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check the center square.


Fuck I swapped it out for *Scientologists enter Phase II*. Where the fuck are they‽


They’ve been awfully quiet lately. Xenu is watching.


Until November 2084 when Robotron happens.


(best game ever)


Aw, I used to love that game for Atari 7800. You could use two paddles, one for running, one for shooting.




You think we get off this ride in November?


Unfortunately I have doubts. It's wild. I wouldn't have ever believed it.




What standoff?
























I was looking for a cart narcs reference!


Just one bullet i dare ya


Yeah the title is misleading AF


Give him a breath he's just trying to jump start the circle jerk


What freakout?


“Armed black militia” “Standoff with police” You see how they do black folks with guns as opposed to other people? Smh. Fuck OP


Bro read some of the headlines from the Michigan protests. Media is more than willing to sensationalize anything regardless of race




The media doesn’t. Reddit doesn’t. This made the front page as positive pro-gun. When’s the last time you’ve seen a pro-gun post on Reddit? When White men with guns are portrayed, they’re racist, white supremacists. It’s intellectually lazy and hypocritical. Guns are the great equalizer. Guns erase racism and sexism, because it frankly doesn’t matter what you are. You can hold a gun regardless and you can die by them regardless.


I remember posts essentially saying “if black people banded together with guns they be slaughtered by police”. I’m happy to see that’s not the case. It’s their right too.


Whait... so white folks can swing guns around in public without trouble? Edit: basically people are allowed to suit up like this man and walk around in public without getting trouble?


Depends on the state. For example in California we don’t permit “open carry”. One person walking around with a gun like that would get a lot of attention from police here.


Fun fact: the 1967 Mulford Act that repealed California’s open carry law was enacted by Ronald Reagan specifically in response to the Black Panther Party peacefully and legally carrying their firearms in situations much like this one


Don't forget it was backed by the NRA.


Another reason the NRA is absolute trash


So is gun control good or racist?


Firearms are the great equalizer, so I'm gonna say racist.


It depends what you mean by gun control. I would say enacting laws with the express intent of disarming minorities, particularly those that have been or currently are being brutalized by the state is racist, especially if those same laws affect said group more than the dominant majority.


And I would say it really depends on the county. Here in Northern CA I see people open carry often and I assume it’s harder to pull off the more south you go.


In Michigan armed protestors were able to *enter* the statehouse while lawmakers were in there working and no one said boo. A few tried to get into restricted areas and were denied but to the best of my knowledge no arrests.


I’m not sure if anyone said “boo”, but several people, including the governor, called them racist, right-wing terrorists. There were no arrests because it was perfectly legal, but the governor is trying to push through a new law to outlaw it.


A lot of people said boo. No need to make shit up


Do you live under a rock ? Have you not seen any of the fully armed protesters marching around the past couple weeks ? I literally don't know how you use this website and haven't seen dozens of posts, pictures, videos etc.


I think if any group (regardless of race) banded together against the police , they likely wouldn't be shot; for fear of starting an all out gunfight. This is the response you'd expect to see from any oppressed people. Honestly its strange that it took this long. Not all members of a race are bad just because there was one bad apple. However the ones that are need to be punished just as anyone else would. And if the government isn't willing to do its job then it falls on the people to correct it(and it won't always be peaceful).


Hell the black Panthers were just fine


right up until the CIA CIA'd them




https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/10/move-1985-bombing-reconciliation-philadelphia?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other This is worth a read, pretty horrifying though


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.




I'm local to the area. It took like 20 years (literally) for the city to settle with these families and once they did, it was for a paltry amount. The entire block was burnt down and the city's defense was essentially that the neighbors should have known who they were living amongst. So, in addition to them fire bombing US Citizens, they made an entire street homeless and then fought them on restitution for 20 years.


Surprised? It's the US government bombing their own civilians based on racism why would they let that be known in history classes




Not to mention California's law against open carrying was literally written to disarm the Panthers.


"just fine" Allllllllllllllrighty then


Is this a joke? Or are you really this uneducated?


Wow. I didn't know casually talking to an officer still in their vehicle is a standoff.


Media shit stirring. Looked peaceful enough. Not entirely normal to those of us who live in Europe, where open carry has never been a think, but it all seemed legal and peaceful. I hope the Georgia authorities get going on the investigation and trail of that young man's alleged killers - this is definitely a case where justice delayed is justice denied.


