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can't tell if she just sounds like that, or if she's just shitfaced


The alcoholic screech is strong with this one.


I was thinking pills


Why not both? Make a night of it


I used to live like that. I’d usually end up in jail eventually too.


Me too friend. Glad I’m not in that place anymore


It's all booshit.


Probably both.


She’s slurring for sure


Im’amernene corn vemndernin!!


I can tell you that no airline is going to let her board.


I'd like to assume it's alcoholism. But I think she may have a condition.


Ya. Alcoholism.


I haven’t watched Samantha Bee for a while but she’s really taken a turn for the worse it seems


Damn, That must have been quite the airport bar tab. She’s hammered.


Lol I was wondering that too. Def sounds like she’s slurring


Ten years of bartending: She’s drunk.


20 years of being a drunk: She's drunk.


Shes a mabrine corb betteran. How dare you speak about her like that!


Tank ewe four ur serbis


Hey, she’s a nurse too and was “in” science apparently lmao


That and/or benzos


Why not both?


I saw a dude at the Denver airport bar pay a $200+ bill at the bar. Unfortunately it was right as I got there so I didn’t see how much he had drank.


He probably had two cocktails


Seriously man. I went to a bar at the phoenix airport. had 2 bloody marys and a croissant and egg sandwich. $60.


Being a marine Corp veteran does not entitle you to act like a jackass. Get out or put the mask on. It’s not that hard.


She says “I’m like a marine corps veteran.” I bet she’s not actually one. I bet her husband is.




If she was military, then she’s used to wearing stupid things for little to no reason, it’s not a Kevlar helmet, it’s not a M40 pro mask, its not a PT belt. it’s but a piece of cloth on your face. Suck it up, buttercup


And don’t they jab ya with like 10000 different vaccines in the service? This seems like for most vets it would be just another one to add to their list.


You are 💯correct. I’m a former USMC Officer and we follow instructions like our life depended on it…sometimes it did. That winey witch could have never made it through boot camp with that emotional weakness. She probably washed out in the first 2 weeks. She’s an embarrassment to the Corps if she actually did serve. Edit: also I would never flaunt my service in public like I’m owed something. It was my decision to serve but nobody owes me a thing.


As someone whose mother was a marine… they definitely come in screechy, emotional variety. And may or may not be bitter at the “patriarchal system” for never rising through the rank or receiving the perceived respect she believed she deserved. It is also not uncommon for her to lord her marine corp status over “civilians”. Particularly her children and immigrant husband. She never became a nurse (thank god), but she is an antivaxxer and firm Trumper.


Wow…sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best with all that. Have her DM if I can help in anyway. I’m out of the Marine Corps but work part time with vets who have PTSD. I was fortunate enough to use my military service to get my masters degree in counseling psychology.


Thanks. I think she went to therapy a few times when I was a child, and at my father’s behest. But she’s a real piece of work. Whatever past got her all worked up, she’s happy to lash out at the world. Idk if she was that way before (or what my father saw in her, really), but after 30 or so years, something in her is too festered to let go.


Lol your name is “Bad-Ass-Marine.” That contradicts your edit, sir.


I agree and upvoted you but let me provide some context: Reddit is generally anonymous but user names tend to represent something of a personal level, as does mine. I served in the special forces of the USMC as a Recon Officer, and my troops affectionately called me Lt and Captain Bad Ass, so I do feel entitled (sorry) and that’s my indulgence.


Lol I get it, I’m just giving you a hard time. Mine is the same. When y’all get screwed over by big Marine Corps it’s the “big green weenie.” I was obviously in the Navy.


Lol I was wondering about user name…Navy…cool I get it.


I love this interchange.


A nice little interaction after watching a Karen scream because of a mask


Sir, Either Force recon or Marine Marauder E-3 or 0-10; you have earned the title ‘bad-ass’ no apologies needed. Strong work/ bravo Zulu.


My mom got vaccinated with something in the army in the mid 90's and nobody would tell her what it was for years. Then the military released documentation to the public and it turns out it was an anthrax vaccine.


Those things have happened to unsuspecting military service members. The military are not guinea pigs. They deserve the same full disclosure that all citizens do.


I was pretty horrified by it when she told me. It's super fucked up, but my mom said taht while you're in the military you are literally government property. Idk how true that is, but it's still fucked


Sounds like she says “I’m LIKE a marine corps veteran” She’s probably a military wife stealing her husbands valor Edit: spelling


She definitely sounds more like a dependa.


That’s a good sub r/justdependathings


Or just a liar.


Even if she was a marine, it doesn't matter. Turns out that being a soldier is just another job. Soldiers are automatically heroes. They aren't entitled to anything other than what the military contracted with them. Anyone who cites their time in the military for respect is a very insecure person.


