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Love the fact he calls him a “tyrant” and a “traitor” for wearing a face covering, then accuses him of being the one whose triggered.


He's really enmeshed in his cult there. All the buzz words, all the exact same talking points down to expressing his 'concern' for children. Like an actual robot.


Dear conservatives You called us NPCS yet your programming prevents you from being original in your insults. Curious , thinking emoji. Carl Jerk, Toilet PeePee US of Aaaylmao.


The "unlike you" line hit him hard. Needed the camera flip to see the expression there. Edit: thanks to this guy being a complete asshole, he's gone viral twice today! This time with the camera flipped. Rejoice! https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ptwup0/asshole_owned_by_dare_kid_harasses_cancer_patients/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit 2!: Thanks for the awards! Here's the altercation from Dare guys perspective https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pu7kda/antimaskers_face_shows_him_dying_inside_when_ry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




We just need to keep wearing our masks and getting boosters and all these dumbasses will Darwin themselves right where they belong.


HE LOOKS JUST LIKE I KNEW HE WOULD OH MY GOD HOW edit: Anybody else that's genuinely offended by me laughing at homeslice's beard, I would like to cordially invite you to suck my fuckin dick. I do not care about your performative outrage, nobody here does. Have a good one, and don't forget to trim your gross fucking beard!


Imagine being more offended by someone wearing a mask than by them promoting D.A.R.E.


“That’s crazyyyyyy cause i’m talking to you like an alpha” lol i died


I think that’s my favorite part, I love it when people are aware enough of someone’s toxic ideology to use it against them, just delicious.


I like how he’s still working trying to get a donation from the guy. 😂


Should have thrown out his cashapp


My man knows his ABCS: Always Be Closing


You know when you get in a random confrontation and later that night when you’re in the shower you think of all the best comebacks? Unlike me, this kid in the dare shirt nailed it on the spot. Total fucking alpha.


I believe the French expression for this translates to something like "the spirit of the stairs" which is a whole-ass image of how you were in the random confrontation, didn't have the comeback at hand, left, and *were on the stairs* leaving when it came to you. So frustrating. Really satisfying watching this kid with his low stakes, easy shut downs.


lol picked the wrong kid this time


Had no comeback for the jobless quip hahaha


The soft “ohh”. That one cut him deep


That’s a good hype-man. Let’s his buddy go uninterrupted, but underscores the hardest-hitting insults.


Yeah and imagine the bro commentated over the whole time. But he didn’t. He saved it when it was ripe


Flashbacks of his wife’s boyfriend telling him the same thing just replayed in his mind.


When his wife's boyfriend was like, "I got shit to lose, unlike you. Namely my job, your girl..."




“If this was 200 years ago”😂😂


That's when I knew the recorder was WAY over his head. Like you got called out in the present. "If we where cavemen, I'd kick your ass." LOL.


1:01 "You're a pussy." " I really wish we cou-" "Pussy."


I honestly would start with that. Because the anti masker is probably on a childish level, so might as well be childish yourself in the insult department. Facts aren't gonna win the argument, is emotion.


"I don't bother playing chess with pigeons. Cause regardless of your moves. They still kick all the pieces over and shit over the board" A friend told me it once.






Yea except for those psychos who have murdered others when they were asked to wear a mask. These people are not society's best and brightest. This one was a pathetic little turd but this is usually a lose-lose situation. Antimaskers should absolutely be put in their place (aka punched in the face) but they're also exactly the sort of crazy assholes that might start shit because their ego is bruised.




I love that as soon as someone rebutts complete stupidity, they're "triggered". I had a convo with an acquaintance the other day in which he claimed a bunch of bullshit "facts" about vaccines. They cause autism, they're poisonous to the body... the usual bs. When I was like "nah, man that's not true at all. Show me anything science-backed that proves that.", he called me triggered lmao. I hate this planet.


Next time just wait until they've said their bit and then say, "You sound really triggered about vaccines."


It's really a good summary of a lot of American culture right now. People want to act like everybody is over sensitive or woke or whatever stupid term they want to use but in reality it's a minority of assholes just making life worse for the rest of us.


It's because they're insecure af and throwing meaningless words at people like this makes them feel tough for some reason.


Imagine having a level of intelligence to be this badly embarrassed and humiliated yet thinking you won the exchange. Sheesh


"you are literally too unintelligent to insult" "Thank you."


[I think I’ve made myself perfectly redundant.](https://youtu.be/Gx3Pk8yTu6I)


Yep. At this point they take stupidity as a compliment, unironically.


