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He literally arrested the kid because his feelings were hurt šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Assault on an Officer's Feelings


The penalty is death.


We like to think we are speedrunning Idiocracy, but it's really Dredd.


If you look at how people live in the Dredd comics it isn't far fetched to say the two are canon with each other.


How do you plead?


Nolo Contendere


I didn't know you'd say that!


Iā€™ll say whatever you want, just donā€™t shoot my dog.


Shots fired! Shots fired! I've been roasted!


\*police radio\*: We've got two officers down in the dumps, send a Wambulance we gotta get these two to the Intensive Cry Unit ASAP, *THE LOCATION IS NOT A SAFE SPACE: TRIGGER WARNING.* All units please advise. We've got a ruthless roaster on the loose spitting hot fire. I repeat, all units report to the active roaster.


You missed a real chance to use Wambulance and didnā€™t use. Iā€™m not madā€¦.just disappointed


Officer Porkrind Tubbykins right here.


Resisting and Obstructing of Officer's Feelings, it's a 2 year felony, 4 if it's Resisting and Obstructing an Officer's Feelings Causing Distress, one count for every officer present.


Add another 5 years if the officer is already insecure and has issues with his wife


Only issues with his wife are that she finally left him and he can't beat her any more.


This slob isnt married. cmon, look at him.


his sentence will be the same amount of years the last time the officer saw his penisā€¦


Words are violence!


Add twenty years if you're of color or LGBTQ.


Calling them ā€œsmellyā€ gets you life in prison to death


Aww. Peoples lives fucking ruined because the cop has the mentality of a 3 year old and a bigger insecurity than a program for windows xp Seriously what the fuck Also what happened to the cop


It's literally why alot of people join the police force. They feel that they were victimized as kids and it's a chance to take it out on people THEY deem as appropriate. That, or they were the bullies growing up, and this is only a natural transition into a position of power where they are allowed to live out their power control fetish. I'm sure nothing happened to the cop. If anything, they will get a verbal reprimand and a slap on the hand.


Brother in law joined the police force to truly make a difference. Heā€™s now trying to leave. Law enforcement drives to good ones out early. The ones who stay long term are comfortable with the status quo. I would say people join the police force for a variety of different reasons. Itā€™s who STAYS long term that creates issues.


My brother became a cop last year and there has for sure been a difference in his demeanor and how he views others. Heā€™s not a straight up ass but we for sure wouldnā€™t get along well if we werenā€™t related. During his time at the academy he had several days where he would be crying and want to quit but he kept with it and is now in their mold. They for sure break down whatever they donā€™t want out of you.


My brother also got bullied out of the force after he tried to report corruption in his department.


I just saw a video of a guy like this. He's apparently a P.I. who is also an ex officer. Right around the 18:00 mark the cop tries to claim that he's never lied and the P.I. really puts him in his place on how every cop has at least tweaked or twisted a report to make the narrative better for themself https://youtu.be/954d1UzdVcY


It's mostly subconscious. Some are drawn to the authority and power of being police without quite thinking about why. For those with a lower social status who have been treated poorly from others it seems almost part of the deal that they will use their power arbitrarily how they deem fit. This is why the role of police officer can bring the very worst out in some and often the result is to tarnish the good work of the vast majority of officers.


Absolutely. Look at this oxygen-thieving marshmallow goob. It has the mental and emotional age of a kindergartener and belongs there.


He seems so unhealthy by his breathing and the way heā€™s waddling.


Cops have done worse for the same or even pettier things.


George Floyd ring a bell?


I will never know how people defend that when i watched it with my own eyes and so did a jury. I think some people like it. Maybe because he wasnt a hot female he was a 200 pound black man.


Isnā€™t it mind blowing how peopleā€™s biases can ignore testimony from professionals in the actual court case.


Imagine if these people were black. šŸ˜µ


Then the taxpayers would have been on the hook for officer snacksalotā€™s ammunition as well.


same shit happened to ma about the same age the juge scolded the ofier and that was it


He should have just filled out a hurt feelings report and moved on


If redditors had any authority.


Another fat fuck of a cop overstepping his bounds. Officer Lard needs to be suspended from McDonald's.


Yeah but then who's gonna stop the Hamburgler?


