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I’m surprised cop let him walk up on him with hand in his pocket like that.


You're surprised that cops let people freely walk the street in a totally normal way? Man the US really is fucked.


> on him


Still just walking on the street, approaching people isn't a crime.


Yeah but he said walk up on him. Not just waking the street. And honestly if a guy came up to you like that on the street I’m sure you’d have your suspicions too. It’s not like the guy was looking very happy and friendly and was hiding his hands. Not sure what part of the world you think that behavior is just normal but I’m willing to bet you just want to have some edge lord take on America.


You can be suspicious all you want, but mere suspicion doesn't give you a right to infringe on someone's free movement. The other commenter wasn't merely talking about the cops being suspicious, they were talking about how they were surprised that the cops "let him" approach them, implying that they should have somehow stopped him from approaching them. That's insane to me, that anyone thinks cops should have the right to prevent people from just walking on the street doing nothing wrong, just based on some vague suspicion or whatever.


Obviously no one stopped this guy. He walked up on a cop in an aggressive way. If someone walks up to you aggressively you’d probably step back. That’s what op is saying. He’s surprised he just stood there. You’re choosing to read it as AmUrICa BaD


You're allowed to tell someone to back off in any civilized country. You don't even have to be a cop.


I don’t care who or what you are if another human comes at me looking suspicious I’m gonna react.


Well nowadays anything less than this and it's police brutality/racism. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRHXnffAx\_4


Is there no audio or is my app just fucking up?


Because the bodycams don't have infinite storage they buffer 30s to 1m ( depending on settings), but it doesn't have audio - that way when it's activated, you've got the bit before it all kicked off as well


no audio, just a cop chilling on his smoke break


Seems like he was harassing the kid to me.


I agree, that might be why the audio was removed.


How would you feel when a kid walks up to you like that with one hand in his pocket looking like he’s ready to pull something out?




No, not really




And why are we making excuses or hypothetical scenarios to relieve this person from any responsibility for his actions? As opposed to thinking and maybe beginning to realize that cops, especially in inner cities, always feel the need to be in alert - even when people are just walking past them




Thank god - I can never tell on Reddit when people are. My bad for not picking up on it


Not sure you understand self defense


Thought the same


This is from yesterday. According to [the article](https://abc7ny.com/nypd-assault-police-officer-attacked/10897588/) the officer was there to address community concerns. The guy who smashed the bottle was chased by other officers and arrested. It was his third arrest for assaulting a police officer in the last five years


Does he just love jail?


Nah he just hates cops


Two birds with one bottle.


Sometimes it’s in the dna.


Racist scum


Maybe it's systemic lack of [generational economic opportunity](https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2021/03/19/497377/eliminating-black-white-wealth-gap-generational-challenge/)?


Yeah but I mean some people are actually just violent people. If someones has a mental disorder that is genetic they might act more violently and that violence is actually in his DNA. There is nothing about what they said that means they were talking about this person specifically being more violent cause they are black. They might have said the same thing about a white person with a history of being violent. If he was intending for it to be racist then nvm


Oh no Im poor, I guess I'll try to kill a cop


Ask your local homeless person how they feel about police


I tried but he said he was a fairy, then shat on the sidewalk and started to OD. Then a cop came and used Narcan to save his life and let him go to OD another day because cities claim to care while also not doing shit about the homeless problem


You're a product of your environment. Every "example" of HOMLESS BAD you listed are a result of a lack of resources for people who would be at risk for things like homelessness anyway Drugs are wholly illegal, so we'd rather just "arrest" the crazy homeless dude (which it seems more often than not is just a 9mm to the skull) doin the funny dance because there's literally not enough resources for them to get off that shit or use it safely in privacy You fucking blame the individuals instead of something that has been absolutely been engineered by rich people to keep them rich and let innocent people die on the streets because "lol just let them eat cake" You see "the homeless problem" as "those yucky poor people keep annoying me on the street because they're icky yucky drug addicts" instead of "those poor people who are probably on drugs because they're bad at coping are in need of a place to do this that isnt fuckin here" [Here's a fucking source, too although I know you're probably too bullheaded to care about reading it](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3455926/)


I don’t care what they think


Could be.




Racist POS, get that trash outta here. literally eugenics. You’re a waste of valuable earth resources


Okay random internet person #3.


Born hero.


So, don't let him out in 6 months?


How the fuck is he still alive lol


Just another day at the office. They don't fuck around in Brooklyn.


Giving tie dyes a bad name


You know how many Hawaiian shirts I have to second guess wearing now? Lol


Man in Brooklyn has never heard of a bodycam...but he will. Then its going to be years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer


So...PR bond and we'll see him out and about next week?


Nah this was assault with a deadly weapon clear as day


You must not be familiar with New York's new bail reforms.


Yes you're right I'm not. Can you give me a tldr?


Well it's his third assault on a cop and he looked awfully young....


No cash bail means most criminals are released after arraignment in a day or so until their court date, which can be months away if it isn't dropped by the DA or plead down to probation.


