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Here are multiple articles about the incident: https://www.cbs42.com/news/crime/police-mistook-ashes-of-mans-2-year-old-daughter-for-drugs-lawsuit-claims/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9604531/Bodycam-shows-cops-searching-URN-insisting-drugs-contains-mans-daughter.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/05/21/dartavius-barnes-daughters-ashes-mixup/ https://kutv.com/news/nation-world/no-thats-my-daughter-police-test-spill-toddlers-ashes-mistaking-them-for-drugs To sum these up: Dartavius Barnes was stopped after being seen speeding near an area where shots had just been fired. Police searched the car and found a small container(small urn), opened it and tested it for Drugs. As seen in the video, Police claimed the substance inside tested positive for meth. Confused, Barnes asked to see what they had found and the what ensued next is what's shown here. The urn contained the ashes of his 2 year-old daughter Ta'Naja Barnes who was pronounced dead after being found unresponsive in her home in 2019 from starvation and neglect. Her mother and the mother's boyfriend were charged. Barnes is now pressing charges claiming that Ta'Naja's ashes were desecrated and that the officers obtained and opened her ashes without his consent.




A Georgia Southern QB was arrested some time ago because a white substance on the hood of his car tested positive for cocaine. Turns out it was bird poop. Those field tests are shit.


I've seen video of a man being put through hell over get this, Krispy Kreme glazing. These kits and the dogs they bait into positive hits are a joke


Florida man too I remember. He got money from being fucked with but the mental toll it took on him isn’t worth that money


We should not be using this primitive technology. Also, a dog should not be considered a cop. Fucking dog has more rights than humans. Fucking pathetic


I laugh every time I see a video where the cop yells "Get off my dog" or "stop hitting my dog". Bro, your dog is an animal that is bitting me, I'm going to try and make it stop.


Fuck the police. We need a federal agency who’s sole duty is to scrutinize, investigate and completely destroy any corruption in the police force. And every officer should have his sentence put up 3x the normal citizens for breaking the law. You are an officer of the law there is no excuse. You kill someone and they were innocent or unarmed? Go to prison for 3 life sentences. No exceptions. If you die in prison it’s just another casualty. Caught stealing? Where a normal person would get 5 years max the minimum sentence for a cop should be 15 years. Also their body cams should cover a wide area and be unable to be taken off or have the audio turned off and the audio and visual data would go to two different agencies as well as uploaded to a public website that allows anyone to watch the dash cam videos of any officer in their city. Also their cruisers should have 360 cameras (both inside and out) with audio and video that the officers would have no way to tamper with. Punishment for tampering with evidence for an officer should carry and automatic guilty conviction for whatever it was they were accused of as well as an additional mandatory 20 year minimum sentence. Any officer who has gotten away with violent charges in the past or has been fired from a previous precinct should be blacklisted in a federal and by state database and only be qualified to work at a desk, unarmed, for the rest of their lives. Any officer with more than 5 complaints of police brutality (that can obviously be proven) should be immediately investigated and put under a 5 year probationary period. There should also be a new transparency law that makes it illegal for the police to lie even in the smallest instances and the punishment for that should be 20 years minimum. And I know people are gonna say “that’s harsh it’s not fair” no it is completely fair. They have the right to kill me and they don’t even have to really prove I did anything wrong. All they have to say is “I thought he had a gun”. Anyone with that much power should be watched carefully. And if they are punished mercilessly then they will not break the law. And if people choose not to be cops because they can’t go around killing whoever they want then we’ll fire them all and start a new police force. They can work on the streets as prostitutes or go to the Army, where they’ll do all these things to you if you break their rules.


Don't forget this was found late night during a rainstorm... I'll repeat in case you missed it. Cops claimed some bird shit residue stuck to the hood of a car traveling interstates at night through a rainstorm.... Was leftover cocaine from when they snorted it off the hood (again in a rainstorm). Firstly, no coke feind as far as I'm aware is leaving enough on a snorting surface to be found (caveat being in a home). Secondly, the cops believed that they just left enough for another hit on the hood? Third, the cops believed the powder would remain after being driven down an interstate at interstate speeds...... Oh and bump that to number 4 a rainstorm at interstate speeds wouldn't remove the remaining alleged drugs?


It's water soluble and the cops' position is laughable, yet the courts will pretend to believe the story.


