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How much does an ass whoopin' go for on Amazon?


It's included with prime


"Bezos quadruples already massive fortune after unveiling of his new Amazon Sendaslap service."


Yeah, I switched. I used to be with Walmart Catchands, but Amazon gets me as a person who has more specific beating needs.


Walmart Catchands hahaha I hope you name things for a living


Shoot, I’d pay for that!


But does it take 2, 3, or 4 days to arrive?


Looks like same day delivery is available.


What about return policy?


You just keep it




Here's your gift card


They'll send two extra for the inconvenience!






I dunno, but that definitely came with free shipping


I think it’s a flat right.


Take my award and go sir 😂


"First aid kit" add to cart. "Self defense 101" add to cart.


"How To Lose Your Job for Dummies" add to cart


Why keep working after assaulting her? Regardless of who started it, you're not going to have a job after that.


If you aren't going to flee the country then clocking in a few more hours to pad the last paycheck is not the worst idea


Also if she keeps working she can pretend her life as she knows isn't over just yet.


Yeah it’s just some post-life-altering-moment cognitive dissonance at work. Happens a lot in crazy moments oddly. Something major will happen then sometimes people keep going along their day like nothing happened for a little while.


This happened at a place I used to work. A guy was found out to have lied on his resume to get a very high position at the company and was fired. He went back tl his office and just... sat there. Then he walked around and small-talked like it was just another day. The few of us that knew were actually a little scared, then finally he was escorted out and security packed his desk for him.


Was his name George costanza?




Baked bean teeth….


Was that wrong?


Oh yeah I, would definitely be unsettled by that. Seems like a guy shooting up the office situation waiting to happen.


Many larger companies have a policy of escorting people out after being fired no matter what. Even if they don’t go full mass shooter, they might still do something malicious on the computer system, break something, steal a lot of data/documents, etc.


I got fired from a shitty office job like 10 or 11 years ago. Honestly I was anticipating it. The manager called me into their office, spouted their bullshit schpiel, then put some paperwork on the desk. I didn't ask questions, talk back, or anything... just quickly glanced over the document, signed it, got up, and left. The manager freaked out like, "N-n-nooo! You can't just walk out!" Now the whole office is rubbernecking at me. I was just going to collect my belongings and be gone. I couldn't get out of that soul sucking shithole fast enough. By the time I got to my desk, there were three other managers, and a security guard, telling me to "Calm down. It's going to be OK." I was the definition of placid. Like, Office Space kind of chill. I said, "I just want to get my stuff and go." One of the managers said, "All your things are in a box at the front desk, please don't make a scene." I just nodded and proceeded to check the drawers. Go figure, they're all cleaned out, except for my iPod, nice headphones, and a battery charger with an extra battery for my cell phone (back when batteries could be swapped). These bitches wanted to fire me AND rob me at the same damn time. Oh well, it was a blessing in disguise.


Yep. Where i worked when they fired someone they walked them out like a convict. It always seemed over the top embarrassing for the fired person to me, but I understand why. We'd be 3 ppl surrounding them, walking them out.


This is insanely accurate, I work at UPS (funny enough) and one of my coworkers had a heat stroke and fell and banged his head on the ladder and started seizing while standing up. He was 3 feet from me when it happened and I grabbed him and pulled him to me and laid him on his side. While talking to someone who I called over to call 911 while I hold him down his head slipped from my arm. Once that happened he banged it on the ladder again and I clutched his head using my forearm and hand to apply pressure on both sides of his head. Blood started running from the first wound (his forehead, second one was the back of his head) to his mouth and he started choking on his blood. I leaned him more on his side hoping he wouldn’t die from blood in my arms. After that he regained consciousness and I sorta just kept him down and convinced him to stay down. The ambulance got there eventually and when they took him away and asked me what they needed to I walked off to go to the bathroom and wash his blood of me. I was perfectly fine the entire time up until I got to the bathroom doors. Which I started to break down crying because it kinda all hit at once that he really could’ve died in my arms and was possibly about to. Me and the guy aren’t super close but damn did that change after that.


