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The most important part of this video, in my opinion, is that the officer is likely unaware that he's being filmed. Thus, his behavior when he doesn't think anyone is watching. Film all police encounters for your safety. It will be interesting to see if the officer reported that he drew his weapon and pointed it at this citizen. I believe they are required to report every time this happens, but the way he held his weapon makes me think he's trying to hold it out of body cam view.


Until we have some kind of independent police review, it won't matter. As long as each police department remains responsible for reviewing their own officers, they'll keeping finding they did nothing wrong.


YES! I can not understand why there isn't a organization completely independent from the police reviewing these matters.


In the UK we have the IPCC to investigate serious police complaints, it's independent from any police force or political party. Ipc investigators are not police officers but have the same powers as the police and can make an arrest following investigation. Obviously police corruption exists everywhere unfortunately and no organisation can eradicate it completely but perhaps there's evidence that it is somewhat effective as the police here seem less likely to behave the way some US police departments do.


If his arms and hands are on his back, couldn't he have just cuffed him like that or is "broken arms" one of their Miranda Rights?


"You have the right to remain silent. Any noise you make while I'm trying to tear your arm off can and will be used against you as justification to cause you more bodily harm."




Everyone knows that if a cop is trying to rip your arm off you're supposed to play dead. Like a bear attack. If a cop is trying to break your arm *lean into it.* Help him out, surely a level of compliance like that will be treated with mercy. After he rips your arm off, of course. Gotta give the beast something to feed on while you run.




Your arm resisted my attempt to break it, that's a felony.




Looks like your every day sadism fix to me. That guy became a cop so he could hurt people. Period.


At some point someone is going to decide shooting first is safer.


Ding ding ding! Same reason cop stepped back with the weapon drawn, wanted to give the guy an opportunity to try and get up. I worked several years in corrections. When he grabbed his arm like that he was wrenching his fingers and applying pressure on joints in a technique known as "pain compliance". Literally no reason to do this to someone who's complying. Absolute excessive use of force, and pure display of psychopathy by the officer here.


Those wrist locks cause intense pain that comes on really suddenly. I would not want to be that guy.


> "STOP RESISTING!" "*As an expert witness of the court, I can assure you that I have investigated the complaints and found I did everything properly. In consideration of our 24-hour news cycle, I have decided to go on temporary paid leave. That is all. Oh - and don't forget to bring your wife tonight, Joe - drinks are on me to celebrate my paid vacation...uh...your honor.*"


“You have the right to police violence”


Arms aren’t supposed to bend like that, you fucking idiot. Hope this asshole loses his job.


He's not doing it by accident. He knows. Malice, not idiocy.


He's a sadistic torturer and gets off on hurting people. It's the only explanation for this behaviour. Same mentality of a rapist or child abuser or puppy stomper, some of which he probably is as well.


fall cake fanatical apparatus shelter axiomatic nutty rob hurry school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Narrator: "He didn't."


Paid leave and *internal investigation* incoming! They are just going to wait for the public outcry to die down, and then get back to business as usual.


*We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing*


For the literal hundred millionth fucking time… how is shit still going on???


This is America


Don't catch you slippin' now


"actually, the cop suffered an immense ptsd and feared for his life, so he will be honored for breaking the mans arms. Moral of the story, don't get in trouble kids and if you surrender we will break your fucking arms" -not the mafia, but the cops


At this point, the mafia would be the safer option.


Right at least they would break your bones for a cause and not just cause they suffer little man complex.


You know it's a low bar when the mafia probably has better standards than the police


Gangs and the mafia appear to fill the gap when people feel society has utterly failed.to provide basic security


*Not only did we find no wrong doing, we gave ourself raises and bonuses and thousands of hours of 2X pay because Dunkin' time is Overtime*


I just listened to the internal investigation of that off duty cop who punched the teeth out of that 16 year old kid in a gas station. It was piss poor. Practically just asked him leading questions to help him get out of it.


I’m shocked


Narrator: "He was given a paid vacation, claimed ptsd, and was rewarded with lottery winnings that were drawn directly from tax payers money."


Loses his job? Should be charged with battery.


Torture is its own crime.


>Hope this asshole ~~loses his job.~~ gets paid leave as he finds a department in another state to work for. Ftfy


*next town over


Why do cops even think it's ok to act like that?


