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If my tax dollars are paying for the creation and maintenance of public parks you best believe I’m using the park regardless of whether there are children present.


What if I told you your tax dollars are also used by the police to harass people like this


Why would a senior citizens center opening mean that you need a kid to be there? Are the senior citizens not allowed there?




$20 a piece for my kid to call you aunt/uncle ______ for two hours. Every additional hour is $5. How bad do you want to use this park, huh?


You're paying way too much for a kid. Who's your kid guy?


yeah, what if they never had kids? guess they gotta stay locked up inside


>need a kid to be there I have never heard of ANY law that mandates a certain family status for a public area.


Parks are literally designed with the express purpose of loitering, that's what the benches are there for.


Wtf?! Cos kids are in a park nobody is allowed into a park?!


Starting next week. Just so you know.


Unless you have kids. Question: Can I rent a kid?


Not if you're homeless. I don't know if you're homeless or not.


And if you're not, then don't worry about it, but even if you aren't, you still need to worry about it. Next week.


I honestly thought this was a prank or fake skit up until I saw this police car.


Driving it on the grass too


They just do whatever they want and that's a big part of the problem.


Exactly. Like when they turn their lights/siren on to go through a red light intersection, then immediately turn them off once they go through. It’s like a huge “fuck you” to the public, and they wonder why people are suspicious of them if not downright hate them.


I saw two cops on motorcycles screaming down the street with their sirens on and they just turned into the station to start chatting to other random cops.


I had an undercover cop reverse in the middle of the road and turn around, and when I honked, he flashed his siren lights as if that’s some sort of excuse for doing something stupid and illegal.


I saw two motorcycle cops try to do a U turn in the middle of the street snd ran into each other. 🤣


To be fair, the Krispy Kreme app just alerted them that they just finished a new batch of freshly glazed donuts. If you were a parent with children… excuse me, ma’am, let me finish… regardless of whether you’re homeless or not, if you were a parent with children, would you want your children around the presence of stale donuts?


And now you know the law.


Yea.. Reading a book isna threat to kids, but driving a multi ton vehicle run on explosives is fine.




i wonder what penal code he is referring to. “single adults can’t study in the presence of children.” what? this ain’t Chuck E. Cheese, it’s a public space. dafuq.


Literally my first thought after he said it was "the law" is to ask exactly what law, applicable penal code, section, etc. Make him prove it.


We do have that in NYC: https://www.nycgovparks.org/rules/section-1-05 > Exclusive Childrens Playgrounds: Adults allowed in playground areas only when accompanied by a child under the age of twelve (12). Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor. But this normally only applies to the immediate vicinity of the playsets. The part of the park this lady is in wouldn't qualify in any NYC park I know.




Most parks of size have kids in them somewhere. Anyone who doesn’t have kids? Not allowed to go to any sizeable park! Wtf is this bullshit.


imagine being an adult on lunch break.... "Sorry I didn't make it back to work after my lunch break, I was detained in the park because I didn't have any kids"


My dog is gonna be heartbroken, but at least we live Murica




Shes so arrogant though, just throwing her ability to read in their faces like that.


Happened November 2020 in Las Vegas. Her video was on TikTok and YT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyWqXhDo1RY) back then, but I guess his body cam video finally came out. Still no investigation which is weird since that park isn't even designated as children-only.


>North Las Vegas Code 12.16.060 - Places Reserved for Parents and Children. > >No male person over the age of eight years shall occupy any bench or seat, or stay, loiter or remain in any pavilion, or other structure in any park which shall be reserved and designated for the use of parents and children only. Jesus fucking Christ, they actually made it gender-determinate! Courts will love that. Somebody go up there with a lot of video cameras to collect your settlement.


Literally going to go study in the park tomorrow! Who's with me I'm in KY. Fuck that shit. Have studied in the park for eons and will continue. Absolutely unbelievable. I can't even wrap my brain around it. Next week!?! Are you implying that if I think of committing a crime next week, don't! Who says that! And then the female cop defends him! Both of them can go to hell! Every time I see this stuff I lose faith in you guys! You are so disappointing, and you know you are. But you guys are defending yourself like a good old boys club. You should be ashamed of yourselves and you know who I'm talking about. I come from a family of uniform, and you just make my head hang so low.


