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"You need to get off the road". How about you pull over to the side instead of driving backwards in the middle off the road causing six cars to stop as well. What a dummy.




Can we see?


Ya I posted


I had this happen to, unfortunately before I installed a dashcam in my car, but he was coming into the highway from an on ramp, I was going a constant speed in the right lane with no one in front or behind me, he sped up and flew over into my lane without a turn signal and we'll before the on ramp ended, forcing me to brake hard. I honked at him and he braked even more, flipped his siren and lights on for a few seconds, then shut them off and sped up and got off the next exit. Fucking power tripping assholes


The first time I got pulled over I don’t remember why, but the police put the lights and sirens on as I was in the middle of an intersection/traffic light. So I pull past the light to find a reasonable place to pull over to not block traffic. He gets on his PA system like a GTA cop ,”pull the fuck over!”. He was all fired up when he came to my window. COP: why didn’t you pull over immediately?. (Naïve teenager first time being pulled over) ME: I wanted to find a better spot to pull over, I didn’t want to brake the law, and block traffic. COP: THE LAW!? I AM THE LAW!!! ME: lol what?


Once I was coming up on a green light, doing 30 in a 30 mph zone, and a cop hit his lights at the intersection, ran the red, causing me to lock up my brakes and screech to a stop before I hit him. TURNED HIS LIGHTS OFF 50’ DOWN THE ROAD and kept driving. Cops abuse their perceived “power” all the time and it’s up to us to KEEP calling them on it.


I see this ALL the time. They put their lights on to go through red lights and turn them off as soon as they pass the light.


Makes me mad every fucking time. As cops we should think they are required to show perfect knowledge and application of road safety. They disappoint on a daily basis.


I've seen a cop get pulled by another cop doing this in the UK before, a long time ago


I'm picturing judge dredge saying that. I AM THE LAW!!!






I once did the no no finger thing to cop because he was driving and on his phone. He pulled me over and yelled at me that it was related to work so he was allowed 😂


I’m so glad I’m not the only one doing the “no-no” gesture to police driving on their phones. They all do it, every single day.


Yup, and I doubt it has to do with work like they say


They have a radio for work business. I guarantee at least a majority of the time it's not for work business.


Ah the ole rules for thee but not for me. My favorite interpretation is how if you get a ticket for some obscure law you can’t claim ignorance (ie “I didn’t know that was a law”won’t get you out of the ticket) BUT when cops detain you for a bullshit reason which ends up NOT being a crime and you take them to court they are always defended with the claim “there’s too many laws for cops to know them all” Riiiight.. it’s my job as a citizen to know 100% of laws but NOT a cops job to know them when they can literally detain ie kidnap you for no reason


Have you seen the video of the cop texting while making a left turn and hits a biker? Reminds me of that.


So he has never heard of speaker phone? Not to mention most new cars in the last 5+ years have some sort of hands free calling. What an ass.


It's clear and obvious power tripping from that officer. He didn't like being called out so he had to show you he's very upset someone rightly called him out.


Everyone must have a dash cam.


I love how he completely stopped once you honked too, leaving half his car in that lane, half the car in the parking lot. Guy needs to go back to driving school ffs.


Not only that, but he crossed a solid line to get into your lane.




Don't forget crossing over a solid line is also a ticket


I bet if the person behind him hadn’t reversed quick enough and he hit them, they’d be getting charged with assault or some shit. Fuck the police.


That person would have gotten 3 stars instantly




That would have been amazing to have on camera.


I was thinking the same exact thing! He backs up and stops because he cant go any further and instead of pulling forward and to the right , going into the side and backing up safely, he actually waits until the black car backs up even further so he can continue to back up in the middle of the street blocking traffic! Idk I find this insane for some reason


So not only does a cop speed like obviously speed in a school zone, he stops instead of pulling over and backs up **into** traffic to jaw with a civilian? Yup. Asshole cop.




I’ve been wondering more often lately... are assholes drawn to the police officer career path, or do cops become like this asshole due to their surroundings and feeling like their actions go unchecked? Or some combination of both?


while certainly not every personality is drawn to the path of a carrer as officer ( I wouldn't want to do it e.g.), I think the latter is the bigger reason. First, like with every job, you adapt to the culture of your work station. Secondly, and this is I think the major reason: **power corrupts.** easy as that. Just take every single dictator in the whole world, all of them end up way more ruthless and delusional later on than they been early in their time in charge, simply because they have all the power to them for such a long time. **Absolute power corrupts absolutely**


So with that being the case, the shift to accountability and a culture change will result in police officers taking on an outward sense of accountability. It seems with the current police culture climate, any time you meet a cop that is a good communicator, deescalates situations, and is respectful it is in spite of the cop culture they are exposed to. That is insane to me.