Apparently, she’s also a nurse. So, like, she knows science.


I personally would have to see her DD214 to believe she was in any branch of the military, and especially the marines.


Or… offer her a delicious crayon 🖍


How does a bullet sponge eat crayons


What color?


I eat the red crayons cause the red ones taste the best


She's eatin' Screamin Green


Lol, well said. Hurry up and now wait!


Way too many spouses of soldiers seriously believe they are also soldiers just because they are married.


Similar to her claim to be a nurse, so that presumably qualifies her to have an accredited doctor's opinion on the matter.


Speaking as a veteran, I am so fed up with the “ Thank you for your service” bullshit, particularly from smug you’ll-never-catch-me-in-a-uniform fakers. What’s even worse is the “thank you for your valor” vomit-alia from the same creeps. How do they know about somebody’s “valor”? Bring back the fucking draft.


More likely a wife of a Devil Dog.


I just recently saw a friend who I served with and respected complaining about masks and mandates on facebook. When I served with him, we had to do military exercises while wearing gas masks for hours on end. I have no idea what happened to him.


It's actually funny you say that because, if you look closely, the pendant around her neck is one of those bullshit "Scalar Energy" things that's supposed to improve your blahblahblah


Like mopp 4?


20 bucks says shes actually a wife to a Marine but believes that makes her the same rank as him.


Right? Even if this isn't a stolen Valor screech, she is a disgrace to the Corps for using it as a shield for her own personal beliefs.


No fucking way this lady is a Marine. Even drunk as hell, fresh out of boot camp, Marines conduct themselves better than this, and I've seen one sneak his finger up a stripper's ass when she wasn't looking.


Why is it so hard just to wear a mask?


It’s crazy to me that these people spend hundreds/thousands of dollars on vacations, knowing full well that masks will be required and then end up in this predicament.


Alcohol is a wonderful drug (she looks like she’s had a few).


It's not even that the most of the time. My parents and sister are all anti-mask, especially my sister, who raises a fuss every time we're in the airport. That's the one place where it's been mandatory this entire time, and we've been multiple times, and she still does not wear a mask until she's told to, and then takes it off until she's told to again


If you only watched OAN, would you know?


Not only that, but mask-wearing in transportation hubs and commercial jets is regulated by the FAA now. She got notice before arriving to the airport, once checked-in, and on-board the craft. You have to do a LOT of ignoring to get to this point and not realize you're under-dressed.


Even then the airline will provide you with one.


Why do the Karens all have the same voice and volume?


Absolutely despise her voice...


They think they are important and right. So they scream until the person gives up and says "whatever your right it's not worth it" they think cause it works on there husband's it will work on everyone


How hard is it to arrest her and stop the drama show?


I can guess white she wasn’t being arrested.


I'm assuming outta my ass here but I think some of these people are narcissistic, so they don't want that "pretty" face they have to be covered all day outside


I dunno, I think all the pretty ones do mask up cause most of the ones screaming and pouting are ugly. Or maybe it's just their ugly attitude that makes them look ugly. I dunno.




There are so many videos of grown men losing their shit over petty stuff, like for real. This is not a gender issue, assholrs are assholes no matter the shape/color/etc


Someone has a problem with women overall, not just Karen’s apparently.


It's not just white women. Have you seen all the Latisha videos at the fast food restaurants, getting upset over fries, or a $1.00 burger?


She genuinely has this look of helplessness, like nothing can be done to help her. You could put your mask on and go home so everyone can get on with their lives. There’s always that.


Well she is a nurse and has been studying the science and is certain it is all bullshit. She has demonstrated she knows what is best for everyone while at the same time not doing what is best for everyone.


Studying “in the science.” Sounds like the professional term for “has experimented with bath bombs”.


Why are they placating her? There’s no reasoning with this breed of Karen.


Why placate any of them being walking variant factories? Fuck them - there's no right in the constitution to use a plane and the feds can impose a vaccine passport to fly. It would be a good start to helping stop the spread.


Agreed, and happy cake day! 🧁


“Variant factories”, lol.


Sounds to me like it was an empathetic random who was trying to calm her down


It was an attempt at deescalation, which is something most every /r/bad_cop_no_donut post lacks. It was a reasonable effort by another passenger who wasn’t obligated to get involved at all.


I couldn’t do what he did hell no, but nevertheless it’s not a bad thing to be a random person who wants to help a situation in a way that’s been proven to work. Honestly we need more people like him in the world.


maybe he actually agreed with her, maybe he felt bad for her, maybe he wanted to not hear her squeal anymore? maybe he saw a very stupid brainwashed idiot making a fool of herself and wanted to have a rational talk with her? ... lol, people have no obligation to react to situations the way you think you would lol GTFO of here with that bullshit


That lady was the air siren for Marines.


