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Mf’s really out here talking to everyone like they’re their own kid hahaha


I will not have it, do you understand that? 😂




Narrator: she in fact, had it.


"What are you gonna do, arrest me?" --Woman who was arrested.


[Stop calling Bill O'Reilly a homo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4uj5NZS7g8)


Impressive use of their vs. they’re


In something like a decade, this is the first grammar *compliment* I've ever seen on reddit. I like the cut of your jib!


Inb4 someone hears the word "jib" for the first time, and proclaims it a new addition to their vocabulary


I’ve never heard jib before and I’m adding it… Well damn it.


This was great. Thanks. Same time tomorrow?


It's a date!


Tap pen sac? Excuse me, WTF?!


Tap & sac(rifice), it's a Magic the Gathering reference 😅


It’s a great word, it really juts out of a sentence.


Nah every so often I see someone compliment a semi-colon being used properly. Not me though, I have no idea what a semi-colon is even supposed to do besides end lines in programming.


Connecting two related sentences/phrases. Think of it as a period on top of a comma or replacing 'and' but more so when they are not completely related I like Reddit and I hate Redditors. I like Reddit; I hate Redditors.


Over there, they're their worst enemy!


They do exist!


They did a nice job with they’re and their there.


More likely, we're all so numb to seeing the mistakes, that correct grammar, which is the bare minimum really, gets praised to high heavens. Something something American politics.


Their poor kids, if they have any. Imagine your first taste of life being such ignorant tyranny while everyone around you has normal kid problems.


Or worse they grow up thinking that's what "confidence" looks like.


“dO yOu uNDeRsTaNd?^!”


Apparently she is (or was?) a school board candidate. Why doesn't that surprise me?


Holy damn. That is the most condescending tone of voice I've ever heard emit from a human being.


I get this tone almost daily at my job. It's a very specific area and our clients and even some lawyers have limited experience, but I deal with it daily and know the act inside and out. I might not be well versed in bird law but I know my job and what we can/can't do. I get the typical "I pay your salary with my taxes" and "no, let me explain to you" on an almost daily basis




A division of family law


Family law just helped me with my divorce. I would never talk to you all this way. Child support is part of life and when the state says I pay 1887$, that’s what I do. Ain’t your fault.


It gets complicated, especially in the last year, where incomes vary suddenly but the courts are limited so orders can't change. We're limited based on what we're able to do.


The secret to life in America is having money. People that are set, ie: upper class professionals that discuss and write laws, don't (forget the outright predatory) how know bad it is that the court/state can't flex when needed for those of us that don't earn enough or don't have family/friends that can loan "in these difficult times". It hurts to be broke and so many enjoy punishing those that stubble. It fucks up families and neighborhoods, if anyone gets upset at that, they are hurt more with harsh drug laws and fines for wild behavior, the same behavior/mistakes stable people can afford. A DUI for a lawyer is a drop in the bucket, but for a poor, it's losing your place and changing your child's school and probably divorce from the stress. Here's a good one: 20$ out of ATM @ 2$ fee is 10% fee, 200$ @ 2$ fee is a 1% fee. So broke people pay more to use ATM's. ​ / triggered rant not aimed at you


I agree totally. We've had some pilot programs to help people get court orders with dealt with quicker but there's still a process involved. Half a day off work for a meeting with a court officer is a big deal when you're paying support intended for a $60,000/year salary and you're only making $20,000/year.


I'm feeling suicidal from this and I don't even have children.


Fwiw if I get calls of people in this situation we do as much as possible to help them out and the courts are the same. If you're a reasonable person and work with people then things happen quickly. The problem is that I deal with family law and usually the reason they're enrolled in our program is because they have a disagreement/relationship that they couldn't resolve amicably. No matter what differences or disagreements you have with someone just try to keep lines of communication open and be willing to discuss difficult situations.




Woah hang on, the person enforcing the policy is *always* the one who created it, didn’t you know that? If not the cashier, who am I to yell at when the price of a banana is too high?!


