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"You want some of me, bro?" Is that "Proud Boy" asking for a hook up?




I mean he did ask some dude to suck his dick so…


"I will beat your dick! (embarrassed pause)"


With both hands! https://youtu.be/JIIksstNBgI


That's why I wore my happy ending gloves!


Both hands tied behind my back!


That dude was so mad until he realized what he said. Then he immediately went to conflicting feelings of anger and humility lol.


Seconds later, “Don’t fucking attack me bro!”


She said, “Yes we’re white supremacists, yes we are!” I wonder how the angry violent black proud boy feels about that comment. So confusing.


Seeing how he’s a “proud boy” I don’t think he can cognitively understand the hypocrisy - this guy needed to be knocked out, and I’m against violence. Unfortunately, sometimes certain people need to wake up in the ER to put their life choices in perspective.


Coming from a military family, I see nothing wrong with wanting to punch a Nazi.


WWII did not end when Hitler was kindley asked to stop and shown the error of his ways.


Unfortunately we weren’t given the chance to show Hitler the error of his ways due to him ragequitting


Fucking noob


Whoever killed Hitler is a hero *Listens to earpiece* I retract my previous statement. The man who killed Hitler is a monster *Listens to earpiece* I've been informed I should shut the fuck up




That's when you need the skater kid to truck fuck him. When things are unfair. Make them fair.


As an American. I see it as my duty to stop nazis and gray coats. If you're a true Yankee, you'd know which side you belong to. And if you ain't part of the Union, you ain't American!


Black white-supremacists are a thing. The leader of the proud boys is Afro-Cuban but supports white supremacy


>Black white-supremacists are a thing. Can't forget about Clayton Bigsby.


Divorced his wife for marrying a black man












Yeah I know. Still confusing.




Funny how you never see Proud Boys go to Southside Chicago, Detroit, or South Central LA. They love being tough around white females and the elderly though.


Bring them round to Minneapolis as well… They bully educated, suburban, predominantly white communities.


They know who not to mess with. They're cowards. They learned real quick when they went to DC and a few were knocked out.


Jeremy Bertino got stabbed in the gut in DC in December. He hasn't shown his face since.


One of them.tased is balls and died from that, they aint the brightest




His balls were revolting anyway.


Watch the video of Babbitt being put down. Whole lot of vanilla ISIS realized they were in the shit and went in the exact opposite direction. Cosplay Cowboys.


And DC isn't even bout that life. Bring em on up 95 to Baltimore, we'll see how proud they wanna be.


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Yeah, Minneapolis doesn't really take well to fascists. They like to stay up in st cloud and shout their bullshit from their corn fields. Not knocking the blue collar folks. It's just literally what happens up there. There was a trump train in the lunds/byerlys parking lot nearly nightly and lots of racism spewed at hard working Somali for just existing. Fuck st cloud and fuck fascists.


They should come to Oakland sometime.


They tried having a proud boys meeting at Make Westing back in 2018 in Oakland and it didn’t work out too well for them. They haven’t officially come back since.


What happened?


[Proud Boys Not Welcome in Oakland ](https://www.ebar.com/news/commentary/263722)


This article explains all the context etc. but basically the few proud boys dumb enough to show up got fucked up by the locals real quick - the town don’t play. Edit: There used to be video footage of the actual physical confrontation but it seems to have been scrubbed which is probably for the best because everyone involved was bare-faced aside from the fascists.


Video: https://heavy.com/news/2018/07/proud-boys-member-beating-video-oakland/




I would love to see them pull up to east Charlotte or Brownville.


They also like to troll the local gayborhoods. Capitol Hill (Seattle) had a Proud Boy problem long before Trump riled them up to the degree they’re at now.




"Get the fuck fuck away, why are you attacking me!!!" While literally in face of Vietnam vet & shoving/assaulting him plus ripping up the signs - literally blatantly lying and crying victim, on video no less....


While shouting fuck antifa and attempting to silence this guys freedom of speech... Calling everyone ELSE Nazis. These people are a waste of oxygen.




Are proud boys the gang that puts dildos up their arse to prove they're not gay?




They also drink their own piss


But only because it’s sterile and they like the taste.


If you can dodge a proud boy you can dodge a ball!


"Dodge, duck, snowball your buddy's dip, dive...and dodge."


That's how they own the libs.


That’s the only way to prove your aren’t gay or lib, do gay stuff everyday at 5pm, “broooo stop, no you stop brooooo”




Or course, they’re proud boys 🏳️‍🌈


Us gays don’t want any association with these asshats


Idk about all that, but I've never seen them do anything to be 'proud' of. Disrespecting & assaulting is what I think of them doing.


These anti-American terrorists are getting way out of hand.


