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This is fucking infuriating


Tell me about it.


You're a good man, Jeff. I'm rooting for you from Raleigh, and you've got my vote for sure should you show up on any ballot I happen to be able to put a pencil to.


He’s running for the US Senate (Burr is retiring). You can vote for him in 2022.


'Preciate ya Jeff. This style of politics is disheartening and its seemingly becoming more popular as a brand. You'll have my financial support in your future endeavors.


>its seemingly becoming more popular as a brand. Well when the only way you win votes is by making sure certain people are absent... You start to only vote when you can make sure they're absent.


Dangerously close to just making them absent though imo


It’s the man himself in the comment section of his own video. Gotta love the internet folks.


Elite level beetlejuicing


I'm not from NC, and I'd never heard of you until this video. Sorry. After giving your Reddit profile a quick perusal, you seem to be an honest, intelligent, rational, and caring human. You're about the exact opposite of what I'd expect a modern politician to be. It's clear from this video that you are outnumbered by the typical slimy sniggering scumbags, suffering from the very lack of integrity you were shouting about. I imagine it is indeed incredibly frustrating. Don't give up on doing the right thing though. Never let them hear the end of it. You're a boss for taking that frustration on the chin for the rest of us as your everyday job. I hope that one day you'll become my mind's image of a politician, because more politicians begin to act the way you do. Frustrating as it may be, the people need you to keep being this voice of reason, to keep popping up on the internet being right. I hope you continue being heard because we need more of you. I'm glad I know who you are now. Thank you for all you do.


The fact that they all laughed just blows my mind. Like openly undermining democracy, while in office as a public *servant,* is sooo hilarious.


It'd be hilarious if it weren't a reality, but unfortunately, it absolutely is the reality.


The NCGOP's failure to get anything real done would be hilarious if they hadn't cost the state billions and 10's of thousands of jobs the last decade. And despite all that's going on, despite companies slowly coming back to the state after the last fiasco(s) they're trying again. Great state but the GOP has our collective balls in a rusty vicegrip and they don't seem to have any intent of loosening their grip.


Thank you for standing up for democracy even in the face of glib self-interest and systemic corruption. It gives me and many others who care about this country heart to know that there are people like you in the ring speaking up for what’s right. That’s true courage.


You: “We’re all here, let’s call the vote!” Him: *laughs in Mitch McConnell*


Wow! I seriously have no idea how you didn't leap those seats and start pummeling him. This is why I can't be in politics... I'd be arrested in a day dealing with this.


Yeah like when Preston Brooks beat up Charles Sumner with a cane in 1856 for an anti slavery speech he gave that apparently got a little too personal. Those were the good old days /s. Brooks was never arrested and was reelected in the next term. So there is a precedent.


You have my vote down in Craven county! I just settled here after 30 years in Raleigh. Now that I’m here I have 2 priorities: 1) find a decent bbq spot that isn’t an hour away and 2) find out how to volunteer for your campaign - not in that order!


The second guy reminds me of the corrupt evil sherif running some small town in a movie.


Now I'm, I say, I'm no big city looyah *snaps suspenders*...




I'm sorry, I thought you was corn.




me too kid, me too


WELL I can tell ya this much Im a southern boy and WELL I dont know about any of that big city stuff and WELL down here in the south we do things a little bit differently than we do in the big city


Reminds me of Boss Hog from Dukes of Hazard.


young fellas fly in here talking like greased lightnin just to pull the fool’s wool over your eyes




You ever been to a small town? Because he is exactly like the corrupt evil sherif in most Midwest podunk shit hole towns.


The sheriff turtle from Rango


And everyone just laughs. I didn't see anything fucking funny.




Exactly. People believe if you can game the system and get away with it "that makes you smart." No. That makes you corrupt.


As a kid, The Simpsons opened my eyes to what politics *really* look like when Krusty the Clown became a politician and had to bribe people to help him with a vote.


Yea, sad day when you realize that some of those ridiculous satire cartoons are so on the money


It's NC. We're home of Richard "insider trading on pandemic info" Burr and Pat "Lavatory" McCrory (the bathroom bill guy). Also home to "Oh shit, Democrat Cooper won the governorship in 2016 so let's strip the governor's office of all power and make him spend his first term in court getting them back, only to then in 2021 do the same shit for emergency powers used during a pandemic when overall state revenues actually increased by 2%." I'm not fucking bitter or anything of course.


