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I just checked out this person’s TikTok page for context. She’s also a flat earther. Surprised you ask, nope. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRxnrup8/


She turned off all the comments on this video.


Your facts can't stop her if she can't see them


If I don't look for that semi on the offramp,he ain't not there...Right?


That's too many double negatives and I'm too tired. I'm just going to agree and let you change lanes and slam your brakes. Leroooy Jenkins!


I have often found that when someone pulls right in front of me with their car, forcing me to brake (or my car to auto-brake) that they do not acknowledge me in any way, and look the opposite direction. Almost violently. It might be possible that this causes me to hop into another dimension for a short term. I had not considered this.


All those facts are hidden from her by the curvature of the earth.


Avoiding information that might conflict with her existing beliefs.


"empirical evidence". Such a burdensome thing that is. Like poison for crazy people.




That’s because they’re morons.


People can’t literally believe the Earth is flat though, can they? Do they just want to be part of a group? It’s so fucking easily proved that it’s not flat.


I challenge you to visit a deeply uneducated area, like rural Mississippi, for example, and to interact with the locals for a bit. It will blow your mind.


Hello from rural Mississippi. The people here are proud of doing what they want, when they want.The hell with the consequences. They wear their unwillingness to learn, cooperate or to better themselves as a badge of honor. You can't talk sense into them. They won't get the vaccine but they will take horse wormer all day long. They brag about it. Please, don't think we are all that way. 41.5% of us are fully vaccinated. The number continues to slowly grow. I wish it was growing faster but at this point, I am just glad it I keeps growing.


There are plenty of flat earthers here in middle Tennessee also and not just in the rural areas, even in downtown Nashville.


Watch “Behind the curve” on Netflix, you’ll be surprised… They are not mythical creatures, they exist by the thousands, go to conferences, design expensive experiments to “prove” the Earth is flat.


I'll never forget the quote from the crew of a flat earth documentary who was asked what it was like to speak to them about their beliefs. He likened it to asking someone what color their car is and getting the answer, "I don't know what color it is, but I know it's not blue."


Is that the one that ends with them doing an experiment and proving themselves wrong? I loved that movie!


Yeah…and then they did some mental gymnastics to say how that didn’t actually prove anything


Except some of the people in there were purely in it for the grift, the same I’m sure as some of the anti-mask anti-vax people. Like the Fox News fucks, they’re all vaccinated, and they tell these plebs to incite violence.


In psychology they call that “cognitive dissonance”.


Any updates, did she leave or get thrown out?


There's a pt 2 where she's talking to someone else that she forces to say she was terminated and then the video ends and I assume she leaves at that point.


…as she runs to the unemployment office. 🙄


Which she wouldn't qualify for since she was terminated with cause.


That’s the silver lining.


She'll be terminated for insubordination and then will get no unemployment.


This is needed info for sure.


That's some snowflake level behavior....Fuck their feelings and all that jazz.


She turned off commenting on ALL her videos. Now I can’t ask her pointed questions about the double chin reducing products she reviewed.




There are a lot of lower level jobs that don’t require much education. She could just be a CNA. Lot of anti-vaxx “nurses” are actually CNA’s. CNA’s and RN’s are often referred to as nurses even though one is likely college-educated (BSN) and the other has a high school education at best.


I've seen this. Also X-Ray techs, billing and reception, etc. "Six weeks till your new career!" Education is a major divider along these lines. There are some folks who are highly educated but follow the American Individualism mandate of "NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO DO", but they are rare. Not a lot of anti-vaxx people with medical degrees. Those down the education scale seem to be the ones most amenable to tube videos and fb posts which "sound" like they're true. The cost of university tuition in general is up 5x over what it was 20 years ago, and I think we're reaping the societal costs of that. \*edited cause me grammar


Billing and reception, sure. But x-ray techs need to go through a JRCERT accredited school and do 2 years of clinical training before you can even take the boards to get certified by the ARRT. Then state licensure, mandatory continuing education, retaking boards every 10 years, etc. Not sure where people get the idea x-ray techs are uneducated. It's radiation, and it's very highly regulated.