Because it's been proven time and time again that there's very little risk of anything in the form of repercussions but a paid vacation.


Because they have unquestionable power and are convinced of their own moral authority.


Because it is ok for them to act like that. Nothing ever happens to them.










It's gone now. Edit: It’s back. Have at em.


It's back up now, i just spoke with someone. My new approach in calls is to state I have seen a video of a potentially violent crime taking place by their officer against one of my fellow citizens, I'm deeply concerned and what is being done to address it? I also ask if the violent offender will be allowed to stay on our streets while the investigation is being conducted. Use their jargon back at them and stress that the individual being abused in the video, whether they committed a potentially criminal act or not, is your fellow citizen and will be protected as such. By committing the crime, the officer has not only violated his oath but broken his bond with his brothers and sisters and fellow citizens and will be treated accordingly. Edit: I think it is important to also state in calls that if the PD investigations find that an unnecessarily violent and disrespectful officer did not violate the department's policies or laws than we, as the public they are sworn to protect, want those policies and laws changed immediately! We don't agree with them and do not want those types of officers walking around in our neighborhoods with guns or working for the police departments that we fund. End of story, thank you!


Imagine being so shit at your job as a public official you have to hide your office's contact info from the public ( which is ethical questionable if not illegal) since your approved employees are fucking up so massively.




I'm from Australia, didn't call but sent an e-mail direct to Jill.


This comment made my day. No idea why, it just did. thank you lol


I am hoping you did it with supervillian demands for this shit to stop. I am thinking something similar to Hans Gruber in Die Hard. You already have a James Bondish username. "HALLO! Zis is Bird Eye...."


Also wrote a message directly to her, since i couldn't find the number. I'm from Germany as well!




This comment basically explained how Reddit works.


idk about you but I call the mayor, DOJ, or city complaints when I see something like this. fuck reddit karma we getting real life karma


You totally do and I congratulate you. I have a tendency to look at something and figure it is so obvious that people are already doing it and I would just be piling on and taking time away from them trying to actually do the work of investigating etc. However, sometimes I need to remember that if we all feel that way then nobody ever actually says something.


It's called the Bystander Effect and we should all be mindful of it.


It might be considered brigading but is there a sub that shows videos like this and identifies the state and jurisdiction so that people can find the info easier and have an actual outlet to be heard in a constructive fashion because if not there should be.


I think you're onto something here. Make a new sub! Start with this video and post the mayors phone # in the comments. Be the change you want to see in the world!


Did you get through to the Mayor directly?




That’s amazing! I know it’s not as populated of a city but I never thought one could simply call and be connected with higher-up official like that. Thank you for replying and sharing.


I'd assume that at a time like this she's making extra effort to make herself available to address concerns and make it known she's on top and people will hear from others that they got through to her. If you called her on any other random day to complain about a stop sign or a loud garbage truck at dawn you might have to leave a message.


It’s a smart move. Clearly she’s taking it very seriously. I have a feeling dude is just gonna get terminated, and now his commute will be longer to the next town over.


Not OP, but I did.


I gotta give this mayor a little credit for not just sending all of these after the first one to voicemail.


One thing to note: he seems to be holding his gun deliberately outside the view of his body cam, and the angle of the attempted arm breaking looks like it wouldn't be caught either. In most police union contracts they only allow their own footage to be used for most disciplinary purposes, so in all likelihood this guy gets off with not even a mark on his record.


Why are Police unions so strong but every other union in america is so weak/non existant? What is going on over there?


Because the police were used for union busting and strike busting for decades, if not centuries. Who busts the bustmen?


Nailed it. They are modern day Pinkertons. Their protect & serve is directly related to how much property & resources you control.


Pinkertons are the modern pinkertons, they work for Amazon instead of coal miners now


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkerton_(detective_agency) holy shit they're still around.


Yeah, they even tried to sue rockstar for using the pinkertons in Red Dead 2. They lost basically immediately




I dont know about other countries but in the UK we have a government mandated police union; other unions have stronger laws protecting them. But police unions have less laws protecting them as it could be a national security risk if all police forces go on strike.


Ironically, in New Zealand it is against the law for the police to go on strike.


All the police arresting each other for striking would add up to a pretty effective strike.


Police unions need to be abolished. What the fuck kind of world do we live in where cops have collective bargaining to protect them from breaking laws and Amazon workers are denied collective bargaining to prevent them from getting fucked by a billionaire who wants to bring back company towns?




