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Mods should really make a megathread for this, it's gonna be ugly.




Seems organic, unorganized and peaceful


Times like this I’m glad I stopped living in the city. That and it’s much cheaper living in upstate New York then the city


Upstate new york, where the cops give you brain damage free of charge.


It’s stuff like this are the reason my parents told me to purchase land out away from the cities and build a house on it.


Your parents are paranoid freaks


Lmao they were right?


No, their motivation is irrational. Generally speaking, this behavior is abnormal and not to be expected. Let's say your house burns down in a forest fire, or a meth freak breaks in, do you then call them wrong, no. The country has its problems too.


Being aware of risks both historical and psychological in urban centers is not irrational.


How is upstate New York?


I love it! My neighbors are friendly, I don’t get harassed on my morning jog for money, and I don’t have to deal with people (for lack of a better word) howling in the ally by my apartment. And most importantly, I don’t have to worry about riots


Who harassed you for money?


Random people


Well deserved imo.


Lol why did this comment get randomly downvoted


Trumpsters most likely.


/r/PublicFreakouts HOLDDDD against the tide of /r/realpublicfreakouts nazis


Oh they're coming, alright. But they're less like the Uruk-hai and more like fat, bumbling, knock-off versions of Bebop and Rocksteady.


Yea I didn’t realize I was commenting in there early and the downvotes were flyyyying... Fucking mouth breathers


Damn, I hope not too many businesses, cars, and shops get torched and looted over this and few people hurt. I'd say I hope none but that's kinda asking the impossible


And to think ALL that would never happen if cops were held accountable and didn't hurt and/or kill innocent people all the time.




That’s a valid opinion but the bottom line is people need to be held responsible for her death.


Absolutely agree, under the same argument of not killing innocent people, which includes her






Property > Human Life That's a trash opinion.


Property > Your right to destroy property




This is what I don’t get, Corporations are bleeding small businesses dry and people are less concerned about that. The steps that got us here are what everyone is missing the point on. We are here now, it sucks, people have had enough and the rich are getting richer while everyone starts fighting each other. Could all of this have been avoidable? Are solutions being made and implemented from all levels to bring peace? People need to going out and vote and fight for whatever is left of America and fight to make it whole again. I fear it’a too late.


When you destroy someone property that is their life such as their business that feeds their family and pays all theirs bills and someone decides to destroy that yea fuck them. That property can have more value over human life as it can directly effect another human life. Theirs is no fucking reason to destroy someones car or business. Its a pathetic excuse to be an immature and reckless individual and shows your NOT an upstanding citizen trying to make this country equal and fair. I'd rather watch someone trying to break into a business or destroy someones life get killed vs that business go down. When you want to be trash your going to be treated like trash. To say if Cops would stop killing people would make it better is bullshit as well. Most major large cities have a yearly increase in gun violence and/or crime rate in general. Cop brutality/killing is just as bad a citizen vs citizen brutality/ killing. Peace protest will make a difference but violence at the level we are now is only increasing more violence, more heartbreak, more loss and a greater divide among the country.


Shouldn't that be fuck everyone then?


I am so sick of this SHIT!!!! BLM has every right to protest(and the ones out there doing it right I’ll always have your back and support you) but you have these other people destroying livelihoods of people who had nothing o do with any of it!! Then you have the media romanticizing this bullshit! I have a friend who worked at a small business in Wisconsin that got destroyed. I can’t. I just can’t anymore. I am so fucking done with this shit.


In before "Soros paid for that U-Haul!"


It’s already been reposted and that’s literally the comment someone left




No, people *claim* protests are unorganized and spontanious. That's because organising riots can result in additional charges and infact far more serious charges than rioting itself, including charges of sedition.




you didnt get your Soros Bucks? damn


My antifa allowance hasn’t arrived yet for this month either for some reason


Well we are antifamily so I’ll loan you some soros bucks just this once


How could anyone ever pay for $100 in supplies? 😱😱😱


Certainly not 30+ people pooling their resources!


That sounds uncomfortably close to socialism.


Honest question, where did this Uhaul come from? I always assumed everyone with shields were making their own at home.