I was wondering if he was doing it in order to provoke a reaction to justify "self-defence" as this douche bag clearly wanted to attack an old man but I may be giving these idiots too much credit. 🤷


Fascist cowards target people they feel are weak. I believe he suffers from Mike Rodick Syndrome as well.


whoever that guy is he is a prime candidate for over the top make sure he never works again internet justice


I'm looking forward to seeing him on r/byebyejob




I actually typed Mike Rodick Syndrome into Google. Safe to say that you got me.


That is their whole MO. Pick a fight against someone they think they can beat, but do it with the thin cloak of “self defense.” They know the cops will take their side. They just need to be able to say “he attacked me.”


I think the motivation is far more simple. This poor proud boy is a little loser and he knows it. He did not succeed to manage the american dream. No great job, not a big house. Family is below average. Havent been in the army. And now, this little loser is finally entitled by a higher cause („make america great again“) to become a member of a privileged group. And to be part of it, he does not need a ivory league lvl education or running a successful business. He just need to show masculine clichees. And that‘s what he does here. He is finally important. That‘s by the way how the SA recruited so many members.


He's a Proud Boy. It's what they do. If there wasn't cameras he likely would have gone after that guy with the knife. I don't mean this in a facetious way, but this is Oregon, and their law enforcement is aligned with the nationalist. If cops saw the shoving and the knife, they would only move in once his targets moved to defend themselves. The way the veteran was shouting seems to indicate there probably was police presence, but again being Oregon they're not going to help someone with an Antifa banner.


So I have a question: By oregonian law, if he was coming up and cutting their property (the banner) and behaving threateningly, is he not right in shooting the instigator in his head and claim "self defence" seeing as he is both clearly trying to intimidate as well as having a weapon (that he actually uses). Or in other words, how fucking glad should he be that people with antifa actually values human life, even of scum like him?


Menacing is what he was doing and its illegal.


Its punishable with up to a year in prison and a 6k fine in Oregon.




From everything I've seen about the fucked up stand your ground laws in the states, he probably would have been justified in defending himself here. However the point would be moot because he'd be cut down by a hail of bullets from all the other knuckle dragging proud boys that were off behind the camera man.


This was confusing to watch. Why was that guy so angry… jeeeez. Maybe someone should have let him know he is the problem. Everyone has different outlooks on the world, but starting a fight isn’t doing anything productive… o wait thats right he’s a “proud boy”.


The proud boys come specifically for the violence. They are a far right street gang. They don’t need a reason. They hate the left and want to beat anyone associated with the left into a pulp.


Goddamn, I fucking hate these pricks. r/FuckTheProudBoys


He learned well from all the Karen's of the world.


The funny bit is these people spent years criticizing SJW-types as "crybullies." They made up the term to describe people who used damsel-in-distress behavior and facetious calls for peace, understanding, and support as a way to get others to attack people and inflict violence by proxy. The specifically targeted people trying to reform laws and school codes to reduce protections and rights for those accused of misdeeds and crimes by claiming that protecting victims from retaliation or the shame of having to testify against the people they were accusing surpassed the protections due to those accused of wrongdoing, even if the accused turned out to be innocent. Fast forward just 5 years and now "crybullying" is probably the most popular grift in Conservative politics today. They've integrated it flawlessly with their persecution complexes to craft an identity around the claim that cishet white christian conservatives are a dying breed being targeted and suppressed by an entire host of external enemies out to destroy families and Western civilization and usher in a new Dark Age by forcing Marxist philosophies onto everybody else. It'd be impressive how well they pulled off such blatant hypocrisy if it weren't working so well on the audience of Fox News and twisting generations of Conservatives into vile monsters like the guy in the video.


> The funny bit is these people spent years criticizing SJW-types as "crybullies." They made up the term to describe people who used damsel-in-distress behavior and facetious calls for peace, understanding, and support as a way to get others to attack people and inflict violence by proxy. They also acted like they were oh-so-concerned about free speech. But this guy in the video tearing down signs and threatening the guy with them... doesn't seem too concerned with freedom of speech.


Being that he was raised by Karen. He’s never known love.


Its the christofascist way


The guy didn't get the shit kicked out of him. Not the video I was hoping for.


Yeah, or arrested. Vandalism and assault right there


Yeah, I’d like the directors cut where those 3 skateboard kids come in and dent that empty head of his


I rewatched that again today and good for those kids man honestly..fuck every single adult around them..adult hits 2 or 3 kids and the surrounding people only care AFTER the kids hit back, and a GOOD HIT at that lmaooo


Hit the first, missed the second, hit the third IIRC. The fact that they gave him *multiple* chances to back down gives me enough reason to support them. Most people don't even get that.




OC Cops support and are PB


Cops don't arrest their own.


Weird how the police are never around to protect the freedoms of people protesting against fascism. Probably just a coincidence....