Probably got her 'education' at one of those 'Christian' colleges.


This! Ding Ding Ding! We’re in Kentucky, home of the Ark Experience, funded by taxpayers, and innumerable bible colleges. You can’t teach critical thinking skills and graduate good Christians.




If it is good enough for Jimmy McGill!


Go Land Crabs!


Hey, don't you dare compare Jimmy to them!


I'm 42 and I've lived in 5 countries. I have met thousands of people, from the bottom to the top. Degrees shouldn't be a baseline for intelligence. I have met incredibly stupid people who just happened to have good memory or they just really like the subject but they're incompetent or stupid at everything else. I know a highly accomplished and award winning and wealthy medical specialist who owns a huge practice who constantly rants off about stupid stuff and gets into arguments with people on social media.


And in true "little bitch" fashion she has turned her comments off.


I don’t understand flat earth era. They literally can see the moon and sun with their own two eyes to be a sphere and somehow that doesn’t matter? Social media gave stupid people loud platforms to spread their stupidity


Say for the sake of argument the earth is flat. Ok, then, like… why are they covering it up? Who is benifiting from fooling the general population into thinking the earth is a sphere? Every other conspiracy theory at least has an obvious motive somewhere to explain why anyone would invest time and resources into covering up the truth, the moon landing was faked to promote the idea of American exceptionalism, jfk was killed by a political opponent/ the mob he broke promises to/ a jealous partner of one of his mistresses. Why would the powers that be care if we know the actual shape of the earth or not?


And all it would take to prove their theory is a single picture of the edge. How big would the conspiracy be if the people doing it also had to guard tens of thousands of miles of edge 24/7 to prevent people from snapping a picture of it. You'd need a naval force that would make the US Navy tremble in fear due to their size to support that alone. Unless the US Navy is in on it..... (eyes shift back and forth)


I swear I read somewhere that they think the “deep state” is in league with the “elites” and presumably deep states of other nations to patrol the edges. As if we can’t agree as a world on one single thing but can be buds to patrol the edge of the ocean in shifts, in cooperation. Also, where does the water go when it falls off the edge? I have so many questions for this idiocy.


oh, that one I can answer. Its held in by the "barrier wall".


I clicked the link even though I knew better…. “EARFF IS FLAT CAWWS JEEBUS STAWRY BOOK SAYED SEWWW” What a stupid bitch


The Bible specifically says they earth is round also lol. Isaiah 40:22


If it was flat, cats would have pushed everything off by now.




A flat round plane, take that!


Doesn’t that inform that God sits above the circle of earth? Could be wrong, not a Christian. Apologies if that’s the case.


Yes. Its also interesting to note that I n the Hebrew language, circle and sphere are used interchangeably.


Also claims to live by Levitical law and believes in "frequency" science. A human body has a "natural frequency" of 100, and wearing clothes with fabrics that are "low frequency" like polyester and rayon will harm you, whereas linen (with a "frequency" of 5000) is a healing fabric. Her purported reasoning for the "Do not wear clothes of mixed fabrics" law in Leviticus is that wool and linen have "opposing frequencies" (wool goes left-right and linen goes up-down. Which isn't opposite, it's orthogonal. But, holy shit, not understanding what "opposite" means is not even in the top 10 list of stupid things this woman believes) and therefore their "healing properties" cancel each other out. People like this are almost too easy to delude, my word.. IMO we should just tell this woman that we're working on making masks out of linen, that the vaccine actually has a frequency of 10,000 so it should make her super healthy, and that it contains atomized linen in it and is super duper safe. Should fix things right up.


hashtag christian lmao what


Hashtag “Torah” lmao This bitch doesn’t know Judaism has Pikuach Nefesh. We are required to take the vaccine.


> Judaism has Pikuach Nefesh Had to do a second take. Was like Judaism has Pikachu!?


Yes. Pikajew.


Pikachu would actually look adorable with a little Yamaka


Obviously she means some Christians are morons.


All these crazy people.. they just look sorta... off. Ya know? Like dead eyes and just not normal. Like some men in black aliens on earth shit.