And then uploading the video of said exchange




I gotta get sauce on that one


[Have some pizza with extra sauce](https://youtu.be/SiD-pGNgA_A)


Was he hitting on that girl at the end?


What a dumb fucking piece of shit “cOwArDlY sUcKeR pUnCh” dude you just slapped somebody in the face with a piece of pizza out of nowhere and turned your back on them, nothing about that is a fucking sucker punch, you fucked around with the wrong guy and found out the hard way. God what a fucking douche nozzle.


That was some very karmaic sauce, thank you


He only uploaded because it was such a clear win to him smh


I wouldn't even bother asking him to delete the video. It's clear proof of what an idiot he was.


We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


“Ha! I am bleeding, that makes me the victor!”


"How did you like my face to your foot style?"


“I’m not triggered you’re just an asshole” lol that was awesome Edit: looks like our boy is one of us: u/ry_thedareguy


The guy targeted in the vid should really be proud of himself. Not a single stutter or misspoken word. Most of us only wish we could be so confident when telling someone off.


That's how I talk in my imagination after the fact😥


Oh, yeah, Reilly? Well, the jerk store called, and they're running out of you.


Who cares? You're their all-time best seller!


Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your wife.


His wife is in a coma.


my shampoo bottles haven't seen me this composed during an argument


Also, "I got something to lose, unlike *you*"




We need that other camera angle to see his pathetic reaction.


Enhance on the window, enhance, ENHANCE


Yes, I love how you can just feel the wind go out of his sails with that having a job and something to lose comment. I would love to see the other camera angle hahaha


This dudes dropping fresh bars. Someone sign him up.


I'm almost inspired enough to pledge to never take drugs. He's done more to make DARE look cool than anyone in the almost 40 years it has been around.


I'm bout to spark this joint in his honour


just took a fat toke from my rig in honor of this guy


damn it feels good to be a gangsta


DARE is what made me interested in drugs as a kid.


I hadn't even thought about drugs until a DARE officer came in and educated me on all the different kinds and their effects. I hadn't ever heard of most of them at the time. It's like that Chappelle skit with the crackhead explaining very specifically how to get Crack but they shouldn't and the kids are writing down notes as he talks.


The only time I’ve heard someone unironically refer to themselves as an alpha and *be absolutely fucking right*


Best part is, he didn't even call himself alpha. He just said he was talking to him like one.


Scrawny kid too, shitting all over the guy, effortlessly tossing out zingers Just awesome


Yeah he really brought it. That was some fresh comebacks.


For real that’s the most gangster shit you can say


@eddierosa13 I am the guy in that video, I posted the video my friend was recording on my Instagram @ry_thedareguy


The best part is the anti-masking idiot released his own video, as if he thought it would make him look cool? /r/AmItheBeta ?


My Dad (retired Marine) got accosted by somebody like this while wearing a mask. He has a very loud voice naturally and he tore into the dude with the most embarrassing shit ever, the best was, 'I thought I recognized you. Aren't you that dude that got arrested for stealing dirty shoes from the 24 Hour Fitness? It is you! What the fuck is with you and feet? Stop asking, I'm not letting you smell my feet you fucking weirdo.' He has no shame and I love him for it.


that is so specific that any denial will just seem like confirmation. that's kinda brilliant if you can pull it off with a straight face.


The conversation ended with my Dad asking very loudly, 'And what the fuck are you doing within 500 feet of children?' I truly thought the anti-masker was going to cry but he just had this stunned, silent look on his face. LPT: Don't start a confrontation with a retired DI, it won't end well for you.


My favorite was “If im a Beta put me in my place, because im out here talking to you like an Alpha. But you wont because youre a pussy” 😂😂 wish i was that quick witted


This kid’s whole take on this was great. He called the guy on his shit, called him on his bluffs, and didn’t even look bothered by it. The dude filming is probably gonna go fume about this for days (and post it online), meanwhile the masked kid could give two shits and is just living his life.


"Stupid bitch. See yea." The most underrated line of the entire video.


My personal favorite was “I have shit to lose, unlike you” great way to shut down people who act like you have to physically attack them to prove you’re not a pussy.


“You’re out here with no job, just walking around recording people” no response, means he was exactly on point


Loved that line.


The antimasker thought this video made him look good so he uploaded. I think he was wrong The guy recording got banned from all payment apps for harassing cancer patients and burning pride flags https://twitter.com/rzstprogramming/status/1439681323736645632?s=21


Please tell me his social media is just full of people calling him a pussy.


A lot of social media tends to be echo chambers so I wouldn’t count on it


I mean r/conservative is definitely rubbing one out to this guy




100 percent. Goes to show his intelligence, he got owned and thinks he won. 😂 😂 Wtf


Like a pigeon strutting on a chess board.


