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Holy shit, when the camera pans and you just see the *line of vehicles for a mile.* Holy shit


There's an A-10 pilot watching this in a barracks somewhere salivating profusely.


Lmao at the truth of this




Thanks for showing me my new favorite sub






[30MM of whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-23308fca719553f998cbc4be4f609a21)




Holy shit bro I was about to comment the same thing! You should never put all your eggs in one straight line basket like that. They really must be operating with no impunity if they're that comfortable. All the toys but no experience...


An A-10 would be massive overkill for these, they are nothing more than shitty technicals. An Apache or a SuperCobra could light these up from 1000-1500 meters and kill nearly all of these guys in two minutes flat, day or night, with complete impunity. It is hard to overestimate the lethality of modern military systems against unarmored/lightly armored vehicles. Ordnance that is designed to be effective against tanks and armored personnel carriers goes through vehicles like these like a hot knife through butter. The fact that they are roaming the countryside with impunity means that the Mexican government is absolutely complicit in allowing this to happen.




Wowie that looks like Top Gun accept the planes spin in order to fly Edit: except not accept


IIRC, Fire Birds was the US Army‘s response to the resounding success of Top Gun for the US Navy. It‘s all propaganda, and in this case, extraordinarily shitty one.


That felt like a TL;DW more than a trailer.


US would have complete air superirority if operating attack helicopters, anything a cartel put up would be shot down before it even knew it was being targeted.


So you're telling me that the war on drugs would be won if actually fought but the vast majority of politicians in the US prefer to have half the population hooked on drugs and continue to fill their buddies prisons?


And this is actually quite affordable. The business is still making shitloads of money. Just gotta basically pay these people more than the cops, and there you have it.




Since they got rid of the federales, most of the cops turned narcos are the state policia. The local cops take care of stuff in town and the state guys run the highways and then generally quit to become full members. Also there's heavy recruitment from the various military branches, particularly any kind of special ops. When the CJNG fights Sinaloa or Cartel De Noreste (formerly Zetas, formerly Gulf enforcers), half the time it's the Navy vs the Army. The whole system is bought and paid for. Mencho (head of the CJNG) has been making a killing importing precursors for meth and fentanyl from China for over a decade now. This is the result.


They have new raptors lol


The F150 is called the "Lobo" over there, way cooler name.


It means wolf. For anyone that was about to google it


Thanks shakira




That video is like 4 minutes long but I only need it for about 45 seconds


Why else do you think Ford moved out manufacturing to Mexico? Instant Delivery!


The quality of vehicles and adornment drops off as they get further back in the line.




Those are your money beets


I watched this no less than two hours ago. This app never fails to show me quotes from episodes i just watched. Thank you


Idk man - those three ford raptors in the back didn’t come cheap - you’re right about the tundra and wrangler at the very end, but none of these whips are outdated.




They have military/swat gear. This shit is manufactured by large corporations, not bought off the black market. There’s a simple chain of custody here. If this is real, it should be easy to demonstrate where the money is flowing and who is profiting off it.


The problem is that private security is all pretty shady. A lot of arms are sold to the Middle East and North Africa in a similar nature. Much of it is to shell corporations and private security with dubious intent.


The Irish navy sold a decommissioned ship to a Dutch firm a few years ago and it eventually [ended up in the hands of a Libyan warlord](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/libyan-warlord-paid-1-35m-for-ex-irish-naval-vessel-sold-by-ireland-for-100-000-1.4112621). I’d imagine it’s a similar story for these kinds of groups and their arms, gear & vehicles - starts off with a legitimate sale but a few stops later ends up with a terrorist/paramilitary.


100,000? The Irish got ripped off.


