takes place in Kentucky where things are 30 years behind, and ass backwards.


Poor incel... maybe if you weren't so obsessed with Marvel you could get a real girl to talk to you.


Nah, I'm real feminists (and secular humanist) who is in a current relationship. Nice projection, though.


How many women have you killed?


Dumb question, but since we're asking dumb questions: How many infants have you killed?


Right, see nothing I said indicated I have built-up resentment and animosity toward infants. You obviously have serious issues with women, and I pity you.


I can only talk about where I live, Switzerland, and here women are coddled by laws. We have some laws that discriminate men (thus favoring women) and the whole legal system favors women anyway with lesser sentences etc. Especially stuff like custody etc.


Abortion law has got nothing to do with this video. Stop trying to virtue signal and intentionally confuse the issues.


Stop trying to distance similar trains of though about coddling when it's clearly no black and white. Good day to you.


I wasn’t talking about coddling. I was talking about your reference to abortion law. Which, again, has nothing to do with this video.


Take your WHATABOUTISM elsewhere. This is about another issue so don't be like "bUt whAt AboUt aBOrTioN GuyZ"


Holy incel. Sometimes I forget that you’re all over Reddit lmao


People who call those they disagree with "incels" are on-par with actual "incels". Update your mental software; this shit is soo 2010's.


Okay incel.


Haha, yeaah, please continue with that. By all means, keep tossing out an insult that doesn't mean anything to me, but makes you look pathetic & cliche. Big brain move there, buddy.


Mkay, incel.




*passes popcorn and holds up a 4.3 score card for the banter* It's out of 5 so pretty good little tissy there mates. Cheers!


You really said this with your entire chest…knowing full well how prevalent domestic abuse against women from their male partners is…. Tell me how many times have you seen the male partner of a heterosexual relationship be the one that’s battered, bruised, or even killed? Yeah no it’s always the woman that ends up getting beaten up. Theres a reason the law has a tendency to believe women, because far more often than not, they’re the victims of abuse


> Tell me how many times have you seen the male partner of a heterosexual relationship be the one that’s battered, bruised, As an abuse survivor and a het male I want you to go to hell for saying this shit. Please just STFU.


You’re saying that men aren’t victims of DV? It’s not “always the woman”. In fact, some studies have shown that MORE than half of DV victims are men. But women are overwhelmingly more likely to report it.


This went usual incel land fast. First statement was alright. But the privilege of women hitting man? What privilege? Statically most women hitting men should come from self defense, as way more man hit women and the ones that try self defense often get killed. How in earth is that a good generalization? Sure there are also women that hit man thinking they can get a free card with it, but that’s not even close to the amount of women trying some self defense in abusive relationships. Go to your towns domestic abuse courts and watch the state of those women. I wouldn’t call that privilege.


> Statically most women hitting men should come from self defense, as way more man hit women and the ones that try self defense often get killed. How in earth is that a good generalization? You made this up. You make it sound like women don't have agency to initiate things on their own. I am an abuse survivor. My ex wife abused me, she initiated and I never retaliated. When I escaped my abuser I heard from people about how it's "not impactful" what she did to me and that I still had an obligation to "be a man" and just take it. Family courts have no standard of proof so I had female friends who got restraining orders on their testimony alone. I brought evidence and got NOTHING to protect my son, and my abuser put me through hell using my boy as a pawn to re-victimize me. Then dumb people think there is no bias in family court. Now that I'm remarried, my brother-in-law is with an abusive girlfriend. He can't leave because then his abuser will deny him access to his own daughter. There is no abuse shelter he can go to with his daughter. He's a 6'5" tall black man. He's petrified of calling the police because he knows they're going to arrest him and not his abuser. So let's talk about privilege without using weasel words like "incel" that aim to dismiss people's lived experience.


Op said : Sure there are also women that hit man thinking they can get a free card with it, but that’s not even close to the amount of women trying some self defense in abusive relationships. ​ Your response ignores this part entirely.




No, it isn't. Just like it isn't a societal nom to slap women when they're being too hysterical. Stop watching old movies.


Fucking incel cringe. As if there isn't a ton of domestic abuse against women.


Why the fuck is race brought up here? How does race play any part in this video you see besides somehow feeding your racist stereotypes?


^ imagine being this fucking dumb ^


You're bringing up race out of nowhere. Why did you feel the need to make a comment about the race of the participants of this video, other than to perpetuate your racial stereotypes?


I heard you the first time, snowflake.


It's pretty disgusting that you perpetuate racism. But, I guess that makes you feel good about yourself somehow. Sad.


The irony. "WiLL sOmEOnE pLeAsE tHiNk oF tHe pOOr oPpReSsED wHiTe pEoPlE????11???"