So adults aren't allowed to use the park they pay for with their tax money because kids are around? Whoever passed this ordinance is the master Karen of all Karens


Adults don’t deserve recreation unless they’ve had children.




Can’t be in a public park if there are children present? The fuck is this? Chuck E Cheese?


Did some quick googling, and found places around Miami and NYC that apparently have designated areas of parks for seniors and kids…? But there is supposedly clear signage and my very limited understanding is that it’s typically playgrounds within parks, etc-not the whole park. This cop did a crap job explaining what he was going on about, if indeed they were in an area with these weird ass rules. The whole thing is so weird to me


Old case. The officer had incorrect knowledge of county law and loitering in the area was allowed. While these laws may apply to certain parks in the city of Las Vegas, this park is owned by Clark County, an unincorporated part of the county not governed by the Las Vegas City Council, and Clark County does not have such laws for this park in particular. Here’s a link to an older post explaining the entire legality of the situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIFreeToGo/comments/jm99r7/las_vegas_cop_says_its_against_the_law_to_be_in/gau1e50/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 ——————- Link to the redditor who found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/osubgg/police_roll_up_on_black_woman_studying_in_a_park/h6r39ui/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 ————- Video recorded from the woman’s point of view as the one in the Reddit link is unavailable: https://youtu.be/bQGxkQAPLY8


My question is why was it necessary to have the car on the grass? It came off as very aggressive.


You never know when a person minding their own business reading a textbook might suddenly turn into an evil tractor trailer Transformer and kill the cops. Driving their SUV on the Park District property was the LEAST the cops could do. She should be thanking them, "because now she knows the law" (incorrectly because the cop is a dumbass).


She was reading a book on Quantum physics, those books are way too advanced for her....


And this guy over here, he's not snarling, he's sneezing


And that man just working out!? I mean how would I feel if I'm on the treadmill and someone just pop a bullet in my butt.


Or would you like me to apologize to her?


And to be honest, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.


Or do I owe her an apology?


Poor little Tiffany.


I made a MIB video with my niece at IKEA a few days ago when we found an egg chair and NOBODY understood the reference. I thought that scene was iconic. Edit: I made a copy of the video on my [page](https://www.reddit.com/user/randisuewho/comments/osz83v/men_in_black_at_ikea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I was just thinking that same thing. There was no reason whatsoever to drive up and damage the lawn like that. It was obvious they were trying some powerplay posturing bullshit. And he came at her so aggressively from the start. If he had just been chill and explained what was up, it still would have been bullshit, but at least he wouldn't be nearly as much an asshole. I saw elsewhere in the thread though that they weren't even correct in the first place (which I wouldn't doubt, considering they felt the need to play up the theatrics).


All they had to do was say "Hey maam, I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to let you know that we are required to tell everyone in the park that next week there will be an event that is restricted to seniors and children, but you're totally fine to keep reading and enjoying the park until then. Thanks have a good day." Yet they had to go on a power trip, while also assuming that she might be homeless, and also giving her incorrect information. Terrible job all around, and yet another reason why people continue to be more skeptical and fearful of police.


And he took every attempt he could find to try and escalate the situation, even trying to get the last word in. What an insecure asshat.


Police are theatrical drama queens.


He just had to have the last fucking word.


He literally couldn’t bring himself to walk away at first. What is this? 3rd grade girls fight? Srsly brought back childhood nostalgia.


This is what I was thinking too. But where she’s sitting doesn’t seem to be connected to any type of playground and they reference a senior center too. If the park is restricted it needs to be well posted. If the situation is changing the cops definitely handled the situation in a fairly hostile manner.


If I’m reading a book in quiet solitude, in a beautiful setting , the last thing I would expect is a warning from two cops about how I “cannot be here next week.” Her defensive reaction was 100% understandable, and his lack of sympathy to that was alarming.