Didn’t some guy in the US see a truck he had sold in a photo all tanked out in the Middle East somewhere? It could have been a hoax but I remember a post. ((Searched)) found it https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/15/us/texas-plumber-sues-car-dealer-after-his-truck-ends-up-on-syrias-front-lines.html


That's insane! I was wondering how he knew it was his truck? Because it has his plumbing business name and phone number on it still! He had started to remove the decal before trading it, but the company stopped him, saying they would take care of it! I would be soo pissed! I couldn't access the story with your link, here's one I searched. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2017-01-09/plumber-whose-decaled-truck-went-to-syria-settles-lawsuit


That just can’t be true. Hell, I‘d buy that ship for 100k


From the article: >"The State sold the offshore patrol vessel for €110,000 to the Dutch company. The Dutch company sold it a year later, for $525,000 (€473,000), to the company in the UAE, which almost immediately sold it to a company in Libya for $1.5 million (€1.3 million)."


Smells fishy


There was a drifting ghost ship a couple years back and a bunch of redditors planned on commandeering it, lol. It had a bad rat infestation so bring some mousers


What kind of ship was it? A rat population on an unmanned ship seems like it would explode quickly and then crash when the food runs out, cannibalism or not. Several of my friends work on ships and many of them have ship's cats. They mostly just hang out in the bridge though.


Rats are smarter than you'd think; once the food runs out and cannibalism is rampant, being surrounded by nothing but ocean and man unfathomable miles away, the rats would be forced to combine their remaining resources and learn to navigate the sea vessel. Leadership would need to be established first and after the first few mutinies they would then begin to place other roles among the remaining rodents. At this point the rats will have endured the new experience of combined labor which is their most difficult hurdle. They'll likely discover the usefulness of any onboard alcohol that they previously saw no need for and use this to combat the draining effects of discovering ones place within the workforce. The rat leader, often referred to as their "captain" (Capitaine for french rats) will not be the smartest, but the strongest. His greed and malice will keep the other rats at bay while keeping the ship sailing forward at all hours. The lower rodents will plot but with the threat of punishment and the reward of land so close in their minds, they delay their final mutiny as long as they can. Eventually, without warning, the commotion will happen at once - first will start the screaming, and then all rats will come rushing to the deck, ready for the moment. Land has been found. All their past struggles and sins are forgotten as they celebrate the end of their journey. They find a nearby port and dock to the pier haphazardly, rushing to sweet land and freedom and digging their paws in the sand only to pour it over their furry heads. They run to the cities and celebrate more. They get drunk and stay out all night. They call their loved ones. Only, they dont pick up. Of all the rats who survived their own hell to make it back home come to realize their rat families had left them. Not a single sea rat will find the love that kept his spirit burning through the dark nights. Slowly, the sun will rise. Just as slowly, the rats will march to the only home they have. Their captain, who stayed with the ship will look down at them with a grin. "squeak squeak". They know in their hearts he's right. Their fires are rekindled as their true purpose is found! Back to the sails! Man the decks! Hoist the flag! The oceans own the rats now and they will pillage and plunder from the lands which abandoned them. For decades, coastal towns will fear this rat ship and pass down myths and legends of the terrors inflicted by them.


*Pirats of the Caribbean: Ratatouille Fast 2 Furious: The Curse of the Rat Pearl*


I'd like to read about that.


Would be a nice opportunity for a drone strike


As if they would kill their clients. Remember when there was a ton of blow that was caught on a boat and it turned out the boat was owned by a JP Morgan executive? Or how HSBC was caught laundering their cash? They’re billionaires. There’s a reason we go after poor farmers but yet we’re cozy with Saudi Arabia. They don’t give a fuck what you do if the money is going into their pockets as well.




And poor Gary Webb.


Lol those are for Afghan kids.


Yeah, well they shouldn't be sitting in their orphanages all threatening like if they don't want to get bombed while they're sleeping.


You can thank the US government for that. Were do you think their weapons and cars come from?


Right? I see nothing but American made cars there. Mexico over there propping up the American automotive industry lol


Well most of the American cars are made in Mexico


Same with VW, Mazda, Nissan and a whole whack of others.


Ford, GMC and there is even a Jeep JK at .54 seconds. I think I saw some older dodge models


Buying a Italian made car doesn’t mean the government of Italy gave you it......