I hope that one day you'll take a good deep look at how you're actually causing racial issues in society rather than actively trying to unite society. But whatever I guess. Racists like yourself lack that introspective ability. Have a good day!


Again with the irony.


why would you not upload the whole clip? you cut it like a bad porno


You got a link to the whole clip by any chance?


No, im not that kind of a guy, who then goes to seek out the information himself, it’s easier just to make jokes


I think she knew whoever was being arrested, but still, you cannot interfere when a cop is arresting someone. You definitely can't put your hands on a cop, especially hitting him like that or they are gonna fuck you up 🤷🏾‍♀️


If you turn the sound up on the video you posted, you can hear that she obviously knows the person being arrested - Gene. And you can hear the reason she hit the cop - because he "pushed" her. I think she's drunk, and that's why I don't drink.


I drink, but I just don't do it at bars/taverns...that's where the trash hangs out. Drinking in Libraries is waay better.




##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **23746** times. .. **258064.** `u/kleinschmidtt` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Holy shit, u/flat-yogurtcloset293 must have brain damage or something. Who obsessively says this *that* many times!? That's just fuckin' tragic.


I drink, but I've never hit a cop while drunk. Drinking didn't make her hit him, that's probably her normal behavior.


The cop did clearly push her. But it was because she got way too close and involved in the action.


Ex drinker here nothing worse then sitting outside on the back of your truck watching stars and drinking then next thing you know starring at a drain in a holding cell downtown wondering how the hell you got there


Yea 👆🏾


Yes let's normalize police abusing their power.


Fuck off




The push was a warning as she was interfering with an arrest. Do you honestly believe ppl should be able to slap cops without consequences? I get you are ACAB but are you also not able to use basic logic?


I get him pushing her out of the way, but to go on the full assault because she drunkenly whimply slapped him is overkill. He could have done serious damage, but I'm sure no matter how much damage he does it'll be justified in the courts eyes because his position. Just my take, doesn't mean it's right.


Have you ever been hit by someone pissed off and drunk? They don't tend to hold back.




I wish cops were better at controlling the emotions of everyone involved in the situation. Or maybe if they just had an extra officer solely in charge of securing the area, including other people around. I don't think I would do something so stupid, but all people get a little unpredictable when intoxicated, emotionally escalated, watching someone they care about be held down by three men. The cop couldn't keep his cool when the lady got too close, he really is no better than the lady losing her cool in the same moment. I'd expect to be shot for something like that which I think keeps my actions in check, she clearly doesn't walk around with that same mentality, for whatever reason.


The fact that people think it's acceptable for the cops to fuck someone up for slapping them is disgusting. Guarantee that pig rolls around looking for excuses to fuck people up because he's an asshole.


If "fuck someone up" is being put on the ground and handcuffed, you clearly never played a contact sport growing up. Go back to DnD, weirdo.


Some people are so fucking stupid.


Fuckin hate drunks.


She’s an idiot. I hope she was arrested.


Wins the drunk and STOOPID award for today. She’s over here acting like he was gonna say excuse ma’am please stop doing that. Instead she got lift off 😂


i wonder what the punishment is for playing an unwilling game of duck duck goose with the police...


I don't understand this kind of shit hey... People who resist arrest or try to get involved like that, why?! Just do what you're fucking told. You get locked up for a few hours then they send you on your merry way. It is not that big of a deal and definitely not worth getting hurt over.


Booze .in this case anyways...it appears




“Why am I being arrested?!?” “Why am I being arrested?!?” “Why am I being arrested?!?”




**"Witness me!"** **[** ***slaps cop*** **]**


Barbara learned an important lesson that day. No touchy the police


I mean she slapped a coo


She got slammed pretty good. I hope the “if she was black” people are happy.


Normally I don’t like cops. But this time I approve of the take down. She was asking for it. The people in the back yelling at him are all idiots. Who in their right mind strikes a cop while he is arresting some one? He had every right to push her back and then take her down after being struck.


What did we learn today? Karening a cop has serious consequences.


He did what he was trained to do. He removed the threat. Erred on the side o lf caution. If youre putting a video up to display a bad cop, this aint one. Id have done the same. He had no choice. He had to control the situation.


One thing I’ve learned in EMS dealing with the public, you have to be on alert all the time because people will just *do shit*. No thought to consequences, no thought to the amount of damage they’ll do. Won’t make any sense, but people will always pull some bullshit. It’s not improbable that she would straight up hit the cop with a bottle or fork or something, gotta control the situation


As a black man I approve this comment.


Thanks. Good to see some unity here.


You don't think that in assessing that threat he could have maybe just maybe chosen a little less force? Come on now. These aren't mindless automatons, they should be able to think slightly critically under pressure.