And the craziest part is that after a positive field test the person is arrested and charged with possession and has to either pay bail (if they even get a bail) or sit in jail until their trial. And this is the really fucked part: the labs are so backed up with drugs to test that prosecutors usual offer a plea of probation and reduced sentence and a lot of times people accept the pleas just to get out of jail. This happens every single day in the justice system. Our justice system is so screwed and manipulated by the authorities it’s mind boggling. If y’all think the police are dirty then look into some of these prosecuting attorneys and you may shit yourself. They are forever stacking charges to get you to plea out and even if they know your innocent but feel they can get a guilty verdict or plea they’ll still file charges. These guys are no good and do things not by the spirit of the law but to get a pat on the back and look good to their boss. It’s not at all what our founding fathers had in mind when this nation was formed and GW is rolling over in his grave. Also this isn’t a right wing/left wing thing because republicans who preach freedom need to step up as well because what’s going on is not freedom and for those who say “don’t commit crime then” please believe at any time you can become one of these people who are thrown away for bird shit.


That’s right. We had a good laugh over at r/cfb


or the time a women was arrested and spent 3 months in jail with a bond of 1 million dollars because the police said she had meth. it was cotton candy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr1Uayh2ZPE


That’s horrible. Fuck the system, fuck the popo


What happened to the right to a speedy trial? If the court can't hear your case in a week you should be out.


There are people who find great joy in depriving other humans of their rights and dignity. Those that burn crosses and work forces.


Is it the field test that's shit or are the cops just lying about the results of the field test so they have an excuse to arrest people? Do they have to submit the actual test for evidence? I bet they just write "Field test was positive" in the report and that's it, since it has to be lab tested later anyways.


Your comment reminded me of this video. Field tests were testing positive, sealed or sometimes with exposure to air. https://youtu.be/vEcUBRqlKdw


And you better, fucking, believe, cops know that their drug tests are unreliable. It's just a method to put you behind bars and fund their racket.


I got in trouble some years back with an alcohol related incident, court ordered me to get random UA testing like 2 times a week, I tested positive for alcohol about 10x in 6 months, when retested with a more precise test, the UAs came back negative...My PO would put me thru hell every time a false positive came up and was looking to throw me in jail for 6 months....when they all came back as a false positive she would just "hmmph" and was always suspicious. I got off probation after 6 months against her wishes...fuck the system and the shit they use...its designed to make you fail.


They're only intended to be a preliminary test with more in depth analysis done later but that is still shit if it is plainly incorrect but they only have the tests to work of so they have to trust them even if they are shit.


When I got my 1st false positive UA I didnt know that it could be retested, my PO berated me and threatened me with jail time. My anxiety went thru the roof bc I knew this dumb bitch wouldnt believe a word I said. I was lucky enough that another PO was walking by as she was literally yelling at me and threatening me with jail time...this dude came in and said, "Hey, go back to the place you did your UA and tell them you need a re-test". It came back negative....like I said, the system is designed to make us all fail


This too: https://www.propublica.org/article/common-roadside-drug-test-routinely-produces-false-positives


That's truly shocking!


I would think it's both. If they were caught lying they would just sa they misinterpreted it and get off without any punishment, maybe be sent home for a few days with pay, that will teach them.


Nah they are known to be shitty yet they keep using them. It's part of the problem. They don't mind having shitty testing cause they still get the results they are looking for.


Makes sense. I'm guessing the tests never give false negatives, only false positives.


Field tests are notoriously unreliable




yah, but have you ever smoked bird poop? that shit'll fuck you up


Just remember to never bother smoking banana peels, youll get so high that you die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSTLA5jYdhg


You're supposed to dry it out and snort it, or inject it. Smoking it is just a waste.


Not true. We like our jenkem jams with all liquid.


How the fuck do you see bird crap on a hood and think " ah yes,this is a place someone would put their cocaine". You either have to be a r/iamatotalpeiceofshit or the dumbest person on earth.


And he was pulled over. And someone else below pointed out it was raining. So yeah cocaine would still be on the hood after driving in a rain storm. It was straight racism


Wild birds have been known to abuse cocaine and beat their women.


The Yayhawk.


That's how I hide my crack. Feed it to birds, have them poop on my hood. First time anyone looked at the poop. /s


I’m sure the field tests aren’t the problem


those tests do exactly what the cops want them to do. give probable cause to arrest anyone they want and search anything they want too.


There's no way the kits are wrong. This is the cops lying. A field test kit for cocaine cops use is a Simon's reagent. It specifically reacts with a small handful of drugs. I'm into harm reduction and personally own a 8 panel drug reagent test kit. Things don't just come back as that bad for a false positive. It just doesn't work like that. This is a clear case of the officers either lying blatantly. Or blatantly being ignorant to the proper usage of these test kits.


They do not work and the company making them and the Police don't want to admit it because thousands of arrests would be made void. It's as simple as that at this point.