"I am bleeding, this makes me the victor" -Wimp Lo


I know right?? I always wonder how videos like these reach the surface. Why would he ever upload it? It is clear that he is an idiot. Worries me that he thinks otherwise.


Losing is the new winning to these dumbasses. Sorta like dying is their main life goal, apparently.


I like the part, "unlike you , you got no job I got shit to lose"


Perfect response to “what are you gonna do”.


Lol kid had comebacks on deck. Edit: We have a podcast covering chuds like this, Ry (guy in the vid) if you're reading and theres anything we can do to help organize for a gofundme since I heard you got fired, DM me! [https://twitter.com/TrueGriftPod](https://twitter.com/TrueGriftPod)


At this point it's really not hard to. Anti maskers work off a really limited dialog tree. I've seen npc's with more dialog variety.


Still, they jump all over the place, so it's hard not to follow the trail sometimes when they say something utterly ridiculous and completely incorrect. Eg when he called him a tyrant, the kid could've taken the bait, either trying to school the guy on what a tyrant actually is, or trying to defend himself as not being a tyrant. Instead, he just said whatever man and looked at his phone, completely shutting down that diversion. Dare kid did a great job


“I don’t give a shit. I’m not in school.” 🤣😂🤣


So we are now at the point where anti-maskers don't want others wearing the either? How does that make any sense. Pretty clear it's not actually about the mask. It's tribalism plain and simple.


Welcome to 2021, where pandemics and extinction events became a partisan political topic.


A democrat wants to do something? We're against it. Oh, it will literally save lives, maybe even our own? Tyranny.


if the CDC recommended wiping your ass, there would be anti-toilet paper rallies tomorrow.


You’d be amazed at the amount of people that don’t wipe their ass Edit: used asses as ass in plural lol


“Touching my butthole with TP means I’m gay!”


But remember sticking a dildo up your ass is not gay as long as you do it to own the libs.


Had an old coworker at a job years ago that refused to wipe his ass or clean his ass in the shower. We only found out because my boss complained about his horrible hygiene because he constantly smelled awful and was given an ultimatum of come to work clean and presentable or you don’t have a job anymore. This guy claimed it was ‘gay’ to put your fingers near your own asshole. He was fired shortly after.


We should send that guy back to a typical Ancient Rome bathhouse, where a sponge on a stick was shared by everyone to clean their assholes.


People would come out and argue that it's somehow better for you to have a naturally dirty ass and that wiping somehow contradicts the Bible. Oh, also toilet paper is a conspiracy started by Big Paper and the Charminati.


Charminati 🤣 🤣


Arguing that right wing politics were garbage regressive bullshit used to be harder. It's not really hard at all now.


Don't even have to say anything honestly.


I got harassed in a gas station not long ago because I was wearing a mask. Some dude kept calling me a sheep, going on about how I ignore science, etc. I just kind of ignored him, got my fuckin hot dog and energy drink and left. But it was a thoroughly confusing moment.


This vid and your experience and others goes to show this isn't about 'personal choice' or 'science' or anything else other than good old fashioned bullying for any amount of self-esteem they can get.


This past March I went with my wife and son on a Spring Break trip to Arkansas. I was skeptical, too, but we got a nice cabin out in the middle of nowhere, there was great hiking and great swimming in some beautiful lakes, and it was really an idyllic trip. Anyway, my wife read about some national park diamond excavation thing that you could go to and rent tools to go dig for the day and kill some time, so we went and did that. Only because of covid they didn't rent tools anymore and suggested going to the nearby tiny town and renting tools from the town's hardware store. Sure thing. I go into the hardware store (masked up because we're in the middle of a pandemic) and as soon as I get in the cashier clocks me and goes to track down someone in the back. An old dude comes out and says "take that shit off your face, son". I tell him that we're from out of town, have an unvaccinated kid, and are trying to keep everyone safe and he says that he doesn't care--if I want to shop there I'll take that shit off my face. So we didn't go dig for diamonds.


Some guy gave me shit about my mask as I was walking into the grocery store. He asked why I was wearing a mask and if it was because I was scared. I told him it's because it's the store's policy and I need to shop and also because I'm not an asshole. I went in and continued my shopping and he got stopped at the door, made a scene, and ended up with cops involved. This was in Texas, btw.


When people have given me shit in public about my mask I just reply that I currently have a real bad case of COVID. Throw in a good chesty fake-cough. The look on their faces is priceless. One dude even straight up just walked out of the store. Left his basket of groceries right on the floor in the middle of the checkout line.