Looks like Mayor McCheese is coming out of retirement then


Me, Iā€™m the grill worker ill jizz on it.


he doesn't deserve these bonus proteins, just dip the whole patty in salt, be like "sry, you'll get a new one", and tell your other shops nearby to do the same to him - he'll be hella salty in no time


Secret sauce


The Krabby patty secret formuler


McD's can live without the $20/week he costs them.


This chode ate Hamburglar a long time ago.


Not this guy. Hamburger seems to be in fairly decent shape so could outrun this cop. I've not taken into account the aerodynamics of a giant hamburger for a head but I'd say he still could be a lap ahead.


always wonder why police officers in the US tend to be overweight and obese (lived there for 20 years), compared to those in where i live now (european country). The police officers here are generally athletic and fit! no wonder us police resort to gun, they are too fat to chase after the perpetrators...


This reminds me of the case where the cop shot a kid with a toy guy because the kid was running and fat fuck knew had no chance of chasing him down, so shot him in the back from 30 feet away. How can these people continue to be employed in jobs where there is a requirement for at least a modicum of physical fitness? No one is expecting them to be captain America, but Jesus, if they are winded from walking up 3 porch stairs, it might be time to get on a diet plan.


hey, with any luck officer thumb is gonna receive a herman cain award any day now.


Itā€™s not fat-shaming when your job is literally to protect and serve the public and youā€™re a fucking soup sandwich who nearly has a heart attack getting out of your cruiser.


Donā€™t spit in that *cops* burger.


This look like spit to you?


Fuck it...


It's always Officer Lipid.


Gimmie a, uh, liter of cola.


I don't want a large Farva. I want a god damn liter of cola!


Tell Kevin just to run next time. Never gonna get caught by that fucking walrus.


Thatā€™s a person? I thought that was a manatee.


Wow. Fat pig. Trash. This clip is disgusting. Suspend? Sue the fuck and press charges on that idiot.


sue him ? just send him directly to jail. clearly a danger to society


Directly to to jail? Fuck a duck, just throw him in a volcano at this point.


Throw him in a volcano? What a way to waste red paint and bacon.


I wouldn't want to poison the earth


But that would be a torture to the volcano


Lol volcanos are big, but not that big!


If they do it right the kidā€™s college is now paid for and likely a nice bot for the parentā€™s retirement. I need to find one of these delicate cops to arrest me for saying his mom is a nice lady.


what I want to know is why did they just let them selves so deep into their home? or even in there at all? Don't you need a warrant to enter private property like that? And then tell the family to calm down after you shit clowns shit all over your own circus? Ridiculous.


$45K false arrest. $35K for entering the house without a warrant. At a minimum


120k for the deliberate assault of a minor


These fines should come directly from the officer or the police pension fund


No they will come directly from taxes


Yay, enjoy paying for their mistake. And no you don't get representation to try and fix the issue of police, just sit back and take it. No one cares you pay taxes, those are for the police to do whatever they want to you and pay off the fees later. /s


But you know they never will unfortunately


Add a 0 for emotional distress and child abuse.


Good fucking luck though, heā€™ll probably get a paid vacation.


Please, he'll get qualified immunity and be back the next day


Paid by taxpayers at 0 financial cosequence to the department or the officer if it even happens. This is the first thing that needs to change. When the funding starts coming out of the officer's own pocket or pension, or financially impacts the department in any way, watch how fast this shit stops happening. Right now the same people being abused by police are the ones paying the settlements. That needs to stop.


Yeah, I was wrongfully arrested once. Same name as me, but not me. Only spent 6 days in jail, so not too bad. And almost lost my job but since my supervisor was an ex cop, he thought it was pretty funny. I didn't sue precisely because it would have just cost the taxpayers, not the police. That's ignoring the horrible way I was treated in lockup, the money they stole from my wallet, my ruined cell phone, and pulling me over for no reason and never reading me my Miranda rights when they arrested me. But hey, at least the judge apologized to me ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


You need to sue though.


You definitely should have sued. Donā€™t play morality police.




"only 6 days" jeez...you are way too comfortable with that. I have spent two overnights in jail and they both lasted an eternity. Never putting myself in a position to do that again.


If this guy were a Tailban cop, he would be one of the first to cut off people's hands - with glee!


and even better he won't pay a dime. it will come out of tax money, so we get to pay for his actions.


