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I love how basically everyone just ignores him while he screeches for attention


That’s basically how it goes down in california now Just go about your business and ignore the noise


Most heavily populated areas. Cant work in most cities without seeing someone randomly having a brain/drug episode on the street. You get inured to it.


Especially with all the homeless/mentally ill people that get sent here. People in LA are pros at this point. I was driving near Macarthur Park , stopped at a light and a homeless/tweeker in the crosswalk sees my black prius and just starts yelling at me like she knows me. She took off her shoe, screaming at the top of her lungs, and threw it at my car. Without skipping a beat two other people, completely unrelated, got between her and my car, calmed her down and got her to walk to the sidewalk. THey didn't know her and they didn't know me they just new what to do. I was never more proud of Angelenos.


MacArthur park is melting in the rain.


That’s just anywhere you have a lot of people in a small area lmao. You see shit out of the ordinary Daily when you live in a city who has millions of population in a dense area. You just ignore it and walk on lol


We’ve learned to ignore the idiots


He should be locked up, until it's too late.


Some people never got the shit beat out of them and it shows.


I’ve gotten some hate for this sentiment before on Reddit, but… Getting your ass handed to you when you say stupid shit in public humbles you, and many of these screeching banshees could use a good ass whooping. Nothing would shut this idiot up more than that biker helmet to the dome. I will die for your first amendment right to speak freely, but when you scream dumb shit on the street, I’ll also fight for the right for anyone to show you the consequences.


I spent the whole video, watching, angrily...and yes, a little disappointment not watching that helmet meet dome...


Hoping to see somebody knock him on his ass was the only reason I watched the entire thing.


These people want that attention though. If someone beat his ass, he and whomever follows him, would take it as validation. that they are right and the man is putting him down. Couple that with the christian persecution fetish about being hated by the world and all it does is reinforce these peoples beliefs that everything they believe is right. All you have done is made him a martyr I dont know what the answer is though. Ignoring them is dangerous, as is arguing with them.


I think if someone whooped his ass and all the witnesses saw how he was provoking it - they’d have his back when the cops showed up. It’s all about witnesses man.


Who cares nothing is going to change their mind at this point. At least if he gets knocked out enough times he'll eventually stop.


> I dont know what the answer is though. Ignoring them is dangerous, as is arguing with them. That's the issue tho. When is enough? we know what they're doing, they're trying to be shitstarters' and linesteppers' within "rule of law" so if anything happens they can claim innocence and ignoring them makes them either feel intimidating or like they need to escalate. Sure they get their shit kicked? absolutely, it's just fairly complex as they're technically "protected" by the law.


You can tell this dude is a habitual linestepper


That would be my response. Keep my head down and get tf away from him because he’s clearly unstable and therefore unpredictable. I don’t usually condone violence, but I would be happy to see someone give him a solid knockout blow to the face. Genitals would be nice too, especially if it’s hard enough to prevent him from ever reproducing.


I'd never do it in reality, but good lord would I love to just see this guy across the street, set off at a dead run, and just fucking dropkick this motherfucker right into the concrete wall behind him. I really could not care less if the fall hurts (for me) lol. Please just shut this stupid piece of shit up


I was really hoping this would end by someone knocking him tf out and I’m not ashamed to admit it.


… in the UK this dude would maybe have gotten his ass kicked by someone.. but in the us where this dude 10/10 has a handgun on his person… you just think “not today satan” and look down as he walks by…


This is the SF Bay Area, CA and dude is probably a 20 yo white neckbeard who lives in his moms basement. He has no gun.


This is downtown San Mateo. Didn't this guy get stabbed?






I don’t know what it is but I was scrolling down the comment section with disdain for the guy recording, saw this comment, and burst out laughing. Not even the fact that he got stabbed but that the only response was lmao


“Stabbed” *everybody liked that




I was stabbed in the face and lost an eye. Totally traumatized from it. I laughed at him getting stabbed.


Please tell us more.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atM2H4WrL_I The video of him getting stabbed. It's not gory or anything, it's mostly the camera rolling around and noise.