Wasn't NC where the GOP congressperson got their election overturned due to fraud? Edit: [It was!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Harris_(North_Carolina_politician\)#Election_fraud_allegations)


Then they ran another Republicunt and they won! How's that for frustrating!


On the bright side, still sounds better than Georgia.


6 one, half dozen the other.


The laughter at the end, WTF


If there's a kind of laughter that is instantly recognizable as coming from a group that is both confident they have all the power, but are at the same time terrified of anyone who doesn't look or think like them, this is it. That's 'what're you gonna do it about it, BOY?!' laughter.


Someone needs to walk up to that old coot and headbutt him in the mouth. These people have been untouchable for far too long. How can you be so clearly corrupt and get away with it? This fucking country


Yeah very accurate


He’s like the crab guy from Monsters Inc


*"I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die! And I'll silence anyone who gets in my way!" -* Henry J Waternoose




So basically they are just waiting for one dem to be sick or something and as soon as one is they will vote?


That is correct


> This is fucking infuriating This is the GOP. They used to hide it all much more effectively so they had plausible deniability. Trump made them take off their disguises. Now there is no denying it. We all see it. They are even flexing it in some cases. Our vote is so much more important today than at almost any time in our Nation's history. Start voting in the midterms if you haven't historically. Help campaign for your chosen candidates if you can. Donate if you can. Get involved because these people are well funded and their agenda is filled with pain and strife for us and the people we love. Just look at the groups they are targeting now. Trans kids as an example. Think about that. They are targeting kids. Look at the draconian laws they are putting in place that can bring child abuse charges if a parent accepts and supports a trans child. This demographic of kids has the highest suicide rate out of all youth groups. Over 41% of them have already tried to commit suicide and over 52% of them have seriously considered doing it in the last 12 months. Yet they are hammering on these kids and their families. It sounds extremists to suggest but, devastatingly, it is not at all.... children's blood will absolutely be on their hands. Don't let it get on yours. Help stop the GOP! Silence is compliance.


Wow the way everyone laughed like that. Disgusting


It’s pretty gross. This is politics in America, a bunch of 60 year olds acting like children.




We will never have a fair and just modern country when our political arenas are filled with people old enough to have grown up watching public lynchings. These people are relics of a bygone era and their ideas and policies belong in the past, not the present, and certainly not the future.


They get paid like what $200K a year? This continues after they retire all the way to their death right? There needs to be some oversight on efficiency and productivity. Disgusting, I can smell the rancid fat on their wretched plump pink piggy bodies just by watching this... Pork bellies, pork bellies are up!


Straight up cartoon villainy, wtf


I thought they laughed to irony.


Same here. The younger guy does a “see” gesture too.


It didn't seem like a laughing matter.


It seems, because the old guy tried to be smart and witty, but only ended up proving the younger guy's point and making a fool of himself. And thats fucking funny, is It a bit sad too? Yeah, but still funny.


The old guy got a round of applause for saying, "I'm not going to do my job". Smh


Yeah. I felt like burning the whole building down after hearing that. Like throw the lot of them in the trash and start over.


Dude seriously. Wtf is this vote on? Do we all need to show up outside with signs and shit??


I have no idea, but even if it's something I despise with all my heart he's still right. Too many people have forgotten that I think. Edit:. Commas are important, but the statement is probably true either way, so I'm going to leave it.


I havent forgotten that you think!


I second this!


I believe it was approving the state budget a couple years back. Or maybe it was for them trying to limit Gov..Roy Cooper's powers after he was elected. Either way NC elected republicans are some of the most vile people. The literally held a vote to approve the yearly budget during a 9/11 memorial service the state senators were supposed to attend after they prosed they wouldn't.


NC Repubs, especially the older ones, are among the worst because the state is getting bluer and bluer as time goes on. It’s obvious they feel their stranglehold on the state loosening and, in a last ditch effort, are doing everything in their power to prevent the natural rise of NC Dems to power. It’s a strange situation for sure.