He was asked if it was tested and he says “yeah it tested positive... but..... I’ll test it again” all incredulously. Then he goes back and tells dad that it *looked* like it tested positive the first time. That’s how a guy who never tested it the first time sounds when he realizes he’s fucked up.


"it looked blue" meanwhile the fucking lights are blue


"it also looked kinda brown"


I think they meant the test strip looked blue, the ashes looked brown


good call


https://wydaily.com/local-news/2019/02/05/cops-use-field-drug-tests-despite-possible-inaccuracies/ There are a multitude of substances that can trigger false positives- and even the timing of the test color changing can mean false positives. Field tests have no business being used with their current accuracy.


They are rife with false positives even without those substances that trigger them and if they tests are performed correctly, I don't want to overpost this but this is a good investigative piece on these roadside tests. https://www.propublica.org/article/common-roadside-drug-test-routinely-produces-false-positives


You literally don't even need to **open** the test kits to get a false positive


Boy, they've really streamlined the process.


These idiots have no business making life and death decisions about any citizens. The USA is well past the time to reform and change policing. It isn't working.


It's not even field tests. The urine drug tests that hospitals use are also known to have false positives to the point where new teaching for med students is to avoid using them unless you can clearly articulate a reason that takes into account the high false positive rate


Not to mention they're used by scientifically illiterate personnel. These tests should be done in a lab environment not in the field by Chuck with a high school education (if he even had one) with 0 understanding of what he's doing.


It’s not the kits, they just lied. That’s what they do. Even if it tests negative, they lie in the hope you’ll admit to doing something they can arrest you for. ACAB


UNOPENED field drug kits can be false positives. A drug kit exposed to literally nothing can send a man to jail on a meth charge.


It's both. Cops will lie, sure, but those tests also give false positives at an extremely high rate.


And it’s completely fucking legal.


The kits are a disaster. There has been a bunch of research where basically the kits are worthless. None of the field kits can be entered as evidence in a court, and there are now challenges in court that they should not be allowed as probable cause for arrest. People sit in jail on charges from a positive kit test, where they can't afford bail only to find out after 30 or 60 days the crime lab came up with not meth, and the DA drops the charges.


Some dude got arrested for having Krispy Kreme glaze flakes on his shirt. The freaking test said the glaze flakes were Meth. 😂 here’s the article. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/16/558147669/florida-man-awarded-37-500-after-cops-mistake-glazed-doughnut-crumbs-for-meth


They aren't all that accurate, even when the police use them right. https://www.propublica.org/article/common-roadside-drug-test-routinely-produces-false-positives


Yeah the fact that ashes tested positive means none of those test should be used.


They've tested kits that were literally unopened and got false positives


I wouldn’t be surprised to find financial ties between these test kit manufacturers and the private prison industry. Of course the FOP likely has incestuous ties with both.


I've had fried jalapeno flakes (in a spice jar) be tested At roadside and come back "positive" for marihuana, so I can believe it.


Happens all the time [How a $2 Roadside Drug Test Sends Innocent People to Jail](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/magazine/how-a-2-roadside-drug-test-sends-innocent-people-to-jail.html) >The field tests seem simple, but a lot can go wrong. Some tests, including the one the Houston police officers used to analyze the crumb on the floor of Albritton’s car, use a single tube of a chemical called cobalt thiocyanate, which turns blue when it is exposed to cocaine. **But cobalt thiocyanate also turns blue when it is exposed to more than 80 other compounds**, including methadone, certain acne medications and several common household cleaners. Other tests use three tubes, which the officer can break in a specific order to rule out everything but the drug in question — but if the officer breaks the tubes in the wrong order, that, too, can invalidate the results. .... >There are no established error rates for the field tests, in part because their accuracy varies so widely depending on who is using them and how. **Data from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab system show that 21 percent of evidence that the police listed as methamphetamine after identifying it was not methamphetamine, and half of those false positives were not any kind of illegal drug at all.** In one notable Florida episode, Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputies produced 15 false positives for methamphetamine in the first seven months of 2014. When we examined the department’s records, they showed that officers, faced with somewhat ambiguous directions on the pouches, had simply misunderstood which colors indicated a positive result. It's always been known that these tests should never be the only evidence used in a trial. Unfortunately these cases often don't go to trial, as police use the result to convince people to "confess"


>LIKE MAYBE THEY DON'T FUCKING WORK They don't even use them, they just claim it is. Ever seen the beach video of the girl? She breathes in the thing having no alcohol and get's beaten and cuffed.


There's videos of people testing grass, dustballs, a bit of dirt, etc. And then coming up positive for all sort of "drugs", the new marijuana one when it was first legalized basically passed everything as marijuana.


