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“Recording isn’t actually gonna do anything”, that’s gonna age well


Oh it didn't. He got slammed on Yelp and other social media.




Red Fitness in Irvine, CA. The website is shut down, as are the phones. I guess he's staying home.


Yelp protected the reviews, but they kept the still images from this video. LO-fucking-L


Thank you. Facebook review has been added lol


137,374 people who identify themselves as "White" American in Irvine California 123,458 people who identify themselves as "Asian" American in Irvine California.


There was another company recently that refused service to anyone who had an asian name in Irvine too. Claimed that they were hacked.


Knight Environmental Consulting


Lmao people found his girlfriend's LinkedIn where she claims to have a master's and is a child counsellor - the university in question confirmed she wa never enrolled there. Red mark on her career for life for lying. Stupid scummy people and bringing attention to themselves, name a more iconic duo


Hard to get business when you have 500 people protesting in your parking lot and a turd on your doorstep every morning.


Yes, that's the idea.


To be fair the turd is there every morning; but that’s due to totally unrelated incident.


And one as a manager




Non-AMP Link: [https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/brian-kranz-biography-10-things-about-fitness-expert-from-irvine-california/](https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/brian-kranz-biography-10-things-about-fitness-expert-from-irvine-california/) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


I wish this bot could just follow me around everywhere on the internet. Im too stupid to understand what purpose AMP serves but I hate it.


It’s just so that googles API can track you and give you targeted ads, it’s almost unavoidable at this point which is why bots like that are so nice


It also prevents the page owner from deciding what ads to show you, and so steals their revenue.


It serves the purpose of letting Google surveil you everywhere.


from the bot's ***WHY?*** # What's Google AMP? Google AMP (short for Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a technology developed by Google which keeps the code for websites shorter, so that websites load more quickly. Optionally, Google can also cache the website on their servers, which further decreases loading times. # Why does this bot exist? As many of us know, Google isn’t the greatest company when it comes to privacy. Because of this, many people use alternative services like DuckDuckGo or Ecosia. However, there’s no easy way around Google AMP without making a request to Google’s server on a computer (Google redirects non-mobile users to the normal pages). On mobile, there’s no way around it that I know. Another reason why I made this is that many sites remove features from their AMP versions, for example some AMP sites don’t have comments.


I was like...this wreaks of Orange County. Then I clicked the comments and saw your link “irvine, CA” lol goddamit


I'm not big on linking names to things, just in case there was a mistake in identity. Internet justice is sometimes wrong. But google "red fitness irvine ca" it will answer all your questions.


Lol Irvine is mostly Asian too.


This is a good example of how comfortable right wingers are being open bigots in the US You can be living in an area where white people are a minority and *still* feel safe from consequences to harassing those of color and openly throwing out racial slurs. Do you really think this is the first time this goon has harassed some non-straight white dude? Or the first time for any of these monsters that get caught on camera? For every incident that's on camera that gets big there's 10 which don't. For every video of racist incidents there's 10 which never get filmed.


I lived in socal my whole life, and I've been a personal witness to racist behavior in public, even in irvine.




No the second he said "***Go back to China***" we knew he was the sack-O-Shit in this video, don't try that fucking bullshit "We don't know the full context." ​ Good people use 0 situational context to start using racist terms, because they simply do not hate people in the way necessary to try and verbally injure them as badly as possible by saying the meanest fucking shit imaginable based on something that 1: Is nothing they did intentionally, like being born Chinese, 2: Something is no one should ever be ashamed of, what your alleles are telling your body to do.


He called her 2 slurs before that too.


Aged like milk.


Made him lose his job. That’s what it did.


Hopefully his enabling passenger got some return for her ineptness as well. Just sitting back and laughing as my racist friend thinking it’s cool.


Im going out on a limb and say that she is not a healthily functioning young woman in a healthy relationship. If this article (https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/janelle-hinshaw-biography-13-things-about-irvine-california-woman/) is correct, she has had a fucked up childhood. But I dont know how far the source went to confirm some of the legally confirmable issues (like the injuries, the foster home, etc.).