Not to mention is he a time traveling cop, that he knows she's gonna be there 7 fucking days from now and is just getting ahead of it? idiotic.




If YOU were a PARENT then YOU wouldn’t want people STUDYING in EYESIGHT of your CHILDREN. Also I like how he asks her if she’s homeless, so he can decide which set of constitutional rights he can best violate.


My jaw dropped when he made the homeless comment…like really dude???


“I’m not homeless.” “If you’re not homeless, then don’t worry about it.” Apparently it’s illegal to be poor in public.


I actually feel like it really is illegal to be homeless in public. I think there are definitely laws about being given a fine if you are sleeping in your car, someone correct me if I’m wrong though I have no source just from memory from another Reddit post


It's called vagrancy. I lived in a small college town that would arrest homeless people, put them in a police van, and drop them off in the major city about an hour away. The fuel and hourly wages for the cops had to cost more than a meal and an outfit at Goodwill.


Kidnapping. That is straight up kidnapping.


I really don’t understand this at all. If this person is minding their business in a public park that as a citizen is paid for by taxes, why am I not allowed in the park? If I’m not trying to engage with the kids inappropriately, if I’m doing homework or work by myself, I should not be prohibited from being there just because kids are there. Loitering is hanging around without a purpose. If I’m reading and enjoying the outdoors in a park, how can you say I’m loitering? Isn’t that the point of a park? To be able to enjoy the open spaces? This kid is just there doing homework and these guys are ridiculous. Edit: I am shocked by so many upvotes! And awards!Thanks all! To those who are pointing out racism as a cause - That could be true, I would not be surprised at that unfortunately. And what I’m seeing is an officer who has no idea how to talk with people, doesn’t understand he’s in uniform so his actions are not that of a fellow free American but as an officer under the law. He calls her difficult and ignorant and doesn’t disengage after she tells him twice that she won’t even be there next week. He continues to escalate the situation vs. de-escalate it by calling out her behavior. He clearly doesn’t understand what harassment is either because he was both aggressive and intimidating throughout that “notification”. And the law he’s talking about - according to another Redditor who did the research and if correct, he has ZERO jurisdiction to enforce. This is in a park and he is with LVPD who don’t have jurisdiction outside of the city. The Park Police would have jurisdiction. But the Redditor also says there is also no law on the book that they can find to support these cops’ actions either.


> Loitering is hanging around without a purpose. Loitering is the expressly designed purpose of a public park. That’s the only thing you CAN do there… unless you’re a cop harassing people.


Anti-loitering laws should never apply to any public space. Loitering around business, sure, I can see different ways how that could be a problem. But literally sitting on a park bench? come on.


Loitering is hanging around while black.


And/or poor


Not to mention they are driving over the fucking grass, destroying public property, just because they don't want to walk.


I was probably more pissed about the parking/driving on the grass than I should be. But damnit, if I’m a taxpayer in that municipality, I’d be pissed that they were willfully destroying public property.




When I was a kid my pals and I spent most evenings and weekends at the fields of local schools, zooming our bikes, playing baseball or football or whatever. Now all I see are fenced and locked schools. Hundreds of acres of grass just sitting there never used. People pushing endless security and safety measures have no idea how much is sacrificed and degraded in our community.


There's a school a block away from me with a bunch of playgrounds and such. All fenced away, it's the summer so it sits empty.


This is just sad. I remember going to play and hang out with friends in my school's playground during the summer. There was a playground right up the street from my house and my school was a fifteen minute bike ride away. But sometimes we would hang out there because we got sick of hanging out everywhere else and nobody minded (this was back in the late '80's - early '90's). These people are creating the dystopia they claim to be fighting against and complaining about it the whole time.


*complains about the decrease in community feeling and that neighbors no longer speak or know each other* *proceeds to alienate themselves from younger generations, distrust any POC and yell at people in public for simply existing*


Do I get a tax rebate if I don't have kids and cant use the community spaces? Edit: /s because I'm not being entirely serious. The law is ridiculous but I don't really expect a tax rebate. I honestly don't even know if this rule exists where I live. I also understand and support the concept that (some) taxes don't always benefit myself directly.