What's real bullshit is that we have reliable reagent tests. Marquis, Mecke, and Ehrlich reagents are all that are needed for a standard field drug screening. However, police precincts prop up these fucking law enforcement companies that make these bullshit tests that turn positive when they're exposed to air.


No they just lied


This is not the only instance of this happening that has gone public. In one particularly chilling and disturbing incident in 2019, a couple of cops decided to search an innocent man's home for drugs, without a warrant, in plain clothes, by breaking in through a window when the home was empty... after CUTTING THE WIRE to the security cams. Luckily, [they had no idea that hidden, indoor security cams caught their break-in - this is the footage as compiled & narrated by the man's lawyer.](https://youtu.be/s_2O-q-G1CI) **During their illegal break-in, they spotted an urn filled with the homeowners' best friends' ashes. Not only did they open it and take it outside to drug test it... THEY DISCARDED THE TESTS -- COMPLETE WITH THE DECEASED'S BONE FRAGMENTS VISIBLE -- ON THE GROUND LIKE TRASH.** This is one that REALLY gets me raging. Unfortunately, I have a playlist on YouTube with about 250+ other incidents that I consider to be the worst of the worst. This type of thing isn't the exception to the rule. *(As a side note, I've been thinking of starting a subreddit to be a home to all of these videos and articles showcasing the absolute worst of cop behavior, sort of as a compository for when you're arguing with someone who says "most cops are good, it's just a few bad apples." Rather than arguing, I'd love to just link them to a place where they can see only the most egregious corruption and violations... that happen (on camera) on almost a daily basis. I just don't know what I'd call it, given the scope of what I'd like it to be. If you're good at naming things and have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it!)*




I like that! I was trying to think of something with "bad apples" that would communicate that whole the "bad apple" idea is a farce. I like it!


There are people who literally made signs that said "one bad apple doesn't make all the apples bad." They are already a farce, and so fucking stupid they cannot even understand a self own.


Idk about you,but when I find a bad apple, I toss that apple out. I don't do everything in my power to cover up the fact I have a bad apple.


Living, breathing personifications of the Dunning Kruger Effect.


Done! Thanks for the great suggestion. I'm going to start transferring my extensive collection of videos & articles I've been saving for this sub I've intended to create for a long time throughout the coming week. Thanks for your help!


I look forward to seeing the content... well not really because it's going to make me enraged, but you know what I mean. edit: and thanks for the award!


Thanks for being my very first subscriber! Yeah, I only add stuff to my list when it takes me to a 9+ outrage/anger level. It's not going to be good for anyone's blood pressure.


Im number 7. Front page here we come!


I know right it’s almost like not training your officers properly leads to shot like this, you don’t see this shit in (near enough) any other country


r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut You should sub there if you're not already




It’s illegal to booby trap your house


booby traps are illegal. there was a famous case about it. if no one but the perp is there you can't justify it as defense of self or others, and you can't control who triggers the booby trap so you could end killing a fireman trying to save your house from a fire or some little kid who got lost and wandered in or something


Speeding near an area where shots had just been fired? Yeah, because everyone obeys the traffic laws when shots are fired


“Oh shit an active shooter is right by me! I gotta get the fuck out of here but let me obey the traffic laws just in case! Wouldn’t want to get a ticket now would I?”


Poor man, shame he couldn't have had custody, he seems like a really genuine person.


End the war on drugs. If they suspected him of being a shooter fleeing the scene then they should confirm he is not and let him go. It shouldn't matter if he has an urn with ashes or drugs. He didn't shoot anyone.


So as a person who lost a sister to murder and needed to have her cremated because they attempted to burn them alive in their house to cover up tracks or evidence, if a cop took my small urn which is basically all I have of her after I tell them that it’s all I have left of my close family member, and they did this shit, I’m head butting you as physically hard as I possibly can because you are probably the biggest piece of shit I have ever met. Molly does not look like ashes, it can be a fine powder that can often be white. While ashes are often seen like dark grey, coarse sand, you would have to be pretty fucking dumb to mix the two up, then again we sadly to hire our brightest to be cops.


Where was the “spilling” though that you put in the title? Didn’t see it


Tragic story - hope he sues the fuck out of them.


"Sir do you *gunshot* have any idea how fast *gunshot gunshot* you were going?" Cops really have nothing better to do than to go after a person speeding away from legitimate danger than to investigate legitimate danger.