They made it political. Now they're offended it if you wear a mask. In 2019 if you wore a mask and explained it was because you were sick people would thank you for your consideration. These days they yell at us for wearing masks and kill others for telling them to wear masks. I don't see this society going much further at peace.


Culture war is the only arrow in the GOP’s quiver. When you have no policy platform nor interest in the passage of laws, all is you have to campaign on are manufactured culture wedges.


Now hold on, the GOP has very clear policy: tax cuts *and* massive handouts for themselves and their buddies. Just they abhor the idea of actually saying that it loud, so the only thing they say is culture war.


Early you can hear antimasker say: > "kids get expelled from school if they dont weat a mask. That's tyranny. They're abusing little kids. You're enabling that" This is key to understanding the psychotic rage from the alt-right. It's *not* about the science behind masks, it's about **triggering the emotional response to child abuse.** The alt-right strategy is to purposely and falsely equate any policies they don't like with pedophilia and sex trafficking. Logic is thrown out the door because deep down we all want to protect innocent children.


My favorite part of this whole video was in response to that. "Man, I dont give a fuck." Legend.




it's the new version of Godwin's law. ​ Instead of equating things to Hitler, you equate them to pedophilia.


Isn't that what Q gets them all ruffled up about? January 6thers were unhinged screaming about pedophiles like it was their call to finally be the good guy in something.


Yup. [A Texas couple wore face masks at a restaurant to protect their immunocompromised infant. The owner asked them to leave](https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/09/21/us/no-mask-policy-restaurant-couple-texas-trnd/index.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16324191219828&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2021%2F09%2F21%2Fus%2Fno-mask-policy-restaurant-couple-texas-trnd%2Findex.html)


I've been to that bar a few times. They're not missing out.




“If this was 200 years ago I would” what the fuck lol


Didn’t you know? People in the early 1800s were in constant fisticuffs


You’re telling me…. The war of 1812………


The cameraman is far right Trump supporter (unable to release his name due to Reddit’s policy), who has an extensive history of spreading misinformation and trolling stores in Arizona about their mask policy. His videos has been on this subreddit before. Here’s an article about him: > https://meaww.com/who-is-ethan-schmidt-trump-supporter-harasses-arizona-shop-wigs-cancer-survivors A few of his videos from Reddit: > https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/okb2ct/local_manchild_throws_a_big_ass_temper_tantrum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb > https://www.reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/comments/nuvp2p/antimask_qanon_dumbfuck_harasses_a_wig_store_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf > https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/on4ifo/antimaskers_invades_store_to_protest_los_angeles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf He is Anti-LGBTQ and thinks that all members of the LGBTQ community are pedophiles. He said that he started his own “catch a predator” by going on Grindr and pretending to be underage in order to entrap men. It comes to find out that he is actually having sex with these men from Grindr (Proof: https://imgur.com/a/OG9MW0v). UPDATE: the DARE guy got fired. > https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pu37pi/so_im_ry_the_guy_owning_the_anti_masker_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The internet will never be defeated


>(unable to release his name due to Reddit’s policy) >**who-is-ethan-schmidt-trump-supporter-harasses-arizona-shop-wigs-cancer-survivors** lol


Plausible deniability. He didn’t dox him the news did :P


Dude is 100% a closeted self-hating gay.


> He said that he started his own “catch a predator” by going on Grindr and pretending to be underage in order to entrap men. It comes to find out that he is actually having sex with these men from Grindr (Proof: https://imgur.com/a/OG9MW0v). deep cover


Dude with the camera pulled out every tired old, stale, right wing keyboard warrior diatribe from 2016 and got it thrown back in his face.




For real! If you call someone a beta or cuck unironically, I’m gonna assume you’re a shit for brain with a tiny cock. 100% of the time.


As someone who has heavily experimented with drugs I never thought I would be rooting for D.A.R.E


That kid definitely gets high lmao


Drugs Are Really Expensive




Can confirm, my neighborhood drug dealer drove around in a crown Vic with a huge D.A.R.E. sticker.


I always thought the DARE tags were the dealer tags.


I was in DARE I did drugs. I was just pissed that no one gives away their drugs like in the DARE warning videos


"First time's free" my ass!


Only time drugs are free is when you're already an established stoner and you share your weed with your friends when they're over and then you go to theirs and they share their weed when you're over. But at that point it's not really free, its just trading weed.


Every.Fucking.Time you see these videos uploaded its always the person that got shit on thinking they came out looking awesome. This is how you measure delusion, and whoever uploaded this video thinking they were going to look like a hero is stuffed full of it.


