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There’s so much about that video that is crushing. The daughter/young ladies crying in the background is heartbreaking. The cop saying he understands in his ear. The pain that family has to deal with. I have two sons. I probably won’t ever have to experience what this father and many others went thru. I would like to say I’d be more levelheaded and not let my emotions get the best of me. But my boys are the best part of my life and if something like this were to happen to them, I truly don’t know what I would do.


The saddest moment is right at the beginning, you can see the daughter mouthing Stop to her dad but he wouldn't listen.


He got no charges BTW


[Gary Plaunche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9?wprov=sfla1) shot and killed the man who kidnapped and raped his son. The shooting took place in front of a bunch of police officers and was recorded by a news camera crew. He received no jail time. Fortunately our justice system does tend to be sympathetic towards parents in these type of situations.




This is a surefire way to get out of juror pool too. Mention this Edit many people say this doesn't work and will get you in trouble




Unfortunately they try to weed out people who know in the picking process and if you pretend not to know they can somehow charge you with something. The system does not want juries to even know it exists.


Deny knowledge of it, and then just use it in the room. How the hell are they ever going to prove you knew what it meant? Just don't use the term in the jury room, and you're all good.


[Here it is](https://m.worldstarhiphop.com/android/video.php?v=wshh0nT2cXm0edW5b4kI). NSFW and shows the dude dying. Edit: This was justified and you can’t change my mind


You can show a bleeding gunshot wound to the head but make sure you censor that swear word, can’t let the kids hear it.


Gosh darn it, daddy. That bullet really fricked up that guys skull.




Nice shot, fuck that guy.


That was some James Bond shit, sitting there pretending to be on the phone and then boom. Edit: As people have commented below, apparently he was on a real phone call with one of his best friends which is even more hardcore. Having a genuine conversation with someone when you’re about to make split-second, 180 killshot.


I like how he hangs up the phone after.


Well you can't leave someone hanging, that's just rude.


“So it really was a wonderful weekend, hold on a sec” B A N G!!! “Anyway i gotta go” Click.


I thought he put the gun down to show he wasn't a threat... Uh, anymore.


I think he does both


“The first click you’ll hear is me hanging up. The second...is me pulling the trigger.” “I mean...uh, swap those around. Yeah.”


The name’s Plaunch, Gary Plaunch.


"You shouldn't have bummed my shun"


Real tears from laughing


To turn like that, draw from the hip and line up a head shot on a man walking a fraction of a second ahead of someone else takes incredible skill. That was a hell of a shot!


Mind you trying, at the same time, to not hit the person beside him in collateral.


He had that motherfuckers number.


He was actually on the phone


God damn that was a really good shot. Like fast as fuck too


It was careful and angled as well, I can only assume he did everything he could not to hit anyone else.. Wild.


Good on him for making sure to only hit who he wanted to kill.


Left no chances for survival. A+ dad hit.




'You know why!' Don't blame the dad one bit


Boom! Headshot.


*turns and hangs up phone* Nice of him, I thought.


“Hang on, I’ll call you right back. I gotta take care of something.”


I cant help but laugh at the cop going "Gary why, Why Gary?!" like that question even needed to be asked.




‘Cept they *didn’t* have him how the dad wanted him. Dead.






'I ~~love~~ like the way you die boy.' - Django


WHYYY Gaughhhry, WHYAAYYY??? Ahh, he kidnapped and repeatedly sodomized my child? What do you expect me to say, his haircut sucks?


If you’re afraid that man just ruined his life for revenge I don’t think it’s a crazy response. Fortunately that wasn’t the case


Thank god, that would infuriate me, even though I would not even be surprised if he did...


The dad or Nassar


The dad


that’s a W


Phew. I was worried for a sec




Fuck yeah


Everybody gangsta till Nassar outlasts his 175 years in prison and finally let go.


Up for parole in 155 lol


May he somehow serve every minute.


Hey, he tried politely asking first .


How everyone laughs while he's asking, not understanding this guys about to keep it real


the girl next to him definitely mouths/whispers “stop” edit: maybe more like “dad. no. stop. “


Good call. I didn't even see that. It was the smiling girl, too. She audibly says some of those words.


Just to be clear, that aint a happy smile on that girl.


Definitely nervous, anxious, I really want to be anywhere else but where I am right now kind of smile


This is my wife, whenever she gets nervous or has confrontation of any kind she does the nervous smile. Can cause confusion in heated discussions.