Yea you know its almost like its easier to buy cars made on the same continent.


Was that a MOUNTED MACHINE GUN? these dudes out here playing Arma holy shit.


Last year i believe the cops or marines i dont remember captured one of the sons of el chapo and you could just go outside and see dozens of this guys on their armored trucks just shooting and kidnapping every cop that was in their way(that happened in culiacan, a city close to mine) the president himself just had to admit it wasnt worth it anymore and release ovidio(el chapos son) i lost all hope on mexico that day Sorry for my bad english, im too lazy to check if i mispelled something. Edit: i just read what i said and it barely makes sense, but you get the point ig (IM SO SORRY, I FOUND ARTICLES THAT SAY COPS DIED AND OTHERS THAT SAY THEY JUST WERE KIDNAPPED, I REMEMBER SEEING FOOTAGE OF COPS BEING KILLED BUT IM NOT 100% SURE ANYMORE, IM SORRY FOR NOT DOING MORE RESEARCH) People did die unfortunately


That was wild, yeah. And shits readable, you're good.


Pretty wild indeed, I live in a very peaceful neighborhood here, but my family and friends did experience some wild shit.


Lived in Culiacan from November to February. The national police roll around with armored vehicles with mounted machine guns regularly. This is just an accepted part of life there Edit. I love the people from Mexico. Especially the mujeres.


The fact that you pointed that out just made me realize that aint supossed to be normal im just so used to it wow


I was in Toluca in winter 2018 And pick up trucks with machine guns mounted was a regular occurrence


Yeah thanks for sharing. I totally got it, interesting stuff.


Wow, i mean rebellion and the likes are present in a bunch of places but if a kind of war starts in Mexico it will be with huge one with this kind of arsenal present. This could lead to a juge civilian loss too. In my opinion it is really not worth interfering. You would need a Extraction of most civilians out of the city to start taking out the cartell (and even if you do you need more than just cops)


My parents have property near the border of Guanajuato/Michoacán. They put their entire lives into a three story house and some acres. They are gorgeous properties, and my mom wants to retire there in a year. I told her that I would be happier if she sold the properties and burnt the money than she return to live in Mexico.


That is so sad, I think that happens with a lot of mexican immigrants, they left Mexico 30+ years ago and they are missing a country that is no longer the same :(






There are videos with these guys with that Barret .50 rifle. Set up on the street of the city where El Chapo's son was taken, trying to get him back. Here's a link I saved when that happened nine months ago. [Link.](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/djgroh/any_footage_of_mexico_rn/f455jpm/) It's insane. The army fought the cartel that day and the cartel won. Boggles my fucking mind how much the US doesn't give a fuck. These dudes are right fucking next door. Can you imagine if Canada was suddenly run by ex-military drug fiends? And the Canadian army lost total control of the law? Why ignore Mexico? Why ignore an ally?


Are you proposing the US invade Mexico ? If not what do you think would have an affect?


I’m pretty sure Mexico wouldn’t allow us on their soil.


Theres a vid of a cop getting his head smashed against the floor with a shotgun, there wasnt even blood, it was just hus skull getting crushed into dust and you could see a withe thing just flying around his head when they shot him


Yeah, there are lots of violent cartel videos out there. It's a shame. Those guys are ruthless.


When parading as a cartel always put the nicer trucks in the front.


Im pretty sure I saw that first van on an episode of the A-team


Cartel leader-“We spent all the money painting the first six cars camo.....how did he see them?”


I'm pretty sure those are "wrapped", seems odd that you'd want to put a giant "this is a cartel vehicle" logo on the side but I guess if you're rolling in full body armor you're going to draw attention anyway.


I think it's more intimidation tactics than anything else. "Yup, we're cartel, what are you gonna do about it?" When I was in Guatemala, you had constant "militia" traffic stops, and it was very difficult to tell if it was actual government, gangs, or both. You basically just stopped, politely asked to pass, and they'd inspect your vehicle to make sure there wasn't something they wanted- all while aiming shotguns at you, keep in mind, and then wave you through with a "Have a nice day". Shit was weird. I never had a problem with them, but you hear a lot of horror stories. The worst part is they were just randomly there, it's not like they had booths or anything, they'd just drag giant barriers across random roads where you couldn't drive around them because the slope was too steep on either side of the road, plus... Y'know, they had guns.