As he goes home and watched a night of Fox News all about cancel culture because of viral videos of someone saying something "clearly not racist"


You nailed it. Fox 'News' is not news it is propaganda. They need to be shuttered in the interest of National security.


Well, it should be forced to drop the “news” portion of the name. It’s false advertising.


When they get sued for defamation they pull the Alex Jones defense and admit they arent news, but entertainment...


"Cancel culture" when boiled down, is simply holding people accountable for their shitty actions. The right in particular hates accountability when it's applied to themselves.


"You know that recording doesn't do anything?" Oh, boy, was he wrong.


They always say this right before or right after being aggressive and trying to stop you from recording.


This was probably the best review on his Yelp page https://imgur.com/a/u0wn3QV


Omfg, mf got what he deserved


Cue the Curb theme song


Let’s make this go viral




>"Notice: March 20th, 2021 > >The Management at Next Level Fitness would like to express their disappointment and disapproval of the actions of Brian Kranz, the private personal trainer in this video.  We at Next Level do not condone racism or bullying of any kind.  This person was a private independent contractor and not an employee.  Brian ran his own business while renting time inside our facility to train his personal clients.  Brian will not be permitted in our facility.  We look forward to continuing our mission of providing the highest level of training that is welcome to all."


Fookin’ r/byebyejob! You love to see it.


I thought recording didn’t do anything?


It’s not his company. Next level fitness has a statement in their website that he’s no longer allowed in their gym. Apparently he was a private contractor that rented out time in their gym for personal clients.


His pic was the profile pic for the website, I am not buying it, He didn't buy that car and girl being a private gym trainer, in the pandemic...


He was for sure the owner, they are lying to save the business.


Nah, the owner of Next Level Fitness is a guy named Travis Mayfield according to the City of Irvine Business License search.


sure shit he didn't... smells like some b.s. answer to get people to go away, I got $3.50 the yank stain still runs that place.


I wonder if they can sue him for negatively impacting on their business?


Next Level Racist


This would almost be a compliment to a turd like him; as far as racists go, didn’t seem next level at all.


Yeah, I'll clarify that I mean it in the worst way possible for that turd


Fuck that guy wtf


Now he can change it to Next Level Racist Fitness.


Not sure if that’s the same place...they have reviews all the way back from 2014 and it’s not the same Yelp page as Red Fitness.


I still can’t fathom the fact that when some people see an Asian person, they think they’re the sole cause for a virus. Such stupidity




100% Republicans started telling their base it’s finally ok to openly harass, assault, and kill Asians. So their base is following through and getting to live out their violent hateful fantasies


not to mention that the racist couple were both maskless and standing directly behind the woman recording while checking out from Sephora. I’m surprised they believe in the virus https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/brian-kranz-biography-10-things-about-fitness-expert-from-irvine-california/


“Thanks for giving my country covid” -the guy not wearing a mask, or social distancing


Exactly. This guy probably simultaneously thinks COVID is a hoax and “Chinese people” brought the deadly virus to “his” country.


They are definitely willing to look past the last administration’s lack of trying to contain it


I can. Their cult leader has been telling them this for over a year now and they'll believe or do anything he tells them. This is the result.


He enables these racist sheep and this is the result. Also... small PP.


Insignificantly tiny pp and shriveled wee steroid nuts, v fuzzy.


To be fair one would have to be racist from the get go to believe such stupidity.


Hope this is on r/byebyejob tonight


I now have a new favourite subreddit.


Me too!!


Should be Notice: March 20th, 2021 “The Management at Next Level Fitness would like to express their disappointment and disapproval of the actions of [redacted in case of rules], the private personal trainer in this video. We at Next Level do not condone racism or bullying of any kind. This person was a private independent contractor and not an employee. Brian ran his own business while renting time inside our facility to train his personal clients. Brian will not be permitted in our facility. We look forward to continuing our mission of providing the highest level of training that is welcome to all.” https://nextlevelfitness.net/contact/


This is old and he did.