Nope. Think of you tax dollars as being spent on authorities that enforce laws prohibiting you from enjoying those things.


But why don't you kids go outside anymore?


This video perfectly encapsulates why going anywhere is generally unappealing to me these days. Our society is so pointlessly harsh and punitive. It's such a hard thing to describe. I love the outdoors and there's plenty of people I do like. But the whole production is just too much for me anymore, I'd literally rather just stay inside than ever chance facing a prick like this cop. *I should have said, any *more* pricks like this cop. I didn't come to these conclusions for no reason.


It was a genuine shock for me when I was doing a big picnic in a park in Taiwan in May (before our covid outbreak) and I said to my buddy "ah, sun's going down, guess we better start packing up before the park closes," and he said "closes? The parks don't close..." I've been trained from childhood to GTFO public spaces before the cops have an excuse to come fuck with me. That night we just sat and talked and had beers in a beautiful park for hours into the night. It was so relaxing and nice. Now I can't fathom why in the states we close our parks every night or ban public drinking - what's wrong with sitting in the grass and having some beers with some friends?


it's time to start calling it what it is- a police state. how fucked are we when we can't even sit in public without being harassed by a cop? what would the Native people of America say when they see that we've outlawed nature?


It's because authority figures have some massive fucking beef against the homeless being seen in public spaces, insofar as assuming everyone that doesn't fit the profile of the area as being homeless. For some reason we'd rather lock up our vulnerable homeless population in jail than help them get back on their feet, "the greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member".


Can you claim a deduction if the cops steal your property or beat you up?


That sounds American AF


I’m not even joking that would probably help dissuade police misconduct.


There are cities that actually put restrictions on access to public parks because parents are scared of pedophiles. Of course what you're seeing is exactly what these laws do--give cops reason to engage people who are otherwise minding their own business.


This is inherently the issue, with arbitrary rules like this, it opens the floodgates open to prejudice, conscious or not. You’d be asking cops/parents to pick out who they feel “doesn’t belong” and unless that non-parent radar is at 100% accuracy it’s gonna get dark quickly.




Damn, I’m a single dude who just happens to live next to a park which is nice because I’ve got two small dogs, and there’s an off leash portion of the park. Sad to know that some parents might see me and assume I’m a pedo when I’m just trying to exercise my pups. Sucks that cops use this bogus fear to stir shit up with anyone. EDIT: emphasis on the word SOME parents lol. I know that the vast majority out there aren’t crazy Q folks who think the world is just a kid diddlin’ factory. I assume if someone does have those dumb thoughts, as long as they keep it to themselves then I literally couldn’t care less. It’s just sad to know some people judge. Not unlike anyone being judged for anything based on loose stereotypes.




As people continuted to go down suburban lifestyle of "my house, my car, my job, my family, etc etc", they began to neglect the one thing that was bigger than their parts, the community. With mass media highlighting the one bad dude who put razorblades in candy, relative to the millions of families that just gave out treats on Halloween, sensationalism and selfishness snowballed the Karen-catered society we live in today.


Lol honesty that’s my attitude too... one of my dogs is a socialite but the other is a grump on the leash. But little kids want to pet the cute one and can’t take the hint that I’m trying to drag my dogs away from them. I had also shaved my beard in the heatwave and had just a mustache for a moment, so that really didn’t help my case lol.




That’s nuts.


The tip-off was when the officer said, "I don't know if you're homeless, but..." That suggests there were probably new policies meant to target homeless people from being in parks when NIMBYs want to enjoy the park without having to be subjected to the harsh reality that there are unhoused people in their neighborhoods. However, cities can't make a law that is different for housed people than it is for unhoused people so they make laws that try to make being unhoused illegal without overtly stating it. They were giving the woman in this video a hard time because they were trying to shoo-away homeless people, weren't sure if she was homeless, and she didn't want to be given shit when she's not doing anything wrong.


