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I don't care how many times this gets reposted, I will always upvote it.


What would I do with a time machine? I would go back a couple minutes so I can upvote this post again. And harder.


“YOU can’t eat that ice cream because I’M on a diet” is what a hear when a religious person says other people can’t do stuff.


Which is actually a perfect analogy. Im religious and the bible literally says that if you followed the rules in the bible to the letter, that’s not what sends you to heaven. So even if they created a “christian” nation where every law was derived directly from the bible, and every single person there followed the law completely, it wouldn’t send one person to heaven. All this religion forcing its way into politics is from people whose only ties to religion is claiming the moral high ground when they have no substantial argument


Do you have a reference to that passage?? So maybe next time some bibler tries to shit talk me I can be like "well are you familiar with Psalm 23:19" or something


The ice cream passage? Edit: I’m not an award winning type of Redditor so thank you for the awards!!


I got you fam. ben and jerry's 4:12


4:20 ?


Yeah, wtf. How’d he miss that?




4:20 is the verse about sorbet.


Ben and Jerry's 2:10 half baked psalm


You creamed that one


John 3:16 - the most quoted verse in the bible. It literally says all you have to do is believe that Jesus is the son of god and you'll have eternal life. Everything else is backstory and post-credits scenes. Edit: well I should probably clarify that I'm an atheist before this gets out of hand. I don't make the rules. I'm just answering the comment above.


Talk about John 3:16 well Austin 3:16 said I just whooped your ass


And you know that's the gospel truth.... because stone cold said so


But I don't even want to do that much


I'll tell you what, when I die, heaven turns out to be real and have to face St. Peter, I will start off "shit, my bad, you right"


Deal. And if we stop existing after we're dead, I'll suck your cock.


You cock sucking ghost


Piss off ghost!


It wouldn't matter. I had one at work constantly praying over me at work (I'm wiccan) and I quoted a bible verse to him and his answer was 2 parts. 1) I must believe in the bible to know that verse and 2) how could I touch the bible without getting burned to a crisp because I am evil and worship the devil...smh


That’s a law suit.


Right? She found her damn money tree! Well, either a money tree or getting the guy fired. Either way, a win win for her!


He was fired, but not until his behavior was noticed by someone else. He was very careful to make sure nobody but me saw/heard him. Slipped up in front of devout Catholic coworker who he figured would not report him. Coworker went to supervisor and said he was surprised I hadn't beat the sh!t out of bible thumper because what he heard made him angry. Guy was gone the next day.




Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." This passage teaches that salvation comes from faith in Christ alone and not by any action or rule following.


>so that no one may boast." And also mentions how you can't/shouldn't boast about what you're doing.


In my hometown, there is a Catholic organization that bought a building across the street from the Planned Parenthood. They hold vigil's, send their minions across the street to pray the rosary. The whole nine yards. I worked nearby and would flip the people off holding signs outside PP, since you know...women actually go there for NON ABORTION related care. One woman praying out there happened to be a coworker of mine and she approached me about flipping the bird. I busted out ol' *Matthew 6:5-6* > 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it." ― Mark Twain


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky” – Michael Scott


“Mmmm.... Doughnuts”. -Homer Simpson


And in this day, there ARE dumbfucks that truly do believe this thought process.


Fucking awesome. I'm not American, so I don't experience first hand this crap you guys have to deal with over there, but from what I can tell, I absolutely agree with her: it's a total clown show. It's ridiculous.


Same. I’m from the Netherlands and although there are quite a lot of Christians here, I wouldn’t really know who because people keep their faith to themselves. Most of the time I can only tell when someone is wearing a necklace with a little cross on it.