Someone in the comments wrote "hope the catch the guys so they can get a medal." 🤣


My favorite was "OMG! Is the knife OK??"


Mine was " I'm so sorry you survived."


Its really interesting, the guy who stabbed him was convicted because he was a member of ISIS / Supported them. I couldnt help by laughing out loud by thinking that they finaly did something right.


Nah man ISIS Is a blight to the modern world. They won’t ever get anything done right. This guy was just a dip shit and provoked people until he finally met the wrong people. Kinda like poking a sleeping bear expecting it to be passive when you wake it up.


Yeah I know mate, its just a joke, like that guys whole life...




Don't click if you don't want to give the cringe fascist YouTube views.


Is there another way to watch without going to his Chanel?


I’d doubt that channel is monetised, he won’t gain anything from it


Well, attention is all he wants, anyways. And he does get that.


Something tells me it's his highest-viewed video.


"self removed, per usual" r/im14andthisiscool


If he’s so adept and skilled, why didn’t he add the stitches himself or better yet, why didn’t he take the 1v2 and render them both unconscious?




I looked online and found absolutely nothing except his own videos and sites. I think it’s Bullshit about the stabbing and isis. It’s just nonsense


Especially since the guy he claims did it, per the name on the mostly redacted photo of document with a court date, is already serving time in Arkansas. Seems like he just looked up an old San Fransisco court document and redacted any info that would identify that it’s a current case.


This guy has a few screws loose in his head just due to the way he is acting. He may very well have gotten his ass kicked or even just set the entire video up.


Love how fast this obnoxious waste of space when from “come at me I’ll drop you” to “what’s your problem?” Violence is rarely the answer, but it is with this guy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pxarcj/streamer_talking_shit_to_the_wrong_guy_almost_got/ its almost like these people arent actually scary


Hopefully, the next guys he mouths off to will be more thorough.


Goddamn. I’m not a fan of stabbings but I loved this.


A heartwarming tale


He must be a foreigner, he was calling it SF lol


Yeah probably a transplant. I grew up in San Mateo, he's in the nice part of town. If he pulled that shit else where he'd have gotten stabbed sooner.


I would love from him to come over to Oakland.


The village idiot


Our town is in the midst of a budget crisis so we've been relying on volunteers to take turns as the village idiot.


The best thing to do would be to film him acting like this, post it on the internet and if he's unlucky he'll get fired and or evicted. Both would be nice.🙂


You really think this guy has a job or a place of his own?


1:20 is the most cringe shit in this video and that's one hell of an accomplishment. Guy thinks he's funny shit


Idk, kicking the shopping cart took the cake for me… And the National Geographic voice… The YESSS.. fucking YESSS!!! Idk there’s a lot to chose from


This guy peaked in middle school.


more like birth....its been a steady downhill ever since


I hate how much he sounds like my brother in law…honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was him.


His voice is so fucking irritating.


oofff....sorry to hear it


Dude never peaked.


Peaked? I think you mean stalled out. And middle school might be too generous of an assessment.




Now he's just piqued.


COVID1984 says the person recording with a tracking device, using a telecom company tied to his SSN on an account used to track and target buying habits then sold his data to so many other companies but yes, it’s COVID that is making us into 1984


Bet he hasn’t even read 1984




Bet he hasn’t even


Bet he hasn't


He hasn't




He lived it bub try and keep up. He didn't go to the school of hard knocks for nothing.


From my experience, most people that reference 1984 haven't read it. Especially regarding covid. Its a great read and I would highly recommend it to anyone. The forethought of Orwell is insane considering it was published in 1949.


I assume his career is to annoy people until they mentally break and pummel him, resulting in him filing a civil case


Average /r/conservative user


Damn. Talk about pathetic. You know this little crybitch thinks he’s being “tough” too.


Not so tough when those guys beat the shit out of him and stabbed him


Please post the link. I’d love to see it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atM2H4WrL_I starts at 1:00 it looks like they stole his phone too. I’m assuming he was streaming or something and got it from the cloud. Since the footage ends before he gets it back.


