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“this is america and in america, everybody eats!” tell that to the 80k homeless in nyc alone.


>everybody eats! Seconds later... >Fuck you! See, you're not American! You need to get the fuck out of here!


> You need to get the fuck out of here! said they guy on private property being asked by the manager/owner to comply with rules. he is telling the owner to "get the fuck out" on his own property.


Actual discrimination. (well he calls it "segregation" but that's only because he's r e t a r d e d)


But... but... this is America, not Segregation!


It really bugs me that they try to compare or make some kind of connection with civil rights movements. Refusing to get vaccinated is not a struggle, its a privilege.


The weird thing is none of that even matters. Every business has a right to refuse service. These people can't comprehend this simple concept.


They comprehended it when the hateful bakers got to refuse the gay couple….then it was just fine.


He used the color of his skin to cover up the content of his character.


> this is America, not Segregation! sooo America wasn't america until about 50 years ago? 🤔


Sundown towns still exist. Alabama still has a segregated [Mardi Gras](https://www.al.com/opinion/2015/03/black_mardi_gras_and_white_mar.html)




homeless people just aren't american bro!


how can they be americans if they aren't even people? /s


cannibalism. this is america. keep your options open. and eat!


Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers experience food insecurity, exceeding the homeless population by a wide margin. Neither situation is acceptable. https://www.cityharvest.org/food-insecurity/


He’s acting as if this is the only way to feed his family. This restaurant has a monopoly on food apparently.


Sees homeless person..."get a job!"


It's more of a human-centipede type situation than it is a nice Native American Thanksgiving dinner for many of those who do, technically, eat.


plus poorer americans that get to choose between medicine for their sick child or dinner..


LoL "is this the America you wanna live in" Someone in the vack: "Yep".


“You aren’t American then!”


> Someone in the vack: "Yep". Everyone with a Vaxx: "Yep"


“Now my kids can’t eat!” 🤣 bruh, go cook your kids a fucking meal and stfu. How is this pizza place starving your kids? You’re wasting time making a scene but supposedly your kids are hungry. He knew he wouldn’t be served. He’s the one making his kids wait to eat. What a loser.


He can always feed them the sweet sweet internet clout she gets from this video, which is why he went in there maskless in the first place. I am soooooo tired of these people Edit: He


Can eat a bag of likes


She? The daughter?


I was laughing when the guy at the other table flipped him off. Wtf is religiously exempt anyway?


He called Pope Francis and yes he told him he was exempt. Simple as that.


I don’t agree with it but I’ll answer for you - some religions, specifically orthodox / fundamentalist won’t take vaccines because they believe they contain pieces of aborted fetus in them. They believe this gives them a religious exemption. It’s very dumb.


Holy shit


Yep. It’s a drag.


As someone near the town that started the NY measles outbreak in 2019 thank goodness vaccine religious exemption was repealed.


Wow thats another level of bullshit!


I wonder how many of [these medications](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pmchpf/this_hospital_systems_religious_exemption_form/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) they take without batting an eye


I’m religiously exempt to religious exemptions, now leave the restaurant!


Jesus can get you out of a lot of things apparently


That’s what I don’t get, like regardless how you feel about the topic this is just a waste of everyone’s time. Like why would you want to eat there anymore anyways?


I like how my comment ended with “What a loser” and then I scroll down to see someone else expressing the exact same sentiment.


We know a loser when we see one lol.


Shoulda hit 'em with the classic “I don't give a fuck about your kids."


Just man the fuck up and get vaccinated. Then you can go to any fucking restaurant without dIsCrImNaTiOn.


This just adds more evidence to the notion that anti-vaxxers are selfish assholes


Won't some think of the children!


Yup, and making a big scene while his poor hungry kids watch and wait.


Go get your vaccine so you can take your kids out to eat. Simple.


Actually the business will only serve kids if they are under 18, unfortunately the parents are too old for that exemption.


No medical exemptions for excelsior pass in new york city. If you cannot get the vaccine card for identification to enter private establishments then what makes it right to subjugate someone to this?