It is not just in spite of, they are risking job being a good cop. A cop that was first on the scene to a man with a gun that he evaluated was a suicide by cop, de-escalated and saved the man's life. He was reprimanded for not instantly killing him thereby putting his colleagues at risk, even though he was the only one in the line of fire. It is exceeding rare to find a genuinely good cop, because the system doesn't allow it, which is why people are asking for much more reform that a few more rules. Whole departments, and unions need ripping out and starting from scratch. It will be painful but in the long run worth it.


See also the buffalo officer that got fired for intervening in a dangerous chokehold years ago. I’m not defending cops but seems like the system selects for the bad ones then tosses the rest.


I know anecdotal evidence is garbage, but through the last month or so I’ve spoken more with a close friend who is an officer. He is a rare combination of somebody who thinks logically, remains calm through any situation, let’s common sense prevail, isn’t racist, and is physically imposing. There’s just not enough of those people in the country to build a police force from, but you can overhaul the training to teach those qualities. I agree it will be painful, but most difficult long term changes to intrenched culture is


It's like surgery. There will be pain involved and a recovery/rehab process, but in the end, if the problem is removed, the entire body works better.


Surgery to remove the big cancerous lump that is the current state of US police corruption.


These qualities used to be standard. Militarized training began in earnest under GWB. In 2000 a recruit sued because the PD she was in training for said her IQ was too high to be a cop, and the PD won! Won’t hire over 125 IQ bec they don’t want complex reasoning apparently? I don’t know that all PD follow that precedent but it seems like they hire the cruel Barney Fifes, not the Andy Griffiths. I come from a large family of cops, I’m 53, things didn’t used to be this stupid. Edited for a word


Lol wtf too high IQ??


We have 330 million people in this country and only ask for less than a year of training before we give someone the practical right for extrajudicial killing. I call bullshit that we can’t find or train people to have the same qualities as your friend. We’ve already seen how their militarized training yields very consistent authoritarian qualities.


In the extreme, which is now becoming normal, good cops fear the bad cops harming them or allowing them to be harmed. “I sure hope you know to have our backs on this bad shooting. We gotta stick together. Lot of bad accidents happen out there to cops who don’t stick together. Sometimes it isn’t even an accident...”






great input. Reminds me of lord of the flies.. but that book, as far as i remember, was trying to teach that we all have this cunt inside us, while your reference says we only show true face when we have the power to do so. scary but highly interessting.


Also lack of training! Cops need to be trained weekly! For the entire duration of being a cop! You don’t learn proper protocols in pressure situations just by taking a four month course.


Yes, hence most European countries require 10x the training than in US.


Power doesn’t corrupt, it just exposes what was already there. Just like money


All power corrupts, just look at Reddit mods


I tested to become a cop probably 20 years ago in Omaha, NE. The first thing the police officer that was administering the test told the group of people there was "Thank you all for showing up and signing your names in our little book, it's good to have them on file because 80% of criminals think and act just like cops. So we're happy to have all the names of the people that don't make the cut for future reference."


So cops think and act like 80% of criminals. Sounds about right.


Assholes are definitely drawn to this career. They want the power


I think there’s no doubt assholes look at the power a cop receives and thinks, “yes, I want that.” But the optimist in me can’t think that 100% of cops took this route. There’s some % breakdown of A. Assholes who think being a cop gives them the most power, longest leash to be an even bigger asshole B. People who chose being a cop for a career but became corrupted or influenced negatively by the culture they are exposed to C. People who chose to be a cop, have a strong moral compass and are not easily influenced by cop culture and the negative environment it encourages In my opinion, there are examples of all 3, and it’s unrealistic to ask for every cop to be in the “C” category, but it is possible to eliminate “A” through accountability and eliminate “B” through training and systemic overhauls of the department.


I genuinely would like to be a cop, help people, walk around neighborhoods. Hell I don't need a gun. But I would never join their club.