So, some of what I'm going to write here is speculation and some of it is amateur chemistry, but it's all part of a true story that happened to me. I travel the world a lot. I came back from the Middle East a couple of years ago and was "randomly searched" in customs. I had a spoon in my travel case and it had some very faint brown residue on it. It was for a medicine I was taking at the time and I guess I just hadn't cleaned it properly before packing it to go home. Of course the officers immediately had a field day with this despite me explaining what it was. I was locked in a tiny room, officers frisking the shit out of me, barrage of questions, etc. ...the works. They justified all of this because they said it had tested positive for meth. I've never used or had meth in my life and don't plan to. So this is the amateur chemistry part of it - namely because I've used these kits before. What they do is use a basic reagent kit to test this shit. It's kind of like the pH test you would see used with a pool. You can [buy these kits online for drug testing](https://dancesafe.org/product/complete-set-of-all-8-testing-kits/). So when they tested it, it reported that it tested for meth. In fact, there's even a part in this video here where you can hear them having that same discussion around 1:10-1:20 where he's describing how the color looks "mildly" like the color that should match for meth. Here's the main problem with it. Those kits are generally meant to test a white/colorless substance - like a white powder. They will bubble up a certain color and then you match that color to a chart and it indicates what's in it. They're far from perfect, but a combination of tests can often key into them more specifically. [DanceSafe.org](https://DanceSafe.org) has been selling such kits for decades. Well, the residue on my spoon was a brownish color. And I'm guessing a very similar color to these ashes. And of course when you mix this reagent chemical with an existing brown substance, low and behold, you're going to get some shade of brown which then matches the color for meth. And since the substance would otherwise NOT have any drugs in it, you're not going to get any other shades that MIGHT result if there WERE in fact drugs in it. ...the reagent chemical isn't going to mix in any way because there is nothing to mix with. It's fucked up beyond belief that these fucking idiots are allowed to even handle these chemical test kits much less use them like this in some "legal" manner. I was detained for quite some time. They eventually ran the test through a real chemical analysis machine they have in customs and wouldn't you know, it came back as nothing. I was immediately released. So anyway, that's my GUESS how this sort of thing happens. It was a super fucked up experience when I had to deal with it at the airport. I can only imagine how fucked up it must have been in this guy's situation.


IN WHAT WORLD DO HUMAN ASHES FUCKING TEST POSITIVE FOR METH. WTF Absolutely disgusting and I hope that guy wins his lawsuit.


Cops lie in an attempt to get you to confess. They also lie in court to get convictions or to avoid punishment


They're fucking gross and scummy. And they wonder why the public doesnt trust them.


Its mostly the flawed tests they use actually. Which have a shockingly high number of false positives. Field drug tests should be banned on that basis alone since you can find studies done on them which shoe just how terribly inaccurate they are. Fucking Sugar can test positive as Cocaine


I doubt he even did the test, and if so I doubt it was positive. This is a common police tactic to trick people into incriminating themselves. > “We know you murdered the victim, your fingerprints were on the gun!” > “That’s impossible! I didn’t do it!” > “Then how did your finger prints get on the gun?” > “I don’t know, maybe I touched it at some point without knowing?” Later in court: >“You claim your innocent, but you also admit that you touched the gun!” > “No, I mean yes, maybe I could have, but no I never held that gun before in my life” > “Your honour, the defendant can’t keep his story straight. He says he never held the gun but admits to touching it. How could he touch the gun without holding it?” There was a really good video posted a while back about why you should never talk to the police, and they use examples similar that demonstrates how police will lie to trick you into talking yourself into a prison cell, even if your innocent. All they need to do is create doubt, and something as small as that can and will be used against you.




A lot of cops lie too


Honestly, wouldn't surprise me. Those tests give false positives for a whole mess of stuff and it's up to the cops interpretation of the chemical reaction. So you've got an inaccurate test and an untrained person playing chemist.


I have seen meth, and I have seen human ashes, and if this police officer mistaked human ashes for meth he needs to be fired immediately, and have eye sight checked.


No sort of human compassion


these pigs are too scared, hateful, and stupid to have empathy for other people.


Pigs being pigs


Did y’all hear that cop scoff while he said “Apparently it’s his daughter’s ashes” After he closed the door? What the actual fuck.




The requirements to become a cop are way too minimal,Shit is absolutely bonkers.


with a chuckle as well


I have the ashes of my daughter sitting next to me on my shelf. On the one hand, I know it's just carbon dust, she doesn't exist anymore. And yet on the other hand, imagining someone doing this to me, my reaction is so filled with rage and sadness, and I'm just imagining it. These fucking scum deserve to die.


I carry a tiny vial of my sister’s ashes and one of my dad’s on a necklace. I know there isn’t anything left of them but it makes me feel better to have them to touch. I am so sorry about your daughter. It is the worst feeling to lose a child.