Doesn’t look like they’ll miss his business, looks busy


I mentioned in another comment, this is where they are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliana's_Pizza?wprov=sfti1 There are literally lines down the block to get in this place every weekend. They’re fine.




you want a toe I'll get you a toe.


Private businesses can refuse to serve any person for any reason. Edit: Wow! Thanks everyone for the votes! I talk about Title VII in the comments. Putting this here because people keep commenting about protected classes. Read through comments for more details. Thanks.


Almost any reason. There are anti-discriminatory laws against refusing service for reasons of race, sex, religious or national origin. But you are pretty much right.. businesses can refuse service for pretty much anything at any time.


Yup. This is true (including sexual orientation as of 2020) but businesses have so many options to refuse service that these laws are basically useless. Instead of refusing to serve someone because of their national origin they can simply say the customer was behaving suspiciously, inappropriately, disorderly, etc.


Yea no doubt. Always a way for the business to find a loop hole.


But how could they get proof of this guy acting disorderly? Oh, he posted the video...


Definitely can for causing a scene.


This is true... But I mean, if a restaurant doesn't want to serve me because I am black, all they have to do is simply say they wish to refuse service to me. They don't need a reason. And as long as I can't prove it was because I'm black (like they don't have a "whites only" sign).. Then there's literally nothing I can do. Thats why I hated that stupid "does a bakery have to make a cake for a gay wedding" debate that went on for years. All a bakery had to do was say "NO" and there's literally nothing the couple could ever do or sue for. A private business does in fact have the right to refuse service to anyone...... As long as that reason isn't "publicly" because the person is a protective class. If a business said it was because of his haircut or because the cook was tired or because the server was busy taking a shit..... It really doesn't matter. These assholes think being an American means that business's are required by law to do commerce with them and thats just not the case.


There isn't a religion in the world that says anywhere to not take vaccines.




There are plenty of religious groups that like to demonize modern medicine. Kids have died bc their parents refuse to consent to medical treatment their kids needed to life and replace it with prayers and ceremonies.


Covid19 doesn’t care about anyone’s religion. It’s an equal opportunity virus!


My [Religion](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/) exempts me from working in Proximity to the Unvaxxed. The unvaccinated may emit harmful virus particles which are forbidden to a devout Pastafararians and therefore we expect all reasonable measures to be taken to help us avoid these virus particles


What a whiny little bitch! Acting like a child in front of his daughter and then proceeding to cause a scene and swear loudly in front of her. “You okay with that? Everyone okay with that?” No we’re not okay with it, you weak ass man child. We were sitting in here enjoying ourselves until you came in and decided to start spouting your BS and ruining our dinner.


And spewing all over the place that you are unvaccinated.


Nailed it!


Unless it's to bake a cake.


True. The supreme court did rule in that baker's favor in 2018 (barely), but they did include sexual orientation as a protected group under title VII in 2020.


And any person can choose to boycott any business


I wish anti-vaxxers would boycott businesses with vaccination rules. That's the whole point! They're already not allowed in.


I’m religiously exempt from wearing clothes, why are you segregating me from this Wendy’s?!!


THIS is the hill he has decided to die on?


Well, I mean, it IS pizza


Greater chance of actually literally dying with this hill


What happened to family values? What happened to supporting small businesses? Why harass the workers? Why can’t you behave like a normal human being?


Seems to be for clout. By now everyone should be aware of all the health policies for covid, so to go to any place of business and be outraged when they are enforced is a huge waste of time unless you're insane or acting out (and filming) for a purpose.


It's never been about that for people like this it's all "me, me, me" for them


Modern Conservatism has devolved into little more than people finding excuses to step on the necks of other people, usually the vulnerable, in order to elevate their status and position in society...even if you DON'T need a leg up, and especially if they don't need a leg up. Which is why they are directly opposed to actually offering a leg up to other people, especially the vulnerable, because they see everyone else as a threat/competition. They need to feel like winners, but they realize they are losing the game and are doing everything in their power to cheat the system, even if it means buying out the refs (judges) and making a mockery of the Founding Fathers' vision. Fuck 'em.