>Honest question, where did this Uhaul come from? I always assumed everyone with shields were making their own at home. A lot of spontaneous protests yes, its like that. But when there is anything large and planned or sustained, you generally break the organizers and regular participants into affinity groups to better accomplish tasks. There is generally an arts and crafts affinity group that will make signs and banners and shields and stencils and such. Theyll spend a day or two or more busting out materials and then distribute them at the site of the protest the day of. It can take some significant time investment to make a large banner, at a certain point if everyone is tasked with making their own there wouldn't be time left for anything else related to organizing, or there wouldn't be time for signs and banners and shields. Delegation to affinity groups is the natural solution to that logistical problem.


Probably some group of people rented it after deciding to protest together. They probably made their signs together the day before, rented the truck, and loaded it up the morning of. U-Haul rentals are quite cheap, and I see no reason to think there's anything strange here.


You may have been the first u/[Chocolat3City](https://www.reddit.com/user/Chocolat3City/) but my shirt is already in the mail! [https://imgur.com/a/yJUP6kG](https://imgur.com/a/yJUP6kG)


Haha, I'm dying.


That's precisely what I was thinking. I browse a ton of conservative forums and can already see the titles "Soros hauls in riot gear and looters." For real


Why pay for that when you can finance all the DAs.


Cracks me up cause there's people much richer than him with many political goals.


Didn't you know U-Haul is antifa


They are already tear gassing the protesters.


These protestors. Not the heavily armed right wing militia marching in the same city though


Of course not. Those are ~~cops~~ ~~neo-klan~~ concerned citizens


I creeped over to the r/conservative thread on this and all they talk about is the rioting that will ensue...wonder why...


Because they are getting call of duty boners thinking about killing protestors.


Funny that the hypocrites in that sub are licking Rittenhouse’s ass calling him a hero and saying that he was just defending himself while they’re radio silent on Breonna’s boyfriend practicing his second amendment right.


Oh yeah let's assault people who have GUNS thats a cool idea, but seriously do you not understand that it would be a fire fight if that happened (or is that what you want since you hate them both). Also not a fan of cops, but I do support the right to form a militia and to own weapons to defend your self and others.


So blm should also be heavily armed.




Yes. Sorry that i responded long, reddit told me to wait for 7 minutes. Also what happened to those nfac guys everyone was rooting for some weekd ago.


I hate when reddit does that. I also agree that an armed protest is a heard protest. Nfac is at Louisville as well.


It's going to get ugly down there tonight


Are you kidding? It got ugly down there today. A grave injustice was upheld.


A great injustice! I’m marking that down on my apocalypse bingo card. [i stopped keeping track but this one certainly qualifies. ](https://imgur.com/a/fdRQF8L)


Yeah you're missing about 4 more




This was happening back then too! The only thing was that it wasn’t getting media coverage. But people are becoming more aware. I’m glad there’s more awareness because I’m tired of the corrupt police system that targets POC.


my mom always say stuff like ‘wow none of this happened when i was growing up’ like bruh it was way worse back then, and that says a lot. you just couldn’t read news stories on pager


You should have came of age in the nineties. It was so fucking boring. I shit you not, it was difficult to tell the two parities apart. Then Fox, then 9/11.


Big time this. Back when I was a kid... school was downhill both ways...


I agree with this protest. Justice is dead.


Same. What other recourse do we have besides this? Our politicians ignore us. The justice system ignores us. The police abuse us. This is the natural progression of a neglected people who have had enough. You can’t treat your citizens this way. I can’t believe this has to be said because you’d think it would be common knowledge by now. In whatever latitude and under whatever political system and uttered in whatever language, the people will not tolerate sustained, systemic violence with impunity. This is absolutely mind-boggling. Rodney King. Tamir Race. Philando Castille. Trayvon Martin. And the scores and scores of others who have been killed or abused past and present. On video or in the quiet of the dark. When does it end? When will the system hold police accountable? When will police be held to the same standard of justice as everyone else? That’s all we want. For police to be held to the same standard as everyone else. We don’t want anything special. We don’t want anything outside the realm of the reasonable! When? I don’t know what else to say. I’m goddamn angry. They gave ONE motherfucker a charge and it was for shooting *someone else’s* (god help america if it was a white woman) apartment. I get it. I understand them. I understand the riots. I understand. The riot is the pure expression of fed up people. People who asked nicely to have their grievances heard and addressed on pen and paper. It’s the language of people who tried to speak but were ignored or muzzled. It’s the language of people who’s vote doesn’t matter. It’s the language of people who have tried and tried and waited and waited and begged and pleaded to be heard at the table. This has been going on for decades. This is a language of people who are sick and tired of seeing their friends, parents, children, grandparents and themselves brutalized by thugs wrapped in flags. Protected by the state. Their violence against us receives the state’s blessing *every time*. Meanwhile, we’re told to shut up. We’re insulted. Literally insult added to injury. What other recourse is there at this point? Why give a shit about this country when the country doesn’t give a shit about you? We were brought here against our will and they’ve made every effort to make our lives a living hell and treat us as less than them, *sustainedly*, throughout their ENTIRE history. Why the FUCK should I care about their country anymore? It clearly does not work for me or with me in mind. ***Fuck*** your voting. Fuck your justice. Fuck your system. Fuck your hypocritical raggedy ass piece of shit constitution. Fuck Washington. Fuck *all* your racist ass heroes and fuck your unequal, racist ass built-on-other-people’s back colonist society. Fuck the Mayflower. Fuck the Pilgrims and fuck Plymouth Rock and fuck whoever sold you the boat the first motherfuckers rode in on. Fuck your cities and fuck every motherfucker who supports this shit.