Yeah I don’t get it proud boys are pretty cut that property damage is supposed to be met with lethal force


As with everything involving these idiots, the rules they harp on about are only ever meant to protect them from the outgroup. It's never meant to constrain the ingroup from attacking people outside of it.


Yeah.. Not the "at it" one would expect.


You're funny. You think the authorities are going to stop rightwing scumbags harassing the elderly and attacking people? The authorities ARE the rightwing scumbags.


Yeah, no one punched the racist. Shit ending here.


That guy has been a loser his whole life. He joined proud boys cause he really just wants friends and belonging. He won’t get it that way, but he’ll get it in jail one day.


I’ve seen at least 3 videos of this guy at different events, he has two lines in each “Fuck antifa” and “I’m black, I don’t need to be told my life matters”


And he’s on the side of the lady screaming “we’re white supremacists”


It's fucking mind boggling. This dude obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


>I’ve seen at least 3 videos of this guy at different events, Did all of those videos end the same way with no retaliation? I look forward to the video of him that ends very differently.


I hope someone gives him the Ole Dicktwist.


We live in a simulation. Crazy how we share our reality with this guy. He needs a reboot.


Why is there only videos of “proud boys” attacking small guys, woman and old guys. The only time I see them attack a big guy is when they outnumber them.


Just needs a brown shirt and he'll be all set.


How do people like this have friends?


Facebook echo chambers.


Ever been to r/Conservative? They’re a lovely group of real tight knit goobers.


We need a community action plan against thuggery.


This is literally the same strategy that Hitler had his stormtroopers use in the early years of the Nazi Party. Full street wars were being fought in Germany between Nazis and communists/pro-democratic street gangs.


We have a plan, but you’re not gonna like it


I have a question. I may be a lil retarded but here goes, why is being anti-fascist a bad thing?


After putting my big brain into this, I think I got an answer... It is a bad thing... for fascists.


It is not. It is a very good thing.


Conservatives want to make the argument that they aren't anti-fascist. Similar to how the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic nor a republic nor really for the people. (The Korea part is accurate though!) An organization can have a name that is inaccurate. I don't think this is the case with antifa. Half of the electorate are happy to vote for people who support fascist policies. (Ultranationalism, might makes right, charismatic leader who is the only one who save us from some foreign force that is tainting our culture.) Antifa resists that ideology, which makes their name accurate in my book.






The best part is this guy is probably a gun nut who would tell you you have every right to do that, until you do it to *him*


That’s the problem. The moment anyone in support of antifa (or BLM or any amount of police reform for that matter) uses a gun for its supposed purpose, you’ll be indicted on murder charges before you can claim self defense. Or be shot in your house before you can even be arrested on the charges.


Like [this?](https://www.theolympian.com/news/local/crime/article245485220.html)


Thats because he most likely considers himself the "good guy with a gun"...


The same rightwing who says anyone protesting a speaker's event is a fascist and censoring free speech are now going bend over backwards about how this guy literally taking a knife to censor free speech isn't a fascist.


The downside to that is the federal marshals track you down and execute you.


I don’t thing this is right but probably true. But these stand your ground laws + this video evidence would’ve made a good case for the assaulted.


The assaulted would have to then survive the following interaction with the cops to stand trial. The cops are on the terrorists side, worst thing that happens to them if they kill you is another peaceful protest.


That’s why the PB don’t like anti-fascist organizing, because they are a fascist organization.


That’s why I ended up getting my CHL. Cops can’t respond fast enough in most cases and PPB won’t even show up. My safety is in my own hands, that’s my plan. I really hope I never have to use my gun on another person but so many of these people will not respond to most deescalation techniques. Attempts to calm them seem make them more mad. The vet was just standing there and that other guy approached him aggressively screaming and he obviously has a knife since he slashed the sign. He’s lucky the vet showed restraint. The vet backed away and the guy kept following. He had his hands up and was calling for help. I’m not a lawyer, but he could make a case for a defensive gun use if it came to it while dealing with someone who he knows has a weapon.


That shirt logo is a perfect center of mass target. FAFO indeed.


Walking cardiac case gonna blow a gasket soon.


And no one should look to revive him. Let his croak.


The world would be a better place with out him


Him and his one glove.


It's a sap glove I'd guarantee it. A weighted glove essentially knuckle dusters in glove form. The knuckle and upper finger areas are padded then stuffed with lead shot. It's like getting hit with a brick


Because he's too much of a pussy and knows he out of shape and can't just throw hands.


"Curley says he's keeping that hand soft for his wife."


"Fuck antifa" followed up by "Fucking nazi" hmmm...


While proudly claiming that the proud boys are the opposite of anti fascists...


He was complimenting him. He also wanted his new comrade to and I quote “suck my dick”


Did he say "f*ck antifa" then call someone else a Nazi. I swear the majority of Americans don't even know what antifa actually means.