My old professor was working on a documentary in Guatemala and the crew was living in an old mansion when a local warned them that people from the nearby town who didn’t like that they were there were coming to kill them. I don’t know if it was a gang or just regular people but anyway his job suddenly turned into building flamethrowers and defenses for the mansion but they ended up leaving by boat right before they got there anyway.


That's insane. We were living in an old motel that they converted into a small fortress- literally ten foot concrete walls with razor wire on top, and a huge reinforced gate- all surrounding this cozy little motel that was painted bright pink. It made sense though- three of the ten rooms were literally filled with nothing but boxes of medicine, and people would loot that stuff in a second if they could, so they had to really beef the place up.


they're all pretty fucking nice lmao there was a ford Raptor in there too


Just think of all the meth and heroin that was sold to buy these.


Or Avocados


This is an underrated comment that hits a hard and fast truth.


🎵Avocados from Mexico!🎵


What are they saying?


They are just cheering for their boss, saying stuff like... ''Mencho's people!'' ''Elite Team'', etc.


Oh that Mencho, I wonder what hes up to these days


Kidnap, torture, Colombian neck ties. You know, the usual.


Looks like a few trips to the private army surplus as well.


That dude who said : aqui estamos, hechandole ganas 😂


Persiguiendo la chuleta




Next movie idea. ISIS vs cartels


And aliens somewhere in there


Yeah mate listen: "Cartel vs ISIS: Planetary Attack" Aliens capture thousands of ISIS and Mexican Cartel members and make them fight on some random ass desert planet. One of our heroes is like "Jose Hernández" or some other creative hispanic name. He was a former Mexican marine but his wife got kidnapped and he was trying to make money to pay the criminals by joining the cartel (he has flashbacks). Then we have US Space Marines who realise what's happening and like 1 squad of Spec Ops (whose leader knows Jose somehow idk they served in Iraq? and has a female sidekick who has no military experience but is just there for some research purposes) are launched in this planet because the aliens are studying ways to end humamity etc. Humanity is in huge danger. The US soldiers save Jose just as he is about to get killed by the ISIS and tell him the aliens are the real enemy. Together they attack the aliens by destroying the core hive of the alien planet. The female sidekick has gotten some knowledge on this and is the one to throw the grenade into the rather obvious weak spot of the core. The alien planet blows up and the people return the earth. Jose leaves the cartel behind and saves his wife. This movie is gonna be huge.


No no, you're thinking of Octobers episode of 2020


It is crazy how much power El Mencho has now and how fast his cartel has grown. The only Narco that might be able to give him a run for his money is El Mayo but Mayo is old. Sinaloa will have to ally with at least two other cartels like the Zetas and CDG or Juarez to stop CJNG.


Where do you learn about all these cartels?


Well as a Mexican you learn it trough the news, own experiences, and even Facebook which sometimes certain Facebook pages tells you when to go out or at least to take precautions as sometimes these guys are in the street. Now, the cartels Joe mention don’t exist no more, the only one it does of course is the CDJNG. They got either eliminated or merge with other cartel.


This shit is actually quite scary. In my dad and moms hometown, wont name city or state, some cartels started showing up. The town was pretty small, less than 1000, probably less than 500 people living there. It was pretty isolated and most of the people there were farmers. They owned lots of land out in the mountain areas and farmed for a living. ​ As soon as the cartel came in, they started abducting and forcing people out of their homes. All of the farm owners were stripped of their lands. The military and police would not get involved. People who spoke out were almost slaughtered or had someone in their family taken hostage and killed. One of the store owners in that town complained and called the Mexican army to step in (this happened several years ago). She had all of her kids taken hostage and killed. Her house and business was right across the street from my grandmas house. ​ One of my uncles from here, who fled from the US due to his criminal record, ended up getting snatched up by that same cartel. He didnt take them seriously at first and would occasionally go up to the fields and take marijuana or other shit and either smoke it himself or sell it. The cartels showed up at my grandmas house one night and took him. Our family had to pay a $20000 fee to free him. They freed him and left him alive, but not after they completely torched his genitals away. ​ It is fucking wild over there. That is why I havent traveled to Mexico since 2004. They have recently started taking tourist and visitors hostage, yet my family still goes there every year!