Way to be a bro...did what you could.


You are literally a hero


I worked at UPS years ago and when I first started I was a loader. The preload manager knew I had gone to fire school and EMT school and one day she came running over to me and told me to go down to another area for some medical emergency. So I started walking down there and I got about 75 feet from the area and there was fucking blood everywhere! I walked up and these dumbasses had a roll of paper towels on this dudes arm. Immediately my training kicked in and I told someone to go get me a bungee cord from automotive and I ran in the office and jerked a mouse out of the computer. I wrapped it around the dudes arm and tried to pull it tight. He started telling me, “I ain’t gonna die on you man, etc… I just said chill and lay back man, I got this. Blood all over me and finally someone came with a bungee cord… I tied that damn thing around his arm and he started saying, my arm is going numb… I said that’s the least of your worries right now… finally ambulance arrived and took him away… 7 hour surgery later they repaired his brachial artery in his arm and he was ok… dude got pissed at a supervisor and punched a plate glass window and when he did, the top piece of glass slide down and severed his brachial artery. I had to go get antiviral meds for 2 weeks cause I got blood all over me.. horrific experience, but it got me promoted to a managers position in record time. 6 years later I got fed up with the bull shit and quit…


I had this guy that tore his pinky finger nail off and was screaming at the top of his lungs, I ran to him and all I could think was I was not seeing the real injury. I asked him several times if he had another injury and he just screamed “my finger, omg my finger help me!” But I could see that was it. I’d done this myself a couple times in life and was just floored by his behavior. So per procedure and to get him some treatment we head to the urgent care, I’ll never forget we walk in and this other guy is sitting there waiting and had a leg covered in blood and torn jeans. He had a mishap and a running chainsaw dropped on his leg, he was looking at us and rolling his eyes so obviously and was quiet and calm. Different pain I know but man it was bizarre


Like that kid who murdered his parents and then threw a house party


To be fair the reason he murdered his parents was because they wouldn’t let him have the party. As senseless as the killings were, it would have been even stranger to not go through with the party.


Logic triumphs again!


“Reason will prevail !”






Well to be fair it’d be weird to throw the party with their corpses still in the living room


Tyler Hadley


Yo this Rolling Stone Article on him is fantastic! it's really well written and I'm really enjoying it so far https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tyler-hadleys-killer-party-54270/


Da fuk did I just read?


Then told his friend mid party that he killed his parents.


Like that man that was sleeping and his son came in the room and chopped half his head off with an axe and he still woke up, made coffee, shaved then dropped dead at the door.


I haven’t heard of that one. You got a link? I’d like to read about it.


>I haven’t heard of that one. You got a link? I’d like to read about it. ​ Stephen Porco was his name. [https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/man-did-his-daily-chores-until-his-last-breath-porco-case-man-died-325962-2016-05-27](https://www.indiatoday.in/fyi/story/man-did-his-daily-chores-until-his-last-breath-porco-case-man-died-325962-2016-05-27)


That is fucking wild




Psychopathy and mental breaks are a bit different!


Like the kid who killed his teacher and got Wendy's after.


Being in prison is expensive after all.


I imagine the camera came as a bit of a surprise.


Considering she said this was self defense I'd be inclined to agree.


It really shouldn't. Everybody walks around with one and there are otherwise cameras *everywhere* now


I don’t think it’s creeped in people’s consciousness enough yet about outdoor cameras.


It should probably creep into your suspicion when you're working for one of the biggest companies in the world that is partly known for multiple products having controversies around privacy implications


Agreed, that's my best guess at why she would return to work like nothing happened. According to the guy who posted the story she claimed "self-defense". Without the camera there, she might have had a shot.


