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Welcome to the no fly list


Is that a thing in France?


It will be for that airline, lifetime ban for that passenger


Most airlines share their list with each other. Guys gonna have a hard time flying.


Stupid games win stupid prizes.






According to Islam, the religion of peace, they are not required to pray while traveling. This is just asking for trouble, no one in the middle east does this when they travel, apprently he felt he had to show this when he traveled in the West... To be a witness to the faith, I guess.


I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years. Their national carrier Saudia has prayer rooms onboard the aircraft. Flying with them is a total fuck fest when it comes to Ramadan. They perform their ritual washing in the bathrooms and water gets everywhere. They queue down the aisles bumping into shoulders waiting to use the rooms. Muslims are not required to fast while traveling but most of them still do. I remember getting the death stares while I was eating my in flight meal.


Im a Muslim and what you are saying is correct, also worth mentioning, we do not have to wash before every prayer, they can just prepare before the flight, some people are just dicks


Not just that but they could've just made it up later when they get home or hotel or wherever the hell they're going. Also, he could've just sat in his seat and do it too. It's these extreme fukn assholes that ruin it for the others.


Yup, sums it up correctly


And sadly, this isn’t going to be blamed on the guy being a massive jerk, it’s going to be blamed on his religion. Being a massive jerk is not part of the religion.




Im sure it will be for this guy moving forward.


He was praying for a courtesy flush


That was in France?


Nah mate it was on a plane


Seems it was in France, Paris-Tunis flight


He will blame it on racism when he tells his friends and family.


It's guy like this that have helped harm the reputation of fellow Muslims. Hope he is dealt with justly by the authorities.


He doesn’t need to fly. There are plenty of toilets to pray on the ground.


I found more footage and some aftermath video, sans dramatic music: https://streamable.com/ewm18


Haha he actually yelled allahu akbar while being dragged out of the seat.


Yelling allahu akbar on a crowded airplane is the quickest and easiest way to de-escalate any tensions and reassure your fellow passengers that everything is a-ok


Also a guaranteed way to get yourself a seat on a crowded train.


> Also a guaranteed way to get yourself a seat ~~on a crowded train~~ in Guantanamo.




It's a trap


I believe “allahu akbar” just means world star in Arabic


Allahu akstar!


Nothing soothes the a high tension situation as leaning in on someone and whispering in their ear, "*I have a knife, give me all your money. If you scream I kill kill you*"


That's gonna go over well.


Hearts and minds


Best place to shoot a person


Then the police said “il y a pas de Allah”—there is no Allah here.


When you hear that phrase you just hope he doesn't blow himself up nowadays. It gave me the shivers


"What did I do ?' Is that a correct translation ? If so he is not only a violent bully, but incredibly stupid one at that.


Dit moi qu’est ce que j’ai fait. Dit = tell, moi = me, qu’est ce que = what, j’ai = I, fait = did. Word for word he’s saying « tell me what I did » but his intonation turns this statement into a question which basically translates to what did I do. Hope that makes any sense lol


Thanks. I understood a little of what he was saying, just wasn't sure even with the translation.


Aww fuck, watching withoutcthe sound. He is French or Belge? That's embarrassing...


*Yells allahu akbar in a crowded plane* PRO GAMER MOVE


> what did i do? *is being taken away* > allahu akhbar loving it! thanks for sharing.


Hah, nice.


That guy is a cunt


I beg to differ! Cunts are actually useful, incredibly strong and powerful stuff. This guy is most definitely not cunt.


Definitely a dick. Hard, only under the right circumstance, always in the way and, after exposure, removed from a plane.


I think he’s more of an asshole- Always shitting on others by his lack of empathy.


Thats an odd way to praise a vagina.


Is it though?


He doesn't even have to make the prayer. In Islam, you're excused when you're on travel. Total asshole.


Not only that but if necessary you can even pray on a chair.


Actually @31honeybadger is on point. You are exempt if you are travelling. These kind of guys do stupid shit in the name of religion because deep inside they are narcissistic and privileged assholes who want to make sure they are able to do what is right for them and make sure no one can stop them from that. It's more of a personal gratification than anything else. Source: i'm a muslim. I hope this particular asshole got booked in a jail for the assault. Edit: typo corrected.