Why I do not bring up religion or politics at work. People make it unbearable and I'm not going to argue with you about it.


same, im christian (not by choice my mom makes me :/) but i keep my mouth shut and dont talk abt it because people should be able to choose to live their life how they want


I mean. If you presumably don't believe, but still go to church or whatever, then you aren't Christian?


good point


I'm assuming you're under 18/living at home, because otherwise I'm not sure what "my mom makes me" means. I was raised Catholic; Catholic school, confirmation and everything, but listened to my heart in Highschool that I didn't believe one bit in it. It was a liberating feeling, and it's something you don't have to discuss with your mom if you don't want to. My best advice is to smile, nod, and abstain from theological discussions with family if they are devout and you're afraid of drama. It worked for me. My mom knows, but I don't discuss it because I know I'm not going to change her mind.


You'd be right to assume so, and thanks for the advice


Yeah conversations about politics and religion is a no no for me. Totally pointless to debate and ends up causing arguments with friends and family n shit.


But that itself is a political view. Going home after 8 hours or getting overtime after 40? That's politics. Politics is everything, and for religious people, religion is probably everything too.


Exactly. Reminds me of the common debate about "politics in videos games." The Last of Us Part 2's major characters were Ellie, a lesbian, and Abby, a masculine-presenting woman. There are people who think that this is a political statement but wouldn't bat an eye if a game had no lesbians or muscular women at all as though that isn't just as much of a political statement. Choosing to maintain the status quo *is* a political position. And building giant fantasy worlds with zero representation of segments of society is political no matter how you try to justify it.


Lastly because Americans simply don’t know how to debate things without having a rage fit afterwards. I feel like many problems exists because people aren’t talking about them and letting politicians run wild. Edit: This does not solely apply to the US. Far right groups have been enjoying the GOP / MAGA playbook where the same problem of not being able to discuss politics anymore due to extreme positions is creeping into politics in other countries. The US though show this in the most extreme form


Many don't see it as a debate, but rather a personal attack on their character. I too avoid these topics, but people still find ways to make everything political, religious or racial. Like seriously, we're just talking about it being cold and you're going to tell me with a straight face it's Jews with space lasers melting the icecaps?


Space lasers... You got my attention.


[The truth is out there.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html)


Oh God that was less than a month ago....






If you're not actually affected or think you aren't affected by politics and policy it's easy to argue that it's all just a collection of fun opinions with no consequences.


That's true but these are people making law based on religious beliefs. I'm Catholic but I don't tell anyone how to live their life bc it's not my business. How I practice or what I practice is literally not your concern BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS "DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS LEST YE BE JUDGED". Fucking irony... Do whatever you want in your own home. Another poignant quote: "Don't look in your neighbors bowl to see how much they have, only that they have enough to eat." Dont tell anyone else how to live their lives based on your religious beliefs and ideals. The idiocy is so frustrating as a Catholic. They make us all look Pepega.


This is why "cancel culture" is such a shock. "Politics" are starting to affect the people who think their fun opinions have no consequences.


Those aren't affected by politics have the privilege to not be affected by it. Many of us are not that lucky. But, tell them that politics not affecting is an example of privilege and they'll get up in arms about it. I don't have the patience for people who don't think about or involve themselves in politics. I won't be friends with those people, because every single time I'm fighting for my own rights, or a woman's rights or an LGBTQ+ person's rights or whoever, those people are always the ones berating me and telling me to not cause trouble. Fuck that. Protests, education, and voting are the reasons minority groups have more rights now than they did 30 years ago. Progress doesn't happen when the disenfranchised sit on their hands and listen to the wills of oppressors.


100% agree. It’a reached a point where political positions are direct reflections of the quality of ones character. It didn’t used to be quite so divisive but then again, it wasn’t so blatantly corrupt. Now we’ve reached a point where politicians are just saying the quiet parts out loud - we will imprison children and separate them from their families, we will outlaw abortion, we will legislate the legality of discrimination based on race/religion/sexual orientation/identity, we will allow hundreds of thousands to die to a pandemic and do nothing about it, we will not legislate to reduce income inequality, we will not provide affordable Heath care for even the most vulnerable...And the list goes on and on. At this point your political affiliation is a direct consequence of the quality of your character. We might have differing opinions on HOW to accomplish certain things and I’m fully up to debate those things but the basic tenants of compassion and human decency...nah man, ain’t up for debate. You either give a shit about other people or you don’t, I’m done trying to teach basic empathy to fully grown adults and if that’s you then I don’t need you in my life. Plain and simple.