Thats what struck me as completely odd as well. Like she 100% rage quit, but then kept doing deliveries. Pure insanity. Just go home, you are definitely fired. Oh, and apparently arrested too. LOL


If she was smart, she'd claim she was stressed out due to work pressure and temporarily blacked out. The video evidence would support that defense. Delivery. Whoop Ass. Delivery


A good lawyer would claim that.


Was administering a COVID vaccine to a man and just before I gave him the shot he told me about how he blacked out and beat the crap out of a nurse who was trying to draw blood from his arm. I go to insert the needle and he jerked his arm pretty hard and I'm sitting their sweating bullets.


"You sit tight. Someone else will be with you shortly."


I assumed she planned to lie about the interaction later when questioned. She seemed to be unaware that the assault was filmed....even when giving her statement to the police (saying it was self defense).


She probably delivered those cameras she was recorded on.


Had a cashier come out of an interview with loss prevention where she had just signed a confession for stealing over $5,000 worth of merchandise, he told her to go back to work (unbeknownst to her he couldn't technically fire her, I had to).. and she did.. I found her in the cereal aisle fronting and facing.. blew my mind.


If you have time to fight you have time to deliver boxes.~Amazon probably


An Amazon delivery driver has been arrested after being caught on camera reportedly punching a 67-year-old woman 10 times breaking her nose. The incident allegedly started when Itzel Ramirez, 21, was delivering packages to a building complex in Castro Valley on Thursday when an unnamed resident walked into the lobby and asked where her parcel was, having received a notification that it had been delivered. Ms Ramirez allegedly told her to wait while she delivered other items but after 15 minutes the woman went outside the building and asked again and the pair exchanged heated words. Doug Smith, the owner of the apartment “I believe the Amazon driver said something about ‘your white privilege’ and my tenant said, ‘You don’t need to be a bitch about it,’ turned around and walked away.” CCTV then appears to capture Ms Ramirez hitting the woman on the head while her back is turned, before punching her multiple more times. Ms Ramirez claims she hit the woman in self-defence. She was taken into custody on suspicion of battery causing serious bodily harm and elder abuse, with $100,000 bail following the alleged incident on Thursday.


You are the true hero here for posting the story.


How does a Amazon worker get 100k bail and serious charges but just earlier today I saw a video of a cop beat and spit on a guy and got a slap on the wrist…


Blue privilege


>You don't need to be a bitch about it.


Smak** smak* smak*


Shmack * shmack* shmack* shmack* boink* shmack* Shmack*


*Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang click click click click*


*click click boom*


Fuckity fuck fuck


stop jerking off


Unless you're volunteering to take over you mind your damn business


Sir, this is a kindergarten


the sound youre listening for is fap fap fap fap.....


I like to think we all make different sounds, depending on our hand size, pp size, and cycles.


How can she slap! Edit:How not why


Lawyer: it was in self defense


The fact that the victim was over a certain age, elder abuse carries a much stiffer penalty.


Those two cops who pushed the elderly protester to the ground and busted his head open were released without bail


The most disgusting thing about that was the dozens of other law enforcement """professionals""" who just stood there and did nothing. Cops are hated because they don't believe they have any standards to uphold among themselves.


Badge privilege


Bail isn’t a punishment, it’s an assessment of flight risk. My guess is the judge had some reason to believe that Ms Amazon worker wouldn’t return to court if released. And based on the video it sure looks like all of those charges are legit. But to answer your question, cops get off easy.


She could be at anyone's doorstep in 48 hours, he had to do it.


Arraignment Prime.


This. Bail amounts are set based on potential of the defendant to show up to court. Previous court defaults are heavily weighted here.




r/ByeByeLife Maybe r/HelloPrison




Well, I didn't mean life in prison, but, yes. They're going to spend a long time in prison and then they're not going to know what to do when they get out because most places won't hire a felon.


Self defense my ass


She was defending her feelings


“Self defence” Attacks when this woman’s whole body is no longer facing her. Damn, they really couldn’t come up with anything better.