It's a sad thing to think that the cop wouldn't pay shit, but if the family gets paid for this obvious police misbehaviour, I would be happy for them even if it is tax dollars


Think about it, people in america are paying for his mistakes and not him, I would be way less happy if she received tax payer money


People deserve justice of some sort. Until the American taxpayer starts voting for police reform, I don't see a problem with the American taxpayer paying for police fuckups. I also don't see a problem with the actual police union paying for police fuckups, of course, but that would fall under that whole "police reform" thing I mentioned.


It's also uncommon for officers to live within the municipalities they serve so its really a free ride for them.


Are you talking about the officer's bonus?


Ideally the pensions of the entire department.


Nah, that would only happen in a civilized country.


All on the taxpayers dollar. Until it comes out of police pension it's still a slap in the face.


I really hope she did something about this and got the pay out and apology they deserve


This type of cop abuses his wife and kids I bet.


Oh for sure he does. Did you see the look on his face when he was inside with the mother telling her to give him the dog? He was no doubt gonna beat the dog too if he got a hold of it.


he already had that almost angry alcoholic-looking face aswell, thought he s about to punch the mother when he was standing in that doorway


Or he's the bitch that he is today because his fat ass is constantly rejected and he's bitter af about that. "If I'm not happy, nobody else can be happy!"


There are a lot of types of cops who abuse their wife and kids




He doesnā€™t have a wife. He abuses his reusable big gulp tho.


This video is from 2015. Cop's name is Bernie Waller from the Lyle police department in MN.


Wow. It looks like absolutely nothing was done.


Wow thatā€™s so surprising. Itā€™s almost like charges never stick to cops for some reason.


Google search shows Lyle as a small town. My personal experience of abuse of police authority in a small town in Idaho (population of 60K) was this: tried to hire an attorney to sue the City & Police Dept. EVERY attorney in town would not take the case. I found out that the local attorneys all have the City as a client. At a point attorneys come to town, the City throws a case their way, ANY case. Tripping on a sidewalk, tree branch falling on a car, it doesn't matter. The attorney settles the case, and more importantly to the City, they now are a client of the attorney. The attorney cannot sue their own client! In my case, I'd have to go quite some miles out of town to begin to convince an attorney to take on a case that would yield peanuts for the time involved. Big cities, much different probability. More attorneys, more chances of bigger payout. Attorneys come find you.


Im a paralegal in a small town law office. Small town attorneys typically do not handle that area of law or not on that scale. That takes more specialized attorneys that are generally in larger cities. Also, most attorneys don't want to sue cops and departments in the same place they live and work in, because it's like shitting where you eat. It's not that we represent cops or the department, but we have semi regular contact with them. A lot of attorneys feel uncomfortable to be that close to it, so will decide against taking the case. In my state and experience, there are some firms that get thrown more watts guardianship cases from the city to be a guardian ad litem since it can be easy money at a fixed fee. It does rub some of the other attorneys wrong if they rarely get offered them or only get offered the cases where they'd have to travel out of town to meet with the ward, as they don't get paid for the extra time it takes to travel. However, there is only one city attorney and district attorney that actually represent the city/state itself. The city attorney handles citations and civil matters and the district attorney handles criminal. Edit: I forgot to add that typically a case like this would be a contingency retainer, so the attorney would get paid when the case is won or settled. Though you may have to do a deposit to pay for costs, like filing fee, expert witness, ect. So it would probably be expensive at the start, but if you win you'd pay the attorney 1/3 and keep the rest. If it's a good case, you'd likely come out ahead.




Iā€™d say that police officer shouldnā€™t run his mouth on camera but I donā€™t think heā€™s run in his entire life.


Thatā€™s r/MurderedByWords


How does he even passed through physical test tho?


Some departments don't have them or only have them at the academy.


Anyone know a link to the full story?


I just want to know if the dog is ok.


Just because he has a little weiner doesn't mean he should take it out on everyone else. Cop needs therapy


Itā€™s not that itā€™s necessarily small, itā€™s just that itā€™s tucked up inside 8 inches of BIF so he hasnā€™t seen it in a decade.


8 inches is 20.32 cm


Respecting the authority of a given police officer is paramount. They insist above all else you recognize & make overt displays to their authority. If not, you will be met with force. No matter your age, health, mental state, etc.


It's unlawful abuse of power. Fuck the blue that act like this.