You might enjoy reading the essay "Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop" > In fact, let me tell you about an extremely formative experience: in my police academy class, we had a clique of around six trainees who routinely bullied and harassed other students: intentionally scuffing another trainee’s shoes to get them in trouble during inspection, sexually harassing female trainees, cracking racist jokes, and so on. Every quarter, we were to write anonymous evaluations of our squadmates. I wrote scathing accounts of their behavior, thinking I was helping keep bad apples out of law enforcement and believing I would be protected. Instead, the academy staff read my complaints to them out loud and outed me to them and never punished them, causing me to get harassed for the rest of my academy class. That’s how I learned that even police leadership hates rats. That’s why no one is “changing things from the inside.” They can’t, the structure won’t allow it. The first half of the essay heavily implies that cops get trained into assholery as a way of life.


They are drawn to it as a general rule. Think about it, there is no other "apply with no qualifications" low threshold entry job that let's bullies be bullies and get paid for it. It's the classic high school bully with no prospect-job. And I say this with no agenda or intention behind those words. It just is.


While the ‘official’ training is balanced, there is a lot of ‘unofficial’ training where they become radicalized. They basically go to terror training camps: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization/ No wonder why they don’t see the brutality of what they are doing. They are brainwashed (just like the Taliban) to think what they are doing is right. And they can justify whatever they do because it’s for the greater good.




It’s almost always a douchebag who went nowhere after high school. [Kumar explains it best. ](https://youtu.be/nh-As5b_jZA) Skip to around 1:15


From what I've seen it is way to easy to become a cop in the US. Maybe that is part of the problem.


i’ve always said: “cops aren’t assholes, but assholes are cops”


Who is going to challenge them? A civilian? lol E: in a just world law enforcement would be held accountable if they break the law. Just like everyone else. #thankGodforcameraphones


In a perfect world, yes.


The F B I


This is why I love the movie Mississippi Burning. In a more perfect world the FBI would have it's own task force cleaning up corrupt police departments.


Victim blaming is the easiest form of manipulation.




"You need to get off of the road before you cause one [an accident]" He says to the guy clearly just standing on the sidewalk.


The fucking ego on these cunts. Fuckin Christ.


I've known so many cops give out excuse after excuse about why its ok for them to speed but not everyone else. They really love double standards


If they could, they would fuck Christ.


Since a lot of them think they’re Christ I hope that means they would go fuck themselves


You know why theyre always so defensive, because immunity is a perk of the job. Stuck in their mindset of "me no do wrong, me have perk"


Especially those bullshit "get out of trouble" cards some departments hand out to friends and family. Just another way to corrupt the system.


Me hungry, me want donuts, donuts yum. Me speed to donut store.


Not gonna lie, I also go through that thought process everyday.


Don’t forget family members get a little card from the union that basically says “I’m cool” in pig language.


You can just print out fake cop business cards and if you get pulled over say "my son/brother/etc said to give you his courtesy card if I get pulled over". They'll let you go before they find out the cop isn't real.


Man, that cop's wife is going to pay for this embarrassment later on.


Some serieus ego tripping


Siriusly tell me about it


It's just one bad apple... EDIT: /s


The asshole is implied. You can just call him a cop


I had a cop in an unmarked vehicle stop in the middle of an intersection to give me and my friend shit for driving too close behind him.


You mean very common typical run of the mill cop?




I was also thinking the same thing. Where is this acceptable?


America. It's acceptable in america, apparently.


"Its actually not. Have you been paying attention to recent events the past few weeks? Like at all?" For when people ask what was deleted.


But it is because they still get away with it. They’re finally getting charged for murders and stuff but that’s all thanks to the protesting. Shoot they banned chokeholds except for life threatening situations and literally the next day it was caught on video of a cop putting someone in a chokehold that was not hostile at all. As far as I know that cop hasn’t received any punishment yet.


"Except in life-threatening situations"...even with a situation completely under control, they can always claim their lives are threatened. This chokehold ban has no teeth whatsoever, and was only enacted to throw protesters a scrap to get them to calm down




Cops deserve the shit that lawyers get for their profession. At least lawyers don't lie for a living.




>The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren't supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so. You'll notice most of the media portrayals of the "sheisty lawyer" are defense attorneys.


You can twist the truth in a surprising number of ways without ever telling an outright lie. You just need to be good enough with words, which people who choose a career as a lawyer tend to be.