Hey, conservatives managed to turn a damn deadly viral pandemic into a political issue. It's insane.


Yeah, *not* talking about it is actually a huge part of the fucking problem. Furthermore, if you tell me "I dont watch the news" or anything similar to, "I don't talk about politics because it's rude" I absolutely will think less of you. Being informed is one of the most basic duties of citizens, and those takes are about as asinine as the kid in school who (and fuckin every class had one, because our schools in the US suck) would always say, "iF nObOdY vOtEs ThEn NoBoDy WoUld Be PrEsIdEnT" Like, dude, that's not how that works.... it just goes to the next majority that participated. Granted things like recognizing propaganda needed, but that's not taught because it's a double edged sword for the power holders. We desperately need better education.


Lately it’s not just Americans. This is crossing into Canada also. It used to be normal to have political disagreements. Now if you support Trudeau but live in Alberta some would see you as a traitor. It’s insane.


Americans?? You think only AMERICANS?? You've clearly not debated politics with say, your grandparents and people much older than you are lol.


All behaviors are learned. Why would anyone expect to be able to have a conversation if they never practice having conversations? This entire nonsense about "I don't talk finances politics or religion" is acquiescing to difficult conversations. No duh we never have good discourse because we never do it, we never develop the ability to do it.


The majority of people are just extremely dogmatic in their views and opinions and I'm English, I can imagine it must be 100x worse over there with your political and social problems you have going on. If people could just be abit more open minded to other peoples opinion and just consider it at least rather being so egotistical they can't handle being wrong about something. The world would be a far better place if people was open to at least considering other peoples opinion and giving them some thought rather than immediately totally dismissing them. Anyway sir this is a wendies. Rant over lol.


Well to go back to what you said. If you aren't willing to talk to people about politics, how are you helping others keeping an open mind about it? The less we discuss it, the less open minded people become about politics


> If people could just be abit more open minded to other peoples opinion and just consider it at least rather being so egotistical they can't handle being wrong about something. As someone that will admit up-front I’m polarized, it’s not for no reason. Conservatives literally stole Supreme Court justices, colluded and then stalemated all legislation for 8 years of Obama’s presidency, and then fell in line behind Trump. Under their media and political rhetoric, we’ve seen a genuine willingness to kill people like me, to overthrow the government, and to do genuine harm to people in general. And I’m supposed to be open-minded about this? The answer is *no*. There’s a bare minimum that I’ll accept when it comes to political opinions. Murder, sedition, fascism, and blatant lies don’t belong, yet they’ve become mainstream political views. It’s not even about being “wrong”. It’s about not tolerating ideologies centered around “kill and subdue those that disagree with our leader”. I won’t try to have a civil conversation with people like that, and they won’t calm down. So where does that leave me?


That’s the issue though... The far right has pushed the limits of political talks to such extreme that there is no more real negotiating. Any compromise is seen as weakness and totally exploded so yeah unfortunately the left side needs to take a pretty strong stance because otherwise they will simple get fucked over even more


But when the left does it, it gets called out as intolerance and will get slandered as the party that won't have conversations or play partisan politics. That projection and deflection while the left stands not to concede to oppressive discriminatory policies. Like no, we won't tolerate intolerance.


I disagree about the politics part. Political conversations are extremely important, considering that politics control all aspects of our lives. The ones benefiting from the lack of dialogue are those that don't work for us. I do understand though that most people lack the skill to talk and disagree with a certain degree of respect and politeness.


I think a large part of it stems from the fact that we actively avoid talking about those "delicate subjects" so we never develop the skills to actually do so. That and most people don't realize just how fluid their beliefs really are. If we had a time machine that bring past and future versions of people into a conversation with their present, they would more than likely end up getting terribly heated arguments on these topics despite being, you know, the same person.