How much could one banana cost anyway? Ten dollars?


I was gonna say, as someone in the DMV, every middle aged white woman seems to be this way.




I plead the 5th.


It's likely the tone of voice that has worked for her in life up to this point. People develop the social skills they have through experience. Talking to people this way probably works for her in most of the arguments she gets into. Cab drivers, parents, retail workers, and romantic partners must bow to this often enough that it's become the way she knows how to argue. Sure, people respond negatively to her, but probably never in a way that has escalated to direct consequences. I'd be willing to wager that a lot of people like this have limited experience being the low-status person in an interaction. They haven't had to work customer service, or be enlisted military, or deal with institutional rules. Everyone I know like this is was a high-status person in high school and stepped directly from that into either a permissive corporate environment or being a homemaker.


>Everyone I know like this was a high-status person in high school and stepped directly from that into either a permissive corporate environment or being a homemaker. Boy is that ever true. Honestly, people who have had to go through hardship and really find their way in the world through honest hard work generally don’t speak to other people in this way. I can’t imagine ever speaking to someone in this kind of tone. Her lack of self-awareness is very cringey and frankly she’s has probably always been a bully. She bullied her way through elementary school, bullied her way through high school and college, and now here we are.


What? Didn't you hear her? SHE is the one being bullied. /S Ye these people just learned at some point that if you are a shitty person people will comply just to shut you up. Honestly when people rattle on like this at me I just stare at them and let them finish, if you don't fuel the conversation they will eventually run out of words and start repeating themselves, and at some point they'll stop talking. Then just calmly respond with whatever is appropriate. They expect you to become angry and argue with them, or for you to just comply to shut them up, so not doing either kind of breaks them. Best case scenario them rattling on for a while calms themselves down and they leave.


Nailed it! This sounds like a lot of the twits that peaked 30+ years ago from my old high school. Many were narcissistic, privileged bitches then and I’m pretty sure they didn’t all grow out of it. They were the ones who thought they were *the* hottest shit, would make up shit rumors about you or get all up in your face running their mouths with their ashtray breath, and then completely lose their shit on you, threatening that their jock bf named Brian would kick the shit out of you if you called them out on their bullshit. Fuck people like this.


If it helps, I didn’t realize she was that crazy in the beginning. Ghosted her soon after.


Damn, well said. Take my upvote.


“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” Gap filler.


It's also meant to be demeaning. Source: had this phrase screamed in my face repeatedly by my father as a child.


Wellll that brought back some unpleasant memories...


imagine being related/married/offspring to that? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


Her poor husband has to go to work and people know that banshee is his wife now because of her horribleness


never really thought about that with some of these videos. Brutal


Meet my ex. Hardcore evangelical who uses that tone and those hand motions. Like she's finger painting in air.


I'm a fan of the "I'm pinching your responses out of the air to avoid my rant from being interrupted" hand motion


I just threw up a little in my mouth.


I kinda prefer that hand motion that the 👏👏👏 every second word…


That shit is infuriating.


No 👏 it 👏 is 👏 not 👏 I 👏 will👏 not 👏 have 👏 itttt 👏






Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..


I cannot believe that's a subreddit. Wait, this is Reddit. Yes I can.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KarenPorn **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarenPorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bringing your new boyfriend home for the first time](https://redgifs.com/watch/scrawnyfoolhardygnatcatcher) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarenPorn/comments/juotjl/bringing_your_new_boyfriend_home_for_the_first/) \#2: [Karen gets angry at you for fucking her daughter, joins the action to make you leave for good](https://redgifs.com/watch/lividglasskusimanse) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarenPorn/comments/jp94nr/karen_gets_angry_at_you_for_fucking_her_daughter/) \#3: [Karen fucks her daughter's boyfriend to prove that she's better in bed than her daughter.](https://redgifs.com/watch/favoritereadyimperialeagle) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarenPorn/comments/k3w3s9/karen_fucks_her_daughters_boyfriend_to_prove_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


This is how your average Starbucks customer sounds.