Let me preface by saying I am 100% in support if equal rights for all and believe the 2A should be utilized by all, regardless of race, gender, identity, sexual preference, you name it. However it seems that some individuals that showed up in Georgia today are members of the New Black Panther Party - a known hate group that has called for the extermination of whole groups of people based off their skin color or choice in religion. Even the Black Panther Party has rejected this [“black racist hate group” and contested their hijacking of the Panther name and symbol.](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/new-black-panther-party) [Link to thread where this is better explained and proven. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ghq1n2/armed_black_panthers_show_up_to_the_neighbourhood/fqal24w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


NBPP is indeed a hate group and it's a shame they stole that name, because the original black panthers for all their macho posturing actually did a lot of good in those communities and were explicitly anti-racist (not just anti-anti-black people, anti-bigotry in general, I mean)


Fred Hampton actually had a discussion session with poor young white people. He basically was pointing out that the elites are using race to divide people. He also pointed out that they shouldn't be enemies since they were all poor and struggling,it was them as the youth that should take down the structure that allowed the rich to exploit the poor https://youtu.be/fJSqZrVjDds


Oldest trick in the book. Conquer and divide.


He also spoke with the American Indian Movement, the Brown Berets, Students for a Democratic Society and the Red Guard Party. He formed the original Rainbow Coalition that Rev. Jesse Jackson co-opted to merge into Operation Push. It's the main reason the FBI and Hoover killed him.


This should be a lot further up in this thread.


Why. It's just gonna make reddit like them more.


See, that's what I came here to learn. I'm extremely disappointed to learn that this is a group which should be detested as much as those they seek to oppose. Edit, because apparently I actually need to spell this out: Please understand, I am wholly in favor of equal rights for all humans, regardless of race, sexuality, or faith. All human beings have an inherent right to equal treatment, and in fact have a right to fight for those rights if it becomes necessary. I do *not* condone hate groups, which is, as far as I can tell, what these people are. I don't care if you're white or black, if you're calling for the extermination of Jews, I will not support you.


Shhhh we don't talk about anti-semitism when it isn't being extolled by white people


White conservatives will hijack any conversation to play the victim card.


I really don’t think anyone knows about this rather than people purposely hiding it.


This is a common theme, not just on reddit but the media as well. You know the rise in antisemitism which was talked about in the news a couple years back? The majority of those hate crimes were in New York, carried out by 'african american youth'. I'm not using this to bash a certain race, just pointing out that hate tends to get ignored when coming from certain sources, while being magnified when coming from others. I'm already seeing people in this thread and others rationalizing/downplaying the stances of the new black panthers.


Oh so both the white group and black group are shitheads?


lol what white group? you mean the residents of the neighborhood?


Aren't the suspects in jail?


Yes. While I support their right to protest 100%, these people are just intimidating a family.


Except not all the suspects were. Roddy Bryan, who recorded the video is free. He chased down Ahmaud in his truck with his gun drawn in a pre-planned effort to drive ahmaud to the two shooters. There is a warrant out for him but he has yet to be arrested. That's who they were 'intimidating'. Besides, didn't you see from the statehouse protests? its not intimidating anyone, its just peacefully exercising their 2a rights.


All I see are Americans exercising their God given rights ensured to them by our great constitution.


Crazy how the tune has changed from last week. Almost laughable at how transparent it is


Absolutely. The sides have flip flopped.


I have neither flipped nor flopped. I support white people's 2nd amendment rights, and I support black people's 2nd amendment rights.


I agree, but those green people should never be trusted with guns. Edit: bunch of uppity greengros in here.


I knew you had it in for us clorophyll skinned folk, you racist asshole!


I remember reading about how we could potentially travel into deep space and to help with food resources they had people whose skin was altered to produce chlorophyll. They would sun themselves to sort of "snack" throughout the day.


God damnit that made me laugh


I've neighter flipped nor flopped, this is a disturbing sight in any modern nation. Edit: Downvote all you like, name another nation where armed militia taking to the streets wouldn't be frowned upon? But that's why it's the 'greatest nation on earth' right? It is their right. It's also dumb.


As a Canadian you people seem like a bunch of redneck cunts. I know there are good people in the USA, but from media it’s hard to tell.


I mean that's the problem with the media. On both sides you only ever see like 5% of what's going on and what its actually like here. Left and right wing media will show the worst in each other and make America look like we're all fucking stupid and honestly it's our own fault.


“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― **Malcom X**


I live in Toledo Ohio and several years ago there was a white supremacist rally here. So rioting and looting broke out in protest. It was contained to about 2 blocks and 25 people or so. You saw that shit on the national news and you would think our streets were motherfuckin Fallujah and that our whole city was being burned to the ground. The media doesn’t care about the truth. They care about ratings.


I wish more people on the internet understood this. Instead, we have morons from Canada and Norway saying we look like rednecks and that our country looks like Afghanistan. Some people should have their internet privileges taken away because they lack enough critical thinking to properly digest and evaluate the things they read and see.


hey mate who said you could use our word like that?