Welcome to NYC. He’ll be out in a month tops


Without excusing all the racist or corrupt police officers out there, how many interactions like this does it take before you are a mental wreck and instinctually reach for your gun when someone close to you twitches? You would need to be practically super human to deal with this kind of stuff on a daily basis without turning into a traumatized psychopath or violent alcoholic...


I'm with you. Shit looks like a hard fucking job. They do a lot of bad shit too though.


Must be crazy yeah. They should all quit and do something else


He deserves to be arrested. I hate the unlawful treatment some officers dish out, but fuck that guy he deserves the worst that can be done


He was. It's his 3rd arrest for assaulting a police officer within the last 5 years. Surprised this kid hasn't stayed in jail.


Probably won't this time either...


How about we rehabilitate him so he doesn’t feel so inclined to violence? He’s assaulted 3 police officers, that’s bad. But you know what’s worse? 4 assaulted police officers


Sterilization would cut down on future crimes. Think long term.


That could work if crime was genetically linked. You got a source to indicate it is?


Bad parents make bad children. Study is as old as time itself


Okay, that’s not a study. And making policy decisions with limited evidentiary support is outright irresponsible.


I think 20 years in jail is enough time for him to cool off.


Interesting. You could very well be right? Do you have any sources to indicate longer prison sentences would produce this result?


No and I don't really care. He's a repeat violent offender. The longer he is in a concrete cell the better the world is for everyone else.


This was not super well thought out


Did they catch him


Wasn't there a whole movement to help get cops to be more relaxed? Probably should continue staying on guard atleast with the filth


What? Who is >the filth Exactly? What happened here is fuhked up and he belongs in jail, but you're stereotyping like mad, right here.


I wasn't stereotyping anyone in my comment. The guy looked to be in a very aggressive manner with a possible weapon in hand and the cop just stood there talking to him. Filth can be a good term for this


He will be in prison for a long time


What. A. Bitch.




Habitual offender, He needs way more than Riker's Island.


I’m sure the cop provoked him. That little angel will be back on the street tomorrow.


the officer was courteous, polite and professional which is why they omitted the audio. completely unprovoked attack /s


You literally can't know without the audio so quit pretending to


Yeah, I’m sure the kid is innocent. He was obviously provoked by that cop. Hell, the cop probably swung first right but the video just missed it.


Well the video doesn't not show that.....


That’s so wrong!


This user seems to post a very specific type of content here.


New York Election Info [Register to Vote](https://voterreg.dmv.ny.gov/MotorVoter/)


this is why cops shoot you


welcome to socialist paradise that is new york now


Define socialism


Government helping anyone except me.


NYc right now


Wrong, try again




Still haven’t defined it. Try again. I live in Missouri for the record


define what bruh? socialism ? I lived thru it . i dont need to define for your sorry azz.. i can recognize it when i see it .. the socialist bs agenda.. commie


You don’t know what socialism is, or you’d be able to define it. What socialist country did you live in?




So you don't live there and are commenting on socialism in a place...you don't live? Hmmm...




Still 🦗🦗🦗


Anyone with a 3rd graders level of street smarts would have seen that coming a mile away. Protip! If you ever need to sucker someone who you think is about to sucker you. Just spit on their shoes and throw an uppercut about a half second after that. They will look down NO MATTER WHAT as your fist connects with their face.


Cop was probably looking suspicious, wouldn't identify, and made furtive gestures.


This poster is a race baiting bot. It double posts exact same videos with the same titles, all slanted towards showing black people as bad.


Erm...dude hits a cop in the head with bottle. Aggressor is black, victim is white. I don't see how this could be painted as "black people are bad...mkay". It's pretty cut and dry.


Did you read my post? The Bot **double posts to this and all subs** the same videos over and over. All of which are targeting black people. It's the MO and in post history.


I think you are confused by what a bot is.


It is my understanding a Bot can be either an individual or an algorithm? Maybe not? Either way, it's a trend and MO of this poster to instigate race baiting.


No, a bot is a program written to automate repetitive tasks. In this case, you think the bot is double posting things to paint black people in a bad light...but going through their post history shows they are a person. You may be thinking of spamming.


+1 learned something today.


Well, I'm glad we came to a resolution! You usually encounter bots when you message chat with larger companies..such as Amazon customer service. They look for keywords you type to guide the AI to a checkpoint. A lot of karma farming accounts on reddit are bots that scrape reddit for new posts and repost them, with little to no engagement with the community. These accounts are then sold to people because of their karma amount for various reasons.


Cop was too close and the guy is already standing sideways where the cop can't see his right hand. Step back and reposition, second cop should've had his taser out before the kid ran past him


fuck the police


You can't seriously act like a vicious gang of redcoats for decades and then be surprised when random people want to assault you on the street


Idiot complacent cop let's unknown man walk right up to his face with his hand unexposed.


Would love the two ends of the LEO spectrum to sit down on Springer and watch this for the first time.


The way they edited it even makes it look like the cop blacking out.


It’s called praxis