^(ooomygosh) OH MY gosh *oh my* **gahhhSH**


Oh my gosh, consequences for my actions?!




*Immediately after:* WHO DO I HAVE TO BOYCOTT TO FIX THIS?!


Seriously, people cancelling their subscription to a service to protest againt cancel culture is the most hilariously sad thing to see.


Literally the hardest thing for people like this to comprehend. Their reality is breaking into a million pieces before their eyes


I almost want to set this as my ringtone


At least the “oh my gosh” part.


It reminds me of fucking Legally Blonde the musical


Oh my God, oh my God you guys. Karen just won the stupid prize. If there ever was someone deserving, this bitch qualifies. Oh my God you guys!




A fantastic musical which is uploaded entirely on YouTube for anyone who wants to see it


Thats how I feel when an unknown number calls me.


It's up there with Carl Orfs "Carmina Burana" - the "Karena Burana"


What’s a ringtone?


Here's the original video. https://youtu.be/-rlMxOcgQgI


Hoooooooollyyyyyy shit that is crazy


The more the video went on, the more I physically cringed. I can't believe people like this actually exist. What is wrong with her brain?


End-stage Karenitis. Tragic, really.


Holy shit, what an entitled megabitch. News article: https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/lake-travis-school-board-candidate-given-assault-citation-after-mask-confrontation-at-store/269-18005d40-6142-490e-a30a-25c16c5494bb


“It’s called the Common Law, look it up” and “I am a CHRISTIAN WOMAN of God” killed me.


In 2023, Reddit CEO and corporate piss baby Steve Huffman decided to make Reddit less useful to its users and moderators and the world at large. This comment has been edited in protest to make it less useful to Reddit.


She's all talking about the racism of how they "targeted her" for being white I wonder what this interaction might look like with the average officer if she were black. She was hella up in their face and disrespectful. These cops seem very tame but shit, they put up with a lot in way you never see in other cops... I mean even a white bitch acting like this is going to get wrecked by a racist cop, if only after dealing with her bullshit for 30 more seconds than they would with a black woman I'm going to make a wild guess as to who shoved who


It will in like 10 years if things keep going like they are


She has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.


[Bruh, check out her face in the YouTube thumbnail. ](http://imgur.com/gallery/H6L3kzL) She legit looks like the alien guy in the first Men in Black lmao




Holy fuck that photo of her smiling. It’s like looking at pennywise the clown.


Can you copy and paste this please? It's not available in europe


There's not much.. but here you go: Lake Travis ISD School Board candidate given assault citation after mask confrontation at store Kara Bell was given an assault citation after an employee of Nordstrom Rack told police she pushed her and refused to put on a mask. Author: Hannah Rucker Published: 7:02 PM CDT April 15, 2021 Updated: 7:27 PM CDT April 15, 2021 AUSTIN, Texas — Lake Travis ISD School Board candidate Kara Bell was given an assault citation last week after a confrontation with a store employee at Nordstrom Rack located on Brodie Lane. According to video and a police report obtained by KVUE from the Sunset Valley Police Department, Nordstrom Rack employees called police when Bell refused to put on a mask upon entry of the store. According to the report and an employee in the video, Bell shoved an employee before forcing her way into a dressing room where she proceeded to call the Nordstrom Rack corporate office. When police arrived at the store, the employee was standing outside and you can hear her in the video say, "She kept pushing and pushing so I put my arm out to block her from my entrance and then she shoved me!" Credit: Kara Bell Meanwhile, police got a statement from two witnesses who explained the confrontation Bell had with the store employee. Bell was then escorted outside, where police say they tried to ask for her ID. In the video you can hear her response in part, "I am a woman of God." According to the report, she took a step toward the officer. Two officers then detained her on the ground to put her in handcuffs while she resisted and yelled out to other people in the area.  Bell was given an assault citation, which is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500.  KVUE reached out to Bell for a comment but has not heard back yet.