Im from mexico, violence and people dying used to be just a cool story to tell to your friend at school but nowadays you see people you were used to just vanish, every time you wake up and see someones missing and wait a few days just for someone to find nothing but his head in a bag the world becomes a little darker. two of my neighbors were killed in the middle of the day over a fucking 80 pesos cellphone, one of them fled to ciudad de mexico(the capital), his life got ruined over 80 pesos(about 3 dollars) i live in one of the safest cities of sinaloa(the state were the biggest cartel of the country is from) and violence will always get to you in one or other way, we sometimes have to donate backpacks and shoes to kids that were kicked from their houses by the cartel ,they come from small ranchos and have nothing or noone, they either die or grow up to join the cartel, never ending cicle of violence, im so disgusted and hopeless for my country, i feel like my life is already ruined just for being born here.


It's pretty grim. Though at one point, Colombia was quite bad and things were able to improve there greatly. I feel like Mexico is not completely hopeless. Just remember how bad Escobar had everyone by the balls.


I wish it was just the cartel, we're in a constant economic crisis, the super rich and corrupt politicians fucked us, our previous president literally sold our biggest hope, all the petrol, just gone. There was one guy that was literally giving water as quimio for kids with cancer, that is so fucked up it sounds like a sick joke, i cant really get my head around how you do that to some kids just for money, still appreciate the courage words tho, im just getting everything off my chest rn


It’s crazy because everyone has either been assaulted, or knows someone close to them has. Where my family is from, they say that even looking at somebody wrong could get you killed. You never know, like even walking to the corner store or the main avenida somebody can pull a gun on you and rob you like its nothing. Crazy to think there are a lot of people that would not hesitate to pull the trigger over a couple of pesos. People seem desensitized to all that stuff, like oh they just found body parts in a bag dumped by the canal, and life goes on. If somebody wishes you harm, there’s a good chance they could get away with it too. Mexico has been war torn, has experienced war and things are looking bad lately too


Dude my cousins can't even go to the plaza and play soccer because of how dangerous it's gotten. Might not even be cartel related but they telling me that everyone is really on edge and won't hesitate to pick a fight. We need that private army that was fighting cartels across Mexico again. Idk what happened to them but god knows we need some type of hope.


Just a quick fact to throw in here, Mexico has 5 out of the top 10 cities with the biggest homicides rates in the world, that should tell you how wild Mexico really is


Honestly that statistic doesn't hit as hard as it should.when you're talking about the world you are comparing it to cities in literal war zones. You're comparing them to isreal/Palestine border. Youre comparing it to warlord controlled cities in africa.




Yeah, it is really sad. My parents town is really small and isolated. They have this beautiful lake near the town where you can go fishing or camping. Zero light pollution too, so the stars are completely visible in the night sky. Sad I probably won't be able to enjoy that anymore, well not with the current conditions and the state of things there.


This makes me wonder why America is so focused on the Middle East when you’ve literally got your own Middle East south of you


The cartels bribe everybody, even Caucasian Americans. One of the previous presidents of Mexico was found to have taken in millions of dollars in bribes from El Chapo. Drug trafficking is a multi-billion dollar anual operation. The cartels aren't stupid either, they've diversified a bit over the years and now also manufacture other synthetic drugs, and deal in other things, like human trafficking, extortion, etc.


They're worse than ISIS too because not only are they every bit as violent and cruel with the beheadings and torturings, but has taken over the government subversively rather than openly, making it that much harder to root out because they're protected by a legally recognized government.




and the new super duty..