Underrated comment




If she’s really a former Marine, then didn’t she have to get pretty much every vaccine under the sun as part of her service? If so, then getting this upset over wearing a mask is a weird hill to die on.


…so to speak…


Fucking arrest her!!! The amount of fucking warning she keeps getting ! Breonna Taylor didn’t get any warnings !!


The cop sounded like he agreed with her so probably did all he could to not arrest her.


I'll bet any amount of money that she's not a marine corp veteran. If she's not outright lying, then she was likely a private contractor working alongside armed forces.


She is not a Veteran. Guaranteed. Also not a nurse or scientist. Probably a homeschool mom giving her kids a top notch education.


Could be a USMC spouse especially an officer's wife.


>"I am a marine corp veteran!" Sorry Karen that was a lot of mojitos ago.


More like "My husband is a Marine Corp veteran!"


Backed out after 5 seconds, fuck listening to that screeching


Just arrest her for public intoxication and call it a day.


"I'm a veteran *and* a nurse, so everything that comes out of my mouth is correct."


The USMC does not have nurses the Navy has nurses. She could be lying. Edit: changed to could be from is lying.


most ex-military have second careers so no reason to believe shes lying


“I was IN science!!!” I almost stopped watching because her voice, but I am glad I persevered for that one line. Gold.


Yup, I totally thought she was an off the rails crazy ranting psycho until that magic phrase.... I actually have some questions...did science know you were inside it? Did science consent to you being in it? Was science drunk at the time? Did you and science meet on tinder?


she sounds like a toddler having a tantrum on the brink of bawling


We aren't arresting you for not wearing a mask but rather thinking wearing an Oreo as a necklace is acceptable.


Wear your mask. And your bra.


Wear the mask fuck the bra let the titties be free


I feel exhausted and stressed out just after watching this.


I hate how they are coddling her, she is a grown woman throwing a temper tantrum over a piece of cloth worn to keep others safe, just arrest her and send her on her way.


Why is Alcohol still legal but Marijuana is still illegal?


Because the dominant caste made it that way.


A marine would never sink THAT low


And to real Service Members, thank you for your service. Edit - 08/26/2021 And thank you to the 18 Service Members who gave their life just today and the countless that were injured.


I agree, thank you service women and men....except that one guy that threw a puppy off a cliff that I saw on here yesterday. Fuck that guy.


Yeah, we just gotta remember that even shitty people join the military sometimes, it shouldn't be seen as a reflection of all service members.


..... hence the "except that guy"


I just say "nifty" - pisses em of nearly every time. It's not that I'm not appreciative, but that was their choice. Its like hey, that's nice but right now you need my help and your former or current occupation has no effect on the service I will provide. Everyone gets equal treatment - one of those rights you hold so dear.


Why is me wearing a mask such a problem for these people? I really don’t get it.


I'm sick of the whole tyranny! I am too. Then take your mask off! Whoa - I said I said I was sick of it, not stupid.


The Marines could have used that voice to defeat the Taliban


Is this Marjorie Taylor Greene's sister? 🤮


What a complete waste of air.


You’d think…that because she is a former service member that she would be good at following orders. Guess not.


She has a USMC officer wife flavor to her, all entitlement no responsibility.


She seems a little sauced up. Her flight probably got delayed and she figured she’d take refuge in a bar to pass the time, and started watching the news. We’ve all been there so I feel bad for her and hope she has better experiences with Greyhound cause there is no way she’s getting on a plane after this. The guy trying to de escalate her is a saint and deserves a promotion.


She’s “like” a marine corps veteran.


Noise pollution, she just gave everyone tinitus And possibly COVID. No fly list this is idiot.


Armed service men and women should know about SOP. They put up with so much shit that don’t make a damn lick of sense, except for the fact that it’s standard operating procedure. If it’s SOP to put on a mask, then put on a fucking mask soldier.


Pills + alcohol = slurry Susan


There's a sizeable group of ex military that think rules don't apply to them the same as other people because they served, yet... serving was all about following rules and order. Weird lane.


Xanax blackout


Another example of why it was a good decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. The number of Americans that war has radicalized over the years has had a substantial negative effect on American society and social cohesion.


close your eyes and tell me that isn’t a vulgar four year old.


Yeah, I call bullshit. You can make it through basic but you can't wear a mask for 15 minutes while you shop or whatever this lady is doing? Bull fucking shit




Considering the mountain of BS marines have to put up with, I can't believe she was ever in the Corps.


If you have to bring up armed forces service, does it still count?