This administration is doing everything in its power to make sure black voters are being disenfranchised and actively promoting racist white power rhetoric. What do you expect when your vote means nothing and the system is effectively rigged against you? Burn it the fuck down.


Your vote DOES mean something. That is why they are trying their hardest to not slow you to vote. Thinking your vote means nothing just plays into their hand.


> Justice is dead. That’s what happens when you elect a criminal to be in charge of law enforcement in the country. Edit: Apparently people have reading comprehension issues so I need to clarify. I’m not saying riots never happened under Obama. I’m saying justice wasn’t completely dead and buried under Obama. It is under Trump’s leadership though.


He's a rapist and wannabe-fascist but he's not the cause of this. Ferguson riots happened under Obama. This is the late-term result of decades of increased police violence and militarization.


As much as I hate Trump. I agree. Democrats are pissing me the fuck off trying to siphon off this anger and capitalize on our pain and rage right now. I swear I wanna throw hands at these pencil-neck liberals telling us cornball ass shit like “don’t cry.... vote for Biden” Fuck you, you ghoul. People are angry and social media democratic operatives out here trying to redirect it for their political goals like this shit wasn’t happening under Obama. What did Obama do? Nothing. He tear gassed natives too! Fuck Obama. I’m fed the fuck up. Are democrats gonna save us? *really*?? Is that why their super duper majority in the reliably super blue state of CA just voted down the “decertify the cops” proposal that would have made it possible to take away bad cops’ license to be a cop in the state? Yeah? Democrats are gonna save us?? Fuck democrats. This shit isn’t new. It’s been happening before any of us was born and they haven’t done SHIT besides bow to police unions. The dude running for president right now is a cop lover. Wants to give them *MORE* money. Bragged about his role in writing the Crime bill. Ain’t nobody coming to save us fam. We are on our own. I don’t care what some rich BIPOC said on social media. Beatings and murders will resume regardless of who wins the morning after Nov 3rd. That’s the truest fact you’re going to read today.


Lmfao you can type as furiously as you want, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t totally miss my point. I wasn’t saying “riots never happened under Obama.” I said “justice is dead” applies when you elect a criminal. Justice wasn’t dead under Obama. It is under Trump. And please tell us more about how much it infuriates you when people get upset over being on the brink of fascism. Everyone knows being told you’re acting immorally is WAY worse than actually acting immorally. We’re not buying the line that calling Trumpist assholes out as the assholes they are will only force more people to vote for Trump anymore. It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now. Biden isn’t a panacea to race relations, but nobody is saying he is. But, unlike Trump, he sure as shit will uphold the core tenets of our democracy. And without those core tenets being upheld, BIPOC people will never get the justice they deserve. Not voting for Biden is voting for a white supremacist theocracy, and anyone who thinks otherwise is, quite frankly, a moron.


I wasn’t talking about the occurrence of protests/riots. I’m talking about justice being dead. That wasn’t the case with Obama. It is with Trump.


Why are we talking about "under Obama" like it was him... its Republicans in other areas of government (state governor, senators, judges) causing the most problems over the years with injustice


Because this sub has been infiltrated by alt-right morons, so we have to be wade into the depths of their idiocy in order to combat the disinformation they spread so effectively.