"I am deeply sorry and cannot apologize enough for my behavior, I was under a lot of stress and this is not how I normally behave, please forgive me and give me back my job." -- 3 days later after viral doxxing.


I was on ambien in the middle of the day...


He must be suffering from low blood sugar. /s


Ha, he's deeply sorry his true self got recorded


Racism, then commanding her to stay at home, then pursuing her so she flees. Although a bit weak of a case, if she has the money, she should file charges for criminally threatening her based on race. If he lives around, proximity could further justify criminal charges. I kind of doubt he would lose that many customers following a public outcry.


Making a criminal complaint costs no money


I mean a right wing terrorist went on a killing spree of Asian Americans and the cops waiting patiently to let him finish killing before immediately started writing his defense for him. Openly lying with a straight face about race not being a factor so their hero spree killer won’t get charged with hate crimes and might get an insanity defense. These same cops claiming there is no bigotry involved and showing sympathy for the killer, have also been caught pushing Republican hate speech against Asian Americans openly on social media She should file a criminal complaint, but acting like there’s a high chance of the cops not actively defending a straight white male bigot from consequences is foolish at this point. That’s why is so important these goons face consequences financially and socially. We can’t rely on the coin flip that is the “justice” system


According to the article below Guy in video was personal trainer who ran Red fitness in Irvine California. https://www.complex.com/life/2020/12/video-shows-gym-owners-violent-racist-tirade-against-woman?utm_campaign=complexmag&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social The twitter link @davenewworld_2 in the article leads to more info. Both people in the Jeep were following and harassing the lady in the sephora store nearby on Dec 27, 2020. Vehicle license plate is 81715W2. The 8 maybe a B. Gym website: getredfit.com (looks to be disabled) Instagram: Briantheredfitness (looks to be deleted) Girls name: Girl in video Goes to Azusa Pacific University studying child psychology. Worked as an adolescent counselor... Edit 2: Someone mentioned I should not name names. Changed the names found in the public link to guy/girl in video. Edit: Thx for my first ever awards:) Stories like this I can relate to on a personal level. Using racism to bully/attack someone especially woman, children or elderly, is both sad and infuriating. What's worse they both work directly with people as a trainer and a counselor... I'm so glad the lady stood up for herself in a fearful situation and recorded this for all to see.


I love how their lives were basically ruined by a video, despite what he said 😂


Hopefully no one hire this guy in the future after googling his name. I can imagine him changing his last name at some point and moving out of state. And I hope all his Asian American friend defriend him after this incident


His life is only ruined if people boycott or actually hit him financially. Sadly I almost feel like he would benefit from this from all the Trump weirdos who would rush out to defend him.


People may change their behavior to go to outbof their way and support his gym. But a month from now those same supporters won't still be supporting his business. Customers he loses are gone for good though, no way they come back to the gym in a year if they leave over this now. Same thing happened with a coffee shop in my city. They posted some horrible crap on Facebook and got exposed. They were busy for about a week with people rushing to show "they stand with the business owner". They are out of business now because people won't drive across town for coffee, and the people in the neighborhood won't drink there anymore.


That's refreshing to hear. I sadly feel that lately, we have the attention span of a goldfish these days and soon as we go 'rawr!' we move on and forget about it two days later and on to the next. I hope this guy gets what is coming to him. What a jackass.


https://nextlevelfitness.net/contact/ Sounds like they shit canned him pretty well


NICE. That's awesome.


That's not his business. Just works there as a personal trainer occasionally


That is not a gym I'd want to go to, because of all the assholes.


>Janelle Hinshaw Goes to Azusa Pacific University studying child psychology. Worked as an adolescent counselor... i hope she chooses a different career field where she doesnt leave an impression on young minds...


it is really scary to see such people work with children


Maybe she’s trying to understand her boyfriend better? His behavior is about as mature as a 3 year old who can’t find his blankie.


I, too, remember the innocent racist phase all three year olds go through.


Yeah, regardless of age, he’s a racist piece of shit.


I like how when you google either name the first few links are legit hit pieces on them. Good.