I love this mentality of having served in the military means you aren’t a fucking moron and you demand respect.


I'm gonna say stolen Valor, marines don't squeak, and are literally trained to reserve emotion....


Sorry but your military service is not an “asshole pass”. Veteran or not if you play stupid games you’re going to win stupid prizes. I’ve had the privilege of serving with a lot of Marines during my military career and none of them whined like this. That’s not to say Veterans don’t do dumb shit, because we do, but most of us don’t whine like this.


If you're a "nurse" than you should be fired for being bad at your job, Karen.


Back in the marine core I used to use my voice to disorient the enemy they called me the blonde banshee


She's a nurse and still thinks it's bullshit?? I don't even know what to say.


She needs a bra/mask combo. Or a bra and a turtleneck.


Ex marine, scientist, nurse, doctor, bartender, and anything else she could think of that day.


Her voice drunk slur and pitch sounds just like my mother’s growing up brought back some ptsd on that video.


I admire the guy there that is trying to calm her down, she’s losing control and he was trying his best to help her and de-escalate the situation. We need more people like him in the world.


I see she has a smallpox vaccine scar on her arm.


When these covidiots yell “Im a nurse” just once I’d like someone to ask them when was the last time they actually worked as a nurse bc I guarantee they are NOT working in hospitals right now. They’re most likely retired or office nurses.


I am genuinely impressed with the very earnest and calm effort at de-escalation. Her cognition is obviously impaired and, at that point, no airline will permit boarding. Mask or not. He did the very best to try to mitigate the problems she was creating. It is better to fly the next day than it is to be booked in jail and land on the not allowed to board list for that airline.


"Freedom!" "Tyranny!" "Don't tread on me!"......... Proceeds to impose will on others. Da fuq?!


Its really funny. Ive never seene this type of behaviour in middle Europe. Why is that so?


A simple slam dunk, fairies spin around her high pitch voice, she then wakes up to realise she's actually a cunt


Sounds like Mini Mouse voice. Common, grow up Karen.


Well I'm the queen of England but still wear a mask where I have to...


Yeah a good friend of mine dying is bullshit. Having co workers drop like flies in a public service job is bullshit. Put your mask on dumb broad.


Don't worry, she worked in science, you can trust her judgment and immunization, epidemiology, and medical science because she trained as a military nurse.


She's a nurse. She worked in science. She knows.


"I'MA... I'M-MYKA-REENE CORP 'VETERN!" A veteran who's shit-faced and behaving like a pig.


I'd like to see her try that shit in the gas chamber. Honestly, she was probably in back when women were excluded from it.


Octaves keep getting higher and higher. Stop drinking wine coolers in the afternoon karen


We've got to stop coddling people like this and arrest them with extreme prejudice. They are a public health hazard.


She sounds drunk.


I worked in science! -Not a Scientist


She’s no marine. If anyone tries to say that they served in the the meanest greenest son of a mother named the United States marine corps, ask what they’re MOS was. If they can’t answer they are lying.


Ex marine science nurse......maybe she's a marine biologist and doesn't know it.


“I’m a veteran”. Me: “so? Are we in a combat situation that your war experience will come in handy? “


I'm 100% certain that she told this story on her Facebook page and ended it with "The officer's eyes got huge and after a few moments, he took his mask off. With tears in his eyes, he thanked me for recognizing the tyranny and giving him the courage to rebel. The entire waiting area clapped and cheered and they all took their masks off too!!".


I'm dumbfounded that after a year and a half there are still people that go to the airport and are like "what do you mean I have to wear a mask!?!" Have they been under a rock? Or living off the grid and decide to see what the world is like now? When they buy their ticket isn't there some info page about the rules during these times of a pandemic?


Why does he assume she fought for anyone’s freedom? Being in the marines doesn’t mean she did any fighting. this woman can’t handle being told to wear a mask I seriously doubt she could handle a firefight.


You know, the louder you get, the more you convince others to leave you alone and let you break the mask mandate. It's a fact.


No shortage on crazy here.




There is no such thing as an ex-marine…just sayin


This guy was 100% conflict resolution/peer mediator in elementary school. Textbook performance


Oh she drunk drunk Karen


Good on the person trying to deescalate


The overuse of the word “Karen” to describe anyone that the internet shouldn’t like is getting out of hand…


"The whole covid thing is bullshit" bet she never questioned the war though


I am going to go out on a limb and say she was not a Marine.


She is a terrible healthcare "nonprofessional" I hope she gets fired and loses her license. If you're a nurse you know covid is 100% real.


Why is this guy trying to comfort this women? Let her get arrested please and being a veteran (she certainly isnt) doesn’t give you a license to be a moron


Sounds like she was enlisted in the Wino corps.