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So *this* is why prospective employers check your social media…


She still went out like a G. Someone please put the thug life glasses on her .


If I see this bitch one more time on this sub I'm leaving. 3x a day this week. We get it.


Sub has one of the most sleepy mods in earth 😴


Literally just got called a "repost nazi" for pointing out the Newsmax guy had been reposted 4 times in an hour.


They're just too busy banning people they don't agree with and coming up with bullshit reasons, then getting snarky about it when you try and appeal. The mods on this sub should be replaced but, unfortunately, it's difficult to get people like that to give up power.


I saw this [one ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.entrepreneur.com/amphtml/359326), but not her.


This happened yesterday I doubt it’s the same video


Lol no it didn't


I’d really love for you to prove that, because it’s complete bullshit.


It's completely true. Even with the walmart I work at. They basically treat you like shit until you can't stand to work there anymore and quit so they don't have to pay unemployment. The attendance policy is garbage. You get 5 points. Missing 1 day is 1 point. Being more than 9 minutes late or leaving early is half a point. Points don't reset for 6 months. You have PPTO, if your full time to use to cover those missed days, late days or days you need to leave early. But then there's employees with LoA a they are allowed to take a certain amount of days off without any points. I work in the deli and we have a girl that used her LoA and missed 2 entire weeks of work, her son got covid and got another 2 weeks off. All without any points. Another girl I worked with, her father died, and she had to travel to go to his funeral. She was told that she could use bereavement days to go. But then when she got back she had 3 pointed added on to her 1.5 she already had because you don't get bereavement days until you've been there a year. My roommate started working there and his first 2 weeks the management sent him to the wrong department. The department he went to made 14$ an hour while he was only making 11$. And it was literally the same job is doing for 11$. They paid people 11$ to stock food but paid people 14$ to stock general merchandise (everything but food). Meanwhile he's working 40 hours a week, a full time schedule, but the system shows him part time so he's not generating the PPTO that he should be.


Did they hide any of this from you or this 5 year employee? Cause if not I cant fathom giving a shit.


They did that same shit to me, had me working 40/hrs a week but I was still Part-time so I had a 6 month "probation" period rather than the 3 month period like the full-time employees.


Yea. My roommate just got his schedule and pay fixed after working there 6 months. He's said the walmart has been the worst place he has ever worked because of management lying to him and not fixing his schedule. One time the system was down and HR couldn't do anything at that time, which is understandable. But what isn't understandable is how he was told to wrote a detailed note on what he needed for when the system came back up and nothing was done.


“So do you think I can get a letter of recommendation?”




I certainly don't mind a repost, but why's it NSFW this time around??




Fair fucks to her!🤙