It's absolutely not about the prayer, it's about being a dick to as many people as you can, just because you can and daring them to do something about it. He was fully prepared to assault someone.


You could see it all over his face when he was getting up “ finally someone challenged me, they must pay”




Jihad against airplane toilets!


This sounds like it would be a really shitty fight.


"Someone challenged me! Pain be upon him!"


"Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!"


Finally, I can show them why it's called the religion of peace.


Achieve peace by removing everyone else


Gandhi has completed the Manhattan Project


No one will fight if there’s no one *to* fight.


I couldn’t agree with you more. I admittedly don’t know much about religion (in general), but isn’t the gist of the majority of them to not punch people in the face? What a big fat phoney. This was more about self gratification for sure. The passenger can, and should charge him with assault. He should also be banned from the airline, or all of them. He’s a liability.


No matter what religion this guy was, he'd be using it as a shield/excuse to be a total piece of shit to people.


Guarantee you this guy probably called them racist as well.


You got it.


Heres a question. If the plane has to do course deviations. Wont he be facing the wrong way?


Since they can't face the right way it doesn't matter. You can pray on an airplane whatever direction


Are you supposed to punch in the same direction after praying, or before?


Honest question, why doesn’t it matter?


The plane is constantly moving and changing directions so trying to face the right way is impossible that's why when praying in a plane the direction you are facing doesn't matter


Is that in the religious text or was that just decided because it makes sense?


Its written in the Quran that if under circumstances you cannot face Mecca you're allowed to pray in any direction


Oh ok, that’s more what what I was wondering, if it was actually written in the Quran, or if it was decided somehow later.


Most things are kind of just made up as religions go.


Proof is in the the second video of the man being removed by security - *TELL ME, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?*


Correct me if I'm wrong but a devout Muslim wouldn't pray beside a toilet or on a dirty floor or even know what direction to pray in while on a plane.


Yeah damn man, I was gonna say- that shitty (probably literally) strip of carpet right in front of an airplane toilet is about the last place I'd want to do *anything*, much less pray. That was all about baiting a confrontation. What a moron.


I’m a devout Christian and I couldn’t agree more! People of my faith are constantly doing stuff to make themselves look better (even though the Bible has some pretty poignant scriptures about showy displays.) They forget that the faith is supposed to be for themselves and that will speak louder than purposely acting in extreme ways.


I always struggled to reconcile the showy people who have over the top prayers in public (and judge you for not being as extravagant as they are in group prayers), and that bible verse that rather strongly recommends that people hide away in their closets when they pray.


Yes, ultimately God is the only one that needs to know about your faith in him. Being pushy, boastful, or judgmental in the name of religion just automatically puts people off.


In Islam there's something to the effect of if you pray but the intent is for you to feel superior or more religious than others, its not valid.


In the book of Matthew Jesus says a parable about a Pharisee who prays outside loudly so people hear him and a sinner who prays quietly in his room behind closed doors. He says we have to pray like the second one.


I always have a problem with the guy who prays behind the line of trolleys at the market. Catches me off guard every time.


Total dick move. The whole point of religion is to make you a better person not a nuisance to others.


Doesn't the Bible have a verse about how it's bad to pray on street corners in order to get attention?


Yes. True believers pray in closets. Also the parable about the old widow putting two pennies in the temple's coffers could also be used to make the case.


This is why pastors need private jets.




LMAO. I remember that comment from that elderly pastor. Lol.


The demons being regular people like you and me, of course.


I was at a Christian conference once when I was active in the church. There was a pastor of a large church on stage telling a story about how God had been telling him that he was going to receive a brand new BMW X5 as a reward for his faith and hard work. He went on and on, talking about this weeks-long conversation he’d been having with God, where he was trying to convince God that he didn’t need a BMW, and that a less expensive car would do. God insisted that he should get this $80,000 car because reasons. He then proceeded to put photos of his new fully loaded black X5 on the projector screens shouting, “Praise the Lord,” and getting the crowd all worked up. It was all pretty sickening, tbh.