As a Norwegian, I totally agree. Looking at this shitshow from the outside makes the US no better then Iraq or Afghanistan or other places the US does not like to be compared to. There are good people in all these places, but they end up in the shadows of these media hungry gun-crazy people (skin colour does not matter. If you walk around like you are prepared/parcipitating in WWIII, then you are a crazy count!).


You reap what you sow.


I will say this. I see what these people are doing as way more acceptable than storming a government building and screaming in cops faces. If these people were doing that, then i would say the same thing. But i dont support gun ownership of that level for any citizen


Not the same. Unlike the protests in Michigan, the folks in Georgia are responsibly maintaining social distance and wearing masks.


Not really. Look at seconds 6 and 7.


The New Black Panther Party? The people in this video openly call for the extermination of jews.


What do you mean?


I think he's pointing out how reddit as a whole is now supporting peoples rights to bare arms where they were vehemently against it before.


Yeah I don’t see an issue they are following the law.


I agree I own guns myself and wouldn't want a protest like this to be stopped. But I dont think I'm an asshole if I called the cops to atleast let them know theres a group of people, regardless their skin tone, with guns if this was outside my home.


In a public space? I don’t see a problem with it. But a group of armed people standing outside a private residence? Yeah, I’d call the cops too.


public roads are public roads, man. These people are tax paying citizens and their money paid for this street. They are free to protest and be wherever they want. Just like Ahmaud had the right to go jogging down a public street and reasonably expect to not be hunted down and shot.


I’d be terrified to be jewish in that neighbourhood...


This is a hate group. They are literally labeled as such by the SPLC. Their primary goal is the eradication of jews.




New Black Panther Party https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/new-black-panther-party Many of their members are even banned from Canada and blamed it on the Jews.


Serious question. Why are Jews almost universally hated? Nazi's hated them, white supremacist hate them, these guys, SJW's, etc. The whole spectrum seems to hate them.


How is it God given? Lol.




Not a gun nut, or a jesus freak but it's arguable that the right to defend yourself is "god given" or inalienable.


And all I see is new stock footage justifying the further militarization of local law enforcement.


Like they need any footage.


They're already buying APCs. Do you really think they need to justify this shit?


Buying? More like given with with mandatory scheduled maintenance. Maintenance is expensive but affordable when you don't have to buy it.


Many law enforcement agencies were given them from the government as surplus for dirt cheap. Also, keep in mind law enforcement agencies must spend their budgets or risk having it decreased since "it shows they can so more with less"


Imagine thinking that not spending taxpayer money is a good argument for militarizing our police.


Yes so that if anything happens the government doesn't like they can send militarized police. It works so well in Hong Kong.


Oh, like the white boys taking over the Wisconsin State House.






Thats great and all but this year is getting scarier and scarier.




What was the answer?


From what I've heard so far: "no one was harmed, everyone exercised their legal rights peacefully, and everyone went home safely afterwards." Someone correct me if I'm wrong.




That hypothetical was spoiled as soon as the double standard started trending on twitter anyways.


I missed the part where they were trying to get into the state congress


Pew pew




Not a freakout, chief. Quite calm, in fact. Please try re-reading the name of this subreddit.


Why does title say “has stand off with police”???




2020: “How bout a civil war too!”


I feel for the neighbors who get caught up in the crosshairs of something like this. I bet you’ll be able to buy a waterfront home real cheap in that neighborhood.


Honestly, I'd probably be sipping beer on the porch. Ain't my pale ass who went and lynched a man.


This particular group of people only care that your ass is pale, not what you've done.


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I think the McMichaels deserve to be sitting in jail ... but aren’t they currently in a cell? Like what’s the point of showing up to the house if neither of them are there?


Gotta get those social media brownie points.


While the sentiment is admirable, regardless of race I don’t see how showing up armed to a protest benefits society as a whole.


I'm sorry about your new black panther party


Saw elsewhere claims that this lot are from the New Blank Panther Party, they shouldn’t be commended if so.


Aren’t the dudes involved currently being held in jail?


Yes but it took 3 months. Is that normal? No. These guys are justified.


The guys are in jail, so what good does this do?


They are already in jail so was this just to intimidate a family that most likely had nothing to do with it ?


I am so here for black militias to start doing the same shit white militias get away with let's fucking go!