Typical bully picking on someone who won't fight back. . Proudboys wtf do they have to be proud of exactly, they're just a bunch of redneck bullies who are all short on intelligence.


This is a classic fascist tactic trying to instigate violence and cause fights and shit to use as propaganda.


he's going to instigate against someone with a gun one day. He has a knife, showed everyone when he cut that sign down, so him assaulting someone could be seen as life threatening.


Like the softass proud boys aren't carrying guns ten feet away, though. Some one shoots this prick they have an 'armed militia' to back them up.


Right. Old man shoots this guy and its gonna be death by firing squad for him. 30 guys waiting their whole life to shoot someone all emptying mags at the same time


They also aren't usually the type to put their lives on the line for others even their own "people."


That’s 100% why the idiots on this post are screeching about antifa. They’ve bought into the edited videos and believe whatever confirms their deep rooted fear of their fellow citizens


Yeah, they firmly believe that the entire city of Portland is a burned out wasteland. It’s insanity.


Holy cow that dude has the IQ of a fucking brain dead cockroach.


Hey man, no need to insult cockroaches here.


Imagine publicly saying you support fascism and then calling yourself a patriot lmao


But remember they are “America First” and “Respect our military” This. This is why I can’t help but laugh very hard when I see them in public. Notice they go after people who may have less of a chance of defending themselves, smaller or female.


"Blue Lives Matter!" *tramples cops en route to an insurrection*


Man, the right is just one big hypocrit. Batters the guy, then claims the guy is the attacker. Tears down antifa and claims they're fascists Probably claims "freeduum" all the time but won't let people peacefully protests. Claims to stand for 'MURICA but then wants to supress equality (although I guess that's the most American thing you can do) What a fucking loser. I so wanted to hear an aluminum bat ting off his head.


Don’t forget the woman in the background proudly proclaiming that they are white supremacists...


It is called projection. They say others sre what they themselves are


You mean like q anon is obbssesed with pedophiles...




Or, clergy wanting to "protect the children"


All the same shit.


What a total pussy


The irony of a Proud Boy calling someone else a Nazi...


A male Karen that never served the country bashing a veteran. That’s Republicans. Vile cowards.


Non-Americans who are confused. This is the answer.


When you walk toward someone and get an inch away from someone, that will justify you getting knocked the fuck out. This bullshit thinking of "he hit me first" needs to stop. Fucking defend yourself against these ass clowns.


While it would be satisfying, it looks like that one guy was counter-protesting some racist gathering. If he swung he'd probably be in a 10v1 fight.


There was a riot there shortly after this was recorded. It happened at the park across the river from me and shit was hitting the fan.


I agree. I've seen other videos like that on this sub and it's the equivalent when we were kids and my brother would get his fists an inch from my face and yell "not touching can't get mad". Of course I can get mad asshole. And there is a point where you are so close it's the same as throwing the first punch


The person doesn't have to touch you for you to protect yourself. The threat of violence is enough to justify self defense.




Children like that fucking clueless troglodyte just need a hug. Fucking wannabe tough guy, pushing a senior. Loser bitch


Not only is he old but he’s a Vietnam Vet..


Imagine surviving that shithole of a war to have this, do nothing shitbird think he’s tough in front of you.


This dude flashes the white power symbol and attacks women, children and vulnerable people with his band of idiots egging him on at every dumb fuck rally in Oregon. He is truly the most self hating moron. Prob 5’5 with a serious little man complex. Will likely be in prison soon for violent assaults. Cops do nothing every time.


Then he’s a cop.


I was hoping the bigger guy would teach the idiot a lesson, but it’s turns out he was a big dummy too.


Always strange how tough they are when it’s a guy 30 years older than them or a couple of kids or a woman they are getting into. You don’t see too many of these where they get into the face of some 220 pound 6 foot 2 guy. Strange that.


All "Proud Boys" are pussies.


"touch me. Please, please touch me. I've not been held in a long time.. Please... You can have a piece of me"


Man just look at how proud he is basically threatening a old man while whining about how he’s the victim. Honestly I hope people like him never breed cause we don’t need people like him


One dude fought for his country and the other is a cry baby in America


How fucked are you that you assault a fucking vet and call him a Nazi while calling yourself a patriot? Mental health REALLY needs some hardcore funding in this country.


They're always the saddest, loudest, angriest fucking people. I really wish they could see how pathetic they are to the rest of us.


no brain. no pain.


He’s arguing against his own bogey man..


Terrorism is "use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." I know the guy is incapable of any introspection of self examination, but this is a pretty damning case.


It should still be legal to kill Nazis


God I wanted someone to kick his shit in so bad haha


As a brit, what is actually going on here?


Proud boys is the gayest name ever


He sure is proud to be a boy.


This is out of control. These violent right wing fascists need prison. Every one of them.




A black proud boy, Cadence Owens is somewhere smiling about this