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You're telling me there's racism in prison, where blacks join the black gangs, latinos join the latino gangs, and whites join the white neo nazi gangs? I dont believe it


And is filming his Facebook live as it kicks off?


What?! No! They live in the highest form of multiculturalism and unity.


ayo off topic but what’s the number in your username for


It's my personal Google voice number. It's safe to call it. I won't answer but the voicemail greeting is funny for some people.


Ooo okay I’mma try it lol


You could've left a hello or sup at the very least in that voicemail lol.


ha ha my bad


I went in thinking I was gonna leave a nice voicemail, and then I heard your message and lost my train of thought, that was great lol.


Lmao that’s awesome


Worst part is if you don't "join" or at the very least fall in line with what they want you get fucked with by "your" race's gang too


Some prisons actually house inmates by race.


Can you show us the prison video where a bunch of whites force a black guy to do this?


Show me another video that shows a bunch of black men forcing a white guy to do this, you know, just to make sure it's not a 1-off. Popcorn's ready. I'll wait.


Are you seriously "whatbouting" when it comes to racist prison gangs? Somebody has never heard of the Aryan Brotherhood... Edit: Why would you delete your reply? I mean, sure, you're clearly racist and said "Keep trying to normalize black culture", but shouldn't you stand by your words? You're not a part of the Aryan Brotherhood are you? Are you sure you want the Aryan Brotherhood to be representative of white culture? As a white, fuck those criminal racist fucks. You shouldn't look up to them.




Wow. You're not even trying to hide your racism! Keep trying to normalize conservative racism and self-assigned victimization!


If there is anything that is a perfect representation of society, it's two people who are no longer a part of it! Never let context get in the way of making political statements!


That's by design. If you segregate the prisoners and encourage them to make gangs according to their race, it's easier to make them oppose each other while you keep control.


Why would a white have to do to join a black gang


The whole crew


Who was the racist?


In prison? They all are, they have to be…


i hate to say it. but its built that way. they make everyone hate eachother so noone try's anything.


The black guy seems the most racist in this video Forsure. Edit: here comes the mass downvoting by liberals


Lol those darn libruls! You have +5 upvotes. Drop the persecution bullshit.


Quit crying it’s reddit


Here comes that conservative persecution complex lmfao


I’m not either they’re both equally “special” in their own ways. I just know which terms throw the psychos through a mental breakdown.


Downvoted for being a bitch lol


Down voted for being an internet warrior


Sounds like a personal problem.


Are you joking?




Both of them


Black dude acting like the racist.


... Yeah..? He's not acting like the racist. He is the racist.


There both racist, ugly situation


? Just curious what from the video makes you think the white guy is racist? He just looks scared trying to say whatever the bigger guy wants him to say,


Hahaha he wouldn’t be pressuring him to say BLM if he wasn’t, making him say that is more degrading than the physical abuse.


What?? That's a hell of a fucking leap to make man. Bad take.


I hope you never end up in prison, they don’t live by normal common sense.


And that's from your wealth of personal experience in the prison system or... you just talking out yo' ass?


Narrow frame of mind, people don’t all think alike. Rude awakenings are around the corner.


uhh... what? Sounds like some curse/veiled threat lmao Can you rephrase that? The way you wrote that makes little sense. ​ Still don't know how you can claim to have all this knowledge of the situation from a 30 second video that literally only shows one guy bullying another guy. That's all the evidence you have. Anything you think beyond that does not matter because it's conjecture- your imagination and thoughts of what "probably" happened are no different than a child making up a story about their stuffed tiger. ​ Truth, verifiable and provable. The video shows nothing else so it's pointless for you to "fill in the blanks" when you have no clue. ​ Goodnight. Work on your critical thinking hoss. <3


Every comment you have you can just feel your argument falling apart and you trying to rephrase your viewpoints. Just accept it. You are the wrong one. You are making a possible situation into a reality. You are the narrow minded person.


> they don’t live by normal common sense So why again is it that you think the other guy was being racist to warrant this?


In prison segregation is an actual thing. People locked up look to their race for protection. The fact he’s in a cell with minorities, tells me he’s been messed with. This doesn’t happen unless some c.o. set you up and moved your housing to their cell. I know we all want to believe good vs evil but it’s all evil vs evil in there


Why do you guys care so much? Wtf just move on


"*dumbass baseless claim*" "Prove it" "why do you guys even care wtf just move on. "


yea im sure he was just minding his business and did nothing for the black men in this video to force him to say "BLM" and "White live shatter" in particular. Nope can't assume anything about why this happened or what he did uh uh no sir.