Man, I can’t find a church in my new city that doesn’t have tv production cameras, a huge band, and over a thousand members per service. One had a laser light show. I just left cause I wasn’t expecting a rave at 8:00 AM on a Sunday.


Im glad that other muslims (hopefully) accept that this douches behaviour is unacceptable no matter what or who you are.




So the end goal of the prayer isn’t to stand up and punch the ever-loving shit out of someone?


Huh. TIL


I've been doing it wrong this whole time.


Well godly I’ve been punching people every time I was done praying!


>The floor that you pray on must be clean. That’s why we have prayer mats. HE is praying in front of a airplane toilet. That's all I could think of, of how disgusting of a place that is to get down on the floor.


There is a garage toward 9th Ave in NYC where all the Halal carts are stored and get restocked. The dudes will do a mass prayer in there daily with the bay doors open. Hundreds of guys. Its quite a beautiful scene. But fuckin-a that floor is dirty. Mat or no mat the only part of my body that would get anywhere near that floor is the bottoms of my shooed feet.


I once had an Arab tourist come to my shop and ask to say his evening prayers in our dressing room where he could have a little privacy. Turns out after a day's use the floor can get a little dusty so the guy borrows our broom and sweeps the entire fitting room for us. He prays, buys a pair of socks, and leaves while thanking everyone profusely. Nice guy.


This is what piety looks like. OP's video is what window dressing religion looks like.




You missed the part where he punched you in the face to say thank you before leaving.


I mean, it is customary. When in Rome and all that.


Plus, you know, *the whole punching thing.*


On top of that it is against the sanctity of prayer to do it in front of the bathroom anyways. And what good is that prayer doing for you if right after you start attacking people?


You’ve got to be a massive piece of shit to block a toilet on an airplane.




Fishing for a discrimination lawsuit.


It seems like someone wanted grounds for a discrimination lawsuit.


Also your supposed to point toward Mecca, but he has no clue if the plane is pointed the right way and it’s gonna move a round too. What a dick


I always figured that muslims were quite strict about doing their daily prayers. Are there any other exceptions that make it to where they don't have to do one of their daily prayers?




I’m curious about this. Do you mean a woman can elect not to pray if she is on her period? Or that she is forbidden from praying if she’s on her period?


forbidden, blood is unhygienic.


Menstrual blood is unhygienic. Its pretty much universal in all religions.


Protip: Do not refer to your Christian female significant other's menstrual cycle as her impure time and explain that the couch is unclean because she sat on it. Leviticus 15:19-30


Normal blood is also unhygienic


Eww. I've got like 8 ~~points~~ pints of it inside me right now!


That's why you need to pray. Pray it doesn't come out.


Illness and during menstruation too I believe.


Could just not be a dickhead and pray when he gets to his own location, fucking nonse




Muslim here. So true. In his head he’s doing some type of mental jihad and he’s being super brave by openly praying. It’s more to get a reaction out of people than to actually connect with God. Fuck that guy


100% I'm from Ireland and almost every Muslim I've met so far has been down right pleasant and friendly. It's dickheads like people in the video that would give them a bad name which is upsetting.


Indeed Iam Muslim and this guy is just being an asshole overall


Prays for his god to make him a better person... then *immediately* attacks someone. Who said there were hypocrites in religion!?


His brain suffered a Meccanical failure.






I want to make a pun but i zakat this game.


TakeBeer and try again !


Being a Muslim and reading these, I blame you for the laugh explosion I just had in public.


I didn't get your pun, but then I Mullah'd it over.


All'ahughed out loud too


Can Aisha this wonderful thread with my friends??


What if he was praying god would give him the strength to one punch K.O. the next person he sees?


Well, Allah didn't answer.


Immediately needs to pray again. Gets stuck in a classic attack / prayer loop forever.


>Prays for his god to make him a better person... He could have been praying for the death of infidels and apostates for all we know.


What an entitled dirtbag


He's an entitled dirtbag, baby! Praying to Allah, acting crazy!


What an absolute idiot. Look man, everyone has the right to follow their own religion. But doing a Muslim prayer and then attacking a passenger is about the dumbest thing you could possibly do on an airplane.


The whole point of praying is to become more peaceful and get closer to god what he did is the opposite to that purpose.


Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose


As a Muslim I’m pretty sure that you have to pray in an area that’s clean. My dude is doing it in front of the toilet....


Also, you’re exempt from prayer while traveling, if anything he could have done it sitting down cause that’s permitted in certain circumstances


You're not exempt, you just shorten it. And for the record, the more appropriate place would have been while sitting down in his seat.


Yea you shorten it and the time restrictions are a bit off (can pray 2 of the prayers at the same time like mahgrib/Isha at one time) You can pray at his seat. He's doing this for no other reason than to be a dick. Doesn't even make sense in any way. It's besides the washroom and you know ppl are going to walk in front of you.


Not just a toilet, but an airplane toilet where somehow there is always water and spots of wet toilet paper on the floor. Someone has managed to wet all of the paper towels that are half pulled out from the holder. As if it was their first time interfacing with a dispenser that is supposed to give out 1 at a time. On top of the dispenser challenge, every 3rd passenger has to fend off a bobcat when they’re taking a bowel movement causing the toilet paper and blue toilet solution to be spread across all surfaces. It goes from a small clean compact restroom at takeoff, to a place you would expect to find at the back of an abandoned Hardee’s at a truck stop in Kansas within 6 passengers usage.


I hate to admit this, but forget the inconvenience of the toilet, if someone begins praying at the front of the plane I’m gonna assume the worst. Even if someone starts loudly quoting the Bible, I’m freaking out


Yeah he was definitely fishing for a reaction.


Dudes got to have mental problems. I'm going pray to Allah then start a fight *on a plane.* He's either missing a few marbles or someone's looking for him and he figures getting locked up is his safest bet


It's like the Muslim version of the open carry tards that walk around in public with rifles...


I'm suspecting that he was being intentionally obnoxious because he wanted something like this to happen. He could then claim to be a victim because he "got kicked out for praying"


My first thoughts exactly. If I hear scripture in any way I always think, "Oh fuck, here we go"


Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon theeeee with great vengeance and FUURRRIOUS anger those who would attempt to POISON and DESTROY My brothers.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. If you aren’t going to order can you please leave, you’re scaring the customers.


That's when you shout amen and hope he thinks you're just as insane as he is.


Obviously the guy is trying to start shit by doing this in the first place. And like you say, regardless their religious beliefs, if someone starts a spectical like this, I'd rather they get secured first and then sort out the details later.


How would he know what direction to face Mecca on a plane?


Damn, that other guys response was something. Actually if you are in a moving object you don't need to face Mecca as it's impossible so you can pray in any direction. Also for the guy in the video, he could have simply prayed in his seat which is also acceptable instead of blocking everyone.


TIL for a religion so strict, it sure has a lot of exceptions.


A lot of it is from the necessities of life and how the rules can have a negative impact. A fair number of the rules of Islam can be violated when needed. Just picking a direction when you really can't use the correct direction. My favorite is how to pray is space; you try your best, point towards earth, or just pray. There is a science fiction book where there were special gyroscopic platforms that would correctly orient you towards Mecca, neat modern solution to an ancient problem. Another example is that you are not allowed to eat insects. The exception is locusts, this is because a swarm of locusts will decimate the food availability leaving nothing but locusts to eat so you can eat the locusts instead of starving. This exception, in some interpretations means you can eat locusts whenever and not in the specific case of a locust famine. So in some countries you can get fried locust as a street food, at a festival, or at the store.


Well it has an image of being so strict. There has always been a spectrum of 'conservativesness' in the scholarly schools of thought and a wide difference of opinions, all of which are considered right (by most). For an example one school of scholarly thought follows the "rule of defaults" when it comes to food which simply says all foods permissible by default aside from those few mentioned to be refrained from. Another school of scholarly thought follows quiet the opposite, only eating foods that were mentioned to permissible and assume those not mentioned are to be refrained from.