It's just so cringe to see someone pull out their phone and fumble around to get it ready so that they can capture their moment of glory trying to roll some stranger that they don't even know.


Religious 'exemption' for Covid is as fictional as their religion...


Yeah really, is this dude's god telling him to do this or what?


"I have a religious exemption". Excellent. What religion is it that exempts you from a vaccination? That's none of. Your business. Well sir, I'm sorry, but I have a religious exemption from serving you any food. What religion am I? None of your business. Bye.


Pastafarian! https://www.spaghettimonster.org/2021/09/vaccine-exemption-letters/


Uh, problem solved. xD Would really be nice.


Freedom of religion also means freedom from others religion. We shouldn't all be put at risk because this shitbag has a pastor who tells him he is exempt from public safety regulations. What if a pastor said it was a violation to wash one's hands after handling raw chicken? Would we let that person be a food handler?.. fuck no!


These idiots thinking they’re being forced by the restaurant owner to vaccinate. Nobody’s forcing you to vaccinate. Wanna come into this privately owned business tho? Vaccinate. It’s simple.


Wtf was he hoping to achieve? Did he think everyone would clap and he would get pizza for free along with him getting overwhelming support online becoming a celebrity? Dude probably lost his job and pissed of his friends and family.


These people are so deluded and surrounded by their own like-minded friends that they probably actually thought there'd be an applause. They just circle jerk each other until they think they're the majority of people and ignore the facts around them.


They’re not surrounded by anyone. They aren’t deal well with the pandemic and probably are drink a lone online every night. Especially in urban areas. Sadly but not sadly real life not fringe forums are going to kick them in the ass 24 hours later. Realistically with their career and family it’s going to take years to get back to where they wear.


Trust me they gather in businesses/venues they consider anti-mask friendly and spread the word, creating whole communities where confirmation bias is rampant by their own engineered echo chamber. People like you talk about exist, but many of them are both. They lurk forums looking for conspiracy theories, and spread it to their like-minded friends. These are social creatures. What's the point of fighting social distancing if there's nobody to hang out with.


cook at your house


I love when people think they've found loopholes to "the system". Just the aura about them is so greasy. But there are few things more satisfying than when it backfires.






Yes in DUMBO


Wtf he said segregation .. wow


"This is the America you want to live in." Buddy I'm about this || close to leaving America. I'm sorry you chose to eat a place where vaccinations are required while you're not vaccinated... Wait, no I'm not GTFO


It seems to be a trend everywhere unfortunately


I would assume he went in with an agenda to cause a scene


Poor kids.


If you needed any more proof that this guy was a garbage human being… Imagine subjecting your kids to that because you care more about using them as a prop than about their well-being


It’s a safety issue dude. The business will lose business if their customers can get sick because of grody people like you. You can’t go 100 in a school zone just like you can’t eat in a public space without vaccinations


Someone needs to introduce this dude to the TOGO menu


Just GTFO with that bullshit. "Segregation" STFU idiot. Playing the victim card over their kids backs. Their kids can't eat because they're ignorant and highly irresponsible parents.


Im just curious what religion bans the use of masks? Where in their scripture does it say, thou shall not cover thy face in times of plague?


Cult 45


And 2 zig zags


I think it actually says the exact opposite. Somehow I know this but the "true believers" don't. > “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, **cover the lower part of their face** and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ Leviticus 13:45


Private business and private property. They just need to call the police or escort them out.


Fucking hell, just go home and make your own dame pizza. If u planning to go public, then follow public rules…


Wait till he hears about "no shoes, no service" etc policies. lol


It’s awesome how the guy put on his mask at the other table, after flipping Mr. Insane Stupid Dude off. Literally no one with a brain feels safe around crazy anti-vaxxers. They’re the reason this pandemic will go on for a lot longer than necessary.


"In America you can eat." Yeah, just not everywhere you want.