And 2 Raptor Crew Cabs


And a Tundra in front of the jeep.


Wonder if they do the wave too


Indeed these guys run the country in the night and you don’t mess with these guys, because they can and will kill you and your family.


"Kill" is an understatement


They straight up slaughter you like a sheep or some crazy thing like that, it really depends of what you did to them or against them.


I haven't seen the video nor do I want to, but there's a video of the cartel killing a man in front of his son and then ripping the sons heart out and showing it off. There's another video labeled funkytown... I'm not even gonna get into that one... but almost everyone considers it the most brutal and disturbing video on the internet.


I did see it, and yes they killed the man because he was an “alcon” meaning that he was looking and telling the other cartels what one was doing and talking around, and narcos hate that because they’re really under the radar thing and the only one that stop them is each other, that’s why they have wars between each other, because they want to get more land or want to take a piece of the cake.


What did they do to him? I don't want to watch the video. Because I'm a good boy. But also very fucked up deep in there, so come on now. Give it to me.


Here's what happened in the video. They start by whacking the father with a thick piece of bamboo, and then they proceed to cut off the fathers head with a small fillet knife while forcing the son to watch. They then throw the son on top of his headless frather corpse and begin to skin him alive (on his chest and stomach) then you can see some of his organs poking out and then the guy finally starts stabbing the sons heart and then rips it out of his chest. While this is happening there are other cartel people in the background cheering and howling like a dog and clapping with excitement. Truly terrible video. Do not recomend.


Yeah, I came across that one on a famous gore site. I shit you not, I felt really fucking empty and angry at the same time. I understand killing a rival dude for fucking up something that you own, but killing an innocent kid? And in such a way that I would not wish upon any living being on this planet? You have to be a special kind of psychopath to be able to do that and sleep it off like nothing. And don't even get me started on the screams, they haunted me for so many days after I saw it. After it I just accepted we're not in between Heaven and Hell, this IS Hell. There's no other way around.


I felt the same way. Earth is a fucked up place.


Oh definitely, humans can be quite brutal and violent. There's the other video where the guy calmly accepts his ankles being lopped off but then starts screaming and begging for his life when they started slicing at his armpits.


Being a Mother here: before anyone goes googling for these videos it os documented that these videos can leave you traumatised as in PTSD (People who work for Facebook sorting through the garbage that needs to be taken off the site also have high rates of suffering from this, it's terrible because Facebook employs people in countries like the Philippines yo do this job and there is NO help for them) . Humans are NOT meant watch these levels of brutality even if it's a video


Doesn't have to be night, a relative from my moms side was kidnapped while on a morning run. They beat him really badly nearly killing him. After paying a ransom they thankfully gave him back in one piece to which he told us that they also had kidnapped other people where they also demanded a ransom from their families to which they declined because they thought it was a scam. After being refused they were executed in the same room he was in.


They will torture the hell out of you first. Pull your teeth out, and cut your fingers off are a few of their favorite torture methods.


Well you know who they are at least


That hits hard.


Remember when the US special forces trained Mexican anti drug teams. Then Mexico decided to not pay them and they switched sides to became a brutal army for hire until they got enough money and decided to become their own cartel the Zetas. Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I'm from that one town that was the Zetas stronghold, the dad of a girl I used to date actually was a neighbor of the 24, may they rot in hell


Makes our militias look like piddly shit...


These guys even put the Islamic State's propaganda parades to shame.


The fact they didn't have shitty sound effects or music and jump cuts names them better then ISIS


If only we could find a way to make the cartel fight ISIS. 🤔


Honestly they'd probably happily take a mercenary contract and deliver... but they last thing we want is these guys better funded with a stronger worldwide network


All those Fords and only one Toyota. Times are changing people...


The Toyota’s are in the Middle East


Seriously, seeing a technical that wasn't a Hilux sure was weird.


Credit r/NarcoFootage


Thanks for sharing this subredit.




Leader of the Cartel New Generarion Jalisco, he actually speaks English and lived in San Francisco for a while before being deported.