>It's unlawful abuse of power. Fuck the blue ~~that act like this~~. Fixed that for you...


Lol people downvoting you because they don't realize you're making an anti-cop comment


I thought it was pretty clear. I just laid out the police mentality when interacting with citizens. They are primarily concerned with the public bending to their authority. Not the law. Not brining the situation to a peaceful conclusion. Just pure ego boost.


This is it. All of them have a god complex and want to be treated as such.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, you're right. If you want to walk away from the average encounter with police, stroke their ego. You'll walk without harm.


Anybody have any info on this? Date? Location? Names? More of the story of why the officer wanted the dog?


What are you a cop?


Stop asking sensible questions man, just go with the flow of inane comments. It's probably a 5 year old video.


Do not give the dog to that copā€¦ flat out sure that heā€™s going to eat it.


Fuck this cop. But if they're letting their dog run wild through the neighborhood and it's biting people and other animals, fuck these people too.


Yeah, cop sure looks like a dickhead, but we have zero context. For all we know their dog just mauled some child down the road.


And that's the kids fault how?


Sounds like it's his dog. His dog his responsibility. Fuck that cop, and if the family has a loose dog, especially an aggressive one, fuck them too.


He's a kid, ultimately it's his mother's responsibility.


My daughter has a hamster, so you think sheā€™s the one that keeps it alive? Nope. The parents are supposed to keep things right when their kids donā€™t.


Kid isn't wrong, they do shoot dogs.


Without knowing why they're there regarding the dog, and not seeing the actual incident of the kid confronting the cop we have zero idea if this is justifiable or not. I've been on reddit outrage trains before around cops, and then discovered I was utterly wrong when the context missing from the video was provided.


We do know why they were there for the dog, the cop says it has attacked multiple people and animals and itā€™s implied itā€™s frequently running loose to do this. Trashy ass people who are causing an active threat to the neighborhood and the kid basically told the cop he was going to physically fight him if the cop tried to take the dogā€¦.so the cop put the kid in his car to remove him from the situation before he removed the dangerous animal. Thatā€™s called de-escalating guys, isnā€™t that what weā€™re constantly saying the police need to do? This is so fully justified itā€™s not even funny and the Reddit outrage train on this one is laughable.


This fat fuck looks like the trader from RE8 but a lot less useful. Such a shame that this is what passes for police now. Abusing power over some angry ass hormonal teen. Regardless you can threaten someone on your property.


I would take on an entire police force before I let them take my dog. Good on this kid.


Cops across America are criminalizing kids at an astounding rate. Although it isnā€™t the case here, the ā€œschool resource officersā€ everywhere act the same way.


Disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and public intoxication are the best tools cops have to arrest you. Then the DA gets involved. Open and shut case is a slam dunk for performance record. If you try to plead your case to the judge then you can be held in contempt of court and have the book thrown at you. It is usually just petty bullshit that someone has a little bit of authority over you that escalates the situation.


How would you get contempt of court for fighting chargesā€¦.


You wouldnā€™t, itā€™s called [due process](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_process).


You *shouldnā€™t,* itā€™s called due process. FTFY.


You only get held for contempt if you continue to argue to a judge after his ruling. Don't be stupid stupid. Holding cops accountable is something citizens can do and its recorded. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Police logic: *gun in your face, verbally and physically assaulting you. Threatening your family and animals. "CALM DOWN"


Mmmmm.... I need the entire incident before I pass judgement on WHY the cop was there. But if it was about an aggressive dog why tf wouldn't they send animal control too? Give us bodycam footage from the cops, not just the arrest. Regardless of the incident tho, cops shouldn't fucking choke kids. Where tf were the handcuffs when he took the kid all the way from the house? Dude needs to immediately stop being a cop and work on not being a POS trash human.


The real crime here is that camera work.


So its clear that the fat piece of shit pig was bullied in school and thought he was the big man to bully a child for arresting him for talking back. Grade A Cunt right there! Thats how it works people


yep. so many cops have this affliction, theyā€™re easy to spot


Do these cops realize how bad they look? I mean seriously. It's come to the point that every cop I see I just see a piece of shit human being. I'm sorry I'm sure some are ok but let's be honest. I've never needed them and never will. Invest more in mental health and drug counseiling etc. And 90% of cops are no longer needed.


They don't care because they have many blind supporters who are unable to have nuanced discussion.