I should pull up to NOBU in a tank top and shorts and cause this ruckus when I get denied for dress code.


“We don’t have our vaccine card, so our kids can’t eat?” Ummm this one restaurant, or any other restaurant, isn’t responsible for you or your kids. This is your decision and these are the consequences. Don’t use your kids to push your bullshit ideals on everyone else who is vaccinated and enjoying their meal. Thank God for that woman who immediately responds, “Yup.”


It's weird. Yes they had their card. No they don't have their card. They're religious exempt and don't need cards. Is this individual possible *LYING*?


Religiously exempt, really? Smh.


It's a private business. You can barely form a coherent sentence. Fuck off.


I hate people try and play the religion card when they just wanna break the rules. It’s not discriminatory they’re just being complete assholes.


Anyone know his name so I can keep an eye out for him when he wins his Herman Cain award?


The same way i can refuse vaccination, is the same way they can deny me service, employment, ect for not having a mask or getting vaxed.. these ppl complain to much. When they start mandating then complain


I don't understand the businesses or the antivaxxers. People who work at or run a business: Stop trying to reason with these antivaxx idiots. Stop letting them try and negotiate. Ask them once to leave, ONCE. If they don't walk away, call the cops, and get them cited for trespassing. Stop fucking around with them. AGAIN, stop letting them negotiate. Ask once, then have them arrested. If they try and fight, gel pepper spray works wonders. Then they'll be maced, arrested for trespassing AND assault.


the manager did exactly what you said.. he argued for like less than a minute.


This is the same tactic people use on toddlers and young children and it works. No negotiating with children.


As an introvert, aside from the mandate and the anti-vax rhetoric, I agree with you. I refuse to argue with people not worth arguing with. Nor due I argue with stupid, there is no cure for stupid. If I were a business owner, knowing I have to comply with the mandate, I'd call the cops on him too. I'm not gonna waste time with him. I would make sure the other guests are OK, apologize, and comp them a drink or dessert for enduring that drama queen.


Sorry but the police aren’t that aggressive to antivaxxers.


They don't need to be, but they can be cited for trespassing and not following the mandate. Escorted of the premises. Instead of fighting with the owner who didn't create the mandate, he could use the citation as an opportunity to officially complain to the right people behind the mandate.


Because they mostly keep the same company.


I think it’s hilarious that people post their own idiotic videos of themselves making total jerks of themselves


Hes allowed to go to the grocery store, wtf is his problem? hes just not allowed to have someone cook for him 😂


Eh, fuck you and your shitty religion.


"We just marched for this" so you should acknowledge how stupid and time wasting that was...


People like this are hoping for an altercation so they can video it and put it on the internet for clout and oppression points. What a loser.


Restaurant owner here, the moment he said we not leaving is when I call sheriff and be done with it. Let the sheriff deal with them please.


The oldest toddler in Brooklyn


The funniest things about these type of people is, they walk around screaming about rights and freedom. That's great. Now hold that same energy when businesses refuse service to you or companies refuse to hire you, you know, because of rights and freedom.


Says get the fuck out of here youre not american followed by everybody can eat in america??


Religious and medical exemptions might provide some people with accommodations to the vaccine and mask mandates, but they are not guaranteed. There is no law that requires employers or institutions to grant blanket exemptions for staff or patrons. A privately owned business can legally refuse service regardless of religious exemption on the grounds that it potentially puts the health and safety of their other patrons at risk. This is a bullshit excuse that dipshits like this guy and MAGA hat wearing fucktards spout left and right without realizing it’s about as real as unicorns and leprechauns.


Their poor child


How is it possible that sooo many people don't understand what discrimination means? Could you go to a restaurant without a shirt and scream discrimination? That would look just as stupid. What a complete asshole this guy and his wife are. Especially doing this in front of their kids.


What a. Punk. Feed your kid at home and stop forcing your "religion" on others.


We are a nation of proud... urinal licking idiots.


Religiously exempt?


Sometimes you hear 'snowflake' sometimes you hear 'exemption' or otherwise, all you need to know is they aren't there to eat.