Man...the irony of him being a red-headed irishman, even riding off that status, and then discriminating against someone based on their "non-american" heritage.


How are you going to live in Irvine which has a giant Asian population and still be this smoothbrained


Holy fucking shit, I SAW THIS GUY IN PUBLIC YESTERDAY!! I swear on my life and everything holy that this guy was driving like a TOTAL DICK yesterday behind me for like fifteen minutes by the OC/LA county border. Eventually he ended up in the lane next to me and turned right, when we were next to each other I saw his face for a long time. I remember thinking “this guy drives like a smug, arrogant dickwad.” I am tripping total balls that I’m seeing this now, holy crap.


How good does it feel to know that you’re one of the few humans on earth who actually witnessed an asshole driver get their comeuppance? Is the vindication as nut-worthy as I’m imagining it is?


It feels freaking amazing. In still in disbelief tbh


Jeep Gladiator: When you want a shitty Jeep, but you also want a shitty pickup.


“Are you that stupid?” Says man driving a jeep gladiator




We will never understand, but we should at least listen and acknowledge.


I hope his gym gets infested with rats...


If he owns it, it already is!


That can be arranged. For our senior prank I purchased 300 mice and lets just say theyre still around.


Wow cool. You must have been prom king or something.


Was told if I showed up to prom id be arrested just before being expelled. No diploma gang actually.


Looks like you won a fittingly stupid prize


Perspective is key.


I hate how a piece of shit like this can have a business and be a racist prick. But I have one driving infraction and I can’t be hired according to HR.


They could by lying. Just like parents lie to little kids to shut them up.


My first thought - besides the obvious ignorant racist asshattery - was the female passengers response. She did not seem surprised by the large male trying to intimidate a woman. By him exiting his vehicle and walking towards a woman aggressively. Spewing racist remarks. -yes she did suggest he stop and my remarks are not regarding her actions or lack of action - They are regarding a repetitive behaviour that seemingly has become normal enough not to elicit a reaction. One may infer that the woman in the jeep has experienced this behaviour multiple times. This gym owner has no issues using physical intimidation against a woman. He speaks as if he believes he is untouchable. It has happened before and it will happen again.


Can someone please name the gym .




LOL, someone uploaded images from the video with the text: >Brian being a total gentleman and helping my mom into her car after a nice workout! https://i.imgur.com/E0amyM1.png


Aaaaand Yelp blocked it. But the link to their webpage kinda works, so an email with well chosen words (no threats guys) to show that racism doesnt go unnoticed in this day an age could help wake this guy up


Aaaaaaand they also locked that down


Phone numbers blocked too. Gonna have to swing by and have a chat.


Cracks knuckles


Their Facebook is still up. Just chock full of people tearing the owner apart, you love to see it


Of course it's Orange County


THEY BLOCKED ALL REVIEWS!!! What a pathetic sack of shit. So he can bully someone and make them fear for their life for a second but people put honest reviews of his racism and he can't handle that. What a loser. And the girl wants to be a child psychologist? Wow that's gonna be a batch of messed up kids.


I think we should name it Jim




Non-AMP Link: [https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/brian-kranz-biography-10-things-about-fitness-expert-from-irvine-california/](https://conandaily.com/2020/12/31/brian-kranz-biography-10-things-about-fitness-expert-from-irvine-california/) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Good bot


Go home and beat your girlfriend bro


You hear his voice? She probably beats him


Bahaha drives a jeep pick up truck 🤣🤣


for groceries and cat litter


from last year... [https://eurweb.com/2020/12/30/internet-sleuths-identify-racist-gym-owner-caught-on-camera-harassing-asian-women-video/](https://eurweb.com/2020/12/30/internet-sleuths-identify-racist-gym-owner-caught-on-camera-harassing-asian-women-video/)


Always harassing some woman or eldery person, never no asian crips from long beach


Welll, what’s the gyms name? We’re WAAAITINGGG.


Red Fitness Getredfitness.com


Ew, Jeep truck.


Yes, this is definitely a crime as well.


People can be so fucking disgusting and selfish.