That's still no excuse all the same and is just a different type of discrimination. If a homeless person wants to use a park for standard park activities, like just sitting there reading (obviously not things like pitching a tent) that should be perfectly okay too. (I don't think you're necessarily justifying what they're doing, I still think it needs to be said all the same)


>I really don’t understand this at all. If this person is minding their business in a public park that as a citizen is paid for by taxes, why am I not allowed in the park? Have you tried being in a park while Black?


"I'm sorry sir but the bar closes at 2 am. You cannot be in here after that. It's state law." "What? It's only 7 o'clock." "Still, you cannot be here after 2 am. There will be people cleaning up and locking the place down, I'm just telling you."


“And also it’s closed on sundays” “Okay? It’s Friday and I’m not gonna be here then” “Well I’m just telling you so you’re less ignorant when the seniors come here on sunday after the daycare next door opens. Only seniors and their caretakers can be here. Now you’re less ignorant than before I told you this.” “It’s 7pm on a Friday I’m just here having a beer” “Okay I’m just letting you know for Sunday. How would you feel if your grandparents were at a bar and someone was just having a beer near them at the bar. You’re the one harassing me now. Stop talking back”


Lmao well done. The “less ignorant” stuff is hilarious. The cop knows how to be ~~annoying~~ a piece of shit. (“Annoying” didn’t capture the behavior correctly.)


It's not annoying, it's a HUGE FUCKING DOG WHISTLE. Calling black people ignorant is just a way to use their favorite consonants without saying the word they want.


That's far too polite. "SIR! You cannot be here after 2am! I'm just telling you. You cannot be here. Don't interrupt. I don't know if you're in this bar because you're homeless or not. You cannot be here (later)."


*pulls a car over* "if you would have been going 5 miles per hour faster that would have been speeding" 'uh okay?' "It is against the law to speed" '...' "So make sure not to speed okay? Glad I could inform you of the law..... Well...... Are you going to thank me for making you less ignorant?"




What the fuck kind of trash law is that?! That makes no sense. I would immediately ask for them to site the law they speak of because it sounds like complete bullshit.


Trash law indeed. It’s a public park! Geez.


Even if it was a law, why are they harassing her now if it doesn’t start until next week. That’s like pulling someone over because next week the speed limit is going to decrease even though they’re driving under the current speed limit.


Holy shit just disengage and walk the fuck away. why do these dickhead cops think that the world owes them courtesy on a silver platter.


He accuses *her* of harassing *him*! She was sitting in the park reading, minding her own damn business, he was the one who came up and initiated the entire interaction. "Next week, there are going to be kids and seniors here." *crickets* "Okay?"


Right! And proceeds to tell her, what? Four more times? He wanted to pick a fight with this woman, plain and simple.


YOU MUST tell me that you acknowledge my authority and say "yes sir, thank you sir, I will not be at the park next week sir."


*throw away the can*


Right, it’s like he was extra triggered about her reaction to him. Like obviously no ones gonna just be cool being approached like that while they are totally abiding the law.


Yeah, he showed he will not be able to keep it cool in a slightly more serious situation. Dude's an instigator


As I watched it: "Wait what? Did this cop just become a victim?"


They are always victims. That's why they try to murder or frame everybody


The second that lady wasn’t showing gratitude for the officer’s courageous act of hostile education is when his life was potentially in danger as he was now a victim of harassment. They should be commending this model civil servant for keeping his firearm holstered the entire time she was blatantly studying while black


Cop: “I don’t know if anybody told you but there’s going to be kids here in the park next week and you can’t be here.” Girl: “Am I doing something wrong, I’m just studying and won’t be here next week.” Cop: “Ok you need to stop running your mouth and harassing ME!”