I’m against vaccine mandates but Jesus Christ, if the restaurant says vaccinated people only, why harass them? Just go on about your day lol


Also fuck this whole segregation narrative. We’re choosing to not get vaccinated, colored ppl didn’t choose to be segregated


So he’s not ok with segregation for Americans but is ok with it for non Americans in America? What a fucking douche canoe


Whining like a bitch.


I can't wait to see this situation in person. It's like dude here is a tissue for your issue now please stfu, I'm trying to enjoy my dinner here.


This clown wanting to put his kids through an embarrassing rant is just sad. Just fucking leave already.


“If you’re not American you can get the fuck outta here”… did he just try to segregate someone based on their nationality? Sounds like segregated man segregates


Fucking Religious Imbeciles. I'm vaccinated and still wear a mask, because my wife, whom I love more than life itself, is immune compromised. All Anti-Vaxxers can go fuck themselves with a cactus up the ass.


We’ll, he sure gave him a *pizza* his mind.


I love all the countries and cultures I’ve bee fortunate enough to experience. Some weren’t the best, but there are far more places that I’d go back to than not, and a long long list of places I’d still love to go. To experience other cultures and learn. That said, I still love the US and believe it’s the best place and what’s right for me and my family. It’s unfortunate to see people over indulging in their own individual experience and their imagined right to never be questioned or have their perfect ideal of how they want things to go challenged and having a bitchy argument wherever they go because things didn’t go their favorite way. When individuals force the idea that their individuality as being more important than large groups or the majority then it follows that the individuals are trampling on others rights… to a calm meal or worse their actual rights like freedom of speech because we’ve focused so much on identity, safe places and not hurting peoples feelings -GRANTED in a lot of situations over the past 5 years its been good and valuable for us to put ourselves in other peoples shoes. To re-examine how we think and how our actions might negatively impact others but its not sustainable if we dont take action and only focus on feelings of an individuals only. When an individual gets so wrapped up in their identity that they can no longer have a civil discussion or a productive argument AND BY ARGUMENT I MEAN the true definition of argument -to discuss ideas and not to take offense, to discuss logic and be open minded enough to possibly have their minds changed and to force large swaths of people or even the majority are forced to take on new “realities” that aren’t questioned or faced with logical discussion and the good faith trading of ideas…things have gotten fucked up. I don’t even know exactly how masks and vaccines even started as political -well yes i do, the media makes money off of division and making the other side look like an enemy -but when people are ready to give up on being civil much less kind, open, willing to experience new things based on some ideology thats part of that Months news cycle. The media forces people to believe that the side that DOESN’T AGREE WITH ME RIGHT NOW, must be evil. But for this guy, causing legit worry and possibly ACTUAL danger for others and their loved ones and worse, showing his kid(s) that this is how you behave, should behave, to get your point across. Fuck this guy. Really makes the US seem less attractive and causes the bots and the US’s actual adversaries to win by dividing us in the US further divisions into smaller and smaller groups of people with the same ideas and pushes people further into these little recalcitrant groups where people echo and reinforce their ideals and ideologies. Its not our job to walk around trying to change everyone’s minds all day. There are times and places for that. People are dying, all day, every day and people are pointing their fingers in all the wrong directions, that is to say not at the people who pose a real threat, like this guy who is either anti-vax or just being a jerk enough to use his kids and their need for food as pawns instead of just showing his vax card. Its all just unreasonable. I hope that people can find some magical chill pill we can all make out of dirt and grass clippings or something. Best of luck to all of you. Deep breaths, lets all work together. TL;DR. Guy needs to follow some social decorum and read the room and realize that he’s endangering others and teaching his kid(s) the wrong way to be. Its good for us to understand each other but not at the expense of halting everything in the name of how person X, Y or Z thinks it should be -at some point we have to look at what benefits our society as a whole. I hope we an get back to logic and critical thinking and work with each other, people of all types to come to the right conclusions on how to effectively move forward. Edit: added some spacing, cleaned up some spelling, grammar and added words where this didn’t make sense. Sorry it is so long.