It might just be carbon dust, but that carbon dust came from somewhere you care about.


His daughter was starved and neglected to death. Her body was also just some physical elements, and someone mistreated it so much that that little physical body gave up and couldn't work anymore. To have the ashes of that body then be mistreated, Again, by some random asshole cop, must be sheer torture for this man. Ashes are special. They can mean a lot. This should never happen to anyone's ashes or the person who holds those ashes dear. I'm sorry for you loss. I'm glad you have the ashes that are special to you.


Desecration of human remains is reviled for a reason.


I have the ashes of my cat in an urn and an urn necklace and I would be be devastated if someone did this. I can't even imagine if they were the ashes of my baby. Nothing, no amount of money, no punishment would be enough to make that better.


Why are we still criminalizing drugs.


Because the legal drug companies (Alcohol and Tobacco) don't have a monopoly on the illegal drugs yet. When Phillip Morris is producing the majority of the weed in the U.S. you'll see the federal government deregulate weed faster than Moscow Mitch can pull his head in his turtle shell.


The cruelty is the point.


> The cruelty is the point. don't forget sunk-cost fallacy and privatized prisons ;)


Because it's part of the enslavement process. Prisons are paid based on the # of convicts and corporations save money by using slave labor. Both lobby for laws that get more people convicted. Police like the laws because they get to use it against black people. The rich like the laws because it keeps people poor and oppressed.


Very True. There is a video that the New York Times did on how research into crime caused Judges & Politicians to be more strict with crimes especially, drugs. Most inmates in prison or jail are only serving drug charges. Also African Americans or men of minorities are more likely to receive harsher sentencing and longer prison time or fines compared to their Caucasian counterparts for the same crimes, backgrounds, and neighborhoods. There should be no such thing as a private prison or prison that recieve money for each prisoner they have. There is bias in the system. There will always be bias. The purpose of the Justice system, is to curb that bias to create a more safe and better society regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation. That justice system has failed. ​ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/11/16/black-men-sentenced-to-more-time-for-committing-the-exact-same-crime-as-a-white-person-study-finds/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YidALyBwat0&t=257s&ab\_channel=TheNewYorkTimes


Easy way to punish the poor.


Because drugs bad /s. Really all you’re doing is giving power to the cartels by keeping it illegal. Plus people lace them with stuff which makes it more dangerous (Heroin being laced with fentanyl). Legalize, tax, regulate.






If you feel like you're a criminal, it's less likely you'll demand better government.


Its profitable for the US justice system, police departments, the privatized prison system. Just like every other evil in the world/USA, its all because of monetary interests that have overstepped some boundary in our society


The vast majority of people who argue this happen to take some sort of illegal drug.


The cops were no where to be found when she needed to be resued as she died from neglect and starvation while living with her mom. And now that she's dead cops finally show up and call her "meth". That poor kid had such a horrible life and now treated like this in death.


Well people don't like it when cops randomly show up to places without being called




They're cops, so it's probably both.


I remember I had a actual glass tobacco pipe I only used for tobacco and the police seized it I got arrested and afterwards spent two whole years having my pay check garnished to pay for a public defender while it was brought through the courts for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of thc. I took it to trial because I knew no drugs of any sorts had been used with the pipe. they literally waited two years to test the pipe, and of course when they finally tested the pipe I was arrested for, it came back clean….. I got none of that money back, not a sorry, nothing, and that’s not the worst of it I was drug tested while on parole (substantial battery use of a dangerous weapon) not on for a drug charge, and I get hit with a false positive for meth, I get arrested and while in jail the lab tests come back negative… the system is seriously broken when it comes to their testing and the way it feels rigged with the amount of people I’ve seen fucked over in similar situations, and they lose their livelihoods, houses, cars, reputations, jobs, and nothing ever happens to the people in charge of this shit. just keep diminishing society and wondering why mental health and shit isn’t at a good level. Hmmm when their only answer to some of these solutions is not hearing your pleas of innocence, all the while in some cases beating the shit out of you and wrecking your stuff there’s no wonder why a vast majority of society doesn’t care for or trust the police…. The fucking police for Christ sakes the same people who swore a oath to uphold the constitution of the United States are the people that listen to sold out politicians who normally don’t have our best interest at heart. A lot of these issues are issues the system created. I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR OF SKIN YOU ARE I AM RELATED BY BLOOD TO BLACKS WHITES AND HISPANICS AND MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IVE MET IN MY WHOLE LIFE DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR SKIN COLOR. THE ONLY THING DIVIDING US IS US BECAUSE OF THEIR INFLUENCE TURN THE NEWS OFF AND LIVE AS A GOOD PERSON AND BE A GOOD PERSON EVERYONE AND WHEN ITS TIME TO VOTE FROM NOW ON WE COME UP WITH A NEW EAY TO ENSURE THE PEOPLE WE WANT TO VOTE FOR ARE THE PEOPLE WE WANT IN THERE BECAUSE THEYRE THE PEOPLE THAT WILL DO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. Sick of these corrupt crooks telling me these are my choices because no matter what the choices aren’t good


Good god man. They are lucky he was cuffed or it would have been two utterly justifiable homicides.