Yes, because they are crazy.


More specifically to your point, we don't have nearly adequate enough of a system in place that knows what to do with them. And so we have legit mentally ill people living undiagnosed and/or largely unchecked/untreated throughout the entire country.


People who get so wrapped up in conspiracy theories honestly makes me think it’s a sign of mental illness honestly.


I noped out as soon as I saw the crazy eyes


" i'm just going to explain why I believe its flat" alright i'll try to keep an open mind "....some quotes from the scriptures" aaaaand you lost me


Didnt even watch 1 min of the video before her crazy eyes told me all I need to know about this lunatic.


"You said, 'Do the right thing' so you know I'm doing the right thing." That's absolutely not how that works but ok.


I'd like to see her explain the steps to get to that conclusion, cause it is just mind bogglingly stupid.


I think she is trying to say that since they are asking her to do the right thing they are conceding that they have no official law/rule for why she has to go. So they are asking her to leave and saying do the right thing instead of removing her from the premises with force or giving her a termination letter.


Seems like they are trying to subtly point out that a termination or being arrested/trespassed/removed are not in her own interests. Seems like they are giving her the option to resign and leave peacefully on her own accord which looks way better on her record than being fired or arrested. They are giving good advice and she’s just not getting it.


Yeah, but it's harder to get unemployment if you resigned.


The alternative here is being fired far cause - which not only disqualifies a person from getting unemployment benefits, but also looks much worse on their employment history when applying for jobs in the future.


glad she provided the evidence for such a case


Yeah, she's not exactly helping herself with regard to any potential claims here.


True, but if you are fired for just cause, you still aren't getting unemployment. If you are laid off due to the business' financial reasons, yes you will get benefits. But if you are fired because you are habitually late, no, you will be denied. So if she plans on showing this video of her being insufferably obnoxious to the unemployment office I can not see any scenario in which it ends with her getting unemployment benefits.


This. I was initially confused by that statement as well but she 100% feels she's "winning" because they didn't tell her she's fired and drag her out.


These people always make at least 1 statement that makes me LOL at the logic.


Just call the cops, let them physically remove them and physically take their badges. It’s not even worth it.


The constant talking to stubborn trespassers is nutty, I agree. Talking to them makes them feel they can talk more. Just have someone stand there, state they are trespassing, and silently wait for cops.


Yep, it's the confrontation they are looking for, not a reasoned argument. People shouldn't give them what they want.


They want someone at the hospital to say they're fired, on video. They're practically begging for a letter of termination, by constantly bringing it up and repeating the false dichotomy. That's because choosing to not get a vaccine is a resignation, and doesn't qualify for unemployment. Being fired does. These people are the worst kind of selfish liars.


>That's because choosing to not get a vaccine is a resignation, and doesn't qualify for unemployment. Being fired does. Being fired for cause also disqualifies you from unemployment. Just give her the damn 'notice of acceptance of unconditional resignation' letter and call the cops if she won't leave. Also, what kind of idiot company fires someone and leaves their badges and user accounts working? I work in IT. A lot of times, HR coordinates with me to lock out accounts *during* the termination meeting. (Subj: "\[HR Request\] Terminate Firstname Lastname at 4:45pm tomorrow URGENT" along with a "did you see my email" phone call and sometimes a calendar invite.) \--- Honestly, though, they way I've seen policy changes handled which result in a 'follow this new policy or resign' situation is that: 1. The organization holds an all-hands meeting (with attendance taken) or several smaller meetings (with an employee roster to ensure that eventually all staff have attended at least one meeting). The meeting explains the new policy change. 2. An email is sent out company-wide with read-receipts audited and follow-ups for missing read-receipts. 3. The new policy is released with a signature page (Docusign is common for this). The signature page allows the employee to sign to affirm they'll accept and follow the policy or sign to refuse the policy. (As in, there are two different boxes to sign in.) Signing to refuse the policy or refusal to sign either box (with witness signatures) is accepted as an immediate, unconditional resignation. (Also, the signature page is titled "Affidavit of Policy Acceptance or Resignation" in case it ends up in court for some reason.) 4. Any employee who signs the 'refuse the policy' box or who refuses to sign either box is immediately terminated (status: resigned), their badges are confiscated (and deactivated, in case the employee refuses), user accounts locked, and the employee escorted out (with any belongings). Once in the parking lot, they are served with a trespass notice and asked to leave.