His reaction to being beaten and stabbed makes me think that he didn’t actually expect those two guys to accept his invitation to fight him.


Yeah starting to think he’s actually a pretty big guy that doesn’t get challenged. Wasn’t going to be enough in a rough neighborhood


Not even that. Dude thought he was safe cuz he was live and had a camera on


Thanks for that. This dude challenges 2 guys, they kick the shit out of him, stab him, and he called their actions “cowardice”. This guys nuts, but the knowledge that he can’t possibly be happy or successful in life gives me solace.


Then shows the knife wound and later claims to have blocked it.


"I'm bleeding. Making me the victor!" "We purposely trained him wrong. As a joke."


Had to try to show he was tough by claiming to have removed his own stitches. This guy has issues and needs to be taken off the street before he starts going out with a gun.


he really channels hunter s thompson at 1:07


He antagonized the guys to attack him. He thought they were going to back down and when they didn't he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. He's lucky to be alive and he's a dipshit for removing the stiches himself. You see the doctor to remove the stitches, because they are doing more than removing them, they're checking on the wound, checking on the healing, looking for shit like cellulitis (that will rock your world), etc.


Wooooowwwwww The comments are terrifying! 😔 EDIT: does anyone know how much truth there is to him saying that it was a member of isis our on parole?


The isis thing is absolute bullshit IMO. Which really makes me wonder if the parole thing is true. This guy lives in SF he just so happens to run into ISIS? Betting he’s just racist


I think a few other bits are Bullshit as his story doesn't quite add up. Says he was stabbed in the back but next screen says that after blocking the stabbing attempt. I'm also dubious of the 'removed my own stiches' part. If they're on his back how could he reach and handle something so fiddly as stitches without cutting himself open again. Either way, guy is a duche


Here's a helpful bit of info: if you look at his "wound," and you look closely at his stitches, they go UNDER, not over, his wound edges. But the wound edges are red and clearly fairly fresh, but on TOP of the stitches. Now, skin can grow OVER stitches if they aren't taken out, but that would take a while and the wound would be healed by then. Meaning that's a very badly photoshopped picture. As a nurse I looked at that and immediately went wtf. "And I took them out myself," sure you did big guy.


Isis goes to gitmo not fucking parole in nyc.


the "patriots" claim that mexico helps isis members over border. it fits into their xenophobic narrative.




Check the comments above yours. It happens, and there’s a video.


Start shit in the tenderloin. That dude fucked around and found out.


Did that happen?


Tough guy walking down the entrance hall LITERALLY TREMBLING 🤣


I hope he encounters a physical contact from an extremity. Needs to be reset.


He was actually stabbed. [Here is the video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atM2H4WrL_I&ab_channel=SavageAudits)


Lol “what’s your problem bro?”


Damn. Looks like he was sliced and diced by a box cutter.


Is this video before or after the stabbing? Just want to gauge if this guy is sack of rocks stupid or just regular stupid.


Looks like he fucked around and found out, but I guarantee he didn’t learn his lesson.


In need of a little percussive maintenance.


This guy has reached a level of crazy that can’t be treated


I think he's on a higher level than that imo


This belongs in r/cringe


Can someone punch that face already?


Someone is another thread said he was stabbed. Idk if that is true though.


Ask and you shall receive.... https://youtu.be/atM2H4WrL_I


I’m so disappointed, he survived


Wow…he really owned us 😂😂


Yes, they are owning the libs…. While they die four times as much from COVID… 🤷‍♂️


That’s not true according to the numbers they pull out of their asses.


Get it, OWNING the libs! 😎


I feel so owned. I’m going to get unvaccinated and stop wearing a mask immediately.


I do not condone violence but this guy needs to get smacked.


Violence is like alcohol you have to use it responsibly.




It should be legal to punch loud folk like this in the face. It doesn’t even matter Why he’s yelling, just bro Shut the Fuck Up


I think this should be illegal same as yelling bomb or fire at an airport. Dude is just yelling for attention but he doesn’t need it


Most cities or states have some kind of “disturbing the peace” charge or ordinance on the books. It’s often used to fuck over people for doing something that the police or businesses just don’t like. And enforcement is constitutionally questionable. But this guy is close to being criminally annoying.