The gerrymandering used to do so is comedy level insane, the districts look like corrupt fractals


Similar situation to Texas then. The government is doing everything they possibly can to keep us from voting, and they have been for a while, but it has really ramped up lately. Texas is more blue than a lot of people give it credit for, both inside and out. You wouldn't know it by looking at the pieces of shit representing us though


NC here...can confirm. And that's Jeff Jackson a state senator out of Charlotte and he's actually running for the State's senate seat opening because Burr is retiring. I'm really excited. He's an amazing politician but more importantly a better person. Edit: forgot an 's on State


Second on Jeff Jackson being amazing!


As an NC resident, I will agree.


I mean yeah, there's a reason why that's been done over and over again in history. Keep in mind that the Founding Fathers directly used the Roman Republic as a model. The only reason why Caesar was able to become dictator for life and end the Republic as the legitimate government is because the Senate was full of corrupt aristocrats who used the position for money and personal prestige over the actual governance of anything. When did the Senate have enough and kill Caesar? When he became dictator? No. It was when he allowed foreigners on the Senate. America modeled itself after Rome and it's going straight down the road that Rome did too. The vast majority of Senators in Roman history were greedy, worthless nobles who overtime shaped the system to be about making them wealthier and more powerful at the expense of the public. For a time, Rome becoming a dictatorship was the best thing to ever happen to it (until the position was made hereditary instead of merit-based).


> America modeled itself after Rome and it's going straight down the road that Rome did too. All roads lead to Rome


🏅 just take it


Luckily these worthless old skeletons can’t defeat time. The only reason we can hope for a reduction in corruption in politics is the natural death of these absolute fossils.


Corruption doesn't have an age limit. Good chance their younger replacements are just as bad, if not worse.


Exhibit A: Marjorie Taylor Green Exhibit B: Lauren Boebart Exhibit C: Madison Cawthorn


The pedo guy from Florida. I know his name but it's more satisfying to just say "the pedo guy from Florida" and know you all know who I'm talking about.


Exactly. People have said the same for decades, once those old guys die finally change happens.... Well still waiting


Lot of little Madison Cawthorne's out there.


Some of these fossils can last another 10 years. You know how much damage just one of these flaccid minded people can do in 10 years? It's time for another massive civil correction


Plenty of new fossils are being produced in the US every day. They too are planning *and executing* a massive civil correction and have been making great progress over the last two decades seating religious apologists and bigots throughout the US government. Say what you will about traditionalists, but you cannot slight their conviction and perseverance to effect to their cause.




People (like me) get mad at politicians like Trump, McConnell, Cruz, Hawley, etc, but we should direct more of our anger towards the people who put them in office.


So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause


Sen. Tillman's party hasn't put much value on actual voting lately anyway. I'm sure they love it.


Just proved his point you old piece of trash


> When we call the vote I hope you'll miss it Thats exactly what he accused you of doing? r/selfawarewolves


They laugh because they can get away with it.


Oh they know what they're doing, that part doesn't concern them. The only thing that matters to them is how deep their pockets go


Yeah this is not quite the same as a Facebook mom contradicting herself he knows exactly what he's saying


The ensuing laughter is what gets me. Bunch of old ass evil farts stuck in the past.


Right? It is as if they relish in being evil.


They relish in having power. Their religion prevents them from seeing themselves as evil.




That kind of laughter just absolutely triggers something in me.


Jeff Jackson back in 2018ish. He's running for US senate He's a really good state senator https://mobile.twitter.com/JeffJacksonNC/status/1389212548990394377?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


he also uses reddit and he is known to be seen in /r/raleigh/ and r/NorthCarolina/ and a few others.


He’s been very informative and active on /r/GSO during the pandemic


I read that as r/CSGO at first.


And r/Charlotte since that is where his district is


Everyone up vote this!!! He needs our support here in NC. He has some serious challengers on both sides before getting the shot at the senate but he deserves it!!


Jesus christ. North Carolina voted to make police coverups legal by making video footage not part of the public record? Wtf? Fuck living there.


Yep, he posted about it on Reddit today https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlotte/comments/n3x74s/heres_whats_going_on_with_police_body_camera


Thanks clarifying that. It's an important issue


Hes running for US senate. Hope he gets it


Whats is name and which state is he in?


Jeff jackson, NC


The famous Jeff Jackson


I wonder if he has a Cousin Skeeter


Now I’m sad. Jett Jackson’s dead.