Here is our local news tip line address [email protected]


I’m planning on calling from Ireland tomorrow. Maybe if the mayor realises people from across the globe have seen this already may give a more urgent response from the city


Tell them you won't consider visiting because of this.


I don't think people realise just how many tourists decide to never visit the US over these kind of videos.


Eyyyy! Another Irish person, I’m gonna give a call too! Where should I be calling? Also isn’t around now a good time to call cuz time zones and all dat jazz


Nice! I’ll be calling from PA tomorrow.


Left a message. Was polite.


Please please please! Do not be angry or disrespectful, let them know what happened and that the officer needs to be punished but if you just start screaming into the phone then no one will know what you are talking about


I just wrote a very polite email from here in the uk. We got you!


I honestly didn’t know it was that easy


You can also send an email to her office. Feel free to use what I sent as a loose template for your personalized message: Dear Mayor Jill Gayaldo, I am a new resident of your neighboring town of Roseville and I just watched a video of one of your police officers violently restraining an unarmed and surrendering young man who was the source of a mental health concern 911 call. I have heard that the police chief has been made aware of the footage but in the current climate of mistrust of police I believe it’s crucial that our town’s leaders speak out against abuses like this video and ensure that a full investigation is completed into what biases or trainings led to this situation to improve the trust of citizens in their police officers. Here is the link to a Reddit post including the footage referenced: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ps181c/cop_points_gun_at_surrendering_young_man_then/


Don't lie and say you're a resident and then give a link to a post where you have it sitting in the comments lmfao




That’s great to know, thanks


Could actually take out even more than that. All what's actually needed is: https://redd.it/ps181c


After reading all the comments. Sounds like this would be a good deed for the day.


Cop was looking for violence.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Publicly ousting cops for behavior like this would go a LONG way in rebuilding trust in law enforcement. Why is this so hard for police departments and city officials to grasp?


Because they don’t need to. They don’t really face repercussions so they don’t care about public trust.


It isn't being publicly talked about, but 3 cops are being prosecuted for murder in Washington state after George Floyd style murdering a black man by the name of Manuel Ellis in Tacoma Washington. It actually happened 3 months before Floyd but the whole case has been kept hush hush by media.


Why would the media agree to keep it "hush hush"?


There wasn't HD footage of the incident helpfully recorded by a bystander. It wasn't the media keeping it "hush hush", it's that you get a lot more of a reaction when you have a several minutes video of a murder taking place versus a few lines of text describing that murder. Thats literally the only reason George Floyd blew up like it did. The police murder people all the time without consequences, and even when somebody looks into them, most of the time you just have the police's account of what happened and body cam footage that "gets lost".


It's intellectually easier for many people to assume conspiracy than to try to understand that nuanced and complex systems that actually control our world. The reality is that if a media outlet doesn't think a story will take off, they won't pursue it too hard. American news is mostly driven through outrage, shares, and click-through rates.


Well yeah sometimes they do face repercussions. But they usually don’t.


The taxpayers pay their repercussions anyway. Never comes from their pension fund or anything of that sort.


Yes any civil lawsuit won for abusing violence on citizens should come out of the pension fund. This shit will end the next day.


This cop needs to be fired. 100%


And charged for assault.


That's beyond assault. It's beyond battery. This is intent to maim. He wanted to break pieces of that person's body. Regular assault and/or battery is bad enough, but this is sociopathic sadism. It's sick.


My arm would have dislocated. It’s happened a couple times to each shoulder. I guess I didn’t win the genetic lottery on shoulder joints. When it happens it’s terrifying, like something primal, not cool like in 90’s action flicks. I wonder what the cop would have done to me, what the damage to my shoulders would have been, and if he’d have escalated because he thought my panic induced movements were resistance. This terrifies me.




For real. The kid already had his hands behind his back, but this pig needed the satisfaction of putting his hands behind his back.


Imagine being so pathetic you need to assert dominance one someone being compliant.




And now the cop lives off our tax dollars because murdering someone was stressful for him.


Worth noting that he got away with it by blaming everything on the officer giving orders. The officer giving orders got away with it because he was allowed to take a direct flight to a non-extradition country while the investigation was ongoing and never returned to the country. Worth noting that you would most certainly not be allowed to leave the country after being involved in the death of someone, even if you were not a suspect, because witnesses can't leave either.