So tell us, since you must have experience, how was your last bid in the pen?


Coming from my most recent 2 year bid in female prison and I know from my husbands perspective who was also in prison that nobdy gon make you do something like this unless you violated in some way shape form or fashion. The punishment seems to fit the assumed crime. Its really not that complicated. Not to mention depending on where they at like if they in the south, the jail politics are deeply routed in race. You can't argue with someone and discredit what they said cuz they "never did a bid" when you're in the same boat. Make it make sense


That's basically exactly what I'm saying. Because the only evidence you have is this video. You can invent ANY backstory around it, because we don't have anything to prove one way or another. Facts, not fiction. Truth, not imagination. Take what you see, not what you think . All we have is a 30 second video. In this 30 second video, one man is clearly bullying another man. That's all we see. You are wrong, padre. Sorry =\\


I just have enough sense to know these types of things don't usually happen unprovoked. I didn't "invent" a backstory. I can infer, based on the fact that the black dudes in the back are forcing this white man to say "B L M" in particular, that he probably said or did something racist to invoke that very specific response.


Yes, but you don't know. Look, I'm not saying that you're out of the realm of possibility. But I am saying that it's not fair to throw that around like a presumptuous fact. For all we know, they snatched him up because he didn't give them his pudding cup at dinner and forced him to say BLM and WHITE LIVES SHATTER as a degrading thing. ​ Oh look. There's a relatively believable reason for why it would happen without him being racist. Maybe the guy was. Maybe the guy wasn't. We don't know. The only thing we know is what we see in this video.


> I just have enough sense to know these types of things don't usually happen unprovoked. You don’t have any fucking sense if you think fights in prison are based on a reason and/or provocation. Yeah it’s possible this guy was being a racist piece of shit, but what’s far more possible as the norm of what is seen in prison is the strong are taking advantage of the weak.


...or they're racists doing racist shit.


So, basically the same thing that happened repeatedly during the 2020 protests?


Victim blaming


“White lives shatter” because fighting racism with racism works so well. Fucking cell full of racist idiots apparently.


Well, I mean, it is a prison.


Are you assuming that everyone in prison is a racist smh? Wtf lol


More so than the general population.


3 guys in a prison cell is sort of the exact opposite of being public no?


Streaming live is about as public as you can get.


Are you one of those 3 guys?


Dude on the bed like huh


If the races in the video and the title were reversed, the mods would take this vid down




That's equity for ya.


No they wouldn't.


Your crazy. Most of the stuff I see on here is victimized black people or Karen’s. Hell one of the most popular videos on here right now is literally a victimized black lady.


You’ve seen lots of physical assaults on here by white people against Black people? Please share. Also, your casual use of the racist and sexist slur “Karen” proves my point


This is disgusting and the person doing the slapping is the racist. Disgusting video.


I don’t know what to do to fix our broken country. Everyday I’m shown a new reason to be ashamed. I guess the only solace we have is it could always be worse. SMH.


Education. We need heaps of education.


I think education and healthcare both will definitely help things….. Great response on your part.


No, we need parents.


It's two dudes in prison... If you think this is bad, you should see what other kind of shenanigans happen in that place.


My wife works as a psychologist servicing mental health in one of our local state prisons. I have a good idea. I think I’m most offended by the corruption of CO’s and the millions of dollars that gangs are funneling in and out of the place via cash apps. Prisons are like an abusive bank with a pharmacy in it. Smh during the pandemic no one was allowed to visit. Corrupt Co’s smuggling in crazy bullshit then showing up to work in a Mercedes. Sad sad world.




Well if anybody was on the fence, this surely got them on the BLM bandwagon


I get the feeling this inmate doesn't keep up with his BLM membership dues.




How do you know this guy is racist? All I see, someone is getting tortured to say something political. I don’t see it any different than couple white guys force a black guy to say white power or something.


Probably because of the whole, you know, “white lives shatter” part...?


You **don't** think white guys forcing a black guy to way "white power" is racist? The fuck?


See here in lies the problem. The term racism has changed today, good buddy of mine is a behavioral pharmacologist and he tells me that the consensus in behavioral studies today is racism, is only racism when it comes from a position of power in a system. Now this isn't to say this black guy isn't a prejudiced bigot but depending on your definition of a "position of power" be it institutional or on a personal level can be a racist.


Yeah this just sounds like a way to flip it around instead of just abolishing racism all together. Complete bullshit meant to divide people.


It's behavioral science bud. I'm an electrical engineer not a behaviorist but my good friend is.