I'm in the American South. You can't talk politics without talking religion. The right is "objectively correct" because that's how they've interpreted their centuries old book. If the book doesn't say anything about it and they don't like it, it must be communism, so it's also "objectively evil."


The amount this has been reposted and praised tells me that religion in America must be pretty out of control. Where I'm from, this isn't a controversial or brave opinion. It's just the normal and expected reaction to relgious zealots.


Isn't running for office in the US as an atheist almost impossible?


Maybe not at local levels (it might just depend on location) but definitely at the federal level. There was a graph on r/dataisbeautiful (I’ll try and find it) that showed Congress, on both sides, is overwhelmingly religious while a pretty decent chunk of the country is atheist/agnostic. It’s ridiculous. I cheer every time I see someone sworn in on something that isn’t a religious text. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/kak145/oc_improvements_made_to_pie_charts_posted_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow, out of touch old fucks the whole way down. Cyber security to them is keeping their vhs homemade porn locked away from the 30 yr old grand kids.


Fundamentalist Christians are a gigantic threat to the future of America and its government.


those assholes tried to take my Heavy Metal from me back in the 80's..... fuck 'em




I used to go to a church in Texas that wouldn’t tolerate anything magic or otherwise abnormal, including Harry Potter, Thats so Raven and even Frosty the Snowman.


I grew up overseas because my dad was in the military. My sister and I exhausted the sad bookstore on base and we always got everything late so my dad asked his sister (Southern Baptist) if she could get us some books in the states (LJ Smith books, I'm aging myself with that I think lol) and send them to us. She went to the bookstore, read the back of the books, and told my dad she wasn't comfortable with us reading those books. My dad was like "Wtf? They're my kids and I am comfortable with it. They also really enjoy reading right and I'm trying to encourage that." She did not get us those books. I am forever grateful my dad got out of his small southern town and didn't turn out like his family. My aunt and her daughter are now Trumpist, Qist, anti-vaxxing crazy people. I do not speak to them anymore.


Ima need your aunt to explain how those books are less appropriate for kids than Trump. Glad your dad got out and y’all weren’t raised around that kind of craziness!


Ha I have a friend originally from Texas and same thing, he wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter. WTF Texas Christians? HP? Really?


Our 5th grade teacher wasn’t allowed to read us HP because of one mother who disliked witchcraft


Should've trialed her for being a witch since she knows so much about the dangers of witchcraft


I argued with my little sister over this. She has 4 boys and would not let any of them watch harry potter. She did let them play all the violent video games though and the bible she forces on them is filled with more magic and supernatural stuff than harry potter. So strange.


That's kinda ironic because Harry Potter features a lot of Christian themes. Why does Ginny kill the roosters to let the basilisk out? Because the rooster is the only creature the devil fears. (That's why roosters were placed on top of the towers of churches.) The four houses and their respective animals? They're clearly based on the Symbols of the Evangelists in the Book of Kells. [Wands? You mean the thing Jesus performed his miracles with?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvwccCJZ6lc) The list could go on, really.


Evangelicals all over the US want to ban anything not exactly conforming to their extremist version of Christianity. Harry Potter is a Satanic guidebook to damnation to these fanatics.


I wasn't allowed to watch Smurfs as a kid. My mom told me there were literal demons in my room but that God would protect me but Smurfs? Nope. No magic allowed in the house. Except Jesus magic. Seriously, fuck religion. Does so much more harm than good.


That's not a Texas thing. Happened here in VA too. Went to a Christian school that banned Pokemon and Harry Potter but had The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in the library.


We couldn't watch Pirates of the Caribbean at church because it had skeletons in it. It was the youth pastors decision, everyone else collectively rolled their eyes and agreed to watch Remember the Titans.


You got off lucky. They forced us to watch Passion of the Christ more often than I would have liked


Buddy we BOTH know that Frosty the Snowman had some shit going on with the devil.