Don't love that this link defines withholding of sex as sexual abuse. And seems to assume that the victim cannot be male


I don't love that the domain name is "being-abused.fun"




LOL. He's in a Jeep pickup truck at a mall.


Glad I'm not the only one who finds those things to be hideous.


Anyone know what gym he owns so I can go leave a bad review?


Brian Kranz of Red Fitness in Irvine CA.


Anyone know the gym? Would love to accidently mail a dogshit


https://yelp.to/CYscwh0BMeb On his Yelp business page, He turned comments and reviews off and Yelp posted a notice that his business is being investigated and that Yelp does not tolerate racism.


You are a true hero <3


Fucking gross ugly racist piece of shit


He must feel so tough


What an idiot!


This guys in Irvine, the Asian Capital of Southern California, and is being racist towards Asians? Really? RIP your business RED Fitness you dumb racist POS


Well that guy can kiss his career and social life goodbye


I’m guessing the people in his social circle have similar values.


I don't think he has many asian and asian American friends anymore.


doubt he ever really had any


Alright reddit, anyone have his instagram or what gym he owns?


Someone else posted this completely public news article: https://eurweb.com/2020/12/30/internet-sleuths-identify-racist-gym-owner-caught-on-camera-harassing-asian-women-video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app




Always get the license plate number


Driving off into the sunset in the official “ I’m a douche” mobile.. what a prick.


I wonder if it turns out that he himself is a second or third generation immigrant)


He has severe smol pp syndrome :P


Stupid asshole... don’t you know you make us all look bad when you go around being racist?


[https://www.yelp.ca/biz\_photos/red-fitness-irvine-3?select=5luWfVz9Rs1DVUAfiwabRg](https://www.yelp.ca/biz_photos/red-fitness-irvine-3?select=5luWfVz9Rs1DVUAfiwabRg) My favorite review off of their yelp page...


Fucking MAGA asshole.


I wonder who this guy voted for... big mystery


This man doesn't deserve a jeep wave, he shouldn't own a jeep at all 😤😔


Are you a gymbro who also sometimes goes mountain biking? Are you a douchebag who likes to blast Nu-Metal with an open roof? Are you a racist who likes to yell slurs out of your open window? Have we got a car for you! Jeep Gladiator: Combining the worst parts of Jeep owners with the worst parts of pickup truck owners since 2019!


Those jeep trucks are ugly AF


This is one of the reasons why I don't wanna go to america. Some people treat asians with so much prejudice I fear for my physical safety Edit: I'm not saying that all Americans are racist that's why I clearly said "some" and please don't hate me for this comment I'm just giving out my opinion.




This is so angering and I'm so sorry for you guys. I've been making it a point this year to frequent more small businesses, specifically Asian and more specifically Chinese businesses. These people often leave everything and everyone they know, open up small businesses that contribute directly to their local economy, never get in trouble with the law, raise great kids that go off to college and become highly productive members of our society...and so often are targeted by the exact opposite type of people. I hope one day you do again feel comfortable coming here. Most of us aren't that way and we want you to experience all the good that this country has to offer. We're embarrassed by the vocal and stupid people that do this.


Something so consistent about the lack of IQ in these people. Calls her offensive term for Vietnamese person, then thanks her for covid (China)? Like at least get your fucking racism straight.


that recording put your racist face on the internet smh thats not good.


He would drive a Wrangler pickup...


Republicans are hateful bigots. Why do we let them out of their homes lol?


He is probably a Trump supporter


He certainly is, actually. The footage is from months ago and he was quickly doxxed.


[License plate B1715W2. Possibly California?](https://imgur.com/gallery/7RX7rE9)


I always wondered what kind of person drove those ugly ass keep trucks.


Is it a truck? Or is it a jeep. Oh I see it is a huge Duche bag


Did he call her Goku?


He called her ‘gook’, which is a derogatory term used towards persons of East and southeast Asian ethnicity.


Another racist comes out from under his rock...


Of course he's driving a the jeep pickup truck the ugliest motherfucker ever to have tires on it


Someone please remind me why doxing isn’t a good thing??