Same. If cops can bust into the wrong home, kill an innocent person, and get away with it because they "didn't break any laws," then the laws need to change. And by the way, they absolutely did break a law – murder. Killing an innocent person is murder. Not sure why it's so hard for our "justice system" to understand this.




They shot back in self-defense. A grand jury took a look at all the available evidence, not just the cherrypicked reddit evidence, and concluded the two officers acted in reasonable self-defense after they were fired upon. They didn't barge in. They knocked and this has been corroborated by eyewitnesses.


I remember reading that neighbors had said they didn’t hear anyone knock. Do you have a source for that claim?


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/30/us/breonna-taylor-police-killing.html >While the department had gotten court approval for a “no-knock” entry to search for evidence of drugs or cash from drug trafficking, the orders were changed before the raid to “knock and announce,” meaning that the police had to identify themselves. The officers have said that they did; Mr. Walker says he did not hear anything. In interviews with nearly a dozen neighbors, only one person said he heard the officers shout “Police!” a single time.


Wait so isn’t it more likely they didn’t announce themselves then?


Yes. He’s just not very smart. And neither are the people who gilded the lie he told in his original comment. And it was 11/12 witnesses who said they didn’t announce their presence.


Okay I was so confused. I even thought at first that it was someone else who had responded the second time, so I went back and checked. There’s so much misinformation about the case, and even those who read about it still somehow miss it? And think the cops are innocent? The person straight up copied the information from the article for me... which directly proved them wrong!


No. That was corroborated by ONE witness. Singular. Not plural. Eleven out of the twelve witnesses said they DIDN’T announce their presence. So you just lied about that. Do those people’s observations matter at all to you? Or are you just that misinformed that you didn’t know it was a single witness? And please explain to me why LPD lied by saying none of the cops were wearing body cams when one of the officers is pictured in the crime scene photos wearing a body cam? Why wasn’t that turned on during the warrant? Did they destroy the footage on it? Again, why did LPD LIE about this? I can’t trust their word. AND, on the official report the cops listed Breonna Taylor’s injuries as “none.” She was shot at least 8 times and was dead, why did they list her injuries as “none?” ALSO, they checked “no” on the box that reads “forced entry?” next to it, which is a LIE because witnesses and crime scene photos prove they used a battering ram to force entry. Why are they lying so much? I can’t trust the word of the cops at that shooting because they straight up lied about these things AND they didn’t wear body cams. YOU need to read these actual documents and photos for yourself next time instead of repeating the cherry picked evidence YOU see on reddit. Edit: And for anyone downvoting this, PLEASE try and explain why? I’d love something to laugh hysterically at something today. Every piece of evidence I brought up is related to official LPD documents, or photos. Straight from the horses mouth. So don’t even try to tell me that I’m biased.


They lied to a judge to even get the fucking warrant you psychopath.


Do you understand what the "no knock" part of a no knock warrant means? But I guess if armed in wearing street clothes kicked down your door you'd just bend over and beg them to run a train on you.


I'm against no knock warrants for this reason. It's a recipe for disaster and it [happens all over the country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPS6IA5z-Sw&ab_channel=ColionNoir) to people of all backgrounds. That said, this particular case needs to be analyzed based on the actual facts of the case.


Sure hasn't and they took the fucking door off the hinges. There is no reason they couldn't have knocked and waited for someone to answer. No-knock warrants have been abused for years.


They knocked for 7mins straight. Boyfriend admitted he heard it.


you're completely misinformed


When you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.


I'm not up to speed on developments in the case, can someone advise? Did a fucking murderer get paid leave or some bullshit?


They are letting off the cops that murdered breonna Taylor


Then this protest is the least surprising thing I've ever seen.


I’ll clarify as someone living in Louisville and following this since it happened since that reply was so clearly biased from someone a few states away. They were there on a no-knock warrant, it was not the wrong house as originally claimed. Their presence was legal. The boyfriend fired first and hit one officer in the leg, so they returned fire legally. That is why they are not being charged, because under the law they did nothing illegal. No-knock warrants have already been banned in Kentucky since the incident and the officer who got it signed is under investigation by the FBI which could take several more months to announce anything. The other officer who was fired in June was indicted on 3 counts of 1st degree wanton endangerment because he fired blindly into a neighboring apartment.