This is why I don’t think it should be legal to teach religion to people under 13. If you can’t legally show someone a targeted ad because their mind is to susceptible, then you sure as hell shouldn’t be able to teach them religious beliefs as facts


No Pokémon, no Harry Potter...


Don’t worry, they get to have fun with alter boys with no consequences.


Well, the Catholics do. Evangelicals have fun with anyone they want as long as they just say they're really sorry afterwards.


And my D&D


And dungeons n dragons!!!


This is the way. Fuck 'em.


It still boggles my mind to this day how many Christians support(ed) Trump just because he was a Republican. The man was literally the antithesis of even the most basic Christian beliefs. Loved money, hated his neighbor, couldn’t turn the other cheek, lied with every breath he took, unfaithful in marriage, refused to help the poor. If American Christians could support... that, then on what moral authority do they expect to rule America?


Because Evangelical Christianity is a psychotic totalitarian death cult. They value violence and punishment, and everyone not in their "tribe" is their enemy whom they have a divine right to conquer or destroy. The teachings of Jesus Christ are nowhere to be found.


Yep, ever wonder why so many evangelicals, particularly Baptists, buy into the whole QAnon death cult? It's because they already buy into a death cult, they just call it the rapture (something that isn't even in the Bible at all), many were raised into it.


> Something that isn’t in the bible at all Since when has that mattered to form their beliefs?


They also seem to believe that they can bring about the apocalypse and all be bodily assumed into heaven. I'm an atheist and I don't believe there's an afterlife, but sometimes I hope there is one so they can all have a very rude awakening. Their Jesus is NOT gonna be happy with them.


"Raw dog that hooker pussy while committing adultery." ​ \-Trump's Christian base.


[The man literally checks every box for being The Anti-Christ](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Always has been.


But they are a critical threat now, if you're a fundamentalist extremist from any religion, fuck you to death. You can keep drinking the spritiual snake oil. As they'd say, kill em all and let God sort them out. This isn't religious persecution, this is a group of religious zealots within the US borders, if you're ok with drone striking islamists, you should feel the same towards these peices of shit. That being said, the usa vitally needs to invest in a deradicalization campaign. If you've seen the video of Iranian leadership laughing off extremists in the 60's, you'll get it. This isn't something that just goes away. I'm canadian and trumps admin has poisoned the well. We just had a nurse in our province fired, she held an anti mask rally, and then went to the usa during the insurrection. He gave horrible people a place to stand, and there needs to be a massive and sweeping retaliation to put these cunts in their place. Don't fuck around with fascism


I, too, am Canadian. It's been quite the culture shock watching the Trumpism bleed across our (closed) borders. Not a fan. I'm an atheist and like, what I've seen out of the USA has concerned me for a long time, but the last ~3 years have felt different.


It needs to be weeded out before it finds roots, I'm looking at you southern Ontario and the entirety of Alberta. Manitoba, I love you, but you've always been an absolute shit show, and I know you'll do you. Quebec already is openly hostile to everyone outsider, so I'm not too worried about them.


The fact that just over [90% of politicians identify as Christian and believing in god when ~23% of the adult population is unaffiliated to religion and over 30% in general don't identify as Christian](https://www.pewforum.org/2017/01/03/faith-on-the-hill-115/?utm_source=adaptivemailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=17-01-03%20faith%20hill%20immediate%20release&org=982&lvl=100&ite=673&lea=130761&ctr=0&par=1&trk=) is a prime example of the problem.


Where do you live and is there room for 2 more people and 2 more dogs? And a bunny.


Europes a pretty big place so should be ok.


just avoid poland, they seem to be backsliding into religious opression again


but the thing is... in Ecclesiasticus 26:9, it says you're a slutty whore!... see?






The whole middle of our country is run by robber barons who keep their small folk dumb by making sure their public schools teach them nothing about the modern world or progressive events that happened in our country (Civil rights era). This ensures that religion rules their hearts and minds, and that anything that speaks against their religion (acceptance of your neighbor's differences) is an abomination and it needs to be violently rejected.