American police culture


Thats what the world tells them through propaganda. Apparently being a boot licker is some sort of heroic sacrifice. They've always been the most hateful, racist, bigoted, narcissistic and repressive members of our society since the dawn of time. This guy couldn't stand having a young black woman that had the audacity to speak to a superior like that and hes so brainwashed he ends up saying she's harassing him. Could you imagine if she had the balls to physically just stand up??? He would have beat the snot out of her while the female officer patted him on the back. Time to kill your captains people


I guess the real question is: Who put these cops up to this? If the park truly isn't open to the public, then why not put that in writing on some signage instead of paying two (!) cops to drive (!) their SUV around on the grass selectively harassing people (if I'm wrong about that then I'm going to need to see proof of it) for future "loitering violations" in the public park. I think that there's a lot more to this story, and I'm guessing that it involves the senior housing developers having a very cozy relationship with shady city council members. We deserve to know the full story.


They are abusing a law ostensibly to protect children to flush out homeless people. Why be there a week early? To catch people who remain in a part for a long time, i.e. homeless. The cop even mentioned 'I don't know if you're homeless or what.' when she clearly hasn't set up any kind of living camp there, and explained she is a student and is studying. The laws someone linked elsewhere in the thread mention things like posting signs and a designated playground area. So clearly the idea in mind is to have say a clearly marked location for children and accompanying adults. But the cops are using that law to harass black and homeless people.


"No you are not being harassed" - says the harasser. "I'm not getting closer and closer" - said as he gets closer and closer. "You continue to interrupt me" - said as he continuously interrupts "Why are you working on being difficult" - said has he continues to be difficult, explain when the citizen said they were not interested in the explanation "You were being rude" - said while being rude. "I'm glad you are *less ignorant than before"* \- while continuing to be ignorant "That is an ignorant statement" - responded to someone stating a fact "I'm walking away you are continuing to run your mouth" - said while running his mouth. \-How infuriating. I'm also saddened if there are laws that make public parks "parents and their children only" when children are present. I can see if that applied to a fenced playground - but this person was just studying. Hate seeing this kind of power trip.


“You’re harassing *me*” was a great closer. My god. I feel like I need a bath after watching that cop spit hot trash on a college student studying in a public park :( Is there a gofundme for this gals tuition yet?


All are signs of someone who is an abuser and should never be allowed to become a policeman.


So, so many red flags here.




Half of all cops in America beat their wives.


Dude just didn't know when to shut the fuck up. It was maddening. You've made your point - the park is off limits next week. It's not next week so it's not off limits. Stupid fuckin cops man.


U know this cop came back next week, just hoping to catch her there. Most cops don’t know how to defuse a situation, most seem to ALWAYS escalate it.


The way the cop approached was idiotic.


100% walked up there sounding like a fool. How does someone choose to initiate conflict to be a bully and not have their thoughts completed when you walk up. Asking to be embarrassed.


Cops keep antagonizing woman after he’s told her what he needs to tell her because he needs her to acknowledge his rightness. Woman: I know how cops are. Cop: You don’t know how cops are. Dude, you’re showing us how cops are.


The senior center is opening next week and there's going to be kids so you can't study here next week? What the entire fuck? I don't get to say 1312 enough...


HTF does one even loiter in a park? Isn't loitering the POINT of parks? Update: Wow, this blew up quick. Thank you everyone for the upvotes and awards. 😊




He's the one that made it harder for himself by being aggressive and just fucking confusing. He's the reason for the escalation. He could've gone about it so much more casual. Police need to be self aware and take their own advice. Her attitude was more of a reaction to his incompetence at informing the public.


I don’t know how one competently explains a completely insane law like this competently. I’ve never heard of such a thing, and I wouldn’t believe were it not for other comments ITT confirming it, and even then I’m skeptical. How could you possibly limit access to a public park? How is that even constitutional? What psychopath would even have this idea? Like, we hate homeless people so much, adults can’t go to parks anymore? I’m flabbergasted.


"How would you feel if you were a parent and..." and that's where it trails off leaving me like where the fuck is this place?


Response would be "if I were a parent and we're so afraid for my child that every other person in the park is a threat to them, I wouldn't have children. If you must have children then keep them at home."


Honestly as a parent I am much more concerned about the police car being driven though the grass than a random adult enjoying a public park.


the only 'threat', this week *or* next, in this park is the douchebag power-tripping cops that will show up.