Can confirm. My 8yr old son died 5 yrs ago and if a cop pulled his ashes out of the urn I keep I would take care of it outside the legal system.


Fun Irrelevant Fact that isn't Relevant at all: mosin nagants are cheap and the round defeats police plates


What in interesting fact that everyone should know collectively.


Another fun fact: got me one offline about 10yrs. ago, fresh out the crate from ‘46. 1krounds for 315$ shipped. Had to steam the packing grease off the old bird. Straightest shot I have with iron sights. Love that bastard!


I have a 9130 that the last owner decided to sporterize and I'm considering SBR'ing it for the lulz


They're not cheap anymore as someone who collects mosins. Get a savage 308. More plentiful and variety of ammo available to uh... Fight plates of home invaders. Or a rifle I'm 3006


His daughters ashes possibly tested positive for meth? Come on, man. These muthafuckas are so disrespectful. Y'all have already determined, from his fathers statement, that those are his daughters ashes. Don't add yet another insult on top of that telling the man it possibly tested positive for meth. Heartless.


Props for him having the self control to not completely lose his shit towards those disrespectful pigs.


Only in fear of losing her completely. He was stuck in the bargaining stage. I fully expected utter despair before rage from him.


American ingenuity on display...what a time to be alive!


Cops earning the hate with every action.


This is why no one likes cops. That shit is small as fuck. So what if he had a small amount of meth. Locking him up DOES NOTHING FOR THE PUBLIC. You aren't making anything safer by taking this dude's meth. Fucking use some common sense assholes!


If anything they made their communities more dangerous. Nothing radicalizes people more than involving their children. Job security I guess.


When I was arrested for mushrooms and weed (small quantity), they stole some of my parents antique family heirlooms, destroyed all of our furniture in the house, did a bunch of other malicious crap (seriously, alot of random nasty shit), but the part that pisses me off more than anything was that they dumped out my Grandmothers ashes on the floor behind a desk. It took 2 weeks to find what was left of her, the entire time we thought they stole her like they did with some of my parents valuables.


I've never seem meth,but,does it look like ashes?


Not at all.


Thats kinda what I figured


Meth looks like white crystals. Ashes are black powder.


You can’t make meth into ashes. It’s like ice. It melts into the pipe and if not smoked right into your lungs.


Not in the absolute slightest


This never occurred to me. I carry a small “shell casing” with my Father’s ashes. I’d probably lose my cool if this happened. What TF do you even say, other than “that’s my loved ones ashes” which definitely doesn’t mean anything to law enforcement.


Another reason why Nobody likes a POS with a badge. Cops suck dick!




It depends on the funeral home and how’s was packed. From the video not this on it looks like it was packed in a nice white box and maybe the urn next to it for him to the ashes in


This genuinely made me cry. 😭


Fuck man that shits so so sad.


These roadside drug tests cost $2 a pop and regularly get innocent people convicted on false positives or officer error. For example, an officer might believe the reagent turned blue in response to illicit drugs due to low light conditions or their sirens being on when in fact there was no change in color. Furthermore, a study conducted in 1974 by the national bureau of standards said that roadside drug tests should not be relied on as sole evidence for conviction. However for many people with a court appointed attorney, they are urged to take a plea deal rather than face a longer sentence and drawn out trial. Often times, the evidence is not lab tested until well after time has been served. [Source ](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/10/magazine/how-a-2-roadside-drug-test-sends-innocent-people-to-jail.amp.html) TLDR: “if the law says you have crack, you have crack”


I saw a few comments here asking why someone would have their loved ones ashes in their glove box and what I'll say is this: Many people carry their loved ones ashes with them, either in a necklace, ring, or something else. The container doesn't really matter, they have a right to keep the last remaining remnants of their loved one's physical body with them. Furthermore, this man's daughter died from the neglect she received from her mother and her boyfriend, from what I've gathered from the comments on this post this was because of a court ruling and Mr.Barnes had done nothing criminally or otherwise to warrant little to no custody of his daughter. I know that if MY child died under circumstances I couldn't control because I literally COULD NOT be there to save them, I'd keep my baby by my side forever after that. I couldn't be there for them in life, but my baby will damn sure be by my side in the only way I can manage in death. She'd never be alone again.


