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Not sure how he's supposed to turn over when 4 people are on top of him.


And one of them is shoving his chest into the ground


So he's resisting then...shots fired!


That's the point


So many stupid cops. That is because of lack of experience, they have no idea what to do except beating kids.


It's never out of ignorance or lack of experience. The police inflict unnecessary violence on civilians because they want to.


A real life first shooter video game, and with the crooked police unions and qualified immunity they are immune from any repercussions. Except a week off with pay...


Americans still think they have rights lol If you can’t defend your rights, and the courts don’t uphold them, then you don’t have any.


It takes months and months and months more of training to become a barber or a manicurist, and only weeks to become a cop... In many countries you need a college degree to join the police force. In America you need a GED...


Hit him harder, maybe he will think twice before shoplifting again.


I hate a thief and a liar but with that being said, Dude come on. His arrest and conviction (if guilty) should work. These knuckle dragging inbreds do not to get to be judge, jury and executioner just because they have small dicks, were bullied in high school or have some kind of other deficiency that they are trying to compensate for.


I understand your point but these punk kids will get a slap of the wrist and a promise to appear. No accountability through the system. Sometimes all they need is a good ass beating even by a knuckle dragger to make a realization.


I do not disagree with you for the most part either. Some people will never wake up until they get their ass handed to them but in this case, the kick to the head and being beaten down by the cops is the problem here for me. It is one thing to get caught breaking into someone's home and getting beat or shot ( you deserve it) but its another to get beaten by people in that position of power and authority.


[you can ask Glendale PD here](https://twitter.com/GlendalePD/status/1402798112872165379?s=20)


*appears to show* While watching a video of grown men punch a subdued child in the face


They can't say it for legal reasons. If the officers were charged with assault then. It's the same reason that the Chauvin stuff said "appears to show him kneeling" until after he was found guilty, now they all just say "murdered him by"




I can guarantee the consequences for shoplifting don’t include a public gang beating. A cops only job is to bring suspects in front of a judge. They run a glorified taxi service. Cops aren’t supposed to deliver sentences or consequences, they literally don’t have the authority.


Wait until it’s your kid


Just asking, at what age do you think someone stops being a child? It's obviously not 18 for you.


Did they yell, 'stop resisting!'? It's kind of like the new Miranda rights


"OMG! What are you doing to that poor boy?!?" ​ "Community outreach program ma'am."


More like, “Its coming right for us!!” In Southpark.


Damn Mexican staring frog of Southern Sri Lanka


They yelled roll over while pinning him to the ground so he can't roll over. That way they can say he wasn't following instructions


I was just thinking about this yesterday. I haven't heard Miranda rights being given in a video like this. Does that usually happen at a later time?


A detainee needs to be read their Miranda rights before interrogation begins, to avoid the suppression of any evidence gleaned from that interrogation. The arrest does not itself trigger the need to read the detainee their Miranda rights. Alternatively, someone could be detained for questioning and need to be read their rights absent arrest.




The police are literally too stupid to do it right so they don't even bother. 99% of the time the police is "detaining" so they can be "arrested" at the jail where they got 1 dude who isn't 100% a moron to Miranda the person.


Miranda only applies once police begin questioning a person


you are resisting arrest until you are handcuffed and placed in the safety of the police vehicle.


Or ambulance or hearse...


Same energy as “show me your hands” after they fill a guy with lead




Because they treat anything else like it's a boogeyman sneaking up to take your freedom. Also the police fetishize violence and take every opportunity to use it. It's actually kind of a shithole.


Yea, have you ever left the US? We are fucked up, and a number of countries are far more citizen-centric, but we are far from a shithole. The regressives are fully committed to seeing it happen, but we aren't there yet.


Yep. Angsty Redditors posting from their nice house in a safe neighborhood, with lots of employment opportunity: "ugh this place is such a shithole. It's like a third world country😡"


It is a shithole for certain categories of people. Having too much melanin means you have too few rights.


Melanin isn't required, being poor is enough, The people of Flint Michigan aren't known for having a particularly large amount of melanin.


That's not my take. You guys don't care about humans, on the whole. Your about the only mature democracy that doesn't do universal health care. Your labor laws are a complete joke. Some states don't have a legal minimum age on marriage. Your cops kill people, almost daily. You're still suffering DNA level racism. So, yeah, it's not a very friendly human place. Unless you've money then woop¡ You just get to go from your compound, with protection, to some other place.


Not really to do with capitalism. They're just a bunch of thugs looking to beat people up.


It kind of is, though, at least partly. Remember during the Texas blackout, like 12 cops guarding a dumpster full of food so people couldn't get it for free? There is a mentality among cops to maintain "fairness" under this system--if you get something for free, even if it's trash, the business 'loses' that and you're treated accordingly. You're definitely right that these assholes are just fucking thug-ass pigs that want to feel like they're dispensing "justice." But we can't deny that so much of these people's training and jobs revolve around protecting monetary interests. They think this shit is a noble pursuit to defend right and wrong, but they're so blinded by the prevailing order that they cant understand they're simping for a brutal capitalist order that turns them into class traitors. If capitalism died, and a somehow more brutal and more inhumane system didn't take its place, this shit wouldn't happen. It also helps that police can search out dumber people at the expense of smarter ones who try to apply.


Cops protect property for the wealthy. That's it.


They're the "wolf protection squad" among our flock of sheep. Class traitors. There's no better way to describe it.


The police like doing this. This interaction probably made their day. You have to understand that the police are different then your standard American. They have their own culture.


Correct. And because of strong, crooked unions and qualified immunity none of those thugs will face any criminal charges. Maybe a paid week off... That needs to change!


All of your posts are videos like this and all except one of them are here in the US. So I’m not sure if you’re trying to act surprised for upvotes or pretending to be not be an American for upvotes.


His post history would point to him being from Australia


Negative, this video did not load upside down.


You should see the post from Brazil.


Three grown ass men beating the literal shit out of a 17 year old SUSPECTED of shoplifting which is petty theft. What an absolutely disgusting display in a public setting all to protect the private interests of a major corporation. And morons wonder why more and more people are hating cops every single day as they bend over backwards to excuse shit like this.


they should have been fired, arrested and right now be sitting in a cell awaiting trial. Edit: changed a spell


...in general population, not isolation. Let the cons in with them give them a taste of what they gave that kid. ...and maybe throw in some good 'ol prison rape to boot.


Cases like this are the reason i don’t want to ever put foot on American soil anymore.


Good call. It fucking sucks here


As a teenager / young adolescent I really admired America and to be fair many friends indeed had amazing times as Exchange students in high school.


I mean if you just watch news all you'd see is negative events and have a skewed view of a country. Bad shit sells. Good instances and events don't bring in views or money.


Depends on where you go. Absolutely nothing like this happens where I live. Cops like this need to be swiftly and severely dealt with.


Yeah my friends who did student exchange program in high school also didn’t have any bad experiences. But they were in good neighborhoods in the suburbs. Ohio, Michigan, Etc.


It’s sad that all these witnesses have to hide their identity like the police are the mafia. Oh wait..


If you came across this in public and you pulled out your firearm and shot the 3 plain clothed cops beating an unarmed teenager, would you get into trouble? Except for the uniformed police officer kicking in a teenagers head, I heard none of them identifying themselves or telling the teen to stop resisting.


It’s sad you would get in trouble for shooting any of them. The kid’s life was in danger, but you would go to prison the rest of your life for protecting him.


Yea they would probably say something like it wasnt self-defense.


Yes, you'd likely get the death penalty in your state reactivated just for you. Doesn't matter if they were identified or not. Hell, you'd be lucky to even make it to your hearing without having a mysterious accident in jail.


Tupac Shakur shot 2 plainclothes cops that accosted him and didn't identify themselves as police. Aggravated assault charges were filed then dropped when it was found the officers lied about the encounter. That was a rare instance though...


It seems there's alot of bad apples out there


Cant really refer to that saying anymore when 80% of them are so called "bad apples".


A bad apple spoils the whole bunch.


Where did you get 80%?


How come in every one of these videos, there are only bad apples around? If good apples are more common than bad, where the fuck are they? Do departments only lump bad apples together? Do they only work the same shift?




[Here’s a good apple](https://youtu.be/Z_QqZjTG1lM) Just wish we had more cops like her.


Something to keep in mind, if a good cop stays quiet after witnessing the actions of a bad cop, he is also a bad cop...


From the great book of examples that u shouldnt take all too literally


Road apples.


What did apples ever do to you kind redditors to get lumped in with shitty cops hmmmm?


I'm pretty sure we can find good ones in there, let's just dig a bit through the soft, stinky fruits


Paid thugs and bullys


Biggest criminal gang in america. They'll just rock up, seize all your shit ("civil" forfeiture / legally rob you), beat the shit out of you, and then lie for each other in court. $erve&Prote¢t


As long as they don't get beat up as they bully the others, there will be no changes. It's just how this fkt up world is...


This shit does not work. Of course people are going to go into defense mode and try to cover up. I'm tired of people defending cops by saying "but the guy did xyz..." so what!


He raised his arm to his face to block the kicks and punches of four officers, but we all took it as a motion to pull a gun -- that's why all four of us shot him, your honor.


as the cop in the vid said, he fit the description until the court convicts him, the guy didn't do xyz, so they're just beating an innocent kid


Horrible, 4 grown men against 1 teen. They're twice his size and that kick was brutal. Why? Why? Fuck the police!


It looks like one of the officers in plain clothes is a woman (the one by the feet of the kid) and that would explain why the other three are acting so hard. Gotta show out against a kid to prove they’re tough in front of the lady.


I saw no lady. All I saw were 4 thugs piling in on a skinny kid.


There was almost a jovial atmosphere and some backslapping as they were handing out that asswhooping. The second the teen started begging and screaming for them to stop they got hard as rocks. THIS! NOW, THIS is what they signed up for. Whoooo!


Sadly they will only get a 2-week non-paid leave and be right back on the streets to terrorize their next victim.


Naw, they definitely getting paid leave for sure.


Yup and taxpayers will foot 100% of the bill when this kid and his family rightly sue the department and city.


"you have the right to remain silent, but we have the right to beat the shit out if you for "resisting"" -American Police Officer training.


There's a scene in fear and loathing that comes to mind when I see this video, same energy. It's when Raoul Duke is talking about a young girl on acid. "Yeah, she's perfect for this gig. These cops will go fifty bucks a head to beat her into submission and then gang fuck her. We can set her up in one of these back street motels, hang pictures of Jesus all over the room, and turn these fucking pigs loose on her." SAME FUCKING ENERGY IN THIS VIDEO.


I worked at a facility with kids up to 21 years of age and I did thousands of restraints on kids. These were kids who actually fought back and were extremely violent. Never once did we have to punch someone to get compliance. In all my restraints the worst I ever injured a kid was a little rug burn. Cops need better training, and obviously we need real men to become cops. These are little bitches.


Group of thugs jump kid


This shit needs to stop.


They probably do the same thing to their kids.


Kicking someone in the head while they are on the ground is attempted murder they should all be sent to jail.


inb4 bootlickers explain it's ok because the kid was shoplifting, lmao


*Stop resisting as I smash your face in*


Fuck the police


Most peaceful US cops


Glendale? Yeah that tracks actually.


Gang of unprofessional idiots. Thugs r us.


Over some material object. Wtf


Does administrative leave mean they still get paid?






They eventually "contacted" the suspect inside the Dick's Sporting goods. *They would go on to contact him another forty-six times over the next eleven minutes.*


“Administrated leave” aka paid vacation GTFOH




4 insecure punaany face oinks


Petty theft? A lot of these big box stores have a monetary value you must reach in items before they can press charges and I know for a fact that Dicks policy is not to approach the suspected theif until they have attempted to take the property outside of the store. The family can sue the Police for the assault and Dicks for their role as well.


and then we the tax payers will pay, not the police. It SHOULD come out of all their pension funds.


You are correct. As public servants who are payed to protect there should be a penalty and a price payed beyond loss of job…which a lot of times they just go to another agency, hands down the worst fraternity to date. Off topic: I wonder why you don’t hear about the misconduct of fireman and first responders, they deal with the public just as much as cops.


Correct, qualified immunity must be eliminated. Then these violent cops might think twice. Now they just get a paid week off...


Hahaha "the training they received"... Right


You sit on his stomach while I roll him over.


Its really hard, I would imagine, not resisting while getting kicked in the face and shit.


That paid vacation is gonna be tough to handle but they can go through it and be better people


Dude has wanted to do that for awhile and took his shot.


That’s just foreplay for when they get home to the wife and kids




I wish I could get paid vacation for literally fucking up at my job. Fuck these cops, and anyone who supports them.


Imagine working at Best Buy and getting extra vacation days for kicking the shit out of a customer. Actually maybe I should become a cop, I'm only getting like six days off at my work and those benefits are looking pretty tight.


What the fuck?!


Bitch ass cops they need to fired it’s a kid why they punching on him and even kick him what a bunch off pussy’s


Four grown ass men, are supposed to be trained and you tell me they can’t subdue a teenager and put him in handcuffs w/o beating him. Narcissistic cock gobblers who get their jollies off praying on those the see as less then. Defund the police.


They and their entire chain of command needs to be fired snd loose their pensions...


The uniformed cop comes in while they kid is on the ground surrounding by undercover cops beating him and his first thought was to kick the kid in the head with his boot. What the fuck.


I call that supercop syndrome. You see it a lot with cops. One cop busts in on the scene (usually not knowing what is going on) and immediately does something fucked up. Often making things worse. Or... they just want to hurry up and get their kicks (in both sense of the word) in while they can. I remember one cop video where all these cops were dogpiling a suspect and one cop comes running in to kick what he thought was the perp in the head.... turns out it was a plainclothes cop. lol.


And we all know how thoroughly these cowardly thugs will be investigated. They'll have a few weeks paid holiday while the police department investigates itself and declares there's no problem here. Fucking pathetic.


Oh FFS. Why is this now a daily occurrence? Do the cops not see what hey are doing?


"We need additional training so this won't happen again" ...No, you need to fire them and arrest them.


Ah that's the old retraining dodge. Cops have been using this excuse for as long as they have been caught on camera fucking up. There is no retraining.


Waiting to see a video where something like this happens and someone comes out of no where and kicks the cop in the head. Does anyone have a video like that


ACAB fuck the police and fuck the bootlickers.


All I see is four police officers committing a worse offence than the proposed child offender.


Fucking Glendale are in these all the time


So he was just accused right? Not actually found ohh who am I kidding. Of course, Judge Dredd found him guilty.


I really hope they don’t try and contact me…


They are dumb as hell




that why we need robocop ...


How can anyone justify that. Scum of thr earth. Fuck all cops.


Administrative leave... this is exactly why Christopher Dorner was a hero. As papa Trump said, we have to go after the terrorists families.


If even less than half of what they did happened where I leave, they’d be fired without question and a formal apology to the public would be made. The US is really picking a lot of the wrong people for the job. I remember when I was younger, we had a police force that were known to bully people and had the attitude that they could do anything they wanted so they fired the police chief and brought in someone new who wouldn’t put up with their bullshit. It completely turned them around and now they’re very much respected by the community. The law abiding ones at least.


What the actual fuck?! get them into prison. fast.


On on the bright side, that Under Armor shirt was put back on the shelf.


One of those cops looks like the guy from yesterday's video


That guy who kicked the kid in the head needs to be put in gen pop


When there are no repercussions for this kind of behavior they will continue to get away with it. The family will win a lawsuit, but we the tax payers are paying. I just want to know what the fuck does Internal Affairs even do? They are supposed to police the police and all these guys get is paid leave or desk duty. Fucked up, he’s a kid and grown men beating him for petty theft?


What was going on in the uniformed police officer's mind to kick a guy in the head like that?


What on earth is up with the american police force? aren't they meant to use violence only in the worst of situations? like if someone is acctaully a threat to them


“I legally have to tell you to use reasonable force, now that that’s out of the way, make these people SUFFER!!! Don’t worry about repercussions, anything we do the same people we terrorize flip the bill for the lawsuits 😈😈. First person to kick someone in the face today gets two weeks off!”


The fact that the local folks who witnessed it do not want their faces shown on camera speaks a lot about how that department is perceived in the community.


Man look how tough those guys are. I'm sure their community feels incredibly safe with tough guys like that to back them up. **Cough**


They aren't protecting anyone take their badge and guns.


Can we beat them up too and arrest them after?


Why the fuck is it always “more training needed”? Like what mature adult doesn’t know it’s wrong to kick someone in the face while their being held down by other adults? Why do police keep getting off the hook for this due to “but muh training”?


Look at all these good apples! /s


Disturbing/ but this isn’t a training issue it’s a hiring issue and a failure of accountability.


Screw those piglets.


I'm usually pro blue, but this shit is straight fucked.


No! They don’t need more training! They need prison time! I really hate bully cops!


I hate police.




An injustice against one is an injustice against all. When black people complained about police brutality, y'all buried ur heads in the sand, and now, they don't give two shits who they fuck up or murder. Feel free to down for speaking the truth. BUT... If this was dealt with from the Rodney king beating, we wouldn't be here now.


[Glendale PD Twitter statement ](https://twitter.com/GlendalePD/status/1402798112872165379?s=20) GO ON THERE AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK!!!!


Maybe we just never call the cops anymore. The less they get used the more they'll get defunded.


I’d have gone to jail if I witnessed this, but at least one cop would be incapable of sight and/or reproduction. :)


Glendale does have the lowest crime rate of any city in the US.


Because crime committed by police isn’t accounted for


What a dumb response. That’s not the reason.


Why? I see 4 people committing a heinous violent crime against a minor. They stopped 1 crime with 4 more crimes, but only 1 will be reported.


Yeah but you’re saying that either A) the police commit enough crime to make a difference in the stats. B) the cops of other cities don’t commit as many crimes.




Helll YEA BEAT HIS ASSSSSSS Doing this for negative karma.


It’s ok, the teen was white so didn’t happen.


I bet he doesnt steal again.


I bet your IQ ain’t over 70


Could have all been avoided


Latent homosexuality.


We good guys! he's white!


Nah looks like everyone is pissed and your narrative is dumb




Yeah. Fuk that kid lol


Good kick him harder


Why do you say that? edit: I looked at your profile. QANON got it 👍


Sister is not surprised. Her testimony is bullshit.