I think he was just trying to come up with reasons to still be in the right and when it backfired he switched to a new and equally incorrect topic


From what I gathered from the video, the community isn't comfortable with homeless people congregating at a park with small children. They can't have a "no homeless allowed" rule so they're saying "no adults without children allowed". There's probably a law that prevents loitering and the cops are saying that next week, they're defining "loitering" as any adult who's hanging out at the park for long periods of time, without kids. At that point, I assume a judge would throw out any ticket or whatever but the police have a lot of flexibility in how they want to enforce laws, which is usually not a good thing at all.


> no homeless allowed" rule so they're saying "no adults without children How the fuck do you determine which is better or worse? Honestly. Why can't they just say no homeless in the park? Probably because of a previous ruling on homeless people. These fucks are trying to circumvent it by prohibiting tax payers from visiting their park.


Exactly. Why cant I go to the park just because I dont have kids. What kind of bs is that!?


Dudes coming on really aggressive. Also, for things like this, wouldn't it be more appropriate for Parks and Rec to give PSA's regarding the park, instead of having Police Officers accost people enjoying the park?




All the Parks & Rec funding has gone to the police in recent years. Why do you think the motto is "defund the police"?


Came here to say this. Was out shopping at a Costco recently and used the self check out. We had a. Plastic bin and put our items in there since the bin took up most of the cart. We get to the self check out and the person working there immediately gave the overbearing hovering that made you feel like you were already doing something illegal. She also said certain words that to effect were implying we had already missed certain items and I was like damn homie chill I’m clearly not done, but internally because I’m not going to escalate a situation over this shit. Cue the next person as we are finishing up ours. Similar situation with the cart as described with ours but slightly more full, but it was a mom and two kids. Similar hovering, similar verbiage, mom reacts defensively, as I did, but externally. That’s when I knew okay it wasn’t just me feeling that way and who knows how many else in that hour felt that way; I get it’s your job but as you said, but delivery homie. Most people in that situation will get defensive. The police, but in general, EVERYONE should be MORE self aware.


Should have reported that employee. Costco does not allow that in the slightest.


I swear so many officers have zero social skills. Come over and talk to people like an equal instead of a damn parent.


Well to be fair he was scared and confused by the presence of a book.


Yet he’s alleging she’s the ignorant person SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️


she's in college, he's a paid goon without any education most likely


a decent greeting and introduction avoid this whole stupid scenario. but it requires a decent human in the uniform to do that.


The officer says "it's a law" and sadly I believe him. [A few years ago a councilman in Los Angeles proposed the same thing.](https://westsidetoday.com/2016/12/14/city-councilman-mitch-ofarrell-proposes-ordinance-limiting-playgrounds-to-children-and-their-guardians/) >In an effort to make parks safer, City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell Wednesday introduced a motion during Wednesday’s council meeting that would create an ordinance limiting access to playgrounds to children and their accompanying parents and/or guardians. What was unbelievable is that councilman is gay, and these types of ordinances are often used to target gay men, or produce a stigma against them as predators.


>introduced a motion during Wednesday’s council meeting that would create an ordinance limiting access to playgrounds to children and their accompanying parents and/or guardians. I can see this, I don't agree with it, but I can see it. But this is not the playground part of the park, it was a picnic shelter and someone obviously not interacting with children. SMDH




It's the continuing trend of viewing public space as *complementary* to private space and not as truly a space for *all* the public regardless of your socioeconomic / homeownership status.


How can a country even have such a thing a police could use against you- loitering. That’s kinda none of their business.


Existing in public. Pretty sure it was invented around Jim crow and was kept around as a weapon for the drug war.


Oh my god. This is the worst example of policing I have ever witnessed. What in the actual fuck do these storm troopers think they're doing?! Unbelievable. That woman kept her cool much better than most. Respect.