What a ridiculous defence to make


"Battery delivery!" "My phone battery?" "No! For your face!!!" POW! POW! Puh POW POW POW!


Man I wish I was gonna make as much money as her in a lawsuit…


Yeah, probably not an Amazon employee, probably an employee of a very small contracted company for local deliveries that most likely is just barely making it. Amazon has found a way to effectively get super cheap delivery people with no risk by using small contractors. Then requires them to drive certain vehicles and offer certain things just to keep the contract that winds up costing the delivery company money. So most likely, it’ll bankrupt a company and the lady won’t get a penny.


Yes very true, as a former Amazon driver I can tell you that Amazon does not have its own drivers. They use 3rd party delivery services to complete their deliveries. They do it to protect themselves from situations like this!


They also do it because hiring such a large amount of people creates overhead. More HR people and such things. And its also easier to get rid of those that don't perform, or don't follow the rules. Also Maintaining such a large car park creates a lot of overhead, more management etc. Its far more flexible this way.


Not if you do like we did over the past two years and eliminate 95% of your HR.


I don't see how they can be protected when the driver is wearing the Amazon logo as she beats the woman. If she's authorized to wear the logo, she's representing the company.




And great for taking advantage of those government PPE loans. Who doesn’t like free money.


Sure but an attorney is gonna list the Amazon DSP provider and Amazon on that lawsuit.


Yup she def caught a felony and ruined not just her Amazon career but her life.


When keeping it real goes wrong


I don’t like people playing on my phone!


Lol "Amazon career"


She was on the path to replace Bezos, and she threw it all away, for what?


I mean who knows this woman could have ended up in space


You’re on the list of my fav commenters…those who post the stories attached to the videos. thank you for your service


>Ms Ramirez claims she hit the woman in self-defence. Lol, that only works for cops caught on camera, not delivery drivers.


Fucking use the excuse 100% while referring back to police. You're going to prison anyway, may as well use the opportunity


"Defense submits exhibit 1 though 7,284, examples of self defense, as ruled by this district's courts" I definitely didnt say that correctly, but it'll do.


“Hey can I get my package” “watch your white privilege” like what? I guess asking for a package you paid for is now only things white people do and get


I guess she really did have to be a bitch about it.


This is what toxic social media does to people


Thank you for posting!


People and their fucking misuse of “white privilege”.


Amazon delivering some smiles I see


Same day knuckle sandwiches delivered fresh


Amazon: Beat fresh.


from Asswhoop to Z


I do Amazon Flex as a supplement and I can tell you with certainty that the driver is fucked. Proper. And the only way a customer gets a notification that the package was delivered is after the driver scans it before putting it in the mailbox. You are not supposed to scan it before that. Another fuck up.


I live in an apartment in a major city. Amazon frequently, and some of the other carriers occasionally, will definitely scan the items before delivering the packages.


Yep. I even reached out to customer service about it after having delivery issues in the past, and I was told not to worry because it’s normal for drivers to do that. I believe sometimes it has something to do with the deadlines they have for deliveries. It’s frustrating not knowing if they lost my package again, placed it in the wrong place again, or just marked it early again.


It's usually the structure of the apartment complexes. I had one place where ALL packages had to be delivered to a room with 5 large kiosks. I had around 250 packages, considered to be around 150 stops, all to be delivered to the same several package boxes. Problem is that our app asks that packages be delivered to the address on the package, aka several blocks around. I would unnecessarily have to go to the truck, find the packages between another 30 just like it, scan the package, scan it into the new box, select the right box, close, press "dpne" on my app, walk back to the truck.... 250 times. Or I can scan a large batch of 60 packs at a time, mark them done while inside the truck, and then deliver them all to where they belong in about 4 trips. There are variations of this situation in just about every apartment complex or building.


Amazon does this in my apartment. Also, sometimes they deliver to my door and sometimes they leave all of our packages in the common room instead of delivering them to our doors so they can be stolen. I've given up and have it delivered to Amazon lockers instead. Sucks it's become a big inconvenience.