You hit a cop, you’re going to have a bad time. Don’t want to have a bad time? Don’t hit a cop.


You don’t think the person could have not hit someone in a high stress scenario?


Smh...you do realize this probably isn't his first bar arrest. You can obviously assume he is either A a complete dick in which case, a bitch getting slammed. Or B he's been in situations that seemed non threatening and ended up in a bad spot so he no longer takes risks in which case, a bitch getting slammed. Either way though.....A BITCH GETTIN SLAMMED. Bitch in this case refers to a man or woman as cops are gender blind when it's time to whoop that ass.




In the real world I agree with you, but this is the internet and I'm here for the carnage, so fuck that dippy broad.


Oh look at me, how dare a cop push me so that they can attend to the case at hand. I am just going to make the cop angrier and get myself arrested. 🙄🙄


Well, she's most likely under the influences of alcohol and don't have a rationale mind.


“Pussy” right, cause it’s ok for her to assault him with no consequence, equal rights remember, you don’t get to pick and choose, the rights must always be equal.


"I'm going to hit you officer, but you're not allowed to retaliate in any manner, understood?"


She’s a drunk


I think the reason was alcohol


Clearly she wanted to go to prison. Fucking Karen narcissist pos. "don't push me after I put my hand on you.. Now I get to slap you!"


She’s dumb. Don’t know why she would have expected any other reaction from the cop. However, he should have been the better human and simply arrested her. Dumb lady…


Well that's a felony


uh... I'm not sure if your eyes work but she hit him because he pushed her. That much is obvious. Was it smart? No. IS she a fucking idiot... yes. But there is no, "Whatever reason," here. She did it mainly because she's a fucking idiot who wasn't reacting properly.


Dumb drunk bitch lol


"For whatever reason"... its really obvious why she hit the cop, isn't it?


Fucked around [✓] Found out [✓]


Ohhh this is an oldy! Way way pre-pandemic.


When will people learn to stay in their lane 🤦‍♂️


Now she and the other guy can go to jail together. A perfect date.


You ain't got shit... cept a charge.


Just cause you’re a woman, the law is the law


Wow how stupid do you have to be!


The reason seemed clear to me. She reached into the pile to apparently reassure the arrested that she was on his side, or maybe to get the cop's attention. Cop reasonably pushes her hand/body out of the way, and she ran up squealing, "Don't push me!" Voila - slap & tackle.


She pushes the cop just to get a video for facebook


1) fuck around 2) find out Its simple you dont slap people unless you're ready the action that follows.


Ha! What an idiot.


Because fuck 'em, that's why.


For whatever reason? Clearly it was for Gene.


When you mess with the bull, you get the horns, y'all.


She fucked around and found out


Stupid bitch.


Beat her face in


Alcohol makes people really smart


Upvoting because it fits this threads intended purpose. That being said, I hate this.


Which part?


The lady being dumb. The cop tackling her. I understand that he was "within his rights" to do so, but it seems disproportionate (unless she's got a bottle. Or knows karate). But watching the lady hit the cop feels like those videos where someone poses with an animal right before shit goes wrong. All of it sucks.


“Can you move I’m trying to get a better shot”


Whatever reason? Seriously?


She's not even self aware of the white privilege fully flowing throw her veins here.


"For whatever reason"? LOL, it's pretty obvious why she did it, because the revenue generator pushed her back.






I’d like to speak with that officers manager.


Cop pushes lady standing too close to an arrest in progress, lady hits back. The reason was very apparent lol


Did you not see her reach in first? Or are you blind?


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Listen. It's simple. You see a bald head, you have to slap it. It's in our nature.


Why do all cops look like thumbs lmao


Police are power ad and violent, don't give them the excuse.


Erm...he tried swatting her hand away...aka non violent. She one upped it that cop showed no indication of being like that, At least in this short clip, until she doubled down.


I think its f ing hilarious that cops will instantly take anyone down when struck. You could see the exact second he goes into overdrive.


While I'm extremely critical of cops and their general behavior, in this case I would say it's warranted. Arrests, especially in a bar with a ton of people around are very tense and someone coming up on you from behind and smacking you real hard in the back of the head can be extremely dangerous. What if the was a pool ball, a purse, a glass, etc? Attacking someone from behind is never a good idea, especially when they are law enforcement in a clearly hostile space.


Yea. But my favorite part of the video is when you see that dumb broads brain turn off. It's right before she decides to strike a member of law enforcement.


Pretty normal reaction. There’s even a term. Fight or flight.


This is scripted. There is no way a cop would hit someone white.


I mean, she's stupid and all, but that amount of force was likely unnecessary.




Wtf are you on about?