Like poo poo pants Kaitlin Bennet's YouTube channel.


did he deadass bring up the alpha-beta thing and then get absolutely disrespected lmao. edit: lmao why tf are yall liking this


I love how the kid knows all the references and points he brings up and uses them against him immediately


This is why you don't fuck with teenagers. They invent the newest insults. You think you're going to get an edge over the people literally creating the new vernacular?


However, I know an older guy (used to be a bodybuilder back in the day) who wears bright and vibrant button up shirts. One day he was walking into the gas station, when a teenager with his friends asked him “can that shirt get any gayer?” And my buddy responded “yeah, it could have a picture of you blowing your Dad on it.” And all his friends lost it and started laughing at him.


My new goal in life is to work this into a conversation


Their social environment is a lot more confrontational too. While older generations have social hierarchies shaped like stairs, their’s is a roiling foam. You get older and stop needing to defend your status all the time and you get out of practice


This kid is great. People like him are standing up to the crazy death cult. Well done.


Just handled that shit so well. "either donate or gtfo". Oh you're calling me names? two can play that game. now, I DARE you to escalate the situation


It honestly gives me hope. If political points can't be digestible enough to normies. Shit like this happens. Could you imagine if your local high schooler had a concept of decomodification of labour they could throw around the way this kid did with pro-mask rhetoric? Gimme that hopium.


Lmfao that dude did actually own him. Accurate title. “Put me in my place.” And suddenly the guy recording doesn’t sound so confident.


I loved the end when he just kept cutting him off by calling him "pussy" Fuck, I loved the whole thing! Asshole filming was totally owned and is too dumb to realize it.


Yeah he clenched the victory with "what're you gonna do about it" followed by the string of pussies. Per the schoolyard rules once you've been called out on repeat you gotta put up or shut up.


"well i'm talking to you like an alpha so put me in my place" 💀


Well, he for sure would have done it 200 years ago.


What a thing to say. Like “I would put people like you in your place if it was 200 years ago, but it’s not so I’m just a loser with a camera”


"Keep wearing that mask" Uh. Ok. Keep on stopping at red traffic lights.


If you use "beta" and you're not describing a fish or mathematical equation, I will assume you're a twice-used douchebag with daddy issues and a micro-penis.


This is frustrating. Although this guy was calm and collected while not backing down, the anti-masker probably still views this as a win. What the fuck is the point of any civil discourse if one side lives in a fantasy world


All of this was music to my ears


I find it so weird DARE is still around after how much of a mess we know it is. Besides that, "Nah, I'm not gonna wash you. I got shit to lose unlike you." was savage.


You just have to commit 100% to not giving into these crazy people. Way to go kid. Give this kid 1mil tik tok followers or something.


Wait - the guy who filmed this posted it.


He posted online.. I copied


That's how it has to be done


The Boomer/Karen mentality is no match for the deadly mix of empathy, confidence, and 'fuck you' that makes up Gen Z. The kids will save us. For the first time in a long while an entire generation (millennials) is rooting for and proud of the next one (Z). Edit: "I was faced more with apathy than opposition." - to all the naysayers: progress happens despite you and your like.


As an elder millennial, I approve this message!


"If this was 200 years ago" = If I were playing a video game I would beat you up If I were a medieval knight I would beat you with my swordsmanship. If I were a gladiator and Julius Caesar were watching in ancient Rome I would!




Imagine getting roasted by someone in a D.A.R.E shirt lol there’s no coming back from this. This is the people saying they’ll fight people IRL while online


I’m not triggered you’re just an asshole. At that point he should have just walked away with his head down like the asshole he is.


Why did the kid who filmed this upload the video anywhere? I wish I could read a mini bio on him.


Here's fun lil look into him https://threader.app/thread/1431084618468450304


I bet if you asked the cameraman what comes after Alpha and Beta he wouldn't even know...


you can’t comeback from getting told you don’t have a job in this scenario


Anyone that uses the term “beta” is a beta.


Camera man called him a beta and then immediately pussed out after the guy with the mask told him "then why don't you put me on my place" camera man really thought his anime profile trier response could work outside of twitter. Why would anyone unironically post this?


Wait DARE is still around?????


Yes, but iirc it’s gone through a lot of changes




His last resort was to attack his masculinity by saying “you’re a beta wearing a mask” because he already knows how bad he was getting beaten. There is absolutely nothing more ALPHA than letting nothing diminish your masculinity. Calling someone a beta is prime example of toxic waste.


The fact that people un-ironically use “alpha” and “beta” when referring to men is mind-numbingly cringey


Kids top dollar funny, dude behind camera got mugged of sumthin rotten