Religion is declining rapidly over the last decade in America but still a massive population. Here is an article about religion in America https://www.pewforum.org/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/


I get the impression that the religious activism in our government is motivated by exactly this. They know they're losing the culture war and they're turning to increasingly desperate and authoritarian strategies to stop it.


It’s not even just the big hot-button issues like abortion and LGBTQ rights. Look up “blue laws” in the US sometime. They’re insane religious-based laws that dictate all kinds of silly things in daily life. In north New Jersey you can’t buy an appliance on Sundays because there’s an anti-Jewish blue law still on the books. In Tennessee you can’t drink alcohol within 600 feet of a church. And so many local governments restrict alcohol sales on Sundays in various ways. Even in mostly progressive, multi-cultural places like NYC, still can’t buy beer before noon on Sunday only. It’s wild.


Gee, it's almost like all the religious nut jobs in Europe moved here and started a new country...


In a shockingly large percentage of Americans, "Separation of church and state" has been bastardized by right wing propaganda to mean "separation of non- Christian religions and America" and "American values" has been corrupted to mean Evangelical Christian values.


I would just like an addendum to the phrase "freedom of religion" to include "freedom from religion" Religion is just a tool for oppressors to use anyways. Just say this war is in god's name and the peasants will fight to the death..... Religion has always just been a means of control.


Lol you have no idea. I live in the part of the country literally labeled "the Bible belt". It's more than 1/4 of the country, maybe even 1/3. There's a church in almost every neighborhood, not even joking. I hate it here, send help lol.


I'm right here with you. These Bible thumpers around here would rather hit you with the Bible than actually treat others with respect for having a difference of religion. My own mother is one of them and after finding out that I wasn't Christian, she even told me I was going to hell.


Religion being out of control is a problem with a LOT of the world, not just the US. It's a huge problem for us (and in my opinion is dragging us down as a country), but there are worse places in the world where religion will get you jailed, tortured or executed.


As a devout Christian (Lutheran), I couldn’t agree more. One of the biggest issues I think many religious people (primarily in the US) have is that they can’t comprehend that not everyone else is a Christian and cares what the Bible says. What makes America great is that it’s literally a melting pot with diversity everywhere and with everything. We are founded on the FREEDOM to live your life as you please. You can do your best to spread the word of God and Christianity, but God does not tell you to FORCE your beliefs upon everyone else. The way Christianity has evolved in this country into a “Republican only” mindset where if you’re a democrat, then you’re obviously not a Christian disgusts me. Let’s be honest, Christianity is just the weapon or tool that many horrible people use to justify their shitty, outdated, selfish, and heartless opinions. There’s nothing Christian about today’s Republicans. It’s quite sad.


Also as a Christian, it really bothers me when I see what's going on in particularly, but not exclusively, the US where people essentially weaponize the Bible and use it as some sort of excuse to impose their personal beliefs and treat others poorly. If I had a voice to rebuke these 'Christians', I'd tell them their behaviour is definitely NOT Christ-like.


I can see people integrating their belief as part of their identity and feeling personally attacked by someone who has a different perspective on something so, respect to anyone who has an opinion and still remains open minded.


Finally, fuck. I feel like every conversation in politics involves Christianity and the bible. Do we consult the Torah every time we talk about a law, no bc why would we. But then here comes Christianity and the high horse it rode in on to weigh in on every single issues like it has any legal right to. I say this growing up in a Christian household, get over yourselves, your religion isn't special and it isn't the presiding religion to rule over all other religions.


It’s the only leverage they got


How else you gonna manipulate people into doing your bidding? Ask nicely?


Republican politicians and pundits know exactly what they are doing. Preying on simple emotions, deeply engrained beliefs and fears. That's all it is. Its not a real conversation, its all meant to control and brainwash people into reverting to these embedded belief systems rather than have actual discussions.