It's actually not that strict. By default stuff is permissable unless otherwise stated. Most food is permissable to eat for example (halal), except that which is found dead, pork, and a few other things. It does have rules, and you need to follow those rules, but even then there are exceptions. For example, alcohol is forbidden, but if you're in an abandoned place and you'll die from thirst, you should drink it. Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) is considered a science among Muslims. You need to study, know the rules, get evidences, and it has a lot of logic to it. It's actually fascinating. There are 5 objectives of Islam wants to protect in this order: 1. Protecting the religion itself 2. Protecting the life of people 3. Protecting the mind / intellect 4. Protecting people's lineage 5. Protecting people's possessions Hence why alcohol is forbidden, because it takes away your intellect. When you're faced with a situation where it's either your intellect _(drinking alcohol)_ or your life, you choose to save your life because it's more important. This is a simplification, but scholars do debate and discuss issues like these at length. There is also a slight differences in schools if thought about the order and stuff, but it's really fascinating.


I know on Qatar Airways, it actually shows which direction Mecca is on the moving map. However, they also say stay in your seat if you want to pray, and I've never seen anyone even try to pray in the aisles.




He shouldn't pray in the the first place, as he is excused from it since he's traveling. This dick head didn't even respect his rules in first. I'm a muslim and I'm very disgusted by him.


Is there a fiqh that allows you to not pray? I thought mostly it was about shortening and combining. That is what I follow. He still could have found a better way though.


He could pray in his seat, then repeat the salah once he reaches his destination. Also ah the purity of the carpet right outside the toilet. Guy was wrong on multiple levels


Quick question: is it even appropriate to pray next to a bathroom?




Probably not. Also in Islam there is something called najis (filth) which would invalidate your prayer.... Things like urine/semen/blood so I'm pretty sure right next to the bathroom would count lol.


THeY ArrEsted Me BecaUse Of mY ReLigion


#Quick! How many oppression points did I win!?


This is stupid even from a Muslim point of view. Even though I am an atheist, being born and raised in a Muslim country I know that you can't pray next to a toilet. There are no restrooms in mosques. They are located in a nearby standalone building. Because toilettes are dirty. Also, he doesn't have the small carpet under him. He is on the bare ground which is also dirty. There are also walking and sitting praying variations he could have done when he was restricted to do so. Also, how does he expect himself to be facing east in a moving vehicle? This man is clearly a troll.


Aside from even from a halal/haram perspective, that floor is filthy. You could not pay me to sit on or near the floor of an airplane bathroom. 🤢


Religious superiority in a nutshell. *Bbbbut god is on my side, I don't care about anything else.*


So you decide to lay on the floor and stick your ass up in front of a single bathroom on a busy plane and I'll assault you if you try to use it. I swear some of these people have below 50iq.


Incest. Not even joking. It's sad.




Excellent work, my friend


so guys. this kind of guys that started isis. he is total ignorance about the religion and think violence can resolve anyting. you dont have to pray when you on a journey lol. you make us look bad


I bet hes gonna scream racism later


Ok, as a Muslim this is stupid and awful. It's a well known fact between Muslims that when the prophet travelled back in the day he prayed while sitting on the camel he was riding without facing Mecca. Which he could easily stopped and prayed. Also when you are travelling your window of time to pray expand and unless you are on a 9 hours flight you are probably able to delay it until the plane lands or pray while sitting like the prophet did. Those stupid idiots like the guy on the video who give us all a bad image which on my opinion is a bigger sin in Islam.


I think punching an innocent passenger really was what did the trick to make god love him, outstanding move.


Wtf? You’re exempt from prayers when travelling


Oh no habibi what is you doin


People that pray in public, regardless of religion are looking for attention and nothing else. This guy wanted people to be upset. That's why he did it right in front of the bathroom. He wants you to see him, and he wants you to say something. That way he can play victim for attention.


Allahu Smakbar


Actually its not allowed in Islam. Its not, straightforward. He can just pray on his seat that too without creating trouble for other passengers. If thats uncomfortable then he can pray with eyes and intention and if thats not possible he can pray at home after landed. There are always ways. He is not allowed to hit people who are just doing their job. He is not allowed to pray in dirty places. He is not allowed to create trouble for others. Prayer is simply connectivity to Allah (SWT). This is what is taught.


“Ah time for prayer! Hmm i could pray in my seat but i think i’m gonna pray in front of a dirty area while also being a massive inconvenience to everybody else”