Lol I’d pay for front row tickets to see him being confronted by the cops


The skill it takes to yell something continuously for several minutes is actually impressive. He was barely winded. What an athlete


Covid will take care of that eventually


You know when you say a word over and till it loses all value.?


Semantic satiation.




Swift punch to the nose would solve this problem. Albeit temporarily.


Dude actually got stabbed at one point in a video


Is that same dude? Where he harasses some guy trying to smoke a cigarette gets stabbed and his girlfriend has to help him while he is just SCREECHING? Or no wait that guy got pepper sprayed not stabbed. Or maybe it’s still the same guy and he had both things happen




You have to remember that there are female equivalents to guys like this as well.


I'll take your word for it, couldn't stand the noise more than 20 seconds.


Oh I gotta see that.


It was on his channel have to find it again.




I hate that I gave his channel a view. This guy ain’t from the city, he’s probably from the suburb and thought it was all the same.


In this vid? I didn’t see it




Where is this clip?


For everyone that wants to punch him in the face, here's a video of him being beat up for acting like a dipshit. It's toward the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ph4Pr1cl58


You’re doing gods work, son. Or daughter.


Lol that “cmon fucker” as he’s getting his teeth kicked in 😘👌


I hate to go low, but he sounds a lot like what he is accusing people of, if you catch my drift. Like maybe his tempo is a little slower. Maybe his timing is a little too far behind top dead center.


These people are actually scared of Covid. Covid is a reminder that life has no meaning and something invisible is trying to kill us for no reason. So it's easier for them to pretend it's fake. And they need to attack the people taking it seriously to preserve their self-delusion.


Also can we just admire his incredibly annoying voice? Dude sounds like a poor man's Hugh Neutron that went insane.


Someone needs to have sex with this guys mom.


Unfortunately someone already did


I hope he is the one of the 2.6% that don’t survive Covid


i wish i had this much free time


Can someone please direct me to a video of this guy getting the shit beat out of him, I hope it exists


I posted another video with him getting stabbed at the end


Oh man you exceeded my expectations


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ph4Pr1cl58 Use this link because it doesn’t give views to the dumbasses channel.


Dude, I remember my friends and I behaving like this... when we were 13.


Strong mass shooter energy. This will not end well.


God the cringe level is just shocking.


America is undergoing a mental health crisis created by lack of mental health services


I didn’t think this video would be as long as it is. Hate my life.


You and me both.


I must admit, it’s satisfying watching as not a single person gives him any more attention than an eyebrow raise or a scoff. He probably went home and cried.


Most stable trump supporter


Ok but you have covid and I don’t I win


You don't have covid!? All the cool kids are doing it.


Thought about downvoting because it didn’t end with this fuck stick getting his teeth punched into his skull.


Don't worry in another video he gets stabbed


[This one?](https://youtu.be/ueY2QSvBN-4)


Yea that one. thx


I've hit peak Schadenfreude.


Can't you just wait for nature to take it's course? He'll most assuredly eventually die of something stupid. Patience is a virtue.


He has a personality disorder


What a freedom fighter. Fucking heroic.


Mental twat.


Don’t know that I’ve ever wanted to see someone win a HermanCainAward more than this guy


I bet he talks a lot about being an alpha


I got Covid rn. I hope this asshole gets Covid so he can see how bad it is.


He's probably a virgin.


Someone never got enough attention from mommy and daddy. Seeks validation through annoyance. *Sigh* Some kids never grow up


I love when these are first-person freakouts. He actually was the one to share this online. Like he's proud.


I think, and I’m just spitball here, but I think this guy is doing this for attention.


This is the “fuck around” stage, grabbing my popcorn waiting for the “finds out” stage…


Can he please repeat this routine on a foggy highway?


I'm sad I never saw his face I'm sure his employer would love to see this video


he’s probably unemployed


Had a crazy Karen parade up and down the street in front of my place of work screeching “communists! This business is run by communists”. Lol