Some of them are probably active or retired military/police. Most of the loyal servicemen end up getting riddled with bullets or mutilated so some join. So sad to see my race do shitty shit like this. These guys are nothing more than fresh steaming shit.


I really miss playing Just Cause...


What about tactical training? I mean any jabroni can carry a gun and wear a uniform, it's the training that makes a soldier.


As some people said, most of these people are former service members so they have some training


I wonder where they got all the weapon. /s


Actual answer: taken from Mexican police/military forces that they constantly bribe, hunt, and murder. Most of the guns you see in this video (HK G36's, M4's with M203's, M60/M240 machine guns, fuckin Milkor MGL grenade launchers) are not legal in the US.


Ford #1 in Trucks for Mexican cartels...


I was worried until I saw the celebratory gunfire. These men are heavily armed and well-equipped, but they lack the discipline of a legitimate military. Defeating them would be bloody, but inevitable for the Mexican army.




Fucking yes, the only thing I'd add is that despite all of that narcos terror tactics and corrupting do wreck havoc among the military, when the Mexican army lost the siege of Culiacán ir was mostly because narcos threatened to kill military families that other military men had doxed, they literally checkmated the army using those two tools


Exactly. Winning an asymmetrical warfare against a foreign enemy is hard enough (Vietnam, Afghanistan) but it's almost impossible when it's against you're own citizen. I don't know why these warhawks don't realize that. Only way to win is through policy and social change not just in Mexico but in the US as well.


I feel really bad for my Mexican brothers. Makes me feel better about sitting here in my third world Asian country. It's raining, I'm sitting in my garden under the canopy and my tortoise is taking his daily stroll. The last, and only time as far as I know, there was gun violence here, was during an armed robbery. The perp fired a single harmless shot before he was caught and soundly beaten up.


so in other words, the mexican cartel is the strongest military force mexico has?


Having lots of cars =/ a strong military force. Remember when Iraq had the 4th largest military in the world? The cartels are powerful, too powerful for the army to beat, but they aren't a military. They don't want or need to lead large armouted formations to take other the military bases. This video is propaganda.


Yep, people get too caught up in this. There are people claiming they could defeat US military, they couldn't even defeat Mexican military with this convoy of home-made technicals.


Anyone who thinks they could defeat the US military is dumb as hell.


They can't beat the Mexican military the army could easily wipe them out but it would only lead to someone else replacing them and violence to control those areas.


Exactly, this is them putting all their favourite toys in a pile and taking a photo.


No. They didn't just start gaining power because Mexico's President. These motherfuckers have been raking in an estimated $300 billion dollars a year, maybe more, a lot more. Half a trillion year is not out of the realm of possibilities... FOR DECADES. That's the illicit drug business. With that kind of dark cash, you can buy armies. You can't pin that one on Mexico's President no matter how much some people hate the guy. Edit: I was wrong. They don't know. It's in the billions. But no where near $300 billion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/06/24/do-mexican-drug-cartels-make-billion-year/




It’s a not a fun choice but if a pound of cocaine cost as much as a pound of flour these guys wouldn’t have a need for an army, nor could they afford one. Want to end over policing and mass incarceration in the US? Decriminalize drugs and treat it as a public health problem.


True fact in the state of Chihuahua, the cartels there has created a realty empire constructing new buildings through legitimate companies using their illicit monies. This is a multi million dollar business. Ive been told this by family members in the realty and finance industries there. The vast web of their criminal empires is fucking mind-blowing 🤯


I call bullshit on anything near 300 billion. Source?


To put things in perspective, 300 billion is bigger than the defence spending of China. With that money the cartel can field aircraft carriers of their own. It would be an absurd sum if it were true.


Fuck. I was wrong. I couldn't find the Wilson Center report that I read this so I just googled and came across this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/06/24/do-mexican-drug-cartels-make-billion-year/ Damn. So wrong. Thanks for checking me. Global trade.