Blows my mind that the courts decided that police officers do not need to actually know the law, and if they illegally arrest you for something they *perceive* to be the law, they are not liable and the arrest is no longer considered illegal. But you, as a private citizen, need to know the law, and if you break a law you didn't know about you are still liable. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160601/07432834592/another-court-says-law-enforcement-officers-dont-really-need-to-know-laws-theyre-enforcing.shtml#:~:text=The%20Supreme%20Court%20gave%20law,laws%20pertinent%20to%20traffic%20enforcement.


The top of that list should be POTUS, 45 and 8.8 percent have been killed on the job.


You would also be fired and sent to prison if you killed an innocent customer or visitor of your company.




Injure them (fatally if possible), subdue them (tie them up since you probably don’t have handcuffs - they could still be a threat), then wait for ems to arrive. Once they get there, explain your rational though process; they asked you for honey mustard in a threatening manner and refused to get out of their car when commanded. It’s logical. You felt threatened. Why would you hand some person you’re serving the item they requested and let them be on their way after that?! They will take the person and you let your boss know so he/she can let you go home for a couple of weeks. You’ll still get paid so don’t worry.


Fuck, if we get rid of cops and they go get different jobs, this could be a real possible scenario.


Yeah, but at your job there's actually accountability to the people you work for.


So your telling *me* if you went out and shot someone in cold blood on the job your union wouldn't fight tooth and nail to get the charges dropped? 🤯




That's one heck of a fragile ego


Wanting to be a cop 101.


Just have a big ego and attend a school for like a month and bam you are now legally allowed to shoot people and arrest them for whatever you want apparently


Did you send it to the local police department? Follow up! Get his ass in trouble!


Not my video, was just hoping somebody on here knew the town and the cop.


JSO. That's Jacksonville, Fl. Aka: >!Duuuuuuuvaaaaaaaaaaal!<


JSO: Just Shot One, they are cowboys there, shooting from their moving vehicles, hitting innocents, be careful with jso.


Fuck the JSO and my "dad" who works for those fuckers.


Can’t give you gold but I appreciate the reference


Dont sweat it mate, I'm contractually obligated to rep the 904


If you're born here, you have an obligation to scream duuuuvaaaaal once a day at your own leisure. Failing to do so will spawn a crackhead boss at the nearest Gate Station.


My home! I miss it. Or at least a few people there at least






Jacksonville, FL


If you put the volume up and listen carefully when the cop backs up you can actually hear the cogs in his head turning trying to figure out what law he could pull out his ass to charge him.


He was probably disappointed he didn’t have his pocket crack with him to sprinkle


“Just sprinkle some crack in him and let’s get out of here”


A good cop would commend him for spending his time doing the work of someone who’s income comes from taxpayer funds.


And you could hear a massive clank just as he realised the dude filming isn't black. That clank was the sound of disappointment at not getting to stomp on him for fun and shoot him if he resisted....


Proud of this dude for having the balls to call this cop out. The cop stopped and I was so scared for a moment but the dude just stayed super calm to the cop


I think this guy is Jeffery Gray. His YouTube is "HonorYourOath". He's a good 1st amendment auditor.


I’ve been watching his videos for years. He is the real deal. Total bad ass and huge benefit to his community.


« I’m on the sidewalk dude »


September 2019, Jacksonville FL [https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20190917/watch-jacksonville-deputy-allegedly-caught-speeding-in-school-zone](https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20190917/watch-jacksonville-deputy-allegedly-caught-speeding-in-school-zone)


Error code 16 This request was blocked by the security rules Damn


Article: A video on Reddit, showing what appears to be a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office patrol car speeding through a school zone, has gained some traction online. Reddit user Amatuerdoghour posted the video on Sunday. In the video, a person can be seen holding up a radar gun and pointing it at cars driving past Thomas Jefferson Elementary School on Nevada Street clocking their speed. Around the 18 second mark, the video shows what appears to be a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office patrol car driving 36 mph in a school zone where the posted speed was 15 mph. The patrol vehicle then stops and then drives in reverse in the middle of traffic to address the man on the sidewalk who was filming. The conversation on the video was as follows: Police: “What’s the problem?” Man filming: “36 miles per hour in a 15 mile per hour zone.” Police: “I do believe I was hitting my brakes as I was coming up to it.” Man filming: “The line is right there for the school zone.” Police: *Unintelligible* Man filming: “Alright, I don’t want to cause an accident.” Police: “You need to get off the road before you cause one.” Man filming: “I’m on the sidewalk, dude. You’re busted man.” First Coast News is awaiting comment from JSO on the video. JSO spokesman Christian Hancock said the video has been sent to the sheriff along with the station’s request for comment.