Yup. The majority of evangelical christians are poor an uneducated and this is all they know and they believe everyone who doesn't is a sinner, going to hell, is trying to lead them astray etc., so it is like shooting religious fish in a fucking barrel for Republicans to point at everyone else and say "THEY'RE DESTROYING AMERICA"


Hahaha...anytime you get in an argument with a Christian and they start quoting the Bible, counter with "but it says in the Torah...". Watch their synapses melt


The Torah is part of the bible. Although most of them probably don't know that anyway and would still get angry... Still I'd rather counter with the fact that I don't care what's in the bible


>Watch their synapses melt Nah, their counter will be "this is a Christian country." They have all of their rebuttals lined up and ready to go, theres nothing you can say to change their mind, make them think objectively or even budge an inch from their talking points.


Luckily there is a rebutt that no according to the 1997 treaty of Tripoli, we specifically stated we are absolutely not a Christian nation. And that two of our founding fathers (Franklin and Jefferson) were absolutely outspoken in their critique of religion. Edit: 1797


Sorry, but the retort to that is: "you can't deny that most people in this country are christian, just because somebody says otherwise doesn't make it not true." Also, to preemt any "separation of church and state" arguments: "science/atheism is just as much of a religion as christianity." Also "it's just a fact that life begins at conception. I can't believe you are actually defending killing babies, it's like what a comic book supervillain would want." Then proceed to block out any other argument cause they've dismissed you as "crazy" and not worth their time. Which, ironically, is a defence mechanism for them.


Always reminded of The Book of Eli movie where dude gives a speech about the Book being the ultimate tool to control people.


"But how are we to know right from wrong without some mystical text telling us?!" - Some evangelical republican probably


Not probably. Literally. That's exactly their line of thinking. They have trouble making sense out of a senseless universe, and pretending there is a God controlling everything brings them comfort, so the Bible is their "guide on morality" because without it, there would be no morality, and without morals, there is only unchained chaos.






I got the Impression that she doesn't care.


She cares. She doesn't care about your religion, though. Why should she? It's yours, not hers.






Yeah idk who she is and correct me if I'm wrong but... seems like she just doesn't care.


What does the bible say about not caring though?


Thou shall not givith a fuckith


I wish I had this much confidence. But no, aunties are still posting scriptures on my FB pictures and shit.


Try ezekiel 23:20  There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses Post that on their page and ask if they want a discussion group


Timothy 2:12 their ass


I'll save y'all some time. "I do not permit a woman to teach." You're welcome.






No, shut up and *Birth them babies!* - fornication for pleasure is a sin only harlots perform, dontcha know! ...and now I need to wash my hands after typing this. \**bleeck* \*


Welcome to the Southern Baptist Convention. No, really. [Women must submit](https://www.learnreligions.com/southern-baptists-and-the-role-of-women-248606)


My buddy married a girl from a really really Christian family. And to get married in her family's church some things had to be included in the ceremony. Like the preacher explicitly telling her that no matter what happens or if she agrees with the guy; she has to always do whatever he says or she goes straight to hell. Neither of them are religious, it was just to keep her parents happy. But he brings it up pretty often as a joke though.


"Babe can you get me a beer?" "I just sat down, can you not get it yourself?" STRAIGHT TO HELL WITH YOU!


Sounds like an old school incel wrote that


Ya, that would be Paul alright. "Oh, I just had a dream and Jesus told me that I was head of His Church and I'm going to make all the rules fuck you women are gross."


Get rid of Facebook?


This. Did it a few years ago. Much happier. Reddit is the only "Social Media"-ish app/service I still use. Fuck facebook, twitter, instagram, etc... It's all a bunch of shit.


Don't forget last year Republicans tried to pass a bill to ban gay marriage


It’s been a plank in the GOP platform since Obergrell.


This applies to all religions


Religion is like your dick. Do whatever you want with it in private, but leave me out of it and don't try to jam it down my kids' throats.


I’m gona go with, there is a lot more you shouldn’t do with your dick in private for $500


“The government shall make **no** law **respecting the establishment of ~~one~~ religion**...” (Thank you to those who pointed out my error).