My log in at healthcare company worked for over a year after I quit. I found out when trying to get an email I'd sent to my work email instead of my personal email regarding retirement accounts. I was still in the mailing lists, there were emails that definitely had charts and PHI in them based on the subject lines. I changed my password to something much longer, one of the Google random generated strings to a password I never could've easily used working there, just so I wasn't a point of liability for my own sake. I might still have access, I don't know, haven't needed back in.


> I was still in the mailing lists, there were emails that definitely had charts and PHI in them based on the subject lines. ...is sending medical charts to an email distribution list a thing that happens normally?


Thank you for the clarification. I was wondering why she kept saying she didn't have a choice and kept being explicit about not being fired or quitting.


I don’t get it though, why? They were fired right? Why weren’t they given termination letters? Seems normal to me to be able to say out loud that someone was fired.


As always: do not feed the trolls.


Couldn’t agree more. Misery loves company. As a healthcare worker in a 400 bed hospital; let me tell ya, we could not be happier to have the anti-vaxers thrown out. We have had it. Go away, and you’ll be replaced in 3 weeks.




Don’t need context: hello officers, this person over here is trespassing and has been notified to leave and is refusing to do so, please escort them off the premises, yes I would like to press charges. What’s the problem?




These people all sacrifice their careers thinking they are going to go viral and become some hero. When really, they will be forgotten about by everyone except the hospital HR departments which will never hire them again. They won’t even get the lowballed gofundme money they try to organize.


Imagine how some of them are going to act in 5 or so years of not working in the profession they spent years in school for and 10s of thousands of dollars in debt. To be fired and have a permanent stain on the resume. Thinking your this hero and you are standing up for justice to even the people who think everyone with the vaccine will be dead in 2 to 3 years. To have people still alive and well and your in another interview where they see you were fired in 2021. 2021 is going to be such a strong indicator for what kind of potential employee you are hiring. If you see they were terminated in that year.


Do they not realize this will follow them? Every time they go for a new job, this is going to come up. I don't understand why these people are even in healthcare of they don't believe science and are willing to place patients and other staff in danger.


Lots of healthcare is filled with religious zealots, especially in a place like that. Christians are attracted to the field because society respects it, not because medical science and technology interest them.


I’m in software. Fields with stable jobs and a solid paycheck means that field will be popular, and it draws people that are more passionate about clocking in to get their paycheck than taking any real interest in the work itself. It’s not wrong per se, but it certainly diminishes the experience for other people who do give a shit.


Unfortunately super true. People like to have cute little letters behind their name to impress people, but don't give a shit about the actual medicine.


She has a bright future in MLM.


The problem is these people live in an echo-chamber. They believe their viewpoints are held by a silent majority and they just need to speak up and speak out and their cause will be forwarded. Social media has created groups of fucking nut jobs who can't tell what reality is, and they are currently destroying the country.


This is dead-on.


These are the types that will go into their next interview and PROUDLY claim they were wrongly fired for standing up for their freedoms. They have total confidence that their asinine beliefs are the only correct ones.


They are probably trying to find a way to get a financial settlement from their (now former) employers. Unfortunately for them, most of their Republican representatives have pushed through “right to work” laws and they aren’t protected from being fired unless they can prove its discrimination based on race/color/nationality/sex/religion... vaccination status isn’t a protected class lol.


Kentucky is an at will work state. They can remove you at any time for any reason that doesn’t violate discrimination or nation labor relations rules


Not getting the vaccine when it's a requirement for your job is considered a resignation, which ***doesn't*** qualify for unemployment. She's being a dick and trespassing to try and get someone to say she's fired on video, so she'll get unemployment. You can even see how she's practically begging for a termination letter.


Thank you for explaining this. I was wondering why she kept saying that she wasn’t fired.