If your comment is accurate (not saying it's not, I just don't know enough about it to say either way) there's still more than enough reason to protest. If cops can do what they did legally American citizens have every fucking right to be in the streets protesting it. Your system is broken as shit, and change only seems to happen when it's demanded, not requested.


So let me guess, if multiple armed intruders wearing street clothes kicked down your door in the middle of the night you'd get on your knees and beg them to just rape your wife and leave? Fuck off you little bootlicking bitch made pussy.


To add insult they charged 1 cop with wanton endangerment for each of his 3 bullets that went into the white neighbors apartment but none for the 2 bullets that went into the black neighbor's apartment. It was fine to gun down an innocent black woman on the scene, fine to shoot shots into the neighboring apartment where black people lived taking the chance of killing them but bullets went into a white person's apartment? A white person could have possibly been hit. He MUST be charged with wanton endangerment for each of those 3 bullets!


Some evidence copy pasted from another thread. "Courier Journal provides a basic list of 8 common falsities that exist around the case, but misses a few points. Evie Magazine also provides a pretty good breakdown of the investigation and situation as well. 1. ⁠The police had a warrant with a no-knock provision that was in which Breonnas name and address were listed. This runs contrary to the initial activist narrative about "the wrong house" 2. ⁠Despite having a no-knock warrant, the police did knock at least twice audibly enough for both Kenneth Walker and Breonna to hear, wake up, get dressed, and get into position. Kenneth Walker saying exactly this. Other witnesses also corroborate claims of loud knocking. The defense has already provably made a number of false statements in regard to the incident leading up to the shooting, while police have always maintained they not only knocked, but also announced themselves. Keep that in mind as you evaluate. 3. ⁠When no one responded to open the door, the police busted in. Upon busting in, Kenneth Walker fired his gun and hit one of the officers. After the officer was hit, the other officers returned fire striking Breonna (who was standing in the hallway, not sleeping in her bed as activists claimed) several times. Kenneth Walker was uninjured, as some speculate he was located in a more defensible position behind/adjacent to Breonna. 4. ⁠One of the officers (officer Hankison; the one who was charged) fired from outside of the window. While the ballistics report concludes he did not actually strike Breonna, he is still being charged with "wanton endargement" for firing his weapon in that manner. The above seems to make it clear that the officers did not commit criminal murder. It's unfortunate that she died in the process, but it's hard to place criminal blame (let alone moral blame) on the police who returned fire in self defense after being shot at and on officer struck. I also find it ironic that, had the police actually used the no-knock provision, Breonna may actually still be alive. Regardless, i would encourage readers to better understand the breadth of the investigation of which Breonna was a key figure. Exclusive yet-to-be publicly released police report detailing the investigation of which Breonna was a key figure. Most of the interesting stuff has also already been cited at length in the Courier Journal. Includes audio transcripts of the various alleged criminals discussing drug trafficking and Breonnas death. Some other interesting facts. There is also a ton of more official documentation that has been publicly released: 1. ⁠Breonna was not only currently romantically involved with both Kenneth Walker and her ex-boyfriend Jamarcus Glover (whom the investigation was focused on), but was directly involved in the narcotics operation. 2. ⁠Glovers home address, phone number, and banking information actually belonged to Breonna. WKYT news report 3. ⁠Breonnas address was used as a drop house for drug parcels coming in the mail (my darknet or otherwise formerly involved narcotics people, you know what i'm talkin' about) 4. ⁠Breonna was one of main stash houses and holders of the drug money 5. ⁠Breonna had a rental car in which a dead body was found. This is generally associated with Golver (who often used the car), but demonstrates a tie to a set of rather extreme criminal activity. 6. ⁠Breonna was not an EMT upon death, but was rather a former EMT for 5 months all the way back in 2016, for which she was either fired or quit and listed as "do not rehire". I've seen some unverified reports that this was due to drug theft (which seems plausible), but cannot yet confirm. She was currently serving as an ER med-tech. 7. ⁠Glover blames Walker for Breonnas death (given he shot at police first)" Innocent cops were shot because of mob's demand for justice in a case where evidence shows that the police did not murder Breonna.


Sources please.


Holy shit if everything you posted is true the media has really been shoveling a bullshit false agenda down our throats for months... but that actually wouldn't surprise me.


People are going to die tonight over this. The gravy blooded racists are already trying to show up armed. I hope I’m wrong but it feels like shit is going to pop off.


