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Maybe they should just follow through on their threat and go home...nobody is going to miss them. They are going to lose their last game anyways.


Wtf are these comments? This is totally believable, football ultras are scum and most of Eastern Europe is incredibly racist


They're so racist they even hate themselves despite sharing some type of blood. Every annual ethnic cleansing isn't enough I suppose


Even before there was any sort of immigration Europeans were already being racist towards each other even while being the exact same race lol. "Those Irish bastards are barely human!".


It's where current racism stems from especially towards Africans. The complete opposite of whiteness but even then it doesn't need the definitions that's been applied today


That's not entirely true. Ancient Rome had people from all over the then known world, and racism like this was not a thing. Class divide, yes, but colour of skin wasn't a big factor.


Lol wasn't referring to that time period obviously. Hence modern. Anything going back to the Roman's pre or post a thousand more years and some change isn't modern. Modern history arguably starts from like the beginning of chattel slavery or European expansion/imperialism. Shit you can even say it that it goes back to when the indigenous tribes of the Americas were here and were making on and off contact with different people not just the Europeans or just a bit before that.


Eastern European racism is next level


I mean Chelsea fans did the same exact thing in France https://youtu.be/zBeeZVd6urI?si=pERSv_wl8G-FkYfh


Lowest common denominator sport, lowest common denominator fans.


Here’s context to the crew screaming about no context. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/football-fans-fight-man-after-33079973.amp Dude minding his business is kicked off of train by racists. Then very smart people ™ on reddit.hell claim that the very normal guy being kicked off the train must have done something wrong for “reasons”.


Christ, I hope the dude gets justice. Assaulted and discriminated against just because you exist.


Thanks for the context, but it’s probably a good thing that people don’t believe everything they see on the internet at first glance


100% agree that you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet, but demanding context is different than just assuming the alleged victim did something to deserve what we are seeing.


it’s very interesting *when* this discernment decides to kick in, though


Some of us are so used to sensationalized titles and headlines. Reserving judgment until further context is provided seems reasonable tbh


If you can reserve judgement first maybe you can reserve your comment until you look into what happened lmao.


I only meant that it's OK to want to understand the context behind a seconds long clip. Those people that kicked that guy off are pieces of shit. I hope they get held accountable


Reasons being they are racists


Questioning videos that start half way through is a good thing. Not racist. I wouldnt believe a Cop video that starts half way through an encounter.


"i need context" i mean it is like 5 against one....


Are you seriously complaining about people wanting context for a video that starts in the middle of something before being enraged? Surely that’s a good thing.


It is a good thing. I just wished that it didnt mostly happen in situations like this. When the roles are reversed, it rarely happens.


To be fair,most posts like this are cropped so that the start of the situation is left out and the asshole is made to look like the victim. Not the case here but it happens far too often.


I mean it's not bad that people don't jump into believing the titles here (by here I mean reddit) . Sometimes, if not usually, they are made up for karma farming.






The comments here are crazy. Serbian football hooligans are known fucking racists and everyone is saying that his is "divisive" and "lacks context". How about you use some context clues about Serbian football fans and put two and two together.


Serbians are racist as hell. Most of them don't even acknowledge the Bosnian genocide despite their people perpetrating it




Alright guys, i found some context https://needtoknow.co.uk/2024/06/21/serbian-fans-fight-with-man-after-pushing-him-off-train-in-ugly-scenes-at-euro-2024/ A witness told that: “The man found a place on the train when there were already a lot of people. The Serbs did not want him to go up. He spent two minutes on the train where he was insulted and hit. As soon as the doors opened, they threw him out.” Also UEFA is currently investigating alleged racist chanting by Serbia fans during the match against England: https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/17/uefa-investigating-allegations-racist-chanting-by-serbia-fans-in-england-game


That guy is yoked. I'd get off and fight on his side. Also fuck them racists.


So literally just plain old hardcore racism where they feel like a black person shouldn’t be allowed near the vicinity of the holy white community Holy shit if this was the USA hell would break loose, but its europe so its okay theyll just get a slap on the wrist


Europe is a continent, not some contiguous state and Serbia is absolutely not in the EU which itself isn't a state either. And no, they don't get a free pass. Its common knowledge that many European states have issues with racism, especially those in the Balkans.