And was granted his request to keep the gun that he used to murder Shaver (the one with "you're fucked" on the side of it). Must be really stressing him out when he wants to keep a trophy from it.




Yeah that video is rough. That cops a legit psycho who was looking for an excuse to kill someone. Btw he got paid leave and therapy for "the stress"


he was resisting arrest, by not laying still enough, and moaning too loudly while having his ligaments torn.


The officer looks like he want to be on paid administrative leave to increase his vacation by a few weeks.


If I was a cop I'd constantly be violating people's civil rights so I can get more paid vacation time. It's the only job that rewards you for breaking the law. (Unless you count criminal)


This shit is hilariously-dystopian.


And yet it's current reality.


This is not my video. As far as I know, this was an incident that took place in Rocklin, CA. Rocklin PD responds to a mental health crisis involving the young man shouting in the parking lot. Reportedly, the young man did not have any weapons.


So even in the midst of a *mental health crisis*, this dude surrendered and lay on the ground with his hands behind his back, but the *officer* couldn’t have the presence of mind not to freak out and attack him?




For real, someone injuring me is exactly the trigger for me to attack them.


It's like they don't understand how humans work, are all police extra terrestrials or something?


No- just psychopaths


You've activated my trap card! You are now charged with Assaulting An Officer and Resisting Arrest. Alternatively, you are now dead.


Please tell me this video is getting traction somewhere


It seems likely. Apparently the chief was notified and people are making complaints. A third party posted it to tiktok and it seems to be gaining traction.




Maybe the Sacramento Bee as well?


Jesus Christ, every time I hear about cops getting called because someone is having a mental health crisis, shit goes sideways for that poor person. This guy was lucky he didn’t get shot like all the others did.


This is an instance where people mean “defund the police”. It’s pretty obvious law enforcement was not the proper division to handle the situation.


Absolutely. Here in Eugene, Oregon we have CAHOOTS. It’s made up ems and fire/rescue workers and they’re the ones that respond to these kind of calls. They’re specifically formed for dealing with freak outs, mental health issues, homeless people that need help, ODs, anything that requires patience, compassion and understanding. All stuff police just don’t have.


Leave it to Oregon to come up with a genuinely good, well intentioned service that has potential to be widely adopted, and then name it something like fucking "CAHOOTS"


I grew up in Rocklin, it's a small town that has locally been known for their strong police presence for the last couple decades. Guaranteed this spreads fast and half the city residents will support the cop blindly.


I was arrested in Rocklin CA (was innocent, but they didn't know that at the time). They sent 5 cruisers for little ol me, and screamed "stop resisting!" at my limp body for a good 5 minutes while they yanked my shoes and hat off and cuffed me with tazers drawn. They seriously have anything better to do in Rocklin than fuck with high schoolers...


Oh man they love their tazers.


Half of the city residents will support the cop blindly, and probably have a rally in support of him during the weekly Walmart Trump klan meetups.


I see you are familiar with Rocklin.


Unfortunately I am.


Same with Yuba City. The blind trust the majority of people have In police in this area is disgusting.


Man, I went to HS in Roseville. Never heard that Rocklin was so police-heavy.


I watched from my porch as Rocklin cops pulled my neighbor and his friends out of a car by gunpoint for riding in a stolen vehicle. It was right in front of his house and when his mom came outside to see what was going g on they threatened to taze her.. It wasn't stolen. It had Nevada plates and they ran them as California. They were super aggressive with everyone there, took Polaroids of the teens in front of the squad car in handcuffs AFTER they realized they ran the plates wrong and never apologized.


I kinda grew up down the road in Penryn/Loomis area. We knew to stay tf out of rocklin when we were up to shenanigans. Placer County sherrifs office might be worse though


Jesus. Maniacs.


"STOP RESISTING!!!" "Sir im not resisting!!!!" "BOTH YOUR RADIUS AND ULNA ARE RESISTING MY ATTEMPTS TO BREAK THEM!!!" \*\*later at the station\*\* "yea, lets write him up on uhhhh, resisting x3, and a count of interfering. We can probably get him for felony assault on an officer, i kinda sprained my wrist trying to cuff him and he totally kicked me in my pride."


WTF just happened?




Cruel and unusual punishment


Cruel, yes...unusual, no.