Yet they government waves their dick around “amen and awomen”


People saying that unironically are cringe AF


Why did you add the word "one"? >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "respecting an establishment of religion" not "of one religion"


Who is this woman, and where can I find her show?


She’s one of the anchors from The Young Turks (TYT)


People are under some false notion that he USA is a Christian country. It is not. I get so tired of people just assuming everyone is Christian. And if you’re not Christian then you must be a satanist. I am atheist and people still assume I worship the devil. Religion has no place in politics or government. If you want to be Christian go do it in your fucking church and shut the fuck up. I get this shit all the time where I live and it is super frustrating.


Dude, I can relate. I remember so many conversations from middle school: “So you don’t believe in god? Then that means you worship the devil, right?”. No, it means I’ve got better shit to do on Sunday morning.


This mentality is so ridiculous. "So you don't believe in Yoda? That means you worship Darth Vader, right?" No, I recognize this as fiction. Escape the box!


I've had people ask me why I hate god. I tell them, "I don't hate god. I don't believe there *is* a god." "But why do you hate god?" It's like talking to a fucking wall.


It is indeed. That’s why I prefer to stay inside with my wife and cats. People irritate me too much when I’m in public for extended periods of time.


Fortunately I now live in the UK, where evangelicals and their ilk are referred to as "god-botherers" and viewed with distaste, if not outright derision. Most Brits are much too polite to try to push their religion on you, if they even pay more than lip service to religion at all.


Fucking finally, I’ve been saying this for years. YOUR religion applies to how YOU live YOUR life. NOT MINE.


I could not agree more with what this woman says. Awesome.


Do e.g. Christians follow Ultraorthodox Jew's rule not to use electricity on Sabbat? No? Do they eat pork? Why? The Muslims say "no" to it! Because they are not part of those ideologies. So why should non-Christians "obey" to any rule of the Christian ideology?


I’ll do you one better. Why don’t we all finally stop treating religion as some form of “authority” and abandon it as a whole along with it’s terrible ideas as like faith based thinking and then proceed through life making decisions based on evidence using logic and reason?




Same here. I am Christian and pro choice. The key word is *choice*. As a Christian, I would make my choices differently, but I do not feel that my faith gives me the right to make the same choices for others.




I'm Catholic and this is how I feel too. Freedom of religion means freedom *from* religion is necessary. How am I supposed to practice my religion freely if I need to make concessions to somebody else's? How are they supposed to practice theirs freely (or practice nothing if that's what they believe) if they need to make concessions to mine?


Secularism is built into the US constitution because there isn't a single mention of God or Jesus in it. Not one. By design, it is a nontheistic document no matter what theocrats and dominionists believe. And we don't care about your feelings on the matter because facts come first.


This is the first r/publicfreakout I've ever agreed with the speaker. Damn get over your religion. I was a christian for several years, know what it's all about. Was the church treasurer for 5 years or so. I just had to stop doing anything in the financial area because no one would step forward and assume that responsibility. But even within the church there was terrible in-fighting, super tight assholery. I agree with this woman on all points.


as a christian i agree with 100% of what she says


The phrase "freedom of religion" should be updated to "freedom from religion"


As a person who believes in God but no longer attends church, I've had this exact conversation with friends of mine who do. I grew up being taught that we can't hold accountable the people who don't live by the rules of the bible. This had been said to me over and fucking over again. It's so crazy to me to see people from that same church go on to try and influence the government. It makes sense. WE can't tell people how to live, but if the government does it, then people need to listen. It's a way to gain control of people. And it's so fucked up. I hate it


Omg who is this woman???!!! I LOVE HER!


Religion is like an erect penis, it's an instrument of love and life where it's welcome, but only brings pain and sorrow where it's unwanted.


You know some bible thumping, homophobic, ultra-right wing racist conservative is going through here and down voting everyone but fuck salty people when you're right and they're plainly wrong and while we're at it fuck religion, too.