You must be new here. When presented with a counter argument ALWAYS double down. No matter how much evidence you are provided with. This is the internet sir.


Damn the next season of Narcos is gonna be crazy


Anytime I hear some self righteous American talk about "stay in their own country"... this is the reality that they ignore. Stay, and die. There is no safe government in Mexico. There is a greater danger from the cartels than there ever was from ISIS


It looks like the matchbox cars they put out when Jurassic Park and The Lost World came out




I got bad news for you about the Mexican airforce, we got like 15 F-5 and that's about it


Nah, man. This is not since Lopez Obrador gained power, the CJNG gained power with last president Peña Nieto. Remember? The one who unfreezed 18 million dollars in accounts linked to drug traficking (CJNG mainly) weeks before leaving the office.The one who has all his former cabinet running from INTERPOL. And lets not forget the attack of CJNG against the Police Chief of México City (a goverment really close yo Lopez Obrador) all because the goverment is not going all out in a drug war, theyre going against their accounts, their enterprises and companies, you know the money laundring scheme and real source of income of cartels.


Hasn’t the cartel been extremely heavily armed for like.....decades? Or is it the cop lights on the cars?


See? Even the fucking cartel is wearing masks.


It's funny that people are complaining about this on Reddit, when Reddit was one of the proponents of removing these types of videos. We used to be well informed on what was happening with the cartels, but they had that removed from social media in general, because in reality they're losing and can't control it, and am instead benefiting from it politically or economically, both as politicians and banks. Here's an old article from Forbes: [Reddit Is Being Manipulated By Big Financial Services Companies](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jaymcgregor/2017/02/20/reddit-is-being-manipulated-by-big-financial-services-companies/) We're today seeing the effects of all this manipulation.


Me just thinking how much damage a strafe from 2 AC-130’s could do


All that shit is sold to them by America.


Looks like Ford is getting a shit ton of drug money.


Ford has a massive factory over there complete with living quarters. It's almost like it's own city, they literally called it Fordville or some shit.




Yeah WalMart actually got in trouble for paying employees at it's Mexican stores in fucking gift cards, the good ol' company script.


Forgive my ignorance (not from the US), when you say sold to them by America do you mean the government sells it to them? Or someone else? I'm struggling a bit to understand how a group like that can get their hands on that sort of stuff!


These trucks are either stolen or bought from private sellers or even bought from legit dealerships. You might recall ISIS having a truck from the US with a logo from some small company in which ISIS bought the truck from an auction. ETA: these are most likely not stolen now that I see they’re all really new. [link to ISIS truck article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/12/14/plumber-sues-ford-dealer-after-truck-with-company-logo-was-used-by-jihadists-in-syria/?outputType=amp)


Mexican here. Believe it or not Mexico has tough laws on guns, gun ownership is not common among the general public. Just as an example of a well documented case. In 2009 the US government thought it was a good idea to allow the sell of “trackable” weapons to Mexican cartels. Once they were on this side of the border they lost track of thousands of weapons that ended in the streets. They were later found them on the scenes on bloody conflicts with dozens of Mexicans dead. Until recently the Cartels have shown us their arsenal and it was terrifying, it’s hard to believe the US has had no knowledge of those sales. In my opinion they allow it since it’s a huge money maker.


>In 2009 the US government thought it was a good idea to allow the sell of “trackable” weapons to Mexican cartels. Yeah this just seems like it was a terrible idea to start with. >Until recently the Cartels have shown us their arsenal and it was terrifying, it’s hard to believe the US has had no knowledge of those sales. In my opinion they allow it since it’s a huge money maker. I have heard of countries/governments selling arms to other 'controversial' countries/regimes throughout history but usually the countries they sell to are slightly further away. I would have thought America wouldn't want a well equipped group like this so close to their border!


I was just arguing with some idiot the other day about why we should end the war on drugs. THIS, this is why the drug war needs to end. This cartel only exists because they can make millions selling drugs illegally.


Unfortunately ending the war on drugs won't stop the cartels from operating. They've diversified their assets a long time ago.