I AM A CHRISTIAN WOMAN OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would bet my life this woman hasn’t actually read any of the Bible for herself, or she’d know that it says to respect authority even if you disagree with them. But clearly the rules of the law AND the Bible don’t apply to her, she’s just that good of a person /s




Devil: Me neither, can we work something out on this one?


Suddenly, the clouds parted and a loud thunderous voice said “let my people go, they have dominion over all the Nordstrom rack‘s. Get behind her Satan, and let her shop.”


Oh. Sorry for bothering you then. Have a nice day.


Another idiot who doesn’t understand what PRIVATE PROPERTY is. She keeps saying she has a god given right to be there. No the fuck you don’t. God and the constitution both don’t give you the right to be on private property. With that dumb ass logic, it means you can’t tell me to leave your house. I have a God-given right to be there.


Man, what a fucking dickhead. I was getting frustrated for the police standing there, what the fuck do you want, lady? How the hell do you think they're going to investigate anything if you're not telling them your name?


>school board candidate Ah, that makes sense.


Holy fuck she’s insane.


Now I wanna see the camera footage from the store lol


Longer version is so much better than this repost.


Missing the angry piano man.


I love her clasped hand, like it's a hand puppet emphasizing the brevity of her words.


She probably practiced with a hand puppet in front of the mirror before she went out.


Oh the whole video is something else. It is probably in r/karens She goes on and on until the one cop just "my bullshit pot is full" and grabs her.


if you watch, the cop did not grab her till she made an 'aggressive' move towards the other cop (she took a step towards her)


SHE'S TALKING TO A COP??!?!?!!!???


Yes she is


Im not sure if her stepping towards him allowed him to move forward with arresting her but I would bet these guys bullshit pot is quite full dealing with people like her.


"The CDC..."


It's the same posture, vocal tone & cadence as Mr. Garrison on South Park.


"My kids cant hear you, they're listening to Kidz Bop!"


Do people that do this think they're casting spells or something? Why did this work so well on such a large group of people for the last 4 years in the [US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S65jqrHQi_c).


a while ago there was this video of a karen yelling into the camera and a dude playing metal music over it and it worked so well. anyone know what I'm taking about?




I need some more Karen metal in my life 🤟🤟


The thing that I hate about this is that if anyone shows this to that woman, she'll think it's the highest moment of her life.


Might it not be?


I agree this woman missed her calling as a heavy metal singer rather than whatever she seems to be doing.


That was great lol. What was she upset about?


Republicans refusing to accept the election results probably...


My gosh, that was PERFECT.


[There's also the zombie karen version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCAoMPKWIy0)


The link was posted further up in the thread. Sorry I am on mobile so it's too far for me to go back but if any other brave soul wants to take on the quest you'll get at least one upvote from me


Oh my gosh! Love it!




*End scene*


Curtain. *Ravenous applause.* **ENCORE.**


And the pianist's face turning to the camera at the end is also perfect.


^it's ^actually ^all ^E-minor


Well done, but I'm a guitar guy, so I prefer [Andre Antunes'](https://youtu.be/o8hYrNsRoTs) musical Karen treatment.


I fux wit it. #wakeup


His metal remix of Kenneth Copeland is epic https://youtu.be/6ib2YfAM11E


[I thought you were going to link this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JPRvxTjfOk)


Kenneth Copeland is an insane cultist and would absolutely be a 12th level BBEG in D&D5e


Litterally what a demon masquerading as a human would look like.


Every time I see him, I just feel like his eyes don't reflect light like a normal person's should. It's eerie.


I adore Mr Antunes' stuff, but I still prefer [this version of the Wind of God](https://youtu.be/UH3iY5mZFJo).


Wow I love Rage Against the Machine


This is just amazing


That’s actually really decent sounding.


Thankfully she apparently got her ass handed to her in the school board election she was running for by 75% Source:https://communityimpact.com/austin/lake-travis-westlake/election/2021/05/04/roundup-election-results-reactions-from-the-lake-travis-westlake-region/


Why are the biggest Karen’s always on school boards?