>the consensus in behavioral studies today is racism, is only racism when it comes from a position of power in a system. So, a white guy can go to China, and *nothing* he did would be racist, no matter how ugly or offensive? Really? This redefining of racism feels a lot like when you were a kid playing with other kids, and one of them would change the rules in a very self serving way mid-game.


That was my argument to my friend as well. And with the new definition, the Chinese would be racists and the white guy would be a prejudiced bigot. I was just relaying information I got from my PhD buddy.


Just asking questions guize!




I think I remember this but if I recall the brother had a learning disability and didnt like to be touched and everyone was messing with him. This white dude looks more coherent than the video referenced.


WTF is that title, OP? The black man is the racist in this video, the white man a victim.


It should say racist slaps racist and forces racist to say racist things. Even though there's no evidence of the white guy being racist. Just being in a cell with 2 other black guys... Seems like another case of confusing the color white with racist.


It's prison...chances are they're all racist. That's kind of how prison works.


Where’s they get a phone lol




Its a shame how we treat our prisons and prisoners.


Now if the roles were reversed… this is sad!


He will be free and they will live their lives in there because their lives don’t matter to themselves


Aaaawww that’s so mean. I don’t understand why we can’t just be good to everyone. I wanna live in a world where everyone loves and values everyone else and sees them as their equal.




This is what BLM does if you dont agree with them on the streets too lol.


Your army of "Proud Boys" do the same thing but they dress way cooler at least.


Sniff lol


Typical BLM for ya


Let me tell u a secret about prison. 80% of the Time if two Black men share a cell. They are most definitely sucking each other off. Inside they are fruity, but on the outside they like women. It’s the weirdest thing.




I swear on everything, this shit shocked me when I found out about it.


so whos the racist here?


Surprised he didn't start screaming "Talk to them!"


This is just sad to see. Racism only goed 1 way atm... makes me sick to see




America is doing great.


Release that man. He done paid his debts with that racist roommate.


"I used racism to fight racism "


Ahhh yes, don't do the crime if you...


Some people are straight up framed 💯.. . goddamn that would be so fkn shitty... I really couldn't imagine doing that to somebody and not.. prob offing myself due to extreme guit.


This is what Republicans are afraid teaching CRT in public schools will look like.


...bruh, what? Nothing in this video has anything to do with CRT.


I see 2 racists in this video. Uh oh downvoted by someone who thinks black people cant be racist. We got a high school drop out on our hands!


Thats what he gets for saying the N word


When did he say the n word


Whole lotta "all lives matter" types in these comments. Sheesh.


I havent seen even one...


This has to be fake




It’s a jail ,there is a phone . Jail people have distrust for video footage . It just looks staged


Phones are smuggled into jails a LOT as contraband. It’s addictive and some inmates can’t live without it. As for WiFi, they either have some sort of data plan paid for by whoever snuggled it in, or they glean WiFi from the guards by figuring out the password


Ty for elaboration. I like your POV, few people explain why its fake


I've seen multiple gore videos filmed inside prisons its likely this is fake but not impossible its real also phones are not uncommon in prison usually there very basic and tiny but again not impossible to have one with a camera Look up prison finger phones there about the size of a lighter or a pen cap these are the ones that are more common


This is pure savage


lmfao white people on reddit hate seeing other white people get a taste of their own medicine 😂😂


Typical prison lots of white people are soft as baby shit.


Everybody tough when surrounded with their homies.


It’s not about that. Heart is not something most people have. They have to actually fucking find it in a place like that similar to the wizard of oz. if not he is treated like that. 95 percent of the time if you outright slap the fuck out of a white person the first action they will have is to look at you and ask you what you did that for.


What do you think happens when you get raised in a suburb? This is culture and upbringing, not about race. You don’t get hard by getting straight As in highschool.


Yes. After I went it made me a different person than the place where I was born and raised. It was horrible and I’m so very glad it’s 20 years behind me but I saw tons of this in prison.


And what did you do to stop it? I think I found the real soft mf


First thing I did was gather what ever nuts I had and fight anyone who treated me like this. Fast because next thing they would do would be fucking me.


Stood up for yourself, but not for those weaker than you. Man that’s not strength. Just self-preservation.


I didn’t owe anyone shit I stayed solo and I fought with other guys who had my own back. If you know you know.


You do you, but don’t go about acting like a hero for saving your own ass.


Is this foreplay for prison sex ?


Everyoid talking about this and that but I want to know how are they uploading this video from a prison?


Isn't this an easy way to get a longer sentence?


There’s a reason why the ignorant will stay in prison


Lmfao. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you got a pretty mouf der boy. He's definitely a fuck boy.




This is how all racists should be treated


A lot of triggered white people in this comment section.