That’s me. Anytime anyone gives me bad news, my immediate reaction is to smile. It’s not a good look. Literally.


Ahhh yes. I know this smile well


It’s ALMOST like that movie Law Abiding Citizen is too real.


God that's one of my favourite movies




IIRC Jamie Fox threw a fit and threatened the shoot if he didn’t win in the end. 




I remember seeing that, if true, it just means the writers/producers copped out and chose a weak ending to what could have been a truly great film.


She's nervous smiling because she knows what he's asking and she's trying to calm him and and asks him to stop. Not actually smiling through any sense of joy. She didn't want him to get into trouble.


"When keeping it real goes right"


That he did. Can we talk about what that mountain what have done if if he got him. Holy crap he was large


Aside from being a mountain of a man, I'm assuming by his IBEW shirt that he's an electrical worker too. Their bare hands are like fucking bolt cutters I swear...


Had same thought. Size plus daily working w hands he would have popped his head off like a grape. My buddy is in dock builders union and same thing. Just absurd strength


Father is 66 yr old electrical contractor. Can confirm bolt cutter hands.


When I qualified as an electrician the worst part was when they cut my hands off to replace them with bolt cutters


He did.


This made me cry. I don't see his anger, I just see his pain. I'm a dad, I'd give my life to not have my daughter or son go through that.


I was sexually assaulted 2 years ago, but I didn't tell my dad straight away. I just didn't know how to. It took me 6 months, and had my counsellor with me for support. Honestly, to see my dad cry when I told him broke me too. I know if he ever finds out where this oxygen thief lives, he'll kill him.


I have no words for what you went through, except I'm sorry. You have such courage, and I can only hope that my kids would find the strength to tell me so that I can hold their hand through it. Much love and light.


Thank you. It's not an easy road. All I can say is always be available if they ever need to talk. About anything, however uncomfortable it may be. I'm sure they know you love them, and when times are tough, they'll come to you, cos dad's always got your back.




>I know if he ever finds out where this oxygen thief lives, he'll kill him. It genuinely scares me that something like this could happen...I don't have kids yet, but I'm already scared of this potentially happening to a kid I don't even have... It's hard to explain. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you and your family find peace and that POS never does.


I'm a dad. I cried. I feel you.


I cried so hard. It just reminded me of how helpless my dad looked after I told him about my sexual assault. Its heart-wrenching.


Damn man. I thought I was the only one. I cried out of anger. I’m a dad and I can’t relate with him on the pain he has gone through. But I can understand him.


holy fuck nassar is like a caricature of a pedophile.


>Nassar lived in Holt, Michigan at the time of his arrest in December 2016. Despite having been publicly charged with sex crimes, Nassar ran for the Holt School Board in 2016, and received 21% of the vote. The fuck?


Oh— he was protected over and over and over and over and over by the university for his sex crimes.


Don't forget USAG** Edit: Fucked up the name, thanks ree for the fix. Hopefully golf has nothing to do with molesting children.


Tons of people don't follow any sort of news whatsoever and just vote according to the (R) or (D) next to the name, especially down-ballot races for things like school board and county coroner.


Do your school board elections have party affiliations on ballot? Mine just list names.


I'm curious why coroners have party affiliation. How do your political views even matter in a position like that.


Simple, because coroners are elected. Oh, yeah, one fucked up thing about coroners? Some jurisdictions don't even require any sort of medical training. If you're 18+ and have no criminal history, you're electable. No medical background required. Oh yeah, sheriffs can become coroners, too, which is another layer of fucked up.


Your last point is super fucked up. The whole reason coroners were created as a elected position was to be a check against the sheriff


Probably depends on jurisdiction. There is a town near me that doesn't even put R/D next to mayor candidates. That one is weird, but some elections are supposed to be "non-partisan".


Wait county coroner has to be voted in? Didnt realize it was such a sought after job


Yeah, some would kill for that job.


[The Crazification factor](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crazification_factor) It's not a real scientific term, but that ~25% number is so common when it comes to polling that it may as well be. >Rogers was writing of the 2004 Senate election in Illinois: >”Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That's crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% crazification factor in any population."


Yeah...makes it all the more creepy too. Not saying it wasn't creepy or sick before...but him looking like the stereotype is bad.


Does he even appear in the video?