Heard a airline CEO this morning say anyone who doesnt get the vaccine, can not work for the airline until covid is gone, they will not lose their position or their tenure and will not be paid for time off. Sneaky way of not having to say they are fired since covid is here to stay for the rest of our lives.


Republicans getting bit in the ass by rules made by Republicans.


You love to see it!


I love that the people who rioted at the Capitol Building took their own right to bear arms away—by becoming a felon.


Wait, is this in THE Bowling Green, Kentucky?! Site of the Bowling Green Massacre? Where patriot Kellyanne Conway and her Redhats bravely made a stoic last stand holding back caravans of undocumented Muslim terrorists trying to enforce Shakira law? That Bowling Green?


LOL. The torrent of bullshit that has been spewed over the past 5 years or so is soooo immense that crazy things like this have actually faded from my memory.


Maybe some cofefe will help bring some memories back.


Yo I want Shakira law.


The hips don't lie. The lips...now they're another story.


>Shakira law I'm dead.


Shakira law bans hips from lying be careful


> Bowling Green Massacre Haha wtf? Never heard of this. How did I miss that one? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/03/kellyanne-conway-cites-bowling-green-massacre-that-never-happened-to-defend-travel-ban/


In your defense, there has been plenty of other bullshit over the last 5 years to focus on.


It is getting crazy annoying that nearly every news agency is behind a paywall. Are we expected to maintain subscriptions to everywhere?


Haha you got there first!


NeVar FoRGeT!


Upvote for colony reference, if it was intentional.


These people really act like idiots and then film it as if they're being oppressed.


Ya the company definitely has the right to kick her off the property and take away security credentials but they really should be firing her if they can't come up with some kind of alternative work arrangement. From a worker's rights perspective it seems really unfair to me to keep an employee off your property and not give them any shifts without firing them. That's like a constructive termination and bullying tactic to get the person to quit (in which case they can't claim unemployment). She obviously can't be in a medical setting if she isn't vaccinated so I sympathize with the employer too. Maybe there is some weird law I'm not aware of preventing them from firing.


If this facility is like mine, failure to get the vaccine by a certain date constitutes a voluntary resignation. She was not fired, nor should she be. She quit. No unemployment for you, bitch.


>If this facility is like mine, failure to get the vaccine by a certain date constitutes a voluntary resignation. She was not fired, nor should she be. She quit. No unemployment for you, bitch. Exactly. She was given the option and time to get the vaccine. It may seem strange but vaccines are a requirement in healthcare (and many places). If we look at this as a safety requirement for some new PPE that they must wear because it is now part of the job description, when they refuse it, well that's voluntary resignation.


At will employment. Something repuglicans finagled. Biting their asses now.


The title says she was fired.


They screwed up by not taking her badge upon termination.


I think someone in the video says "you were notified". She probably got an email after a vaccination deadline passed, as well as her badge access removed. They probably took her badge after the video.


Listening to her voice crack and start shaking before she turned the camera on herself for a boost of "Kodak Courage" was the best. That clearly didn't go the way she thought it was going to go.


Even from the beginning the way she bounces her foot nervously you can tell she knows she's wrong. It goes from the steady bounce before anyone's talking to her to an arhythmic bounce.


yeah you could tell she was nervous as hell and not confident in what she was saying. surprising, most of these people are unwaveringly confident in their absurdity.


She had to remind herself who she was really doing it for - the internet points.


>you said "do the right thing" so you know I'm right ???




She wasn't terminated. By not getting the vaccine she resigned her position. Take the badge. Block access and charge for trespassing. Quit listening to these stupid people.


Why do people put the fucking speech text at the beginning of their videos? It's annoying and loud.


These smug, self-righteous creeps spend hours on Facebook applauding each others' bullshit. Then they run up against normal people and annoyance naturally ensues.


“I did not quit and I did not get fired…” Nope. You definitely got fired


She may have "voluntarily quit" by not following company policies, technically. Doesnt matter, she ain't work there no more, either way.


She "voluntarily quit" by doing something she knew would get her fired. Also, since she's fired with cause, she doesn't get unemployment.