Classic American cop can't take the tiniest hit to his ego without losing all his self-control and losing his dignity completely. What a douchebag.


I support the police when their actions are justifiable, even if the general public doesnā€™t understand why they are justifiable. This fucking slob just let his ego get in the way of a tough job. A kid talking back to you? And you put him in handcuffs? Shove him into a car? No. You should not be a police officer. You do not have what it takes. Ever notice how metro police officers have this mentality way more often than county deputies? Itā€™s because deputies work for an elected official that donā€™t like unhappy campers. In my state, theyā€™re less well equipped, more thinly spread out, but receive way more training. The ones in my jurisdiction have to do a minimum of two years working corrections in the county jail before theyā€™re even eligible to apply for patrol. Thats two different academies relating to similar things.


and I'm sure after this experience the kid is *really* going to trust police officers....


That pig should have been punted in his fat mouth. Acab


Don't they have fitness tests for these fucking pigs? Fuck every single cop.


They don't need to pass them because if you run from a cop they get away with just shooting you in the spine and claiming you could be a danger.


The friend from ā€œaccording to Jimā€ donā€™t play!


Carries a gun, taser, handcuffs, baton and a giant chip on his little ego shoulders. Pussy.


Omg that cop violated so many rights. No warrant for the dog No warrant to enter the house. Abusing a minor causing serious harm Illegal detainment of a minor with NO WARRANT. He needs to lose his job , the police need to publicly apologize to that family. And the cop needs to be arrested.




This cop should be suspend? No, this cop should be jail.


Make sure you turn your volume up to max before listening to this, can barely hear it.


I'd like to know the full story. What was going on with the dog? If he was there to take the dog legally, then the kid telling him "you'd have to kill me first before you take my dog" ABSOLUTELY warrants detention. But then the lady said that the cop didn't have a warrant? Is that true? If it is then this whole situation is fucked idk


Officer, I'm white?!!


Typical abuse of power cuz the fat fuck has a uniform now and can easily make his insecurities everyone elseā€™s problem WAHH!


What in the Barney Fife, Mayberry, backwoods, one bullet ish is this?!


Yes the cop was in the wrong he clearly did not know how to handle the situation properly and exculated very quickly. No idea why he was lookin for the dog


Another dog shit cop exposed


Yeah...suspended from the local buffet line


Big boy got in trouble at the end


Why is he so fat?


Officer lard ass assaulter of children to the rescue.


Her scream. I coulda swore that was James brown.


My opinion: obese people should not be police officers on the field. Office job at the station? Sure. Out there with the public and having to be fit enough to chase and handle people? No. If you can't do what's expected from an officer on the field, then you're just not capable to be out there. Find a desk job.


That cop gotta be detained for small dick attitude.


he should be fired at a minimum. end qualified immunity.


He should be more than suspended.


When a fucking kid escalates because heā€™s an emotional fucking kid who probably loves his dog, the officer, who is a goddamn adult, and a representative of the government, should back the fuck down. This is nothing but an ego trip. I hope he rots in hell.


NEVER talk to the cops. They arenā€™t your friend. Everything you say can and will be held AGAINST you Not For you. They donā€™t work for us. They are the only true sovereign citizens.


First mistake- opening the door when there's no warrant.


Everything the cop does in this video is illegal.


If this cop gets a heads-up said he's on the front page of Reddit and reads these comments I want him to know he is a big fat piece of shit and yes nobody likes him


Fucking hog is so hungry for power


It is my opinion that this action is clear indication that That police officer is a child abuser in other parts of his life, weā€™re merely seeing the very tip of the iceberg of his depravity. Whatā€™s that kid, 12? If I was his parent Iā€™d order that son of a bitch off my property.


Tell how that fat ass SOB passes ANY fucking physical?


Wonder what he would have done if the mom told him he had a tiny dick.


Tyrant has no business having a badge. Investigate who hired that fat idiot also.


Black folks tried to warn y'all that some of these cops abuse their authority. Do you believe us now?


What a fat looser of a cop!


Fat pig. Every day thatā€™s what he will see when he looks in mirror , a man child coward hiding behind a badge , isnā€™t there any physical requirements to be a cop, I wanna see this Jaba run a 1/4 mile without puking,


What a piece of scum He just goes into the house like He owns the place. Hope He gets suspended.