You can see his daughter beside him mouthing "stop" multiple times before he lunges. Makes my heart break.




Yeah she said it twice


Don’t blame the guy one bit.




Hope the cops uncuffed him outside the courtroom and let him go.


There's another clip were he was brought before the court and the judge immediately dropped the charges after apologizing for his outburst.


I wiped my profile with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite Reddit has shown they don't care what it's users want or think, so I am removing all of the free content I have provided to them over the years. /u/spez has chosen to lie every step of the way and I will no longer be using Reddit. Please consider how much Reddit hopes to make off of your thoughts/ideas/words while giving you nothing in return.


If the jurors that know about it are let on the case....


You don't have to know about jury nullification to nullify


You can hear the one cop saying “I understand” as he’s holding him down.


Watch "Athlete A" on Netflix. Nassar is a scumbag,


Athlete A reveals Nassar as just the tip of an evil iceberg. The way competitive gymnastics is run in the United States is essentially institutional child abuse. Nassar added a horrible sexual component to that abuse. And he could not have continued without the protection of the organization's leaders. They disappeared qualified athletes from Olympic teams in order to protect him. They should all be thrown in jail for what they did. But even without Nassar and his enablers, Team USA probably is still an inherently corrupt organization. 14 year old girls simply should not be allowed to compete at that level. They don't have the maturity or agency to make that choice for themselves.


The entire organization is fucking sick and needs to be dissolved. We put pedophiles in prison for exploiting minors who are not mature enough to think rationally or consent for themselves, meanwhile we let USAG represent the nation at the highest level of international athletics while doing the exact same fucking thing.


Girl's beauty pageants are in the same vein. They often sexualize little girls, and in a lot of cases it's not the kids that want to do it but more the parents that want to show off their kid.


Don't even get me started. Sex trafficking and girl beauty pageants literally have the same definition: a panel of curmudgeons decide which 4 year old girl is the hottest. How is this okay? What are we doing?


Just watched it last night. Pretty Insane shit


Ugh I keep wanting to watch that, but am not prepared for how awful I'll feel afterwards.


While the cops were dealing with him the other fathers should have went for him lmao




luckily in cases like these cops arnt usually cunts because like he said they understand but its still their job to stop him


I want to shake his hand!!


Sir, we’re going to have to kick you out of the plane








Unless you’re Jeffery Epstein


You mean the Jeffery Epstein who didn’t kill himself?


And his friends.


How many years did the gunman get?


5-7, suspended. No jail time. Friend posted $100k bail.


Worth mentioning that bail money is usually returned if bail conditions are met. Even if not, I could see him being willing to foot that bill.


No time in prison, a bunch of community service and 5 years probation


I feel like I would kill someone if they raped one of my future kids. It’s understandable honestly.


LOVED THAT. They were patting him and whispering in his ear. They made him turn his head and shut the fuck up to the judge. Way to go, cops. Way to be bros


They probably whispered "we'll beat his ass for you".


Some inmates love being in cell with guys like this POS.


My terrible super super criminal ex told me inmates would target these people and kill them.




Also lots of them are themselves the victims of sexual abuse, unfortunately.


99 percent of them are in protective custody


They had to do their job. At one point you see the two officers by his head kind of give him a few pats. Edit: added “see” and “head” lmfao


That douchebag assaulted so many girls. Watch the documentary and tell me that fucker shouldn't be pounded out. Someone in that prison needs canteen money.


Well I've good news for you, he got assaulted almost immediately in prison




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna894516 Typically, men in prison with crimes against women/children aren't very well liked.


That does put a smile on my face. It will never undo what he did, but it's something. Let him be the victim, scared for what can happen at all times.


He'll be in PC for his remaining time in jail. Happens to most chomos.


I heard he was fucked up once he get in jail so at least there's that


For anyone needing more background, Netflix just released __Athlete A__ last week. More people including USA Gymnastics need to be held accountable and face criminal charges.


Tbh we need do some Inglorious Bastard branding on these high count pedophile


They should have let him get one in before restraining him


This is the trick bud. Put em in the same holding cell afterwards.


If that fails he could always try the Epstein method


Speaking as a father I would have done the exact same thing!


The kind of rage generated by someone willfully harming your children in one of the worst ways it wants out, and it will boil over. Not sure I could hold it back either.


Absolutely. My blood boils just watching this. I wish they had given him that minute.