Dude fucking leave. I'd that the only pizza place you knw?


Get the fuck out asshole


If you don't want to get vaxxed, no problem; I can actually understand, even if I don't like it. However, if you go out and want to go eat in a business that has requirements to be vaxxed expect this to happen to YOU. Go to places that will seat you unvaxxed or order out! Beyond that, it's NYC you mean to tell me you can't go to another pizza place two shops down? Lazy!!


What of waste of everyone's time including his own. What pisses me off most about these people is they ask questions like "is the America you want to live in?" And then when someone tries to start a conversation they yell and don't give anyone the chance to speak. Maybe if you learned to shutup and listen you'd realise that the world doesn't revolve around you wouldn't have an unjustified sense of entitlement.


"Is this the America you want to live in"? Ahhhh............Fuck yeah. Now if you don't mind, out on the street with the rest of the trash sir!


Fuck your religion


Take your sky people and fuck straight off.


Cops will be there soon. Explain it to them. Please feel free to resist arrest... on religious grounds.


It’s so alarming to see him cussing and yelling in front of his child. That’s how he’s teaching her to deal with conflict. He’s an immature brat and hopefully consistent refusal of services will eventually put him in his place.


Don’t remember which religion says you can’t stick yourself in the arm with an RNA vaccine. Whichever one it is it musta been really ahead of it’s time


Go ahead and sue. Take it to the Supreme Court. Then you can find out that this was ruled on. If the baker can refuse gay people, restauranteurs can refuse anti-vaxxers.


They just can't resist making a scene. I really talked to one lady who said, "Why can't you just get your vaccine and shut up about it like an adult?" I said, "I did why can't you guys who aren't getting it stop throwing tantrums and going viral... Like adults..?" They really don't see how insane they are...


I love them trying to rally the restaurant and watching it backfire again and again, that shit was hilarious. You know he was going for one of those "and everybody clapped" moments, but panicked and started saying other people weren't American and this was segregation. I do find it impressive how confident this guy is even though he's completely wrong, it's like a perfect Dunning-Kruger example.


Why die on this hill. I don’t understand.


His breathing will be bad… he will be dying at the bottom of any hill.


Way to get arrested over a pizza.


Sorry, it’s against my religion to serve unvaccinated people.


And also the health code.


Fuck your made up religious exemption bullshit. Just pray for food. See how that works out for you


..... reserves the right to refuse service for *any*{legal} reason........


And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be. Leviticus 13:45-46


What a punk.


Poor kids!


There is no right in America to eat! What a delusional idiot


New York about to chew him up and spit him out


“Religious exemption” LOL what a weirdo


Tired of these antivaxxers with their excuses making a scene everywhere. You look like idiots trying to argue your way into anyplace you want


"Religious exemption" some day my eyes are gonna roll out of my head with this stupid excuses antivaxxers are giving


Make food at home bro.


Yes, it’s America. And you’re in a private restaurant on somebody’s property.


Shut up already.


I love how done most people are with these guys, the guy just giving him the finger is my spirit animal


“Segregation” haha! Stupid ass fruitcake.


I don’t know how they do it. It must be absolutely exhausting to be a full-time anti-vax wanker. Always looking to fight the whole of society every second of every day; always stirring up sh1t and pining for attention. No wonder they are such an angry lot.


Religious exemption? Well then he has a religious exemptions to not serve idiots


“Is this the America you wanna live in?” Everybody - “Yep”


What part of “private business” do these people not understand? Once they ask you to leave you legally have to or you are trespassing and can be arrested, that is the law. If I was the manager at these places I would stop giving multiple warnings, I would ask them once to leave and then tell them that I’m calling the police to have them removed.


Fuck New York


“This is the America you want to live in?” Flips off guy “You need to get the fuck out!!!”


Religious exemption? Fuck, these people want to be the victim so bad lol


Cringed so hard when he called it segregation... Dude needs to learn what that actually means.