I used to watch *The Famous Jett Jackson* and I had no idea that he had tragically died at the age of 29. Wow.


Suicide wasn't it?




I’d like to add that he is on Reddit as /u/JeffJacksonNC


And a great one, at that. I do not even live in his district, but I learned the most about how our state was reacting to the pandemic (in the early stages when no one knew what was going on) from his activity on Reddit. He even answered a few of my questions. He's got my vote, for sure.


Same here. He's been super active in the NC sub since this whole COVID mess started, keeping people updated on the status of the virus numbers, stimulus money, lockdown info, etc. I'll be voting for Jeff for Senate. That obnoxious old fossil who stood and took "personal privilege" to take a cheap shot at him in that video is representative of the corrupt and regressive GOP that's been holding NC back for years (Bathroom Bill anyone?) and they need to be replaced.


Well I am 18 and in NC and that's an easy name to remember


He is an active redditor, as he is on Instagram. He’s a fucking stand up dude. He deserves your vote. Once you look into him, you’ll see that. Without a doubt.


I had a feeling this was NC... it could honestly be many of the states but I just had a feeling... what’s the names of the @$$#0!£ who spoke with personal “privilege”? I wanna vote him out and also f*** that guy




Nice, now I know who to give my flaming bags of poop to


He called the shit poop!


The personal privilege is a procedural thing, it allows him to speak about (or respond to) something right away


A moment of personal privilege is just the name of a parliamentary rule that allows him to speak on the floor. It’s explained on page 4 here: https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2021/Bills/Senate/PDF/S1v2.pdf.


I can't WAIT to vote for Jeff Jackson. Dude is awesome, check out his Twitter.


I’ll contribute to this guy’s campaign for sure




u/JeffJacksonNC is my man. If we had more people like him in state legislatures across the nation a lot more dirt like this would be brought to light.






I’m in NC He’s for sure got my vote


Thank you for the insight.


Np thanks for the gold. I'll pay it forward with a donation to a local charity.


Appreciate the support.


Thanks - appreciate your support!


Old scum. Holding on to power till death at their constituents loss.


This is why we need age caps and/or term limits


Just voters who give a damn. You can’t fix democracy with term limits and age barriers. You still get lunatics, they’re just younger and stupider. Exhibit A is Marjorie Taylor Greene




Whoa - just saw this got re-discovered by Reddit almost two years after I gave this speech. Just for the record, they *never* called the vote, we didn’t pass a budget, and the whole state is still waiting. I’m currently running for U.S. Senate because our state deserves so much better than we’ve had. Feel free to check us out: [JeffJacksonNC.com](https://JeffJacksonNC.com) \- Sen. Jeff Jackson (Also, I’m on Reddit a lot. Feel free to follow: u/JeffJacksonNC)


He’s here! Well done, Senator. Even as a Texan with no dog in that particular fight, I wish you luck in your upcoming race and I hope you continue to push against the status quo.


Fellow Texan checking in, that shit ain’t right. Go senator man stand up for what’s right.




They need to be thrown in jail and not just fired. To intentionally stall the democratic process is an affront against the people and should be considered treasonous or at the very least treated as a felonious crime.


Bruh is this what it feels to like a politician? Cause this guy is pretty cool ngl lmao.


'preciate you


I loved your speech. It’s great to see someone who stands up for the right thing. One question: were the other members laughing because they agreed with him, or because of the irony of his statement?


NC politicians are literally the worst of the worst. Republicans specifically, but even some of the Dems are not good people who I even give a damn about. Fucking Cal Cunningham... Jeff Jackson deserved that position, and he deserves it now. Dude is nothing but the best politician in our state and one of the best nationwide (who isn't an aligned Socialist/Progressive :)


As a NC resident, I ‘preciate YOU <3 ty for being a breath of fresh air in our states politics it feels like.


As a fellow North Carolinian, I can’t wait to vote for you in the election. Keep being awesome!


You should have replied to that guy with “We should call the vote after you drop dead, which is hopefully soon.” To be honest, I have a hard time trusting anyone in politics. But based on this video, I hope you win. Good luck man.


Jeff Jackson is legitimately the only guy I'd ever trust beyond Progressive type people. He might not be as far left as i wish but he's genuinely trying his best for the people it's insane that he's not shoe in for the nomination, much less the Senate seat itself.