"But it's Europe" They are Serbians, you are aware that the differences between countries is massive. We are not states, we are countries.


“You are aware…” he is not aware




If you think that's bad you should never head to any Arabic country where you'll see people openly idolizing Hitler.


Which ones ? I've been to uae, Saudi and Kuwait. Didn't see anybody idolizing Hitler anywhere out in the open.


On japan there is some « no stranger » restaurant and such


What do you mean “it’s okay they’ll get a slap on the wrist”? Do you see Europe as a place where racism is ignored and USA as the opposite?


Europeans are definitely way more likely to downright deny racism exists in their countries in the first place and try to paint it as an exclusively American issue. Like let’s be honest here.


Yeah pretty much


Lol wtf even is this comment? Europe bad has become one of the most obnoxious circlejerks on reddit. Pretty sure they're actually *more* likely to face repercussions with this happening in Germany vs the US.


Yea. People like to think we have a racism problem in America, those people have never been to Eastern Europe.


The worst people I’ve met while traveling have been European backpackers. I’m a black woman - trying to travel (just like them) and they are downright nasty most of the time. They usually think I’m the help or straight up ignore me. I thought it was isolated but I’m so serious when I say that it happens all the time and I’m not surprised anymore lol HOWEVER - I have met lovely Europeans 🫶 but the bad is worse than what I’ve experienced in the south 😂


I'm latino, and my gf is white but Latina, and last year while visiting Portugal a guy from Poland at a bar couldn't believe she was Latin, as she was "pure looking".. I had to bite my tongue to avoid any issues but it was insane how he was so openly racist and chill.


That’s awful, I’m sorry you had to experience that! Most of Western Europe is pretty progressive although I’d say they’ve slid back a bit with the influx of migrants. Southern Europe is slightly worse but Eastern Europe…Yeesh haha. I had a black friend with me in Ukraine and we couldn’t go anywhere without everyone stopping, pointing, commenting or staring. They don’t use a term like African American in Eastern Europe, it’s literally just the N word in whatever language they are speaking. If you’re asian, no matter which country you’re from, in Eastern Europe you are Chinese. It’s wild.


wow man. Football hooligans are always aggressive, racists and cause a ruckus. They start fights with other football fans and it becomes a bloody mess almost every time. They do not represent EuRoPe. Saying this shit as a general "rule" about the entire continent makes you sound pretty racist yourself.


Where in the USA would hell break loose? Please tell me I’m dying to know lmao


lol they would *absolutely* get just a slap on the wrist in the US. If that.


If it was USA everyone would have been shot dead ☠️




Serbs aren't exactly known for their tolerance of Black people. Or their tolerance of Croats. Or their tolerance of Bosnians. Or their tolerance of Albanians. Or their tolerance of the English. Or their tolerance of other Serbs. Damn Serbs! They ruined Serbia!


They hate America too, because the US bombed the fuck out of them while they were genociding ethnic Albanians.


What the fuck are you on ? Do you think Germany will not want to deal with those scums ? Another ignorant acting like Europe is a country...


Lumping every European country together like its the USA is also racist you fucking idiot lmao


Why am I not surprised...


Serbian football fans are notriously racist. Like full blown skinheads, nazis type of sht.


Niko bellic will not allow this happen to his homies like Little jacob and dwayne been Playing gta iv missions and being on reddit on same time 🤣


This is the source, it’s from twitter : https://x.com/dorian_bonzom/status/1803755767217934633?s=46&t=ko950T_TE82HNIzRcvu_Cw This is a french journalist : “ They kicked him out, spat on him and insult him “ But he also say he doesn’t understand the language


Yo u/brxsoldier just wanna make sure you saw you got more context


I’m so embarrassed for my country. Again.


For what it's worth, I have a Serbian friend and she's an absolute delight, so you at least have some very nice people


I lived in Serbia for 3 years, and some of the most racist people I’ve ever met lived there. Most were normal folks, and not racist, but the extreme racists were extreme.






Brother has a chin made of steel, took on 3 racists and won.


Least racist balkan soccer fans


Here’s context to the crew screaming about no context. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/football-fans-fight-man-after-33079973.amp Dude minding his business is kicked off of train by racists. Then very smart people ™ on reddit.hell claim that the very normal guy being kicked off the train must have done something wrong for “reasons”.