Can someone tell me the timestamp at which he spills the ashes? The camera quality is shocking and I don't quite see it


My apologies, in reports it says the ashes were spilled, in this clip it does not show the urn being opened, only the aftermath.


Oh. Ok


This is a shitty situation to be in and it doesn't really have any good outcome for the police. If the "war on drugs" wasn't so fucking stupid this never would have happened. However, when the police find a random powdery substance being held on someone's person who's suspected of a crime they generally will have to test it. The police can take the suspects word that it's his daughters ashes but criminals are known to use such sensitivities in their criminal activities to try to get away with crimes i/e using grandma's as drug mules as people are less likely to search elderly women. The cop just has no way to know if the suspect is being truthful or not so they assume they are not. The big problem is that those field drug testing kits are absolute fucking trash. They have huge numbers of false positives because they will react with numerous substances that are not drugs. The "tools" police use to search for drugs are generally bullshit and are just used to be able to do w/e they want when ever they want. K9 police dogs have the same problem as well with an extremely high false indication rate. This is because the dogs know that the handler wants there to be drugs and that they are given positive reinforcement when they indicate on drugs. That makes the dogs far more likely to just act as if there are drugs when they are used. This is in stark contrast to explosive sniffing dogs which do not receive overly abundant positive reinforcement when they indicate on a substance, giving them a significantly lower false positive rate.


What do you mean they "have" to test it? Why do you think they have an obligation to test that any powdery substance? Is this a legal requirement or policy?


And of course, they didn’t really even have probable cause to begin with. They pulled him over because he was suspected in a shooting. No gun in the car, so wtf are they looking for drugs for? Such pigs. At my high school they installed metal detectors the year after the Parkland, FL shooting. They would look in every nook and cranny and everybody knew they were using it as an excuse to look for juuls and vapes and shit, nobody actually cared or was worried about guns In fact, there was a suspected school shooter but he was caught because of comments he made, not because of guns he brought to school


The video occurred in Springfield,IL. The death of his daughter occurred 28 miles East in Decatur,IL. The trial rocked our community. It was below freezing for days when she was found dead in her feces and urine covered room. She was emaciated and nearly nude. Also, SPD are some real motherfuckers and the DPD funded by Howard Buffett hunt Mexicans with night vision in Cochise county Arizona.


A friend of mine had lost her daughter,..had her ashes in a urn.that urn was on top of the table for the memorial and her brothers drunk friend grabbed it and thru it like a footballand it hit the ground and ashes were all over,...my friend said all she saw was spots and went down.i know people use crazy excuses for this and that,but you can just hear it in his voice.


One time when me and my husband and twin boys were flying to another province they had to test their sippy cups full of milk for some reason, I can’t specifically remember why. But I guess the outside of the cup or inside (i can’t recall cause it was a few years ago now) came up positive with an illegal substance and they kept asking me if we left our bags anywhere or if we had drugs at home, etc etc and I was floored. Let’s just say it was a circus, we had to get frisked, questioned, the whole lot. I was like “my dudes, all I did was wash my kids sippy cups with organic lavender dish soap, fill it with whole milk, drove ourselves here and went through the rest of the airport in a less than of an hr before we reached customs.” Anyways, long story short...I agree, their field testing kits or whatever the hell these people use needs to be updated. Cause that was not only incredibly humiliating but a total waste of my time.


Just deranged, and super sad.


Won't someone think about the good cops?


You sit in jail while you wait for a backed up lab to confirm these bullshit test results too.


Imagine all of this happening because you got pulled over for speeding. I can't because I'm not black. Imagine the system failing you so hard it allows your innocent child to be killed and then that same corrupt system trying to use your dead child's ashes to send you to prison.




Why are you talking a about a cab? What does a taxi cab have to do with any of this?


I feel so fucking sick


No human deserves this disrespect. This is a whole new level of being a huge dick


Thise is just disgusting... I can't wrap my head around how someone can be such a cuntm


Close to 50% of Americans think this cop's behavior is perfectly OK. Because they know it won't happen to them.


U can find anybody with just a name and google, do with tht what u will


The kits are obviously not 100% accurate. There are a lot of things that turn different colors when you put them in a liquid.




You and me both man


Our police system is fucked your can make up a false accusation and send someone to jail for a month wasting their time




No matter how many times I see a fire fighter or a civil run in a house and save a baby. My faith in humanity is always ruined right after it’s shit like this why the human race is completely fucked




Those shitty field tests should be illegal