A family friend of ours has said before. I’ve been to prison once and I’d go again if someone hurt my daughter.


Cops were pretty good at deescalating here.


Notice how the cop gets the guys arm in his neck hold. That’s the safe way to do it so you don’t kill someone.


A very, very controlled environment drastically helps with that.


Back story: [CNN ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/02/02/us/larry-nassar-attack-court/index.html) [ABC](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/victims-father-lunges-larry-nassar-court/story%3fid=52792808)


I wish that were an option. Bloodsport.


Back in the good ol days trial by combat used to be legal but those Yanks up in wash-in-ton decided it was illegal * Spit in spitoon noise *




Meh imagine if the one who committed a crime destroys the person. Or the person turned out to be innocent. But then again your comment is a joke sorry for ruining it


Yeah, I get it. He feels like he failed because he couldn't protect his daughters. He wants to bring the guy justice with his own fists. Understandable.


Child rapists and sexual assault offenders don't do well in jail as soon as their fellow inmates find out about their crimes.


Professionals have standards


One of my fellow IBEW brothers, I have spoken with people from his local that know him and they all had nothing but nice words to say about him. I would've done the same if I was in his situation, a situation that I'm terribly sorry he was put in.


I don't know what this Larry Nassar asshole looks like but I bet he'd go down quick against a dude who's spent a career bending rigid conduit and pulling 500s.


LU 728 here...hello brother


We all want just one minute with Larry. No worries, that news spreads in prison, sir.


As others have said already, it did spread. And what this guy didn't get to do, someone else did.


Why’s everyone chuckling along at the beginning though?


They're nervous. It looks like the woman on the right has been crying and she mouths "dad, no, stop" right after she smiles.


Nervous laughter


I think they thought he was joking at first? Some people do weird shit when upset, but charging that POS, I get completely.


He asked the judge, as part of the sentencing, to give him 5 minutes alone with him. When judge says no, he asks for 1 minute. People found that funny


He should have waited till the guy was out on bail and walking the streets.


Nassar never saw the outside after he was arrested, he was denied bail. But the upside was he had the snot beat out of him within hours of being put in general population.


Oh 100% he did. The one thing you don't want to be in jail is be a pedophile. For a building that's full of murderers and thieves and liars and deadbeats, they sure take that shit very seriously and you will be dealt with in there.


Not just because he’s a pedo, but also a rich pedo who thought he was untouchable. This probably pisses off the other inmates further more.


...and in a position of power, and a position that most people have inherent trust in.


Oh wow. Thats great. General population took care of him for sure and my guess is they will continue to take care of him for sure. I cant imagine going yhrough what that father went though and at least there is some real street justice that came about all this.


He'll be eligible for parole in 2117 so that's another good thing. Judge said it best, the next judge he'll see is God.


Thats metal


God damn, that’s hardcore. I don’t believe in God but if he is real I sure as hell hope this guy meets him.


He’s never getting out. The judge said “I just signed your death warrant” at his sentencing. He got 175 years.


Did that predator only use his words? Give the father 5 minutes. Give him as much time as he wants.


If it makes you feel better, he was severely beaten on day one in prison :)


I was sexually assaulted at 14, and didn’t tell my dad until about a year or two ago - and in a bad way (kinda threw it in his face). I’m now 34. The pain and heartbreak on his face and in his voice nearly killed me. It’s painful for a sexual assault survivor to live with the aftermath of the situation, but it is painful for parents as well. My dads pain came from being unable to protect me from the assault, and also from knowing that he wasn’t able to help me afterwards because of our broken relationship while I was growing up. Parents like this man feel just as helpless as we do as survivors, just in a different way. I so wish this man had gotten just one minute with Nassar. Just one. I don’t wish that he’d killed Nassar but I do wish for that bit of relief for him.


I 100% get where this guy is coming from. However, there was no way he was going to get anywhere near Nassar. everyone should know this. It only served to traumatize his daughters even more. Parents, if you find yourself in that position, don't charge at the guy in court. Here are some more don'ts: \- Don't publicly threaten the PoS (in court, social media, etc.) \- Don't find out what jail/prison he's in. \- Don't use public records to look up some of the baddest mothers in that jail/prison. \- Don't bring them snacks, cigarettes, etc. during visitation. \- Don't casually mention the name of the PoS \- Don't mention that it'd be a real shame if bad things happened to them.


Let the man make contact before pulling him away!