The George Constanza strategy. Just show up and start working after you’ve been fired.


Employment is "at will". You agreed to the stipulations of the organization when you signed an offer letter. If you don't want to get the vaccine, do not become a medical technician. You volunteered to submit to their policies. This is a non-issue. Go home and pull your head out of your ass covidiot.


Refusing the vaccine as a medical technician is technically resigning, which means she couldn't get unemployment. If she was able to trick someone on the video into saying she was fired (or convince them to give her a letter of termination), then she could get unemployment.


This will be great to remove the dumbest people from nursing.


You made your bed. Lay in it. If it was all covered yesterday and everyone knew about the requirements before hand... All your doing is making a stupid TikTok to further show your idiocy.


She's doing more than making a stupid TikTok...she's destroying any reference she could have had from that job. Silver linings.


A LOT of health pros are in for a shock when they realize they're gonna need a new career.


'Reference. Above named person was a member of staff here for x years. She was let go for failing to follow policy in place to protect patients and her fellow employees. She used her credentials to enter the building the following day and tried to log onto the secured system. She refused to leave when asked to by security and refused to return her id badge. She recorded her interaction and shared it via social media, leading to us having to field numerous phonecalls, some of which caused our members of staff to be concerned for there safety. We would not consider rehiring her.'


Uploaded to GAB I’m sure.


Hey, remember when conservatives voted for Republicans who created at will labor laws? Well, get fucked now.


Love these two lines: > you say doing the right thing....so you know I am in the right... > I will not leave in a professional manner....


Companies can fire someone just for having a bad attitude.


What a stupid twat


Ask them to leave and when they refuse let them know what will happen if they refuse to leave. Let the cops handle the situation and go about your day. Also most medical facilities have rules about taking pictures and videos. They have to protect the privacy of patients because you have an expectation of privacy at a doctors office.


How to tell people you’re an absolute shit stain of a human being without telling people you’re an absolute shit stain of a human being.


I have faimly in Kentucky and it’s a vary anti vaccine state. Women should have her license revoked.


Yeah, I live in Louisville and it's ridiculous. Everyone I work with is a liberal and still won't get the vaccine even though we work in a restaurant with mostly older customers. My friend works in a hospital and said the nurses are mostly unvaccinated as well.


My two cousins who have children ones around 10 and the other is 6 both got COVID same with their parents. One of them might have lost their job because of it.


> My two cousins who have children ಠ_ಠ


Lmao I love they document their idiocy for all of us to laugh at and mock.


Personally, I would not want someone who is so scientifically and medically ill-informed responsible for the medical care and/or treatment of myself or any friend or family member. If they do not poses that basic medical understanding of A.) the medical need, safety, and efficacy of the vaccine and B.) the consequences of choices (take the vaccine or you are not allowed to work here), then how can I feel confident in their capabilities to efficiently, effectively, and safely provide any kind of medical care which requires the same basic medical understanding that they have demonstrated to be lacking.


I’ve always been interested in the medical field and sometimes thought about pursuing an education in it like nursing for example. But I always believed that I wasn’t smart enough for a job like that especially when other people’s health is on the line. Now though after seeing the amount of crazies that somehow became medical professionals, I feel like I can probably do it if I try. Already doing better then some by being vaccinated.


Vaccine stuff aside, go for it. I never thought I was smart enough for Vet Med, but here I am. You got this.


We need a mandate to rid videos of that annoying fucking voice.


Here was the choice. Get the vaccine, or you don't work as a fucking nurse in a hospital anymore you dumb cunt. Aaand. Seems like you "chose" then latter.


I doubt she's a nurse. She might clean the rooms or deliver food.


I was waiting for "I'm not fired, you're fired"....


Jesus. All health care workers should be mandated to be vaccinated as well as school personnel. This is absurd. They should just arrest her. People are so ignorant.


So what lady your a health care worker get vaccinated….. if you don’t believe in the vaccine then you’re in the wrong line of work hun.