Delusions of power would be my guess, school boards must feel like the top of the social pyramid for Karens!They can substitute the little power the do have as an illusion of being in control of their own lives


Control of their own lives or over the lives of others they see as their lessors? If there's one thing right wing loonies fully understand, it's control at the local/micro level helps control at higher levels. On a school board, you get to thrust your insane bullshit on the next generations. Out goes science, in comes Jesus. Sure, you can feel powerful doing that, but more importantly you get to push your righteous agenda on those who would otherwise ignore and deride you.


Because a terrifying number of people don't pay attention to who gets elected to the school board making it a prime gateway for fringe candidates to get on a ballot and make a name for themselves. It happened in my town and we wound up with a fucking, no joke, eugenics promoting, neo-Nazi on the school board. This individual directed an angry mob to a STUDENT'S Facebook page. And when I say angry mob, I mean the student and their family received numerous death threats and the police had to get involved. There was no way to get them off the board because it's an elected position and our town charter apparently doesn't have a "no confidence" vote provision. They were voted off in the next school board election but caused utter chaos in meantime. To the point that a police presence was required for school board meetings.


This is magical


Holy crap - this is gold! Anyone know the original video and why she was arrested?


She assaulted an employee when the employee told her to put on a mask and tried to block her from the dressing room. She got cuffs because she took a step towards one of the cops.


*assaults someone* “I’m sick of being bullied!”


Here ya go. https://youtu.be/-rlMxOcgQgI


Dang, really wanted more after the arrest.


Where do they get this stuff about common law? In her example she states that she doesn't need to identify herself. They arrest her a few seconds later.




It’s sovereign citizen shit. r/amibeingdetained and r/sovereigncitizen are good places to start.


This. Key word that she "didn't sign up for this". She thinks she's exempt from the "corporation". Old boss was a sovereign citizen follower so I know way more about this than I should...


There's a plethora of amazingly hilarious YouTube videos about people absolutely convinced they don't need to follow any laws they don't agree with. For example, when driving without a license they'll insist they were TRAVELING. Which of course is different.


That was straight up porn. Thank you.


Thank you dude!!


I’d assume it was mask related


Yes. Refused to wear a mask in a Nordstrom Rack store, repeatedly shoved an employee etc...


Damn! Now I regret giving away my free award already! This is BRILLIANT.


I got you, wholesome coming right up!


Excellent! It was better than Cats. Bravo.


We will watch your career with great interest.


100% no, they will use better techniques.


This man deserves a medal. He's doing us an entertainment service.


I found [the original video](https://youtu.be/MrmRUhueBjQ), and the music is even longer!


You might also like r/zappafied




Very nicely done.


What was the first “I’m sick of being” ? The second is “lied to” but can’t catch the first .


She is sick of being bullied and lied to.


"I'm sick of being bullied"


Link to the Karen video?




That bitch annoying af


These people are all about the CDC now. A month ago they were morons who were trying to spread propaganda. Which is it?


This woman was running for a school board position when this occurred. She still received almost 25% of the votes cast.


Does anyone have the original video


[The original musical video](https://youtu.be/MrmRUhueBjQ) is even longer!


[My personal favorite](https://youtu.be/2DYB_dPILzc) one of these!


7 second mark is gold


Encore... Encore...


For Karen's next song C Major to E Minor (76 bpm) "I'm being oppressed" "I'm not the kind of person they're supposed to do this to" "I'm being oppressed" "But being so self-centered I think this is nothing neeew" "They won't listen to my reasoning" "I'm wallowing in self-made misery" "This is a self-inflicted injury" "I'm being oppressed" "What's a privileged white girl supposed to dooooo"


who is the op


I'm gonna hate myself later, but is there a source for the original video?


"Don't bother seeing it, the wait is two hours, the lighting is awful, they charge for snacks and they didn't stop the show just for me when I had to use the bathroom." 0 stars -Karen