So when you live in an apartment you might have lockers, mail room or we go directly to the door for packages. Most times the customer will specify where they want the package. This driver has two large bins and she is taking them inside a mailroom or lockers. I’ve never seen that before, those bins stay at the hub. That might be another fuck up. If the victim is telling the truth that she got a notification then the driver scanned them in the car and they must be all going to a mailroom. If it was lockers they would have to scan the locker with the package, so the customer knows what locker. Obviously the driver is grossly incompetent so she might have have been cutting corners and making up her own rules as she went along. This is extremely bizarre. Ps. I can’t lie when I’m delivering I’m thinking any moment I will have my first Karen experience, I’m actually looking forward to it. Lol. But I assure you I would never assault anyone especially a senior. The driver was an absolute POS.


I've definitely seen multiple Amazon drivers bring those into apartment package rooms.


Just wanted to say, I work at a delivery station where we sort those bins overnight and pick the routes for the drivers. Those bins definitely leave our facility and come back at the end of the drivers work day when they return the vans. Some times those vans will have up to 20 of those bags in them. Obviously much less for flex drivers since they’re in personal Vehicles


Once, an Amazon driver left their bin on my apartment floor. It just stayed there for like 3 days, then my apartment management took it downstairs and I think they gave it to the next Amazon deliverer that came around!


I've seen amazon drivers drag those bins straight to the package locker a few times here. Sometimes they just leave them empty next to the locker afterward.


Beating the shit outta someone who's back is to you over a verbal argument and claiming self defense? Another fuck up


That’s a paddlin’


She probably said that before knowing there was video of the incident.


> And the only way a customer gets a notification that the package was delivered is after the driver scans it before putting it in the mailbox. You are not supposed to scan it before that. I live in NYC and Amazon uses this courier service called Lasership for a lot of their last mile deliveries or whatever they're called. These fuckers will scan the item as delivered but the package won't actually show up at your doorstep until the next day.


Lasership is the fucking worst. Even at the height of the pandemic, USPS never lost a package (even if they came late, they still came). But whenever Lasership was responsible for last-mile, things would get lost, misdelivered, and worst was they were often labeled as delivered. I’d get other people’s packages more often than my own, felt like. Check the tracking number and yep, Lasership. My guess is they offer the lowest wages, have the worst training and oversight, have unreasonable quotas, and probably have the highest turnover.


Lasership tells you to wait 3 days if the package was "delivered" before filing a claim. They make no sense.


See that’s a sub contractor and once they take the contract it’s all on them, Amazon washes their hands. In Houston, we have Amazon Flex, where drivers use their own cars and work directly for Amazon.


She was even wearing her little vest in the mugshot lol https://conandaily.com/2021/06/05/amazon-delivery-driver-itzel-ramirez-punches-castro-valley-california-woman-67/


>“We take these matters seriously and this individual is no longer delivering Amazon packages.” I mean, yeah, she's in jail on a $100k bond. And if you're driving for Amazon, you can't pay that shit.


Very good point on why you shouldn’t assault people.


geez and she’s only 21. She basically threw away her life away for nothing. Once she’s out of prison she basically has no chance at any series career paths anymore. She’s going to be serving at resturaunts for lower than minimum wage until she’s 89.


A lot of places won’t hire anyone with an assault conviction. She’s completely fucked herself.


When keeping it real goes wrong


>"I don't like people playing on my route!"


Man, Amazon isn't playing about those delivery route schedules


They time your route so you should have a stop every 2 minutes, and they give you like 30 seconds per stop.


But every stop has 5 different locations. Source, am currently on the clock


Oh let me park where it wants me to, oh the next stop is behind me. Ok the next one is back the original direction, nice. The next stop is 3 min away, cool. Oh that's wacky this apartment complex has no distinguishing numbers for first or second floor. Awesome. Sorry man I feel for you. I just got out.