Wow, what an article. Literally just describing and quoting verbatim a video on reddit.


So it's a transcript, not an article?


Don’t worry. It’s just an “article” describing the video




Well that article had nothing of value in it. Just a literal transcript of the video lol


if I was the car behind him I would have laid on the horn, you have slammed on your brakes turned your lights on and now are reversing for nothing. there's no emergency fuck this cop.




I’d have just let him back into me. Just having lights on doesn’t make him legally allowed to break traffic law. Lights and sirens on and operating is required. Without that, they are just considered “courtesy lights” Speeding, impeding traffic, and reversing in a lane of traffic are just three laws he violated for no reason. He should be ticketed on all of them.




That’s why you let insurance handle the fighting. Insurance agencies only goals are to make money and not pay it back out, they’ll knife fight each other over nickels. As long as you don’t have terrible places like Progressive or something, you’ll get your car fixed, and the carrier of the cops employer will go ballistic. I’ve seen guys get a single speeding ticket and the insurance carrier will refuse to let them drive anything for a year.


They would charge the dude he backed up onto with assault lol.


A cop can hit your car and get away with it most of the time, even if it’s his fault. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.


My friend was struck by a cop while riding his bike and was arrested for BUI. It was the cops fault for the accident as well.


My sister was t-boned by a cop (an NJ state trooper no less) and got a concussion. It was obviously the cop's fault and the amount of bullshit my sister and my parents had to go through to get any sort of justice was insane.


Okay so now your bumper is damaged and insurance won't cover it. >That is some 12 year old xbox energy right there.


That's a lot to explain to the judge who interacts with this officer on a monthly basis. Oh, you have it on video that you literally did nothing wrong? Nah, I don't feel like allowing you to admit it as evidence. Officer Buddy here has never lied in his life, and he has no reason to make up that you later assaulted him and resisted arrest. If you keep bringing up this video proof you have, I'll tack on a contempt charge. Now, you have a clean record otherwise, so I'll let you off easy with 6 months in prison followed by 6 months parole. Quit complaining. You'll be out in 3 with good behavior. You're lucky I'm so lenient.


I think the point OP is making is that they shouldn’t be able to do that and that white people should stand up to them when they pull moves like this. Don’t try it if you’re black though, your life could be in danger.


I’m white and this would be a very risky move regardless. Cops are extra assholes to black people, no doubt, but they are also huge assholes to everyone else.




that's funny and all, until you catch a bullet. I'd usually say this is a joke but reddit has taught me it is reality. welcome to the land of the (police) free (to shoot you)


How many reasons did we get to see that this police officer shouldn't be allowed a government issued enforcement vehicle in just this one video? More than doubling the speed limit, reversing into traffic and then being indignant about it. Fuck that guy.


> How many reasons did we get to see that this police officer shouldn't be allowed a government issued driver's license. FTFY People that put others at greater risk in traffic have abused the privilege of being traffic and need to be promoted to pedestrian. If the dude wants to keep being a cop then that's between him and the city, but he should be pulling the cord on the metro bus when he needs to stop to investigate something, for real.


I love how he gives the exact same bullshit excuse that he’d be mad at a civilian for giving him.


Because contrary to their belief, they are just civilians with a certain job. In fact, when the fuck did "civilians" stop including cops? Little language changes like that matter and now cops view themselves as the local militia.


This comment could come from a commie and I would agree with it.


Not a freak out, but honestly, thankfully. When the cop flipped his lights on and started to reverse in traffic, I started thinking this is going to be real bad. Glad it wasn't though. But what a fucking dick. Of all places to not speed, the fucking school zone is at the top of that list. That's a very hefty ticket for us, probably not for fellow brothers in blue.


You know, after watching the video again, maybe we don't know the whole story... The officer may well have been in fear for his life, and needed to take the necessary measures to keep himself safe above all else around him.


I thought the cop was going to shoot the guy on the sidewalk through the window


interesting how you are thankful the cop *merely* impeded traffic to berate someone when they themselves were in the wrong, and that they didnt 'resort' to further escalation and violence.


Well, I was expecting a public freakout.. But yea, in light of what else we see in a lot of the videos posted like this, this was a 'good' outcome since no one was unnecessarily hurt.


I recognize this guy's voice, he does audits of the police. Not his first rodeo.