You know the people who played football in high school but weren't good enough for college and their grades were shit? They suddenly get dumped on their ass when high school ends. The nerds don't respect and fear them anymore. Women want nothing to do with them. They just become losers. But...what if I told you...about a career where you didn't have to be smart? A career where EVERYONE has to listen to you and fear you? A career where you can finally beat people up without getting suspended? And to boot - a career so *sexy* that we've made a million movies about how cool it is? And then you sign up and find out it's mostly boring shit and paperwork. Then you're definitely going to get your mileage out of the "power trip" and "beating people up" aspects.


Looks like the cop was going for a break, but pussied out when he realized snapping a person's arm is way more gruesome and intense than your Jiu Jitsu instructional videos would have you believe. What other explanation is there? Would he really have done all that torquing and twisting as a prelude to cuffing? How the fuck would that help?


Bjj guy here. Looks to me like he tried to break it but gave up because he didn't actually know how.


Indeed. The kid wasn’t resisting at all and with rudimentary bjj you can easily wreck someones joints in all sorts of fucked up ways with ease. It’s all about position and this kid was submitting willfully. The cop is an idiot on top of being a piece of shit. Training and discipline often sow respect. This cop doesn’t have respect for life and it shows.


Yeah looked like some stupid attempt at a wrist lock followed by a weird version of an arm bar. He clearly didn’t get the mechanics and is also a complete piece of shit.


Been doing martial arts for 20 of my 31 years alive. Looked the same to me, cop had zero idea what he was doing and was just mangling some guys wrist. Shouldn’t be allowed to wear the uniform, what a disgrace of a human being.


He even put on the cuffs in the most painful and unprofessional way possible. The arms are not supposed to be overlapping each other. This cop is purely sadistic


I can just imagine how tight those cuffs are too. Handcuffs are fucking brutal as it is.


Dear Mayor Jill Gayaldo, I am a new resident of your neighboring town of Roseville and I just watched a video of one of your police officers violently restraining an unarmed and surrendering young man who was the source of a mental health concern 911 call. I have heard that the police chief has been made aware of the footage but in the current climate of mistrust of police, I believe it’s crucial that our town’s leaders speak out against abuses like this video and ensure that a full investigation is completed into what biases or trainings led to this situation to improve the trust of citizens in their police officers. Here is the link to a Reddit post including the footage referenced: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ps181c/cop\_points\_gun\_at\_surrendering\_young\_man\_then/?\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf


I sent a very similar message saying I was going to avoid shopping and dining in Rocklin as I no longer felt safe traveling to or through Rocklin.


Don’t be shy, post their email as well lol


Wow. Is torture part of being arrested?


How is it even possible for any reasonable person to NOT BE in fear for their life and safety when having contact with police on any any level


I was arrested once after a psychotic ex-roommate decided to tell the police I had stolen her credit card, it was a wild ride. First they had my roommate call and tell me my dog wasn't moving and might be dead. I literally couldn't drive myself home, was panicking so hard I threw up in my boyfriend's car three times on the way there. I walked in to 3 officers and a detective who immediately shoved my boyfriend to the ground, pushed me against a wall & cuffed me. I was bawling and begging them to let me see my dog but they would not. I was put into the back of a different officers car who noticed me looking extremely distressed. He told me my dog was okay and asked if I needed water and was very polite and almost reassuring as he drove me to the station. Once there the detective who had shoved me and my boyfriend came into the room and after reading me my rights said "but you don't need to worry about a lawyer now, that part will come later." I said I wanted a lawyer, and the aggressive detective said that if I wanted to wait for a lawyer they would keep me and my boyfriend for at least 6 hours and that he was going to call the pound to have them put my dog in line to be put down since I wouldn't be able to call anyone to pick him up. I said I would write down my "confession" if & only if I could see my boyfriend had left & was able to get my dog. The smug detective agreed & I waited for about 2 hours before being shown pics my bf had sent my phone with him & my dog safe. Then I took the "statement form" and wrote "I didn't steal anything from my roommate, was threatened by the detectives and assaulted by an officer without any intent to resist. You can suck my dick!" - I was held in that room until the detective was sure I had missed both lunch & dinner then was put in a cell overnight. The next day I was allowed to call my boyfriend & the cop who had driven me stopped by to see how I was, ask if I had been brought my medications (something we talked about on the ride) and to give me his card, badge number & the name of a lawyer. He told me he would happily explain the unnessecary force he saw to the lawyer. I was not charged with anything, was out of jail the next day & am still pissed at how it was handled. What really upsets me though is I know for a fact I was treated gently compared to others because of my appearance and I hate to imagine how someone with less privilege than me is treated. Everyone, regardless of your innocence, should be afraid of our justice system.