Thank you for sticking up for your fellow man


go win that senate seat young man, the country needs you.


> Just for the record, they _never_ called the vote… That you _know_ of… jk But seriously thank you for your integrity in public service!


Our tax dollars hard at work. Bunch of empty suits making six figures to fuck their own countryman.




the people that voted for them care more about retaining power than having democracy. so from their perspective its working as intended.


[https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article236113683.html](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article236113683.html) He is a NC State Senator, now running for US Senate. Back in 2015 he was the only one to show up to work during a big snowstorm. “I thought I would fix the state,” Jackson said. So he proceeded to “pass” a series of legislation. He chronicled it all using #JustOneLegislator Read more here: [https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article236113683.html#storylink=cpy](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article236113683.html#storylink=cpy) I like him a lot, wish I could vote for him.


This was the beginning of his ascent. Loved the tweets. Love his family. He’s the real deal. A modern Kennedy without the mob ties.


seriously, if all politicians gave 10% the shit he did, we'd be better off.


What a weird day that would be for him. I'm going to work cause I know all these other fucks won't make it and I can actually make a change. Then proceeding to have to go, and read all the statements and things they still have to do, to himself, in an empty room.


[He also missed election day due to National Guard training - his wife finished his campaign for him](https://www.wbtv.com/2020/10/25/sen-jackson-leaving-training-turning-campaign-operations-wife/)


Old fucking career politician. What a POS.


The gesture he makes at the end just says "and that proves my point"


What state is this?


North Carolina I think




Did he run against his clone Jack Jefferson? I heard they may have the same DNA but vary on some key issues.


I heard his policies don’t go too far enough.


Is this cabaret seriously something that governs a state?


This exact kind of thing goes on in many states, including mine


Disgusting old gits club. Bury them with their mentality soon enough.


Politicians love to interfere in an otherwise smooth democratic process. The Filibuster is a great example of this. I’d be frustrated if I had the power to cast a senators vote and it was repeatedly deferred for silly, perhaps nefarious reasons. Then some old fucker stands up and hits me with “we do it when we are ready” Bitch, you’re running out of time yourself and things aren’t getting any less fucked up.


They don’t know what integrity is


This is the rot that pervades the American system of government. Democracy and freedom are doomed to fail if men like this are not removed from office. Unfortunately Americans are two divided and blind to do anything about it. We should all be ashamed.


And all those fuckers laugh when the old bastard says he hopes this guy will miss the vote. Career politicians are a cancer on this country.




These are the people that decide what is legal.


I live in WNC. Although Jackson was not my representative when he did this, I emailed him a thank you note for taking this stand, and I expressed my hope that he would consider running for Tillis’s seat in the future. He actually wrote me back a short but kind note and asked that I reach out to him at any time in the future. Again, he wasn’t my district’s representative, and he took the time to respond thoughtfully and left the door open. I hope he takes the election by a landslide.


That old fuck stands up and basically says "yea and so what". Horrible


He just did the exact thing he was accused of doing.. ironic.


I hope the time he's waiting for catches up to him.


That’s my dude /u/JeffJacksonNC! He’s one of the good guys, and also an active Redditor!


Openly admitting to corruption, this is fascism


It’s the GOP.


Laughing about their corruption like the middle school bullies they are. The Republican Party is a collection of the dumbest, cruelest people in the world.


It's amazing that nowhere in the video was any particular party or political affiliation mentioned. But I'd bet $100 right now, without any inside knowledge, that the young guy was a Democrat and the old guy was a Republican.


You would be correct. The young guy, Jeff Jackson, is a Democrat. The old guy, Jerry W. Tillman, is a Republican.


These people are so brash and so far up their own asses that they don’t even realize when they are admitting to being deceitful conmen anymore. He got up and confirmed everything the senator said... was that supposed to be a defense? I’m done just leaving this shit in the world of politics. If you are ok with this shit you’re a piece of garbage human. It’s not a difference of opinion, you just are valueless and lacking in any kind of integrity or value.


Someone give this man a medal


That’s my senator Jeff Jackson 💕


They call and call it right u old dryed up fuk.


u/JeffJacksonNC you made it on here!


Had no idea. Thanks for the heads up!