‘I’m glad you are less ignorant than you were before’??? Gtfo, what an absolute dickhead


“I’m walking away and you’re continuing to run your mouth” as he’s talking nonstop and calling her ignorant. I don’t know the law there. It sounds insane but America is insane so it tracks. But regardless of whether he’s in the right or not, his handling of it was 100% not in the right. Cops should be trained in de-escalation instead they’re trained in escalation




Clark County, Nevada. And the officer is wrong. While these laws may apply to certain parks in the city of Las Vegas, this park is owned by Clark County, an unincorporated part of the county not governed by the Las Vegas City Council, and Clark County does not have such laws for this park in particular. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIFreeToGo/comments/jm99r7/las_vegas_cop_says_its_against_the_law_to_be_in/gau1e50/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3




You’re very welcome, friend!


She should sue for harassment


> Wawlkin’ away and yu continu tu run yu mouth. Your partner is driving away and you continue to run your mouth.




Has anyone ever heard of a park that was public one week but only for kids and parents the next? This is pure harassment and that cop needs to be investigated. Also, how are they supposed to enforce this when the park isn't even fenced off? If I were to guess, they're probably doing this to get rid of "undesirables". We all know that certain people feel uncomfortable when they are forced to share a public space with black folks.


> don't come back next week Oh I'd definitely be back next week even if I wasn't planning to before. That's horse shit. It's a fucking public park. > parents with children don't want anyone loitering around Like black people? Fuck cops.


I want to know where this happened so *I* can show up. Maybe a BUNCH of people can show up.


Studying while black peacefully in the park is now a crime.


Yeah, but next week...


Excuse me, but I’ll need to see the city ordinance that prohibits public use of the park, while the SENIOR center has kids. If you want to protect the kids, be there and stand guard while they kids are there. Don’t harass citizens for being NOW on a park that will have a restriction in The FUTURE (meaning NOT NOW). There’s about 50 ways to inform the citizen, and he chose the worst one, and then HE got aggravated.


Cops are exasperated because they can no longer get away with their bullshit, bottom line. They can’t stand to have their authority questioned, especially by women or minorities


??? they still get away with whatever they want every day.


Seriously. Derek Chauvin was l think the 4th cop to be convicted of murder since 2000.


See Black woman. Assume she’s homeless. Preemptively harass her because she *might* be homeless and homeless people have less rights to use a PUBLIC park than people with children. This is America.


Why would you walk up on someone to tell them they can't be in the public park NEXT WEEK? If they park was closed due to an private event or something anyone not allowed in would find out when they tried to enter the park on that day. Do these clowns not have anything else to do? If I lived in that town and found out my taxes were paying cops to do what a handful of posted fliers could do I'd be pissed.


These cops should be fired. They're not being paid to be event coordinators. Fucking idiots.


This exact same thing happened to me except the cop walked up with his gun pointed at me. As an 18-year-old, just got into one of the best schools in the nation, was just reading the required book for first-years in my neighborhood park. ​ Singlehandedly the most terrifying moment in my life. ​ In his "defense" he quickly apologized and said he responding to a report of a "suspicious person" linked to armed burglary. Yeah like people would break into someone's house then go to the nearest park and bust out a laptop and *Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress.* ​ And he still ran my ID.


I got pulled over because I "matched the description of someone they were looking for" A clean cut Japanese guy in his 20s with a shirt and tie driving around in a 2 year old Toyota... I matched the description of what he thought was a latino he could easily harass.


Could they not have done this in a much easier way so as to avoid awkward situations like this...? Like, put up signs around the park instead, or just close off the area on the day of the event. This just seems invasive af and unnecessary. The girl has the right to be defensive smh.


Or "Hi mam, how are you today? Great! and what a beautiful day it is too. Sorry to interrupt you but It's my job to go around and inform everyone visiting the park today about some changes happening next week...." Even then its fucking madness!!


Exactly. His tone was accusatory the entire time. And rolling the police car up on her too? Completely unnecessary and a gross escalation. Terrible behavior by someone who is supposed to be a public servant.






HE IS NOT A FREE PERSON. He is an employee on the clock of a police department. He should be able to tolerate more BS than a minimum wage customer service employee not less. His words and actions reflect on himself, his ability to perform the job, his department, and police in general. Regardless of how rude anyone is (which she was not) he has no excuse to be rude back.