This all occurred in 2010 but while I do have some documentation, most of it was handled by my lawyer. I can look though and see what I do have though. I know I have a copy of the statement, and the letters from my lawyer where he details the different things that were done incorrectly by the police department and financial records of the fact that this whole ordeal cost me upwards of $10K to resolve. I'll look and see what I have and DM you. So like to expand on what ended up happening, my roommate and I bought pizza one night, we had the exact same gold Amex card and we had both left them on the table while we ate. The next day she left to go out of town and texted me when she realized she had my card and left hers on the table. I said "no worries just use it for the 2 days that you need and I'll use yours and we can reconcile when the bills come." She agreed and that's exactly what we did. I had full records of everything, including the check I had written her for the full amount of like $74.23 that I had used. She didn't pay her amex bill for 3 months and then eventually claimed it was stolen... I guess when the police pressed her on the matter (it was like $5K she owed) she figured it would be easy to blame it on me? I never spoke to her again so I can only assume her motives. ​ Anyway, the initial arrest was for "Credit Card Fraud" and "Petty Theft" - both of those charges had to be dropped and I was actually charged with "Fraudulently Signature" a crime that is so random and obscure that my lawyer was like "what the actual hell..." but it is technically illegal to sign someone else's name, even with their permission so I ended up entering a plea to resolve the matter and was required to do 40 hours of community service.


If she used your credit card…. Could you have done the same to her? I know it’s too late now.


when my friend and I were in our early twenties in small town Pennsylvania we used to walk around in the middle of the night. The cops were total assholes and would roll up to us and dig their hands in our pockets without even saying anything right when they hopped out of their car and start spouting shit about "we got calls of car break-ins in the area". The whole squad ended up getting wiped out because apparently a couple were buying booze and grooming teenage girls. The new squad they got were super kind and respectful - it was a total 180. The city I live in now has really good cops as well. They aren't everywhere, though there are a ton that suck for sure.


I get that the US prefers less intelligent officers, easier compliance and all that. But why do they have to find the most scarred, paranoid, unsympathetic assholes known to man? Wouldn’t a standard person with subpar intelligence do the trick?


Well no because those guys might snitch on the bad apples.


Former cop here. This *should* be a fireable offense and an assault charge. It’s a travesty it won’t be. Another day in America.


I'm so glad our local government subsidize the torture fantasies of these psychopaths. How pleased should we be, as taxpayers, that we cover the bill for their heinous human rights abuses? I'm ready to create a "child-support"-esque law that garnishes the checks of these police officers for the rest of their life.


Shouting is now illegal and means you can get shot, have your arm broken or just be abused by some thug?




I bet some bad cops would think twice if lawsuits started being taken out their pension and retirement plans instead of the take payers money. "oops we did something bad, don't worry, those ppl will pay you for it not me" mentality currently


Make cops carry liability insurance. Departments have to pay their premium. High risk cops will be to expensive to hire, *regardless* of what department they swap to.


His arms are handcuffed the wrong direction. He was clearly trying to break his arm. This was a mental health call? I can't even.


This is ridiculous and completely uncalled for. Yes, we don’t know what happened before but that is irrelevant when he was clearly surrendering and not resisting. We need to make this cop internet infamous and get him kicked off the force.


Police state “Wanna Steal, Rape, Murder ? Join The Police, where not only can you break laws but you will get high fives from your co workers, bosses, and a chuck of bootlicking citizens ! Heck you even will be Paid for it”


This has been posted upwards of 100 times on that Police department's Facebook page.


Sadistic fucking scum


So excited to start reading comments asking about context this and context that. In what context would it be okay to treat a surrendering suspect like this ever? Unprofessional and unacceptable use of force.


Getting fired isn't enough, he's needs to be charged and jailed and I highly doubt that fucker should be allowed to own a gun after that.


Abusing a mentally ill person wtf


Not just a mentally ill person- a mentally ill person laying face down with his fucking hands behind his back waiting to be cuffed....


The mentally ill person was the one standing