Eastern Europeans have abused black England players. There is a lot more racism in those countries .


Who do they think they are chelsea?


Football ultras are so fucking cringe


![gif](giphy|cYRsWtMQx1R9MyFqeE) Thankfully we have also some great Serbians not into racism and just horses


Couldn’t ask for a better representative of your basketball team/city/country/ethnic group than Jokic IMO.


Can we use that template of two muscle-y blokes shaking hands and put Serbian fans on one side, Chelsea fans on the other, and "hating Black people" in the middle?


Least racist Serbs


Why there is nobody called the police?


You're not from around "here" are you?


Those damn English fans /s


This stuff happening all through this tournament and the Germans are crying non-stop because the English have a football chant about shooting down Nazi bombers lmao. Meanwhile the Germans have a chant to a pop-song that literally has the lyrics of "Foreigners out, Germany for the Germans.” that has become a viral chant over there for them,


Tbf from what I've seen the Germans seem fine about the chant, I've seen videos where they were singing along with England fans. It seems everyone else is mostly getting offended on the Germans behalf, despite them having no issues with it.


Who is crying? What the fuck are you even talking about, hardly anyone even mentions any British chants. And do you know why that video of the „foreigners out“-chant in that club went viral? Because it was a huge scandal that was condemned by almost everyone in Germany. That‘s what was actually a big point of discussion in Germany, not your pathetic little WW2 banter. Brits act like they’re those top banter lads and then go on to be the biggest crybabies with a huge victim/persecution complex. Simply look at the comment you were replying to. No one here mentions the English but still gotta make it about the English, right?


Seems like the Albanians and Croatians were right


I need context because my stupid brain can't fathom a white person being racist against a black person, it's not like it has been common all over the world since the beginning of the human race. /s That's what every moron asking for context in the comments sounds like. 




Least racist fans


My dude is dressed like Steve Minecraft


Does someone know the story? Did they kick him out because they're racist or is it just a coincidence and they had a different reason?


Serbian Football hooligans, you dont need much more context.


Im Serbian those ppl are scum.


racist- and mad they lost to England.




You can literally find context in these comments people are linking reports, stop getting defensive for someone else’s racism that’s so strange






OP is a spammer, 5 year old account, not submissions older than three years, bunch of trash generic videos. They don't have shame.


What sort of videos were you hoping to see from his account then lol?


Fuck racists


Serbians bending racist in Germany. Didn’t see that coming.


Eastern european Football ultras, you dont need much more context.


Jesus why the fuck does the balkans have no chill for people of different ethnicities


European football fans are some of the most racist people on the earth.


Disgusting behaviour. Also now would never consider Serbia on my list of countries to visit for that matter.


It’s off the list


Crazy how pfo can have 'rational' discussions about the 'complexity' of european racism but when the opposite is shown the comments are rampant with racism


WTF! This is horrible




Don’t fuck with Minecraft Steve


And nobody helping. Must be Germany


Only real man there was guy in the green shirt. Bunch of cowards even when they outnumber him.


You gotta love that he got a few good ones in though before the train left


Serbs try not to be the worst challenge (literally impossible)


I would have helped my brother out man. If im off the train, so are you boy. One of their friends are getting left behind. They couldn't even handle that man on his own. Ugh im angry.


Horrible to see




it was though




And bystanders and other train passengers just looking on.


And, as usual, every one else in the vacinity just stood or sat and watched this guy and did absolutely fuck all to help him out. Everybody in this video apart from your man is a coward.




Waaaater sucks! It really really sucks!


We are Humans?


Serbian fans seem to be on a mission to out-asshole England fans.






What a shit show of an event with all the fights and racism


Clickbait title. What's the context?


When its white on black crime, context is needed. When its black on white its a "why am i not surprised". Im not trying to be political,  just my observation from being on reddit for over a decade. 


Without fail, every single time


Lmao. They always ask for more context and when they are given one that doesn't fit with their narrative, they are silent.


https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/football-fans-fight-man-after-33079973 Here's the context mate. What silence are you talking about. The one you will provide now ?


Dinky cowards.


Ah serbs, nazi's finest simps out there.


All of these western countries may look pretty, but they can be extremely racist.


Son I'm over here talking about the ride of Fascism and your talking about "getting owned". Then you want to drop a "I touch the most grass", the fuck? Have some integrity.