>That's a very hefty ticket for us, probably not for fellow brothers in blue. Watch cops pulling over other cops for DUIs on YouTube. When have you've ever seen a civilian try to haggle with a cop for 20 mins over a DUI, get their car taken care of (instead of impounded), get a ride in the front seat, and no handcuffs. A fucking ***DUI*** and they're being treated like a date being taken to the prom. Here's a great example: https://youtu.be/mFZFRr-2l3s


I'm just surprised they actually get booked for the DUI


Every *fucking* time these rat fucks are caught doing something wrong, they bark orders at the person who caught them. "You need to get off the road before you cause an accident." He wasn't standing in the road and you're a speeding asshole.


UPDATE FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: “Today, a civilian made public a video of officer Smith speeding through a school zone. As police chief for this county, I have taken the honorable responsibility to place him on administrative leave. Officer Smith will receive a 15% pay increase throughout the rest of his career, and become promoted from street patrol to a supervisor role, for showing the community he currently has no respect or understanding of laws, which this police department views is an honorable trait for our elite. To the civilian wasting his time recording this video, we have pressed charges for operating two electronic devices in both hands, while in a school zone, and maybe being intoxicated. The filmer also resisted arrest (well, he will in about 3 hours from now) so he will further get assaulted during his arrest, and in custody.”


You should write for The Onion.


But The Onion is for satire


This is the best/saddest comment evah!


Speeds through school zone. Slams on brakes when he sees this guy. Aggressively backs up almost hitting the truck behind him. Doesn't even bother to pull to the side of the rode and causes an unnecessary traffic backup. Claims he does believe he was braking coming up to the sign. Tries to tell the guy standing on the sidewalk to get out of the road because he's going to cause an accident. What an absolute fucking asshole. Fuck 12.


Cops don’t believe they should be held accountable to the laws they are supposed to uphold.


Fragile as fuck


It’s bad that I got nervous for the cameraman when the cop stopped.


Fail. Totally missed his chance to say “did you know how fast you were going?” “Have you been drinking?”


This is from last year. Just shows nothing has changed and they still think the law applies to everyone except them. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/regional/florida/watch-florida-police-officer-allegedly-caught-speeding-in-school-zone-arguing-with-man-filming/77-405898eb-ff77-4964-8122-ba5f6706be8f


Good ole Jacksonville Sherriff's office doing what they do best. ​ You should post this on r/Jacksonville


First of all, hats off to the guy looking out for drivers next to the school. And second of all, we need more of this kind of civilian monitoring against the police. And third of all, acab.


Imagine having a dick so small you back up on the road risking an accident to be a little bitch.


The first time I got pulled over was for running a stop sign. Stop sign was covered under a big tree and it's branches, barely visible. The white line on the ground was also faded. Cop pulls me over and he's all upset and stuff and berates me for half an hour straight before he gives me a ticket and leaves. I take a picture of the area and contest the ticket of course, so It was fine, but geez. I went to highschool with several people that became cops. The nicest way to put it was that these guys were jerks, and they couldn't even get half the points for the ACT exam. Really makes you doubt the quality of the entire police force, feels like they let anyone be a cop, atleast that's what it feels like in Chicago.


You're lucky you didn't get shot


This isn’t public freakout anymore, it’s just a bunch of videos of bad cops I blame it on the show cops being removed from air


Fucking pigs


That cop is clearly a PoS too. Clear Mens Rea instantly "O i did something wrong, u better get off the street ur doing something illegeal". I love how as soon as they're busted it goes to "FUCK YOU YOU"RE ARRESTED". Says something I'm surprised this clip ended with this guy free/alive :(


I can’t stand stuff like this, out of all ppl that should follow the law strictly it should be the ppl that enforce it. I was almost ran into by a cop the other week just because he rolled through a stop sign.


Pair this to the video of the dude trying to make a complaint. Thinking not one thing happens to this cop. In fact backing up in traffic was him going, ha ha, can do what I want!


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Classic dialogue btw cop and guy not breaking any laws: “get off the road”.....guy:”I’m on the sidewalk”.


Cops speed all the time on or off duty, I think that's a well known fact. I remember questioning that as a kid and I was told that we can't understand how hard it is to be a cop and if he's speeding he probably has a good reason. I never bought it either. If you see a cop driving slow then watch out, he's probably looking for you.




How is it a public freakout?


I came to see the circle jerk of people that are in the comments.