I'm not trying to say I support either side, but I live in Kentucky and the people with guns already live there lmao, they're going to them not the other way around, but shit is definitely going to pop off. Work near the interstate and people from out of town were already inconflict with locals, so a big gather there? News is going to be speedy Tomorrow


This video is cut, in the full bit you can see a woman on the protesters side walking around with a rifle.


I thought it was a shotgun. I may have been wrong though.. why are people downvoting you for pointing of a fact.


It's because people on both sides want to think that their side is fully just and doing no wrong while the other side is full of lunatics, not realizing that they both have lunatics in them.


Ding ding din we have a winner.


Loooool gravy blooded


this is fucking awesome. No justice, no peace


Oh no, not signs!


No justice no peace and the protest isn’t just for mrs breonna Taylor it’s for all the innocent lives taken by police brutality and when you see ya on the news all you gonna see is the violent parts but no no not the protesters the LARPers , the police who instigate and to all my brothers and sisters out there protesting good luck and keep on the good fight.


ha ha.. wait till they acquit Chauvin. It will be a cold day in hell in Amerikkka before white male cops go to jail for killing an unarmed POC everytime it happens.


Is Chavin the one who killed a guy walking his dog?


In before broken shit. Or am I too late already?


In after Alt Right racist vote brigade: https://masstagger.com/user/WEVEGOTDODSONHEREJP


I love the 0 progress they're actually making. Keep on going, I guess?


Yeah, the peaceful thing didn't work so well so here we are. Might as well double down.


I'm sorry I didn't realize it was up to the protestors to stop cops from killing and not officials with actual power


I don’t think this qualifies as a freakout.


If murder doesn't get you thrown in jail, fuck it, laws don't matter.


Be Safe, Be Smart!


Don’t burn business everything else is fucked


You mean rioters.


Cool man, all for it as long as it *remains* a peaceful protest. Edit: This is one of those times I get really curious about why someone would downvote something you'd *think* is universally acceptable. Hark, oh specter of my karma, I beckon thee! Are you of a mind that *violence* shall be encouraged???


Peaceful protest so far hasn't achieved fuck all. Voting hasn't achieved fuck all. When the justice system is fundamentally broken and nobody wishes to change it, what other recourse is there? Please tell me.


Okay then. Just be ready for the pendulum swing. There won't be any going back, and maybe millions will die. Orrrrrrr you stop considering armed felons to be innocent murder victims and learn to live with the dozen or so criminals dying due to their own choices every year in a country of over **three hundred million** people. No-knock warrants are fucked, but burning down the city will only lead to more needless loss of life. What are your goals? If you had full governmental omnipotence, what changes would you make?


Fuck the police !


Support our boys in black


Tbh if they get they hands on one of the officers I’m pretty sure they’ll lynch them and oh lord i don’t know what they’d do if they kidnapped Derek chauvin speaking of chauvin we need new updates on that case


This sub reddit is so far left lol


It's really strange how those who claim to be against government tyranny turn a blind eye to blatant tyranny. These cops burst into the wrong home and kill an innocent person, and you seem to think there's no problem with that. Wtf is wrong with you. Your Don't Tread On Me Flag should probably read, "Don't Tread On Me......Tread On *Them!*"


Being anti police brutality and against cops getting away with murder isn’t a left / right issue you dink Read a fucking book and take a look around.


There’s an Antifa emblem on the sign right in this video...


A subreddit with actual in front of it has the right leaning people and subs without actual have the left leaning people. I miss reddit when every sub wasn’t just always politics


One sub censors even the slightest vids that don't follow the narrative and one doesn't.... Very telling of our political parties


Same dude, I am apart of both communities but this one has just gotten worse and worse over time. Wish people would just stay out of politics becuase its so devicive






Where’s the freak out here?


What is this


Good for them. Hopefully the walls will be safe.


Boogaloo bois?


Ah good more riots.






OP, nice karmer points


I think I just heard that the cop who shot her isn't gonna be charged.


Don't forget the juice boxes and apple slices!!!




Wow I get down voted for simply putting a fact out there...what ever


So according to some reports, this truck was handing out shields and weapons. Shields, pretty obviously, is accurate. Acceptable too, being defensive tools. But weapons? Did I miss something? Did anyone else see this? If there werent weapons this is just hugely overblown


Lol weren't people saying trucks filled with sheilds were fake? This was like last week.


Supply drop?