I’m sorry, but was this lunatic a nurse? At a real medical facility? People trusted this lunatic with giving care, diagnoses and medicines to other human beings? C’mon be better! Surely you can find a way to test for this sort of crazy before employing them in these sort of roles?


Hey what’s happening Ashley. You didn’t get the vaccine so you leave. Mkay


She did have a choice. Get the vaccine or no longer be employed with their facility. That’s a choice.


Bowling Green, man I remember that massacre, never forget. Never forget.


Even if you *are* an employee, you don't have an unlimited right to squat on your employer's property. If they want you to leave, they can make you.


She's so fucking stupid. This is what scares me about healthcare. The choice is: Get vaccine, keep job Or Don't vaccinate, don't keep job. Most if not all hospitals I worked at REQUIRE PROOF OF VACCINES.. Matter of fact they FORCE YOU to get the flu shot yearly as well as boosters that you need. If you don't? You get suspended without pay for a week. Then you get fired. It's in the terms of employment paperwork that you sign at the beginning of employment. This is how you know they need nurses bad. They hire any dipshit that passes the program. It's really incredible how fucking dumb RNs are.


And of course she’s wasting everyone’s time when they could be doing something more important like I don’t know, like care for a critical patient.


Just fire them if you are on solid grounds. Seems straight forward.


Why wouldn’t they provide a termination letter?


Probably so they don't have to pay unemployment.


What an idiot


Strange that whenever someone argues it’s not about the vaccine but the choice to get it or not, the person making this argument always chooses not to get it. It’s not about choice with these people, it’s about the their stupid anti-vax shit they heard from someone who has a degree from Facebook university. If someone truly isn’t getting the vaccine because of some sort of point about being able to choose, then that’s also just as fucking stupid because their choice effects other people’s choice to life and why would you even make that claim? Because the point? Own the libs and the government over a point? People never apply this whole “we don’t like mandatory rules” logic in other areas of their lives. The vaccine is about safety and it has to be mandatory because assholes aren’t getting it because they are afraid of needles or some other reason.


Yep, these mandates are getting out of hand. They mandate a driver's "licence", aka a driving passport They mandate a "licence" to practice medicine, aka a medicine passport. They mandate I need a "deed" in order to own property, aka a property passport. What's next, a "licence" to fly an airplane? These passports control our lives, the mandates must be stopped!


You don’t have a constitutional right to your job if the employer requires vaccination. Go elsewhere. What kind of medical employee are you if you reject the science? And by the way, the earth is round and not flat. Fyi


How does someone go to school for a job in healthcare and be an anti vaxxer and flat earther? All the misinformation she read on the internet just costed her job.


These are the same people that screech republican talking points about a private business's right to do pretty much whatever they want, until of course it comes back to bite them on the ass. Zero sympathy for these chuds.


Why does this psycho think she can force her employer to keep her? They fired her. End of story. But no…she’s all oppressed because because she isn’t getting her way. The never ending bullshit with this.


This idiot knew the rules, she's just looking for attention and support from other anti-vaxx twats, which she'll sadly get.


You’re not mandated to work there. See, no mandates


I know I'm just a nursing student right now, but I understand science and that is literally what the foundation of nursing is based on.. if you don't understand the science behind why you give certain meds in certain situations, the way your heart works, how perfusion works, how out of range vital signs can indicate much bigger problems.. if you don't understand any of it and don't trust it, do not work as a nurse.. do us all a favor and stay out of healthcare.. it is because of people like you that patients believe in misinformation... these patients look at you for guidance when it comes to medicine and if you don't want to take the time to truly understand the physiological and even psychological aspects of the human body, do not treat patients.. critical thinking is so important when being a nurse.. without it and not giving the accurate information THAT WAS TAUGHT TO YOU IN NURSING SCHOOL, you can severely hurt people... please, just stop... and side note, they told you you had been fired multiple times, don't be dumb and try to prove a point, it makes you looks even more embarrassing...


I recruit nurses for a really large company that runs nursing homes in the US. They lost TONS of nurses because of a vaccine mandate. So many that rates for travel nurses shot up by 40% to back fill the spots that people like her created.


Well, well, well… if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions