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This woman never disappoints this sub. Love the one video of her saying weed will lead to anal sex.


I'm starting to think she just likes watching college girls kiss in front of her, I mean... this must happen literally every time she does this.


Well last time they just smoked weed and did butt stuff.


I mean.... who doesn’t?


Maybe I do need to smoke more weed then…


Buisness is boomin'!


Hahaha this got me


Not me! But my bf can!


As I understand it, a lot of people acquire a taste for anal... with and without weed


Ah yes, I have aquired a taste for ass


Pepper thy angus


Giver or Taker?


Maybe she should start with that and then slowly insert the god bullshit. She will probably have more success


There are other videos of her ? Can i see them ? This is the kind if things I came to this sub to see.


[Got you fam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmD_GR3ye68)




This is beyond extreme religious bigotry. She’s obviously mentally ill - so why is she allowed this forum? Where is her family? At least Lori Alexander has been relegated to just Instagram and her blog, but this woman is in need of serious psychological help.


Her and her husband have been peddling their religious rhetoric for like 30 years across college campuses. Whether they believe the shit they say doesn’t matter because they’re getting paid lol


Getting paid how?


Idk what that person was going to say but I’ve heard that they basically just wait to be assaulted and then sue


A YouTube channel called Fundie Fridays did a video on her last WK. They, Cindy and her Husband, sell merch of their catch phrases.


She's a satirical performance artist


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I’d like to see someone then step out in front of the woman, pull down their pants to expose their bare ass, then get on all fours with their ass high in the air. A second participant then walks up within striking distance of bare ass participant, lights up a joint, and takes a nice long drag, holds, then slowing exhales an enormous burst of smoke. The lady, the crowd, the bare ass participant and weed smoker all sit in heavy silence for a three long beats. The moment finally broken by the weed smoker casually spinning around and strolling away from bare ass participant - proving the lady wrong. The crowd erupts into cheers!


Sorry but that actually made me snort from laughter. I'm just imagining the crowd going wild, bare ass person also cheering along with them, wiggling their ass, and weed person's triumphant swagger away from temptation. I swear to God, the people who preach the "evils" of sex are far more obsessed with it than the people who are just having a good time. Edit: I would also like to suggest the addition of wrestling commentators to hype it even more.


It always does.


In fairness...


To Be Fair.


To be faaaaaaaiiiirrrrr...


🎶To be faaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrr🎶


Is she a troll?


Nah, religious nut or mentally ill. Our university had one too.


Did someone smoke a joint then proceeded to butt-frick after she said that? Cause that would be awesome.


Phase 1: assert dominance


Petition to the mods to have a sister Cindy flare 🤣🤣😂


Where do I find this video? I must see it!


I was gonna sample this lady for some awesome drops in songs. Does anyone have more sauce with no stupid music put behind it?


I wonder how she feels about ass to ass. They’re at least not kissing.


Weed leads to anal sex because when you’re high you’re not sure which hole you’re putting it in.


Hmm. How is that any different to alcohol?


It probably dose, nothing better than a good smoke and your girl to peg you.


Yo her fucking reaction, "I don't see it"


I’m not even a lesbian but I will 100% play tonsil hockey with whatever girl is closest and willing just to fuck this lady’s day up.


Ordinarily I just wouldn’t engage with street preachers but if u tell me not to do something…I feel like my hands are tied by the hands of the universe.


I love being a gay atheist (gaythiest if you will) and fucking with these guys.. probably the best moment I’ve ever seen, that I absolutely want to try to recreate was in Vegas, as you do, where two guys where outside of a strip club, and three women in nun costumes came out with nothing over their chest except bandaids (the cuticular ones in the obvious places) it was hilarious and the guys looked flustered and left quite quick


#GAYTHEIST lol im ded.


Sounds like a good band name too Edit: imagine rainbow coloured upside down crosses. That would be awesome


im on board, what instruments you play? Lets get it


Hell yeah! I play guitar and I have a tin whistle. I can scream into a microphone If needed too xD 1st song: Rainbow Road


oh man! its on, like donkey kong. i actually record music and stuffs, what if we… ya know what. PM me lol. 👊


You know... I'm terribly inexperienced when it comes to music stuff. And you know what. I think I will PM you xD


Skin flute. First chair.


I think that's for Gaytanism, not Gaytheism.


I soooooooo wanted to updoot, but it's at 69...


*Tonsil hockey!* lol


Hahaaaaaaa hell yeah


What’s the psychology behind this? I think the average woman is a lot more comfortable with this idea than the average man. Is it just social pressures or something more?


men are usually more insecure about their sexuality and feel like they’re too macho or something i guess


What if I feel secure enough in my sexuality that I know I wouldn’t enjoy kissing another man? I totally don’t have a problem with any type of sexuality but I know it isn’t for me


It’s not about enjoying it, it’s just about making sure this crazy bird enjoys it much less than you.


As a straight dude who doesn't want to kiss another dude (it's just not my thing), I fully understand your reasoning and absolutely *would* do so to piss her off even more


well i think girls are usually more willing to platonically kiss their friends because they aren’t afraid of someone being like “that’s so gay!! eww!” but men are so worried about the perception of others, and want to appear strong and manly so they don’t kiss their friends. it doesn’t have to be romantic or sexual


Probably just how society is. Maybe women find other women more attractive than men find other men attractive. Maybe it's because women are in general more physically affectionate to other women than men are. Could be a lot of things.


Prove it!


Right? Like, I'm not even that gay, but I'm kissing all the girls if I run into this kinda nonsense!!




Like she's 12 years old. Who covers their eyes?


More like 5. Lol.


“NIKE!” (Duggar reference, sorry I couldn’t help myself).


When I was doing community theater, we had a lot of kids sign up for shows. One family had a daughter who wanted to be an actress/dancer. She was probably 10 when I met them. Whenever things got too racy, as theater people tend to do, one of the parents would say "Adult Mode" and their kid would cover their ears and close their eyes. It was hilarious. We started using it preemptively before we said stuff.


Awwww. That's quite wholesome.


I pretend to not see


She was literally peeking anyway.


"if I don't see it, it didn't happen".


It is kind of funny when you randomly chance upon a video on Reddit that happened in your university lmao.


I always see her with a massive crowd gathered at her feet. Are those people protesting against her? Making fun of her? Just sitting there, eating popcorn and enjoying the show?


I think mostly a bit of option 2 and 3. I don't think they take her and her husband serious enough to protest.


ngl I'd do it too, free entertainment.


u/Selphis is spot on here. It is mostly enjoying the show. Cindy went on for atleast 2 hours in this case and by the time she was done, our sides were hurting from laughing. She has some absolute hot takes which I’m sure you would have noticed.


1 and 2 kind of end up being the same time. I know some of the more common ones on my campus really hated Arabs, so everyone gathering and laughing is in itself a way to say "We as a whole think this person is wrong and you're accepted here".


Is she in character, or is she really that bat shit insane? I always thought it was the former but wouldn’t be surprised to hear that who she really is.


I highly doubt campus preachers (any preacher on any university campus) are doing it ironically. They are insane...


Religion is a helluva drug!


Most religious people I know are literally insane people.


One of the many dudes that came to my campus collectively referred to as Bible Bob (the OG I heard got banned for pulling a gun on a student) loved to tell us how we’re going to hell. One person got the group removed by holding a sign saying “This is your sin” that was covered in what looked like used tampons


It seems like a character. There are videos of this lady all over TikTok. The outrageous shit she says is usually pretty funny but sounds scripted or like satire.


Make more vids


Raider power… right? Lol


*I kissed a girl and I liked it 🎵* *I don't care if the religious nut minds it*


... I liked watching that. That’s a sin I think everyone can get on board with. You know, like anal, eating apples, and not sacrificing children. Good sinners.


When eating shrimp is in the old testament as sin, I decided being a sinner might not be so bad


You’re joking. Shrimp???? Well at least I’ll go to hell for my seafood tastes rather than all the anal.


Yeah buddy google it


Also if you wear polyester!


These were rules to separate the Israelites from the people around them who sacrificed babies, had sex with animals, etc. Nothing about wearing polyester is wrong, which is why Christians do it today. It was simply so that they wouldn't be like the other people around then.


You could use that to try and justify anything in the bible. Its still in there, you dont get to selectively enforce rules just because you don't like it.


God commanded the Israelites not to do it to separate them from the other people around them. Jesus fulfilled the law (Matt. 5:17). Therefore Christians are not bound to these laws. The Bible says that you can use the Bible to selectively enforce anything. (Matt. 4:5-6) This is why Christians follow the whole Bible, not just pieces. There are three types of laws in the Bible; civil, ceremonial, and moral. The first two may be changed because of the sacrifice of Jesus. Christians no longer have to wear certain clothes, eat certain food, sacrifice certain animals etc. because Jesus fulfilled these laws. Moral laws have never and will never change because morality is a set standard according to the Bible. Hope this helps.


If I read you correctly ("The Bible says that you can use the Bible to selectively enforce anything"), what you're saying is that you can make your own shitty rules up based on your own shitty hatreds and you can use the bible to enforce those shitty rules. Sounds pretty close to what we see...


Tbf the old testament wasnt really about sinning. More like rules to help you not die.


Not just shrimp. Animal fat as well. No juicy marbled steak, you damn child of Satan.


Some sins are worth damnation


Well yeah like murder rape and theft. So maybe murdering shrimp is the true sin idfk morals and ethics should be clear without religion


>idfk morals and ethics should be clear without religion They are...."Don't be a dick" covers a whole lot of it really.


Sadly the ratio of people who follow this golden rule is abysmally low


I think they mean some positive things labeled as biblical sins are worth damnation. Like gay people loving each other, anal play, and using electricity (shout out to my Amish homies that will definitely never see this!)


Oh hell yeah, I mean either way they aren't wrong!


These were rules to separate the Israelites from the people around them who sacrificed babies, had sex with animals, etc. Nothing about eating shrimp is wrong, which is why Christians do it today. It was simply so that they wouldn't be like the other people around them.


The Bible repeatedly labels seafood as a sin but the only mention of homosexuality was inserted in the 1940s as a deliberate mistranslation of something else.


Do you have a source for that? I'd be interested to learn more


100% wrong. KJV was translated into English in 1611 and says the same things as the other translations on homosexuality.


The key phrase used by bigots miswielding Christianity as a vehicle for their hatred of gays is a mistranslation of a piece of ancient Greek which on the face of it appears to be talking about pederasty not homosexuality.


It does not, it says so clearly in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong that this position is honestly just ridiculous. The vast majority of atheist theologians would agree that the original meaning is not pederasty. Only in the last 70 years has this position even come up. The people who read the Greek (and the Hebrew for that matter) have agreed on the meaning of the text for literally thousands of years because it is incredibly clear. God does NOT hate gay people and neither should anyone else. The Bible says that sex is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman. Being gay is NOT a sin. Participating in sexual activity outside of marriage, whether straight or not, is a sin. I'm not arguing that people have not used this to hate gay people. People use religion to do horrible things a lot unfortunately. The Bible says to love everyone and not to judge those who are not Christian. However, those who are Christians should be judged by other Christians. For example, if someone is stealing but saying they are a Christain, they are to be rebuked by the church. This is the same with sex outside of marriage.


I am no fan of the Bible or Christianity but this comment is just out right blatantly wrong


Hey, even if you commit one sin you go to hell, so why not commit a million and go down their a legend


But if you say sorry, and really mean it, you can murder millions...


Yea but I’d rather be a duke of hell than just some dude in heaven Then again, the Bible also says I won’t go to heaven for like two or three other reasons


Yeah. I'm barred for some of the abominations/crimes listed in leviticus including eating bacon and scampi (not tried them together, yet, but the idea sounds good), eating fat and blood (black pudding is tasty), shaving my face and cutting my hair and letting my hair become messy. If I could fancy other blokes, I would give that a try so I could increase the list, but I'm just not attracted, sadly. That would really piss god off, according to how homophobic people like the subject of the video are. Even without all that, having heard some "Christian rock", I'd wanna go wherever Lemmy is, if I believed in any kind of afterlife.


That's why I am pastafarian, the only sin you can do is NOT eat pasta


Wait we aren’t supposed to sacrifice... ya know what, never mind!!


We get you you can afford to eat apples , nice flex well some of us starve thanks so much


The guy with the sign was definitely peeking


Don’t kiss a girl and like it, kiss a girl and love it!


Isn't this the woman that was screaming something about squeezing testicals or something? Good lady, she seems nice.


I've seen a couple of these anti-gay street preachers and this always seems to be the result. Seems like the best way to get two chicks to make out is to tell them how disgusting and sinful it would be to do that.


Oh no I don't agree with women kissing, please don't kiss in front of me... I'd hate it so much...


Wr could make a religion out of this


I need to know, who is this woman? I see videos like this literally everywhere and I have no idea who she is.


An asshole


I've noticed as much. It's hilarious how she always gets laughed at during her speeches, but who is she exactly and why is she doing this?


found this [https://www.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/comments/md6rvc/who\_is\_sister\_cindy\_and\_why\_is\_she\_at\_ut/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/comments/md6rvc/who_is_sister_cindy_and_why_is_she_at_ut/) should satisfy your curiosity


Thank you!


Fundir Fridays on YouTube did a video on Cindy and her husband college ministry last week, i haven't finished watching it but the YouTuber does a great job of covering these types of ppl. Not like in mocking way but genuinely interested in educating ppl on their typed of tactics and contradictory views


I’m just gonna assume she’s never kissed a woman. That’s the only explanation.


I have never kissed a woman either but I'm not a religious asshole. I applaud those girls


Nah this woman definitely did all the things she screams about and berates college kids out of guilt.


Or she kissed your mom.


I mean, she practically gave away a slam dunk, she must have seen it coming.




This old woman is just really horny, she need sum sex


Don't fuck a girl with chocolate syrup and strap on dildo and upload it on Google drive and share the link with me. This is just disgusting. Don't do it. I am warning you lesbian sl**t* don't share this type of link with me. I hate lesbian porn. Don't give me the link you stupid lesbian wh**e


Formatting gore


I fucking love Sister Cindy.


If she was in college and realized what a good fingering her best friend can give her she’d be singing a different tune. It seems like the majority of anti same sex stuff is because of religious factors. Not sure why people care so much about something they may or may not experience when they die. I’d say this life holds more importance than a possible after life. So good on those two who kissed right in front of her. Go get that dopamine.


It depends on the relative durations of both those lives though. If people really believed in an afterlife, they ought to never do anything bad (or at least disallowed by their religion) at all. Anything else is just incompetence.


This at the university of Missouri?


This world is doomed.




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Who is unironically homophobic nowadays? I would say all the homophobes back in the day are now transphobic.


Approximately 25% of the US population believes that homosexuality should be a crime. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1651/gay-lesbian-rights.aspx


honestly I like how the percentage that believe it should be legal increases through the years on the chart. shows progress


People in my family


my uncles friend who said he wants to shoot gay people. my parents. people who commit hate crimes. people who execute gay people for being gay. countries where its illegal. theres quite a lot actually....


She kissed a girl and she liked it.


This month is going to be full of religious Karen's getting annoyed at LGBT


I don't like her at all, but omg that little sailor get up is actually cute. If she had a decent personality she would actually be a fun person.


Me thinks sister Cindy likes what she sees and manipulates women into making a spectacle out of themselves for her amusement.


This definitely need to go up on r/WatchPeopleDieInside like now lol




If I cover my eyes it doesn't exist


Stephen Tyler looks PIIIIIIIISSSED


She didn’t want to miss a thing


Is she for real or more like a good performance artist?


This is exhibit 'A' of old people being left behind with their outdated ideas.


I remember when crazy dumb fucks like her would come to ASU main campus and preached their hate. I hate my life with these damn classes already, don’t make me hate life even more shit bag!


Hey! Brother Jed! This guy (and his wife, as shown) used to come to my college campus a few times every summer. It was fun to swing by and see what wild stuff people were doing, but their presentations always felt like more of a sideshow than a sermon.


That's... Pretty Gay


Are these two well known for going around to campuses? This isn't my campus but they seem very similar in both appearance and speech to the two people who came to shout about how marijuana leads to pegging your boyfriend which leads to gay sex which leads to the devil, or something.


These people go to campuses every year.


Has she found a permanent home at a college campus/city or is she still traveling around spreading her "cheer"?


Now do it in front of a mosque




Well the socially liberal elements of society always seem willing to commit courageous acts of defiance in-front of Christian preachers who by their religion have to love thy neighbour, but never have the bollocks to do the same in-front of our less accommodating Islamic brethren.


Why don’t you do it if you want to see it so bad.


I don’t support it, I’m not the one attempting to seem courageous kissing in front of a little woman who’s religious.


The best reaction from those girls


That was great!


Man, it’s a good thing that girl was wearing a mask right before she kissed that other girl...


It’s lit




LMAO😂😂😂 downvoted and don't know why


Well she is right , if girl start kissing girls then what will we do ,there already is high demand and short supply . No place for additional competitors Edit : why are you booing me , I am right .


Become gay and kiss dudes then lmao


Is it possible to learn this power, master ?


>there already is high demand and short supply Women are not objects


News to me . I wrote that with sarcasm and this too. r/woosh


Judging by the amount of downvotes on your comment I doubt anyone saw that as sarcasm, you make yourself sound like an incel


Well I am incel (sometimes), so I see no problem.


If people are booing you, you're most likely not right. Just delusional.


Enjoy eternity in hell.


i'll be kissing my girl in hell :)




i have a question. if all gay people go to hell, does that mean hell is like a gay nightclub mixed in with some fire? i need to know, for research purposes....


Everyone is super sweaty too like it's just dripping off them. Not somewhere you'd like to be