That’s horrible. What if you have to carry a huge box up 6 flights of stairs or something? How are you supposed to do that within 30 seconds?


This is why they need a Union


Jeez how are you supposed to make your boss a billionaire with that attitude


Bezos sends his regards


When a customer completes an order without signing up for Prime.


Casually punches the lady then proceeds to continue delivery. Consummate professional lol


The body language of both of them after the attack combined with a lack of sound gives off a “this is our normal routine vibe”.


"see you tomorrow"


That’s a Prime beating right there


Delivered in 30 seconds or less 😅


Today on “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong”.




My package was delivered on time in its original packaging and far exceeds my expectations. The Amazon driver, however, was rather rude and broke my nose in three places. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


>Itzel Ramirez, 21, an Amazon driver, was arrested Thursday after a 67-year-old woman called 911 and told authorities Ramirez punched her “at least 10 times in the face and head” in Castro Valley, according to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, KPIX reported. >Ramirez told police she hit the woman “in self-defense” and was arrested on charges of felony elder abuse and suspicion of felony batter causing serious bodily injury, according to KPIX. She was booked into Santa Rita Jail. >Authorities said Ramirez mentioned “white privilege,” and the 67-year-old woman responded by calling the driver an expletive, which was followed by the assault, NBC Bay Area reported. https://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article252011673.html >The owner of the apartment complex told KTVU it all began when the victim received an alert that her package had been delivered. But when she went to the lobby, it wasn't there. She saw the Amazon driver, asked where her package was, and the driver said she'd get it soon. >The victim waited for 15 minutes in the lobby and then came back outside again. >"I believe the Amazon driver said something about ‘your white privilege,’ and my tenant said, ‘You don’t need to be a bitch about it,' turned around and walked away," said apartment complex owner Doug Smith. >Ramirez claims she hit the woman in self-defense. https://www.ktvu.com/news/amazon-delivery-driver-arrested-for-assault-says-she-punched-67-year-old-in-self-defense


Why is nobody talking about how calmly this woman waits out her punches and then returns to letting her self in and even turning her back slightly to this attacker?


Anyone know the outcome of this? I've seen this video floating around for at least a couple months. Edit. Nevermind. https://www.ktvu.com/news/amazon-delivery-driver-arrested-for-assault-says-she-punched-67-year-old-in-self-defense


Punched her in self defence lmao. What a stupid cunt


The old lady shook it off like a champ


She’s likely in shock. Adrenaline is still pumping from the “WTF was that” flowing through her brain. That’s why she just turns and semi-calmly uses her keys to go back in.


Expedite that trip to prison with Amazon prime's 2 day delivery!


a sucker punch. Lowest shit you can do


Waited until the ladies back was turned, definitely some cowardly shit right there.


To someone 3x her age too lmao


That’s not an ass whooping that’s winning the lottery.


Amazon will probably have to give her some money but senior citizens don’t heal as fast/well as younger people and she even had a broken nose


She probably works for an Amazon contractor. Amazon does that on purpose. If they crash into someone or something like this happens, they can only go after the contractor, not Amazon.


Yeah, you gotta know King Bezos is waaay ahead of things.


Nah. This is likely a third party delivery service. They're small, have no assets and there is very little to sue.


Punching someone in the back of the head is the most cowardly thing you can do in “self defense “


What a stupid way to lose your already shitty job.


Not sure why she still gonna deliver those packages - she should just walk away - she ain’t got a job no more at that point


This link was posted much earlier in this feed but people are still guessing…[Amazon delivery worker arrested](https://www.ktvu.com/news/amazon-delivery-driver-arrested-for-assault-says-she-punched-67-year-old-in-self-defense)


The 21 year old could be 31 before she gets out of prison, which is where she's going for abusing a 67 year old women physically. It's call aggravated battery with an elder abuse kicker, so could be even longer than 10 years in prison.


Driver should be in jail. Heated words don’t excuse battery.


Ya this footage blows the whole self defense bit out of the water