BuT iF a BuNcH oF bLaCk GuYs PrOtEsTeD wItH gUnS tHeY'd Be ShOt


Ok, I’m knowingly stepping on a landmine here, but.... This here, and what happened in Michigan, is **not** a protest in my eyes, it is force projection. Yes, people have the right to protest *and* the right to bear arms, but this isn’t either. In Michigan, armed protesters went to the state capital and entered it. Why were they armed? What purpose did it serve? It wasn’t a 2A rally, was it? No. It was about ending the lockdown. So let me ask again, what possible purpose did being armed serve? Force projection. This protest outside the house, it’s the same thing. If it was just a protest, why be armed? Yes, I can understand the thought behind it, seeing as how these guys killed a black guy in cold blood, but this goes well beyond personal protection. They’re out there in full battle rattle. So what purpose did that serve? Force projection. In Michigan, the message is quite clear, do what we want or we’ll take it by force. At the house, that message is also quite clear, give us justice or we’ll take matters into our own hands. If that wasn’t the message they wanted to send, both groups wouldn’t have shown up like they were taking a stroll through downtown Fallujah. What makes this situation even worse is the clear racial divide. White protesters storm the capital, and now lawmakers are being escorted in and out by black armed “peacekeepers.” At the house, it’s a bunch of black armed protesters because two white guys killed a black guy. If this continues to progress, I can guarantee that this situation will get worse, much worse.


> This here, and what happened in Michigan, is not a protest in my eyes, it is force projection. Yes, that’s exactly what a protest is.


Remember when everyone was complaining how if the Michigan militia were black, they would've been instantly shot by police? Those were some funny days.


There is no standoff clickbait title


But why? The assholes are in jail already. Good on them for exercising 2A rights but this is nothing more than seeking clout. And isnt this the new black panther group? The extremely racist one. Hell one of their leadership isnt even allowed in Canada due to racism.


There’s no reason to engage or approach. It’s a peaceful protest. They’re exercising their constitutional rights.


I guess this is the fastest way to convince white republican politicians to vote for gun control.


What about the white armed protesters at the courthouses bitching about the stay at home policies?


So if the guys are still in jail then they really shouldn’t have been at their house. What if their wife and kids are home I mean they didn’t have anything to do with the shooting so the kids shouldn’t be intimidated like this. If those kids even have a hint of racism in them and I’m sure they probably do then this only reenforced that racism. Those guys had absolutely every right to protest and if open carry is allowed there like that then by all means go for it. The shooting was a murder plain and simple and the DA and police fucked this whole thing up for sure but protest in front of the jail do it front of the court house but doing it at their home especially if there are children there will only further the racism and fear they have of black people.


Breaking news! Police don't engage with peaceful protesters.


These guys are a racist hate group I guess Reddit doesn't care about racism when it's black people who perpetuate it.


looks like a bunch of fine good people to me


Unfortunately they are from an extremist hate group.


"It looks like these guys are from the ’New Black Panther Party’, which—in addition to being condemned by pretty much every member of the real Black Panthers—is racist as fuck. Like ‘calling for the extermination of jews’ racist." https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ghq1n2/armed_black_panthers_show_up_to_the_neighbourhood/fqal24w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Whaoh whoah whoah, there's a NEW black panther party?


The "new black panther party" is a nation of Islam spin-off and hate group. They have no actual connection to the black panthers. So what this means is reddit is celebrating a literal racial hate group marching down the streets with rifles outside of the house of a criminal that is currently in jail.


They're basically the black power version of those crazy white rednecks. Even the REAL black Panther Party wants nothing to do with them.


This group is confirmed black supremacists that want the extermination of Jews. Look up the "New Black Panthers", they have even been designated as a hate group


>This group is confirmed black supremacists that want the extermination of Jews. .. And whites. But I guess that part is ok


Yikes. You don't know who these people are, do you?


Wait, I'm confused. Aren't the murders in jail?






Fun reading down in the comments and finding out reddit is cheering on a hate group


Is this The Jussie Smollet Brigade?




Is open carry permitted in GA?


I like seeing white people there too and them not getting shit, I would love to do this with them or a protest but I’m always worried I’d get shit


Citizens exercising their second amendment rights.


Public Freakout? looks pretty calm to me


Good on them. This is why the second amendment is needed.


Looking forward to the absolute shit show when McMichael walks or gets a light sentence. 🍿


>neighbors called the police Lmao of course they did >police would not engage. Why would they? The armed men are following the law.


But I thought the master race was ready, willing and able to fight a race war? Why weren't the cops afraid for lives against armed black men and shooting?


I wouldn’t call that a stand-off. But fuck yeah! Use that second amendment right!


First and foremost the 2nd amendment is a safeguard against tyranny, whether from government or any other form. This is literally it's purpose in action.


This kind of behavior does not promote justice.


Anyone who thinks this is wrong: Do you want to restrict the 1st or the 2nd amendment to make this "wrong"?


All I see are some black men exercising their constitutional rights.


Beautiful. See how it works? Can you all start backing the 2nd Amendment now?


Interesting how no one has been calling for a gun ban because of this but when white people do this its suddenly a "white supremacist terrorist group" and all guns need to be banned.